06 Performance Task 1
06 Performance Task 1
06 Performance Task 1
1. You are tasked to give an example and prove that the given example possesses the theories related to
popular culture.
2. You need to select at least one (1) theory or concept discussed in the Final lesson, 06 Popular Culture
in a Theoretical Lens:
a. The Psychological and Sociological Theories surrounding Popular Culture
i. Theories for Self (Psychological theories)
• Queer Theory
• Archetypes
• Affect theory
• Popular psychology
• Identity Erosion
ii. Theories for Society (Sociological theories)
• Tribalism
• Culturalism
• Marxism
• Postmodernism
b. The Critical Theories regarding Popular Culture
i. Genre theory
ii. Intersectionality
iii. Fan theory
c. The Semiotic Approaches to Popular Culture
i. Semiotics by Saussure
ii. Semiotics by Peirce
iii. Semiotics by Barthes
iv. Multimodality
v. Recontextualization
3. Afterward, create a 500-word essay citing an example (movie, music, music video, advertisement,
book, etc.) and proving that the example chosen possesses the theory and/or concept selected. In
selecting the theories and/or concepts, take note that you are not limited to one (1) since the example
you may give might exhibit various theories/concepts.
4. The essay shall be graded using the rubric shown.