Lesson Plan Day 4 5

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LESSON PLAN GRADE: Discipline and Ideas in the Social Science 11 HUMSS/GAS

Quarter 1 Module 1

Duration: 1-2 Days, 45 Minutes

I. Objectives

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of

the emergence of the Social Sciences and the
different disciplines key concepts and approaches
in the approach.

B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to connect the

disciplines with their historical and social

C. Learning Objectives/Learning  Differentiate Science and Social Sciences


II. Topic/Subject Matter Understanding the Domain of the Social Sciences:

Science and the Social Sciences
III. Learning Competencies

A. References Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences,

Vibal, Jose and Ong

1. Teacher’s guide page

Page 6

IV. Procedures

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Good morning class!

of New Lesson
Did anyone remember our topic yesterday?

What is the human knowledge?

What are the three classification of the human


B. Motivation: Establishing purpose of the Before we go to our topic, I prepared an activity

lesson for the class.

Based on your own understanding create a 3

minute paper with the topic that is assigned to
your group and choose one representative to
discuss it in front of the class.

Group 1: Science

Group 2: Social Sciences

I’ll give you 3 minutes to discuss.

C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of the Our topic for today is Science and the Social
new lesson where the concepts are called Science.

Science and the Social Science.

Society is commonly defined as "people in

general thought of as living together in organized
communities with shared laws, traditions, and

The term "social" is closely related to human

society as it refers to the interaction of individuals
and groups as well as to the welfare of humans as
members of the society. A group of people may
be regulated by the same set of norms with
shared values and traditions.

Science, in the strictest sense of the word,

pertains to "knowledge about or study of the
natural world based on facts learned through
experiments and observation".

Bodies of knowledge about the world we live in

are being built and developed by scientists in
order to explain occurrences rationally. However,
as science is oftentimes associated with matter,
chemicals, rocks, plants, constellations, and
motion, it should be noted that it can also be
utilized systematically to study the intricacies of
human experience such as attitudes, behaviors,
opinions, feelings, and ideologies, among others.

Characteristics Explanation
Empirical A phenomenon
should be observable
using the different
Propositional Things are explained
in the form of
statements or
Logical Employs the rules of
logic in order to
validate inferences.
Public Ideas are
communicated from
one scientist to
Problem-Solving Presents rational
explanations about
Continuous Knowledge is built
upon by previous and
future research on the

Based on the topic discussed, explain on your

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing
own understanding, differentiate science and
skills #1
social sciences.

Share a Filipino tradition that illustrates the

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing relationship between science and social sciences.
skills #2

Group Activity: Each group will present a role-play

F. Developing mastery leading to the third about the relationship of science and social
formative assessment sciences.

Suggested Approach: Group Work Activities

How can interdisciplinary collaboration between

scientists and social scientists lead to innovative
G. Valuing: Finding practical applications of solutions for global challenges?
concepts and skills in daily living.

1) How did engaging in the activity contribute to

H. Making generalizations and abstractions your understanding of Science and the Social
about the lesson. Sciences?

2) Reflect on how teamwork and cooperation

influenced the outcome of the topic.

3) What new insights did you gain from listening

to the perspectives of other groups?

Compare and contrast the scientific and social

I. Evaluating learning (assessment should sciences.
be congruent to the three types of
Write an essay about scientific and social science
highlighting the methodologies and implications
J. Additional activities for applications or of each discipline. (Minimum of 5 sentences).
remediation if needed.
V. Remarks/ Feedback

VI. Reflection

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Remedial Activities

D. No. of learners who have caught with the


E. No. of learners who continue to require


F. Which of my teaching strategies worked

well? Why?

G. What difficulties did I encounter which

my immediate supervisor can help me

H. What innovation or localized

materials/concepts did I use/discover
which I share with other teachers?

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