Mage Knight Log
Mage Knight Log
Mage Knight Log
Solo Conquest
Hero: Tovak
Round 1 (Day)
Dummy’s turn
Swiftness, Determination & Mana Draw, plus Stamina & Improvisation (11 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Promise, March, Crystallize, Instinct & Swiftness
March for Move 2; move adjacent to the Mage Tower & reveal Monks garrisoned there; Swiftness
for Move 2; move adjacent to the Keep & reveal Guardsmen garrisoned there
End of Turn: reroll Red die to White; draw Stamina, Tranquility & Stamina, plus March (+1 from
Dummy’s turn
Rage, Rejuvenate & Threaten (8 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Promise, Instinct, Stamina, Tranquility, Stamina & March
March & Stamina for Move 4; assault the Keep: Reputation -1 (0)
Combat with Guardsmen: don’t block & add 2 Wounds to hand; Instinct (w Red mana crystal) &
Swiftness (w White die) for Attack 7; defeat Guardsmen: Fame +3 (3), mark the Keep with a shield
End of Turn: reroll White die to Black; level up: draw Night Sharpshooting (pick this one) & I Feel
No Pain, DP adds Whisper in the Treetops to Common Skill offer; add Song of Wind to top deck,
draw Agility to replenish AA offer; draw Song of Wind, plus Concentration (+1 from Planning) &
Cold Toughness (+1 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Noble Manners, Swiftness & March, plus Crystallize (4 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Promise, Stamina, Song of Wind, Concentration, Cold Toughness & 2 Wounds
Promise (w White die) plus Cold Toughness sideways for Influence 5; recruit Utem Guardsmen
End of Turn: reroll White die to Gold; draw Rage (+1 from Planning) & Rage (+1 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Stamina, Rage & March, plus Concentration (0 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Stamina, Song of Wind, Concentration, Rage, Rage & 2 Wounds
Song of Wind for Move 2; reveal Tile 5 (reveal Orc Trackers & add Learning to Unit offer);
Concentration (w Gold die) with Stamina for Move 6; move to the Blue Crystal Mine
Challenge Orc Trackers: Utem Guardsmen for Block 4; Rage & Night Sharpshooting for Attack 3;
defeat Orc Trackers: Reputation +1 (0) & Fame +3 (6)
End of Turn: reroll Gold die to Black; gain 1 Blue mana crystal from the Mine; draw Mana Draw &
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Rage, Mana Draw, Threaten & 2 Wounds
Rage & Threaten sideways for Move 2; reveal Tile 11 (reveal Wolf Riders & Ancient Ruins with 2
green Enemies)
Round 2 (Night)
AA offer: add Frost Bridge to Dummy deck & draw Stout Resolve to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a Blue crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Burning Shield/Exploding Shield to
replenish the offer
Starting hand: Promise, Mana Draw, Concentration, Song of Wind & March
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Promise, Mana Draw, Concentration, Song of Wind & March
Challenge Prowlers: Utem Guardsmen for Block 4; Night Sharpshooting & March sideways for
Attack 3; defeat Prowlers: Reputation +1 (0) & Fame +2 (8)
End of Turn: gain 1 Blue mana crystal from the Mine; level up: add 2nd Command token & Armor
increase to 3; draw Rage
Dummy’s turn
Frost Bridge, Swiftness & Stamina, plus Threaten (13 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Promise, Mana Draw, Concentration, Song of Wind & Rage
Mana Draw (w White die) to set Gold die to White; gain 2 White mana tokens
Song of Wind (w White mana token) for Move 2; move to the Monastery; reveal Tile 7 (reveal Orc
Summoners & add Ice Bolt to Unit offer)
End of Turn: reroll White die to Green; draw Cold Toughness, Threaten & Swiftness
Dummy’s turn
Determination, Rejuvenate & Concentration, plus Rage (9 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Concentration, Rage, Cold Toughness, Threaten & Swiftness
Threaten (w Red die) plus Rage sideways for Influence 6; learn Ice Bolt
End of Turn: reroll Red die to Black; Reputation -1 (0); draw Ice Bolt, Crystallize & 1 Wound
Dummy’s turn
Stamina, Rage & Swiftness, plus Crystallize & Improvisation (4 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Concentration, Cold Toughness, Ice Bolt, Crystallize & 1 Wound
Burn the Monastery: Reputation -3 (-1) & draw Magic Familiars; Concentration (w Green die) with
Ice Bolt, plus Night Sharpshooting for Ranged Attack 7; defeat Magic Familiars: Fame +5 (13),
mark the Monastery with a shield
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Red; draw Banner of Command & Endless Bag of Gold (pick this
one) as a reward; draw Endless Bag of Gold & Stamina
Dummy’s turn
Mana Draw, March & Noble Manners, plus March (0 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Cold Toughness, Crystallize, Endless Bag of Gold, Stamina & 1 Wound
Herbalists to gain 1 Green mana token; Crystallize (w Green mana token) to gain 1 Green mana
End of Turn: reroll Blue die to White; level up: draw Double Time & Shield Mastery (pick this one),
DP adds Leadership to Common Skill offer; add Stout Resolve to top deck, draw Ambush to
replenish AA offer; draw Stout Resolve, Swiftness & Stamina
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Cold Toughness, Stout Resolve, Swiftness, Stamina & 1 Wound
Enter the Dungeon: draw Crypt Worm; Cold Toughness & Shield Mastery for Block 6; Swiftness (w
White die), Stout Resolve & Night Sharpshooting for Attack 7; defeat Crypt Worm: Fame +5 (20),
mark the Dungeon with a shield
End of Turn: roll a die & gain 1 Artifact as a reward; draw Bow of Starsdawn & Banner of Fear (pick
this one)
Round 3 (Day)
Unit offer: Shocktroops, Thugs & Magic Familiars, plus Mana Storm
AA offer: add Into the Heat to Dummy deck & draw Steady Tempo to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a Red crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Demolish/Disintegrate to replenish the
Starting hand: Ice Bolt, Endless Bag of Gold, Rage, Mana Draw & 1 Wound
Tactics: choose (5) Great Start (draw Song of Wind & 1 Wound), DP draws (6) The Right Moment
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Ice Bolt, Endless Bag of Gold, Rage, Mana Draw, Song of Wind & 2 Wounds
Song of Wind plus Rage sideways for Move 3; move to the Magical Glade
Challenge Orc Summoners: Ice Bolt (w Blue die) & Night Sharpshooting for Ranged Attack 4;
defeat Orc Summoners: Reputation +1 (-1) & Fame +4 (24)
End of Turn: reroll Blue die to Green; throw away 1 Wound from hand; level up: add 3rd Command
token & Hand limit increase to 6; draw Crystallize, Cold Toughness & Threaten
Dummy’s turn
Determination, Stamina & Frost Bridge, plus Swiftness (14 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Endless Bag of Gold, Mana Draw, Crystallize, Cold Toughness, Threaten & 1 Wound
Endless Bag of Gold & Threaten for Influence 6 & Fame +2 (26); recruit Magic Familiars (w Gold
mana token as White mana)
End of Turn: reroll Red die to Black; throw away 1 Wound from hand; draw Rage, Stamina,
Tranquility & March
Dummy’s turn
Into the Heat, Mana Draw & Rage, plus Rage (10 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Mana Draw, Cold Toughness, Rage, Stamina, Tranquility & March
Stamina for Move 2; reveal Tile 7* (reveal White City level 5 & High Dragon); Magic Familiars for
Move 5; move adjacent to the Keep & reveal Crossbowmen garrisoned there; reveal Tile 8* (reveal
Red City level 8, Ice Dragon, Lava Dragon & Ancient Ruins with brown & violet Enemies)
Challenge Lava Dragon: Cold Toughness (w Blue mana crystal) for Ice Block 5 (+4 from Fortified,
Fire Resistance, Fire Attack & Brutal); Rage (w Gold mana token), Magic Familiars & Night
Sharpshooting for Attack 8; defeat Lava Dragon: Reputation +2 (0) & Fame +8 (34)
End of Turn: draw Promise, Swiftness & Banner of Fear, plus Swiftness (+1 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Noble Manners, Crystallize & March, plus Stamina (6 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Mana Draw, Tranquility, March, Promise, Swiftness, Banner of Fear & Swiftness
March & Swiftness for Move 4; assault the Keep: Reputation -1 (0) & reveal the garrison of White
City (Thugs, Altem Mages & Altem Guardsmen)
Combat with Crossbowmen: Utem Guardsmen for Block 8; Night Sharpshooting & Instinct, plus
Promise sideways for Attack 4; defeat Crossbowmen: Fame +3 (37), mark the Keep with a Shield
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Green; level up: draw Mana Overload & Cold Swordsmanship, but
choose Whisper in the Treetops instead; DP adds Inspiration to Common Skill offer; add Agility to
top deck, draw Pure Magic to replenish AA offer; draw Agility & Stamina, plus Concentration &
Stout Resolve (+2 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Swiftness, Rejuvenate & Threaten, plus Improvisation (2 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Mana Draw, Banner of Fear, Swiftness, March, Agility, Stamina, Concentration & Stout
Whisper in the Treetops: gain 1 White mana crystal & 1 Green mana token
March (w Green mana token) for Move 4; move to the Spawning Grounds
Enter the Spawning Grounds: draw Hydra & Crypt Worm; Concentration (w Green die) with
Swiftness, plus Night Sharpshooting for Ranged Attack 6; defeat Hydra: Fame +5 (42); Shield
Mastery & Stout Resolve, plus Banner of Fear sideways for Block 6; Agility & Stamina (w Blue
mana crystal) for Move 6 used as Attack 6; defeat Crypt Worm: Fame +5 (47), mark the Spawning
Grounds with a shield
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Gold; gain 1 White, 1 Red (chosen from Gold) & 1 Blue mana
crystals as a reward; gain 1 Artifact as a reward: draw Druidic Staff (pick this one) & Banner of
Fortitude; draw Druidic Staff
Dummy’s turn
Concentration & March (0 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Mana Draw & Druidic Staff
Mana Draw & Druidic Staff sideways for Move 2; reveal Tile 9* (reveal Fire Dragon)
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Round 4 (Night)
Unit offer: Sorcerers, Scouts & Ice Mages, plus Magic Talent
AA offer: add Ambush to Dummy deck & draw Regeneration to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a Blue crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Whirlwind/Tornado to replenish the
Starting hand: Endless Bag of Gold, Stamina, Concentration, Stamina, Song of Wind & Mana
Draw, plus March & March
Tactics: choose (5) Preparation (add Agility to hand), DP draws (1) From the Dusk
Dummy’s turn
Stamina, Stamina & Frost Bridge, plus Ambush & Rejuvenate (14 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Endless Bag of Gold, Stamina, Concentration, Stamina, Song of Wind, Mana Draw, March
& March
Whisper in the Treetops: gain 1 White mana crystal & 1 Green mana token
Block phase: Utem Guardsmen & Shield Mastery, plus Song of Wind sideways for Block 8; block
Altem Mages
Assign Damage phase: Altem Guardsmen hit Utem Guardsmen (get 1 Wound); Thugs hit Tovak
(add 2 Wounds to hand)
Attack phase: Concentration (w Green mana token) with Agility for Move 6 used as Attack 6;
defeat Thugs: Reputation +1 (0) & Fame +2 (49); Mana Draw (w White die) to set Green die to
Green & gain 2 Green mana tokens; March (w Green mana token), March (w Green mana token) &
Stamina (w Blue mana crystal) for Move 12 used as Attack 12; Magic Familiars for Attack 5; Night
Sharpshooting for Attack 2; defeat Altem Mages: Fame +8 (57)
Altem Guardsmen left undefeated, retreat to the Spawning Grounds; put 2 shields on city card
End of Turn: reroll White die to Blue; level up: add 4th Command token & Armor increase to 4;
draw Stout Resolve, Cold Toughness & Rage, plus Promise & Banner of Fear (+2 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Concentration, Swiftness & March, plus Rage (10 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Endless Bag of Gold, Stout Resolve, Cold Toughness, Rage, Promise, Banner of Fear & 2
Promise & Banner of Fear sideways for Move 2; assault White City: Reputation -1 (-1)
Block phase: Cold Toughness & Shield Mastery for Block 6; block Altem Guardsmen
Attack phase: Magic Familiars for Attack 5; Stout Resolve (w Green die) & discard 1 Wound for
Attack 5; Rage (w Red mana crystal) for Attack 4; Night Sharpshooting for Attack 2; defeat Altem
Guardsmen: Fame +8 (65)
Conquer the White City & become its leader; put 1 shield on city card
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Black; level up: draw Resistance Break & Who Needs Magic?, but
choose Inspiration instead; DP adds Day Sharpshooting to Common Skill offer; add Steady
Tempo to top deck, draw Heroic Tale to replenish AA offer; draw Steady Tempo, Rage, Druidic
Staff & Ice Bolt, plus Crystallize & Swiftness (+2 from White City)
Dummy’s turn
Threaten, Crystallize & Improvisation, plus Swiftness (6 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Endless Bag of Gold, Steady Tempo, Rage, Druidic Staff, Ice Bolt, Crystallize, Swiftness &
1 Wound
Throw away Endless Bag of Gold for Fame +3 (68) & Influence 9 (+3 from the city & -1 from
Reputation); pay Influence 2 to add Amotep Gunners to Unit offer; recruit Sorcerers
Ice Bolt to gain 1 Blue mana crystal; Crystallize (w Blue die) to gain 1 Red mana crystal
End of Turn: reroll Blue die to Red; draw Instinct, plus Swiftness & Threaten (+2 from White City)
Dummy’s turn
Into the Heat, Mana Draw & Rage, plus March (2 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Steady Tempo, Rage, Druidic Staff, Swiftness, Instinct, Swiftness, Threaten & 1 Wound
Threaten (w Red die) & Instinct for Influence 7 (+3 from the city & -1 from Reputation); disband
Herbalists & recruit Ice Mages
End of Turn: reroll Red die to Black; draw Tranquility (+2 from White City) [Forgot here to adjust
Reputation from use of Threaten]
Dummy’s turn
Noble Manners & Determination (0 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Steady Tempo, Rage, Druidic Staff, Swiftness, Swiftness, Tranquility & 1 Wound
Ice Mages to gain 1 Blue mana token & 1 Blue mana crystal
Steady Tempo (w Blue mana token), Swiftness & Swiftness for Move 8; move to the desert
adjacent to Red City & reveal the garrison: Gargoyle, Magic Familiars, Gunners & Delphana
End of Turn: put Steady Tempo on top deck; draw Steady Tempo
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Rage, Druidic Staff, Tranquility, Steady Tempo & 1 Wound
Druidic Staff & discard Steady Tempo to gain 2 Red mana crystals
Round 5 (Day)
Unit offer: Amotep Gunners, Northern Monks & Delphana Masters, plus Spell Forge
AA offer: add Pure Magic to Dummy deck & draw Path Finding to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a Red crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Underground Travel/Underground
Attack to replenish the offer
Starting hand: Druidic Staff, Banner of Fear, Stamina, Threaten, Promise & March, plus Swiftness
& Stamina
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Druidic Staff, Banner of Fear, Stamina, Threaten, Promise, March, Swiftness & Stamina
Ranged and Siege Attack phase: Ice Mages (w Blue die) for Siege Ice Attack 4; defeat Gargoyle:
Fame +4 (72)
Throw away Banner of Fear: Magic Familiars, Gunners & Delphana Masters don’t attack this
Attack phase: Swiftness (w White mana crystal) for Attack 3; Utem Guardsmen, Magic Familiars &
Sorcerers for Attack 10; Night Sharpshooting for Attack 1; defeat Gunners & Delphana Masters:
Fame +16 (88)
Magic Familiars left undefeated, retreat to the desert; put 3 shields on city card
End of Turn: reroll Blue die to Red; level up: add 5th Command token & Hand limit increase for 7;
draw Ice Bolt & 1 Wound, plus Instinct & Stout Resolve (+2 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Concentration, Ambush & Threaten, plus Into the Heat & Pure Magic (15 left)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Druidic Staff, Stamina, Threaten, Promise, Stamina, Ice Bolt, Instinct, Stout Resolve & 1
Inspiration to ready Ice Mages; Druidic Staff & discard Threaten to ready Sorcerers
Ice Mages (w Blue mana crystal) for Siege Ice Attack 4; Sorcerers for Ranged Attack 3; defeat
Magic Familiars: Fame +5 (93)
Conquer the Red City & become its leader; put 1 shield on city card
End of Turn: draw Crystallize & Rage, plus Song of Wind & Swiftness (+2 from Red City)
Tovak’s turn
Hand: Stamina, Promise, Instinct, Stout Resolve, Crystallize, Rage, Song of Wind, Swiftness & 1
Whisper in the Treetops: gain 1 White mana crystal & 1 Green mana token
Stout Resolve (w Green mana token) & discard 1 Wound for Influence 5; Promise (w White mana
crystal) & Instinct for Influence 6 (+4 from the city & -2 from Reputation); recruit Delphana Masters
End of Turn
Fame: 93
The Greatest Leader: 14 (1 level IV, 2 level III & 2 level II Units)
Game 02 (01-02/08/2018)
Solo Conquest
Hero: Norowas
Round 1 (Day)
Starting Tile A, Tile 7 (reveal Orc Stonethrower) & Tile 5 (reveal Orc Skirmishers)
Unit offer: Peasants, Magic Familiars & Scouts, plus Mana Storm & Ambush
Dummy’s turn
Mana Draw, Swiftness & Tranquility, plus Rage (12 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Swiftness, Rejuvenate, March, Stamina & March
End of Turn: reroll Blue die to Blue; draw Rage, plus Determination (+1 from Planning)
Dummy’s turn
Stamina, Concentration & Crystallize (9 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Swiftness, March, March, Concentration, Rage & Determination
Enter the Dungeon: draw Hydra; Determination for Block 2; block 1 Attack, add 2 Wounds to
hand; Concentration to gain 1 Red mana token; Rage (w Red mana token) & Swiftness (w White
die) for Attack 7; defeat Hydra: Fame +5 (5), mark the Dungeon with a shield
End of Turn: reroll White die to Gold; gain Diamond Ring (put Banner of Command on bottom of
the Artifacts deck) as a reward; level up: draw Day Sharpshooting & Bonds of Loyalty (pick this
one), add Northern Monks & Herbalists to Unit offer; DP adds Battle Hardened to Common Skill
offer; add Crushing Bolt to top deck, draw Spell Forge to replenish AA offer; draw Crushing Bolt,
plus Diamond Ring (+1 from Planning)
Dummy’s turn
Determination, Ruthless Coercion & Improvisation, plus Swiftness & Savage Harvesting (4 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: March, March, Crushing Bolt, Diamond Ring & 2 Wounds
March & March for Move 4; move to the Magical Glade adjacent Orc Stonethrower
Crushing Bolt sideways for Influence 1 (+5 from Bonds of Loyalty); recruit Magic Familiars (w Blue
die to place 1 Blue mana on them) under Bonds of Loyalty
End of Turn: reroll Blue die as Green; throw away 1 Wound from hand; draw Stamina, Noble
Manners & Swiftness, plus Threaten (+1 from Planning)
Dummy’s turn
Rage, Stamina & March, plus Promise (0 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Diamond Ring, Stamina, Noble Manners, Swiftness, Threaten & 1 Wound
Challenge Orc Stonethrower: Magic Familiars for Block 7; Swiftness (w Gold mana token) plus
Threaten sideways for Attack 4; defeat Orc Stonethrower: Reputation +1 (0) & Fame +4 (9)
End of Turn: throw away 1 Wound from hand; level up: add 2nd Command token & Armor
increase to 3; draw Rage, Mana Draw & Crystallize, plus Improvisation (+1 from Planning)
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Diamond Ring, Noble Manners, Rage, Mana Draw, Crystallize & Improvisation
Diamond Ring to gain 1 White mana token & 1 White mana crystal; Fame +1 (10)
Noble Manners (w White mana token) for Influence 4; recruit Peasants; Peasants plus Mana Draw
sideways for Influence 3; recruit Herbalists
End of Turn: Fame +1 (11) & Reputation +1 (+1) (from Noble Manners)
Round 2 (Night)
Unit offer: Illusionists, Utem Swordsmen & Foresters, plus Stout Resolve & Swift Bolt
AA offer: add Into the Heat to Dummy deck & draw Agility to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a White crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Fireball/Firestorm to replenish the
Tactics: choose (1) From the Dusk, DP draws (4) Midnight Meditation
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Rage, March, Crystallize, Improvisation & March
March (w Green die) & Magic Familiars for Move 9; move adjacent to the Keep & reveal Tile 13
(reveal Orc War Beasts); Herbalists to ready Magic Familiars; assault the Keep & reveal Thugs
garrisoned there: Reputation -1 (0)
Combat with Thugs: Rage & Peasants for Block 4; Improvisation (w Red mana crystal) & discard
March for Attack 5; defeat Thugs: Reputation +1 (+1) & Fame +2 (13), mark the Keep with a shield
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Black; draw Swiftness, Crushing Bolt, Rejuvenate & Determination,
plus Diamond Ring (+1 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Swiftness, Stamina & Tranquility, plus Rage (13 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Crystallize, Swiftness, Crushing Bolt, Rejuvenate, Determination & Diamond Ring
Magic Familiars for Move 5; reveal Tile 10 & Tile 12 (reveal Wolf Riders & add In Need to Unit offer)
Magic Familiars for Influence 5 (+1 from Reputation); disband Herbalists to recruit Utem
End of Turn: reroll White die to Black; draw Stamina, plus Mana Draw (+1 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Stamina, Crystallize & Into the Heat, plus March & Rage (8 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Swiftness, Determination, Crushing Bolt, Diamond Ring, Stamina & Mana Draw
Diamond Ring to gain 1 White mana token & 1 White mana crystal; Fame +1 (14); Mana Draw (w
White mana token) to set Gold die to Blue & gain 2 Blue mana tokens
Enter the Maze (with Utem Swordsmen): Stamina (w Blue mana token) to choose path 4; draw
Shadow; don’t block & add 2 Wounds to hand; Determination & Utem Swordsmen (become
Wounded) for Attack 8; defeat Shadow: Fame +4 (18), mark path 4 of the Maze with a shield
End of Turn: gain Expose/Mass Expose as a reward, draw Offering/Sacrifice to replenish Spell
offer; level up: draw Whisper in the Treetops (pick this one) & Forward March, DP adds Arcane
Disguise to Common Skill offer; add Agility to top deck, draw Pure Magic to replenish AA offer;
draw Agility & Expose/Mass Expose, plus Rage (+1 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Concentration, Swiftness & Determination (5 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Crushing Bolt, Agility, Expose/Mass Expose, Rage & 2 Wounds
Whisper in the Treetops to gain 1 White mana crystal & 1 Green mana token
Challenge Wolf Riders: Expose (w White mana crystal) & Crushing Bolt (w Green mana token) for
Ranged Attack 5; defeat Wolf Riders: Reputation +1 (+1) & Fame +3 (21)
End of Turn: draw Noble Manners & Swiftness, plus Concentration (+1 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Mana Draw, Promise & Savage Harvesting, plus Improvisation (1 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Rage, Noble Manners, Swiftness, Concentration & 2 Wounds
Swiftness plus Rage sideways for Move 3; move to the Refugee Camp
End of Turn: draw Stamina, plus Threaten (+1 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Ruthless Coercion (0 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Noble Manners, Concentration, Stamina, Threaten & 2 Wounds
Noble Manners (w White mana crystal) & Threaten, plus Concentration sideways for Influence 7
(+1 from Reputation); disband Utem Swordsmen to recruit Illusionists
End of Turn: Fame +1 (22) & Reputation +1 (+2) (from Noble Manners)
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Stamina & 2 Wounds
Stamina (w Blue die) for Move 4; move to the plains & reveal Tile 6* (reveal Blue City level 5, Ice
Dragon & add Counterattack to Unit offer)
Round 3 (Day)
Unit offer: Ice Golems, Thugs & Amotep Gunners, plus Diplomacy, Decompose, Shield Bash &
AA offer: add Mountain Lore to Dummy deck & draw Dodge and Weave to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a Red crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Demolish/Disintegrate to replenish the
Starting hand: Stamina, Expose/Mass Expose, Stamina, Mana Draw & Noble Manners
Tactics: choose (5) Great Start (draw Improvisation & 1 Wound), DP draws (6) The Right Moment
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Stamina, Expose/Mass Expose, Stamina, Mana Draw, Noble Manners, Improvisation & 1
Noble Manners & Magic Familiars for Influence 7 (+2 from Reputation); disband Peasants & recruit
Amotep Gunners
End of Turn: Fame +1 (23) (from Noble Manners); draw Rage (+1 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Into the Heat, Swiftness & Mana Draw, plus Improvisation (14 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Expose/Mass Expose, Stamina, Mana Draw, Improvisation, Rage & 1 Wound
Stamina (w Blue die) for Move 4; move to the Ancient Ruins & reveal Golems garrisoned at the
Enter the Ancient Ruins: draw Sorcerers & Illusionists; Amotep Gunners for Ranged Fire Attack 6;
defeat Sorcerers: Fame +5 (28); Illusionists summon Crypt Worm; don’t block & add 2 Wounds to
hand; Mana Draw; Rage (w Red die) & Improvisation (discard Expose/Mass Expose) for Attack 7;
defeat Illusionists: Fame +4 (32), mark the Ruins with a shield
End of Turn: reroll Blue die to Blue & Red to Blue; gain Fireball/Firestorm (draw Burning Shield/
Exploding Shield to replenish Spell offer) & Spell Forge (draw Frost Bridge to replenish AA offer) as
a reward; level up: add 3rd Command token & Hand limit increase to 6; draw Spell Forge, Fireball/
Firestorm & Swiftness, plus Agility (+1 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Mountain Lore, Concentration & Tranquility, plus March (10 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Spell Forge, Fireball/Firestorm, Swiftness, Agility & 3 Wounds
Swiftness & Agility for Move 4; assault the Keep: Reputation -1 (+1)
Combat with Golems: don’t block & Golems hit Illusionists (without wounding them because of
physical resistance); Spell Forge (w Blue die) to gain 2 Red mana crystals; Fireball (w Red mana
crystal) for Fire Attack 5; defeat Golems: Fame +4 (36), mark the Keep with a shield
End of Turn: reroll Blue die to Red; level up: draw Motivation & Inspiration (pick this one), DP adds
Shamanic Ritual to Common Skill offer; add Pure Magic to top deck, draw Refreshing Walk to
replenish AA offer; draw Pure Magic, Diamond Ring & March, plus Swiftness & Threaten (+2 from
the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Promise, Rage & Swiftness, plus Rage (6 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Pure Magic, Diamond Ring, March, Swiftness,Threaten & 3 Wounds
Diamond Ring to gain 1 White mana token & 1 White mana crystal; Fame +1 (37)
Pure Magic (w Blue die) & pay 1 White mana token for Influence 7 (+1 from Reputation); recruit Ice
End of Turn: reroll Blue die to White; draw Rage & Determination (+2 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Stamina, Stamina & Savage Harvesting, plus Crystallize (2 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: March, Swiftness, Threaten, Rage, Determination & 3 Wounds
March (w Green die) & Swiftness, plus Threaten & Determination sideways for Move 8; move to
the forest adjacent Ice Dragon
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Gold; draw Rejuvenate & 1 Wound
Dummy’s turn
Determination & Ruthless Coercion (0 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Rage, Rejuvenate & 4 Wounds
Challenge Ice Dragon: Illusionists (w White mana crystal) & Ice Dragon don’t attack this combat;
Amotep Gunners (w Red die) for Fire Attack 6 & Ice Golems for Attack 3; defeat Ice Dragon:
Reputation +2 (+2) & Fame +8 (45)
Whisper in the Treetops to gain 1 White mana crystal & 1 Green mana token
End of Turn: reroll Red die to White; draw Crystallize, March & Crushing Bolt
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Rage, Crystallize, March, Crushing Bolt & 2 Wounds
March (w Gold die) for Move 4; reveal Tile 4* (reveal High Dragon & Ancient Ruins with grey &
violet Enemies); Rage sideways for Move 1; move adjacent to Blue City & reveal the garrison:
Sorcerers, Fire Mages & Freezers
Round 4 (Night)
Unit offer: Heroes (Green), Guardian Golems & Catapults, plus Learning, Regeneration, Blood
Ritual & Temporal Portal
AA offer: add Dodge and Weave to Dummy deck & draw Steady Tempo to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a Red crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Call to Arms/Call to Glory to replenish
the offer
Starting hand: Rejuvenate, Fireball/Firestorm, Crushing Bolt, Concentration, March & 1 Wound
Dummy’s turn
Stamina, March & Rage, plus Into the Heat, Ruthless Coercion & Savage Harvesting (13 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Rejuvenate, Fireball/Firestorm, Crushing Bolt, Concentration, March & 1 Wound
Whisper in the Treetops to gain 1 White mana crystal & 1 Green mana token
Diamond Ring to gain 2 White mana tokens (White mana crystals at limit); Fame +1 (46)
Ranged and Siege Attack phase: Concentration (w Green mana crystal) with Crushing Bolt for
Siege Attack 5: defeat Fire Mages, Fame +5 (51)
Block phase: Determination (w Blue die) plus Fireball/Firestorm sideways for Block 6; block
Assign Damage phase: Freezers hit Norowas, add 2 Wounds to hand (don’t have any non-Wound
cards left to discard)
Attack phase: Amotep Gunners, Ice Golems & Magic Familiars for Attack 13; defeat Sorcerers &
Freezers: Fame +12 (63)
Conquer the Blue City & become its leader; put 3 shields on city card
End of Turn: reroll Blue die to Red; level up: add 4th Command token & Armor increase to 4; level
up: draw Calming the Weather & Leadership (pick this one), DP adds Battle Frenzy to Common
Skill offer; add Refreshing Walk to top deck, draw Peaceful Moment to replenish AA offer; draw
Refreshing Walk, Agility & Rage, plus Rage & Noble Manners (+2 from being Blue City leader)
Dummy’s turn
Swiftness, Improvisation & Determination (10 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Refreshing Walk, Agility, Rage, Rage, Noble Manners & 3 Wounds
Illusionist for Influence 4 (+3 from shields & +2 from Reputation); recruit Catapults
End of Turn
Dummy’s turn
Stamina, Swiftness & Mountain Lore, plus Mana Draw (6 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Refreshing Walk, Agility, Rage, Rage, Noble Manners & 3 Wounds
Mana Search: reroll Blue & Red dice to Black & Gold
Noble Manners for Influence 2 (+3 from the shields & +2 from Reputation); buy (w Red die)
Demolish/Disintegrate to top deck, draw Space Bending/Time Bending to replenish Spell offer
End of Turn: draw Demolish/Disintegrate (+2 from being Blue City leader) [should add +1 Fame
from Noble Manners]
Dummy’s turn
Crystallize, Rage & Tranquility, plus Promise (2 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Refreshing Walk, Agility, Rage, Rage, Demolish/Disintegrate & 3 Wounds
Agility (w White mana crystal) for Move 4; move to the plains & reveal Tile 8* (reveal Red City level
8, High Dragon & Storm Dragon)
Challenge Storm Dragon: Illusionists (w White mana crystal) & Storm Dragon don’t attack this
combat; Rage, Rage & Catapults for Attack 7; defeat Storm Dragon: Reputation +2 (+3) & Fame
+7 (70)
End of Turn: draw Improvisation, plus Crystallize & March (+2 from being Blue City leader)
Dummy’s turn
Dodge and Weave & Concentration (0 left)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Refreshing Walk, Demolish/Disintegrate, Improvisation, Crystallize, March & 3 Wounds
End of Turn: reroll Red die to Green; draw Swiftness & Spell Forge, plus Stamina & Stamina (+2
from being Blue City leader)
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Demolish/Disintegrate, Improvisation, Swiftness, Spell Forge, Stamina, Stamina & 2
Mana Search: reroll Green & White dice to Blue & Red
Spell Forge (w Blue die) to gain 1 Blue & 1 Red mana crystals
Stamina & Stamina for Move 4; move adjacent to Red City & reveal the garrison: Gargoyle,
Monks, Gunners & Grim Legionnaires; Improvisation (discard Demolish/Disintegrate) & Swiftness
for Move 5; move to the Red Crystal Mine
Round 5 (Day)
Unit offer: Fire Mages, Utem Crossbowmen & Delphana Masters, plus Heroic Tale, Ritual Attack,
Path Finding & Crystal Mastery
AA offer: add Frost Bridge to Dummy deck & draw Ice Bolt to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a Red crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Restoration/Rebirth to replenish the
Starting hand: Diamond Ring, Crushing Bolt, Stamina, Rage, Noble Manners & 1 Wound
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Diamond Ring, Crushing Bolt, Stamina, Rage, Noble Manners & 1 Wound
Whisper in the Treetops to gain 1 White mana crystal & 1 Green mana token
Ranged and Siege Attack phase: Catapults (w Red die) for Siege Fire Attack 5; defeat Monks:
Fame +4 (74); Amotep Gunners (w Red mana crystal) for Ranged Fire Attack 6 (+1 from
Leadership) & Crushing Bolt (w Green mana token) for Siege Attack 3; defeat Grim Legionnaires:
Fame +8 (82)
Assign Damage phase: Gunners hit Amotep Gunners (take 1 Wound) & Norowas (add 2 Wounds
to hand); Gargoyle hits Illusionists (take 1 Wound) & Norowas (add 2 Wounds to hand)
Attack phase: Ice Golems (w Blue mana crystal) for Ice Attack 6; defeat Gargoyle: Fame +4 (86);
Magic Familiars & Rage for Attack 7; defeat Gunners: Fame +7 (93)
Conquer the Red City & become its leader; put 4 shields on city card.
End of Turn: reroll Red die to Red; level up: add 5th Command token & Hand limit increase to 7;
draw Spell Forge & Expose (+2 from being Red City leader)
Norowas’ turn
Hand: Diamond Ring, Noble Manners, Spell Forge, Expose/Mass Expose & 5 Wounds
Noble Manners (w White die) plus Diamond Ring & Expose/Mass Expose sideways for Influence 6
(+4 from the shields & +2 from Reputation); buy Soul Harvester to top deck (put Endless Gem
Pouch on bottom of the Artifacts deck)
End of Turn: Fame +1 (94) & Reputation +1 (+3) (from Noble Manners)
Fame: 94
The Greatest Leader: 10 (2 level III & 1 level II Units, plus 1 level III & 1 level II Wounded Units)
Game 03 (03-04/08/2018)
Solo Conquest
Hero: Krang
Round 1 (Day)
Starting Tile A, Tile 2 (reveal Orc Summoners) & Tile 6 (reveal Orc Summoners)
Spell offer: Fireball/Firestorm, Call to Arms/Call to Glory & Space Bending/Time Bending
Starting hand: March, Mana Draw, Determination, Tranquility & Savage Harvesting
Krang’s turn
Hand: March, Mana Draw, Determination, Tranquility & Savage Harvesting
March (w Green die) & Savage Harvesting for Move 6; move to the Monster Den
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Green; draw Rage & Swiftness, plus Swiftness (+1 from Planning)
Dummy’s turn
Crystallize, Promise & Concentration, plus Improvisation (12 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Mana Draw, Determination, Concentration, Rage, Swiftness & Swiftness
Enter the Monster Den: draw Manticore; Mana Draw (w White die) to set Black die to White; gain 2
White mana tokens; Swiftness (w White mana token) & Swiftness (w White mana token) for
Ranged Attack 6; defeat Manticore: Fame +5 (5), mark the Monster Den with a shield
End of Turn: reroll White die to Gold; gain 1 White & 1 Red mana crystals as a reward; level up:
draw Battle Hardened (pick this one) & Regenerate, DP adds Feral Allies to Common Skill offer;
add Crushing Bolt to top deck, draw Refreshing Walk to replenish AA offer; draw Crushing Bolt &
Stamina, plus Rage (+1 from Planning)
Dummy’s turn
Mana Draw, One with the Land & Rage (9 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Determination, Concentration, Rage, Crushing Bolt, Stamina & Rage
Stamina plus Determination sideways for Move 3; move to the Red Crystal Mine
Challenge Orc Summoners: Concentration (w Green die) with Crushing Bolt for Siege Attack 5;
defeat Orc Summoners: Reputation +1 (0) & Fame +4 (9)
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Blue; gain 1 Red mana crystal from the Mine; level up: add 2nd
Command token & Armor increase to 3; draw Improvisation, Ruthless Coercion & Promise, plus
Stamina (+1 from Planning)
Dummy’s turn
Threaten, Druidic Paths & March, plus Swiftness (5 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Rage, Rage, Improvisation, Ruthless Coercion, Promise & Stamina
Stamina (w Blue die) & Improvisation (discard Promise) for Move 7; move to the forest; reveal Tile
5 (reveal Orc Skirmishers & add Magic Talent to Unit offer) & Tile 4 (reveal Orc Stonethrower)
Challenge Orc Stonethrower: don’t block; Battle Hardened to reduce damage assigned to 5: add
2 Wounds to hand; Rage & Rage for Attack 4; defeat Orc Stonethrower: Reputation +1 (+1) &
Fame +4 (13)
Dummy’s turn
Determination, Swiftness & Stamina, plus Rage & Tranquility (0 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Ruthless Coercion, Crystallize & 2 Wounds
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Round 2 (Night)
AA offer: add Blood Ritual to Dummy deck & draw Force of Nature to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a Red crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Demolish/Disintegrate to replenish the
Midnight Meditation: shuffle Mana Draw & 2 Wounds back into the deck, draw Ruthless Coercion,
March & Rage
Krang’s turn
Hand: Improvisation, Concentration, Ruthless Coercion, March & Rage
March (w Green mana crystal) for Move 4; move to the Blue Crystal Mine
Challenge Orc Skirmishers: don’t block; Battle Hardened to reduce 1 Attack to 0; add 1 Wound to
hand; Rage (w Red die) for Attack 4; defeat Orc Skirmishers: Reputation +1 (+1) & Fame +2 (15)
End of Turn: reroll Red die to Green; gain 1 Blue mana crystal from the Mine; level up: draw Curse
& Puppet Master, but pick Feral Allies instead; DP adds Nature’s Vengeance to Common Skill
offer; add Temporal Portal to top deck, draw Agility to replenish AA offer; draw Temporal Portal
Dummy’s turn
Blood Ritual, Swiftness & Threaten, plus Concentration (13 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Improvisation, Concentration, Ruthless Coercion, Temporal Portal & 1 Wound
Concentration (w Green die) with Improvisation (discard Temporal Portal) for Move 7; move to the
Monastery; reveal Tile 12 (reveal Orc Trackers & add Steady Tempo to Unit offer) & Tile 7 (reveal
Orc Trackers & add Swift Bolt to Unit offer)
Ruthless Coercion (w Red mana crystal) for Influence 6 (+1 from Reputation); recruit Savage
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Black; Reputation -1 (+1); draw Determination, Tranquility, Stamina
& 1 Wound
Dummy’s turn
Rage, Mana Draw & Determination, plus Crystallize & Druidic Paths
Krang’s turn
Hand: Determination, Tranquility, Stamina & 2 Wounds
Dummy’s turn
Promise, March & Improvisation, plus Stamina (4 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Determination, Crystallize, Rage & 2 Wounds
Enter the Dungeon: draw Shadow; Feral Allies to reduce Shadow Cold Fire Attack to 3;
Determination (w Blue mana crystal) plus Crystallize sideways for Block 6; Rage (w Red die) for
Attack 4; defeat Shadow: Fame +4 (19), mark the Dungeon with a shield
End of Turn: reroll Red die to Red; gain Ruby Ring as a reward (put Shield of the Fallen Kings on
bottom of the Artifacts deck); draw Ruby Ring, Promise & Stamina
Dummy’s turn
Swiftness, One with the Land & Rage, plus Tranquility (0 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Ruby Ring, Promise, Stamina & 2 Wounds
Promise (w White die) plus Ruby Ring sideways for Influence 5 (+1 from Reputation); learn Swift
End of Turn: reroll White die to Blue; draw Swift Bolt, Crushing Bolt & Swiftness
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Krang’s turn
Hand: Swift Bolt, Crushing Bolt, Swiftness & 2 Wounds
Swift Bolt to gain 1 White mana crystal; Crushing Bolt to gain 1 Green mana crystal
Round 3 (Day)
Unit offer: Peasants, Red Cape Monks & Peasants, plus Ice Bolt, Ambush & Decompose
AA offer: add Refreshing Walk to Dummy deck & draw Mountain Lore to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a White crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Tremor/Earthquake to replenish the
Tactics: choose (5) Great Start (draw Savage Harvesting & Tranquility), DP draws (1) Early Bird
Dummy’s turn
Druidic Paths, Rage & Mana Draw, plus March (14 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Crushing Bolt, Promise, Crystallize, Improvisation, Savage Harvesting, Tranquility & 1
Savage Harvesting plus Promise sideways for Move 3; move to the Magical Glade
Challenge Orc Trackers: Feral Allies to reduce Orc Trackers’ attack to 3; Improvisation & discard
Tranquility for Block 3; Crushing Bolt (w Green die) for Attack 3; defeat Orc Trackers: Reputation
+1 (+1) & Fame +3 (22)
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Black; throw away 1 Wound from hand; draw Stamina,
Determination, Ruthless Coercion & 1 Wound
Dummy’s turn
Crystallize, Swiftness & One with the Land, plus Blood Ritual (10 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Crystallize, Stamina, Determination, Ruthless Coercion & 1 Wound
Stamina (w Gold mana token) for Move 4; reveal Tile 3; move to the Village
Ruthless Coercion for Influence 2 (+1 from Reputation); recruit Peasants at a discount of 2
End of Turn: reroll Red die to Red; Reputation -1 (+1); draw March, Temporal Portal & Rage
Dummy’s turn
Tranquility, Swiftness & Improvisation, plus Threaten (6 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Determination, March, Temporal Portal, Rage, Stamina, Rage & 1 Wound
Stamina & Peasants for Move 4; move to the plains & reveal Tile V (reveal Volkare’s Camp level 5,
Diggers & Lava Dragon)
Temporal Portal to move to the plains; reveal Shocktroops garrisoned at the Keep
Dummy’s turn
Promise, Rage & Stamina, plus Refreshing Walk & Concentration (1 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Determination, March, Rage, Rage, Swift Bolt & 1 Wound
March plus Rage sideways for Move 3; assault the Keep: Reputation -1 (0)
Combat with Shocktroops: Swift Bolt for Ranged Attack 4; defeat Shocktroops: Fame +3 (25),
mark the Keep with a shield
End of Turn: reroll White die to Blue; level up: add 3rd Command token & Hand limit increase to 6;
draw Swiftness, Concentration & Mana Draw, plus Swiftness (+1 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Determination (0 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Determination, Rage, Swiftness, Concentration, Mana Draw, Swiftness & 1 Wound
Challenge Lava Dragon: Feral Allies to reduce Lava Dragon’s attack to 5; Concentration (w Green
mana crystal) with Determination & Savage Monks for Block 10; Rage (w Red die), Swiftness (w
White mana crystal) plus Mana Draw sideways for Attack 8; defeat Lava Dragon: Reputation +2
(+1) & Fame +8 (33)
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Krang’s turn
Hand: Ruby Ring & 1 Wound
Ruby Ring to gain 1 Red mana token & 1 Red mana crystal; Fame +1 (34)
Round 4 (Night)
Unit offer: Ice Mages, Herbalists & Delphana Masters, plus Shield Bash, Frost Bridge & Heroic
AA offer: add Force of Nature to Dummy deck & draw Into the Heat to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a Blue crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Restoration/Rebirth to replenish the
Starting hand: Crushing Bolt, Tranquility, Ruby Ring, Crystallize, Swiftness & Rage, plus March (+1
from the Keep)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Crushing Bolt, Tranquility, Ruby Ring, Crystallize, Swiftness, Rage & March
Mana Search: reroll Gold & Red dice to Red & White
March (w Green die) for Move 4; reveal Tile 7* (reveal White City level 8 & Storm Dragon)
Ruthless Coercion sideways for Move 1; move to the wasteland & reveal the garrison of Volkare’s
Camp: Ironclads, Ironclads, Lava Dragon & Altem Mages
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Blue; draw Determination, plus Stamina (+1 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Swiftness, Swiftness & Rage, plus Force of Nature (15 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Crushing Bolt, Ruby Ring, Crystallize, Swiftness, Rage, Determination & Stamina
Challenge Storm Dragon: Feral Allies to reduce Storm Dragon’s attack to 3; Determination (w Blue
die) plus Ruby Ring sideways for Block 6; Rage (w Red mana crystal) & Swiftness (w White mana
crystal) for Attack 7; defeat Storm Dragon: Reputation +2 (+2) & Fame +7 (41)
End of Turn: reroll Blue die to Gold; level up: draw Mana Enhancement & Arcane Disguise, but
pick Nature’s Vengeance instead; DP adds Shapeshift to Common Skill offer;add Agility to top
deck, draw Fire Bolt to replenish AA offer; draw Agility, Swiftness & 1 Wound, plus Swift Bolt (+1
from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Threaten, Refreshing Walk & Crystallize, plus One with the Land, March & Druidic Paths (9 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Crushing Bolt, Crystallize, Stamina, Agility, Swiftness, Swift Bolt & 1 Wound
Mana Search: reroll Gold & Red dice to Blue & Green
Stamina (w Blue die) for Move 4; move to the Keep & reveal Tile 10* (reveal Orc War Beasts& Wolf
Challenge Orc War Beasts: Nature’s Vengeance to reduce Orc War Beasts’ attack to 2; Swiftness
for Move 2 & dodge Orc War Beasts’ attack; Crushing Bolt to gain 1 Green mana crystal; Savage
Monks (w Green mana crystal) & Feral Allies for Attack 5; defeat Orc War Beasts: Reputation +1
(+2) & Fame +3 (44)
End of Turn: reroll Blue die to Green; draw Mana Draw, Concentration & Stamina, plus Rage (+1
from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Determination, Improvisation & Concentration, plus Mana Draw (5 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Crystallize, Agility, Mana Draw, Concentration, Stamina, Rage & 1 Wound
Agility (w White die) plus Crystallize sideways for Move 5; assault the Keep: reveal Heroes (Blue)
garrisoned there & Reputation -1 (+2)
Combat with Heroes (Blue): Nature’s Vengeance to reduce the Physical Attack by 1 & Heroes
(Blue) gain Cumbersome for the combat; Mana Draw; Concentration (w Green die) with Stamina
for Move 6; dodge the Ice Attack; Battle Hardened to reduce assigned damage from Physical
Attack to 0; Rage (w Red mana crystal) for Attack 4; defeat Heroes (Blue): Fame +5 (49) &
Reputation -1 (+1), mark the Keep with a shield
End of Turn: reroll White die to White & Green to Black; level up: add 4th Command token &
Armor increase to 4; draw Promise, Improvisation, Savage Harvesting & Temporal Portal
Dummy’s turn
Promise, Stamina & Blood Ritual, plus Rage (1 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Promise, Improvisation, Savage Harvesting, Temporal Portal & 1 Wound
Savage Harvesting (w Green die) for Move 4; move to the Deep Mine & discard Promise to gain 1
White mana crystal
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Black; gain 1 Green mana crystal from the Deep Mine
Dummy’s turn
Tranquility (0 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Improvisation, Temporal Portal & 1 Wound
Temporal Portal (w Blue die) to move adjacent to the White City; reveal the garrison: Guardsmen,
Gunners, Freezers & Fire Catapult
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Round 5 (Day)
Unit offer: Heroes (Red), Utem Guardsmen & Fire Golems, plus Path Finding, Intimidate & Dodge
and Weave
AA offer: add Mountain Lore to Dummy deck & draw In Need to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a Red crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Flame Wall/Flame Wave to replenish the
Starting hand: Concentration, Crystallize, Improvisation, Crushing Bolt, Rage & Stamina, plus
Ruthless Coercion, Swift Bolt (+2 from the Keep), Ruby Ring & Swiftness (+2 from Temporal
Tactics: choose (3) Mana Steal (take a Green die), DP draws (2) Rethink
Dummy’s turn
Threaten, Crystallize & Promise, plus Rage (16 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Concentration, Crystallize, Improvisation, Crushing Bolt, Rage, Stamina, Ruthless Coercion,
Swift Bolt, Ruby Ring & Swiftness
Ruby Ring to gain 1 Red mana token & 1 Red mana crystal; Fame +1 (50)
Ruthless Coercion (w Red mana token) plus Crystallize sideways for Influence 7 (+1 from
Reputation); recruit Fire Golems
End of Turn: reroll Blue die to White; Reputation -1 (+1); draw March & Savage Harvesting (+2
from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
Mana Draw, March & Determination, plus Swiftness, Blood Ritual & Concentration (10 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Concentration, Improvisation, Crushing Bolt, Rage, Swift Bolt, Swiftness, March & Savage
March & Savage Harvesting, plus Concentration sideways for Move 5; assault White City:
Reputation -1 (0); reveal Heroes (White) garrisoned at the Keep
Ranged & Siege Attack phase: Crushing Bolt (w stolen Green die) & Savage Monks (w Green
mana crystal) for Siege Attack 7; defeat Gunners: Fame +7 (57)
Block phase: Nature’s Vengeance to reduce Freezers attack to 2 (gain Cumbersome); Feral Allies
to reduce Freezers attack to 1; Peasants for Block 2 & Swiftness for Move 2 (used to dodge
Freezers attack); block Freezers
Assign Damage phase: Guardsmen hit Peasants (take 1 Wound); Battle Hardened to ignore 1
point of damage from Fire Catapult; Fire Catapult hits Savage Monks (take 1 Wound) & Krang (add
1 Wound to hand)
Attack phase: Rage (w Red die) & Swift Bolt (w White mana crystal) for Attack 8; defeat Freezers:
Fame +7 (64)
Guardsmen & Fire Catapult left, retreat to the forest; add 2 shields to city card
End of Turn: reroll Green & Red dice to Green & Black; level up: draw Spirit Guides & Battle Frenzy
(pick this one), DP adds Secret Ways to Common Skill offer; add Fire Bolt to top deck, draw
Crystal Mastery to replenish AA offer; draw Fire Bolt, Swiftness, Determination & Promise, plus
Tranquility & Stamina (+2 from the Keep)
Dummy’s turn
One with the Land, Force of Nature & Rage, plus Druidic Paths & Stamina (5 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Improvisation, Fire Bolt, Swiftness, Determination, Promise, Tranquility, Stamina & 1 Wound
Assign Damage phase: Feral Allies to reduce Fire Catapult attack to 7; Battle Hardened to ignore
1 point of damage from Fire Catapult; Fire Catapult hit Krang (add 2 Wounds to hand)
Attack phase: flip Battle Frenzy for Attack 4; Fire Golems (w Red mana crystal) for Fire Attack 4;
defeat Fire Catapult: Fame +7 (71); Improvisation (w Red mana crystal) & discard Promise for
Attack 5; Swiftness (w White mana crystal) for Attack 3; defeat Guardsmen: Fame +3 (74)
Conquer the White City & become its leader; put 2 shields on city card
End of Turn: reroll Green die to Black; draw Mana Draw, Temporal Portal, Rage & 1 Wound, plus
Agility (+2 from being White City leader)
Dummy’s turn
Swiftness, Mountain Lore & Improvisation, plus Refreshing Walk & Tranquility (0 left)
Krang’s turn
Hand: Fire Bolt, Mana Draw, Temporal Portal, Rage, Agility & 2 Wounds
Agility, plus Fire Bolt & Temporal Portal sideways for Move 4; assault the Keep: Reputation -1 (0)
Combat with Heroes (White): Battle Hardened to ignore 2 points of damage from the Physical
Attack 2; Heroes (White) hit Fire Golems with Physical Attack 3: ignore damage because of
Physical Resistance; Mana Draw (w White die) to set Black die to Red: gain 2 Red mana tokens;
Rage (w Red mana token) & Feral Allies for Attack 5; defeat Heroes (White): Fame +5 (79) &
Reputation -1 (-1), mark the Keep with a shield
Dummy’s turn
Declares End of the Round
Round 6 (Night)
Unit offer: Altem Guardsmen, Guardian Golems & Catapults, plus Peaceful Moment, Mana Storm
& Chivalry
AA offer: add Into the Heat to Dummy deck & draw Blood Rage to replenish the offer
Spell offer: add a Green crystal to Dummy inventory & draw Offering/Sacrifice to replenish the
Starting hand: Temporal Portal, Stamina, Swiftness, Improvisation, Tranquility & Stamina, plus
Savage Harvesting & Promise (+2 from being White City leader)
Tactics: choose (2) Long Night, DP draws (1) From the Dusk
Dummy’s turn