Warcry Reference Sheet

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At a glance
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The key takeaways are the rules for building warbands, determining battle plans, reserve and initiative phases, and movement and cover.

To determine initiative, each player rolls 6d6 and sorts them into singles, doubles, triples, and quads. Players compare singles totals, and the player with the most singles has initiative. Doubles, triples and quads are ability dice.

During a fighter's activation, they can move, jump, climb or fly their full movement in a single move action. Only the horizontal distance is counted for jumps or flying. Vertical drops of more than 2" cause impact damage.

Moving Normally: •

The player cannot pick a point that would cause the fallen
Setup Battle Rounds During a move action, a fighter can move normally whenever fighter to be placed on or through another fighter or through
Before fighting a battle, each player needs to pick their
Initiative Phase the center of their base is on the battlefield floor or on a a terrain feature. If it is impossible not to do so, and the
platform. When a fighter moves normally, the center of their center of the base of the fallen fighter is on a platform, they
Warband whilst following these restrictions: Each player rolls 6d6 as initiative dice and sorts their pile base must remain on the battlefield floor or a platform at all remain where they are. If the center of the base of the fallen
• 1000 points cap into singles, doubles (2 matching dice), triples (3 matching times, unless they are moving over low terrain. fighter is not on a platform, they are immediately taken down
• 3-15 Fighters & 1-3 Heroes (x) dice), and quads (4+ matching dice). Each subsequent (dies) instead.
1st Hero is Warband Leader initiative phase will begin with you discarding the previous Jumping (down): • If the fallen fighter is now 2” or more vertically lower than
• 0-2 Ally Heroes (x) or ( ) and same Grand Alliance round’s dice. During a move action, a fighter can jump. If they do so, the their location before they fell, they suffer impact damage.
0-3 Thralls (/) and same Grand Alliance • The player with the most singles will have initiative. In fighter moves in a straight line horizontally through the air,
0-1 Monster (,) and same Grand Alliance the event of a tie, players roll off for initiative. and can move any distance vertically downwards through
*Monster goes alone in Dagger, Shield, or Hammer • Doubles, triples, and quads are put to the side as ability the air. If a fighter finishes their move action still in the air,
Disengage Actions
dice. immediately move them vertically downwards until a part of If a fighter is within 1” of an enemy fighter, they can make
Attacker/Defender their base is either on or touching part of a terrain feature or a disengage action to move away. When a fighter makes a
Players roll off and winner picks Attacker/Defender. After initiative is determined, each player is granted a wild the battlefield floor. disengage action, that fighter can move normally up to 3” in any
Defender divides their Warband into the Dagger (9), Shield dice. The wild dice can be used to used to improve your If the fighter moves 2” or more vertically downwards direction, but they must finish the action more than 1” away
(-), and Hammer (0) battle groups, then the attacker does dice selection, or can be held for a later round as they can at any point when jumping, they suffer impact damage at the from all enemy fighters. If this is impossible, the fighter cannot
the same. Warband must be divided as evenly as possible only be used once. The player with initiative determines how end of that move action. use the disengage action and must use another action instead.
into the 3 battle groups (Monster being the exception) their wild dice will be spent before the other player.
• Adding a wild dice to the singles pool can seize the Impact Damage: Wait Actions
Battleplan Decks initiative. Any number of wild dice can be used in this If a fighter suffers impact damage, roll a dice. On a 1,
Separate and shuffle the 4 decks of battleplan cards way. allocate 3 damage points to that fighter. On a 2-3, allocate 1 A wait action can be used in two ways.
separately, then turn over 1 of each to determine the • Adding a wild to an ability dice pool can upgrade that damage point to that fighter. On a 4+, nothing happens. • If a fighter makes the wait action as their last action in their
battleplan. pool (double to triple, triple to double...). A single pool activation, their activation ends. The wait action is used in
may only receive a single wild dice, so a double can’t Climbing: this manner simply when the fighter has nothing else to do.
- Terrain card determines terrain layout. Alternatively, become a quad from 2 wild dice. During a move action, if a fighter is touching a part of a • If a fighter uses the wait action as their first action in their
use no card and 1 player sets up terrain before any other • Save wild dice for a later round terrain feature that is an obstacle, they can begin to climb. activation, the fighter is said to be waiting. Place a wait
battleplan cards are drawn. There must be 2 terrain While climbing, a fighter can move vertically up or down token by the fighter to indicate they are waiting. If a fighter
features in each quarter of battlefield. The other character Once all wild dice have been spent, singles are counted through the air as well as horizontally, but they must stay makes a wait action in this manner, their activation ends,
determines orientation for deployment. again to determine the true initiative, if there is now a tie within ½” of the obstacle they are climbing at all times. but that fighter can be activated once more later in that
and there wasn’t before, then players roll off for initiative. Once a fighter begins to climb, they are said to be climbing combat phase. When that fighter is activated for the second
- Deployment card determines deployment positions until the center of their base is on the battlefield floor or a time, they can only make 1 action in that activation.
Reserve Phase platform, or until they jump or fly. A fighter can finish a move
and reserve round of the Dagger (9), Shield (-), and
Starting with the player with initiative, set up reserve action while climbing, but if they are still climbing when If a fighter activates for a second time in the combat phase
Hammer (0) battle groups. Match the orientation mark ( ) to
fighters wholly within 3” horizontally of their corresponding their activation ends, they fall. as a result of a wait action, they can use 1 ability in their
Terrain ( ) card. Any RND_ refers to the round that unit will
deployment point. Fighters with the Mount runemark (.) cannot climb, second activation even if an ability was used the first time they
deploy. All models must deploy wholly within 3” horizontally
with the exception of climbing stairs. activated. The ability can be used before or after the fighter’s
of their deployment point. Players roll off and the winner
If there is a deployment line, the battle group must be set up action. When a rule or ability refers to ‘this fighter’s activation’,
chooses Red or Blue deployment. The Attacker then deploys
wholly within 3” horizontally of that deployment line. Flying: it means the fighter’s current activation.
their Dagger (9), followed by the Defender. Then, the
Fighters with the Fly runemark (') can fly during a move
players deploy their Shield (-) in the same order, and then If it is impossible to set up for some reason, each fighter
finally their Hammer (0). from the battle group must be set up one at a time as
action. If they do so, the fighter can move through the air Attack Actions
vertically and horizontally, counting only the horizontal
close as possible to their deployment point/line. distance. Flying effectively allows a fighter to pass over Each weapon has 4 characteristics: Range (5), Attacks (2),
- Victory card determines the primary objective and
terrain features and other fighters. Strength (6) and Damage (3).
win condition(s) of the battleplan. If the victory condition
calls for objectives/treasure, set those up now.
Combat Phase Once a fighter begins to fly, they are said to be flying
until the center of their base is on the battlefield floor or a Range (5):
The player with initiative picks who starts, the players take The range of an attack action is a number of inches equal
platform. A fighter cannot end a move action flying.
- Twist card determines a special rule that applies to turns activating a fighter that has not yet been activated. If to the range characteristic of the weapon being used. If there
the battleplan. If the twist requires action to be taken before no fighters are available to activate, then the player must Disallowed Moves: is a minimum and maximum, then the target must fall within
the battle begins, take that action now. pass. When both players pass, the round ends. If a fighter’s move causes them to break any of the that range.
Keep in mind During an activation a fighter can use 2 actions, unlimited
limitations of move actions, it is referred to as a disallowed
Missile vs Melee:
Battlefield floor = Play mat (no terrain) bonus actions, and 1 ability, in any order. Fighters can also • A melee attack is an attack with a weapon that has a
• For example, if a fighter jumped and the vertical distance
Battlefield = Play mat & terrain make reactions during an enemies activation, but it expends Range (5) characteristic of 3 or less.
moved downwards caused them to pass through another
1 of the fighters actions. Abilities will expend the necessary • A missile attack is an attack with a weapon that has a
fighter, this would be a disallowed move.
D66 = Rolling a single d6 twice, the first roll taking the tens dice pool. Range (5) characteristic greater than 3, including any
Fighters cannot make disallowed moves.
place, and the second taking the ones place. For example, weapon with a max range greater than 3.
rolling a 3 and then 5, would be 35. The 4 action types are Move, Attack, Disengage, and Wait.
Roll off = Each player rolls a d6 and the highest result wins Actions There are a few situations that can cause a fighter to fall.
• If a fighter ends a move action with the center of their
To make an attack action with a fighter, follow these steps:
1. Pick a Weapon & Target
the roll off. In the event of a tie, roll off again. Move Actions base not on the battlefield floor or a platform, and they • Pick 1 weapon and 1 visible enemy fighter within
A fighter may move up to its MOVE characteristic in inches are not climbing, that fighter falls. Range (5) to be the target of the attack action.
Re-Rolls = Some rules may allow a re-roll of dice, however no
in a single move action, adhering to the rules below. • If a fighter is still climbing when their activation ends, they • If there are any enemy fighters within 1” of the attacking
dice roll can be re-rolled more than once.
fall. fighter, one of those enemy fighters must the target.
Visibility = If a line can be drawn between the two models • There are 4 types of move that can be used in any • Fighters may fall as a result of being attacked near the • You can’t perform a missile attack against an enemy within
without passing between terrain features or other fighters combination: move normally, jump, climb, and fly. edge of a platform 1” of a member of your warband.
then there is visibility. If in doubt, try to look through the • A fighter cannot move through other fighters or any part If a fighter falls -
of a terrain feature. • The opposing player picks a point on a platform or the 2. Roll to Hit
model’s eyes to see the target (excluding base). Fighters are
• No part of a fighter can move over the battlefield edge. battlefield floor that is within 2” horizontally of the fighter • Roll a number of dice equal to the Attacks (2) characteristic
not visible to themselves.
• A fighter cannot start a move action if they are within 1” that has fallen and that is vertically lower than the fighter of the weapon being used.
Sequencing = If in doubt, combat to activating fighter, other of any enemy fighters. They must make a disengage action that has fallen. The fallen fighter is then placed with the • Determine misses, hits, and critical hits by comparing the
phases to priority, or finally roll off and winner chooses. instead if they wish to move away. center of their base on that point. Strength (6) of attack and Toughness (7) of target.
Archways & Doors
Strength (6) vs Miss Hit Critical Abilities Reactions Fighters can move normally through doors and archways, even
Toughness (7) Hit
if the model or its base is too large to fit, or a door is closed.
• Each fighter has a set of unique abilities from their faction Each reaction expends 1 action and states when the fighter • Mounts (.) and Monsters (,) can’t move through archways
Strength is greater than 1-2 3-5 6 as determined by the runemarks on their profile, along can make the reaction. This is also the point when the
Toughness • Mounts (.), Monsters (,), and Beasts (s) can’t move
with 5 universal abilities. fighter’s player must declare that the fighter will make the through closed doors.
Strength is equal to 1-3 4-5 6 reaction.
Toughness • A fighter can use 1 ability anytime during their activation. Bespoke Terrain
For a fighter to be able to make a reaction, at least one of When using unique terrain, discuss what the terrain types will
Strength is lower than 1-4 5 6 • Once a fighter has used an ability, discard the ability dice the following must be true: be with your opponent before the game.
Toughness used for that ability. Larger pools can be used for smaller • The fighter has not activated yet in the battle round.
abilities (triple expended for a double ability). • The fighter has activated but they are waiting. Cover
3. Total Damage
If a fighter is in cover, add 1 to their Toughness characteristic
The Damage (3) characteristic of a weapon has 2 values, • If a rule refers to the value of an ability, this refers to the No more than 1 reaction can be made for each action an for the duration of that attack action.
separated by a slash (/). These are the damage values for a score shown on the ability dice used for that ability. For enemy fighter makes and a fighter can’t react if they don’t
(Hit) / (Critical Hit) example, if a player has a [double] consisting of 2 ability have an action to expend. Obstacles
dice with the score of ‘5’ shown on each ability dice, the To determine if a target fighter is in cover due to any obstacles,
4. Allocating Damage
value of that ability is 5. Terrain draw an imaginary line between the closest points on each
Once the damage of an attack action has been determined,
Obstacles fighter’s base (for rules purposes, the line is considered to be
the damage is allocated to the target fighter.
The most common type of terrain is an obstacle. An 1mm wide). If the line passes through an obstacle, the target
Universal Abilities obstacle is any part of a terrain feature that prevents a fighter is in cover. If the fighters are more than 1” away from
fighter from moving horizontally and that extends vertically each other, do not count parts of obstacles within ½” of the
[Double] Rush: Add 1 to the Move characteristic of this fighter until the end of their activation. 1” or more. fighter making the attack action.

[Double] Onslaught: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by this fighter until the end Low Terrain Platforms
of their activation. Any part of a terrain feature that extends vertically less than When a fighter on a platform is targeted by an attack action,
1” is known as low terrain. When a fighter moves normally, they are in cover if the fighter making the attack action is 2” or
[Triple] Respite: A fighter cannot use this ability if they are within 1” of any enemy fighters. Remove a number of more vertically below the target fighter.
damage points allocated to this fighter equal to the value of this ability. they can move without penalty. Low terrain is treated as

[Triple] Inspiring Presence: Pick a visible friendly fighter within 6” of this fighter that has not activated yet this
part of the battlefield floor or the platform upon which it is Objectives & Treasure
x battle round. You can activate that fighter immediately after this fighter’s activation ends. Objectives, Treasure, and Tokens can we walked over and stood
Platforms upon, and all measurements are from the center of token.
[Quad] Rampage: This fighter can make a bonus move action. Then, they can make a bonus attack action. A platform is a horizontally flat surface on a terrain feature
with a surface area larger than 1” by 1”. CONTROLLING OBJECTIVES
Universal Reactions Control is given to player with the most fighters within 3” at
Counter: A fighter can make this reaction after they are targeted by a melee attack action but before the hit rolls Falling Off Terrain the end of the battle round. Once a player gains control of an
are made. For each hit roll from that attack action that misses, allocate 1 damage point to the attacking fighter. For When a fighter within ½” of the edge of an open platform objective, they control it until the enemy takes it.
each hit roll of 1, allocate 2 damage points to the attacking fighter instead. (i.e. an edge that is not enclosed by an obstacle, such as a
wall) is targeted by an attack action, their controlling player CARRYING TREASURE
Take Cover: A fighter that is in cover (pg 17) can make this reaction after they are targeted by a missile attack must take a falling test for them after the attack action has At any point during a move, a fighter within 1” of treasure
action but before the hit rolls are made. After the hit rolls have been made, roll a dice for each critical hit. On a been resolved. To take a falling test for a fighter, roll a dice. can pick it up and is now carrying it. A fighter can only carry
4+, that critical hit becomes a hit instead. Fighters with the Mount runemark ( ) cannot make this reaction. On a 1, the fighter falls. Fighters with the Fly runemark (') 1 piece of treasure. Subtract 2” of from the movement of a
are not effected. fighter, to a minimum of 3”. Fighters can’t Fly (') or Disengage
Strike Them Down: A fighter can make this reaction when a visible enemy fighter within 1” of them makes a dis-
while carrying the treasure. Fighters with the Monster runemark
engage action but before that fighter moves away. Roll a dice. On a 4+, allocate D6 damage points to that enemy Deadly Terrain (,) or Beast runemark (s) can’t carry treasure.
fighter. Spiked walls and fences, including those made from jutting
Monster Hunting Abilities rib bones, are deadly terrain. Deadly terrain is treated as Dropping Treasure
an obstacle, but when a fighter begins to climb it, allocate Treasure is dropped within 1” horizontally and level or lower
[Double] Binding Ropes: Pick an enemy monster within 1” of this fighter and roll a number of dice equal to the D6 damage points to that fighter first. In addition, when a than fighter vertically by the controlling player.
value of this ability. For each 4+, subtract 1 from the Move characteristic of that monster (to a minimum of 3) until fighter is placed after falling, if they are placed within 1” • Can be dropped as an action.
the end of the battle. of any deadly terrain, allocate D6 damage points to that • Dropped when fighter is taken down.
[Triple] Go for the Eyes: If the next attack action made by this fighter this activation that targets an enemy monster fighter.
scores any critical hits, subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic (to a minimum of 1) of attack actions made by
Unscalable Terrain
that monster until the end of the battle. Monsters (,)
Statues, braziers, tree branches, foliage, and Fountains
[Quad] Taunt: Pick a visible enemy monster within 6” of this fighter and roll a number of dice equal to the value of are all unscalable terrain. Unscalable terrain is treated • Are placed in a single battle group by themselves.
this ability. If a 4+ is rolled on any of the dice, then until the end of the battle round or until this fighter is taken as an obstacle, except fighters cannot climb or move on • Are deployed within 3” instead of wholly within 3”.
down, attack actions made by that monster must target this fighter. unscalable terrain. If a fighter ends an action on unscalable • Activate 3 times in a battle round, but only have 1 action, 1
terrain, they first suffer impact damage and then they fall. ability, and can’t make reactions.
Monster Abilities • Can climb and jump like any other fighter. If at the end of
[Double] Monstrous Reach: Until the end of this monster’s activation, do not count the vertical distance when Stairs and Ladders a move action its base is not wholly on a platform or the
, measuring the range for attack actions made by this monster. Stairs and ladders are treated as obstacles, with the battlefield floor, it falls. When a monster falls, any part of
following exceptions: the monster’s base can be placed on the point picked by
[Triple] Drag and Maul: Pick a visible enemy fighter within 6” of this monster. Remove that fighter from the • Fighters that finish their activation climbing stairs or your opponent instead of just the center.
, battlefield and set them up within 1” of this monster. Then, roll a number of dice equal to the value of this ability. ladders do not fall and can remain part way up. If it • Monsters themselves each have their own ability table and
For each 4+, allocate 3 damage points to that fighter. is not possible to physically place the fighter in their access to universal monster abilities, but can’t use normal
[Quad] Demolishing Rampage: Pick a terrain feature within 1” of this monster. In an order of your choice, place current location, make a note of where they are. universal abilities.
, each objective, treasure token and fighter that is on that terrain feature, and on any other terrain feature that is on • When an attack action targets an enemy fighter that has
ended their activation climbing stairs or ladders, the If any monsters are in play, all fighters except the monsters
that terrain feature, on the battlefield floor in a location of your choice as close as possible horizontally to its cur-
target fighter must take a falling test after the attack themselves and fighters with the Beast runemark (s) can use
rent location. Then, in an order of your choice, each fighter placed on the battlefield in this manner suffers impact
action has been resolved. the universal monster-hunting abilities.
damage. Then, remove the terrain feature(s).
• Fighters with the Mount runemark (.) can climb stairs
When a fighter flies, only the horizontal distance counts towards the total
This fighter makes a dramatic jump over an enemy fighter with their first distance they can move. This allows a flying fighter to hop over intervening
action, ready to strike with their second. terrain and other fighters with ease.

When making the jump, only the horizontal distance counts towards the total
distance the fighter can move. However, after the jump, as the fighter has
moved more than 2” vertically downwards, they first suffer impact damage.

Even if one of your fighters is unable to reach an enemy fighter on a platform,

they may still be able to attack them. In this example, the Rotmire Creed
fighter is blocking the edge of the platform, so the Horns of Hashut fighter
uses their first action to climb the tree and ends that action still climbing.
Although the edge of this fighter’s base hangs over the edge of this platform, They then use their second action to attack the Rotmire Creed fighter. At the
this is an allowed move because the center of their base has remained on end of their activation, the Horns of Hashut fighter falls because they are still
the platform at all times. This enables models with larger bases to still use climbing, but at least they were able to strike at the enemy beforehand!
walkways and small platforms.

Measuring climbs is simple even for obstacles with complex surfaces, such
As a fighter can move normally, jump, climb and even fly all in the same as trees. As the fighter moves through the air, with the only restriction being
move action, it allows players to get creative with their fighter’s movement. that they must remain within ½” of the obstacle they are climbing, you do
This fighter climbs up the trunk of this tree before jumping across onto the not have to measure every nook and cranny on the surface of the obstacle the
platform to the right. fighter is climbing.
These two fighters are in cover from each other. This is because a straight
line drawn between the closest parts of their bases will pass through the
skull, which is an obstacle.

It is important to note the line drawn must pass through an obstacle and not
simply over it. These two fighters are not in cover from each other because
while a straight line drawn between the closest parts of their bases passes
over an obstacle, it does not pass through an obstacle.

In this example, the fighter on the platform is in cover from the fighter on the
battlefield floor because they are more than 2” vertically higher

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