Biology - Syllabus - Grade 11
Biology - Syllabus - Grade 11
Biology - Syllabus - Grade 11
Ministry of Education
Biology: Grades 11 and 12
Table of Contents
Biology Grade 12
General Objectives of Grade 12 Biology ................................................... 17
Unit 1: Micro-organisms ............................................................................ 18
Unit 2: Ecology .......................................................................................... 22
Unit 3: Genetics.......................................................................................... 26
Unit 4: Evolution ........................................................................................ 30
Unit 5: Behaviour ....................................................................................... 33
Biology: Grades 11 and 12
Biology is a life science that allows students to acquire knowledge and removed some difficult contents and retained others by simplifying them.
understanding about themselves and the organisms in their environment. It The content overload has also been addressed by limiting details of
allows students to appreciate the harmony, contrast, and beauty of nature contents and reducing the highly prescriptive methodology. Large content
around them. Biology as an experimental science involves critical thinking, details and highly prescriptive methodology were proved to result in big
reasoning and problem solving in everyday contexts. Biology has special volumes of textbooks which teachers found difficult to complete in an
relevance to students as individuals, to the society and to the growth and academic year.
development of Ethiopia at large. It is true that many of the contemporary
issues and problems in the society are essentially biological in nature. In general, the main changes that are made during the revision of the
Nutrition, health, drug abuse, agriculture, pollution, rapid population biology curriculum revolved around:
growth, environmental depletion and conservation are some examples. If Addressing content overload
these problems are to be dealt with realistically, an understanding of Addressing content difficulty
biological knowledge is required. The recent advances in biotechnology Strengthening active learning
and genetic engineering that have significant influences on people’s life Integrating technology
also indicate the role of biology as everybody’s science everyday. Integrating agriculture
Considering international standards
The Biology syllabus for grades 11 and 12 is built upon the new
Strengthening horizontal and vertical relationships
curriculum framework for Ethiopian schools and on the needs assessment
Strengthening relationships with TVET and further education
conducted prior to revision work. The syllabus has also considered
international content standards for a similar age and grade level of learners. Ensuring relevance of contents to the life and need of students and
The specific objectives and contents are derived from the minimum Organizing teaching around learning competencies
learning competencies designed for the two grade levels. Agriculture,
technology and AIDS are integrated in a much broader manner in response The learning competencies developed are based on 3 broad outcomes that
to the recommendations of the needs assessment. The needs assessment has were developed and defined for the areas knowledge, skills and values and
indicated areas in the curriculum where contents are too difficult for attitudes. They read as follows:
children and grade levels where contents are overloaded. This syllabus has
Biology: Grades 11 and 12
The developed competencies relate directly to these broad outcomes. The since the knowledge of human kind was developed in this way: People
approach is based on the constructivist theory of teaching and learning. engaged in understanding, explaining and working in the real world. The
Constructivism underpins the concept of Competency Based Education. construction of knowledge is individual. Every learner, in particular the
This education strategy supports teaching and learning in different child as a learner, undergoes a process of acquiring knowledge. Knowledge
environments. is invented and re-invented. Therefore, knowledge cannot be transmitted
from the teacher to the learner; it is re-constructed by the learner engaged
Constructivism emphasizes on two important dimensions: in a culture of learning in school.
Learners actively acquire existing human knowledge (language, cultural
wisdom, technical skills, school disciplines etc.) as their own system of The main principle of constructivism in the classroom is to create an
knowing. environment that gets learners engaged in the processes and development
Learners actively construct their own novel ways of knowing in the face of thinking (cognition). To learn means to think about life, culture and
of unfamiliar problems. work in increasingly complex ways in order to act more and more
competently. A school (especially the classroom) is a particular important
Therefore: Learners construct and re-construct knowledge. This is an learning environment, because it makes systematic learning possible. The
active process of the learner and, thus gaining knowledge must be a principles of learner-centred learning are summarized in the following
learner-centred process. The learner-centred approach challenges both diagram.
learners and teachers. The constructivist learning theory is very obvious
Biology: Grades 11 and 12
Principles of learner-
centred learning
The above diagram shows that ONE; Knowledge is a body of information, project activities and personal inventories. In this syllabus, at the end of
ideas and practices that change and develop over time; TWO: the each unit, are given assessment descriptions, based on competencies, in
construction of knowledge is closely related to the activities in the order to help teachers focus their continuous assessments around them and
classroom which include reasoning and critical thinking, problem-solving, make sure whether the ones set as standard competencies are achieved or
retrieval, understanding and use of information, relating learning to one’s not. In the assessment, the statement “minimum requirement level” should
existing knowledge, belief and attitudes, and thoughtful reflection on not be misleading and should be understood as the “standard level”.
experience. THREE: Only a person that is enabled to engage actively in Students working at the standard level are expected to achieve the
learning can be considered as a learner. This happens individually and competencies set for the grade level successfully. Teachers should give
collectively. FOUR: Teachers have to emphasize on authentic and special considerations for those who are working above and below the
meaningful tasks in real-world settings. This will enable the learners to standard levels by encouraging the ones that work above the standard and
construct context- and content-dependent knowledge. And FIVE: by giving extra attention for those who work below the standard.
Constructivist learning environments support collaborative construction of
knowledge through social negotiation and dialog between learner and The curriculum framework has allotted four periods per week for grades 11
teacher and among learners. Therefore language plays an important role and 12 biology. Even though the academic calendar is made up of 40
and should be given particular attention. weeks, the syllabus is prepared for 34 weeks (136 periods) creating a wider
chance for teachers to use about six extra weeks for tasks of helping
The new curriculum framework for Ethiopian schools has clearly indicated
students that need further assistance and even for revision and student
that continuous assessment should be part of the teaching learning process
projects . In addition to getting more relaxed time for activities this also
and be done using oral, written and practical work. Therefore, this syllabus
ensures that the curriculum be covered rightly in the academic year. The
expects teachers to conduct continuous assessment throughout each term in
distribution of periods for each unit and sub-unit of each grade level is
the form of classroom exercises (written or oral), tests,
indicated in the table at the end of this introduction. It should be noted that
homework/assignments, assessment of practical and field works, reports of
Biology: Grades 11 and 12
periods allocated for the sub-units of each unit, throughout the syllabus, are The practical activities manual is a manual for the teacher giving
proposed leaving a room for teachers’ freedom of using them flexibly. instructions on the ‘how to’ of conducting experiments and simple
activities inside and outside the classroom, preparing equipments and
This syllabus is not the only curricular material for biology. It is preceded
chemicals, arranging and performing field trips and visits, making teaching
by the flow chart and the minimum learning competencies (MLCs) and is
aids and constructing models.
expected to be succeeded by students textbook, students’ workbook,
teachers guide, and practical activities manual. The flowchart is a
Finally, it should be underlined that the key players in the proper
document that presents the contents listed in a sequence that gives a
implementation of the biology curriculum are not only students and
guideline on the topics to be taught and arranging them in such a way that
teachers. Parents, school management, community and government (both
they build on each other in a spiral progression. The flow chart begets the
central and regional) have important roles. Parents should provide
MLC. The MLC is a document that indicates the minimum that a student
opportunities for their children to practice at home the knowledge and
must learn in each grade level in terms of content and skills and it builds on
skills they have learnt at school. They should give necessary advice and
the themes or competency areas identified for the subject. The MLC begets
supervision of their activities. The school management should provide
the syllabus. The syllabus is a document that is pre-planned, preordained,
moral and material support for biology activities in the school and
pre-sequenced, inventory of specifications that serves as a road map to
establishing linkages between the community, relevant institutions and
teachers, students and textbook writers. It is made up of unit outcomes,
activities initiated by the subject such as tree planting. The community
competencies, contents, and hints for teaching and assessment. The
should avail community resources for the teaching of biology especially
syllabus begets the students’ textbook and workbook and to the teachers
when students are required to demonstrate active participation in
guide and practical activities manual. The textbook is a standard book
community undertakings.
used in schools for a given subject and grade level and which serves as a
primary learning instrument for students. The workbook is a booklet used
This document of grades 11 and 12 biology syllabuses was developed by a
by a student in which answers and workings may be entered besides
workshop (January 8- May 8, 2008) held at the premises of the Curriculum
questions and exercises. The booklet is designed in such a way that it has
Framework Development Department of the MOE and at which 12 teachers
enough spaces for solving problems or recording activities. The teacher’s
from nine regions of the country participated. Following is a list of team of
guide is a book for the teacher that consists of written instructions for the
experts and teachers who developed this document:
teacher giving specific directions for teaching the various parts of a lesson.
Biology: Grades 11 and 12
Allotment of Periods
For Units and Sub-units of Biology
Grades 11 and 12
Biology: Grade 11
Biology: Grade 11
Unit 1: The science of biology (29 periods)
Unit Outcomes: Students will be able to:
define science, name and demonstrate the scientific methods
plan and conduct scientific experiment and write a report for scientific experiments
name and classify the tools used in biology, explain their functions and demonstrate how to use some tools
conduct a library research and gather information to explain the relevance and promise of biological science
explain the role of biology as a science in the fight against HIV and AIDS
express willingness to participate in community undertakings against HIV and AIDS
demonstrate life skills that lead to responsible sexual behaviour.
write a report for Writing reports Present a format for writing a report for experiments. Let the students discuss on the
scientific experiment outlined format. Let them understand that report writing skill is essential not only for
experiments but also for any scientific activity conducted inside and outside the classroom.
Let them practice report writing.
name some common 1.2 Basic tools of a Display some of the tools available in the school laboratory. Let the students identify each
tools used in biology biologist (7 periods) tool and explain its function. Let them practice the use of some of the tools.
classify tools used in Laboratory tools (light If samples of some relevant tools and instruments for biological research are not available
biology as laboratory and electron in the school laboratory pictures and charts could be used to teach about them.
and field equipments microscopes, dissecting Whenever there is access to the higher education institutions students may visit biology
explain the functions kit, pipette, Petri-dish, laboratories and observe the laboratory and field tools available there.
Biology: Grade 11
Competencies Contents Suggested activities
of some tools used in centrifuge, balance, etc.)
biology Field tools (insect net,
demonstrate the use plant press, altimeter,
of some tools used GPS, meter, traps, etc.)
in biology
explain the relevance 1.3 Relevance and Let students conduct a simple library research on relevance and promises of biology. This
and promise of promises of biological could also be extended to interviewing some professionals of relevant or concerned
biological science science (5 periods) institutions.
conduct a simple Let them write a report of their findings and present it to the class
library research on Mainly a student project Their findings should indicate a) the relevance of biology in agriculture, medicine,
relevance and nutrition and food shortage, environmental protection, control of RPG; and b) the promises
promises of biology of biology in the area of biotechnology and its role in the development of the country
gather information or
data through
explain the role of 1.4 Biology and HIV/AIDS Use various participatory approaches when dealing with this content. You can plan to have
biology as a science (7 periods) guest speakers from health institutions or from among PLWHA. You can also arrange a
in the fight against Contribution of biology visit to a nearby centre or NGO which is working with PLWHA. Let the students practice
HIV and AIDS to the fight against AIDS certain life skills through role plays, and methods like case studies, devil’s advocate, values
express willingness Students’ contribution to clarification, debate and other similar methods. You can also allow members of the AIDS
to participate in the fight against AIDS club to have a discussion session with your students. The AIDS club could demonstrate
community (community variety of activities that help in the development of life skills.
undertakings against participation; love, care
HIV and AIDS and protection of
demonstrate life PLWHA; The fight
skills that lead to against stigma and
responsible sexual discrimination; etc.)
behaviour Responsible sexual
Life skills (decision
making; problem
solving; assertiveness;
communication; etc.)
Biology: Grade 11
The teacher should assess each student’s work continuously over the whole demonstrate how to use some tools; conduct a library research and gather
unit and compare it with the following description, based on the information to explain the relevance and promise of biological science
Competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised
required level. and their achievements recognized. They should be encouraged to continue
working hard and not become complacent.
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: define
science, name and demonstrate the scientific methods; plan and conduct Students working below the minimum requirement level will require extra
scientific experiment and write a report for scientific experiments; name help if they are to catch up with the rest of the class. They should be given
and classify the tools used in biology, explain their functions and extra attention in class and additional lesson time during breaks or at the
end of the day.
Biology: Grade 11
Unit 2: Biochemical molecules (24 periods)
Unit Outcomes: Students will be able to
group biochemical molecules as organic and inorganic
explain the property and state the importance of water for life
describe and show the structures and state the functions of organic molecules in living things
identify biologically important compounds by conducting simple tests.
describe the structures of 2.2 Organic molecules Students brainstorm in groups and develop a list of organic compounds. They may use
organic molecules in (16 periods) reference material like chemistry books, biology books etc.
living things Carbohydrates The importance of C – H bond for energy should be underlined when dealing with organic
state the functions of (structure, functional molecules.
organic molecules in groups, isomers) Students conduct simple experiments to identify carbohydrates, fats and proteins in food.
living things Lipids, proteins and Students develop a table where they list resources of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. This
show the structures of nucleic acids (structure could be documented on posters (e.g. on wallpaper) and exhibited on the classroom walls.
biological molecules and functional groups) Students list the food of their daily diet and make statements on the presence of
using chemical formulae Identification of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
identify biologically biologically important Use diagrams and text on the chemical structures and properties of: Amino acids,
important compounds by compounds, i.e., starch, peptides and proteins (including primary, secondary and tertiary structure); Lipids; and
conducting simple tests sugars, cellulose, lipids, Carbohydrates
protein Let the students appreciate that these organic molecules serve not only as foods but also as
structural and functional molecules (e.g., protein as hair).
Biology: Grade 11
The teacher should assess each student’s work continuously over the whole Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised
unit and compare it with the following description, based on the and their achievements recognized. They should be encouraged to continue
Competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum working hard and not become complacent.
required level.
Students working below the minimum requirement level will require extra
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: group help if they are to catch up with the rest of the class. They should be given
biochemical molecules as organic and inorganic; explain the property and extra attention in class and additional lesson time during breaks or at the
state the importance of water for life; describe and show the structures and end of the day.
state the functions of organic molecules in living things; identify
biologically important compounds by conducting simple tests.
Biology: Grade 11
Unit 3: Enzymes (27 periods)
Unit Outcomes: Students will be able to
define, name, classify and explain the properties of enzymes and appreciate their importance
explain how enzymes lower activation energy, their mechanism of action and the actions of apo- and co- enzymes
give examples of vitamins and minerals in food that act as co-factors
explain factors that affect enzyme activity and demonstrate that with simple experiments
explain allosteric regulation and feedback control mechanism of enzyme activity.
explain how enzymes 3.2 Functions of enzymes Make sure that students understand the key concepts that enzymes work by lowering energy
lower activation energy (9 periods) barriers; an enzyme’s structure enables it to catalyze a specific reaction; an enzyme has a
explain the mechanism of Enzymes and activation limited number of active sites; and that some enzymes require co-factors and co-enzymes to
enzyme action energy function.
discuss the action of apo- Mechanism of enzyme When learning the reduction of the activation energy of a chemical reaction students could
and co-enzymes action draw the energy profile of a reaction with and without a catalyst
give examples of vitamins Apoenzymes and Make a list of vitamins that serve as cofactors
and minerals in food that coenzymes Let students visit a nearby factory or industry that uses enzymes (if available) and write a
act as co-factors Application of enzymes report on practical applications of enzymes
Biology: Grade 11
Competencies Contents Suggested activities
explain factors that affect 3.3 Factors affecting the Make sure that students understand the key concepts that temperature affects the rate of
enzyme activity functions of enzymes enzyme catalyzed reaction; and that each enzyme has an optimal pH.
demonstrate how (11 periods) Conduct experiments on the effects of factors on enzyme activity:
temperature, pH, substrate Temperature, pH, Enzymes and temperature
conc. and enzyme conc. substrate concentration, Enzymes and pH
affect enzymatic activity and enzyme Enzymes and substrate concentration
explain allosteric concentration Enzyme concentration
regulation and feedback Allosteric regulation and Use a diagram showing allosteric regulation and feedback control mechanisms. Students
control mechanism of feedback control could write a summary of both regulation mechanisms using sentences containing “if…
enzyme activity mechanism then…”
appreciate the role of
enzymes in controlling
our metabolic
Assessment factors that affect enzyme activity and demonstrate that with simple
experiments; explain allosteric regulation and feedback control mechanism
The teacher should assess each student’s work continuously over the whole of enzyme activity.
unit and compare it with the following description, based on the
Competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised
required level. and their achievements recognized. They should be encouraged to continue
working hard and not become complacent.
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to:
define, name, classify and explain the properties of enzymes and appreciate Students working below the minimum requirement level will require extra
their importance; explain how enzymes lower activation energy, their help if they are to catch up with the rest of the class. They should be given
mechanism of action and the actions of apo- and co- enzymes; give extra attention in class and additional lesson time during breaks or at the
examples of vitamins and minerals in food that act as co-factors; explain end of the day.
Biology: Grade 11
explain the difference 4.2 Types of cells Make sure that students understand the key concepts that: the two major types of cell are
between prokaryotic and (4 periods) prokaryotic and eukaryotic; and that a eukaryotic cell is compartmentalized by its nucleus
eukaryotic cells Prokaryotic and and membranous organelles
eukaryotic cells Use text and diagrams of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. (If possible, use film
material or other media) and let students list all features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
and let them draw prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms
Biology: Grade 11
Competencies Contents Suggested activities
state the importance of a 4.3 Parts of the cell and Make sure that students understand the key concepts that: cells are surrounded by plasma
cell membrane their functions membrane; cells contain structures called organelles that have specialized functions;
describe the composition (17 periods) organelles themselves are membrane bound; molecules move by diffusion; membranes
and the arrangement of Cell membrane allow some molecules to diffuse freely while they inhibit the passage of others; proteins
lipids and proteins in the transport some substances across the cell membrane through facilitated diffusion; and that
membrane some molecules are actively transported against concentration gradient.
compare the Daveson- Use diagrams and text on the Daveson-Daniel and the fluid mosaic model including time
Daniel and the fluid of discovery. Let the students draw the model in their exercise books. Let them compare
mosaic models the models and write a short paragraph on the differences.
show the arrangement of Demonstrate the importance of models in science; Students could discuss the question of a
the phospholipids and model and a reality and finally answer “Which is the correct model, the Daniel-Daveson or
proteins in the fluid mosaic the fluid mosaic model?” (A model reflects always the evidence available on a given
model phenomenon)
explain the role of
glycoprotein and other
components in the
name the different parts of Cell organelles Use text on cell structures and functions and let students develop table on cell structures
the cell and their functions as follows:
explain the functions of
each part Cell organelle Functions
Transport of materials in
explain the mechanisms of cells
substance transport across
a cell membrane
conduct an experiment to Let students prepare charts showing the passage of small molecules (oxygen, water, and
show movement of solvent carbon dioxide), and macromolecules required by the cell (amino acids, glucose, fatty
through semi-permeable acids).
Demonstrate the processes of osmosis and diffusion by simple activities.
demonstrate osmosis at a
semi-permeable membrane Cautiously bring egg yolk (membrane must not be damaged!) into a beaker glass with a)
explain that the size of a concentrated Sodium chloride solution and b) distilled water.
cell changes by osmosis With this experiment you can discuss and explain Movement of water through semi-
because of in and outflow permeable membrane and osmosis (including change of size of the cell)
of water Bore three potato tubers to form a U shape and add concentrated salt solution in one and
appreciate the fact that distilled water in the second and physiological solution (isotonic) in the third (control).
Biology: Grade 11
Competencies Contents Suggested activities
osmosis is responsible for Then check whether the potatoes shrink or get turgid.
every day life phenomena Let students discuss on every day life phenomena that are related to osmosis, e.g. danger of
drinking sea water, turgor of plants, bursting of fruits during rain, eating food with too
much salt in it, etc.
Assessment cell; explain the mechanisms of substance transport across a cell membrane
and demonstrate osmosis and diffusion; explain the difference between
The teacher should assess each student’s work continuously over the whole prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
unit and compare it with the following description, based on the
Competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised
required level. and their achievements recognized. They should be encouraged to continue
working hard and not become complacent.
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: tell
the history of cell biology and describe the cell theory; investigate the size Students working below the minimum requirement level will require extra
and sate the functions of cells; state the importance and describe the help if they are to catch up with the rest of the class. They should be given
composition of a cell membrane; compare the models of cell membrane extra attention in class and additional lesson time during breaks or at the
and show the arrangement of the phospholipids and proteins in the fluid end of the day.
mosaic model; name and explain the function of the different parts of the
Biology: Grade 11
Unit 5: Energy transformation (27 periods)
Unit Outcomes: Students will be able to
describe the structure of ATP and its role in cellular metabolism and the role of electron donors and acceptors
draw and label the structure of a mitochondrion and locate where the different processes of cellular respiration occur
explain and demonstrate the process of alcoholic fermentation and lactate production
draw and label a chloroplast, locate where light dependent and independent processes occur and name the products of the two processes
explain photorespiration
distinguish between C3 and C4 plants and give at least three examples for each
separate photosynthetic pigments by paper chromatography.
draw and label the Structure of Students draw and label a mitochondrion and describe the importance of the membranes
structure of a mitochondria
locate where the different Phases of respiration In a diagram/ picture of a mitochondrion are the stages of cellular respiration depicted.
processes of cellular Students write a list of the steps included and allocated to the different locations. Let them
– Glycolysis and Kreb’s prepare a chart that shows the respiratory process. They should not be expected to memorize
respiration occur in the cycle
cell the steps.
– Electron transport
Prepare a generalized schematic drawing of the respiratory process to show which steps
constitute glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle and ETS. Show also at which step fermentation starts and
give example of fermentation reactions.
explain the process of Fermentation Let students conduct a fermentation activity to produce an alcoholic beverage or
alcoholic fermentation Conversion of sugars to bread/injera. They describe all steps of the process and note it in their exercise books.
explain the process of fatty acids Use a chart to show how proteins and lipids are metabolized through the central pathway
lactate production
Metabolism of proteins,
appreciate the importance polysaccharides and
of lactate production lipids
Biology: Grade 11
Competencies Contents Suggested activities
during running and other
summarize the metabolism
of proteins,
polysaccharides and lipids
draw and label a 5.2 Photosynthesis Make sure that students understand the key concepts that: photosynthesis in eukaryotes
chloroplast (13 periods) occurs in chloroplasts; molecules absorb light through activation of their electrons;
locate where light Structure of chloroplast chlorophylls are the major pigments used in photosynthesis; two phtosystems cooperate in
dependent and Photosynthetic pigments plant photosynthesis; cyclic photophosphorylation creates only ATP; non-cyclic
independent processes Light–dependent and photophosphorylation creates NADH; CO2 is reduced to organic compounds in the Calvin
occur in the chloroplast light–independent cycle; and that some plants use an alternative pathway for CO2 fixation.
name the products of the reactions Let students draw the structure of a chloroplast and label them. Let them indicate light-
light independent and dependent reactions in the thylakoids and light-independent reactions in the stroma.
dependent processes Let students discuss in groups and illustrate the function of the light harvesting complex and
let them identify products of both light-dependent and light-independent processes and
explain photorespiration Photorespiration develop a summary of both processes. Let them give a group presentation on: light-
and how it is related to dependent and light-independent reactions; photorespiration; and on C3 and C4 plants.
higher temperatures Prepare a chart showing the fate of an electron during PS1 and PS2 and show non-cyclic and
cyclic photophosphoryllation.
distinguish between C3 C3 and C4 plants Draw a chart to show the calvin cycle and indicate where it occurs in C3 and C4 plants
and C4 plants Let students list C4-plants in Ethiopia and other countries by using literature like the
give at least three schoolbook and other sources from the library.
examples of C3 and C4 Let the students conduct an activity to separate photosynthetic pigments by paper
plants chromatography.
appreciate the importance
of C4 plants in Ethiopia
separate photosynthetic
pigments by paper
Biology: Grade 11
The teacher should assess each student’s work continuously over the whole products of the two processes; explain photorespiration; distinguish
unit and compare it with the following description, based on the between C3 and C4 plants and give at least three examples for each;
Competencies, to determine whether the student has achieved the minimum separate photosynthetic pigments by paper chromatography.
required level.
Students working above the minimum requirement level should be praised
A student working at the minimum requirement level will be able to: and their achievements recognized. They should be encouraged to continue
describe the structure of ATP and its role in cellular metabolism and the working hard and not become complacent.
role of electron donors and acceptors; draw and label the structure of a
mitochondrion and locate where the different processes of cellular Students working below the minimum requirement level will require extra
respiration occur; explain and demonstrate the process of alcoholic help if they are to catch up with the rest of the class. They should be given
fermentation and lactate production; draw and label a chloroplast, locate extra attention in class and additional lesson time during breaks or at the
where light dependent and independent processes occur and name the end of the day.