Group 2 Dispute

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-punishable under Republic Act 9372 or the Human Security Act of 2002.
is a threat or actual use of force or violence for political or other purpose,
to foster fear,insecurity, distrust, and unrest among a specific group or
general population.
Under RA . 9372 - any person who commits an act punishable
under any of the following provisions of the Revised Penal Code:

• Article 122 (Piracy in General and Mutiny in the high seas or in the
Philippine Waters)
• Article 134 ( Rebellion or Insurrection)
• Article 134-a (Coup de e Etat) including acts commited by private
• Article 248 (Murder)
• Article 267 (Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention)
• Article 324 ( Crimes Involving Destruction , or under
• Presedential Decree No. 1613 (The Law on Arson)
• Republic Act no. 6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear
Waste Control Act of 1990)
• Republic Act No. 5207( Atomic Energy Regulatory and Liability Act of
• Republic Act No. 6235( Anti Hijacking Law )
• Presedential Decree No. 532 (Anti Piracy and Anti highway Robbery
Law of 1974)
• Presedential Decree no. 1866
1. National Terrorist- a terrorist who operates and aspires to
political power primarily within a single nation.
2. Transational Terrorist- operates across national boarders ,
whose actions and political aspirations may affect individual of
more than one nationality.
3. International Terrorists- controlled by , and whose actions
represent the national interest of a sovereign state.
• State-Sponsored Terrorist- terrorists acts on a state or government by a state or
Ex. Al-Qaeda, PLO, ISIS
• Dissent Terrorist- terrorist groups which have rebelled againts their government
• Terrorists ( LEFT and RIGHT)- terrorist groups rooted in political ideology.
Ex. Irish Republican Army(IRA), CPP-NPA, U.S. Patriot Movement.
• Religious Terrorism - terrorist groups which are extremely religiously motivated.
Ex. Al-Queda, ISIS, Jemaah Islamiya (JI)
• Criminal Terrorism - terrorist acts used to aid in crime and criminal profit.
Ex. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), Abu Nidal Organization.
• Lone-Wolf Terrorist- someone who prepares and commits violent acts alone, outside of
any command structure and without material assistance from any group.

• Minority Nationalistic Groups- groups fighting and majority of the

community where the support base will depend one ethnic,
religion,linguistic minorities at odd with the majority community.
• Marxist Revolutionary Groups - here, the terrorists’ movement is
characterized by its possesion of coherent Marxist ideology and a long
term strategy for bringing about the socialistic revolution.
• Anarcist Group- True Anarcist are difficult to find since true anarchy brings
lawlessness and dis order, which is not a natural stae in which the human
race exists.
• Pathological Groups - problematic individuals who grouped together for
some terrorist activities for emotional satisfaction.

BOMBING - Delivery to target is done through Vehicle Bomb-booby traps

with attached devices, Laid Charges-bomb plates, Projected bombs-
launched from riffles by a mortal device, Postal / mail bombs
ARSON - This is used to destroy or to disrupt public utilities, political HQs
and industrial facilities.
HIJACKING - Hijacking and skyjacking are commonly used by terrorists.
The hijack supply, ammunitions, fuel cargoes, and vehicles to provide them
to gain entry to a close military area, skyjacking of commercial aircraft to
gain publicity or to ask demands.
ASSASSINATION - The oldest but the commonly used terrorist tactic where
targets are often police or military officials, or political features and they
always claim responsibility of assassination.
AMBUSH - This is a well-planned, well thought-out, properly rehearsed and
precisely executed operation. The terrorist has time on his side and will
spend considerable time preparing for an operation.
KIDNAPPING - Kidnapping for ransoms is the most common form of this
tactic. The victim is normally confined in a secret hideout and kidnappers
make material demands.
HOSTAGE TAKING - The hostage-taker confronts the authorities and
openly holds the victims for ransom. His demands are more than just
material in nature.
ROBBERIES/EXTORTIONS - Terrorist operations are expensive. To help
finance their activities, terrorists rob banks and armored vehicles carrying
large sums of cash. Bank robberies are also used as graduation exercises
for terrorist training programs and viewed as a tactical operation.
In hostage situation, the general tendency of Hostage Taker, is to focus their
attention on prominent personalities to gain much needed leveragein the
In hostage situation, the authorities are faced with individuals or groups of
individual with psychological mentality, commitment, behavior stress and
behavioral intolerance of varying degree - aggravated by the unpredictability
of human behavior.

in dealing with hostage situation, the priorities are to -

1. preserve lives
2. apprehend the captors, and
3. recover or protect properties.
2. Crisis Stage - In this stage, when negotiation attempts are being
initiated by the crisis negotiator. Outrageous demands and unpredictable
emotion are marked or commonly noted in the hostage taker. There is still a
great deal of danger since hostage taker try to consolidate their positions.
(3) problems:
• Isolation
• Claustrophobia
• Sense of time

3. Accommodation tage - This is distinguished by boredom, and with

moments of terror. Though is considered as the longest yet is the most
tranquil. In the crisis stage, and even in the alarm stage, hostages are
considering escape options but in the accommodation stage, their initiative
and planning are narrowed since captors has increased control over them.
4. Resolution Stage - This is the stage when the hostage taker is being
stressed out or fatigued of the setuation. He is seemingly losing interest of
the situation and lost most of his bargaining points. Tension between the
hostages, hostage taker and the crisis negotiator are notably low. It should
be regarded also that the crisis intervention techniques of the negotiation
team have increased.
It is a must that a police officer who first arrived at the scene has the
necessary skill to determine what type or personality of the hostage taker is.
This does not mean that he must diagnose the perpetrator. In assessing the
situation, one must be able to determine and know the two kinds of
1. Instrumental behavior - those who are engaging in this kind of behavior
are having goals to obtain or to be fulfilled. Generally, hostage takers of
instrumental behavior are criminal types and intervention usually needs
bargaining. E.g barricaded criminals, or other organized crime groups.
2. Expressive behavior - this kind of behavior is characterized by their
attempt display power. to Those who engage in this kind are emotionally
disturbed individuals. E.g. mentally insane, etc.
• Mentally Disturbed - This group suffers from different kinds of
psychological maladies. They may or may not in touch with reality. A
mentally disturbed individual may be a loner, act in accordance with non-
existing irresistible force, or on a false belief or a stimulus.
• Psychosis - is a gross and persistent falsification of conventional reality
that leaves the person unable to manage conventional reality with any
degree of effectiveness.
• Delusion - is the faulty belief that is motivated primarily by the individual's
needs and wishes and in fact, has no basis.
• Hallucination - is manifested in a visual image that is quite vivid and real
to the individual who experiences it.
• Paranoia - is a set of fixed delusional beliefs that are accompanied by
clear and orderly thinking outside the delusion system. Paranoia
manifests itself. A paranoid has been described as "vigilant suspicious,
us, distrustful, insecure, and chronically anxious".
• Schizophrenia- is a thinking disorder. Expert says that, approximately 80
percent of the mentally ill of the population are schizophrenic. There are
subcategories of this kind of mental disorder, the catatonic state and the
hebephrenic state. Catatonic state is demonstrated by the patient's rigidly
held position for some interminable period of time, while Hebephrenic state
is when the subject acts childlike and silly.
• Neurosis - is suffered by a person if most likely to be observed in a
continuous state of anxiety. Erratic behavior would more than likely be
displayed by reaction to anxiety in the form of ego defense mechanism
such as rationalization, projection or displacement. The signs and
symptoms are shaking uncontrollably and depression without explanation.
• Manic depressive personality - Depressed individuals are in an
incapacitated mental state. He may frequently know the hostages and the
latter might be the cause of his depression. Negative outlook in life, feeling
unworthy, slow speech, suicidal and unpredictable and extremely
dangerous are the characteristics of this type of mentally disturbed. To a
one who is a suicidal type, he might inflict harm of even kill one of the
hostages and the police will be forced to shoot him.
• Inadequate Personality - This is a type of person that displays attention-
seeking behavior. Hostage taking is his action to prove himself or his
• Anti-Social Personality - Those who belong to this kind of personality are
repeatedly having conflict with the people around them and notably having
a deviant behavior from groups, social values and or individuals.
• The Estranged Person - Domestic problem is the main cause why an
estranged individual takes hostages.
• Terrorist - Terrorism throughout the world has been alarming for the past
decades and even at present.
• Barricaded Criminals - This type might be robbers cornered by the police
while in the act of committing their crime (i.e bank robbers).
• Prisoners - While most prisoners spend most of their time inside the
correctional institutions, some are concentrated on penal colonies under
tight guards and to those who are completely secluded inside their prisons
cells, they are haunted by boredom, get tired and hostile.
negotiation is viewed in terms of an exchange or distribution of
focused on the emotional state of the hostage taker as a powerful tool to
resolving of crisis situation. Expressive negotiation approach came to
existence with the use of psychology, human relations theory and
research. Both assume that the nature and quality of interpersonal
relationships play a large role in resolving a conflict.
• This approach is founded on an interactive assessment if the crisis
[hostage] situation as it unfolds and is created through the interaction of
the negotiator and the perpetrator. Therefore, communication-based
approach is an interactive process wherein negotiators and hostage
takers react to each message behavior.

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