1.Lidar-Based Cooperative SLAM With Different

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2022 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research

Lidar-Based Cooperative SLAM with Different

2022 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (ICMERR) | 978-1-6654-9051-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICMERR56497.2022.10097789

1st Sooraj Sunil 2nd Saeed Mozaffari 3rd Singh Rajmeet 4th Behnam Shahrrava
Electrical and Computer Electrical and Computer Mechanical. Automotive, and Electrical and Computer
Engineering Engineering Material Engineering Engineering
University of Windsor University of Windsor University of Windsor University of Windsor
Windsor, Canada Windsor, Canada Windsor, Canada Windsor, Canada
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

5th Shahpour Alirezaee

Mechanical, Automotive, and
Material Engineering
University of Windsor
Windsor, Canada
[email protected]

Abstract—This paper presents a feature-based map merging appear to be a minor detail but it impacts the overall memory
approach through detecting, describing, and matching geometric (size of the map), computation time, and quality of the maps
features between the maps. The key contribution of this work is [14]. Similarly, the rate at which the scans are fed to the SLAM
to identify the effective method for merging maps that are algorithm can also have a notable impact on the computation
developed by varying the grid resolution and scan rate time and quality of the maps. These variables can be different
parameters. The map data sets are created by Lidar mounted on for the individual robots in a collaborative system due to the
the QCar mobile robot platform. The comparison of feature available computational resources. Such differences in grid
detection methods to register map images at different scale is resolutions and sampling frequencies introduce heterogeneity
presented. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is
in the collaborative system. A special instance of
validated based on the map fusion assumptions using real-world
data. Also, SLAM (robot motion) is carried out on the merged
heterogeneous map fusion is when prior information is
global map (developed by proposed map fusion method). integrated to the occupancy grid maps. This include floor maps
[15–17], semantic blueprints [15, 18], underground pipe
Keywords—Occupancy grid map, map merging, feature network maps [16], or even hand-drawn sketches. The
matching, Lidar integrated information is known as hybrid maps. It has many
advantages such as semantic classification [15] and accurate
I. INTRODUCTION localization [18] which suits time critical applications such as
Many existing methods [1, 2, 3–6] primarily focus on search and rescue [17].
homogeneous information for map merging. However, there In mobile robotics, due to limited computation and sensor
arise heterogeneous scenarios during collaborative mapping cost either 2D LIDARs, low-cost cameras or both are
due to the differences in map properties, type of sensors and predominantly preferred over 3D LIDAR for navigation and
even the type of the robot itself [1]. Heterogeneous map mapping tasks. The LIDAR and camera sensory data has
merging is relatively less addressed area of research when different resolutions and error models. Thus, this introduces a
compared to homogeneous case. There exist relatively few new challenge in heterogeneous map fusion which is
literatures even for the 3D sensors [7, 8]. The heterogeneous integration of data obtained from different type of perception
multi-sensor tracking for an autonomous surface vehicle is sensors. To the best of our knowledge, there exists no literature
presented in [9]. Here data from 10 cameras, radar, and a Lidar that deals with 2D occupancy map fusion for heterogeneous
is fused together for navigation of the urban autonomous sensors.
passenger ferry prototype/research platform. The occupancy
grid map is used to solve the fusion of multi-vehicle and multi- The paper is organized as follows: Section II describe the
sensor data [10]. The probability level and spatial level based feature-based map fusion problem, various evaluation methods
occupancy grid map is generated. and evaluation results based on feature detectability, matching
efficiency, and transformation reliability. Also describes the
Out of all the existing robotic environment representation, proposed solution, Section III presents the effectiveness of the
occupancy grid maps are the most common choice [11–14]; proposed method based on the real-world experimental results,
especially for mobile robot navigation. A critical variable in the and lastly conclusions are drawn in Section IV.
representation of an environment is the grid resolution. It might

978-1-6654-9051-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 82

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The computation complexity for constructing maps is
crucial as it directly influence the performance of mapping
algorithms. Many factors such as type of sensors, SLAM
algorithm, available computational resource, robot trajectory,
or even the environment itself can determine the overall
computation time. Two common parameters which can be used
to tune the properties of an occupancy map are the grid
resolution and the scan rate. During collaborative scenarios, a
robot equipped with a powerful CPU can construct maps using
higher scanning frequency and grid resolution
whereas low-cost processors have to settle for a restrictive
Fig. 1. Computation time (Ct) for each map in the data set
range of resolutions and frequencies. In this chapter, dissimilar
maps of the same environment generated with different values
Table I summarizes the details such as the size of map (m
for grid resolution (r), scan rate (T) or both are referred to as
x n) and the total number of scans (Ns) incorporated into each
heterogeneous maps.
The key challenge of collaborative mapping is the map
alignment. This is done by manual annotation. The various key TABLE I. INDIVIDUAL MAPS USED FOR EVALUATING DIFFERENT
point detector methods such as SIFT, SURF, KLT, and Harris
were accessed in [19] based on manually verifying the correct T (Hz) ≈ 2.5 ≈2 ≈ 1.66
pairings. The root mean square error (RMSE) is used to r
Ns mxn Ns mxn Ns mxn
compare different map alignment methods via visual inspection 8 204 248 x 272 164 248 x 272 NA NA
[17]. In general, manual labeling is time consuming, prone to 10 204 310 x 340 164 310 x 340 136 310 x 340
errors, and not suitable for real time applications. 12 204 372 x 408 164 372 x 408 136 372 x 408
14 204 434 x 476 164 434 x 476 136 434 x 476
In this paper, a set of evaluation techniques are proposed to 16 204 496 x 544 164 496 x 544 136 496 x 544
compare feature-based alignment for matching heterogeneous 18 204 558 x 612 164 558 x 612 136 558 x 612
occupancy grid map. The following variables for grid map are 20 204 620 x 680 164 620 x 680 136 620 x 680
Figure 2 shows four maps from the map data set; two maps
 Grid resolution, r: The number of grid cells used to required least values of r and T and most computation time,
represent a meter (cells per meter) of the environment. and rest two map failing senarios for low values of r and T.
 Scan rate, T: The rate at which the sensor samples are
fed to the SLAM algorithm.
The generation of the heterogeneous map by varying the
grid resolution and scan rate parameters of the occupancy grid
map and proposing the techniques for map merging by feature-
based alignment method is the novelty of the work.
A. Evaluation Method
1) Map data set: Single robot SLAM has numerous
evaluation data sets [19, 20, 21]. In this paper, 27 sets of 2D
laser maps of a real world indoor environment is generated (a)
using the real robot platform QCar (Fig. 1). Each map was
generated based on the following steps:
a) Data collection: The scans were captured at 10 Hz
using 360º 2D laser scanner (RPLIDAR-A2) of the QCar.
b) SLAM algorithm: The SLAM algorithm is used to
build the environment map based on the collected scans data.
c) Heterogenity: For heterogeneity the variation of grid
resolution and frequency of scans were made.
Figure 1 illustrates the values considered for r and T along
with time taken by the SLAM algorithm to complete the map.
As depicted from Fig. 1, the values of r and T greatly
influence the algorithm’s performance and computation Fig. 2. Occupancy maps along with the optimized pose graph for different
complexity. It can also be observed that the mapping process values of r and T. (a) maps with least (r = 8; T = 1.25) and most computation
time (r = 20; T = 2.5), (b) two inaccurate maps computed for extreme values
fails at low values for r and T e.g. inaccurate map for T ≈ 1.25 of r and T
Hz and r ≥ 14 cells/m.


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2) Evaluation description: Common feature detection The metric is based on the ratio of number of putative
methods are compared to investigate their performance for matches to the number of inliers calculated from an image pair.
matching heteregenous grid maps as mentioned in Table 1. The precision of a keypoint detector is calculated as follows
The following keypoints such as matching efficiency, [22]:
computation time, and reliability of estimated map alignment # inliers 
parameters are used to assesed the detectors. precision 
# correspondances
3) Occupancy matrix: Each map from Table 1 is
represented as a probability matrix M{ r, T} of m rows and n As depicted from Fig. 3 the ORB detector find the
columns. Say, M{ r = 10, T = 2.5} refers to the occupancy matrix of maximum number of features and SIFT detector extract
the map with resolution 10 cells/m and scan rate minimum number of points.
approximately as 2.5 Hz. The values of probability occupancy For geometric transformation, RANSAC algorithm require
matix are set as follows: occupied cells to 1, obstacle-free atleast two correctly matched pairs of features. The accuracy
cells to 0, and the unknown cells to -1. of estimated geometric alignmnet parameters depends on the
a) Geometric transformations: The scaling of the map in higher numbers of inlier pairs. Therefore, RANSAC algorithm
heteregenous scenerio is the important parameter. The scaling is considered to compare the efficiency as well as reliability of
factor λ for heteregenous map can be computed using the different feature detection and description methods.
following two methods:
 Estimating λ based on values of map resolutions r : The
required scaling factor λ to align source map matrix to
the size of target map matrix can be calculated as λ =
resolution of source matrix / resolutions of target
 Estimating λ based on similarity transform: The inliers
during the RANSAC stage are searched for a similarity
transform model. Therefore, λ is considered as a
parameter to be estimated.
B. Evaluation Results
1) Feature detectability: Figure 3 shows the total number
of the keypoints detected by different methods.
2) Matching efficiency: The efficiency of feature detectors
is depends on the repeatability score of keypoints. A metric
used to calculate the feature detection, extraction, and (a) Heteregenous resolution map merging as similarity transform problem
matching altogether is the inlier precision.

(b) Heteregenous resolution map merging as rigid transform problem

Fig. 4. Inlier precision of KAZE, ORB, SIFT, and SURF methods
Fig. 3. Feature detectability testing
The inliers were computed by matching the map from
Table I for T ≈ 2.5 with other maps. The following setting
were done to conduct random trail by using MSAC algorithm:


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number of trails = 1000 and acceptance confidence level =
N 
     .2
99%. The methods such as KAZE, SIFT, SURF, and ORB 1
met the map transformation matrix requirement. The percision RMSE 
was calculated for matching the maps at different resolutions n 1
using the similarity transformation method (method 1) as well where,  indicates the estimated rotation parameters and N
as the rigid transform method (method 2) as shown in Fig. 4. denotes the number of Monte Carlo runs. The estimated
Also inlier cardinality is calculated for both rigid and rotation  can be calculated as:
similarity transform model and shown in Fig. 5.
2) Transformation reliability: The drawback of the 
  a tan 2  sin ,  cos   
MSAC algorithm is that results may not be exactly identical
because of the randomized nature. Therefore, the RMSE where λ is the scaling factor.
method is used to compare the reliability of different features Figure 6 illustrates the RMSE calculated over 100 runs for
detectors based on the alignment error. matching heteregenous maps with 100 % overlap. The
estimated rotation  was calculated for each map by using eq.

(a) Heteregenous resolution map merging as similarity transform problem

Fig. 6. RMSE and average feature matching time for change in resolution

The average time for each feature detector and descriptor

was calculated as:

(b) Heteregenous resolution map merging as rigid transform problem Avg _ time  t t t t
Fig. 5. Inlier cardinality returned by the MSAC algorithm for KAZE, ORB,
description det ection matching MSAC (4)
SIFT, and SURF methods
where t , t , t and t are time
Here, the RMSE is used to compare feature detectors det ection description matching MSAC
based on their alignment error. The RMSE of MSAC with taken for detecting the feature, describing the detected features,
respect to the rotation θ can be calculated as follows: matching the descriptors and fitting the inliers using MSAC.


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As depicted from Fig. 6, the KAZE method demonstrated Lets assume that fm is the fixed map and mm is the moving
less rotation error as compared to other methods. However, it map. Figure 9 (a) and (b) shows the two local maps but with
is the slowest in terms of computation time. Also, the SURF different grid resolutions. Figure 9 (c) shows the global map
and ORB methods were fast out of which the SURF had better obtained as a result of trnasformation mm to fm then to global
error performance. Figure 7 shows the RMSE and average connrdinates.
feature matching time for change in sample rate for 100 runs.
Figure 9 (d), shows the pixel locations of the occupied
III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS cells are overlaid for three resulting global maps. The fixed
map is fm with resolution rf = 25 cells/m. Whereas, three
In this section, the proposed heterogeneous map merging moving maps mm of different resolutions rm = 10,20,25 cell/m.
method is implemented on the real prototype mobile robot. As depicted form Fig. 9 a consistent transformation to
Real-world experiments were conducted using multiple QCars. transform mm → fm.
The QCars were controlled via teleoperation mode and the
environment was scanned using the laser scanner. Figure 8 A. Motion Planning
shows the QCar (Quanser) mobile robot platform for One of the important applications of robotic maps is robot
conducting the experiments. The QCar is equipped with wide motion planning. The experiment is conducted to plan the
range of low-cost sensors such as 2D lidar, RGBD camera, 9 motion for a robot using rapid exploring random tree (RRT)
axis IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), wheel encoder and an algorithm. The objective is to find a collision-free path for the
onboard computer to carry out various mapping and start (user-input) and end point location in the merge map.
navigation tasks. Figure 10, shows the path planning results computed using
To merge maps at different scale, we require the scaling global maps obtained as a result of map fusion.
factor in addition to rotation and translation. Based on the
scale change, the moving map can be rescaled to the same size
as the fixed map.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 9. Map merging with different grid resolutions (rf = 25, rm = 10 cells/m):
(a) local map, fm, (b) local map, mm, (c) merged global map, Gm, and (d)
occupied pixel locations of three global maps obtained after merging maps
with different grid resolution
Fig. 7. RMSE and average feature matching time for change in sample rate

Fig. 8. QCar model from Quanser Fig. 10. Path planning using RRT algorithm


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