Laboratory Activity No 2. Alcoholic Fermentation

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Activity No.

2 Alcoholic Fermentation (Coconut Juice Wine)

I. Introduction

Provide a brief introduction

II. Objectives

1. To be familiar with alcoholic fermentation as process.

2. To produce out of alcoholic fermentation such as wine, basic beer and bread.

3. To evaluate the product in terms of preparation, process, and quality.

III. Methodology

A. Materials

Kitchen Improvised
Food Ingredients Amount
Utensils/Tools fermenting bottles Particulars
Bowl Glass jar 1 unit Coconut juice (‘young 250ml-500ml
*depending on the capacity
(cap.500ml) coconut juice) of your fermenting jar
Plastic/wooden ladle Plastic jar 1 unit Brewing Yeast ¼ tsp
(cap.500ml) or Active dry yeast
Measuring spoon Plastic pipe 2 yards Brown sugar (washed *500ml = 80g-83g
(to make improvised sugar) sugar
airlock tubing)
Funnel Stick glue 1 Water for soaking the *enough amount that will
soak the tip of the pipe
Plastic cup Marker 1 Luke warm water for 10ml
yeast activation
Tap Water for
soaking the tip of

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FST 7 L Food Processing II (Fruit, Vegetable and Root Crops)
Kmpipan rev.001-2020
B. Procedure

1. Prepare all the necessary materials food and non-food materials, assemble all to save time and effort
and to avoid missing steps/procedure.

2. Sterilized all the food materials (Food Contact Surfaces - FCS) to be used in the processing the wine.

a. Practice always proper hygiene and sanitation on preparing the wine.

b. Sterilization method (120⁰C and above boiling water submerged all the utensils/materials)

3. Prepare the improvised tubing of attached to the lid of the fermenting bottle/container.

4. Attached the plastic pipe using stick glue making sure that there will be no atmospheric oxygen that
will enter on the fermenting container once you cover the fermenting container.

Note: Be sure to keep the plastic pipe intact on the lid otherwise the principle and techniques of wine
making experiment will not be successful.

5. Once the preliminary steps were done, prepare the mixture using young coconut juice (remove
impurities) 500ml of young coconut juice to 80g-83g of brown sugar.

6. Mix well the coconut juice and sugar until homogenous mixture is achieved or all of the sugar is
dissolved on coco juice.

7. Transfer the mixture using a funnel, allow about 4 inches of space between the top of the liquid and the
bottom of the airlock (improvised lid with attached with tubing).

8. Add the yeast mixture that was prepared ahead of time using 1/4 tsp. of yeast added to 10ml of
lukewarm water.

Note: The yeast is active once you saw a frothing appearance once submerged to lukewarm water. If no
visible signs of frothing appearance check and buy another pack of yeast.

9. Cover the mixture with improvised lid with tubing/pipe and secure the tip of the plastic pipe (tubing)
on the cup containing tap water.


1. Make sure that the pipe is properly submerged on the water, there will be no air entering the
fermenting bottle/jar.

2. Don’t forget to label Sample ‘A’ Coconut Wine (Plastic Fermenting Jar) Sample ‘B’ (Glass
Fermenting Jar)

10. Place the wine in a dark place where temperatures range between 60 and 70°F (16 and 21°C).


1. You can also cover the bottle with a cloth sleeve to protect the wine from light, which can change its
color. Old T-shirts make convenient wine covers for big bottles.

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FST 7 L Food Processing II (Fruit, Vegetable and Root Crops)
Kmpipan rev.001-2020
2. You can use cabinet or on areas where no insects that can hinder the fermentation stage of the wine.

11. Observe the fermentation stage of the wine; the fermentation process is noticeable once you saw
bubbles on the glass with water attached on the improvised air-lock tubing.

12. Take pictures per day and also short video and take down notes on the changes per day. Tabulate the
data using the table format.

13. The wine can be stored up a month, several precautions such as shaking the fermenting bottle is
strictly prohibited.

Note: Change also the soaking water were the air locking pipe was soaked.

14. Siphon the wine again (this is called racking; watch a video relative to this technique) into a clean
bottle. Use a clean bottle with cork (search from the internet)

15. Move the wine to a cool place, and check it after another week to make sure the airlock is clean and
functioning properly.

16. Label the wine properly as Sample ‘A’ and Sample ‘B’, cover the bottles with cork lid thereby
ensuring that there will be no air entering on the bottle.

17. Evaluate the product using the appropriate sensory measurement and technique. You should have at
least 3 panelists per sample.

Note: The sensory evaluation shall be conducted using various sensory attributes of wine: color, aroma
(odor), taste and aftertaste (bite effect).

18. Record the data using the structured sensory evaluation questionnaire.

Note: For example 9-point hedonic scale

19. Consolidate the data among the group member and prepare the laboratory report.

C. Activity Question:

1. Explain the process of anaerobic fermentation. Make a diagram or figure presentation.


2. What do you call a process where breakdown of sugars by yeasts to form pyruvate molecules?

3. Give factors that may affect wine quality during processing, state as many as you can. Justify
each of your answer (10points).

4. What specific microorganism/s that is commonly involved alcohol fermentation? Justify your
answer (5points)
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FST 7 L Food Processing II (Fruit, Vegetable and Root Crops)
Kmpipan rev.001-2020
5. What are the various food additives/preservatives that you can add to improve the quality of
wine in terms of color, taste and shelf life stability?

Additives/Preservatives/Food Main Function Mode of Action
It is a quick-acting and
1. Ascorbic acid Anti-oxidant powerful antioxidant that is
used in white winemaking to
protect against light and short
aerations, such as racking and
Add additional row for more

6. Look for the most traditional and ideal wine making, present the methods using a schematic diagram
(process flow) and identify the CCP.

7. What are the various parameters, involved on this experimental alcohol fermentation?

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FST 7 L Food Processing II (Fruit, Vegetable and Root Crops)
Kmpipan rev.001-2020
IV. Analysis of Data

Table 1. Physical attributes of coconut wine after two (2) weeks fermentation

No. of Physical Attributes

Sample ‘A’ Sample ‘B’
(Plastic container) (Glass container Other Notable observations
Color Clarity Color Clarity
0 day
1. Color reference for coconut wine (search from the internet and then use it as you define it on the table
You can also use color munsell chart.

2. Clarity reference for coconut wine (hazy, cloudy, turbid, other coconut clarification quality of wine
search from the internet and then indicates your answers using the table above.

3. Discuss your data tabulated above

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FST 7 L Food Processing II (Fruit, Vegetable and Root Crops)
Kmpipan rev.001-2020
Table 2. Mean score on the sensory attributes of coconut wine after two (2) weeks fermentation.

Sensory Sensory Attributes

Sample ‘A’ Sample ‘B’
(Plastic container) (Glass container

Color Example (using 9-point hedonic scale)

6 8
(odor) 7 7

Taste 5 8

Aftertaste 5 8
(bite effect)
23/4 = 5.75 38/4 = 7.75
Mean score

Note: 1. Discuss the data tabulated above

1. Suggestions or Tips: You can state here if various containers have a significant effect on the sensory
quality of wine?

2. Justify your answers and back up with literature or factual readings.

V. Conclusion and Recommendation


1. State your conclusion based on the objectives

2. Recommendation is not required if only present, for the product and process improvement.

VI. Documentation and References

A. Documentation (Attachment Pictures)

B. References

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FST 7 L Food Processing II (Fruit, Vegetable and Root Crops)
Kmpipan rev.001-2020

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