Water Aerodromes Requirements

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Colombo, Sri Lanka, 29 February to 2 March 2016

Agenda Item 4: Discuss draft water aerodrome standards


(Presented by Australia)


This Information Paper presents the Guidelines for Aeroplane

Landing Areas which includes the requirements for float plane



Date: July 1992 No: 92-1(1)


in command and, in some

circumstances, are shared with the
The information in this publication is aircraft operator.
advisory only. There is no legal
These guidelines set out factors that
requirement to observe the details set
may be used to determine the suitability
out in this publication. The Civil Aviation
of a place for the landing and taking-off
Regulations set out the legal
of aeroplanes. Experience has shown
requirements that must be complied with
that, in most cases, application of these
in relation to the subject matter of this
guidelines will enable a take-off or
publication. There may be a number of
landing to be completed safely, provided
ways of ensuring that the requirements
that the pilot in command:
of the Civil Aviation Regulations are met.
This publication sets out methods that (a) has sound piloting skills; and
may be used and which experience has (b) displays sound airmanship.
shown should, in the majority of cases,
ensure compliance with the Regulations. CANCELLATION
However, before using the information in This is the second issue of CAAP 92-1,
this publication the user should always and supersedes CAAP 92-1(0).
read the Civil Aviation Regulations listed
in the reference section below to ensure REFERENCES
that he or she complies with the legal This publication should be read in
obligations of the Regulations. conjunction with: Civil Aviation
Regulations 92 (1), 93, 233 and 235;
PURPOSE Civil Aviation Orders; and the
Civil Aviation Regulation 92 (1) states Aeronautical Information Publication.
that: “An aircraft shall not land at, or
take-off from, any place unless: ...(d) the HOW TO OBTAIN COPIES OF THIS
place....is suitable for use as an PUBLICATION
aerodrome for the purposes of the Copies of this publication may be
landing and taking-off of aircraft; and, obtained from:
having regard to all the circumstances of Civil Aviation Authority Publications
the proposed landing or take-off Centre
(including the prevailing weather 607 Swanston Street
conditions), the aircraft can land at, or Carlton
take-off from, the place in safety.” Victoria 3053
Regulation 92 (1) does not specify the Telephone (008) 331676
method of determining which (008) 334191
“circumstances”, other than the (03) 342 2000
prevailing weather conditions, should be
considered in any particular case. These CONTENTS
matters are the responsibility of the pilot 1 Definitions p2

CAAP 92-1(1) Guidelines for aeroplane landing areas

2 Conversion table p2
3 Which aircraft may use a
landing area? p2
4 Which types of operations may
be conducted from a landing
area? p2
Figure 1 - Transitional Slope
5 Recommended minimum
physical characteristics of
landing areas and water “obstacle free area” means there
alighting areas p3 should be no wires or any other form of
6 Marking of landing areas p4 obstacles above the approach and take-
off areas, runways, runway strips, fly-
7 Lighting for night operations p4
over areas or water channels;
8 Other factors that should be
“runway” means that portion of the
considered prior to using a
landing area which is intended to be
landing area p4
used for the landing or take-off of
9 Surface testing of a landing aeroplanes;
area p5
“runway strip” means a portion of
1 - DEFINITIONS ground between the runway and fly-over
area which is in a condition that ensures
1. In these guidelines, unless the
minimal damage to an aeroplane which
contrary is stated:
may run off a runway during take-off or
“clearway” means an area in which landing;
there are no obstacles penetrating a
“water alighting area” means a suitable
slope of 2.5% rising from the end of the
stretch of water for the landing or taking-
runway over a width of 45m;
off of a float plane under specific
“float plane” means any aeroplane conditions.
designed for landing or taking-off from
“fly-over area” means a portion of 2. Landing area gradients and splays
ground adjacent to the runway strip expressed as a percentage, in
which is free of tree stumps, large rocks accordance with ICAO practice, may be
or stones, fencing, wire and any other converted into ratios or angles using the
obstacles above ground but may include following table:
ditches or drains below ground level; Percentage Ratios Degrees &
“landing area” (LA) means an area of Minutes
ground suitable for the conduct of take- 1 1:100 0 34’
off and landing and associated 2 1:50 1 09’
aeroplane operations under specific 2.5 1:40 1 26’
2.86 1:35 1 38’
“lateral transitional slope” means a
3 1:33.3 1 43’
desirable area around all LA's which
provides greater lateral clearance in the 3.33 1:30 1 55’
take-off and landing area and may 5 1:20 2 52’
reduce wind-shear when the runway is 12.5 1:8 7 08’
situated near tall objects such as trees 20 1:5 11 18’
and buildings. The dimensions of a
suitable lateral transitional slope are
shown in the following diagram;

Guidelines for aeroplane landing areas CAAP 92-1(1)

3 - WHICH AIRCRAFT MAY USE A ends should not exceed 2%, except that
LANDING AREA? 2.86% is acceptable on part of the
3. Use of landing areas other than runway so long as the change of slope is
aerodromes is not recommended for gradual. For agricultural operations, the
aircraft with a MTOW greater than 5700 slope should not exceed 12.5% for day
kg. and 2% for night operations: where the
overall slope exceeds 2% the runway
4 - WHICH TYPES OF OPERATIONS should only be used for one-way
MAY BE CONDUCTED FROM A operations — downhill for take-off and
LANDING AREA? uphill for landing.
4. Aeroplanes engaged in the following 5.4 Transverse Slope. The transverse
operations may use a landing area: slope between the extreme edges of the
(a) private; runway strip should not exceed 2.5% or
12.5% upward slope over the fly-over
(b) aerial work—excluding student
area. For agricultural day operations,
solo flying and student dual
the transverse slope should not be more
flying prior to successful
than 3% over the runway and 5% over
completion of the General
the runway strip.
Flying Progress Test; and
5.5 Other Physical Characteristics.
(c) charter.
Both ends of a runway, not intended
5 - RECOMMENDED MINIMUM solely for agricultural operations, should
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF have approach and take-off areas clear
LANDING AREAS AND WATER of objects above a 5% slope for day and
ALIGHTING AREAS a 3.3% slope for night operations. Other
recommended landing area physical
5.1 Runway Width. For other than characteristics are shown on the
agricultural operations, a minimum width following diagrams:
of 15 metres is recommended although
aeroplanes with a MTOW below 2000kg
can be operated safely on runways as
narrow as 10 metres provided there is
no or only light cross-wind. For
agricultural operations, a 10 metre wide
runway is the recommended minimum.
5.2 Runway Length. For other than
agricultural operations by day, a runway
length equal to or greater than that
specified in the aeroplane's flight manual Figure 2A - Single engined and Centre-Line
or approved performance charts or Thrust Aeroplanes not exceeding 2000 kg
certificate of airworthiness, for the MTOW (day operations)
prevailing conditions is required
(increasing the length by an additional
15% is recommended when unfactored
data is used). For agricultural day
operations, the minimum runway length
is the greater of 75% of the take-off
distance specified in the aeroplane's
flight manual or approved performance
chart for the prevailing conditions with
the balance as clearway or the landing
distance so specified. Figure 2B - Other Aeroplanes (day
5.3 Longitudinal Slope. The operations)
longitudinal slope between the runway

CAAP 92-1(1) Guidelines for aeroplane landing areas

Figure 3 - Dimensions (night operations)

Figure 4 - Dimensions - agricultural day

operations Figure 6 - Float planes


6.1 Where extended operations are
expected to be conducted at a landing
area, the owner/operator is encouraged
to provide markings similar to those
found at government and licensed
aerodromes. If markings are provided,
Figure 5 - Dimensions - agriculture night they should follow the colours and
operations specifications set out in AIP AGA. A
5.6 Float plane alighting areas. For suitable layout is shown at Figure 7.
water operations, a minimum width water 6.2 Where runway markers are provided
channel of 60 metres for day operations which are not flush with the surface, they
and 90 metres for night operations is should be constructed of a material that
recommended. The depth of water over is not likely to damage an aircraft.
the whole water channel should not be
less than 0.3 metres below the hull or
floats when the aeroplane is stationary
and loaded to maximum take-off weight.
An additional area, as shown in the
following diagrams, provides a protective
buffer for the water channel but need
not consist of water. Where the
additional area consists of water then it
Figure 7 - Typical ALA layout and marking
should be clear of moving objects or
vessels under way. The centre line of a 7 - LIGHTING FOR NIGHT
water channel may be curved, provided OPERATIONS
that the approach and take-off areas are
7.1 The recommended minimum lighting
calculated from the anticipated point of
and layout is as follows:
touchdown or lift-off.

Guidelines for aeroplane landing areas CAAP 92-1(1)

8.4 Geographic Location. A landing

area should not be located:
(a) within the area or in such
close proximity as to create a
hazard to aircraft conducting a
Figure 8 - Lighting for Night Operations
published instrument
7.2 The lights should, under the weather approach, excluding the
conditions prevailing at the time of the holding pattern; or
flight, be visible from a distance of no (b) within any area where the
less than 3000 metres. density of aircraft movements
7.3 Substitution of runway lights with makes it undesirable; or
reflectorised markers is permitted but not (c) where take-off or landing
recommended by the Authority. involving flight over a
7.4 The different types of reflectorised populated area creates an
markers vary in efficiency. Their unnecessary hazard.
luminosity can be affected by a number 8.5 Except in an emergency, the
of factors, including equipment consent of the owner/occupier is
cleanliness/layout, the position/strength required before a landing area may be
of the aircraft landing light(s) and used.
meteorological conditions -— especially
cross winds on final. 8.6 If the proposed landing area is
located near a city, town or populous
7.5 The following lights should not be area or any other area where noise or
substituted by reflectorised markers: other environmental considerations
(a) runway end/threshold corner make aeroplane operations undesirable,
lights; the use of such a landing area may be
(b) lights 90m from each runway affected by the provisions of the
end/threshold; and Commonwealth Environment Protection
(c) lights nearest to the (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974 and
illuminated runway mid-length parallel State legislation as well as other
point. legislation. It is the responsibility of the
pilot and/or operator to conform with
8 - OTHER FACTORS THAT SHOULD these requirements.
BE CONSIDERED PRIOR TO USING A 8.7 A method of determining the surface
LANDING AREA wind at a landing area is desirable. A
8.1 A pilot should not use a landing area wind sock is the preferred method.
or have an aeroplane engine running 8.8 The surface of a landing area should
unless the aeroplane is clear of all be assessed to determine its effect on
persons, animals, vehicles or other aeroplane control and performance. For
obstructions. example, soft surfaces or the presence
8.2 A pilot should not use a landing area of long grass (over 150mm) will increase
without taking all reasonable steps to take-off distances while moisture, loose
ensure the physical characteristics and gravel or any material that reduces
dimensions are satisfactory. For aerial braking effectiveness will increase
work and charter operations the operator landing distance.
should provide evidence to the pilot on
the suitability of a landing area prior to 9 - SURFACE TESTING OF A LANDING
its use. AREA
8.3 Runway lengths calculated for take- 9.1 Rough Surfaces. The presence of
offs and landings should be increased holes, cracks and ruts will degrade
by 50% for agricultural operations on aeroplane performance and handling
one-way runways at night. and increase the possibility of structural
damage. The smoothness of a runway

CAAP 92-1(1) Guidelines for aeroplane landing areas

can be tested by driving a stiffly sprung wheels or high tyre pressure) operations
vehicle along the runway at a speed of are unsafe with a lesser imprint. Testing
at least 75 kph. If this is accomplished with a crowbar should also be done in
without discomfort to the occupants, the several places along the runway to
surface can be considered satisfactory. ensure that a dry surface crust does not
9.2 Soft, Wet Surfaces. A test vehicle conceal a wet base.
as indicated in the table below should be
driven in a zig-zag pattern at a speed
not exceeding 15 kph along the full
length and width of the runway.
Particular attention should be paid to
suspect areas with possibly three
passes over these areas. If tyre imprints
exceed a depth of 25mm the surface is
not suitable for aircraft operations
represented by the test vehicle.
Experience may prove that for a certain
type of aircraft (eg, an aircraft with small


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