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MPD Drilling Program

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In The Name of GOD

Managed Pressure Drilling Program

RR-031 Well - 6 ½" Hole Section

August 2021
Managed Pressure Drilling Program
RR-031 Well - 6 ½" Hole Section

1. Introduction............................................................................................................................2
2. Objective................................................................................................................................ 2
3. Well Status............................................................................................................................. 3
4. Surface Arrangement............................................................................................................. 5
5. Job Procedure.........................................................................................................................7
5.1. Preparation..................................................................................................................... 7
5.2. Tripping In....................................................................................................................... 7
5.3. Drilling............................................................................................................................. 8
5.4. Reaming.......................................................................................................................... 8
5.5. Connection...................................................................................................................... 8
5.6. Tripping Out.................................................................................................................... 8
5.7. Well Flowing....................................................................................................................9
5.8. Stuck Pipe........................................................................................................................ 9
5.9. Formation Loss................................................................................................................9
5.10. RCD Leakage................................................................................................................ 9
5.11. Important Points..........................................................................................................9

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Managed Pressure Drilling Program
RR-031 Well - 6 ½" Hole Section

1. Introduction
Managed Pressure Drilling is an optimized drilling method which helps to improve productivity
and safety of a drilling operation by managing the mud circulation pressure in a closed loop
system. This method helps us to avoid hole problems and gain more from what it paid for.
This technology benefits are categorized in three categories:
- Increase Safety
- Decrease Drilling Cost
- Increase Well Productivity
In operation point of view, there are four methods specified as MPD methods which will be
selected as per well requirement:
- Constant Bottom Hole Pressure (CBHP): This method is used to keep downhole pressure
constant by applying back pressure from surface.
- Pressurized Mud Cap Drilling (PMCD): This method is used when there are heavy losses
and it is intended to drill the hole in mud cap method with no return.
- Dual Gradient (DG): This method is used in deep offshore drilling operations and is used
to have two different drilling fluid gradients below and above seabed.
- Safe Drilling (SD): In this method having a safe drilling is intended and no pressure
adjustment will be planned.

2. Objective
In RR-031 well, it is planned to use MPD service in CBHP method while drilling 6 ½" Hole Section
for below reasons:
- Lower reservoir damage: Ramshir Bangestan reservoir is a fractured carbonate reservoir
which is very sensitive to skin made during drilling. So, to have less reservoir damage
and more productivity from the well, it is planned to use MPD in this well.
- Safe Drilling: as there is observed some gas in last 10m of drilling previous section
without any oil show; there is possible to have gas cap in this well, so having MPD
facility helps to drill safe.
- Avoid Differential Sticking: as the Ramshir oil field is a brown field and there are some
Bangestan wells nearby this well and also this reservoir is a fractured carbonate, there is
risk of depleted zones which can lead to differential sticking which already observed in
previous wells, so using MPD can help avoid this type of sticking and in case it
happened, releasing the stuck will be easier by decreasing backpressure.

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Managed Pressure Drilling Program
RR-031 Well - 6 ½" Hole Section

3. Well Status
The well is drilled from surface to 3805mMD vertically through different hole sections and
finally the 7" Liner had been run and cemented from 3197m to 3805m. the well schematic is as

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Managed Pressure Drilling Program
RR-031 Well - 6 ½" Hole Section

This section will be drilled though Asmari formation from 3805m to 4278m and after logging
will be completed Openhole.

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Managed Pressure Drilling Program
RR-031 Well - 6 ½" Hole Section

4. Surface Arrangement
It is planned to use MPD-CBHP method in the 6 ½" Hole section drilling of RR-031 well due to
above mentioned objectives, and needed to add below equipment to the well control system:
1- Rotating Control Device (RCD): to seal around drill pipe while drilling and tripping
2- Choke Manifold: To apply Back Pressure to the wellbore
3- T-Connection: to connect Mud Gas Separator simultaneously to both choke manifolds
Adding above equipment to the circulating and well control system, the BOP system will be as
following schematic.


13 5/8"-5K RCD 7 1/16" x 3 1/16"


2 1/16" Gate Valve

7 1/16" Gate Valve

13 5/8"-5K HYDRILL

13 5/8"-5K, 5" Fixed TOP RAM

13 5/8"-5K SHEAR RAM


13 5/8"-5K, 5" Fixed BTM RAMS

11"-5K x 13 5/8"-5K D.S.A

13 5/8"-3K x 11"-3K T.H.S


21 1/4"-2K î 13 5/8"-3K C.H.S

21 1/4"-2K C.H.H

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Managed Pressure Drilling Program
RR-031 Well - 6 ½" Hole Section

The RCD can tolerate up to 100 rpm and 2500 psi while rotating and can handle 5000 psi in
static condition. The RCD specification is as below:

The choke manifold is a 5K 3 1/16" with 2 adjustable choke (Maximum 64/32".

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Managed Pressure Drilling Program
RR-031 Well - 6 ½" Hole Section

5. Job Procedure
5.1. Preparation
1. Rig up RCD and choke manifold as per above layout. Install Mud Logging pressure
sensor on MPD choke manifold.
2. RIH one stand of DP and start circulation with different flow rates and check if there
is over flow from RCD or not. If there was overflow, it should line up to circulate
through rig choke manifold when the RCD bearing is not in position.
3. Perform full BOP test as per normal procedure.
4. Perform RCD test as below:
o Set plug tester in place and test.
o M/U RCD bearing on one stand of 5" DP and RIH to set the bearing in place, lock
the clamp and install safety pin.
o Close the MPD Choke and pressure test the RCD body, BOP and lineup before
choke to 4500 psi.
o Keep 2500 psi pressure below RCD, Rotate the DP by 100 rpm and move the DP
up and down to pass one tool joint through RCD. (Record TQ & Drag)
o Fully open the RCD choke and start pumping with minimum and maximum flow
rates while rotate the string by 120 rpm and move the DP up and down to pass
one tool joint through RCD. (Record TQ & Drag)
o Unlock the RCD clamp and retrieve the RCD bearing.
o Retrieve plug tester and set wear bushing in place and be ready for RIH.
5. Make sure enough walkie-talkie are available to have close communication between
company man, driller, choke man and mud logging unit.

5.2. Tripping In
1. M/U BHA and RIH
2. F/U string and break circulate as per normal plan. L/U to trip tank while RIH.
3. While at 2 stands before reach to the bottom, M/U RCD bearing on DP stand and RIH
to set bearing in place and lock the clamp and install safety pin.
4. Start circulation, while the MPD choke is fully open (or on a fixed position) and
record both SPP and Choke pressure in different flow rates (10 gpm steps till
stabilize pressure) to have a good view of APL and ECD for future calculations.
5. Set back pressure and run in while record TQ. & Drag while monitor the down choke
pressure to be in MGS working pressure range.

5.3. Drilling
1. Set the TDS torque limit on normal torque limit plus RCD additional torque according
to the previous recorded off bottom torques.

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Managed Pressure Drilling Program
RR-031 Well - 6 ½" Hole Section

2. Start drilling while profile the bit at the bottom with low parameter and increase
slowly while monitor and record SPP, Back Pressure, TQ & Drag.
3. Monitor loss and gain closely by mud logging unit and don’t transfer to and from
active pit while drilling.
4. While pumping pill monitor the back pressure and when the pill at surface control
the back pressure by opening the choke to avoid plugging and control the back
5. During drilling it may observe some flow or loss which should be controlled by
adjusting choke size and increasing or decreasing the back pressure.
6. Oil show should not be considered as gain and only increasing in active system
volume could be considered as gain.
7. It is going to drill the well in an At-balance condition not in an Under-balance one, so
adjust the back pressure to be At-balance not Over or Under.

5.4. Reaming
1. At the stand done or when reaming, the choke man to be on the coke and adjust the
choke according to the flow rate change and keep the back pressure constant.

5.5. Connection
1. At the connection, decrease the FR slowly (by 20 gpm steps) while the choke man
keeps the back pressure constant till finally pumping stopes and choke is fully
- If pumping stopped and back pressure is less than the required pressure,
keep the choke closed and pump slowly to adjust the pressure.
- If pumping stopped and back pressure is more than the required pressure,
open the choke and bleed off the extra pressure.
2. B/O and M/U connection and start pumping by opening the choke to keep back
pressure constant.

5.6. Tripping Out

1. For tripping out of the hole, calculate the required mud weight according to back
pressure plus 50 psi and weight up the surface mud.
2. Prepare a kill sheet to be ready for decreasing the back pressure as the new mud
level-up in the annulus.
3. Start pumping kill mud and decrease the back pressure by adjusting choke as per the
kill sheet. When kill mud reached the surface open the coke in full open position.
4. Stop circulation and monitor for any loss or flow.
5. Line up annulus to the trip tank and cross circulate from surface.
6. Unlock the RCD clamp and retrieve RCD bearing.
7. Pull out to the surface.

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Managed Pressure Drilling Program
RR-031 Well - 6 ½" Hole Section

5.7. Well Flowing

1. If encountered well flowing and RCD is working properly it is not needed to use rig
well control and control the well by adjusting back pressure through choke.
2. If the well flow beyond RCD capability:
- Stop rotation
- Space out the string
- Close rams
- Isolate MPD manifold
- Start killing the well

5.8. Stuck Pipe

1. If the string got stuck differentially, decrease back pressure and work on string to
release the string.
2. If the stuck was pack off decrease back pressure and work down ward.
3. Try not to use Jar when working on stuck.

5.9. Formation Loss

1. In case of normal formation loss, decrease back pressure to decrease the pressure
loss and continue drilling.
2. In case of total loss, decrease pumping mud weight and pump high weight mud
through annulus and continue drilling.

5.10. RCD Leakage

1. Have proper rubber element backup on rig site to replace as soon as any leakage
2. If the RCD had leakage and need to replace the rubbers:
- Stop rotation
- Space out the string
- Stop circulation and close the choke while keep pressure
- Close Hydril and maintain back pressure if needed
- Bleed of MPD choke pressure
- Isolate MPD manifold
- Unlock RCD clamp
- Strip out to bring RCD bearing to surface while maintain back pressure below
Hydril through side valves
- Breakout connection and replace rubber elements
- M/U RCD bearing Assy. On DP and strip in to lock position
- Lock RCD clamp
- Open the Hydril while maintain back pressure
- Start rotation to check the RCD sealing
- Start pumping while open the RCD choke and maintain back pressure

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Managed Pressure Drilling Program
RR-031 Well - 6 ½" Hole Section

5.11. Important Points

1. Mud logging should monitor the driller and choke man communications and be sure
that any changes in pumping pressure or pumping pill is announced to the choke
man and the choke man is alert about the operation.
2. Driller is the supervisor and should manage the choke man to adjust the choke.
3. There should be a card in front of the driller which shows choke status open / close.
4. Shift change of choke man and driller not to be in the same time
5. When the RCD bearing is getting out of the housing, be sure that there is no any
Lose object and everything is in its right position
6. Control rpm and torque fluctuation which have negative effect on RCD performance.
7. Any Flow Rate change need choke adjustment to control backpressure constant.
8. brief the team and have a drill for both shifts before start drilling.

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