Valve Selection Guide For WWTP
Valve Selection Guide For WWTP
Valve Selection Guide For WWTP
Since 1953, Red Valve has provided products for each phase of collection, distribution, separation,
aeration, treatment and final discharge. Our complete product line provides customers with one
source for on/off and control valves, check valves, pressure measurement, expansion compensation,
air diffusers and effluent diffusers. All Red Valve products are designed for the rigors of handling
raw sewage, sludge, scum and grit with abrasion-resistant, non-clogging solutions.
© 2018 Red Valve Company
All rights reserved.
Call us today for a copy of our Municipal Collection and Distribution brochure.
WWTP 08/18
For Wastewater Treatment
Total Solutions for Wastewater Treatment “Rely on Red” for Your Toughest Applications.
What sets Red Valve products apart from traditional metal valves is their
Red Valve works closely with designers and operators of wastewater treatment plants to provide innovative solutions to their most difficult elastomer technology. In addition to providing a superior flow pattern,
challenges. Red Valve products are specifically engineered for the rigors of slurries such as sewage, sludge, scum and grit, as well as the elastomer sleeves deliver unsurpassed abrasion and corrosion
lime addition, digester gas control, backflow prevention and effluent discharge. Rely on Red Valve’s Total Solutions for every step of your resistance. As the only wetted part of the valve, the synthetic elastomer
treatment process–from collection to final discharge. sleeve completely isolates the process fluid from the metal body and
operating mechanism.
Series 75 and Pressure Sensors with Hypalon Sleeves are the ideal
choice for sodium hypochloride and other corrosive chemical additives.
The sleeve is the only wetted part, providing a long-term, corrosion-
Red Valve Product Solutions
resistant service life.
For Wastewater Treatment
Red Valve’s Large Diameter 84” Series 39 Inline Check Valve is used for
stormwater backflow prevention at this Santa Rosa, California plant.
Red Valve’s Tideflex®, CheckMate® UltraFlex™ and Series For inline installations, Red Valve offers a variety of products.
39 Check Valves are used in thousands of combined sewer The Series 39 is constructed of a fabricated steel or cast iron
overflow (CSO) systems to protect collection pumps from body with an integral rubber check sleeve which handles flow
backflow during times of high tide and heavy rainfall. All operate with low head loss. The valve’s operation is passive, requiring
on the same principle – forward hydraulic pressure opens the no outside energy source, levers or counterweights.
valve’s bill to allow flow, and reverse pressure seals the bill,
preventing backflow. The all-rubber construction is resistant to The patented CheckMate® UltraFlex™ Inline Check Valve is
rust and corrosion, unlike flapgates with hinge-pins and seats designed to be installed inside the pipe. The valve prevents Engineered rubber check valves have What sets Red Valve’s legendary Tideflex® Check Valves apart
that can misalign. backflow, odors, rodents and raw sewage from entering memory: forward hydraulic pressure opens from other “look alike” valves is years of leading-edge elastomer
residences and businesses. the valve, and reverse pressure seals the technology experience and know-how. In addition to a superior flow
valve and prevents backflow. pattern, Tidfllex® Check Valves provide unsurpassed abrasion and
corrosion resistance, and deliver years of reliable, maintenance-
free service.
For Wastewater Treatment
Wherever pumps are used to move or lift water, Red Valve Red Valve Tideflex® and CheckMate® UltraFlex™ Inline Check port opening and a 360-degree sensing element to
products can be found, providing solutions for a wide range Valves provide unmatched backflow prevention to keep drainage ensure an accurate pressure reading, regardless of
of applications. Wastewater is most often collected by gravity lines empty and prevent potential flooding. They are often used conditions. Red Valve Pressure Sensors are the only
sewers and then lifted by pumps to allow it to flow through the at the discharge point to prevent floodwaters or tidal surges from sensors that will stay operational on difficult process
treatment process. Red Valve products are designed to handle entering the pipeline. fluids such as sewage, sludge and scum.
slurries such as raw sewage through full-port designs and
abrasion resistant materials. There are no flow direction changes The viscous nature of wastewater creates problems with accurate
and no cavities or dead spaces where material can build up. pressure measurement. Traditional gauges and diaphragm seals
clog quickly and do not signal the pump to stop when a
Red Valve Knife Gates Valves’ rugged design and thin profile are blockage is encountered, often damaging pumps and other These Large Diameter Knife Gate Valves have been
ideal for pump isolation or bypass lines. process equipment. Red Valve pressure sensors feature a full- installed in the City of Houston, Southwest Pumping
Station since 1987.
For Wastewater Treatment
One of the most difficult applications in wastewater treatment Red Valve’s Large Diameter Pinch Valves’ full-port openings
is influent flow control. In these large diameter systems, long- allow for no obstructions and no change in the direction of flow.
term reliability is essential. It is crucial that the valve be able There are no crevices or dead spots where debris can collect,
to handle anything that can flow into the sewer lines, including and flexible but rugged walls of the elastomer sleeves prevent
tree branches, plastic bags, bottles, sand and grit, chemical buildup while sealing around entrapped solids for a drop-tight
spills, aluminum cans and other debris that can clog traditional shut off. Full-Port Centerline Drop-Tight
valves. Even if the influent flow control valve is installed after Opening Closure Seal
initial screening, it must still deal with concentrated sewage and
30” Series 5200E Influent Flow Control Valve used at wastewater
abrasive grit, which often moves at a considerable velocity as it
treatment plant in Georgia.
enters the treatment process.
For Wastewater Treatment
Caustic and chemical solutions such as carbon, ferric chloride and lime,
are used to equalize wastewater in the first stage of treatment. While these
materials present tough problems for metal valves, Red Valve’s Control
Pinch Valves’ advanced elastomer sleeves resist abrasion and corrosion.
Air Actuated Type A Valves on Series 75 in de-grit chamber Series 5400E Control Valves have been specified in
Their flexing action breaks apart dewatered solids each time the valve is
distribution column this automated grit system.
actuated, even after long periods of inactivity.
For Wastewater Treatment
World-Class Digester
“Rely on Red” for Products Built to Handle the
Toughest Sludge
Today’s digesters provide highly efficient mixing of waste- mechanisms, affecting the valve’s ability to achieve positive
activated sludge. Unlike conventional digesters, egg digesters shut off and causing significant maintenance problems. Plug
contain much smaller spots for solids to collect. Because valve manufacturers have tried to provide various solutions,
the reduced surface area creates a smaller scum blanket, a such as aluminum, stainless steel and rubber-lined valves, but
higher percentage of waste is continuously mixed. To match have had only minimal success.
this performance with the most efficient and reliable process
equipment available, designers of digesters around the world Red Valve’s rugged sleeves are constructed of non-permeable
rely on Red Valve Manual and Control Pinch Valves. and corrosion-resistant elastomers. The sleeve isolates
the valve body by keeping the process medium completely
Digester gases are composed of methane, water and other enclosed. For isolation applications, Red Valve Manual Pinch
compounds that create sulfurous and sulfuric acids which Valves’ bi-directional, drop-tight shut off yields reliable service, Control Pinch Valves operating at the 200 MGD Series 75 RAS and WAS shut off valves.
in turn can quickly corrode metal plug valves. Corrosion time after time, year after year. Seletar Wastewater Treatment Plant in Singapore.
occurs not only in the valve’s interior but also in the closing
For Wastewater Treatment
Digester Optimization
The Superior Solution for Tideflex® Coarse Bubble Mixing Systems can be operated in ON/OFF
Aeration and Mixing mode to produce a biological selector where facultative anaerobic
bacteria is cultivated as the dominant microorganism. These bacteria
excel in denitrification and nutrient uptake. These alternating systems
can reduce operational horsepower by 40 to 50 percent.
For optimum performance in aeration and mixing, Red Valve’s diffusers provided high mixing power, but needed twice the Combined System Benefits Include:
Coarse and Fine Bubble Air Diffuser Systems incorporate airflow to meet oxygen requirements.
legendary Tideflex® technology to increase jet velocity while • Median O2 Transfer Efficiency
Septage Receiving Tank Mixing
eliminating risk of damage caused by backflow and clogging. Red Valve’s Tideflex engineers have deigned a superior
• Excellent Mixing Energy
approach in aeration system technology by combining the • Reduced Maintenance Cost Red Valve’s signature “T” configuration allows Diffuser sytems to
Historically, there have been two options in air diffuser systems. aeration benefits of our fine bubble systems with the mixing • Reduced Capital Cost be installed very low in the tank, preventing collection of solids
Fine bubble diffusers could provide the biological system benefits of our coarse bubble systems. This unique combined • Median Operating Cost at the bottom of the tank. The all-rubber construction eliminates
requirements at a low airflow rate, but generally the airflow had system can meet the biological system requirements for oxygen maintenance costs, and the patented Tideflex® Duckbill Check Valve
to be increased to provide sufficient mixing. Coarse bubble and still provide sufficient mixing at a lower total airflow. design prevents backflow of sludge during power failures or routine
For Wastewater Treatment
The World’s Most Effective Systems • Provide Proven Long-Term, Maintenance-Free Service Life
• Enhance Jet Velocity
• Improve Initial Dilution
• Provide a More Uniform Flow Distribution Across Parts
(12) 6” Tideflex Diffuser Valves with integral 3 foot
• Promote Significant Improvement in Saltwater Purging
risers discharging to a shallow river.
Red Valve provides a complete line of custom-engineered Effluent Red Valve has conducted extensive independent testing
Diffuser Systems that help protect the environment by maximizing of Tideflex® Nozzles from 2” (50mm) to 48” (1200mm) and
jet velocity of discharging effluent. This improves mixing and initial has developed an exclusive hydraulic modeling program
dilution while preventing backflow into the header pipe. to assist engineers in designing multiport diffusers. The
program provides data on jet velocity, effective diameter and
Wide bill or conventional Tideflex® Nozzles are both custom-built open area, along with headloss at all flow rates. This data
to exact specifications and fabricated to ensure required hydraulics can also be compared to the hydraulics of fixed-diameter
throughout the entire flow range. All systems are equipped with ports to illustrate the hydraulic advantages of variable orifice
Redflex® Rubber Elbows and integral wire-reinforced Rubber Tideflex® Nozzles.
Risers, which are flexible yet strong enough to deflect and return
when impacted, reducing the possibility of damage to the outfall
header pipe and risers.
(12) 1,050mm Tideflex® Diffuser Valves installed on
emergency outfall in Hong Kong.
For Wastewater Treatment
Red Valve Pressure Sensors are used with pressure Red Valve Pressure Sensors used for accurate reading of polymer
gauges and transmitters, sending signals to protect pumps feed system.
from running dry.
Redflex® Expansion Joints and Rubber Fittings are designed to alleviate piping stress, compensate for movement, reduce noise Red Valve Tank Level Sensors are unaffected by foaming, ice and
and isolate vibration. Made in the U.S.A. by Red Valve Company, Redflex® Expansion Joints can be custom-built in a variety of other conditions that cause errors in ultrasonic and capacitance level
styles and configurations to accommodate pipe size reduction, misalignments and offsets. Red Valve offers flanged and slip-on sensors. Their high-sensitivity, solid-state pressure transmitters are
connections, single or multiple arches and a range of elastomers to meet process conditions, including Teflon-lined joints for completely isolated from the process fluid by an elastomer sleeve
severely corrosive applications. that transmits pressure through a fluid fill, accurate to 2”.
Redflex® Products: Reflex Elastomer Selections: Redflex® Expansion Joints Are Ideal For: The pressure transmitter senses gauge pressure for vented tanks
• Expansion Joints • Pure Gum Rubber - 180° F • Aeration Systems and differential pressure for pressurized tanks. It can easily be
calibrated for process fluid density or specific gravity in any height
• Rubber Elbows • EPDM - 300° F • Chemical Feed Pumps
of tank. The output signal is 4~20 mA. An integral LED display
• Rubber Fittings • Viton - 400° F • Pump Vibration Elimination is available and can be calibrated in virtually any units, e.g.,
• Ducting Joints • Butyl - 250° F • Odor Control Systems percentages, inches H2O, etc.
• Vibration Pipes • Neoprene - 230° F • Grit Pumps
The sensor’s elastomer diaphragm provides maximum surface
• Teflon Lined • Teflon Lined - 250° F • Blower Vibration Elimination area with minimum diameter allowing installation close to the
• Flanged or Slip-On • Hypalon - 230° F bottom of the tank. The sensor can also be “rodded” from the
outside of the tank to the inside of the tank, if necessary, in the
• Sizes 1” - 108” event of severe blockage.
For Wastewater Treatment
Since 1953, Red Valve has provided products for each phase of collection, distribution, separation,
aeration, treatment and final discharge. Our complete product line provides customers with one
source for on/off and control valves, check valves, pressure measurement, expansion compensation,
air diffusers and effluent diffusers. All Red Valve products are designed for the rigors of handling
raw sewage, sludge, scum and grit with abrasion-resistant, non-clogging solutions.
© 2018 Red Valve Company
All rights reserved.
Call us today for a copy of our Municipal Collection and Distribution brochure.
WWTP 08/18