CNF Quarter 3 Week 1
CNF Quarter 3 Week 1
CNF Quarter 3 Week 1
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Polomolok 3 District
School ID: 500458
B.Performance Standards
The learner clearly and coherently uses a chosen element conventionally identified with a genre for a written output
Competencies/Objectives Identify dominant literary conventions of a particular genre. (HUMSS_CNF11/12-Ia-1)
Analyze and interpret the theme and techniques used in a particular text. (HUMSS_CNF11/12-Ia-3)
Write the LC Code for each
Introduction to Literary Genres 1. Understanding Conventions of Traditional Genres
a. Fiction b. Poetry c. Drama d. Other forms 2. Identifying Elements of the different Genres
1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from Writing Techniques in Creative Writing Techniques in Creative
Learning Resources (LR) Nonfiction by Sonia B. SyGaco, Nonfiction by Sonia B. SyGaco,
portal pages 1- 2; 11- 40 pages 1- 2; 11- 40
B.Other Learning Resources
A.Reviewing previous Review of the Previous Lesson: Review of the Previews lesson:
lesson or presenting the What have you learned in your
new lesson creative writing?
B.Establishing a purpose for Word Web Activity Directions: Have Time for Drama Activity
the lesson Divide the class into 4 groups. Directions: Divide the class into
The groups need to create a word three groups. The groups should
web having literature at the reenact the drama show they
center. Let the learners write watched on TV. Each group is given
words connected with literature. 5 minutes to perform. Present
rubrics for the performance
C.Presenting Present pictures pertaining to
examples/instances of the literature (e.g. cover of books).
new lesson
D.Discussing new concepts Discussion about literature The teacher discusses what drama
and practicing new skills #1 follows. is.
E.Discussing new concepts Discuss fiction. Give them
and practicing new skills #2 overview.
F.Developing mastery The learners will have true or The learners will have identification
(Leads to formative false test about literature and test about drama.
assessment) fiction.
G.Finding ASK: ASK:
practical/applications of How does literature affects How drama contributed to your
concepts and skills in daily human life? growth as an individual?
H. Making generalizations The learners will synthesize what The learners will synthesize what
and abstractions about the they have learned in the session. they have learned in the session.
I.Evaluating Learning ESSAY: ESSAY:
What is the importance of Make a 3 minute script that talks
learning the literature of the about the importance of family.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A.No. of learners who earned 80% of the
formative assessment
B.No. of learners who require additional
activities to remediation
C.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to require
E.Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized material did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other