Blood Typing: A, B, AB and O Blood Types

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Blood Typing

A, B, AB and O Blood Types

Blood Grouping

• Transfusion is the transfer of blood or blood

components from one individual to another.
• Infusion is the introduction of fluid other than blood,
for example: saline solution or glucose solution.
• Blood Group is determined by the antigens
(agglutinogens) on the surface of RBCs.
• Antibodies (agglutinins) can bind to RBC antigens,
resulting in agglutination (clumping) or hemolysis
(rupture) of RBCs
• Blood Groups: ABO and Rh
ABO Blood Typing

Blood Antigens (Agglutinogens) on Antibodies (Agglutinins)

Type Red Blood Cells in Plasma

A A Anti-B

B B Anti-A

AB A&B None

O Neither Anti-A & Anti-B
Distribution of ABO Blood Types

Blood % of U. S. % of U. S. African
Type Caucasian American

A 41 27

B 9 20

AB 3 7

O 47 46
ABO Blood Groups

Plasma Plasma Plasma

Blood Transfusion
Prevalence Blood Rec.
O **** Only O
A *** O or A
B ** O or B
AB * All

• If the wrong blood type is used, the person’s own

immune system immediately attacks the donor’s
blood and causes clots and RBC destruction that can
lead to total kidney failure and death.
No Agglutination Reaction

• A person with blood type A can receive

blood from a donor with blood type A.
– The anti-B antibodies in the recipient do not combine
with the type A antigens on the red blood cells of the
Agglutination Reaction
• A person with blood type B cannot receive
blood from a donor with blood type A.
– The anti-A antibodies in the recipient will combine with
the type B antigens on the red blood cells of the donor.
Blood Replacement

• If severe blood loss occurs (>30%), the situation is life

threatening and requires that the lost blood be replaced.

• The infusion of blood requires that the person’s blood type be

Plasma and Blood Expanders

• In order to avoid blood reactions when blood

loss is substantial and there is no appropriate
blood for transfusion, either plasma or artificial
materials can be used to replace volume.

• As long as the expanders have no RBC’s, there

should be no transfusion reaction.
– 0.9% saline
– Human serum albumin
– Altered physiological saline.
Development of the Fetus
• In the early developing fetus, the yolk sac, the liver and
the spleen are forming blood cells.

• By the seventh month of gestation and into adulthood,

only the red bone marrow makes blood cells unless
something happens. Liver and spleen can form blood
cells in adults.

• The fetus makes a different hemoglobin from the adult.

This form is called hemoglobin F and it has a higher
affinity for oxygen than does the adult form.
Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN)

HDN is the most common problem with Rh incompatability.

Development of HDN of the Newborn
• A small quantity of fetal blood leaks across the placenta
into the maternal blood stream.

• If the mother is Rh- and the baby is Rh+, the mother’s

immune system begins to produce anti-Rh antibodies.

• The mother’s antibodies cross the placenta during the

subsequent pregnancy into the fetal blood.

• If the second fetus is Rh+, the antigen-antibody reaction

causes hemolysis of fetal RBCs and it results in HDN.
Treatment of HDN
• If a woman has Rh- and gives birth to a child, or if
she has a miscarriage or abortion, she is given an
injection of anti-Rh antibodies called anti-Rh
gamma globulin or RhoGAM to prevent HDN.

• The antibodies bind to the fetal Rh antigens and

inactivates them if they crossed the placenta
during birth, and the mother’s immune system
does not respond by producing antibodies.
Rh Factor

• Individual with Rh+ if

– Rh+ and Rh+
– Rh+ and Rh- (Rh+ is dominant over Rh-)

• Anti-Rh antibodies of the system are not

normally present in the plasma, but can be
produced if an individual with
Rh - is exposed to Rh+

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