Received 16 July 2011; received in revised form 25 November 2011; accepted 27 November 2011
The mechanical behavior of a Mo–TiC30 vol.% ceramic–metal composite was investigated over a wide temperature range (25–700 °C).
High-energy X-ray tomography was used to reveal percolation of the hard titanium carbide phase through the composite. Using a poly-
crystal approach for a two-phase material, finite-element simulations were performed on a real three-dimensional (3-D) aggregate of the
material. The 3-D microstructure, used as the starting configuration for the predictions, was obtained by serial sectioning in a dual beam
focused ion beam scanning electron microscope coupled to an electron backscattered diffraction system. The 3-D aggregate consists of a
molybdenum matrix and a percolating TiC skeleton. As for most body-centered cubic (bcc) metals, the molybdenum matrix phase is
characterized by a change in plasticity mechanism with temperature. We used a polycrystal model for bcc materials which was extended
to two phases (TiC and Mo). The model parameters of the matrix were determined from experiments on pure molydenum. For all tem-
peratures investigated the TiC particles were considered to be brittle. Gradual damage to the TiC particles was treated, based on an accu-
mulative failure law that is approximated by evolution of the apparent particle elastic stiffness. The model enabled us to determine the
evolution of the local mechanical fields with deformation and temperature. We showed that a 3-D aggregate representing the actual
microstructure of the composite is required to understand the local and global mechanical properties of the composite studied.
Ó 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Metal–ceramic composite; Numerical simulation; Crystal plasticity; Polycrystal modeling; Damage
1359-6454/$36.00 Ó 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1624 D. Cédat et al. / Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 1623–1632
required constitutive laws of the phases involved, and the 2.1. Chemical composition
spatial distribution (connectivity and topology) of the
TiC brittle phase. The chemical compositions of the powder are given in
The current paper addresses this problem of properly Tables 1 and 2.
predicting the micromechanical behavior of complex
metal–ceramic composites. 2.2. X-ray tomography results
The investigations in Section 2 (using tomography)
reveal percolation of the TiC phase. A new representative Using high-energy X-ray tomography a 3-D investiga-
aggregate has been built to take into account such phase tion of the material was performed at the European Syn-
percolation in the computation of the local mechanical chrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble, France).
fields, using tomographic microstructure data obtained by This characterization technique proceeds by taking a
dual beam focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy sequence of recordings of a sample from different angles.
(FIB-SEM). Then an appropriate tomography reconstruction algorithm
The polycrystal model used, implemented in finite-ele- builds a 3-D map of the microstructure based on inversion
ment code, is described in Section 3. Damage is represented of the X-ray attenuation coefficient projection paths that
by a decrease in the TiC effective elastic modulus imple- penetrated the material upon synchrotron illumination.
mented in the model. Fig. 2 shows a 3-D image of the microstructure of the
Section 4 presents the meshing and the boundary condi- Mo–TiC material obtained with the highest spatial resolu-
tions applied to the 3-D EBSD aggregate. New model tion (0.28 lm) available on the ID19 beam line (X-ray
parameters for Mo are determined by an inverse method. energy 65 keV) of the ESRF equipment.
Section 5 deals with the results of the mechanical predic- Fig. 2 represents the set of all points in the carbide phase
tions for the composite. Section 6 draws conclusions. (purple) that can be linked together to the bottom and top
faces of the parallelepiped specimen (30 30 30 lm), by
2. Material and experimental procedures paths entirely contained in the carbide phase. The micro-
structure of the composite revealed a percolating skeleton
The material investigated was obtained by powder met- of carbides embedded in a molybdenum metallic matrix,
allurgy synthesis [2,3] (hot isostatic pressing (HIP) at with a high 3-D connectivity of the carbide phase.
1600 °C). No homogenization heat treatment was per-
formed after HIP processing. 2.3. 3-D aggregate mapping by 3-D EBSD
The composite microstructure was characterized in a
previous paper [4] using different chemical and physical To accurately compute the local mechanical fields a new
methods. According to Cédat et al. [1] the composite exhib- representative 3-D aggregate had to be designed, taking
ited three phases: molybdenum (Mo), titanium carbide into account the observed percolation of the TiC phase.
(TiC) and a (Mo,Ti) C phase, which is a face-centered cubic Our approach to 3-D EBSD was inspired by the works
(fcc) structure with lattice parameters close to those of TiC of Uchic et al. [5], Zaefferer et al. [6], Bastos et al. [7] and
(Fig. 1). The hard particles (TiC) showed a core/shell (or Konrad et al. [8], as well as by the 3-D texture measure-
core/rim) structure, with molybdenum as the binder phase. ments using synchrotron radiation published by Larson
The third phase, identified as TiC–Mo15 at.% had the same et al. [9] and Yang et al. [10]. The 3-D EBSD experiments
structure as TiC. In this paper the mechanical behavior of were conducted at the Max-Planck Institute (Düsseldorf),
the third phase is assumed to be equivalent to that of TiC. using a joint high-resolution field emission SEM/EBSD
set-up together with a FIB system in the form of a Zeiss
cross-beam 3-D crystal orientation microscope. Details
are given in Larson et al. [9] and Yang et al. [10].
The analytical method applied in this study involves
highly precise and fully automated serial sectioning by
Ga+ FIB and subsequent mapping of the crystallographic
texture in each of those layers using high-resolution EBSD.
For more details on this method, see Zaafarani et al. [11]
and Zaefferer et al. [12].
The spatial resolution of the 3-D orientation and phase
pixel information retrieved amounts to 50 50 50 nm.
The ion beam did not create noticeable damage, i.e. no seri-
ous deterioration of the EBSD pattern quality could be
observed after milling. This stability of the material when
Fig. 1. SEM picture showing the microstructure of the Mo–TiC30 vol.% exposed to an ion beam is attributed to its high melting
composite revealing three phases, molybdenum (light grey), TiC (black), point and the absence of phase transformations. The EBSD
and (Mo,Ti) C (grey) [1]. measurements were carried out sequentially in each layer
D. Cédat et al. / Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 1623–1632 1625
Table 1
TiC composition (mass%).
C O N Ca Co W Ni Al Fe S
19.23 0.6126 0.0279 0.002 0.032 0.39 <4E4 0.0014 0.0061 0.0019
Table 2
Molybdenum composition (mass%). are cylinders with a diameter D = 12 mm and cylinder
Mo O Fe K length L = 18 mm. The initial strain rate upon loading
99.98 0.0620 9 p.p.m. 29 p.p.m.
was about e_ = 5 104 s1.
The compression curves show a linear elastic stage, fol-
after FIB serial sectioning at a 300 nm step size between the lowed by a linear hardening stage, and, finally, a weak
abutting layers. The entire process of alternating FIB sec- strain hardening regime. The two strain hardening regimes
tioning and EBSD measurements was carried out for a change as a function of temperature and deformation. The
set of 22 layers to reconstruct the whole aggregate. Fig. 3 extension of the linear stage decreases with increasing total
shows SEM images of two different serial sections and deformation. Strain hardening decays with increasing
the entire 3-D microstructure reconstructed as a 3-D map. temperature.
Fracture surface observations reveal that at 25 °C the
2.4. Experimental analysis of the mechanical behavior of the two phases are characterized by a brittle behavior and that
composite and of the molybdenum phase at 300 °C the molybdenum matrix is ductile while the TiC
phase fails in a brittle manner. The mechanical properties
2.4.1. Composite of pure molybdenum have been previously studied by
The composite compression curves are given in Fig. 4 Cédat et al. [1] using two kinds of tensile tests, namely
for temperatures between 25 °C and 700 °C. The specimen strain rate change tests (5 104 and 5 102 s1) over
Fig. 2. 3-D representation of the phases obtained by X-ray tomography. (a) TiC; (b) Mo composite. Specimen size 30 30 30 lm.
Fig. 3. 30 30 6.6 lm aggregate obtained by 3-D electron orientation microscopy (3D EBSD). Top row, TiC and TiC–Mo15 at.% phases; bottom row,
whole aggregate. The color code is given by the crystallographic standard triangle. For simulations the loading direction is parallel to the ~
2 axis. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
1626 D. Cédat et al. / Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 1623–1632
In order to determine the local mechanical fields in the dif- Strain hardening evolution as a function of temperature
ferent phases and especially the location and origin of dam- depends on interactions between mobile dislocations with
age in the TiC phase a previous model [14] was upgraded and lattice friction and/or forest dislocations. Lattice friction
numerical simulations were conducted. The crystal plasticity generates short-range stresses described by the effective stress
model used was developed within the framework of large sseff . The contributions described by ssint and s0 are shear stres-
transformations [15–20] (small elastic distortion but large ses and represent the interaction between mobile and latent
lattice rotation) and was implemented in the Abaqus finite- dislocations. Thus the yield stress required to activate the
element code, using a UMAT user subroutine. glide system s is equal to the sum of the three contributions:
The polycrystal is composed of different grains, each one ss ¼ s0 þ sseff þ ssint ð3Þ
having its own size and crystallographic orientation. Each Considering a segment of a screw dislocation pinned by
grain is considered as a single crystal characterized by a two obstacles submitted to lattice friction s0, Rauch [22]
constitutive law presented below. proposed the following expression of the internal stress:
D. Cédat et al. / Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 1623–1632 1627
ðlbÞ u¼1;24 a
su u
q According to Eq. (9) two dislocations of the same sys-
ssint ¼ ð4Þ tem s may undergo annihilation as soon as they are sepa-
ss s0
rated by a spacing below gc. Similar dislocation-based
where a is a component of the dislocation interaction ma- constitutive laws for crystal plasticity finite-element models
trix as proposed by Franciosi [25], which is due to the inter- were applied, as suggested by Ma et al. [17,27].
action strength between the slip systems s and u (self and
latent hardening). Latent hardening experiments [25], per- 3.4. Damage law for the titanium carbide particles
formed on single crystals under tensile testing, revealed
that the asu parameter depends on the strain value: they in- Damage in the compound starts by initiation of cracks
crease up to 0.5–1% straining, then reaches asymptotic val- within the brittle carbide phase. A simple criterion that
ues. In this paper we use the asymptotic values. qu is the rests on the local stress in the brittle phase is introduced
dislocation density on the glide system u. Merging Eqs. in the polycrystal model. The failure strength of ceramics
(3) and (4) and solving the resulting equation one obtains: under compression being approximately 10–15 times larger
sseff 1 h s 2 X than the tensile strength [28], the critical stress leading to
s ¼ s0 þ þ ðseff Þ þ 4ðlbÞ2 u asu qu ð5Þ damage initiation is given by the approximation:
2 2
rcompressive K IC
The general expression of the hardening law (Eq. (5)) is rc ¼ rtensile with rtensile ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ð10Þ
appropriate to describe continuous evolution of the shear 15 pa
stress as a function of temperature: where KIC is the toughness factor and a the mean size of the
In the case of low temperature behavior (T < T0) plastic- crack.
ity is governed by the reduced mobility of screw disloca- The results of the simulations show that the carbide
tions and the double kink mechanism, hence sint is phase is mainly under tension when the composite is
negligible compared with seff. Eq. (5) leads to: mechanically loaded, while the molybdenum phase is under
2P compression. For the carbide phase the chosen damage cri-
s s
ðlbÞ u¼1;24 asu qu
s ¼ seff þ ð6Þ terion is formulated as a measure of the gradual accumula-
tion of damage. It is based on evolution of the elastic law:
In the case of high temperature (T > T0) plasticity
e e
e ðtÞ ¼ C
e 0 ½1 DðtÞ
mainly depends on forest hardening and seff is negligible C ð11Þ
compared with the two other terms. Eq. (5) leads to: with
ss ¼ ss0 þ lb u¼1;24
asu qu ð7Þ b
DðtÞ ¼ ½1 expðaðt t0 Þ ð12Þ
At low temperatures plastic deformation occurs accord-
ing to two non-equivalent slip system families h1 1 1i{1 1 0} where t t0 ¼ e=_e, and e and e_ are the local strain and local
e 0 is the initial
and h1 1 1i{1 1 2}. strain rate at a given point, respectively. C
elastic modulus tensor and C ðtÞ is “the effective modulus”,
3.3. Dislocation density evolution law which gradually decays as a function of the strain rate and
the strain. a and b are parameters that are arbitrarily cho-
The dislocation density evolution law is a generalization sen in order to create an abrupt decrease in the Young’s
of the relation proposed by Estrin and Mecking [26]. For modulus due to micro-crack formation. A positive critical
each slip system Eq. (8) describes the evolution of the 24 stress value rC is determined from (Eq. (10)). At each incre-
dislocation densities with the strain: ment of the simulation the criterion (Eq. (10)) is tested for
" pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
P ffi # all elements of the TiC meshing. As soon as the criterion
s j_cs j 1 u–s q
s r P rc (r is the local equivalent stress) is verified within
q_ ¼ þ gc ðT Þq ð8Þ
b Dgrain KðT Þ an element its effective modulus is decreased as given by
Eqs. (11) and (12). For D(t) = 1 (C(t) = 0) the element is
This expression is derived from the balance between disloca-
equivalent to a “hole”. Changes in the stiffness of some ele-
tion accumulation (Orowan’s relationship) andpdislocation
P u ments of the TiC phase contribute to that of the overall
annihilation which induces softening. KðT Þ= u–s q is
the dislocation mean free path, which increases with decreas-
ing temperature. As evolution of the dislocation density is
4. Boundary conditions, meshing and model parameters
weak at low temperature, we assume that K(T) increases with
decreasing temperature. The annihilation of dislocations is
The polycrystal model was implemented in Abaquse
controlled by the mean dislocation–dislocation spacing gc,
finite-element code using an UMAT subroutine. Most of
the temperature dependence of which is expressed here in
the molybdenum parameters are determined on the basis
terms of an Arrhenius law:
of the experimental curves, using an inverse fitting method
Egc using coupling [18,20] between the Sidoloe and Abaquse
gc ðT Þ ¼ gc0 exp ð9Þ
k B ðT Þ software packages. The initial density of the dislocations
1628 D. Cédat et al. / Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 1623–1632
Table 3
Set of parameters identified for molybdenum by Cédat et al. [1].
s0 auu = asu q0 gc0 Egc Dgrain sR c_ 0 DG0 p q
11 2 2 1
125 MPa 0.01 10 m 14 nm 2.17 10 eV 3 lm 498 MPa 10 1.1 eV 0.2 1.5
D. Cédat et al. / Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 1623–1632 1629
Fig. 7. Experimental and numerical stress–strain curves on a 3-D numerical model and a real polycrystalline aggregate of the composite for five
temperatures. Experimental and numerical stress–strain curves on molybdenum are given in the inset.
1630 D. Cédat et al. / Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 1623–1632
Fig. 8. Distribution of the uniaxial stress r = r22 for E22 = 0.09. (a) TiC phase; (b) molydenum matrix; (c) pure molydenum.
between the macroscopic experimental stress is less than ning of the plastic stage arise from the material parameters
10 MPa. For small strains the agreement is only qualitative. determined for pure molybdenum. For pure molybdenum
For the composite the small differences between the exper- the simulated yield stresses are lower than the experimental
imental results and simulation observed at the very begin- ones (Fig. 7b). The material parameters for pure molydenum
D. Cédat et al. / Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 1623–1632 1631
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