Resident Evil 4 - Wii Edition (USA) (En, De)

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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (USA) (EN,DE)

Walk fast [Sharkbyte]

48000000 8032E274
DE000000 80008180
14000228 42000000
E0000000 80008000

Invincible (leon and ashley) [Sharkbyte]

48000000 8032E274
DE000000 80008180
12000328 00009D9D
E0000000 80008000

Walk through walls [Sharkbyte]

48000000 8032E274
DE000000 80008180
120002C0 0000C3C8
E0000000 80008000

Leon size modifier [Sharkbyte]

48000000 8032E274
DE000000 80008180

Levitate/Descend [Sharkbyte]
2832FF1A FFF70008
48000000 8032E274
92210000 00000098
86000000 00200000
48000000 8032E274
94210000 00000098
E0000000 80008000
2832FF1A FFFB0004
48000000 8032E274
92210000 00000098
86000000 FFE00000
48000000 8032E274
94210000 00000098
E0000000 80008000
2832FF1A FFFE0001
48000000 8032E274
DE000000 80008180
14000098 BD000000
E0000000 80008000
2832FF1A FFFD0002
48000000 8032E274
DE000000 80008180
14000098 3D000000
E0000000 80008000
48000000 8032E274
DE000000 80008180
140002CC 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Heads spin horizontal dcx2 and [Sharkbyte]

C2099104 00000006
4800000D 3DCCCCCD
3F8E38E3 7D8802A6
C00C0000 C04C0004
C03E06F8 EC2100BA
D03E06F8 819E0008
60000000 00000000

Heads spin vertical dcx2 and [Sharkbyte]

C2099104 00000006
4800000D 3DCCCCCD
3F8E38E3 7D8802A6
C00C0000 C04C0004
C03E06F4 EC2100BA
D03E06F4 819E0008
60000000 00000000

31,999 max for any item in the inventory [dcx2]

04036CD8 38607CFF
0413FD3C 3BA07CFF
C2035410 00000003
7C1DF000 40820008
38600003 5460063E
60000000 00000000

Press 1 + 2 for 31,999 of every item in the inventory [dcx2]

C27721F8 00000005
3D808032 618CFF1A
A18C0000 2C0C0300
4082000C 39807CFF
B1960002 28000001
60000000 00000000

255 (max) ammo per gun [dcx2]

04036B84 386000FF

Sniper rifle doesn't shake when aiming [dcx2]

C20875F8 00000003
38A00000 90A40000
90A40004 7C651B78
60000000 00000000

Hold Z to run 2x faster [dcx2]

C211CF3C 00000006
3D808032 618CFF1A
A18C0000 718C2000
4182000C 3D804000
48000008 3D803F80
919F0298 80030044
60000000 00000000

Enemies are slowed down to 1/8th speed [dcx2]

C21518F8 00000003
2C000000 3D803E00
41810008 3D803F80
91830298 00000000

Shoot through helmets [dcx2]

C209FB18 00000003
800303CC 540005EA
900303CC 3C004330
60000000 00000000
One Shot Kills [dcx2]
0409FFC0 60000000

Damage Divider [dcx2]

C209FF98 00000002
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000

Damage Multiplier [dcx2]

C209FF98 00000002
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000

Prevent shooting if you wouldn't hit anything [dcx2]

C220BDDC 00000004
800D97FC 2C000001
40820010 801D0000
7000F7FF 901D0000
800100C4 00000000

TMP and Red9 always have stock without equipping it [dcx2]

C2036C7C 00000005
A0630010 2C030025
4082000C 38600026
48000010 2C030030
40820008 38600032
60000000 00000000

misses don't reduce accuracy [dcx2]

C2139640 00000003
90048478 90048474
90048470 9004846C
60000000 00000000

Crosshair Color Modifier - Aiming at a valid target (normally red) [dcx2]

00000000 00000000

Crosshair Color Modifier - Aiming at nothing (normally green) [dcx2]

00000000 00000000

Crosshair Color Modifier - Not aiming (normally grey) [dcx2]

00000000 00000000

Hold Z To Aim, A To Run, Press B To Shoot [brkirch]

040870E8 540005EF
042D8610 00000020
042D8618 00000100
042D861C 00000200

Infinite Health - Leon [schmake]

2A32FF1A EFEF1010
04337F24 09600960
E0000000 80008000

Infinite Health - Ashley [schmake]

2A32FF1A EFEF1010
04337F28 03C003C0
E0000000 80008000
Kill Yourself [schmake]
2832FF1A 9FFB6004
04337F24 00000960
E0000000 80008000

Max Pitas [schmake]

04337F18 05F5E0FF

Infinite ammo all weapons [lemmayoshi]

04035E34 38800063

Mercenaries Score Modifier [lemmayoshi]

00000000 00000000

Mercenaries time mod [lemmayoshi]

20332E8C 44040010
043295C8 00FFFFFF
E2000001 00000000
20332E8C 48040010
043295C8 00000001
E2000001 00000000

Infinite Grenades, Rockets, and Arrows [lemmayoshi]

04034DFC 60000000

Infinite ammo (alt) [Tony Hedstrom]

04035E3C 60000000

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