Beam Engine Hack Saw
Beam Engine Hack Saw
Beam Engine Hack Saw
In this project, the output of a Beam Engine is used to drive a reciprocating saw to cut timber.
Here, instead of the rotating fly wheel, it is intended to have a rotating reciprocating saw. This
rotating reciprocating saw is used to cut timber. Reciprocating saws driven with electric power
are a common feature. But in places where electricity is scarce, or absent, it is difficult to
operate these Equipment’s. But since the Beam Engine powered saw runs on fuel, it can be
operated even in places where electricity is totally absent. A beam engine is a design of
stationary steam engine. A stationary engine is an engine whose framework does not move.
Usually, a stationary engine is used not to propel a vehicle but to drive a piece of immobile
equipment such as a pump or power tools. In a beam engine, the piston is mounted vertically,
and the piston rod does not connect directly to the connecting rod, but instead to a rocker or
beam above both the piston and flywheel. The beam is pivoted in the middle, with the cylinder
on one side and the flywheel, which incorporates the crank, on the other. The connecting rod
connects to the opposite end of the beam to the piston rod, and then to the flywheel.
Mechanical Engineering
Project Object
The objective of this project is to provide a combination of manual supervision and partial
automation and is similar to manual set-up in most respects but it reduces the labor involved in
terms of Irrigation design is simple, easy to install, microcontroller-based circuit to monitor and
record the values of temperature, soil moisture that are continuously modified and controlled in
order optimize them to achieve maximum plant growth and yield.
Mechanical Engineering
S. M. Wange et al., [1] (2018) Presented the “Automatic Water Sprinkler System” is powered by
solar energy. The solar energy is absorbed by the solar panel and the energy is stored as electricity in the
battery. The battery gives power to the dc motor. Constantinou’s Mario’s Angelopoulos et al.,
[2] (2011) Presented the “A Smart System for Garden Watering Using Wireless Sensor
Networks” this system is powered by EC-5 soil sensor shouldered on a Telos B mote. The sensor motes
were programmed in Tiny OS. Java Application is used for data collection for the system.
[3] (2017) Presented the Plant Watering Robot “Plant O Bot” this robot is in manual operating
system mode and finds any flower pot then its ultrasonic sensors help to find the height of flower pot
and the robot adjusts the nozzle and gives 200-400ml of water depending upon the size of pot. Hema N
et al.,
[4] (2012) Presented the “Plant Watering Autonomous Mobile Robot” this fully automated
watering system which uses wireless communication to communicate between the mobile robot and
the sensing module. This gardening robot is completely portable and is equipped with Radio Frequency
Identification module, a microcontroller, an on-board water reservoir and an attached water pump.
Saied Jafari et al.,
[5] (2013) presented the “Towards an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) in Sprinkler” the study
to propose and develop an automatic guide vehicle (AGV) with the capability to change sprinklers timely
and on appropriate positions for sprinkler irrigation classic method. The designed AGV is simulated on
computer environment and the results show acceptable outcomes.
Mechanical Engineering
In our attempt to design a special purpose machine we have adopted a very a very careful
approach, the total design work has been divided into two parts mainly;
System design
Mechanical design
System design mainly concerns with the various physical constraints and ergonomics, space
requirements, arrangement of various components on the main frame of machine no of controls
position of these controls ease of maintenance scope of further improvement; height of m/c from
ground etc.
Design parts
Mechanical Engineering
Parts to be purchased.
For design parts detail design is done and dimensions thus obtained are compared to next highest
dimension which are readily available in market this simplifies the assembly as well as post
production servicing work. The various tolerances on work pieces are specified in the
manufacturing drawings. The process charts are prepared & passed on to the manufacturing stage
The parts are to be purchased directly are specified &selected from standard catalogues.
Methodology can properly refer to the theoretical analysis of the methods appropriate to a field
of study or to the body of methods and principles particular to a branch of knowledge. In this
chapter, it talks about the methods used to gather information in order to finish the research. It
was involving the process flow of every step-in archive the objective of this project. There are
many methods use in this project such as internet references, interviewing lecturers and
technicians and the most important is group discussion.
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
conceptual model
Mechanical Engineering
The mechanical properties of the metals are those, which are associated with the ability of the
material to resist mechanical forces and load. We shall now discuss these properties as follows:
A. Strength B. Elasticity
C. Stress D. Plasticity
E. Stress F. Ductility
G. Brittleness H. Malleability
I. Toughness J. Resilience
When a part is subjected to a constant stress at high temperature for long period Of time, it will
undergo a slow and permanent deformation called creep. This property is considered in
designing internal combustion engines, boilers and turbines.
Mechanical Engineering
It is a very important property of the metals and has a wide verity of meanings. It embraces
many different properties such as resistance to wear scratching, deformation and match inability
etc. It also means the ability of the metal to cut another metal. The hardness is usually expressed
in numbers, which are dependent on the method of making the test.
In engineering practice, the machine parts are subjected to various forces, which may be due to
either one or more of the following.
1. Energy transmitted
2. Weight of machine
3. Fictional resistance
5. Change of temperature
The selection of the materials depends upon the various types of stresses that are set up during
operation. The material selected should with stand it. Another criterion for selection of metal
depends upon the type of load because a machine part resist load more easily than a live load and
live load more easily than a shock load.
Mechanical Engineering
Selection of the material depends upon factor of safety, which in turn depends upon the
following factors.
1. Reliabilities of properties
Mechanical Engineering
A parameter study is done to evaluate the most crucial parameters for FE analysis of axial ball
bearings. The parameters that are evaluated are mesh density, contact stiffness, osculation, load
level, geometrical nonlinearity and material nonlinearity. The studies are performed by means of
the FE software Ansys. The accuracy of finite element analysis depends on different parameters
such as element type, boundary condition and how the loads are applied etc. Therefore, the FE
model is nothing else but an approximate realization of the reality. The parameter study can be
done by physical tests. However, it will increase the cost, time and resources consumed and
therefore FE analysis is more suitable choice, at least for parameter evaluation.
In this study the finite element method is adopted using Pro Engineer and Ansys as a commercial
CAD and FE program. The following chapter contains some fundamentals of the applied theories
provided that the reader has an initial knowledge of basic structural mechanics, machine
components, and fundamentals of the finite element method.
Finite element method (FEM) is a method for approximate solutions of partial differential
equations. The domain of interest is divided into finite elements on which the solution is
approximated by piecewise-polynomials. The finer the partition (Mesh) is, the more accurate the
Nonlinear analysis is used when a structure behaves nonlinear when loaded i.e., the deformation
and the stress state does not have a linear relation to the applied load. The three main sources to
nonlinear behaviors are: contact, geometric nonlinearities and material nonlinearities. In order to
manage such calculations with a linear process the Newton Raphson method can be used.
Mechanical Engineering
Newton-Raphson is an iterative method for finding solution to nonlinear equations and equation
systems. In FE calculations the method is used for non-linear problems and the relations between
force and displacement is shown in Figure 2.1 for one degree of freedom. The procedure for
Newton-Raphson method is as follows: The load is applied and the displacements are calculated.
From the displacements new conditions are calculated and the displacements are recalculated.
This procedure is repeated until the solution is converged i.e., reach a certain value or level.
Material nonlinearities
Mechanical Engineering
4.8 Ansys
Ansys is a commercial, general purpose FE software which has been on the market since 1971.
It can be used in several applications for example to study the thermal heat flow, fluid flow,
magnetic fields, acoustics/vibrations and last but not least structural mechanical problems.
A handful of ways to handle contact are available in Ansys. However, the one described here is
penalty-based contact since it provides short calculation times and therefore is used.
When a penalty-based contact is used, Ansys adds a spring coefficient (k factor) when two
surfaces come in contact with each other, in order to prevent penetration and to transfer load.
(Figure 2.7) However penetration will occur in order to transfer force, which is not the case in
reality. Therefore, the penalty-based methods are sensitive to the choice of the spring coefficient.
The spring coefficient Ansys uses during calculations is the product between the “normal
stiffness factor” specified by the user and a reference factor calculated by the program. An
additional aspect (apart from the accuracy) to consider when selecting the “normal stiffness
factor” is the convergence behavior. A stiffer contact will result in more calculation iterations,
since bouncing might occur.
Mechanical Engineering
A contact condition can be either symmetric or asymmetric. When the contact condition is
symmetric none of the surfaces can penetrate each other, while when the contact is specified as
being asymmetric only one of the surfaces is prevented from penetrating the other i.e., the
contact surface cannot penetrate the target surface but the opposite is possible. Figure 2.8
illustrates the importance of selecting the correct contact pair.
In context of the license version used, Ansys tender a bilinear approximation of the stress-strain
relationship as in figure 2.9. The bilinear stress-strain curve requires two input values, yield
strength and tangent modulus. The yield strength is the value when plastics straining occurs and
the tangent modulus is the slope of the stress-strain curve after yielding.
Mechanical Engineering
Fig.10 Relationship Between Stress & strain, Bilinear curve in Red & True Material Relation in
Ansys offers several tools to control the meshing procedure. The mesh densities of the whole
model can be controlled by global settings for relevance centre in three steps: coarse, medium or
4.14 Method
Method is a meshing control that provides the possibility to select different elements shapes. The
different elements that are available are: tetrahedron or quadrilateral. Tetrahedron elements are
triangular pyramid like elements with 10 or 4 nodes and quadrilateral elements are cube elements
with 20 or 8 nodes.
Mechanical Engineering
4.15 Sizing
Sizing is a meshing control that provides the possibility to mesh with different mesh densities at
selected regions. By meshing fine in the area of interest and using coarse mesh in the remaining
parts one is able to reduce CPU time and memory usage. There are a couple of ways to select
the region of a sizing control available in Ansys. The region can be a surface. This will produce a
fine mesh (or actually a mesh with the size specified) on the surface only. The region can also be
an entire body which will produce a fine mesh all over the body. If a contact region is to be
analyzed, Ansys offers the possibility to specify the mesh size in the contact region. And to
capture a local behavior it is possible to specify a so-called sphere of influence which makes it
possible to set the element size (mesh size) within the volume of a sphere. The sphere of
influence can be used to enclose both faces and bodies.
Mechanical Engineering
In our attempt to design a special purpose machine we have adopted a very a very careful
approach, the total design work has been divided into two parts mainly;
System design.
Mechanical design.
System design mainly concerns with the various physical constraints and ergonomics, space
requirements, arrangement of various components on the main frame of machine no of controls
position of these controls ease of maintenance scope of further improvement; weight of m/c
from ground etc.
Design parts
Parts to be purchased.
For design parts detail design is done and dimensions thus obtained are compared to next
highest dimension which are readily available in market this simplifies the assembly as well as
post production servicing work.
The various tolerance on work is specified in the manufacturing drawings the process charts
are prepared & passed on to the manufacturing stage. The parts are to be purchased directly
are specified &selected from standard catalogues.
While selecting any m/c it must be checked whether it is going to be used in large scale or
small-scale industry in our care it is to be used in small scale industry so space is a major
constrain. The system is to be very compact it can be adjusted to corner of a room. The
mechanical design has direct norms with the system design hence the foremost job is to control
the physical parameters so that the distinction obtained after mechanical design can be well
Mechanical Engineering
Keeping into view the space restriction the components should be laid such that their easy
removal or servicing is possible moreover every component should be easily seen & none
should be hidden every possible space is utilized in component arrangement.
The friendliness of m/c with the operation is an important criterion of design. It is application
of anatomical
The losses incurred by owner in case of failure of a component are important criteria of design.
Factor of safety while doing the mechanical design is kept high so that there are less chances of
failure there over periodic maintenance is required to keep the m/c trouble free.
The layout of components should be such that easy servicing is possible especially those
components which required frequent servicing can be easily disassembled.
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical design phase is very important from the view of designer as whole success of
the project depends on the correct deign analysis of the problem.
Many preliminary alternatives are eliminated during this phase. Designer should have
adequate knowledge above physical properties of material, loads stresses, deformation, and
failure. Theories and wear analysis, He should identify the external and internal forces acting
on the machine parts
b) Friction forces
c) Inertia forces
Designer should estimate these forces very accurately by using design equations. If he does not
have sufficient information to estimate them, he should make certain practical assumptions
based on similar conditions which will almost satisfy the functional needs. Assumptions must
always be on the safer side.
When the piston in the cylinder reciprocates, it imparts an oscillating motion to the rocker
arms, as shown in figure 1 on page 2. This oscillating motion of the rocker arm is converted into
Mechanical Engineering
rotary motion by the crankshaft. The crankshaft, which is connected to the circular saw, makes
the circular saw rotate. This rotary action of the circular wood saw is used to saw timber or wood
blocks. There is a small table attachment for supporting the wooden block. The wooden block is
placed on the table and pushed towards the rotating wood saw, which results in the sawing
action. The main advantage of this machine is that it can be used in places where electricity is
not economical or in places where electricity is absent.
Mechanical Engineering
A beam engine mechanism is one where we use an overhead beam to create motion. Here we use
a beam engine motion-based assembly in order to achieve hack saw cutting motion using a
circular cutting disc. Our system uses a motorized disc to drive a connector which is in turn
connected to an overhead beam. The overhead bean has a connecting rod in turn connected to a
mini hacksaw blade. When the motorized disc below is turned on the connecting arm starts
reciprocating the overhead beam. This beam now heals achieve a back and forth cutting motion
as required by the hacksaw blade.
Mechanical Engineering
We construct a small bed in order to rest the work piece to achieve desired cutting. Thus, we
study the design and fabrication of mini hacksaw using beam engine mechanism.
The objective of this work is to automate the conventional power hacksaw machine in order to
achieve high productivity of work-pieces than the power hacksaw machine using pneumatic
power. Pneumatic is a huge topic of science and engineering dealing with the mechanical
properties of air. In our project we take this pneumatic and a hacksaw for cutting purpose, The
pneumatic reciprocating high- speed hacksaw machine has an advantage of working in high
pressure, the hacksaw used in this is reciprocate such that required shape can be catted according
to the requirement. The hacksaw is the metal cutting machine tool designed to cut metal by
Mechanical Engineering
applying pneumatic pressure. Hacksaws are used to cut thin and soft metals the operation of the
unit is simplified to a few simple operations involving a cylinder block and piston arrangement.
There are numerous systems in hacksaw machine.
The hacksaw is the metal cutting machine tool designed to cut metal by applying pneumatic
pressure. The machine exclusively intended for mass production and they represent fasten and
more efficient way to cut a metal. Hacksaws are used to cut thin and soft metals the operation of
the unit is simplified to a few simple operations involving a cylinder block and piston
arrangement. There are numerous systems in hacksaw machine. The main function of pneumatic
hacksaw is to cut thin and soft metals by pneumatic power.
System Drawings
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Bill of material
Mechanical Engineering
1. The cutting speed can be varied according to our needs by adjusting the timer.
2. It is portable.
5. It is compact one.
6. Less maintenance.
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
2. It useful when materials need to be cut in hazardous areas such as oil & gas refineries,
chemical factories or oil rigs as well as dusty and wet environments where electric tools
fiberglass workshops, because they will last longer than electric tools.
Mechanical Engineering
The Plant Irrigation Water Sprinkler Robot is a robot that moves over a field with a single sprinkler and a
water tank, spraying water all over it. It's like a moving water tank that sprays water all over the field as
it goes around. In the field of agriculture, the project design will make an impressive effort. It's great for
irrigating streams and rivers using water. This project has also helped to minimize the expenses. The
project is set up to complete all of the requirements. The cost of irrigation and man's labor will be
reduced with this design. Also, the proper conservation of water resources will be met. There are some
improvements that can be made to the project design to increase efficiency and accessibility. First is the
use of solar panels and rechargeable batteries will make the system more efficient, reliable, and self-
sustainable. Also, incorporating remote system management via Android smartphones using the
internet. And lastly, plant detection and obstacle avoidance can be improved via a wireless webcam and
ultrasonic sensors, respectively.
Mechanical Engineering