Lesson Plan-Practical Research 1

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Detailed Lesson Plan

(DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016)


Discover through Philippine literature the need to work cooperatively
and responsibly in today’s global village.

II. Objectives
At the end of the 60-minute lesson, the learners shall be able to:
 Demonstrate understanding of the importance of teamwork and
cooperation in a Filipino community using reflective questions.
 Familiarize themselves in the terminologies presented in the
literary text by answering accurately the activity and
 Perform a short skit to portray the importance and value of
teamwork and cooperation and responsibility.

III. Content
Topic: The Argument of the Rainbow Colors
Values Integration: Conflict Resolution and Cooperation
Subject Integration: Araling Panlipunan

IV. Learning Resources

References: Curriculum Guide for English 7: Quarter 4
Lapid, M., & Serrano, J. (2019). Grade 7: ECAS English
Communication Arts and Skills through Philippine Literature (8th ed.).
Phoenix Publishing House.
Materials: Video Presentation, Speakers, Powerpoint presentation and
Visual Aids

V. Procedure Teacher’s Activities Learners’ Activities

Before the Lesson

Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!
How is your day so far? We are fine!

That is very good to hear! Yes, Ma’am!

Can I expect everyone’s
full and active
participation for the rest
of the class?

Before we begin the

lesson, let us ask for the
guidance of your dear {Student will lead the
Almighty to completely prayer)
guide us in
understanding the lesson
for today. Would you
please lead the prayer?

Thank you so much!

Reminders Before we start, may I

(Students will arrange
request everyone to
their chairs and will pick
please keep their masks
up the trashes.)
on during the duration of
the class to prevent the
virus from spreading.
Also, please align your
seats and make sure that
there are no trashes
around you.

Checking of Yes, Ma’am!

We are 15 in this class,
and I think everyone is
present. I’m so glad that
everyone is in attendance
for today’s lesson.

Motivation None, Ma’am!

Class, I prepared a
puzzle for you today. You
need to rearrange the
letters to unlock the
hidden word. Any
questions before we

Okay, so for our first

word. Here are the letters
you need to arrange.
Rainbow, Ma’am.
Does anyone know the
answer for the first item?
Yes, Maenard?
Colors, Ma’am!
That is correct! Now for
our next puzzle. Anyone?
Yes, Stephen? Teamwork, Ma’am.
Very good! And now for
our next puzzle, yes,
Djo? Responsibility, Ma’am!

Well done! Now for our

fourth item, yes, Nath? Cooperation, Ma’am!

Correct. And for our last

item, can you please
Rainbow, Colors,
answer, Krizia?
Teamwork, Responsibility
Good job! So, can and Cooperation, Ma’am.
somebody tell me once
more the words we were
able to unlock from the
puzzles? Yes, Nicole?

That is correct. So,

Rainbow, Colors,
Teamwork, Responsibility
and Cooperation. Please
keep in mind those three
words because we will be
encountering them later.
During the Lesson

Recall Yesterday, we were able

to discuss Philippine
Literature. Today, we are
going to continue reading
an example of a story
written by a fellow
(Student reads the
But before that, can objectives.)
somebody read our
objective for today, yes

Thank you so much!


Can somebody answer

the question here? What
is your favorite color? Yellow, Ma’am.
Yes, Trisha?

Blue, Ma’am.
What about the others?
No, Ma’am.
Now for our next
question, do you think
that there is the “best”
color? Stephen?
Because all colors are
Why? equal, Ma’am.

That is a very good

thought, Stephen. I hope
everyone thinks the same
way as you.
(Students watch the clip)
Moving on, I have a short
clip for the class. Let us
all watch it and prepare
for a short recitation
after. The men were successful
in climbing the wall,
Now, can you describe Ma’am!
the actions of the men in
the video? Yes, Joven? Because they worked as
a team, Ma’am!
Thank you so much. Can
somebody tell me why
were the men successful
in their mission? Hanna?

Correct! Now all of us

should remember that Yes, Ma’am!
teamwork is the key for
the success of everyone.
Just like in the video,
Lesson Proper you need people to help
you in achieving your
goals. Did we get it?

Moving on! Before we

start with the story for
today, let us first define
some words that you To criticize somebody
might find difficult later. unfairly, Ma’am.

So, based on the

sentence here, what do
you think denigrate
means? Carl?
Very good, Ernan!
Denigrate means
criticizing or saying
negative remarks to Arrogant, Ma’am.

What about haughty? Weird, Ma’am.

Yes, Kim?

Correct. Now for our

third word, we have
outlandish. What do you Devotion to the country,
think is the definition, Ma’am.

Very good! Outlandish

means weird or
uncommon. Can
somebody guess the Causing argument,
meaning of our fourth Ma’am.
word? Yes, Jam?

And for our last word,

what is the meaning of
contentious? Yes, Ric?
Can somebody describe
to me the video watched?

Very good. Class, these

are the words that you
will encounter in the
story today. Keep in
mind their definitions for None, Ma’am!
you to completely
understand our

Any questions?
Parable, Ma’am!
Before we start, let’s
discuss first the genre of
our selection for today.
None, Ma’am.
Class, what do you call
stories that are biblical
or spiritual in nature?
Yes, Amber?

Very good!A parable is a

simple story used to (Student reads the
illustrate a moral or a author’s description)
spiritual lesson. Our
story for today is a
parable. Questions?

Now let us meet the

author of our story? Can
somebody read his
(Students reads the story)
description? Yes, Red?

Thank you so much!

Are we clear?

Now, I am going to give

you ten minutes to read The rainbow colors,
the selection. Your ten Ma’am!
minutes starts now.

After the students read They wanted to claim

the story. that they are the
brightest of all the colors.
Can we start now? Okay,
can somebody tell me the Because they wanted to
characters in our story? be called the best color.

How did the argument

between the colors start?
Yes, Nika?

Correct. Why did the

colors claim that they
were the brightest among
all the other colors?

That’s right. Because Yes, Ma’am!

everybody was claiming
that they are the best,
they didn’t know that Red, Ma’am!
they were dragging their
friends down, which
started the argument.
Because Life’s sustaining
Are we still clear with the blood is colored red. He
events of the story? represents courage and
bravery. Even love
Okay, next question. symbols such as heart
Who was the first color to and roses are colored
speak? red.
Very good. What was She is the color of gaiety
Red’s reason for stating and of warmth. The sun
that he is the best? is also a reminder of how
bright yellow is, Ma’am.

Orange said that the

sunrise is orange, not
yellow. She is more
Well said! What did important because she
Yellow say after hearing represents health and
Red? strength.

He is the symbol of life.

Thank you. Now, how did All that thrives in the
Orange react? What did fields and the forests is
she say? the greenery he provides.

Blue said he represents

the sky and the seas. He
Very good. How did also represents
Green answer? Yes, patriotism.
Indigo means
thoughtfulness. It is
Excellent. What was prayer expressed in the
Blue’s reaction? deepest of feelings.

I am wisdom and
authority and the symbol
Correct. What was of royalty.
Indigo’s answer?

Rain, Ma’am!
That is correct! How did
Violet describe herself?
The rain combined the
Very good! After Violet’s colors together and will
words, who suddenly never be separated from
came? Yes, Aika? one another. They will be
known as the rainbow,
Correct. What was Rain’s Ma’am.
decision after listening to
the colors arguing? Cooperation and hope,

Yes, Ma’am!
Well said! What does the
rainbow represent?

Correct! Now remember

that the colors really
have something unique
about them, but by being
together do they only
achieve harmony and
success. Understood?
After the Lesson

Generalization Before we proceed with

the activity, let us have a
short reflection.

If you were one of the (Students answer the

colors, what would you question.)
be? Why?

Thank you! That is a very

nice thought.
The colors realized that
How is this change
they need each other to
(colors became rainbow)
become the best version
relevant to the existence
of themselves.
of each color?

Only through cooperation

Excellent. Why do you
and teamwork can one
think rain emphasized
achieve success, Ma’am.
the need for cooperation?
By being a good example
on how teamwork and
Very good! How will you
cooperation works,
encourage others to
cooperate in societal
activities? Yes Joy?

Precisely. Your answers

are all correct. Very good

Application (Students answer the

Let’s have a short written activity)
activity to test your
understanding of the
text. Please, take a blank
sheet of paper and
answer the following
Ma’am, knowledge of the
data gathering
instruments can help a
Thank you so much! I researcher know what
see that almost everyone kind of analysis or tool
had a high score in the they should use for their
activity. It only means research.
that you clearly
Evaluation understood the topic.

Before we end the class,

let us have a short
performance. You will be
grouped into five. All you
need to do is perform a
short skit on ways
students can cooperate
and be responsible.

You will be grouped by

row. Yes, Ma’am.

Now that you are

grouped, please proceed
to your members. Form a
circle with your chairs
but keep maintaining
social distancing and
avoid any direct contacts.

Here is the criteria for

the activity.

Creativity – 10 points
Presentation – 10 Points
Teamwork and
Cooperation – 5 points None, Ma’am.

Do you have any The learners start with

questions? the activity.

You may start with the


Time’s up!

The presentation will be

done next meeting. If you
do not have any
questions, let us take a
look at our assignment
for our next meeting.

Answer the questions

with no more than two
sentences. Write your
responses in your
notebook. Assignments
Closing will be checked after the
presentation next

The student leads the

Thank you so much!
That is the “Parable of
the Rainbow Colors.”

Let us end our meeting

with a prayer.
VI. Assignment
Answer the following questions. Write your response on your
1. Was there work done if there is no cooperation?
2. Why wasn’t there any accomplishments if you lack teamwork?
3. Why is teamwork and cooperation important?
4. What does it mean to be a team?
5. How can students like you make sure that everybody cooperates?

VII. Remarks
The lesson was finished on time and majority of the students achieved
the prepared objectives. No need for reteaching.

VIII. Reflection
The learners did well in terms of participating and achieving the
objectives set. The motivation and the discussion went well, including
the part where the learners explained their answers in front of the

Prepared by:

Stacy Lyn A. Ocampo

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