Oxidation Number Exercise

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Oxidation Number Exercise

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Purpose: This exercise is designed to teach the student how to assign oxidation
numbers. Oxidation numbers are very important and are used for 1) naming
compounds, 2) balancing oxidation-reduction reactions, 3) calculations in
electrochemistry and other areas of chemistry.

Rule 0 The following rules are in the form of a hierarchy; that is, the first stated rule
takes precedence over subsequent rules if a conflict arises.

Rule 1 The oxidation numbers for all the atoms in a neutral molecule must add up
to 0. Similarly, the oxidation numbers for all the atoms of an ion must add
up to the charge of the ion. (You are expected to recognize polyions. For
the common polyions, know their charges and their names. A summary of
the common polyions appears on page xiv. The first step is, always, to
determine what polyions are present.)

Rule 1a The oxidation number of elements in the elemental form is 0. (Note - this
rule is a direct consequence of rule 1. How so?)

Rule 1b The oxidation number of any monatomic ion is the same as its charge.
(See comment in 1a.)

Exercises - Give the oxidation number for the following atoms:

O2 O= F2 F=

S8 S= Cl2 Cl =

N2 N= Al Al = _

Co2+ Co = Mn2+ Mn =

Cl- Cl = Cr3+ Cr =

I3- I= Hg22+ Hg =
Oxidation Number Exercise page 51

Rule 2 Fluorine has an oxidation number of -1.

Exercises - Give the oxidation number for the following atoms:

NaF Na = IF3 I= ClF2- Cl =

SF4 S= PF3 P= SF62- S=

PF5 P= PF63- P= W 2F93- W =

OF2 O= NF3 N= F2 F=

Rule 3 The metals of group 1 (old CAS IA) have an oxidation number of +1
The metals of group 2 (old CAS IIA) have an oxidation number of +2
Sc, Y and Al have an oxidation number of +3.

Exercises - Give the oxidation number for the following atoms:

Na2O Na = Na2O2 O= KO2 O=

NaOH Na = ScH3 H= LiH H=

CaC2 C= CaMgO2 O = MgH2 H=

MgF2 Mg = RbO2 O= MgSF6 S =

NaPF6 P= LiBF4 B=

Rule 4 Hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1 when combined with elements on

the right side of the periodic chart (non-metals) and a -1 when combined with
elements on the left side of the periodic chart (metals).

Exercises - Give the oxidation number for the following atoms:

HCl Cl = HF F= (why) NaOH O=

HI I= UH3 U= NH4+ N=

PH3 P= H2SF6 S= NH3 N=

AsH3 As = ScH3 Sc = HPF4 P=

H3O+ O= OH- O=
Oxidation Number Exercise page 52

Rule 5 Oxygen has an oxidation number of -2. (Note: Your knowledge of the
polyions is now needed. The polyions you are responsible for knowing are on
xiv. Turn to xiv now and become familiar with this chart. Notice that for
the polyions on xiv, the oxidation number for oxygen is -2)
Cautionary Note: Review Rule 0.

Exercises - Give the oxidation number for the following atoms:

Co(ClO)2 Co = Cl = Na2O2 Na = O=

CoCrO4 Cr = Co = AgNO3 Ag = N=

Mg(OH)2 Mg = O= H2SO4 S=

RbO2 Rb = O= ClO4- Cl =

KMnO4 Mn = K= NH4OH N =

OF2 F= O= IO3- I=

KO2 K= O= K2Cr2O7 Cr =

IO2- I= BrO2- Br =

Zn(NO2)2 Zn = O=

Cautionary Note: Review Rule 0 again

Rule 6 Group 17 (old CAS VIIA) atoms have an oxidation number of -1.
Rule 7 Group 16 (old CAS VIA) atoms have an oxidation number of -2.
Rule 8 Group 15 (old CAS VA) atoms have an oxidation number of -3.

Exercises - Give the oxidation number for the following atoms:

PH3 P= CH3NH2 C= CN- C=

BF3NH3 B= MnCl4 Mn = W 2Cl93- W=

Co3N2 Co = NCl3 N= KSCN C=

HCN C= POCl3 P= V3N4 V=

Oxidation Number Exercise page 53

Additional (Optional) Exercises:

NH3 N= As2O5 As = SiF4 Si =

HNO3 N= N2H4 N= PCl6- P=

MnO2 Mn = CrCl3 Cr = Cr2O72- Cr =

AgCH3COO Ag = N2O N= N2O5 N=

Au2O Au = AuO Au = CuSO4 Cu =

Os2O5 Os = Fe3O4 Fe = Fe2O3 Fe =

FeO Fe = FePO4 Fe = SiO2 Si =

H2S S= FeS S= NaHCO3 C=

AuHCO3 Au = ScAsO4 As = NH4OH N=

SO3 S= H2CrO4 Cr = H4P2O7 P=

Cl2 Cl = S2O32- S= MgC2 C=

S2Cl2 S= Cr2(CO3)3 Cr = K3FeO4 Fe =

S8 S= BO2- B= Al2O3 Al =

Ag2CrO4 Ag = RbO2 O= I3- I=

RbH H= Th4H11 Th = NaHSO4 S=

Na2HPO4 P = Eu3(PO3)2 P = B4O72- B=

P4O6 P= BeF2 Be = P4O10 P=

OF2 F= O=

Ce(ClO3)2 Ce = Cl =

Fe(MnO4)2 Mn = Fe =

NaSCN S= C= N=

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