How Do I Use The Cough Assist Machine?
How Do I Use The Cough Assist Machine?
How Do I Use The Cough Assist Machine?
The cough assist machine copies a natural How do I use the cough assist machine?
cough. It slowly sends a large volume of air • Before you start the treatment, wash
to your lungs, like a normal deep breath your hands with soap and warm
when you breathe in (positive pressure). water or use anti-bacterial hand gel.
Then it quickly reverses the flow of air and This decreases the risk of infection.
mucus (negative pressure). The cough assist • Check to make sure the inspiratory
machine makes your cough more effective. (positive) and expiratory (negative)
It helps your airways stay clear, to decrease pressures are set. Start at +20/-20 and
the chance of respiratory infections. slowly increase to +40/-40, or as
instructed by your provider.
Getting Started • Test the machine by taking off the
We will help you to set up the machine and face mask or mouthpiece from the
teach you to make needed changes. You may tubing. Hold the tubing firmly
start with lower pressures to get comfortable against a flat surface.
with the therapy. You should know that the • Turn on the machine.
lower pressures may not be effective. • Set the manual/auto switch to auto.
The unit will then cycle from the
A cough machine breath is made up of an positive to negative pressure and
inhale time, exhale time, and a pause time. back to zero for the pause on its own.
A normal treatment is 4 sets of 5 breaths. • Put the mask or mouthpiece tightly
You may do more or less cough sets. It on your face or in your mouth so that
depends on how well you are clearing no air leaks out. If you use a
mucus. Between each sequence you may rest mouthpiece you may need to use a
for 20-30 seconds or more. This resting time nose clip to prevent air leakage.
gives your caretaker time to remove mucus • As you breathe in, the machine will
in your mouth and nose. help by giving a big breath of air.
This breath will end at the time set
How do I adjust the phases of breathing? on your machine.
Each phase of breathing is set so that you • As you breathe out, the machine will
can get the air in and out of your lungs with help by sucking the air and mucus
comfort and have a pause time to keep out. This helps your cough be much
coughing, if needed. stronger and remove mucus.
1. Set the inhale time knob at 1 second.
• Keep taking a set of 4-6 breaths from
2. Set the exhale time knob at 1 second.
the cough machine. Rest for 20-30
3. Set the pause time knob at 1-2
seconds. Cough out mucus that may
have loosened up.
4. Set the inhale flow knob at the 3
• A well-fitting, soft seal mask is best
squiggly arrows (full flow).
for less leakage. You may need to
support your head from behind
during breaths to help keep your
airway open. Firm pressure may be • Replace the mask if it becomes torn
needed. or if you can no longer keep a good
• If you have a cuffed tracheostomy seal.
tube, inflate the cuff during the
treatment. The mouthpiece must be cleaned after
every treatment. If you use a mask, clean at
How do I change the pressures? least two times a week or more often if
You may change the pressures with help visibly soiled.
from your provider. If you need to lower the
pressures, tell your provider. Controls on the Cough Assist Machine
• Remove the face mask or • Power switch: ‘I’ symbol means on.
mouthpiece. Hold the tubing firmly ‘O’ symbol means off.
against a tight surface. • Inhale: sets how long the positive
• Turn on the machine. pressure is blowing air into the lungs.
• Turn the pressure knob to reach the • Exhale: sets how long the negative
inhale and exhale pressures you pressure is sucking air out of the
want. Turn the inhale pressure knob lungs.
to fine tune the inhale pressure set. • Pause: sets the time between the last
negative pressure and next positive
How do I adjust the flow? pressure.
If you feel there is too much air flow coming • Inhale flow: sets the amount of flow
from the machine when you take a breath in, needed during breathing in. There are
you can turn down the inhale flow. two settings: “full” or “reduced”. If
• Set the inhale flow knob at the one “reduced” flow is used, there is less
squiggly arrow (decreased flow). pressure.
• Inhale pressure/pressure: turn to
How do I clean my equipment? set inhale pressures.
• Wash your hands. • Manual/Auto: controls whether you
• Take off the mouthpiece and wash in want the machine to switch between
dish soap (Ivory, Joy, etc.) and hot pressures on its own, or you want to
water. Do not wash with your dishes. do it by hand.
• Rinse with hot tap water. • Manual control: allows you to
• Air dry on a clean towel until your toggle between inhale and exhale
next treatment. when you are using the manual
• The bacteria filter on the machine setting.
cannot be washed. Replace it when it
is blocked with mucus or trapped Who to Call
moisture. If you have questions about your treatment,
• Unplug the device and wipe the please call you provider.
outside surface with a clean cloth
dampened with water and one of If you have questions about the machine,
these cleaners: contact your equipment provider.
o Mild detergent
o 70% isopropyl alcohol
The Spanish version of this Health Facts for You is #6366
Your health care team may have given you this information as part of your care. If so, please use it and call if you
have any questions. If this information was not given to you as part of your care, please check with your doctor. This
is not medical advice. This is not to be used for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. Because each
person’s health needs are different, you should talk with your doctor or others on your health care team when using
this information. If you have an emergency, please call 911. Copyright © 11/2019. University of Wisconsin Hospitals
and Clinics Authority. All rights reserved. Produced by the Department of Nursing. HF#5306