Human Behavior-WPS Office
Human Behavior-WPS Office
Human Behavior-WPS Office
Definition of Terms
• Automatic Cues or Fixed Action Responses - these are responses that are usually found or used among
animals when you instruct them to do something.
* For example, in an animal show, animal trainers use a whistle to elicit a specific response from an
•Anxiety - a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.
•Avoidant Personality Disorder - experience long-standing feelings ofinadequacy and are extremely
sensitive to what others think about
them. These feelings of inadequacy leads to the person to be sociallyinhibited and feel socially inept.
Because of these feelings ofinadequacy and inhibition, the person with avoidant personalitydisorder will
seek to avoid work, school and any activities thatinvolve socializing or interacting with others.
People with borderline personality disorder are also usually veryimpulsive, oftentimes demonstrating
self-injurious behaviours (risky
Conditions and Factors that surrounds and influences an individualthat can cause certain behaviour
1. Environment
2. Society
3. Heredity
4. Learning
• Courier - the person(s) delivering the concessions(s), which, purports to be, that being demanded by
the offenders.
• Criminal Behaviour - is intentional behaviour that violates a criminalcode; intentional in that it did not
occurs accidentally or under duress.
• Criminal Psychiatry - a branch of psychiatry that deals with theevaluations, prevention and cure of
criminal behaviour.
• Criminal Psychology - a branch of psychology that deals with the studyof behaviour and mental
processes of the criminal.
• Criminal Siege - is a result of a perpetration of crime that went wrong and the criminals were trapped
or cornered by law enforcers. Inmany cases, hostage taking is violent and unplanned.
• Criminal Sociology - a branch of sociology that studies about thecriminal and to its relation to the
social structure of organizationof society as well the process on how the criminal learn the
behaviour,both criminal and non-criminal.
• Crisis - Any situation that is threatening or could threaten to harm people or property, seriously
interrupt operations, damage reputationand/or negatively impact the bottom line.
• Crisis Intervention - focuses on studying an individual’s life inorder to defuse the destructive effects of
the unusual stress beingexperienced, and then assisting the individual in crisis to go backto his or her
normal condition before the crisis.
• Crisis Management - is the expert handling of a situation to reduce oreliminate danger or destruction.
• Crisis Negotiation - the use of communication techniques and strategiesto influence a person to
change his/her behaviour in accordance withgoals within legal, ethical and moral constraints.
Crisis Negotiation - the use of communication techniques and strategiesto influence a person to change
his/her behaviour in accordance with goals within legal, ethical and moral constraints.
2. Secondary Negotiator - (Backup) assists the primary negotiatorby offering advice, monitoring the
negotiations, keepingnotes, and ensuring that the Primary Negotiator sees andhears everything in the
proper perspective.
3. Intelligence Liaison/Recorder - interviews individualsassociated with the suspect to compile a criminal
historyand a history of mental illness, as well as to gather otherrelevant information. He is also in charge
of the recordingsof all conversations.
4. Negotiation Team Leader - the most senior member of the teamact as a leader. His primary
responsibility is to act as abuffer between command personnel and the Negotiation Team.He/She
advises the Incident/On-Scene Commander on the bestnegotiating strategies and co-ordinates the
process with theSWAT and the forward command resources.
5. Board Negotiator - he/she maintains a visual display of all information relevant to the negotiations,
i.e. deadlines,demands and details of persons known to be in the stronghold.
• Deadlock - means no deal and no agreement—in other words, failure ofthe negotiation.
• Debriefing - shall be conducted after each positive police action toevaluate and study operational
lapses. Proper assessment of the
• Delusion - is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.
to others, because the person fears they can’t live their liveswithout the help of others.
b. Diminished interests
d. Insomnia or hypersomnia
g. Lack of concentration
h. Thoughts of death.
• Deviant Behaviour - a behaviour that deviates from the norms andstandards of the society. It is not
criminal behaviour but it has the tendency to become abnormal behaviour, it will becomecriminals
when it violates the provision of the criminal law.
• Empathy - is the ability to understand and share the feelings ofanother. It is where the negotiator tries
to perceive theemotional state or condition of the subject and feedback aresponse that demonstrates
his/her understanding of the
• Hostage - an individual who has been held by the perpetrators againsthis/her will.
• Hostage-taker(s) - an individual or group of person who hold anotherperson(s) against his/her/their
will as bargaining chips for purposesof demanding certain amount of money, self-protection, thwarting
anypolice action, or pursuing personal interest or that of the generalpublic.
•.Hostage Taking - is a situation that set of circumstances wherein asuspected law violator is holding a
person in captive by the use of
• Hot Debrief - short debriefing conducted by negotiating team prior toturn over to another set of
negotiating team.
• Human Behaviour - is refers to the manner, the way in which a human react to his environment.
• Illusion - is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brainnormally organizes and interprets
sensory stimulation. Though illusions distort reality, they are generally shared by most people.
• Inside Agent - a person who is in any advantageous position (e.g.employed by the victim or victim’s
organization) which allows themto gather intelligence or carry out counter surveillance on behalfof the
• Kidnapper(s) - an individual or group of persons who kidnapped or held another person against his/her
will as bargaining chips for purposes ofdemanding certain amount of money, self-protection, thwarting
anypolice action, or pursuing personal interest.
• Learned - an operant behaviour which involves cognitive adaptation thatenhances the human being’s
ability to cope with changes in theenvironment and to manipulate the environment.
• Narcissistic Personality Disorder - is characterized by a long-standingpattern of grandiosity (either in
fantasy or actual behaviour), anoverwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack
ofempathytoward others. People with this disorder often believe they are ofprimary importance in
everybody’s life or to anyone they meet.
• Neighbourhood Check – the process of getting information from a personwho knew the victim
particularly in the neighbourhood with thepurpose of obtaining material information about the victim
andprobable suspect.
person's mind.
• Pay-off – the act of exchanging an agreed amount between the family andthe kidnappers at a
designated time and place for the safe release ofthe victim.
• Personality Disorder - is not a mental disorder. Individuals withpersonality disorders can function in
the world to a high level, e.g.
look after themselves, business, finance, etc. However, they fail tofunction normally in terms of their
relationship with other people. They have dramatic/aggressive clusters of behaviour.
2. Selfish, no loyalty
4. Sexually experimenting
12.Excessive/exorbitant and
13.Changing demands
15.Seeks attention/audience
* Phases of a Crisis
1. Pre-Incident Phase - is the period of time prior to an incidentoccurring. This Phase consists of the
a. Prediction - determination of what incident is going to occurand when it is going to occur, is the key to
minimizing theeffects of the incident.
b. Prevention - the best way to minimize the damage done by anincident is to prevent it from occurring.
Not all incidents arepreventable like natural disasters. Some preventable incidentsmay be detected too
late to prevent them.
c. Preparation -
2 Forms of preparation
2. Incident Occurrence - is the instance in time at which the incidentoccurs or starts to occur if it has not
been prevented.
3. Post-Occurrence Phase - during this phase, the incident may get worse. This Phase consists of the
a. Recognition
b. Response
1. Initial Response
2. Consolidation
3. Stand down
c. Recovery
d. Investigation
4. Post-Incident Phase - incident is likely to have a finite lifetime.Most incidents will conclude without
intervention. However, without intervention the effects of the incident may be worse or theincident
may last longer. This Phase Consist of the following:’
a. Restoration - once the incident is over, normality returns overa period of time which can take months
or years for very severeincidents.
b. Investigation - may be performed after the incident concludesto provide information and evidence for
any hearing, inquiries and criminal prosecution.
c. Post-Incident Discussion Activities - activities includeimmediate incident debriefs and other types of
incidentdiscussions occurring some time after the incident concludes.The aim of the debriefs is to
identify areas for improvement.
• Phobia - is an overwhelming and unreasonable fear of an object orsituation that poses little real
danger but provokes anxiety andavoidance.
•Proof of life - positive proof that the hostage is alive, obtainedfrom a reliable or verified source.
•Psychotic – (Paranoid Schizophrenic) is a mental disorder which meansthat individuals affected cannot
function in the world adequately ona day-to-day basis. They see the world as disorder and they
aredesperately trying to make sense of it. They have odd/eccentric clustersof behaviour and fear/terror
may be their underlying emotion.
1. Disorganized Thinking
• a. Delusions, false beliefs – often of persecution orgrandeur despite evidence to the contrary.
5. Disoriented/confused/paranoid
• Rapport - a close and harmonious relationship in which the peopleconcerned understand each other’s
feelings or ideas and communicate.
• Schizoid Personality Disorder - is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social
relationships, a tendency towards asolitary lifestyle, secretiveness, and emotional coldness.
• Schizophrenic - is an individual who has no contact with reality.He/She is usually characterized by the
a. He/She is a psychotic;
c. He/She exhibits symptoms such as,hallucinations, voices, obscenelanguage, giggling, self absorbed
smile and sudden breaks in flow of thinking.
•Stockholm Syndrome - term that refers to a situation during hostagetaking where the victim develops
rapport and becomes sympathetic withhis/her captor.
• Stronghold - any location or structure, fixed or mobile, where the hostage is being held.
•Suicide Intervention - the use of communication techniques and strategies to influence a person to
change behavior and reconsiderhis desire to commit suicide.
operational value.
offenders to respond.
• Victim Communicator - the individual communicating directly with thepeople making the threat(s),
demand(s) or issuing instructions.
• Victimology – the process of obtaining a detailed account of thevictim’s lifestyle and personality that
can assist in determining the
nature of the disappearance, the risk level of the victim, and thetype of person who could have
committed the crime. It also includescomplete information regarding the victim’s physical
description,normal behavioural patterns, family dynamics and known friends andacquaintances.