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UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to gather, interpret and convey information in
response to workplace requirements.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Obtain and 1.1 Specific and relevant 1.1 Effective verbal and 1.1 Following simple
convey information is accessed nonverbal spoken language
workplace from appropriate communication 1.2 Performing routine
information sources 1.2 Different modes of workplace duties
1.2 Effective questioning, communication following simple
active listening and 1.3 Medium of written notices
speaking skills are communication in 1.3 Participating in
used to gather and the workplace workplace
convey information meetings and
1.4 Organizational
1.3 Appropriate medium is discussions
policies 1.4 Preparing work-
used to transfer
information and ideas 1.5 Communication related documents
1.4 Appropriate non- verbal procedures and 1.5 Estimating,
communication is used systems calculating and
1.5 Appropriate lines of 1.6 Lines of recording routine
communication with Communication workplace
supervisors and 1.7 Technology relevant measures
colleagues are to the enterprise and 1.6 Relating/
identified and followed the individual’s work Interacting with
1.6 Defined workplace responsibilities people of various
procedures for the 1.8 Workplace etiquette levels in the
location and storage of workplace
information are used 1.7 Gathering and
1.7 Personal interaction is providing basic
carried out clearly and information in
concisely response to
1.8 Applying basic
business writing
1. Appropriate Sources May include:
1.1 Team members
1.2 Supervisor/Department Head
1.3 Suppliers
1.4 Trade personnel
1.5 Local government
1.6 Industry bodies
2. Medium May include:
2.1 Memorandum
2.2 Circular
2.3 Notice
2.4 Information dissemination
2.5 Follow-up or verbal instructions
2.6 Face-to-face communication
2.7 Electronic media (disk files, cyberspace)
3. Storage May include:
3.1 Manual filing system
3.2 Computer-based filing system
4. Workplace Interactions May include:
4.1 Face-to-face
4.2 Telephone
4.3 Electronic and two-way radio
4.4 Written including electronic means, memos,
instruction and forms
4.5 Non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs
and diagrams
5. Forms May include:
5.1 HR/Personnel forms, telephone message
forms, safety reports
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to
identify one’s roles and responsibilities as a member of a
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Describe 1.1 The role and objective 1.1 Group structure 1.1 Communicating
team role of the team is identified 1.2 Group development with others,
and scope from available sources 1.3 Sources of appropriately
of information information consistent with
1.2 Team parameters, the culture of the
reporting relationships workplace
and responsibilities are 1.2 Developing ways
identified from team in improving work
discussions and structure and
appropriate external performing
sources respective roles in
the group or
2. Identify one’s 2.1 Individual roles and 2.1 Team roles and 2.1 Communicating
role and responsibilities within objectives with others,
responsibility the team environment 2.2 Team structure and appropriately
within a team are identified parameters consistent with
2.2 Roles and objectives of 2.3 Team development the culture of the
the team is identified 2.4 Sources of workplace
from available sources information 2.2 Developing ways
of information in improving work
2.3 Team parameters, structure and
reporting relationships performing
and responsibilities are respective roles in
identified based on the group or
team discussions and organization
appropriate external
3. Work as a 3.1 Effective and 3.1 Communication 3.1 Communicating
team appropriate forms of Process appropriately,
member communications are 3.2 Workplace consistent with
used and interactions communication the culture of the
undertaken with team protocol workplace
members based on 3.3 Team planning and 3.2 Interacting
company practices decision making effectively with
3.2 Effective and 3.4 Team thinking others
appropriate 3.5 Team roles 3.3 Deciding as an
contributions made to 3.6 Process of team individual and as
complement team development a group using
activities and 3.7 Workplace context group think
objectives, based on strategies and
workplace context techniques
1. Role and Objective of May include but not limited to:
Team 1.1 Work activities in a team environment with
enterprise or specific sector
1.2 Limited discretion, initiative and judgement
maybe demonstrated on the job, either
individually or in a team environment
2. Sources of Information May include but not limited to:
2.1 Standard operating and/or other workplace
2.2 Job procedures
2.3 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s
specifications and instructions
2.4 Organizational or external personnel
2.5 Client/supplier instructions
2.6 Quality standards
2.7 OHS and environmental standards
3. Workplace Context May include but not limited to:
3.1 Work procedures and practices
3.2 Conditions of work environments
3.3 Legislation and industrial agreements
3.4 Standard work practice including the storage,
safe handling and disposal of chemicals
3.5 Safety, environmental, housekeeping and
quality guidelines
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to apply problem-solving techniques to determine the origin
of problems and plan for their resolution. It also includes
addressing procedural problems through documentation,
and referral.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify 1.1 Routine problems or 1.1 Current industry 1.1 Identifying current
routine procedural problem hardware and industry hardware
problems areas are identified software products and software
1.2 Problems to be and services products and
investigated are defined 1.2 Industry services
and determined maintenance, 1.2 Identifying current
1.3 Current conditions of service and helpdesk industry
the problem are practices, processes maintenance,
identified and and procedures services and
documented 1.3 Industry standard helpdesk
diagnostic tools practices,
1.4 Malfunctions and processes and
resolutions procedures.
1.3 Identifying current
industry standard
diagnostic tools
1.4 Describing
malfunctions and
1.5 Determining the
root cause of a
1. Problems/Procedural May include but not limited to:
Problem 1.1 Routine/non – routine processes and quality
1.2 Equipment selection, availability and failure
1.3 Teamwork and work allocation problem
1.4 Safety and emergency situations and incidents
1.5 Work-related problems outside of own work area
2. Appropriate person May include but not limited to:
2.1 Supervisor or manager
2.2 Peers/work colleagues
2.3 Other members of the organization
3. Document May include but not limited to:
3.1 Electronic mail
3.2 Briefing notes
3.3 Written report
3.4 Evaluation report
4. Plan May include but not limited to:
4.1 Priority requirements
4.2 Co-ordination and feedback requirements
4.3 Safety requirements
4.4 Risk assessment
4.5 Environmental requirements
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in
managing one’s emotions, developing reflective practice,
and boosting self-confidence and developing self-
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Manage 1.1 Self-management 1.1 Self-management 1.1 Managing properly
one’s strategies are strategies that assist one’s emotions and
emotion identified in regulating recognizing
1.2 Skills to work behavior and situations that
independently and to achieving personal cannot be changed
show initiative, to be and learning goals and accept them
conscientious, and (e.g. Nine self- and remain
persevering in the face management professional
of setbacks and strategies according 1.2 Developing self-
frustrations are to Robert Kelley) discipline, working
developed 1.2 Enablers and independently and
1.3 Techniques for barriers in achieving showing initiative to
effectively handling personal and career achieve personal
negative emotions and goals and career goals
unpleasant situation 1.3 Techniques in 1.3 Showing
in the workplace are handling negative confidence, and
examined emotions and resilience in the
unpleasant situation face of setback and
in the workplace frustrations and
such as frustration, other negative
anger, worry, emotions and
anxiety, etc. unpleasant
situations in the
2. Develop 2.1 Personal strengths and 2.1 Basic SWOT 2.1 Using the basic
reflective achievements, based analysis SWOT analysis as
practice on self-assessment 2.2 Strategies to self-assessment
strategies and teacher improve one’s strategy
feedback are attitude in the 2.2 Developing
contemplated workplace reflective practice
2.2 Progress when seeking 2.3 Gibbs’ Reflective through realization
and responding to Cycle/Model of limitations,
feedback from (Description, likes/ dislikes;
teachers to assist them Feelings, through showing
in consolidating Evaluation, of self-confidence
strengths, addressing Analysis, 2.3 Demonstrating self-
weaknesses and Conclusion, and acceptance and
fulfilling their potential Action plan) being able to
are monitored accept challenges
2.3 Outcomes of personal
and academic
challenges by
TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 15
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
reflecting on previous
problem solving and
strategies and
feedback from peers
and teachers are
3. Boost self- 3.1 Efforts for continuous 3.1 Four components of 3.1 Performing
confidence self-improvement are self-regulation based effective
and develop demonstrated on Self-Regulation communication
self- 3.2 Counter-productive Theory (SRT) skills – reading,
regulation tendencies at work are 3.2 Personality writing, conversing
eliminated development skills
3.3 Positive outlook in life concepts 3.2 Showing affective
are maintained 3.3 Self-help concepts skills – flexibility,
(e. g., 7 Habits by adaptability, etc.
Stephen Covey, 3.3 Self-assessment
transactional for determining
analysis, psycho- one’s strengths and
spiritual concepts) weaknesses
1. Self-Management May include but not limited to:
Strategies 1.1 Seeking assistance in the form of job coaching or
1.2 Continuing dialogue to tackle workplace grievances
1.3 Collective negotiation/bargaining for better working
1.4 Share your goals to improve with a trusted co-worker
or supervisor
1.5 Make a negativity log of every instance when you
catch yourself complaining to others
1.6 Make lists and schedules for necessary activities
2.Unpleasant Situation May include but not limited to:
2.1 Job burn-out
2.2 Drug dependence
2.3 Sulking
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to make a pro-active and positive contribution to
workplace innovation.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1.Identify 1.1 Opportunities for 1.1 Roles of individuals 1.1 Identifying
opportunities to improvement are in suggesting and opportunities to
do things better identified proactively in making improve and to do
own area of work improvements things better
1.2 Information are 1.2 Positive impacts involvement
gathered and reviewed and challenges in 1.2 Identifying the
which may be relevant innovation positive impacts
to ideas and which 1.3 Types of changes and the challenges
might assist in gaining and responsibility. of change and
support for idea 1.4 Seven habits of innovation
highly effective 1.3 Identifying
people examples of the
types of changes
that are within and
outside own scope
of responsibility
2. Discuss and 2.1 People who could 2.1 Roles of individuals 2.1 Identifying
develop ideas provide input to ideas in suggesting and opportunities to
with others for improvements are making improve and to do
identified improvements things better
2.2 Ways of approaching 2.2 Positive impacts involvement
people to begin sharing and challenges in 2.2 Identifying the
ideas are selected innovation positive impacts
2.3 Meeting is set with 2.3 Types of changes and the challenges
relevant people and responsibility. of change and
2.4 Ideas for follow up are 2.4 Seven habits of innovation
review and selected highly effective 2.3 Providing examples
based on feedback people of the types of
2.5 Critical inquiry changes that are
method is used to within and outside
discuss and develop own scope of
ideas with others responsibility
2.4 Communicating
ideas for change
through small group
discussions and
3. Integrate 3.1 Critical inquiry method 3.1 Roles of individuals 3.1 Identifying
ideas for is used to integrate in suggesting and opportunities to
change in the different ideas for making improve and to do
workplace change of key people improvements things better
3.2 Summarizing, involvement
analyzing and
1. Opportunities for May include:
Improvement 1.1 Systems
1.2 Processes
1.3 Procedures
1.4 Protocols
1.5 Codes
1.6 Practices
2. Information May include:
2.1 Workplace communication problems
2.2 Performance evaluation results
2.3 Team dynamics issues and concerns
2.4 Challenges on return of investment
2.5 New tools, processes and procedures
2.6 New people in the organization
3. People who could provide May include:
input 3.1 Leaders
3.2 Managers
3.3 Specialists
3.4 Associates
3.5 Researchers
3.6 Supervisors
3.7 Staff
3.8 Consultants (external)
3.9 People outside the organization in the same field or
similar expertise/industry
3.10 Clients
4. Critical inquiry method May include:
4.1 Preparation
4.2 Discussion
4.3 Clarification of goals
4.4 Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome
4.5 Agreement
4.6 Implementation of a course of action
4.7 Effective verbal communication. See our pages:
Verbal Communication and Effective Speaking
4.8 Listening
4.9 Reducing misunderstandings is a key part of
effective negotiation
4.10 Rapport Building
4.11 Problem Solving
4.12 Decision Making
4.13 Assertiveness
4.14 Dealing with Difficult Situations
5. Reporting Skills May include:
5.1 Data management
5.2 Coding
5.3 Data analysis and interpretation
5.4 Coherent writing
5.5 Speaking
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to present data/information appropriately.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Gather data/ 1.1 Evidence, facts and 1.1 Organisational 1.1 Describing
information information are protocols organisational
collected 1.2 Confidentiality protocols relating to
1.2 Evaluation, terms of 1.3 Accuracy client liaison
reference and 1.4 Business 1.2 Protecting
conditions are mathematics and confidentiality
reviewed to statistics 1.3 Describing
determine whether 1.5 Data analysis accuracy
data/information falls techniques/procedu 1.4 Computing
within project scope res business
1.6 Reporting mathematics and
requirements to a statistics
range of audiences 1.5 Describing data
1.7 Legislation, policy analysis
and procedures techniques/
relating to the procedures
conduct of 1.6 Reporting
evaluations requirements to a
1.8 Organisational range of audiences
values, ethics and 1.7 Stating legislation,
codes of conduct policy and
procedures relating
to the conduct of
1.8 Stating
values, ethics and
codes of conduct
1. Data Analysis May include but not limited to:
Techniques 1.1. Domain Analysis
1.2. Content Analysis
1.3. Comparison Technique
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to identify OSH
compliance requirements, prepare OSH requirements
for compliance, perform tasks in accordance with
relevant OSH policies and procedures.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify OSH 1.1 Relevant OSH 1.1 OSH preventive and 1.1 Applying
compliance requirements, control requirements communication
requirements regulations, policies 1.2 Hierarchy of skills
and procedures are Controls 1.2 Applying
identified in accordance 1.3 Hazard Prevention interpersonal
with workplace policies and Control skills
and procedures 1.4 General OSH 1.3 Applying critical
1.2 OSH activity non- principles thinking skills
conformities are 1.5 Work standards and 1.4 Applying
conveyed to procedures observation skills
appropriate personnel 1.6 Safe handling
1.3 OSH preventive and procedures of tools,
control requirements equipment and
are identified in materials
accordance with OSH 1.7 Standard
work policies and emergency plan and
procedures procedures in the
2. Prepare 2.1 OSH work activity 2.1 Resources 2.1 Applying
OSH material, tools and necessary to Communication
requirements equipment requirements execute hierarchy of skills
for are identified in controls 2.2 Applying
compliance accordance with 2.2 General OSH estimation skills
workplace policies and principles 2.3 Applying
procedures 2.3 Work standards and interpersonal
2.2 Required OSH procedures skills
materials, tools and 2.4 Safe handling 2.4 Applying critical
equipment are acquired procedures of tools, thinking skills
in accordance with equipment and 2.5 Applying
workplace policies and materials observation skills
procedures 2.5 Different OSH 2.6 Identifying
2.3 Required OSH control measures material, tool and
materials, tools and equipment
equipment are
arranged/ placed in
accordance with OSH
work standards
3. Perform tasks 3.1 Relevant OSH work 3.1 OSH work standards 3.1 Applying
in procedures are 3.2 Industry related communication
accordance identified in accordance work activities skills
with relevant
TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 25
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
OSH policies with workplace policies 3.3 General OSH 3.2 Applying
and and procedures principles interpersonal
procedures 3.2 Work Activities are 3.4 OSH Violations skills
executed in accordance 3.5 Non-compliance 3.3 Applying
with OSH work work activities troubleshooting
standards skills
3.3 Non-compliance work 3.4 Applying critical
activities are reported thinking skills
to appropriate 3.5 Applying
personnel observation skills
1. OSH Requirements, May include:
Regulations, Policies and 1.1 Clean Air Act
Procedures 1.2 Building Code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste Management Statutes and Rules
1.5 Permit to Operate
1.6 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health
1.7 Department Order No. 13 (Construction Safety
and Health)
1.8 ECC Regulations
2. Appropriate Personnel May include:
2.1 Manager
2.2 Safety Officer
2.3 EHS Offices
2.4 Supervisors
2.5 Team Leaders
2.6 Administrators
2.7 Stakeholders
2.8 Government Official
2.9 Key Personnel
2.10 Specialists
2.11 Himself
3. OSH Preventive and Control May include:
Requirements 3.1 Resources needed for removing hazard
3.2 Resources needed for substitution or
3.3 Resources needed to establishing engineering
3.4 Resources needed for enforcing administrative
3.5 Personal Protective equipment
4. Non OSH-Compliance Work May include non-compliance or observance of the
Activities following safety measures:
4.1 Violations that may lead to serious physical
harm or death
4.2 Fall Protection
4.3 Hazard Communication
4.4 Respiratory Protection
4.5 Power Industrial Trucks
4.6 Lockout/Tag-out
4.7 Working at heights (use of ladder, scaffolding)
4.8 Electrical Wiring Methods
4.9 Machine Guarding
4.10 Electrical General Requirements
4.11 Asbestos work requirements
4.12 Excavations work requirements
ELEMENTS Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify the 1.1 Required resource 1.1 Importance of 1.1 Recording skills
efficiency and utilization in the environmental 1.2 Writing skills
effectiveness workplace is measured literacy 1.3 Applying
of resource using appropriate 1.2 Environmental work innovation skills
utilization techniques procedures
1.2 Data are recorded in 1.3 Waste minimization
accordance with 1.4 Efficient energy
workplace protocol consumptions
1.3 Recorded data are
compared to determine
the efficiency and
effectiveness of
resource utilization
according to
environmental work
2. Determine 2.1 Potential causes of 2.1 Causes of 2.1 Applying deductive
causes of inefficiency and/or environmental reasoning skills
inefficiency ineffectiveness are inefficiencies and 2.2 Applying critical
and/or listed ineffectiveness thinking
ineffectiveness 2.2 Causes of inefficiency 2.3 Applying problem
of resource and/or ineffectiveness solving skills
utilization are identified through 2.4 Applying
deductive reasoning observation skills
2.3 Identified causes of
inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness are
validated thru
3. Convey 3.1 Efficiency and 3.1 Appropriate 3.1 Applying written
inefficient and effectiveness of Personnel to address and oral
ineffective resource utilization the environmental communication
environmental are reported to hazards skills
practices appropriate 3.2 Environmental 3.2 Applying critical
personnel corrective actions thinking
3.2 Concerns related 3.3 Applying problem
resource utilization solving
1. Environmental Work May include:
Procedures 1.1 Utilization of Energy, Water, Fuel Procedures
1.2 Waster Segregation Procedures
1.3 Waste Disposal and Reuse Procedures
1.4 Waste Collection Procedures
1.5 Usage of Hazardous Materials Procedures
1.6 Chemical Application Procedures
1.7 Labeling Procedures
2. Appropriate Personnel May include:
2.1 Manager
2.2 Safety Officer
2.3 EHS Offices
2.4 Supervisors
2.5 Team Leaders
2.6 Administrators
2.7 Stakeholders
2.8 Government Official
2.9 Key Personnel
2.10 Specialists
2.11 Himself
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Apply 1.1 Good practices 1.1 Workplace best 1.1 Applying
entrepreneurial relating to workplace practices, policies communication
workplace best operations are and criteria skills
practices observed and selected 1.2 Resource utilization 1.2 Complying with
following workplace 1.3 Ways in fostering quality procedures
policy entrepreneurial
1.2 Quality procedures attitudes:
and practices are 1.3.1 Patience
complied with
1.3.2 Honesty
according to workplace
requirements 1.3.3 Quality-
1.3 Cost-conscious habits consciousness
in resource utilization 1.3.4 Safety-
are applied based on consciousness
industry standards 1.3.5 Resourcefulness
2. Communicate 2.1 Observed good 2.1 Workplace best 2.1 Applying
entrepreneurial practices relating to practices, policies communication
workplace best workplace operations and criteria skills
practices are communicated to 2.2 Resource utilization 2.2 Complying with
appropriate person 2.3 Ways in fostering quality procedures
2.2 Observed quality entrepreneurial 2.3 Following
procedures and attitudes: workplace
practices are 2.3.1 Patience communication
communicated to 2.3.2 Honesty protocol
appropriate person 2.3.3 Quality-
2.3 Cost-conscious habits consciousness
in resource utilization 2.3.4 Safety-
are communicated consciousness
based on industry 2.3.5 Resourcefulness
1.Good Practices May include:
1.1 Economy in use of resources
1.2 Documentation of quality practices
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Provide 1.1 Relevant information 1.1 Literacy levels and 1.1 Applying effective
information to about the organization's communication skills communication
the work infection control policy of work group and interpersonal
group about and procedures, and members and skills
the applicable industry consequent suitable 1.1.1 Language
organization's codes of practice are communication competence
infection accurately and clearly techniques and reading
control explained to the work 1.2 Concepts of mode of competence
policies and group communication 1.1.2 Negotiating
procedures 1.2 Information about 1.3 Reporting, skills
identified hazards and documentation and 1.1.3 Intra and
the outcomes of use of non-verbal and interpersonal
infection risk verbal communication skills
assessments is 1.4 Knowledge on OSH, 1.2 Identifying mode
regularly provided to infection control, of communication
the work group environmental and 1.3 Practicing
1.3 Opportunity is provided institutional, rules, communication
for the work group to guidelines, policies skills with ease
seek further information and procedures 1.4 Applying
on workplace infection 1.5 Respect for client’s principles of
control issues and rights infection control
practices 1.6 Knowledge on the 1.5 Using PPE
use of personal (Personal
protective equipment Protective
1.7 Basic knowledge on Equipment)
infectious diseases 1.6 Identifying
transmission transmission of
1.9 Principles of infection infectious
control diseases
1.9.1 Frequent 1.7 Implementing
handwashing OSH, infection
(WHO Standard) control,
1.9.2 Body Substance environmental
Isolation (BSI) by and institutional
using PPE rules, guidelines,
1. Industry Codes of May include:
Practice 1.1 National Health and Medical Research Council
Guidelines for infection control
1.2 Local & National Government Guidelines and Standards
1.3 Manufacturer's recommendations and operating
2. Hazards and the May include:
outcomes of infection 2.1 Sharps
risk assessments 2.2 Glass
2.3 Waste
2.4 Human waste and human tissues
2.5 Personal contact with infectious patients / clients
2.6 Animals, insects and vermin
2.7 Stock, including food, which has passed "used-by"
2.8 Incorrect concentration of disinfectants and chemicals
2.9 Cleaning procedures
2.10 Linen handling procedures
2.11 Work flows
2.12 Use of personal protective clothing
2.13 Food safety
2.14 Personal hygiene
3. Therapeutic May include:
communication 3.1 Verbal communication
3.1.1 One on one dialogue
3.1.2 Orientation
3.1.3 Meeting
3.1.4 Conference
3.2 Non-verbal communication
3.2.1 Memorandum
3.2.2 Minutes of the meeting
3.2.3 Flyers
3.2.4 Billboards
3.2.5 Journals
3.2.6 Warning signs and devices
4. Infection Control May include:
Policies and 4.1 Company’s manual on infection control policies and
Procedures procedures
4.2 COVID 19 infection control in your workplace
4.3 RA 11058 - OSH law
4.4 RA 9003 – Ecological Solid Waste Management
5. Employer’s coaching May include:
and support 5.1 Provide a workplace free of hazards
5.2 Comply with OSH standard
5.3 Make sure employees have and use of safe tools and
equipment and properly maintained
5.4 Use color code poster labels and signs to warn
employees of potential hazards
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Plan 1.1 Responses are 1.1 Use of therapeutic 1.1 Applying
responses planned to instances communication therapeutic
of difficult or 1.2 RA 11058 - OSH communication
challenging behavior to Law 1.2 Implementing
maximize the 1.3 Reporting and environmental and
availability of other documentation institutional, rules,
appropriate staff and 1.4 Environmental guidelines, policies
resources based on RA 9003 (Ecological and procedures
established standard Solid Waste 1.3 Identifying issues
practice Management Act) relating to difficult
1.2 Specific manifestations 1.5 Difficult and and challenging
of difficult or challenging behavior behavior
challenging behavior 1.6 Client issues which 1.4 Identifying client
are identified and need to be referred issues which need
strategies to an appropriate to be referred to an
appropriate to these health professional appropriate health
behaviors are planned 1.7 Rules of health professional
as required based on professionals 1.5 Thinking and
established procedure involved with the responding quickly
1.3 Safety of self and care of client and strategically
others is given priority 1.6 Remaining alert to
in responding to potential incidents
difficult or challenging of difficult or
behavior according to challenging
institutional policies behavior
and procedures 1.7 Working with others
and display
empathy with client
and relatives
1.8 Applying intra and
interpersonal skills
1.9 Reporting and
documentation with
2. Apply 2.1 Difficult or challenging 2.1 Reporting and 2.1 Applying
response behavior is dealt with documentation therapeutic
promptly, firmly and 2.2 Knowledge on communication
diplomatically in institutional, rules, 2.2 Implementing
accordance with guidelines, policies institutional, rules,
institutional policies and procedures guidelines, policies
and procedures and procedures
1. Planned responses May include:
1.1 Own ability and experience
1.2 Established institutional procedures
1.3 Knowledge of individual persons and underlying
2. Difficult or challenging May include:
behaviors 2.1 Aggression/Assaultive behavior
2.2 Confusion or other cognitive impairment
2.3 Noisiness
2.4 Manipulative
2.5 Wandering
2.6 Self-destructive
2.7 Intoxication
2.8 Withdrawn/depressed
2.9 Negativistic
2.10 Intrusive behavior
2.11 Verbal offensiveness
3. Strategies appropriate May include:
for dealing with 3.1 Diversional activities
challenging behaviors 3.2 Referring to appropriate personnel e.g. supervisor,
security officer
3.3 Following established emergency response procedures
4. Institutional policies May include:
and procedures 4.1 Incident reporting and documentation
4.2 Operational guidelines for handling incidents and/or
cases involving difficult and challenging behavior
4.3 Debriefing of staff involved in the incident
5. Selection of May include:
appropriate strategies 5.1 The nature of the incident
for dealing with 5.2 Potential effect on different parties, patient / client, staff
challenging behaviors and others
5.3 Established procedures and guidelines
6. Report and review May include:
6.1 Purposes of the incident report review
6.2 Characteristics of an incident report review
6.3 Element of an effective incident report review
7. Incident report May include:
7.1 Data of worker/s
7.1.1 Name of worker
7.1.2 Job title / occupation
7.1.3 Time and date of injury
7.1.4 Exact location of the worker at the time of injury
7.1.5 Exact description of how the injury was
7.1.6 If any treatment was provided to the injured and
if so, what kind of treatment
7.1.7 Nature of injury and part of the body affected
7.1.8 Date and time reported
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to provide an initial response where First Aid is required. In
this unit it is assumed that the First Aider is working under
supervision and / or according to established workplace First
Aid procedures and policies.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Assess the 1.1 Emergency action 1.1 First Aid standard 1.1 Applying emergency
situation principle of First Aid operating action principles of
is applied based on procedure first aid
established procedure 1.2 OSH Law RA 1.2 Identifying physical
1.2 Physical hazards to 11058 hazards
self and casualty’s 1.3 Physical hazards 1.3 Controlling and
health and safety are 1.4 Immediate risk minimizing
identified based on 1.5 Use of gloves and immediate risk for
established procedure mask self and casualty
1.3 Immediate risks to 1.6 First aid kit 1.4 Applying principle to
self and casualty are activate medical
minimized by controlled assistance
in accordance with 1.5 Wearing of mask
OHS requirements and gloves
1.4 First Aid kit must be 1.6 Using of First Aid kit
available at all times
based on OSH Law
and First Aid manual
2. Perform 2.1 Principles of Body 2.1 OSH Law RA 11058 2.1 Applying OSH Law
primary Substance Isolation is 2.2 RA 9003 Solid and RA 9003
survey of the applied based on Waste Management 2.2 Applying principles
victim standard First Aid 2.3 First Aid manual of body substance
procedure 2.4 Principles of body isolation
2.2 Responses and level substance isolation 2.3 Wearing of mask
of consciousness of 2.5 Basic Life Support and gloves
the victim or casualty 2.6 Wear mask and 2.4 Identifying any
are checked based on gloves potentially life-
established standard threatening
first aid procedure condition of
2.3 Potentially life- casualty
threatening condition 2.5 Activating medical
is identified and then assistance is
appropriate treatment is applied
began based on first 2.6 Applying basic life
aid standard procedure support
2.4 Activate medical
assistance is applied
based on established
first aid procedure
2.5 Basic life support is
applied based on
1. Emergency action May include:
principles of first aid 1.1 Concept of first aid
1.2 Objectives of first aid
1.3 Role of first aider
1.4 Survey the scene
1.4.1 Is the scene safe?
1.4.2 What happened?
1.4.3 How many people are injured?
1.4.4 Are there by standers who can help?
1.4.5 Are there available equipment to be used?
1.4.6 Identify yourself as First aider with your PPEs on
1.4.7 Wear mask and gloves
1.4.8 Get consent to give care
2. Physical hazards May include:
2.1 Quick assessment of the surroundings to identify
physical hazards like
2.1.1 Falls
2.1.2 Slips
2.1.3 Working from heights
2.1.4 Collapsed of building
2.1.5 Fire
2.1.6 Presence of toxic chemicals, etc.
3. Immediate risk to self May include:
and casualty 3.1 Injury of the first aider and further injury to casualty
3.2 Death which may occur either or both first aider and
4. First aid kit May include:
4.1 Digital BP apparatus
4.2 Digital thermometer
4.3 Pulse oximeter
4.4 Cotton balls
4.5 Alcohol
4.6 Disposable gloves (1 box)
4.7 Disposable mask (1 box)
4.8 Cervical collar
4.9 Surgical scissors
4.10 Bandage scissors
4.11 Forceps
4.12 Splint
4.13 Sterile gauze pads
4.14 Spine board
4.15 Ice cap
4.16 Hot water bag
4.17 Medical / adhesive tapes
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
in the maintenance of high standards of patient /
client services.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Communicate 1.1 Effective 1.1 Reporting, 1.1 Calculating the cost
appropriately communication documentation and for additional
with patients / strategies and use of non-verbal personnel
clients techniques are and verbal equipment (ex.
identified and used to communication Interpreter,
achieve best client 1.2 Management of gadgets)
service outcomes conflict 1.2 Identifying the
1.2 Complaints are 1.3 Knowledge on mode on
responded to in cultural differences communication
accordance with of client including appropriate for the
organizational policy rules and policies as situation
to ensure best service necessary 1.3 Applying modes of
to clients 1.4 Roles and communication
1.3 Complaints are dealt responsibilities of 1.4 Operating
with in accordance self and other equipment of
with established workers within the communication
procedures organization needed
1.4 Interpreter services 1.5 Knowledge on client 1.5 Establishing and
are accessed as issues that need to maintaining
required be referred to an relationships,
1.5 Action is taken to appropriate health taking into account
resolve conflicts either professional individual
directly, where a 1.6 Organizational / differences
positive outcome can institutional policies 1.6 Following the
be immediately and procedures for instructions and
achieved, or by privacy and guidance of health
referral to the confidentiality of professionals
appropriate personnel information provided involved with the
1.6 Participation in work by clients and care of client
team is constructive others 1.7 Respecting client
and collaborative and 1.7 Institutional policy rights
demonstrates an on patient / client 1.8 Using effective
understanding of own rights and listening
role responsibilities techniques
1.8 Knowledge on the 1.9 Using appropriate
use mathematical verbal and non-
operations such as verbal
addition, communication
subtraction, division, styles
multiplication 1.10 Using oral and
1.9 Concepts on modes written
of communication communication
1.10 Knowledge on the 1.11 Applying problem
use of equipment solving skills that
1. Communication May include:
1.1. English/Tagalog/vernacular
1.2. Sign language
1.3. Through an interpreter
1.4. Community language as required by the service /
2. Clients May include:
2.1. Clients
2.2. Prospective clients to the service or services
2.3. Clients may be in contact with the institution through
appropriate health care personnel and professionals
or other advocates or agencies
3. Respect for difference May include:
3.1 Physical
3.2 Cognitive/mental or intellectual issues that may
impact on communication
3.3 Cultural and ethnic
3.4 Religious/spiritual
3.5 Social
3.6 Age
3.7 Language literacy and numeracy abilities
3.8 Sexuality and sexual preference
4. Confidentiality and May include:
privacy of clients 4.1 Fees
4.2 Health fund entitlements
4.3 Welfare entitlements
4.4 Payment Method and records
4.5 Public environments
4.6 Legal and ethical requirements
4.7 Writing details ie. medical and consent forms
4.8 Conversations on the telephone
4.9 Secure location for written records
4.10 Offering a private location for discussions
4.11 Information disclosed to an appropriate person
consistent with one’s level of responsibility
5. Others with whom May include:
interaction is required 5.1 Other staff and team members
in regard to client 5.2 Service units or departments
services 5.3 Family members, careers and friends of clients
5.4 Professional representatives or agents of clients such
5.4.1 Medical specialists
5.4.2 Nurses
5.4.3 Social workers
5.4.4 Dietitians
5.4.5 Therapists
5.4.6 Allied health professionals
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to work with basic information about the aging process and
to use and interpret information that includes reference to
the clients’ stage in the aging process.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Interpret 1.1 Knowledge of the aging 1.1 Oral and Written 1.1 Identifying aging
knowledge of process is used to Communication process and phases
aging process check client health 1.2 Aging Process 1.2 Applying caregiver’s
status prior to 1.3 Phases of Aging roles and
delivering care Process responsibilities
procedures 1.4 Body System
1.2 Phases of aging 1.5 Caregiver’s roles
process are identified and
based on established responsibilities
standards 1.6 Caregiving
1.3 Caregiver's roles and Terminologies
responsibilities are 1.7 Code of Ethics
identified in giving care related to
and support for elderly Caregivers
in accordance with
standard policies and
2.Apply 2.1 Details of legal and 2.1 Effective Verbal and 2.1 Understanding
principles of ethical aspects of Non-Verbal principles of
caregiving health care are Communication caregiving practice
practice identified according to 2.2 Basic Public 2.2 Understanding legal
established standards Relations standards based on
2.2 Knowledge in 2.3 Data Privacy Act applicable laws and
principles of (Republic Act No. government
caregiving 10173)
fundamentals are 2.4 Code of Ethics for
2.3 Applying
applied in accordance Health Care
with established interpersonal skills
procedures 2.5 Institutional Policy 2.4 Using keen
2.3 Legal and ethical on Client attention to details
fundamentals issues 2.6 Rights and 2.5 Applying
are applied in Responsibilities therapeutic and
accordance with 2.7 Legal and Ethical non-therapeutic
established industry Principles of Health communication
standards. Care techniques
2.8 Client Rights 2.6 Applying legal and
2.9 Direct Care ethical principles of
Worker Rights health care
1. Phases of Aging May include:
Process 1.1 Process of Aging
1.1.1 Physical Changes of Aging
1.1.2 Psychological / Mental Changes
1.1.3 Social Changes
1.1.4 Emotional Changes
1.2 Phases of Aging
2. Review of Body System May Include:
in relation to aging 2.1 Circulatory System
process 2.2 Digestive and Excretory System
2.3 Endocrine System
2.4 Integumentary System
2.5 Immune System and Lymphatic System
2.6 Muscular System
2.7 Nervous System
2.8 Renal System and Urinary System
2.9 Skeletal System
2.10 Respiratory System
2. Caregiver's Role and May include:
Responsibilities 2.1. Personal Care
2.1.1. Personal Hygiene Oral Hygiene Shaving Shampooing / Hair Care Elderly Bath Back Rub/Prevention of Bed Sores Perennial care Hand and Foot Nail Care
2.2 Assists in:
2.2.2. Undressing and Dressing
2.3. Fluid and Meals Preparation
2.4. Medication Administration per doctor’s order
2.5. Principles of Infection Control
2.6. Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases
3. Legal and Ethical May include:
Aspects of Health Care 3. 1. Caregiver’s Welfare Act (House Bill No. 6396)
3. 2. Code of Ethics for Caregiver
3.2.1 Legal Standards Informed Consent
3.2.2 Ethical Standards
3.2.3.Respect Life Client Family Co-workers Self
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude
required for a caregiver to organize, provide and monitor
support services within the limits of
the individualized support formal care plan developed for
the patient requiring the service.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Determine 1.1 Details of legal and 1.1 Therapeutic 1.1 Using therapeutic
support needs ethical aspects of communication with communication
health care are doctor, nurse and 1.2 Applying legal and
identified according to family member ethical standards
established standard 1.2 Principles of of health care
1.2 Care plan details are Therapeutic 1.3 Confirming care
confirmed with the Communication plan details of
doctor, client, family 1.3 RA 10173- Data client
members and Privacy Act 1.4 Collaborating with
caregiver 1.4 RA 9995- - Defining other health care
1.3 The client is made and penalizing the workers
aware of their rights crime of photo and 1.5 Observing
and complaints based video desires, compliance of
on the established prescribing penalties client’s rights
industry standards and other purposes 1.6 Maintaining
1.4 Support activities are 1.5 Patient’s Bill of confidentiality and
prepared according to Rights client’s privacy
the client’s care plan 1.6 RA 11058 - 1.7 Planning of action
based on the Occupational Safety and management
established industry Health Law (OSH)
standards 1.7 Principles of Human
1.5 Actions and activities Rights
that support the care 1.8 Legal and ethical
plan and promote the standards of health
client’s independence care
and rights, and to 1.9 Caregiver’s Care
make informed Plan
decisions, are 1.10 SMARTER
identified based on (Specific,
principles of autonomy Measurable,
1.6 Caregiver’s own role in Attainable, Realistic,
client’s care is Time-bound,
interpreted and Evaluate, Re-
clarified according to evaluate approach
approved to care plans
individualized care plan 1.11 Roles and
responsibilities of
different people and
the communication
between them
1. Legal and ethical May include:
aspects of health care 1.1. Legal
1.1.1. Legal Standards
1.2. Ethics
1.2.1. Ethical Standards
1.3. Respect
1.3.1. Life
1.3.2. Client
1.3.3 Self
1.3.4 Family members
1.3.5. Health Care Workers
1.4. Theft
1.5. Defamation
1.6. Tipping
1.7. Negligence
1.8. Malpractice
1.9. Assault
1.10. Battery
1.11. Invasion of Privacy
1.12. Sexual Harassment
1.13. Verbal Harassment
1.14. Role
1.14.1. Independent Caregivers Role
1.14.2. Dependent Caregivers Role
1.14.3. Interdependent Caregivers Role
1.15 Responsibilities
1.15.1 Self
1.15.2 Client
1.15.3 Family members
1.15.4 Co workers
1.16 House Bill 6396 – “Caregivers Welfare Act”
1.17 Republic Act 11073 – “Data Privacy Act”
1.18 Republic Act 9995 – defining penalizing the form of
video, prescribing penalties and other purposes
2 Care Plan May include:
2.1 Caregiver’s care plan based on doctor’s order
2.2 Client’s chart
2.3 Risk management plan
3 Rights and Complaints May include:
3.1 Patient’s Bill of Rights
3.1.1 Right to appropriate care and humane
3.1.2 Right to informed consent
3.1.3 Right to privacy and confidentiality RA 10173 Data Privacy Act
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to support or assist the client in performing their daily care
needs, within the framework of the client’s care plan.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Monitor and 1.1 The therapeutic 1.1 Oral and Written 1.1 Applying verbal
record vital communication is Communication and non-verbal
signs of client maintained based on 1.2 Client Personal therapeutic
the established Information List communication
standards 1.3 PD 856 – Sanitation 1.2 Preparing and
1.2 Principles of infection Code of the cleansing vital
control is applied by Philippines signs
handwashing 1.4 RA 9003 – paraphernalia’s
techniques based on
Ecological Solid 1.3 Applying
the standard
Waste Management handwashing
1.3 Vital signs Act techniques
paraphernalia’s are 1.5 Occupational Safety 1.4 Performing in
prepared and and Health Laws taking Vital signs
cleansed based on 1.6 Vital Signs 1.5 Measuring vital
established 1.7 Measure Vital Signs signs baseline
procedures 1.8 Results of Vital value
1.4 Factors affecting Signs: 1.6 Enumerating,
vital signs of client 1.8.1 Body documenting and
are enumerated, temperature in reporting factors
documented and *C to *F
affecting client’s
reported based on 1.8.2 Pulse rate in
vital signs
established standards beats per
minute 1.7 Recording and
1.5 Vital signs are monitoring client’s
monitored and 1.8.3 Respiratory
rate per minute vital signs
recorded accurately
in accordance with the 1.8.4 Blood pressure
standard procedures in mmHg
1.8.5 Result of Pulse
1.9 Infection Control
1.10 Handwashing
1.11 Use of Digital BP
1.12 Use of Digital
1.13 Use of Infrared
1. Therapeutic May include:
Communication 1.1 Communication
1.1.1 Verbal
1.1.2 Non-verbal
1.2 Communication tips used
1.2.1 Allow extra time for older client
1.2.2 Avoid distraction
1.2.3 Sit face to face
1.2.4 Maintain eye contact
1.2.5 Listen actively to the client
1.2.6 Speak slowly, clearly and loudly
1.2.7 Use short, simple words and sentences
1.2.8 Keep the client relaxed and focus
1.2.9 Start with the right body language
1.2.10 Build rapport
1.2.11 Exercise patience
1.2.12 Show sincerity and empathy
1.2.13 Always end with positive behavior
2. Hand Hygiene May include:
Techniques 2.1 Liquid soap
2.2 Sink with running water
2.3 Paper towel or clean cloth
2.4 Steps of hand hygiene techniques
2.4.1 Before touching a patient
2.4.2 Before clean/aseptic procedure
2.4.3 After body fluid exposure risk
2.4.4 After touching the client
2.4.5 After touching the client surroundings
3. Vital Signs May include:
Paraphernalia 3.1 Alcohol
3.2 Cotton balls
3.3 Receptacles
3.4 Thermometer
3.4.1 Digital
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to support client with their technical care needs within the
framework of the individualized care support plan.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Assist in 1.1 The purpose and 1.1 Therapeutic 1.1 Apply therapeutic
basic wound scope of the activity is communication communication
care explained to the client techniques techniques
utilizing therapeutic 1.2 Sanitation Code of 1.2 Applying
communication tools the Philippines (PD Principles of
based on established 856) Infection Control
standard procedure 1.3 Ecological Solid 1.3 Performing aseptic
1.2 Principles of infection Waste Management hand washing
control is applied Act (RA 9003) 1.4 Maintaining
based on established 1.4 Data Privacy Act (RA client’s privacy,
standard 10173) safety and comfort
1.3 Client’s comfort and 1.5 RA 9995 - Defining 1.5 Assessing the
safety is ensured and penalizing the wound
based on established crime of photo and 1.6 Identifying types of
standard procedures video desires, dressing
1.4 Wound dressing prescribing penalties 1.7 Cleansing the
paraphernalia are and other purposes wound
prepared based on 1.6 OSH Law (RA 1.8 Applying
established standard 11058) appropriate wound
1.5 Wound dressing 1.7 Wound Healing dressing
techniques is applied Process 1.9 Using of personal
aseptically based on 1.8 Types of Wounds protective
established procedure 1.9 Types of Dressing equipment
1.6 Wound assessment is 1.10 Compression properly
observed during the Bandaging 1.10 Using of
procedure based on 1.11 Infection Control compression
established standard Procedures bandage
1.7 Wound healing 1.12 Personal Protective 1.11 Using of wound
progress is monitored Equipment care equipment,
and recorded based 1.13 Wound care aids and
on established equipment, aids and appliances
standard procedures appliances 1.12 Disposing used
1.14 Procedures for safe dressings
disposal of used properly
dressings 1.13 Documenting
1. Basic wound dressing May include:
1.1 Materials:
1.1.1 Forceps
1.1.2 Cotton balls
1.1.3 Gauze dressing
1.1.4 Bandage
1.1.5 Kidney basin
1.1.6 Saline solution
1.1.7 Bandage scissors
1.1.8 Small plastic container
1.1.9 Trash bin
1.2 Wound assessment according to:
1.2.1 Size
1.2.2 Depth
1.2.3 Location
1.2.4 Discharge Blood Pus
1.2.5 Odor/ smell
1.2.6 Types of wounds Closed wound Open wound Abrasion Incision Punctured Laceration Avulsion Amputation
1.3 Wound Management
1.3.1 Minor wound Wash with soap and water Cleanse with saline solution from inner
to outer in circular motion using one
stroke per cotton ball
1.3.2 Wound bleeding Apply direct pressure Elevation Apply pressure to the pulse nearest to
the wound Cover with dressing and apply bandage Bring to the nearest hospital
1.4 Proper dressing of wound
1.5 Cardinal signs of infection
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and work values
required to assist clients in administering prescribed
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Prepare to 1.1 Personal hygiene and 1.1 Oral and Written 1.1 Applying legal
assist with disinfection control Communication aspects in
medication procedures are 1.2 Common Prescription assisting in the
implemented according Abbreviations administration of
to industry practice 1.3 Ecological Solid specified
1.2 Therapeutic Waste Management medication
communication is Act (RA 9003) 1.2 Interpreting
applied based on 1.4 Volume / Units package label
established standard Measurement information
1.3 Related medical 1.5 Medical 1.3 Interpreting
terminologies are Terminologies medication orders
used in assisting client 1.6 Medication Orders 1.4 Applying standard
in administering 1.7 Caregiver Scope of and additional
prescribed medication Practice in precautions in
based on established Administering infection control
standard Medicines 1.5 Following
1.4 Legal aspects in 1.8 Patient Medication instructions for
assisting client in Rights assisting with
administering his 1.9 Pre-Medication administration of
prescribed medication Administration medication as per
is applied based on Procedures the client's
established standard 1.10 Levels and types of health/care/
1.5 An understanding of supervision in self support plan
client’s medication administration of 1.6 Following
order is demonstrated medications occupational
1.6 Level and type of 1.11 Conditions affecting health and safety
physical assistance client administration (OHS) guidelines
required by the client to of medications 1.7 Observing and
address their personal 1.12 Guidelines for reporting
needs in taking medication contingencies
medications is identified preparation and which may arise
in accordance with administration 1.8 Observing,
established procedures 1.13 Forms of Medication recording and
1.7 Level and type of 1.14 Types of Dispensing reporting on the
supervision required Aids client's state of
1. Medical Terminologies May include:
1.1 Medication
1.2 Drug
1.3 Prescription
1.4 Generic name
1.5 Trade name/brand name
1.6 Pharmacology
1.7 Therapeutic effect
1.8 Side effect
1.9 Adverse effect
1.10 Drug toxicity
1.11 Drug allergy
2. Legal Aspects May include:
2.1 Data Privacy Act (RA 10173)
2.2 Defining and Penalizing the crime of photo and video
desires, prescribing penalties and other purposes (RA
2.3 Caregiver’s Welfare Act (H.B. 6396)
2.4 Principle of “Respondent Superior”
2.5 Principle of “Vicarious Liability”
2.6 Ethical principles
2.6.1 Autonomy
2.6.2 Non-maleficence
2.6.3 Beneficence
2.6.4 Justice
2.6.5 Veracity
2.6.6 Confidentiality
2.7 Malpractice
2.8 Negligence
2.9 Torts
3. Physical Assistance May include:
3.1 Discussing the process and addressing any likely
3.2 Confirming the time and type of medication
3.3 Establishing the type and level of support required by
the client to take / receive the medication
3.4 Adjusting posture or position
3.5 Opening bottles or dose administration aids
3.6 Removing tablets or capsules from dose
administration aids
1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1. Discussed legal aspects in assisting clients in
administering prescribed medications
1.2. Discussed the rights in giving prescribed medication
1.3. Provided assistance with administration of medications
for clients in accordance with the client's individual
support needs, including providing physical assistance to
take the medication or supporting a client to self-
administer medications
1.4. Demonstrate the correct procedures in administering
prescribed otic medication in elderly client
1.5. Followed infection control procedures
1.6. Assisted in the administration of medication to the client
1.7. Observed, reported and recorded discrepancies in the
medication, instructions and administration procedures
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1. Appropriate workplace or simulated environment
2.2. Tools, materials and equipment appropriate to the unit of
2.3. Assortment of medicines and administration aids
appropriate to the unit of competency
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Demonstration with questioning
3.2 Observation with questioning
3.3 Interview
Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of
competency specifically in the areas of mathematics,
science/technology, communication/language and other academic subjects shall
be contextualized. To this end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning
Matrix (CLM) to include green technology, issues on health and drugs and
catering to persons with disabilities (PWD’s).
Course Description:
3. Apply basic 3.1 Assess the Discuss and explain basic anatomy and Lecture (online / Written test (online 8 hours
first aid situation physiology (parts of the human body) face to face) / face to face)
(24 hours) Classify the mode of communication in an Discussion Interview
assessing the situation (online / face to Portfolio
Discuss and explain first aid principles face) assessment
Discuss, identify and explain the use of Self-Learning Observation
equipment (BP apparatus, pulse oximeter, Video Presentation Demonstration
digital thermometer etc.) (offline / face to with questioning
Discuss and explain OSH, infection control, face)
environmental and institutional, rules, Demonstration
guidelines, policies and procedures Role play
Discuss and explain reporting, documentation
and use of non-verbal and verbal
1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery
shall be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.
2.2 Enterprise-Based:
2.3 Community-Based
1 PC Computer table
3 SETS Office table (regular size) with chairs
2 PC Steel cabinet
1 SET Computer with complete accessories and applications
1 UNIT Telephone with internet
1 SET Printer
1 UNIT Air conditioning unit
1 PC Wall clock
2 SET First Aid Kit
1 PC Rechargeable Emergency Lamp
2 PC Fire Extinguisher
1 PC Bulletin board
2 PCS Scissors
1 PCS Stapler
1 PCS Puncher
1 PC White board eraser
1 REAM A4, letter, legal bond paper (each)
25 PCS Long , short Folder each
25 PCS Long , short Envelop each
1 REAM A4, letter, legal bond paper (each)
1 BOX Fastener
1 BOX Staple wire
3 PCS Ballpen / ink correction tape / fluid
1 BOX Paper clip
2 PCS White board markers (RED,BLUE, BLACK (each)
3 PCS Pencil eraser
Fundamentals of Caregiving
Fundamental of Nursing
Caregiving for Elderly or Geriatric
Nurses Pocket Guide
Medical dictionary
Principles and practice of therapeutic communication
Principles and practice of ergonomics
COPIES Basic human anatomy
EACH Basic human physiology
Principle of Caring for Elderly
Principles in hygiene practices and techniques
Principles in therapeutic techniques
Caregivers Care plan or Nursing Care plan
Ethical and legal standard of care (local and abroad )
Principles of Infection Control
Medical Surgical
Geriatric Illness and Management
Dealing with People with Special Needs
Geriatric Psychiatric Disorder and Its management
5 COPIES The alphabet book
5 COPIES Puzzle books
5 COPIES Coloring books
2 COPIES Go, GROW, GLOW poster
2 COPIES Text reference on
Audiovisual Video presentation
Handwashing techniques
Gloving technique
Wearing of Personal protective equipment
Bathing of the Elderly
Bathing of the Ambulatory and Non-Ambulatory Patient
2 Hair, foot and nail care
Pulse oximeter
Vital sign Taking for adult
Occupied and Non- Occupied Bed Making
How to use glucometer
Assist client in eating and drinking
Assist the client in toileting and elimination
4.1.2 Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic
and common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently with the
core units.
4.1.3 Any of the following are qualified to undergo assessment and certification:
1. AGING - starting at what is commonly called age, operations of the human body
begin to be more vulnerable to daily wear and tear, there is a general decline in
physical, and possibly mental, functioning. In Western countries, the length of life is
often into the 70s. The upward limit of the life span, however, can be as high as 120
years. During the latter of half of life, an individual is more prone to have
problems with various functions of the body and to develop any number of chronic
or fatal diseases. The cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, nervous, reproductive
and urinary systems are particularly affected. The most common diseases of
aging include Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, depression and heart disease.
4. BED SORES - A painful, often reddened area of degenerating, ulcerated skin caused
by pressure and lack of movement, and worsened by exposure to urine or other
irritating substances on the skin. Untreated bed sores can become seriously infected
or gangrenous. Bed sores are a major problem for patients who are confined to bed
or a wheelchair. They can be prevented by moving the patient frequently,
changing bedding, and keeping the skin clean and dry. Also called a pressure sore,
decubitus sore, or decubitus ulcer.
6. CARE PLAN - A care plan is a written statement of your individual assessed needs
identified during a Community Care Assessment. It sets out what support you should
get, why, when, and details of who is meant to provide it. You are entitled to be given
a copy of your care plan and should not sign the care plan until you are happy with it.
9. CLINICAL WASTE - Clinical waste is the term used to describe waste produced
from healthcare and similar activities that may pose a risk of infection, for example,
swabs, bandages, dressings etc. or may prove hazardous, for example medicines.
12. ELDERLY- aged; individuals over 65 years old who have functional impairments;
sometimes used to describe any adult over 75 years old.
13. HOT THERAPY - Heat therapy is primarily used for taking the edge off of
several different kinds of body pain. Those dull, persistent pains that you get with
stiffness and cramping, for example.
34 ORAL CARE – is the practice of keeping the mouth clean and healthy by brushing
and flossing to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
35 PALLIATIVE CARE - care for the terminally ill and their families, especially that
provided by an organized health service.
36 PERENIAL CARE - involves cleaning the private areas of a patient. Because this
area is prone to infection, it must be cleaned at least daily, and more if your loved one
suffers from incontinence. Typical times to perform peri-care include as part of daily
bathing, after the use of the bedpan, and following episodes of incontinence.
41 THERAPEUTIC DIET - a therapeutic diet is a meal plan that controls the intake
of certain foods or nutrients. It is part of the treatment of a medical condition and
are normally prescribed by a physician and planned by a dietician.
42 TOILETING - is the act of assisting a dependent patient with his/her elimination needs.
43 VITAL SIGNS – determination of temperature, pulse rate, rate of breathing and level
of blood pressure.
44 WOUND CARE - refers to specific types of treatment for pressure sores, skin ulcers
and other wounds that break the skin.
Name Organization
Nilda C. Costin Petmonila Goseco
Larry M. Legaspi CPAI
Nieves U. Dedase CPAI
Anne Jenita C. Nepunan CPAI
Charmie B. Capoquian CPAI
Carolina A. Inciso CPAI
Sanny B. Gornez CPAI
Nilda B. Silva CPAI
Rowena C. Manandeg Elsa A. Syjuco
Crisagel Mabanta CPAI
Greg Flor V. Lorenzo CPAI
Dr. Maria Cristina R. Ramajo Arellano University – Main Campus
Dr. Jose Leo V. Jiloca SLMC/CPAI
Julie Rose M. Inso PASEI/Core Trades Academy
Merlina Gadrinab PASEI/MMS
Jenny R. San Juan WCC, Q.C
Geraldine M. Canaria PWF, Pasig City
Grace F. Tanso CPAI
Luzminda S. Dalisay CPAI
Eva R. Dalaguit NCUA
Cristy Lily Edlene Z. Flores CPAI