Engl9 WLP Week 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Lanao Del Norte
Maranding, Lala, Lanao Del Norte


Quarter: 1 Grade Level: 9
Week: 1
MELCs: Identify the distinguishing features of notable Anglo-American lyric, poetry, Learning Area: English
Songs, poems, sermons, and allegories.
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
1 a. Explain the literary devices Appreciating Literature Begin with classroom routine:
Monday used; A. Prayer
b. Distinguish between and B. Reminder of safety and health
among literary devices; protocols
c. Discriminate between literal C. Checking of Attendance
and figurative language. D. Setting guidelines and rules for class
discussion and in conducting
Quick self-introduction

Read the following two stories and think

about what makes them different.

Story 1:
Toby was lost. He is already crying. He
must have wandered off from his family
during their morning hike because around
noon he realized that he was all alone in the
middle of the woods. He was definitely
anxious to find his family before evening. The
thought of spending a night in the woods
alone was a scary one. Heaving a sigh, Toby
walked on.
Story 2:
Toby was totally lost, as any needle in a
stack of hay. He already cried a bucket of
tears finding his way home. He must have
wandered off from his family during their
morning hike because around noon he
realized that he was alone in the middle of
the wide whispering woods. Thonk! Thunk!
went his feet on the soft pine needles that
covered the ground like a soft brown blanket.
Birds twittered and tweeted from the sky-
scraping branches of trees, but there was no
sound of his family. “Mom! Dad!”, he
screamed. He was as anxious as a fish out of
water to find his family before evening. The
thought of spending a night in the woods
alone was one that made his heart dance a
fearful frenzied jig in his chest. Heaving a
sigh, Toby tiredly trudged on.

1. What have you observed after

youread the two stories?
2. Which do you think is more
interesting to read?

3. Why do you think so?

The same with pictures, it is more

attractive or engaging if there are colors to
stories or selections that we read. If the
reader can create mental image because of
the words they read on a selection,
comprehension is more likely to occur. Thus,
reading will be not be boring and too

A. Activity

Classify It! (3 minutes)

Directions: Classify the sentences

whether literal or figurative language. Write
the letters only. Use the definition below as
your guide.

Literal- are words that function as exactly

Figurative- refers to a language that deviates
from the conventional work order and
meaning in order to convey a complicated
meaning. It uses an ordinary sentence to
refer to something without directly stating it.

1. Grass looks green.

2. The grass looks like spiky green hair.
3. Sand is solid water
4. The flowers smell sweet.
5. Grasshoppers are fiddlers who play
their legs.
6. Sand feels rough.

Literal Figurative

1. Why do you think we distinguish

literal language from a figurative
2. What’s the importance of this
activity with our lesson for today?

B. Analysis
Jigsaw Puzzle
(5 minutes)

Directions: Instruct the class to group

themselves by four. Then distribute the
numbered colored papers to each group.
Next, tell the class to write words, phrases or
sentences about the word in the colored
paper. The task is to be done in 1 minute
only. After which, the pair with same number
and letter will group together and complete
the giant puzzle.






Task 2: Add, Delete, Finalize!

(5 minutes)
Directions: Let the class read their
group output and add what they miss to
write, delete what is not necessary, then
finalize the output.

C. Abstraction

Socratic Method
(3 minutes)
Based on the activities, how literary devices
be useful in understanding literary texts?

(The students read their answers then add

more ideas, delete ideas if not necessary
and finalize their work.)

D. Application

Share It! (10 minutes)

Directions: In a creative way, each group will

share their group output to the class.
(Note: Teacher will add more
information if necessary, especially on
the types of irony if not mentioned by
the group.)
 Figure It Out!
(5 minutes)
Directions: Read the passages below and
identify the figure of speech used. Justify your

1. Bata makes hay while the sun shines.

2. Looking at her son's messy room,
Mom says, "Wow, you could win an
award for cleanliness!"
3. The smiling sun hits me.
4. Her hair is as black as ink.
5. Come, Waves! Engulf me in your cold
embrace, that I may feel no more.
6. A fire station burns down.
7. The children were screaming and
shouting in the fields. 
8. "Oh, I love spending big bucks," said
my dad, a notorious penny pincher.
9. This bag weighs a ton.
10. Bob is a hungry wolf, he can eat a lot.

E. Evaluation

Group Activity (22 minutes)

Directions: In groups of five, use different
literary devices including types of irony in the
following tasks:

Group A- Comics Strip (Use 1 paper only)

Group B- Song Composition (2-3 stanzas)

Group C- Poem Writing (2-3 stanzas)

Group D- Script Writing (Dialogue) – At

least 5 lines per character

2 a. Identify the poetic devices Appreciating Literature Begin with classroom routine:
Tuesday present in the poem; a. Prayer
b. Demonstrate an understanding b. Reminder of safety and health protocols
c. Checking of Attendance
of Shakespeare’s text by
d. Setting guidelines and rules for class
interpreting meaning through discussion and in conducting activities
c. Exhibit creativity in performing
group differentiated tasks;
d. Infer thoughts, feelings, and Motivation
intentions in the material viewed
 Present an image of a famous painting “The
Starry Night” painted by Vincent Van Gogh
and ask what they can say about it.
In painting, artists use brushes and colors to
express ideas or emotions.
Ask the following questions.
1. What descriptions can you give to
this painting?
2. What interpretation can you get from
this painting?
3. What other medium can we use as a
way to express ourselves?

A. Activity

Unlocking of Difficulties
Give the meaning of the underlined words.
Choose from the box. Use the following
pictures as your clue.
________________1. Her
breathing quickened, and she
sought to break the entrancing
spell before she began mewling like a cat at
his feet.

___________________2. A
broken furnace proved to be an
annoyance for the family when there was no
heat in the house until it was fixed.
___________________3. The gold
rims of his spectacles glinted in
the sun

___________________4. The
technology is destined
for ob livion.

________________5. As Taylor
watched the hockey game, a
brawl between two players
broke out on the ice.

heating system riot

soft cry eyeglass
Background of the Author (Pre-assigned- to
be done by the students)

Reading proper of the poem “The Seven

Ages of Man” done by the teacher first and
then the students next.

B. Analysis

Call random students to answer the following


1. To what does the text compare the world

and life?
2. According to the text, what are the seven
ages of man?
3. How does the text describe man in each of
the seven ages?
4. What does the line “They have exits and
entrances,” mean?
5. What view of life does the poem present?

Appreciating the text

1. Give examples of the following literary

devices present in the poem

a. metaphor b. simile
c. parallelism d. alliteration
e. rhyme
2. What is the tone of the poem? Explain.
3. What is the mood of the poem? Explain.
4. What is the overall theme of the poem?
5. How does the poem help you recognize
your roles in life?

C. Abstraction
Figurative language and Rhymes are some of
the poetic devices used.
(The teacher presents poetic devices through
PPT presentation and call random students to
Poetry is a literary work in which special
intensity is given to the expression of feelings
and ideas by the use of distinctive style and
rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of
Literary devices are specific techniques that
allow a writer to convey a deeper meaning
that goes beyond what’s on the page.
The poetic devices discussed are Rhymes,
Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, and Assonance.
Using literary devices make a poem more
interesting to read, they able us to use our
imagination and wander around different
feelings or emotions just by reading the
D. Application
Ask the students to do the activity below.
Fill out the chart with rhyming words from
the poem The Seven Ages of Man.

End Rhyme Internal Rhyme

Fill out the chart below.
Onomatopoeia in The Seven Ages of Man

Sample What it The How it

line/wor looks sound it moves
d like makes
Fill out the chart below.
Alliteration from The Seven Ages of Man



Fill out the chart below

Assonance in The Seven Ages of Man



E. Evaluation
Group Dynamics

The students will be grouped into five

and will be assigned to perform the following

Group 1 – Illustrate a symbol that will best

represent what is the poem all about
Group 2- Sing a song with the same theme
as the poem
Group 3 – Interpret a quotation about roles in
Group 4 – Perform a Readers’ Theatre on the
given poem.
Group 5 – Interview at least three of your
classmates and find out how they perform
their roles in life.

A. Group Performance
The four-point scale rubric
will be used to evaluate the students’ group

3 A. Discover things about Begin with classroom routine:

Wednesday oneself through analyzing a. Prayer
the poem; b. Reminder of safety and health protocols
B. Explain the literary c. Checking of Attendance
devices used in the poem d. Setting guidelines and rules for class
upon examining its discussion and in conducting activities
C. Reflect on the message of
A. Activity
the poem and find values
one can apply in real life.
The teacher shows pictures of people
who play key roles in the school and
students will be asked to recognize them.

School Guidance School School

Counselor Librarian Principal

1. Complete the statement to find out

one thing common among them:
“Each of them plays and important ____
in Lala National High School.”

2. The class will be divided into groups

to do a short role play of the school
officials mentioned.

In your notebook, complete the organizer
by placing your name at the middle circle and
write the roles you play in the surrounding
circles. Outside the circle of each role you
listed in the first task, write if you are


Role Name Role


B. Analysis


1. The teacher reads the poem SEVEN

AGES OF MAN by William
2. Students will read the poem aloud.
Poem will be analyzed with these guide
questions and others provided in the PPT

1. What comprises the seven ages of

man or stages in life of man according
to the poem?
2. How are the seven ages of man
3. Which lines describe the roles that
man performs?

C. Abstraction

Do the task in the graphic organizer.

D. Application


You look up to your parents, grandparents,

teachers, relatives or friends because they
inspire you to perform roles in life effectively.
You regard them as good role models who
help you go along the way.

 Choose an inspirational person and

write a fan letter to him/her.
 In the first paragraph, tell him/her the
purpose of writing your letter. Write
about the qualities you admire about
 In the second paragraph, tell how s/he
influences you to become better.
 In the third paragraph, make a
request. It may be for some object or
symbol and for some tips of their



Content – The content clearly depicts the

purpose. Paragraphs satisfied the given
guidepost. – 10pts.

Grammar and Mechanics- Correct use of

subject and verb agreement, capitalization,
and punctuation marks are apparent. –

Neatness- The write up is free from

erasures and legibly written. – 5pts.

E. Assessment


Have you ever wanted to be on stage while

you’re with a group reciting a poem? Here’s
your chance! You will be performing a
speech choir with “Seven Ages of Man”

Criteria will be given.

4 a. Define word stress Word Stress Begin with classroom routine:

Thursday b. Determine the stressed a. Prayer
syllables in given words b. Reminder of safety and health protocols
c. Pronounce words with c. Checking of Attendance
correct stress d. Setting guidelines and rules for class
d. Appreciate the discussion and in conducting activities
importance of using
correct/proper stress in
A. Activity
pronouncing words

Give examples of Filipino words and indicate

the number of syllables. Provide the English
equivalent of the words and likewise identify
the number of syllables. Notice how the
words are pronounced. Do all syllables
receive the same degree of emphasis?


Listen to how the teacher read the following


a. I carried the bottle to the hotel.

b. They will desert the desert by
What is the meaning of the first sentence?
How about the second?
What do you think is the factor/s that
affected the understanding of the meaning of
the sentence?

B. Analysis


Based on the first activity, answer the

following questions:

 How does pronunciation affect the

meaning of the word/message?
 Can you cite some instances where
you have been misunderstood
because of the way you said
something/pronounced a word/s?
 Is it possible to avoid those kinds of
instances? How?

C. Abstraction

Stress- is the relative force or prominence

given to a syllable or word. Improper use of
stress may result in a difference in the
meaning of the utterance that can cause

Below is a list of words and jumbled list of

patterns. With your group, match and pair
the words with their corresponding stress
pattern. Post your output on the board as a
group, read the words aloud following
assigned stress pattern.

D. Application


Sort the words assigned to your group

according to stress (first syllable, second
syllable, etc) and present your work to the
E. Assessment


Answer the following in your activity


Identify whether the stress is placed on:

a. First syllable
b. Second syllable
c. Third syllable
d. Fourth syllable

Write the letter of your answer.

___ 1. Honor
___ 2. Syllabication
___ 3. Legal
___ 4. Sixteen
___ 5. Ceremony
___ 6. Diplomatic
___ 7. Pretty
___ 8. Administration
___ 9. Permit(n)
___ 10. Permit(v)



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