(15-00293 258-18) Email Guerrero 1st Liens

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Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 258-18 Filed 12/12/17 Page 1 of 8

From: L.11ry Schnelder
To: edd,e $.gueuero@eh3,e.com
5'!nt: 11/6'2008 ~-08·40 PM
SUbject RE 1,tloen«

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 258-18 Filed 12/12/17 Page 2 of 8

Edd:, .... r

wo•J .. c r~ t1'?lpfu.:. if .:·-.1!:.~•.:in-:- .-:ctr. .s':.ar• '9nt~1·lng the m.i.'33iu? ri:tlu~~ in tt·1~ sprectd.£"h'=1e: S<.'> c:an chec:k tt,,;,~,. i plan to do a thorougt, j<Jt, ana d,;,finltiv,;,1y id<?ntlty ever sing1-,
l!l' f ;·_,r~~J.03-=-·Jt •m.JF"o•"'.'11:·.o val id 11~:i.

T~ '/Cl.• ,

J,.1 !""!-Y Sr-~,ne-i dr-r

~ s A Sap:ta, l~rtt1~r~, Ir-~ .

.... 1 t-1 tn.-: _orpor -=>' r.• B.i v~i

..•u~~:":' J:'C

Poca R1tn):, !L.J 3)~_q

fr.?~! ~61 ~~• ..~-\-,A~:

~-"1·:• rA(TJ' sz.--~~ ..s...,

Prom: ,:id i2. ,: • s. -·m 0 rr,~rc, _\-::,as, . •"(;ffl {m'1 i 1 ~ ,..,: ~n-i! ~-, . ·~. •r•J 0 r rqr-cL~chas,;,. ,7om;
sent: Th1Jr.sda·:, t:o•:i;;rr.b•:"-r c.-·, ~oor,c t:., ~.4- AM

'lo: Laery S.:-hn,1!11.id~r

S~eet: Rr: lzt Li~n~

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00000101

E...-.:~~11-:.•: •, -:n.1.s:" r,,. , I 3.1TI rn='.t:.:..r.\! y:.... ·J ou~. .... --~: .:l -god ~r;>n<J as well l.B m:,t""..in9 !: 1Jr~ th~y urd<?r8~_ctr.d how bi,;1 <:H1d iex~nsiv~ oi a task thls
1. ,...,.-y hi.-1t·:-:-: 1.1r,.·, .c·-
. Thl~ is an impor:~nt for •.h,·
n 1~.~-.•.·· :-r-, .. .i.•>·-i}; LU:--: -¼ "'1 -md 3hotd :i h~lr you g-? 1.: --~ 9r":'=tt .:J~~l ·•

Than•~ '/C'.,

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 258-18 Filed 12/12/17 Page 3 of 8

~.!-·.:--: ..=, Gue-r:-<?r-..-

R.t?al !:.:.:t-1+:i? S':'-:-c·:~r~· ~'W-?!: ·~·i..~01

..·;:!•1i ;.:. •. ·• '! 1Jr-:> r r-: r·t·:.1-i(•n 3E-:":>. ··o!"

r~~: ,: 0 , N:, • ~.1 f

• ("\ .--~:.·'.,-~,~ f.:-:· . -···,1.~:

.. 7 fi:d i::'"1~1'.:. r.:1-.::? h1n:~!" I •~Jc!'.!:, Tl)('l.fl? .,. .:;--=;.=--m, r_,._, h~v~. "
- Tht..•:r:::t.!


"Larry Schneider"

. :1L'bl ] O:':: J ;.:-~

Subjc,-~c. RE: 1st I..i 'clns

t-ro 1.:qr:~ ir: .,:, '>?ll1p~ -::o ::-':'::-1rt .. !",is !r!:or:1inu ,.:.r::..i.riq a:.t) i:;i.ntr/. I -3m hopirig to ao my first r01..ma of e:fu>? ,jili:rem:e just to seJ? if the nam.'? m:1t,-:-hes and they are still t.ne 0\1Yn9r :1.n~
hsv.-:- .~u 6000 .-:-·~~ri,1.J.i ~1·.~d by '. hi2 wie~l-:f'.'-ri·i.. M.:\k":" ~·Jl'•..... tn:'t:'1da4":'!i:•~tlt. ~:now_, th-::- 1nonu.ment.:tl t~;S"k th.i8 12 !ind hew rnu,:h ..n::-1Cha~e- is .!'avlng rath,;:,r tha!: ord.e-r
ing titl~ ~~ar-:he~ the old
f.:1.::hion wa·t' It -:ti:-cut s1r.;i,;1.s~at-~h = :::-:vc,: v •. ·O p!tJs tt1<:' lat-or o! hc1vir1g sorn.l;?one sp-?r:d th-1:' tirne 01•rJ.~r.ing th'? .se::1irches and rt?·:~ivinqiproc~ssing
1:h':':'t. ,..l1Jsr. an 1::1:--:1:ra litt:s arnniunitic:.
fv!. 1...i!.,.-.:.

!' :1 b<? :;:~1t- cf <::h'? -::f:.: :''? Jnttl lJ.t:~ ,:[•,Q.r11oon r.-~Jr will li:-t you Know r.ow r:h.1nas ar'? <1ci:n,1.

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00000102


C.Jr.:..t.:!l ! :1r._;.,.;. . . . -' Ii, _.

t1N -::-;q:c:--'.i .. ~!1 n!·:•1

~ •• ~ t '-1. ,-.

!r1t:"':,, F':. . ~-'•1!•1

r'c-:: A'\l.-q~::,;

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 258-18 Filed 12/12/17 Page 4 of 8

~;: : '7,.:. -4:.,,r

From: .:;r.r-: ·1 i • .. ·• :•;i;,r r0ro1!,-:h,1!:-·. ·---:n irc•-'lil i~ r: .-.,.~,:-1j •" •. ·• a111?r r~ro•.!,:h:;1s.-:•. •c,rr
Sent: tlr-'"!"1i:,.,.·,j'.-'.:,·, :~ :n,.·-:?-rr,b.;.r C ~, -~ r-~:
To: La ~r :: .S ~hr...e.:. :j~r

Slll>ject: RE: l~~ :..,-cr,.c·

,, ... n·--t :".!1Jr.·., r•··•··•i .. t l it,:; ·.-.~r1fl-:-:1-10r1 :1.s .~,.,r.n ':I y.-,q - -=ir~, "'.' h'? ~:.-1 ,n,; 31Jl""h .--,-.n r.;ko;i nr}r.::i. r;_rn,,

Ili Jr.,: ye: ·:, ,

F.•!·I;,, .j•1•?r.rc-r·

K,,~a; ::~:t ,,:t ,_ r·,:.,"{J\'~l'Y ••\.;;•!:.., j .:iV!

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fa:,: GO •.• 8' • : l c:

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fi :.J t:1:J'c. 1:1,-=: n..1r:.:.;-:.-~ l 'w'.:)rL, rf•"l ! 'Cl l..1 I. !;~'Ji.- . ..

- Tho~·i::- ,J(•ff,_•rz,.:i1.

'Larry Schneider··

'll('~,1,2()03 O':: FM - ,-:-

S•,i,,.,,:> !<f'.: Jr,t Lien,

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00000103

J PMC-MRS-00000101
Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 258-18 Filed 12/12/17 Page 5 of 8
th.-, .. , -~('!.nc ;_~ · ;.,:.-: t:~rrn :=.!,-!
"!1'::i:-. H,:-,\:, T:cl:::-h • :rr.,... -·n·,
'i~sc-i t"'1 3. t-·.n<:"t· of :: it:i'? .:m 1J ~F ,, r- ,nd ,:-onvi!'l,-c. -:iy !.nvq.~tl)r3 th,;;t. ;_ ... ,.,. :,. noc,1 •i1:1ai • .lm'l har.dl~ ~1 ... ~r. 0 LC(f,"11 .::i:t!'u,-t•,ri:10 0~ .. h ...
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Sent: ;-;•~· hit.• ·-i:,.·,, !kiv&:f'lb-::-r . -: : -::,; ~-:,,

To: l.J:."ry S.-:hnt?.\ !•?r

Subject : RF: : "'

!~O~lp'l.;'.' -1.-- tLl: tl""i•' •• ,.j .. fjcs'. Li";'n Wal•: fil~.

tr. ·tr ~ v· .,

:d·.::t~-:- ::u-=:r!.''?-r1
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Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-M RS-00000104

J PMC-MRS-00000101
- -,-. . r· t, ,~

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 258-18 Filed 12/12/17 Page 6 of 8


Larry Schneider··

3~t,lie,:': R£: 1,;;t - a:wn

L.: ~ _ E:•:

.-rrE!1' • 1 ~r,.-;
l i z-: '::c•':l.:-c·.:~
.... ,., .-:np~/ (":,r ..:t!l t:n•? R-?al\,::'lll!'St D~.-.a •-"'lrcz: •..d.t:-. r,
~· and .h:n·~lo.surc i~':'".'1 :.nformotion vi ?a f,:,d2~-; for t::-~or,rc;w• '.:'k•liv~ry

vc•. ,

l.):- r-·:· ::'.nf•lJ1c:-:·

!~~• r .

: ,·,1 ?r.1 -:~\:.·~•(.)(";',,t , ··-i

.. :,J: ~.

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00000105

p,---,-.;1 ;_a~: ' r., ,3,?,; :q
F=i::: w, :.,2.-:~ ..~·

From.: Fw!'"'l: ·-''· ·:1:-,:,-··~,,-,..,--:;h.!i::r• •.•·:--•n .. ■ ,.. : r--•-1::::H • • ·• • :·1 l"r ,..""',...,....~ ~h:'1~•--. ,··err,

Sent: ~-;r.,'.fr:t:.t:•i:, ', :-1·,•:-·-r,.~·.:;.r

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 258-18 Filed 12/12/17 Page 7 of 8

To: l 3 rry1:,~;,-:::-1p.:-::: p.i:- .. ;;-:•t ·

SUbject: J.::~. L.i,-o-n:·

!'-!y !.,fl!]·. ,

l!,·.: !"it~·•- -i-=1,..: 1,:;:ilb·:·c 11,,,,l ... in -:·1-.d::11.J !.•.11! •::'>l.:.;t-er.-:u add:-~s~•· S.:m-? v! :1-.i:.:t.;inQ f·Jll 1tb1-:"ss or l'dtr~ , n•:-...~•m• .
fl:_ ;'"" help ou•. l':"-{irrcw'?r and
.i r-t·~ "• 1· • !..t fio?'?'l r- . -;"r. "3 1-.;ic~: 1:t tt1~ :::in~s tli:1•· ;,ct'.''" ... he ir1!0 !Lryr~ Jli•J CIO from th'?l""-.

_an ►, ~•(. I

·.r--:1 .i.:. ;,,lJ-?fr-?r·

·.-:i·:i:., • ~·. :•t;:,.:. :-,..,ro~cL.!t:·· ·. ·c:-

i !".;,. ·-:- f.0 . . ,.,,.;. ,.1.~ .

. J.:. -.:1~ £.-:·. ;11-1

£1:::J rtr3~. :.h.1: t:J!.·l~~ I ....-or!·, n,o.:·-? 1 u.;-:f: l


~ni.2 .. rar;:_:;.:;;sicri rri:(-' •~o~-:."'::-,1n 1rit·:·n·c11-:iori --n~~ iA p:·ivi.:.a:.");<!<?'1 con:loeriti.:,~, 1-?q:il:,.y pr1v11,;.i:i~::., ar1{1'0r ':!X'2!l'I~~ frcn1 iisclosur~ und.;.r .app1i-:-c1olt? la-..:. 1 f yo•J ar~ no: trJe lJ1!·:.~nJ'=:r1
:1;::.:.pi.'?-1.·., ','uu h"::'.:."!~Y/ 111..,1. .a.!i.::·d ":!°:.:\': •lr:y i ... 2;lc,;.11Jr•f, ,:-{..1py ;,,;:, dl.9':ribu:. .:..:;: .. , ,c:r US'= c,f th~
~.!.'? .:.1tf.:..,!·tna"::it:·n ,::::r, 1.-;;1lr.~d n~rei:1 (in<:l•.... d.in? 3.ny r":'liartG':? tt1-:"!.·~on) l~ STR!('':'LY PT<OH~EHTEl.
·•~t::·101nt t1;i~· -:-r,-r.~~mia:;-::.-:1!, ~~:-i-.: .:rn·,: .:-1-:: .. -,,:-hm.::.n".::.~ ?I!"~ t'-C?" .....~--:-Vl?d "> r.-".? f!"''?'3 :,f 3in'l virug or otr.~.r oe!..•?':t :-:tl.nt miqt,-: :"Lff~:t any ~ompu•. .;i.r s:..-stl:.-'fll intc, which it :~ r-?,:-~ive-d an J op.on,;,~, 1 1•
L·3' th~ r~::1r('r;:;:s,it~ L.•.·_: ,,f i-:11 ..... ri-::ipii?n .. -:._, ':2nsur~ ~!,,:it it is vin.1::r- fP""? -1nd no r~sponsH:--i.llty l.:> ac,:;,ept,;,d f'ly ,.!PMorqan thd.:r°- & ,:.·., it!'. sur"-sidi.:tri~, and a[fiJi.1•~.--•.·, as :,,pplL.-::::,r.-t"-',
.ioc-.z- 01· ,,:H;·,~1•J-? :1.ri.1:;.in•1 l:·1 ainy w.:1'/ fr 1_in: it.: '.J~•:- .
ir, r'..> ·:-. n·)Li. -~r :~-1r"'l ~~r··· :..-Jr'':-· • Th•~tn~· '/""li.
i r.;iceiv•~~J this i::ran~rnis::::icin in ~rro~', pl'?dS":' lmm.,s,diat ..~ly eor·.•.:1·:t •1-j-;; s':ndr--r and dJ?~i:.r-~y Uit: mJ'"·.,ri,.u in Lts ~r,-:.ir•YL'_.,

Th'.:: ,.!'r)r.--r-(.~.;;:-'..t·-1, ~1~'/ ,:rmt~i:1 jn!.·.;r"'t'"1t i>)t: fit,'tr: :;..: 11rivL.~-1~•.:, c1'.lnfin':"n~1et., U'-:'q,=i:Lly privl]i=:..-1.;;'1, an:J/.'.">r .t?-:-:~~p·· fr-:iro fL?ciosur&) 1in1i;:.:ir app1icr1th:>-
1nw. rt yo11 ".irt= not -r::··1e int-Pnd,~d
:-~:-~.pit:!r;'., yc-u -'1!·c ht:-n::by rivtlfi,·: 1 -::h,-·t.t: .-1.r:y :L:$~io;::·.1r"', ,:\""JF,Ylr,.1, di.st:rir;1Jt~i(:::., O?: •.: SP t.,f th,:= ill!orm,;1tiori ,::ont~tinea h<?-r~in tir.(:ludinq any r~li3nC~
t.:i9ri?C>n) is STF<"!C-71...Y FROH18ITE:>.
:\ltf:oJ..:::L •.;,is ".r:.:ir._:n:.:..:,;..-:.inr, :1!1rt ~:iy ~ttl•:hr.:it.•n!:s ='!'•.~ t-•..:.:.i.:.=v-ed tc r.•.c- fro::.•':' cf any •:irus- '-'"'r ot~1~r .!•.•f~:.::t t.~.at nilnht ;i!!e:·t .:my ,:1,rr.put~r syst~n, iw::o
it l!! r~:-eJv~,:.i and c~n,::,:, ..i.1_

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00000106

':1r• r~:1p•·~•."'!l..,,: L.t:· ,·f L.11 :-i=->-~!p~•~r.· "~int :t: 'lirus frc".:· ."Ind :i~ rg~pnr1.:".it·:1.;i:-y i~ ":!-·:,... npt..id r:y ,'fMo:.-g.;n C'h.~"'lr. Fr r:
f•>: ~:iy 1-::..<::.':". ···L- :.::.1r:n:.~ :irl.!'in,:, ir-. ar.y w:iy :".z.:-n .:.r:..;' ·.1z-:·. :
511h::;~di,3.~l"'=--.3 an;J aff!li~~-.-~_t.·, -,,!'; ~Pf'H i,: "tt j_.-.,
~ you :::~·~~i·,~'1 :::hi 3 r rar..;•ruission ln <:."-r:.·::·.:., pli;.:ssE> im.."n~diat~ly •~i:...)~:t-:t:-t t L,;c1 .S":'nder ~nd :i-?stroy
-.•h.r,.t'h~r ir, f-,1(.;i•• r"'.•n:,- " ' r :~;=irc--1 •--,r-Y ~nl".tl:l'. TI--..=ml-: \/(1':. lh~ n-1at--;-r la.;. in : t.:! ~n ·. irt:•-~·,

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 258-18 Filed 12/12/17 Page 8 of 8

[t.l~ ":-,...ir..~•·i."1Sj,_~n f"l1"-.' ,-1')1•··_1·:--: infr.1-:,iation -:h:!r l_.,.. 1~r1v1.1~1-=-:, ronfjd 0 riti?.., i.,c.~n~lv
rr1v1 li:::q<-v:, ?1n:v0r 0 '-: 0 !r"P~ fr01n 'Ji.:;--!o~•jr.:. 1m~jr..ir -~nnli,-:-.-:-1hl~ La~;. :r yoq -lf'? r:r .. f'~tC'·
...._..:-iri':'L', :/(.,.'<IJ c:.r•:- h~.:.-,A.~y 111...·t~fh.•...:: :L::t_ d:;y J.:..!•_·:,~.'.,.j!"•:·, •::•;,py:.:,·1, di.!!!:!·.:~.•!Jti,.,:1, ,;.!'
i 9:'.~~~:.~2 ~ rt1r~t-$;~·~·:r,;n~~,~~;~:i;~~!· ~:~rrr;~:,-ir::·; ~1~; 1t;···~~ :r,:;:; ~~:: ~~/) ~~{ ;~;~n;~·b;~~~~ 1;::;.~~~~::1 ;•~"l:·;;M~;!:~~ c~~~~/:~m~~~~r ~;:!~~;:3;
:J~':' c,f th';' ~h!.O!"ttt1ti::i -:-:,,~.l'lln-~1 !i':;'!''!'ln iln,:l 1Jdjnq r-=-Ii.:1:n.-:~ lli~r':!Gni i.!! S7F..!CTI.:.f f-ROH!SI-r::r..
fn:- -:1:;"j h.~s.:.:: ~1 --:.1n·q--? ~ri3i::.':! i:- ar.y i.:a•/ i:.·.:: _i:,.;: :J3~. ;[ yt'IJ r~--=~!.·1':'J ~':,.1.s t:r~r1srnis-sii;.;n
1n ~:.-!"1"'>!,
~~::r~~;G~n~ ra}}1f::;.;~:-•(.\:n:p;~IT~:r\.~.'~ ·. i
pi,;,~1~~ i:1-..tr'.1:>diat_<-?ly ".:'O!';t:.=:t:t '..l:1-=- sl?-nde?r and dl:'~l:1'')\c' th':' :r,at-eri~~ i:-1 _,:,s- ~11':ir-=~-'::,
·h"";•'"::1.1:?t i:1 "":l•?- .. r:-ni-.~ or 1::,:-i ,:-;-,ry :'~"Jrn,;.-. 7t-,.:.n1~: y . . ;.

r:1ls '.:.:-.~r.z;-;•·,l.:.1 :-~1"-)r1 nsy ,:-r)nl::1L1 i;,~;:-,~·7,.:1·.lon. '.ha·. is pri·:1.:.""r.:r~"J., c,~.,nfid,£"n1~il:l-, l~aally
privill?qr,_.j, :J!ld.,or .a:.r..~p--. ircm jL~c1o~ur..;- undl;,.r app..i.L:abl-'? la·..~. rt you 3.r+1 not ~-~ii=:
:-~c.:.pit:>L'-, :.rY.. -3.rE L•~r ..-:,::,y 11ot.if.!.s-d -:t-,-a•. .c1ny .Ji2•::vs·1r--, :-·.~r-,y ... t.;, di.:!:ritut..:,):,, o~ .J.31? .in:4?-t!::kd
of th.-::? ih;oi-rn.3tlor, ,::~::rn~aino?d :1-e-rein (in•::luding 3.ny re-liance U,rtre-cn) is- STP.l.C7:..Y PROH:E:!r.Tt:,.
."-.lU':f:,::?"h i:11.o; ~.r:,;r,::ni.';l~_.:-:".I! t:--;d ~n:,1 ;~•~.-Lm;=•n·.:- :!!.,... r.,..-,li,•:,'.-,f tn :•,· r~~I!~ cf ~n:,-· "J"i;-u.-i
,:ir o':.h'."!" d,--fr::.~t rt'd,:t rnlqh': :,!"f,-.:~. '!i!'l:/ ,;ornput,2-i- .11!.y:st":.-m ,intt:-• wt:!ch lt !.!'" n:r•=r---l•tr.!d .:11nd i,.~n°:,
i.:- ".ll•? rt>sp,·.:i::·H·ilit:: o! -:J1E- r-•'.?•::-ip1-=n~. :o eu.s:Jr--i? •.!Jdt i''. 1-:i ;r
virus f.r~~ arld no r;?spcinsibillt:1 1.s .3;r..:~ptf:-d by .."f•MorQ.ln Cha3~ , c:,:., ltz subsidiaries aud
lo.s~ T)r J.:::.~1.v10 :iri..-:i~n in .:sny ~... -1.y fr::r- tt.~ "J:L•. :; '/.,!J r,1---;:oeivf'.•:J •_!J1.:s- :.ran.:n,f.,:_glnn ~ftili~ti:.::, as 3.ppiic1L-1,_•,
in -?rror, :-Jl~5.!!~ imtnolcl'd.!.-:1!:~ly 1.:-onta<:--t ·.11•~ s~nJ<'-::· d!l:i d&?~tr(';y tb~ rn-3l~r-ij: in ~t:.:.'. entir.;,,t..·/,
·:h, ... Lr:.~ ~!.l":'"•:'':!.'•::r,i,: r i'°"t· ! :n["!Tl;t" . TL;nl-: y ;.

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC

JPMC-MRS- 00000107

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