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National Highway, Tambler,

General Santos City
Mobile No. 09229899174

The Human Digestive Sytem

Subject : Science 6  Parts and Function of Digestive
Module No. : 3 System
Time Frame : 4 days


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 identify the parts of the digestive system

 describe the function of the digestive system
 explain how the organs of the various systems work together


In this unit you will learn about parts and functions of different organs system and how
they work together to perform specific action.

Answer the following questions. Write the letter of the correct answer on the line before each

_________1. A baglike organ that produces gastric juice located at the

upper of the abdomen.
a. stomach b. large intestine c. anus d. mouth

_________2. What is the main function of the large intestine?

a. To absorb water from the undigested food.
b. To produce bile
c. To push the food down to esophagus
d. None of the above
_________3. What is the main organs of the respiratory system?
a. lungs b. heart c. brain d. blood
_________4. The trachea is sometimes called____________
a. windpipe b. tube c. brain d. blood

_________5. Breathing starts with a dome-shaped muscle at the bottom of the

lungs called__________
` a. windpipe b. stomach c. diaphragm d. lungs

_________6. Digestion of begins in the ___________

a. lungs b. heart c. mouth d. tongue
_________7. What is the primary opening for the respiratory system?
a. nose b. heart c. mouth d. tongue
_________8. It is the main organ of the circulatory system.
a. nose b. heart c. mouth d. tongue
_________9. The central nervous system consists of the brain and ______________
a. lungs b. heart c. spinal cord d. tongue

_________10 . What is the largest organ in your body?

a. lungs b. heart c. spinal cord d. skin

Equip Yourself

The digestive system is a group

of organs working together to digest


Digestion of Food


Digestion of food begins in the

mouth. The food is chewed and

broken into smaller pieces by

Mouth teeth and mixed with saliva

2. When the bolus is swallowed, it moves

to the pharynx or throat. Passageway

of food to esophagus.

The muscular tube that connects the

pharynx and the stomach is esophagus

it delivers the food to the stomach. 3.


4. The stomach secretes enzymes that

continue the breaking down of food.

The food in the stomach moves slowly

into the intestines.

The main function of the large intestine is

to absorb water from the undigested


6. The rectum and anus are the last part of

The alimentary canal. The anus controls

the discharging of the feces.

Rectum and anus

How does the digestive system work together with other system?

Certain bones and muscles of the musculoskeletal system are involved in chewing our food. This
system also plays an important role in swallowing and moving food to alimentary canal.

The nervous system controls the action of the digestive system and

The digestive works closely with the circulatory system in order for the nutrients from the
digested food to be distributed throughout our body.

Do it yourself

Activity I.

What happen to the food you eat?


 Biscuit
 Bread

1. Put a piece of biscuit in your tongue, leave it for a few minutes.

What happen to the biscuit?


What more do you observe?


What do you think made the biscuit , the way it is?


2. Swallow the biscuit.

Where do you think the biscuit go? Outline its passage.

_________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________


Why is digestion important?



Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The digestion of food starts at the:
a. stomach b. intestines c. mouth d. esophagus

2. These are found in the stomach that aids chemical digestion of food.
a. saliva b. enzymes c. protein d. bile

3. The muscular tube that connects the pharynx and the stomach
a. stomach b. intestines c. mouth d. esophagus

4. The main function of this body part that absorb water from the
undigested food.
a. stomach b. intestines c. mouth d. esophagus

5. It controls the discharging of the feces or waste.

a. stomach b. intestines c. mouth d. anus

6. The muscular tube that connects the pharynx and the stomach is
a. stomach b. intestines c. mouth d. esophagus

7. Which of the following is the main function of the large intestine?

a. absorb water b. discharge the feces
c. delivers the food to stomach d. passageway of food

8. Which of the following are the last part of the alimentary canal.
a. rectum and anus b. anus and stomach
c. rectum and stomach d. stomach and intestines

9. The passageway of food.

a. stomach b. intestines c. mouth d. esophagus

10. Digestion of food begins in the _____________

a. stomach b. intestines c. mouth d. esophagus


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