Writing Guideline 26
Writing Guideline 26
Writing Guideline 26
~1ultiplc:: lay-:rsof rr-::nory fc.~.::1 wi<:l diff~.;;;,t ILDs a· ~ t·sua:ly i"ound In t he best qu::t:;ty memory
~o:-om .natrrcsses .
Many n·.zttress com!'a.-11-.:,s •\r,ccltfl-lly chim ;:rat their l'):·oduc.~ :·.~c ..rildr. J.r C;..itada o: th~ U.S. To
cut cos'i.s. ·:rnttres~ cvmpo!l.-;nts art. :moorted f: o:n ~on(i;r ~:a; :1,;:e; ?.nJ ass\!m~'ed in Canadii or
the U.S.
Test are . :1rely fie. forr.1..:J -.>:1 :;·••vort.zc: :nattr~~-s cor.1poo'":1t:; •11(; ther c :s :10 \';ay cr ::r.o•.vi:lJ
--/1;-,t cherr.ica: .. arc 1 serf 1:1 1:1e ·~1t•:·~;'s ~o:npos~ton. Any :1'1r:>1l c:l<!rnlca: odors are masked
:Jr:or to ~ - educt eX;JOrtatlo!l ·,:d·· industrial perfumes, or ev<!o !,r<!cn t~ < extrnts.
Son e mate:·lals .;.ld cr.em:ca:s S{i:l l.t usc abroad 'lw..:- Ll•;c:a i::1:<.::d to cancer, lung disease and
can impair development in the central nervous system :111d brain .
~'s.:ntia's '- .·: . ·:,! ~.-.. ; !'.. '". .r ··7 :s is 80% more breathable t:,,r. co:1•.--e.1tionai ,,,o::~.ory fc1rr. 'I ;d
:us no chemical odor.
If yo::'re health cons~:ous y01:'i: ·.va:1t to co. !~ ::ter < Jr nat urai :r. ·~;nr::y fo1m .natt~P.sses and
~' l :ows. Ess~nt:;;; rr. ;rr:'Jry fo::m '.; tliad t; •.v;i.h i "~: n()~U. a: ::t.~terlai s, so t:-1~ f:nal vc.duct c, ~at7:S
<: rr:ore :Jr~at:lah!,~. corafo:-t tiJ''.. ilealthy sic.:;.~ .:nviro~.n.c.:1t f~~; of ch -:mica: ~ff-gassir:g or
VO('~.. .:)c<.. au.
.:)ee no·."