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East Service Road, South Luzon Expressway (SLEX), Taguig City, Metro Manila
Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994
(Republic Act No. 7796)

Section 22, “Establishment and Administration of the National

Trade Skills Standards” of the RA 7796 known as the TESDA Act
mandates TESDA to establish national occupational skills
standards. The Authority shall develop and implement a
certification and accreditation program in which private industry
group and trade associations are accredited to conduct
approved trade tests, and the local government units to promote
such trade testing activities in their respective areas in
accordance with the guidelines to be set by the Authority.
The Training Regulations (TR) serve as basis for the:

1. Registration and delivery of training programs;

2. Development of curriculum and assessment instruments; and
3. Competency assessment and certification

Each TR has four sections:

Section 1 Definition of Qualification refers to the group of competencies that

describes the different functions of the qualification.

Section 2 Competency Standards gives the specifications of competencies

required for effective work performance.

Section 3 Training Arrangements contains information and requirements in

designing training program for certain Qualification. It includes
curriculum design; training delivery; trainee entry requirements; tools,
equipment and materials; training facilities; trainer’s qualification; and
institutional assessment.

Section 4 Assessment and Certification Arrangements describes the policies

governing assessment and certification procedure.

Page No.


SECTION 2 COMPETENCY STANDARDS ………………….……...…. 2 – 108

• Basic Competencies …………...……..……..……... 2 – 35
• Common Competencies ………………..………….. 36 – 59
• Core Competencies ……………………..……...….. 60 – 108

SECTION 3 TRAINING ARRANGEMENTS …………………….…….... 109 – 153

3.1 Curriculum Design ………………………..…...…. 109
Basic Competencies ………………….…....…... 110 – 118
Common Competencies …..……….….………. 119 – 128
Core Competencies ……………….…….......…. 129 – 138
3.2 Training Delivery ………………..……..………..… 139 – 140
3.3 Trainee Entry Requirements ………..…..……..... 140
3.4 Tools, Materials and Equipment ….................... 141 – 152
3.5 Training Facilities ……………...……..….……….. 153
3.6 Trainer’s Qualifications ……………………..…… 153
3.7 Institutional Assessment ……………………..…. 153



COMPETENCY MAP ……………………………………………………….... 156 – 158

GLOSSARY OF TERMS …...……………...………………………………… 159 – 161

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………….….……..………… 162 – 163




The CAREGIVING (ELDERLY) NC II Qualification consists of competencies that
a person must achieve to develop the ability to recognize aging process, participate in
the implementation and monitoring of client’s care plan, perform caring skills, perform
specialty care procedures and assist clients in administering medication.

The Units of Competency comprising this Qualification include the following:


400311210 Participate in workplace communication
400311211 Work in team environment
400311212 Solve/address general workplace problems
400311213 Develop career and life decisions
400311214 Contribute to workplace innovation
400311215 Present relevant information
400311216 Practice occupational safety and health policies and procedures
400311217 Exercise efficient and effective sustainable practices in the workplace
400311218 Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace


HHC532201 Implement and monitor infection control policies and procedures
HHC532202 Respond effectively to difficult/challenging behavior
HHC532203 Apply basic first aid
HHC532204 Maintain high standard of patient / client services


HHC532320 Develop the ability to recognize aging process
HHC532321 Participate in the implementation and monitoring of client’s care plan
HHC532322 Perform caring skills
HHC532323 Perform specialty care procedures
HHC532324 Assist client in administering prescribed medication

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:

 Caregiver for Elderly

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 1

This section gives the details of the contents of the basic, common and core units of
competency required in CAREGIVING (ELDERLY) NC II.



UNIT CODE : 400311210

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to gather, interpret and convey information in
response to workplace requirements.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Obtain and 1.1 Specific and relevant 1.1 Effective verbal and 1.1 Following simple
convey information is accessed nonverbal spoken language
workplace from appropriate communication 1.2 Performing routine
information sources 1.2 Different modes of workplace duties
1.2 Effective questioning, communication following simple
active listening and 1.3 Medium of written notices
speaking skills are communication in 1.3 Participating in
used to gather and the workplace workplace
convey information meetings and
1.4 Organizational
1.3 Appropriate medium is discussions
policies 1.4 Preparing work-
used to transfer
information and ideas 1.5 Communication related documents
1.4 Appropriate non- verbal procedures and 1.5 Estimating,
communication is used systems calculating and
1.5 Appropriate lines of 1.6 Lines of recording routine
communication with Communication workplace
supervisors and 1.7 Technology relevant measures
colleagues are to the enterprise and 1.6 Relating/
identified and followed the individual’s work Interacting with
1.6 Defined workplace responsibilities people of various
procedures for the 1.8 Workplace etiquette levels in the
location and storage of workplace
information are used 1.7 Gathering and
1.7 Personal interaction is providing basic
carried out clearly and information in
concisely response to
1.8 Applying basic
business writing

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 2

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1.9 Applying
interpersonal skills
in the workplace
1.10 Performing
2. Perform 2.1 Written notices and 2.1 Effective verbal and 2.1 Following simple
duties instructions are read non-verbal spoken
following and interpreted in communication instructions
workplace accordance with 2.2 Different modes of 2.2 Performing routine
instructions organizational communication workplace duties
guidelines 2.3 Medium of following simple
2.2 Routine written communication in written notices
instruction is followed the workplace 2.3 Participating in
based on established 2.4 Organizational/ workplace
procedures workplace policies meetings and
2.3 Feedback is given to 2.5 Communication discussions
workplace supervisor- procedures and 2.4 Completing work-
based instructions/ systems related documents
information received 2.6 Lines of 2.5 Estimating,
2.4 Workplace communication calculating and
interactions are 2.7 Technology relevant recording routine
conducted in a to the enterprise and workplace
courteous manner the individual’s work measures
2.5 Where necessary, responsibilities 2.6 Relating/
clarifications about 2.8 Effective questioning Responding to
routine workplace techniques (clarifying people of various
procedures and and probing) levels in the
matters concerning 2.9 Workplace etiquette workplace
conditions of 2.7 Gathering and
employment are providing
sought and asked from information in
appropriate sources response to
2.6 Meetings outcomes are workplace
interpreted and requirements
implemented 2.8 Applying basic
2.9 Applying skills in
reading for
2.10 Applying skills in
3. Complete 3.1 Range of forms 3.1 Effective verbal and 3.1 Completing work-
relevant work relating to conditions of non-verbal related documents
related employment are communication 3.2 Applying
documents completed accurately 3.2 Different modes of operations of
and legibly communication addition,
3.2 Workplace data is 3.3 Workplace forms subtraction,
recorded on standard and documents division and
workplace forms and 3.4 Organizational/ multiplication
documents Workplace policies

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 3

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3.3 Errors in recording 3.5 Communication 3.3 Gathering and
information on forms/ procedures and providing
documents are systems information in
identified and acted 3.6 Technology relevant response to
upon to the enterprise and workplace
3.4 Reporting requirements the individual’s work requirements
to supervisor are responsibilities 3.4 Applying Effective
completed according to record keeping
organizational skills

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 4


1. Appropriate Sources May include:
1.1 Team members
1.2 Supervisor/Department Head
1.3 Suppliers
1.4 Trade personnel
1.5 Local government
1.6 Industry bodies
2. Medium May include:
2.1 Memorandum
2.2 Circular
2.3 Notice
2.4 Information dissemination
2.5 Follow-up or verbal instructions
2.6 Face-to-face communication
2.7 Electronic media (disk files, cyberspace)
3. Storage May include:
3.1 Manual filing system
3.2 Computer-based filing system
4. Workplace Interactions May include:
4.1 Face-to-face
4.2 Telephone
4.3 Electronic and two-way radio
4.4 Written including electronic means, memos,
instruction and forms
4.5 Non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs
and diagrams
5. Forms May include:
5.1 HR/Personnel forms, telephone message
forms, safety reports

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 5


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Prepared written communication following standard
format of the organization
1.2 Accessed information using workplace communication
1.3 Made use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer
information effectively
1.4 Conveyed information effectively adopting formal or
informal communication
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Fax Machine
2.2 Telephone
2.3 Notebook
2.4 Writing Materials
2.5 Computer with Internet Connection
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Demonstration with oral questioning
3.2 Interview
3.3 Written Test
3.4 Third-Party Report
4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the
Assessment actual workplace or through an accredited institution

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 6


UNIT CODE : 400311211

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to
identify one’s roles and responsibilities as a member of a

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Describe 1.1 The role and objective 1.1 Group structure 1.1 Communicating
team role of the team is identified 1.2 Group development with others,
and scope from available sources 1.3 Sources of appropriately
of information information consistent with
1.2 Team parameters, the culture of the
reporting relationships workplace
and responsibilities are 1.2 Developing ways
identified from team in improving work
discussions and structure and
appropriate external performing
sources respective roles in
the group or
2. Identify one’s 2.1 Individual roles and 2.1 Team roles and 2.1 Communicating
role and responsibilities within objectives with others,
responsibility the team environment 2.2 Team structure and appropriately
within a team are identified parameters consistent with
2.2 Roles and objectives of 2.3 Team development the culture of the
the team is identified 2.4 Sources of workplace
from available sources information 2.2 Developing ways
of information in improving work
2.3 Team parameters, structure and
reporting relationships performing
and responsibilities are respective roles in
identified based on the group or
team discussions and organization
appropriate external
3. Work as a 3.1 Effective and 3.1 Communication 3.1 Communicating
team appropriate forms of Process appropriately,
member communications are 3.2 Workplace consistent with
used and interactions communication the culture of the
undertaken with team protocol workplace
members based on 3.3 Team planning and 3.2 Interacting
company practices decision making effectively with
3.2 Effective and 3.4 Team thinking others
appropriate 3.5 Team roles 3.3 Deciding as an
contributions made to 3.6 Process of team individual and as
complement team development a group using
activities and 3.7 Workplace context group think
objectives, based on strategies and
workplace context techniques

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 7

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3.3 Protocols in reporting 3.4 Contributing to
are observed based on Resolution of
standard company issues and
practices concerns
3.4 Contribute to the
development of team
work plans based on an
understanding of team’s
role and objectives

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 8


1. Role and Objective of May include but not limited to:
Team 1.1 Work activities in a team environment with
enterprise or specific sector
1.2 Limited discretion, initiative and judgement
maybe demonstrated on the job, either
individually or in a team environment
2. Sources of Information May include but not limited to:
2.1 Standard operating and/or other workplace
2.2 Job procedures
2.3 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s
specifications and instructions
2.4 Organizational or external personnel
2.5 Client/supplier instructions
2.6 Quality standards
2.7 OHS and environmental standards
3. Workplace Context May include but not limited to:
3.1 Work procedures and practices
3.2 Conditions of work environments
3.3 Legislation and industrial agreements
3.4 Standard work practice including the storage,
safe handling and disposal of chemicals
3.5 Safety, environmental, housekeeping and
quality guidelines

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 9


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Worked in a team to complete workplace activity
1.2 Worked effectively with others
1.3 Conveyed information in written or oral form
1.4 Selected and used appropriate workplace language
1.5 Followed designated work plan for the job
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Access to relevant workplace or appropriately
simulated environment where assessment can take
2.2 Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Role play involving the participation of individual
member to the attainment of organizational goal
3.2 Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion
of issues and strategies in teamwork
3.3 Socio-drama and socio-metric methods
3.4 Sensitivity techniques
3.5 Written Test
4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting
4.2 Assessment shall be observed while task are being
undertaken whether individually or in group

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 10


UNIT CODE : 400311212

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to apply problem-solving techniques to determine the origin
of problems and plan for their resolution. It also includes
addressing procedural problems through documentation,
and referral.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify 1.1 Routine problems or 1.1 Current industry 1.1 Identifying current
routine procedural problem hardware and industry hardware
problems areas are identified software products and software
1.2 Problems to be and services products and
investigated are defined 1.2 Industry services
and determined maintenance, 1.2 Identifying current
1.3 Current conditions of service and helpdesk industry
the problem are practices, processes maintenance,
identified and and procedures services and
documented 1.3 Industry standard helpdesk
diagnostic tools practices,
1.4 Malfunctions and processes and
resolutions procedures.
1.3 Identifying current
industry standard
diagnostic tools
1.4 Describing
malfunctions and
1.5 Determining the
root cause of a

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 11

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
2. Look for 2.1 Potential solutions to 2.1 Current industry 2.1 Identifying current
solutions to problem are identified hardware and industry hardware
routine 2.2 Recommendations software products and software
problems about possible solutions and services products and
are developed, 2.2 Industry service and services
documented, ranked helpdesk practices, 2.2 Identifying
and presented to processes and services and
appropriate person for procedures helpdesk
decision 2.3 Operating systems practices,
2.4 Industry standard processes and
diagnostic tools procedures.
2.5 Malfunctions and 2.3 Identifying
resolutions. operating system
2.6 Root cause analysis 2.4 Identifying current
industry standard
diagnostic tools
2.5 Describing
malfunctions and
2.6 Determining the
root cause of a
3. Recommend 3.1 Implementation of 3.1 Standard procedures 3.1 Producing
solutions to solutions are planned 3.2 Documentation documentation
problems 3.2 Evaluation of produce that recommends
implemented solutions solutions to
are planned problems
3.3 Recommended 3.2 Following
solutions are established
documented and submit procedures
to appropriate person
for confirmation

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 12


1. Problems/Procedural May include but not limited to:
Problem 1.1 Routine/non – routine processes and quality
1.2 Equipment selection, availability and failure
1.3 Teamwork and work allocation problem
1.4 Safety and emergency situations and incidents
1.5 Work-related problems outside of own work area
2. Appropriate person May include but not limited to:
2.1 Supervisor or manager
2.2 Peers/work colleagues
2.3 Other members of the organization
3. Document May include but not limited to:
3.1 Electronic mail
3.2 Briefing notes
3.3 Written report
3.4 Evaluation report
4. Plan May include but not limited to:
4.1 Priority requirements
4.2 Co-ordination and feedback requirements
4.3 Safety requirements
4.4 Risk assessment
4.5 Environmental requirements

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 13


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Determined the root cause of a routine problem
1.2 Identified solutions to procedural problems.
1.3 Produced documentation that recommends solutions to
1.4 Followed established procedures.
1.5 Referred unresolved problems to support persons.

2. Resource Implications 2.1. Assessment will require access to a workplace over an

extended period, or a suitable method of gathering
evidence of operating ability over a range of situations.
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Case Formulation
3.2 Life Narrative Inquiry
3.3 Standardized test
The unit will be assessed in a holistic manner as is practical
and may be integrated with the assessment of other relevant
units of competency. Assessment will occur over a range of
situations, which will include disruptions to normal, smooth
operation. Simulation may be required to allow for timely
assessment of parts of this unit of competency. Simulation
should be based on the actual workplace and will include walk
through of the relevant competency components.
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual
workplace or simulation environment in
TESDA accredited institutions.

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 14


UNIT CODE : 400311213

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in
managing one’s emotions, developing reflective practice,
and boosting self-confidence and developing self-

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Manage 1.1 Self-management 1.1 Self-management 1.1 Managing properly
one’s strategies are strategies that assist one’s emotions and
emotion identified in regulating recognizing
1.2 Skills to work behavior and situations that
independently and to achieving personal cannot be changed
show initiative, to be and learning goals and accept them
conscientious, and (e.g. Nine self- and remain
persevering in the face management professional
of setbacks and strategies according 1.2 Developing self-
frustrations are to Robert Kelley) discipline, working
developed 1.2 Enablers and independently and
1.3 Techniques for barriers in achieving showing initiative to
effectively handling personal and career achieve personal
negative emotions and goals and career goals
unpleasant situation 1.3 Techniques in 1.3 Showing
in the workplace are handling negative confidence, and
examined emotions and resilience in the
unpleasant situation face of setback and
in the workplace frustrations and
such as frustration, other negative
anger, worry, emotions and
anxiety, etc. unpleasant
situations in the
2. Develop 2.1 Personal strengths and 2.1 Basic SWOT 2.1 Using the basic
reflective achievements, based analysis SWOT analysis as
practice on self-assessment 2.2 Strategies to self-assessment
strategies and teacher improve one’s strategy
feedback are attitude in the 2.2 Developing
contemplated workplace reflective practice
2.2 Progress when seeking 2.3 Gibbs’ Reflective through realization
and responding to Cycle/Model of limitations,
feedback from (Description, likes/ dislikes;
teachers to assist them Feelings, through showing
in consolidating Evaluation, of self-confidence
strengths, addressing Analysis, 2.3 Demonstrating self-
weaknesses and Conclusion, and acceptance and
fulfilling their potential Action plan) being able to
are monitored accept challenges
2.3 Outcomes of personal
and academic
challenges by
TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 15
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
reflecting on previous
problem solving and
strategies and
feedback from peers
and teachers are
3. Boost self- 3.1 Efforts for continuous 3.1 Four components of 3.1 Performing
confidence self-improvement are self-regulation based effective
and develop demonstrated on Self-Regulation communication
self- 3.2 Counter-productive Theory (SRT) skills – reading,
regulation tendencies at work are 3.2 Personality writing, conversing
eliminated development skills
3.3 Positive outlook in life concepts 3.2 Showing affective
are maintained 3.3 Self-help concepts skills – flexibility,
(e. g., 7 Habits by adaptability, etc.
Stephen Covey, 3.3 Self-assessment
transactional for determining
analysis, psycho- one’s strengths and
spiritual concepts) weaknesses

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 16


1. Self-Management May include but not limited to:
Strategies 1.1 Seeking assistance in the form of job coaching or
1.2 Continuing dialogue to tackle workplace grievances
1.3 Collective negotiation/bargaining for better working
1.4 Share your goals to improve with a trusted co-worker
or supervisor
1.5 Make a negativity log of every instance when you
catch yourself complaining to others
1.6 Make lists and schedules for necessary activities
2.Unpleasant Situation May include but not limited to:
2.1 Job burn-out
2.2 Drug dependence
2.3 Sulking


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Express emotions appropriately
1.2 Work independently and show initiative
1.3 Consistently demonstrate self-confidence and self-
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1. Access to workplace and resource s
2.2. Case studies
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1. Demonstration or simulation with oral questioning
3.2. Case problems involving work improvement and
sustainability issues
3.3. Third-party report
4. Context for 4.1. Competency assessment may occur in workplace or
Assessment any appropriately simulated environment

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 17


UNIT CODE : 400311214

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to make a pro-active and positive contribution to
workplace innovation.

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1.Identify 1.1 Opportunities for 1.1 Roles of individuals 1.1 Identifying
opportunities to improvement are in suggesting and opportunities to
do things better identified proactively in making improve and to do
own area of work improvements things better
1.2 Information are 1.2 Positive impacts involvement
gathered and reviewed and challenges in 1.2 Identifying the
which may be relevant innovation positive impacts
to ideas and which 1.3 Types of changes and the challenges
might assist in gaining and responsibility. of change and
support for idea 1.4 Seven habits of innovation
highly effective 1.3 Identifying
people examples of the
types of changes
that are within and
outside own scope
of responsibility
2. Discuss and 2.1 People who could 2.1 Roles of individuals 2.1 Identifying
develop ideas provide input to ideas in suggesting and opportunities to
with others for improvements are making improve and to do
identified improvements things better
2.2 Ways of approaching 2.2 Positive impacts involvement
people to begin sharing and challenges in 2.2 Identifying the
ideas are selected innovation positive impacts
2.3 Meeting is set with 2.3 Types of changes and the challenges
relevant people and responsibility. of change and
2.4 Ideas for follow up are 2.4 Seven habits of innovation
review and selected highly effective 2.3 Providing examples
based on feedback people of the types of
2.5 Critical inquiry changes that are
method is used to within and outside
discuss and develop own scope of
ideas with others responsibility
2.4 Communicating
ideas for change
through small group
discussions and
3. Integrate 3.1 Critical inquiry method 3.1 Roles of individuals 3.1 Identifying
ideas for is used to integrate in suggesting and opportunities to
change in the different ideas for making improve and to do
workplace change of key people improvements things better
3.2 Summarizing, involvement
analyzing and

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 18

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
generalizing skills are 3.2 Positive impacts 3.2 Identifying the
used to extract salient and challenges in positive impacts
points in the pool of innovation and the challenges
ideas 3.3 Types of changes of change and
3.3 Reporting skills are and responsibility innovation
likewise used to 3.4 Seven habits of 3.3 Providing examples
communicate results highly effective of the types of
3.4 Current Issues and people changes that are
concerns on the 3.5 Basic research within and outside
systems, processes skills own scope of
and procedures, as responsibility
well as the need for 3.4 Communicating
simple innovative ideas for change
practices are identified through small group
discussions and
3.5 Demonstrating skills
in analysis and
interpretation of

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 19


1. Opportunities for May include:
Improvement 1.1 Systems
1.2 Processes
1.3 Procedures
1.4 Protocols
1.5 Codes
1.6 Practices
2. Information May include:
2.1 Workplace communication problems
2.2 Performance evaluation results
2.3 Team dynamics issues and concerns
2.4 Challenges on return of investment
2.5 New tools, processes and procedures
2.6 New people in the organization
3. People who could provide May include:
input 3.1 Leaders
3.2 Managers
3.3 Specialists
3.4 Associates
3.5 Researchers
3.6 Supervisors
3.7 Staff
3.8 Consultants (external)
3.9 People outside the organization in the same field or
similar expertise/industry
3.10 Clients
4. Critical inquiry method May include:
4.1 Preparation
4.2 Discussion
4.3 Clarification of goals
4.4 Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome
4.5 Agreement
4.6 Implementation of a course of action
4.7 Effective verbal communication. See our pages:
Verbal Communication and Effective Speaking
4.8 Listening
4.9 Reducing misunderstandings is a key part of
effective negotiation
4.10 Rapport Building
4.11 Problem Solving
4.12 Decision Making
4.13 Assertiveness
4.14 Dealing with Difficult Situations
5. Reporting Skills May include:
5.1 Data management
5.2 Coding
5.3 Data analysis and interpretation
5.4 Coherent writing
5.5 Speaking

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 20


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Identified opportunities to do things better
1.2 Discussed and developed ideas with others on
how to contribute to workplace innovation
1.3 Integrated ideas for change in the workplace
1.4 Analyzed and reported rooms for innovation
and learning in the workplace
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Pens, papers and writing implements
2.2 Cartolina
2.3 Manila papers
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Psychological and behavioral Interviews
3.2 Performance Evaluation
3.3 Life Narrative Inquiry
3.4 Review of portfolios of evidence and third-party
workplace reports of on-the-job performance
3.5 Sensitivity analysis
3.6 Organizational analysis
3.7 Standardized assessment of character
strengths and virtues applied
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed individually in
the actual workplace or simulation environment
in TESDA accredited institutions

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 21


UNIT CODE : 400311215

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to present data/information appropriately.

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Gather data/ 1.1 Evidence, facts and 1.1 Organisational 1.1 Describing
information information are protocols organisational
collected 1.2 Confidentiality protocols relating to
1.2 Evaluation, terms of 1.3 Accuracy client liaison
reference and 1.4 Business 1.2 Protecting
conditions are mathematics and confidentiality
reviewed to statistics 1.3 Describing
determine whether 1.5 Data analysis accuracy
data/information falls techniques/procedu 1.4 Computing
within project scope res business
1.6 Reporting mathematics and
requirements to a statistics
range of audiences 1.5 Describing data
1.7 Legislation, policy analysis
and procedures techniques/
relating to the procedures
conduct of 1.6 Reporting
evaluations requirements to a
1.8 Organisational range of audiences
values, ethics and 1.7 Stating legislation,
codes of conduct policy and
procedures relating
to the conduct of
1.8 Stating
values, ethics and
codes of conduct

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 22

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
2. Assess 2.1 Validity of data/ 2.1 Business 2.1 Computing
gathered data/ information is mathematics and business
information assessed statistics mathematics and
2.2 Analysis techniques 2.2 Data analysis statistics
are applied to assess techniques/ 2.2 Describing data
data/ information procedures analysis
2.3 Trends and anomalies 2.3 Reporting techniques/
are identified requirements to a procedures
2.4 Data analysis range of audiences 2.3 Reporting
techniques and 2.4 Legislation, policy requirements to a
procedures are and procedures range of audiences
documented relating to the 2.4 Stating legislation,
2.5 Recommendations conduct of policy and
are made on areas of evaluations procedures relating
possible improvement 2.5 Organisational to the conduct of
values, ethics and evaluations
codes of conduct 2.5 Stating
values, ethics and
codes of conduct
3. Record and 3.1 Studied 3.1 Data analysis 3.1 Describing data
present data/information are techniques/ analysis
information recorded procedures techniques/
3.2 Recommendations 3.2 Reporting procedures
are analysed for requirements to a 3.2 Reporting
action to ensure they range of audiences requirements to a
are compatible with 3.3 Legislation, policy range of audiences
the project’s scope and procedures 3.3 Stating legislation,
and terms of relating to the policy and
reference conduct of procedures relating
3.3 Interim and final evaluations to the conduct of
reports are analysed 3.4 Organisational evaluations
and outcomes are values, ethics and 3.4 Stating
compared to the codes of conduct organisational
criteria established at values, ethics and
the outset codes of conduct
3.4 Findings are practices
presented to

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1. Data Analysis May include but not limited to:
Techniques 1.1. Domain Analysis
1.2. Content Analysis
1.3. Comparison Technique


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Determine data / information
1.2 Studied and applied gathered data/information
1.3 Recorded and studied data/information
These aspects may be best assessed using a range of
scenarios what ifs as a stimulus with a walk through forming
part of the response. These assessment activities should
include a range of problems, including new, unusual and
improbable situations that may have happened.
2. Resource Implications Specific resources for assessment
2.1 Evidence of competent performance should be obtained
by observing an individual in an information management
role within the workplace or operational or simulated
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Written Test
3.2 Interview
3.3 Portfolio
The unit will be assessed in a holistic manner as is practical
and may be integrated with the assessment of other
relevant units of competency. Assessment will occur over a
range of situations, which will include disruptions to normal,
smooth operation. Simulation may be required to allow for
timely assessment of parts of this unit of competency.
Simulation should be based on the actual workplace and
will include walk through of the relevant competency
4. Context for 4.1 In all workplace, it may be appropriate to assess this
Assessment unit concurrently with relevant teamwork or operation units.

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 24


UNIT CODE : 400311216

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to identify OSH
compliance requirements, prepare OSH requirements
for compliance, perform tasks in accordance with
relevant OSH policies and procedures.

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify OSH 1.1 Relevant OSH 1.1 OSH preventive and 1.1 Applying
compliance requirements, control requirements communication
requirements regulations, policies 1.2 Hierarchy of skills
and procedures are Controls 1.2 Applying
identified in accordance 1.3 Hazard Prevention interpersonal
with workplace policies and Control skills
and procedures 1.4 General OSH 1.3 Applying critical
1.2 OSH activity non- principles thinking skills
conformities are 1.5 Work standards and 1.4 Applying
conveyed to procedures observation skills
appropriate personnel 1.6 Safe handling
1.3 OSH preventive and procedures of tools,
control requirements equipment and
are identified in materials
accordance with OSH 1.7 Standard
work policies and emergency plan and
procedures procedures in the
2. Prepare 2.1 OSH work activity 2.1 Resources 2.1 Applying
OSH material, tools and necessary to Communication
requirements equipment requirements execute hierarchy of skills
for are identified in controls 2.2 Applying
compliance accordance with 2.2 General OSH estimation skills
workplace policies and principles 2.3 Applying
procedures 2.3 Work standards and interpersonal
2.2 Required OSH procedures skills
materials, tools and 2.4 Safe handling 2.4 Applying critical
equipment are acquired procedures of tools, thinking skills
in accordance with equipment and 2.5 Applying
workplace policies and materials observation skills
procedures 2.5 Different OSH 2.6 Identifying
2.3 Required OSH control measures material, tool and
materials, tools and equipment
equipment are
arranged/ placed in
accordance with OSH
work standards
3. Perform tasks 3.1 Relevant OSH work 3.1 OSH work standards 3.1 Applying
in procedures are 3.2 Industry related communication
accordance identified in accordance work activities skills
with relevant
TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 25
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
OSH policies with workplace policies 3.3 General OSH 3.2 Applying
and and procedures principles interpersonal
procedures 3.2 Work Activities are 3.4 OSH Violations skills
executed in accordance 3.5 Non-compliance 3.3 Applying
with OSH work work activities troubleshooting
standards skills
3.3 Non-compliance work 3.4 Applying critical
activities are reported thinking skills
to appropriate 3.5 Applying
personnel observation skills

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1. OSH Requirements, May include:
Regulations, Policies and 1.1 Clean Air Act
Procedures 1.2 Building Code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste Management Statutes and Rules
1.5 Permit to Operate
1.6 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health
1.7 Department Order No. 13 (Construction Safety
and Health)
1.8 ECC Regulations
2. Appropriate Personnel May include:
2.1 Manager
2.2 Safety Officer
2.3 EHS Offices
2.4 Supervisors
2.5 Team Leaders
2.6 Administrators
2.7 Stakeholders
2.8 Government Official
2.9 Key Personnel
2.10 Specialists
2.11 Himself
3. OSH Preventive and Control May include:
Requirements 3.1 Resources needed for removing hazard
3.2 Resources needed for substitution or
3.3 Resources needed to establishing engineering
3.4 Resources needed for enforcing administrative
3.5 Personal Protective equipment
4. Non OSH-Compliance Work May include non-compliance or observance of the
Activities following safety measures:
4.1 Violations that may lead to serious physical
harm or death
4.2 Fall Protection
4.3 Hazard Communication
4.4 Respiratory Protection
4.5 Power Industrial Trucks
4.6 Lockout/Tag-out
4.7 Working at heights (use of ladder, scaffolding)
4.8 Electrical Wiring Methods
4.9 Machine Guarding
4.10 Electrical General Requirements
4.11 Asbestos work requirements
4.12 Excavations work requirements

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1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Convey OSH work non-conformities to appropriate
1.2. Identify OSH preventive and control requirements in
accordance with OSH work policies and procedures
1.3. Identify OSH work activity material, tools and equipment
requirements in accordance with workplace policies and
1.4. Arrange/Place required OSH materials, tools and
equipment in accordance with OSH work standards
1.5. Execute work activities in accordance with OSH work
1.6. Report OSH activity non-compliance work activities to
appropriate personnel
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Facilities, materials tools and equipment necessary for
the activity
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Observation/Demonstration with oral questioning
3.2 Third party report
4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 28


UNIT CODE : 400311217

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitude to

identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource
utilization, determine causes of inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness of resource utilization and Convey
inefficient and ineffective environmental practices.

ELEMENTS Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify the 1.1 Required resource 1.1 Importance of 1.1 Recording skills
efficiency and utilization in the environmental 1.2 Writing skills
effectiveness workplace is measured literacy 1.3 Applying
of resource using appropriate 1.2 Environmental work innovation skills
utilization techniques procedures
1.2 Data are recorded in 1.3 Waste minimization
accordance with 1.4 Efficient energy
workplace protocol consumptions
1.3 Recorded data are
compared to determine
the efficiency and
effectiveness of
resource utilization
according to
environmental work
2. Determine 2.1 Potential causes of 2.1 Causes of 2.1 Applying deductive
causes of inefficiency and/or environmental reasoning skills
inefficiency ineffectiveness are inefficiencies and 2.2 Applying critical
and/or listed ineffectiveness thinking
ineffectiveness 2.2 Causes of inefficiency 2.3 Applying problem
of resource and/or ineffectiveness solving skills
utilization are identified through 2.4 Applying
deductive reasoning observation skills
2.3 Identified causes of
inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness are
validated thru
3. Convey 3.1 Efficiency and 3.1 Appropriate 3.1 Applying written
inefficient and effectiveness of Personnel to address and oral
ineffective resource utilization the environmental communication
environmental are reported to hazards skills
practices appropriate 3.2 Environmental 3.2 Applying critical
personnel corrective actions thinking
3.2 Concerns related 3.3 Applying problem
resource utilization solving

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 29

are discussed with 3.4 Applying
appropriate personnel observation skills
3.3 Feedback on 3.5 Practicing
information/ concerns environmental
raised are clarified awareness
with appropriate

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 30


1. Environmental Work May include:
Procedures 1.1 Utilization of Energy, Water, Fuel Procedures
1.2 Waster Segregation Procedures
1.3 Waste Disposal and Reuse Procedures
1.4 Waste Collection Procedures
1.5 Usage of Hazardous Materials Procedures
1.6 Chemical Application Procedures
1.7 Labeling Procedures
2. Appropriate Personnel May include:
2.1 Manager
2.2 Safety Officer
2.3 EHS Offices
2.4 Supervisors
2.5 Team Leaders
2.6 Administrators
2.7 Stakeholders
2.8 Government Official
2.9 Key Personnel
2.10 Specialists
2.11 Himself

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 31


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Measured required resource utilization in the workplace
using appropriate techniques
1.2 Recorded data in accordance with workplace protocol
1.3 Identified causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness
through deductive reasoning
1.4 Validate the identified causes of inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness thru established environmental
1.5 Report efficiency and effectives of resource utilization to
appropriate personnel
1.6 Clarify feedback on information/concerns raised with
appropriate personnel
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1Workplace
2.2Tools, materials and equipment relevant to the tasks
2.4Manuals and references
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1Demonstration
3.2Oral questioning
3.3Written examination
4. Context for 4.1Competency assessment may occur in workplace or any
Assessment appropriately simulated environment
4.2Assessment shall be observed while task are being
undertaken whether individually or in-group

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 32


UNIT CODE : 400311218

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to

apply entrepreneurial workplace best practices and
implement cost-effective operations.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Apply 1.1 Good practices 1.1 Workplace best 1.1 Applying
entrepreneurial relating to workplace practices, policies communication
workplace best operations are and criteria skills
practices observed and selected 1.2 Resource utilization 1.2 Complying with
following workplace 1.3 Ways in fostering quality procedures
policy entrepreneurial
1.2 Quality procedures attitudes:
and practices are 1.3.1 Patience
complied with
1.3.2 Honesty
according to workplace
requirements 1.3.3 Quality-
1.3 Cost-conscious habits consciousness
in resource utilization 1.3.4 Safety-
are applied based on consciousness
industry standards 1.3.5 Resourcefulness
2. Communicate 2.1 Observed good 2.1 Workplace best 2.1 Applying
entrepreneurial practices relating to practices, policies communication
workplace best workplace operations and criteria skills
practices are communicated to 2.2 Resource utilization 2.2 Complying with
appropriate person 2.3 Ways in fostering quality procedures
2.2 Observed quality entrepreneurial 2.3 Following
procedures and attitudes: workplace
practices are 2.3.1 Patience communication
communicated to 2.3.2 Honesty protocol
appropriate person 2.3.3 Quality-
2.3 Cost-conscious habits consciousness
in resource utilization 2.3.4 Safety-
are communicated consciousness
based on industry 2.3.5 Resourcefulness

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 33

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3. Implement 3.1 Preservation and 3.1 Optimization of 3.1 Implementing
cost-effective optimization of workplace preservation and
operations workplace resources is resources optimizing
implemented in 3.2 5S procedures and workplace
accordance with concepts resources
enterprise policy 3.3 Criteria for cost- 3.2 Observing
3.2 Judicious use of effectiveness judicious use of
workplace tools, 3.4 Workplace workplace tools,
equipment and productivity equipment and
materials are observed 3.5 Impact of materials
according to manual entrepreneurial 3.3 Making
and work mindset to constructive
requirements. workplace contributions to
3.3 Constructive productivity office operations
contributions to office 3.6 Ways in fostering
entrepreneurial 3.4 Sustaining ability
operations are made to work within
according to enterprise allotted time and
requirements. 3.6.1 Quality-
consciousness finances
3.4 Ability to work within 3.6.2 Safety-
one’s allotted time and consciousness
finances is sustained.

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1.Good Practices May include:
1.1 Economy in use of resources
1.2 Documentation of quality practices

2.Resources Utilization May include:

2.1 Consumption/ use of consumables
2.2 Use/Maintenance of assigned equipment and
2.3 Optimum use of allotted /available time


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Demonstrated ability to identify and sustain
cost-effective activities in the workplace
1.2 Demonstrated ability to practice
entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and
attitudes in the workplace.

2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Simulated or actual workplace
2.2 Tools, materials and supplies needed to
demonstrate the required tasks
2.3 References and manuals
2.3.1 Enterprise procedures manuals
2.3.2 Company quality policy
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit should be assessed
3.1 Interview
3.2 Third-party report
4.Context of Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in workplace
or in a simulated workplace setting
4.2 Assessment shall be observed while tasks are
being undertaken whether individually or in-

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 35





UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit is concerned with infection control responsibilities

of employees with supervisory accountability to implement
and monitor infection control policy and procedures in a
specific work unit or team within an organization. This unit
does not apply to a role with organization-wide
responsibilities for infection control policy and procedure
development, implementation or monitoring.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Provide 1.1 Relevant information 1.1 Literacy levels and 1.1 Applying effective
information to about the organization's communication skills communication
the work infection control policy of work group and interpersonal
group about and procedures, and members and skills
the applicable industry consequent suitable 1.1.1 Language
organization's codes of practice are communication competence
infection accurately and clearly techniques and reading
control explained to the work 1.2 Concepts of mode of competence
policies and group communication 1.1.2 Negotiating
procedures 1.2 Information about 1.3 Reporting, skills
identified hazards and documentation and 1.1.3 Intra and
the outcomes of use of non-verbal and interpersonal
infection risk verbal communication skills
assessments is 1.4 Knowledge on OSH, 1.2 Identifying mode
regularly provided to infection control, of communication
the work group environmental and 1.3 Practicing
1.3 Opportunity is provided institutional, rules, communication
for the work group to guidelines, policies skills with ease
seek further information and procedures 1.4 Applying
on workplace infection 1.5 Respect for client’s principles of
control issues and rights infection control
practices 1.6 Knowledge on the 1.5 Using PPE
use of personal (Personal
protective equipment Protective
1.7 Basic knowledge on Equipment)
infectious diseases 1.6 Identifying
transmission transmission of
1.9 Principles of infection infectious
control diseases
1.9.1 Frequent 1.7 Implementing
handwashing OSH, infection
(WHO Standard) control,
1.9.2 Body Substance environmental
Isolation (BSI) by and institutional
using PPE rules, guidelines,

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 36

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
(Personal policies and
Protective procedures
Equipment) 1.8 Operating
1.10 Use of disinfectant equipment for
1.11 Observe “Social operation
Distancing” 1.9 Reporting and
1.12 Stay at home documentation
as needed with accuracy
1.13 Knowledge on
equipment for
communication to
be used (computer,
telephone, cell
phone etc.)
2. Integrate the 2.1 Therapeutic 2.1 Use of verbal and 2.1 Applying verbal
organization's communication is non-verbal and non-verbal
infection applied to ensure therapeutic communication
control policy implementation of communication 2.2 Implementing
and infection control policy 2.2 RA 11058 – OSH infection control
procedure in the work place Law policy and
into work 2.2 Infection control 2.3 RA 9008 – Ecological procedures
practices policies and Solid Waste 2.3 Coaching
procedures are Management Act employees to
implemented based on 2.4 RA 856 – Sanitation ensure the practice
established procedure Code of the Phil. of infection control
2.3 Employer’s coaching 2.5 Hazards and 2.4 Adopting work
and support ensures infectious risks procedures to
the individuals/teams 2.6 Appropriate wearing, reflect appropriate
are able to practice removal and disposal infection control
infection control of PPE (Personal practices
procedures Protective 2.5 Encouraging
2.4 Safe work procedures Equipment) employees to
are adopted to reflect 2.7 Use of computer for report hazards and
appropriate infection documentation and risks in the work
control practices in the reporting place
work place 2.6 Recognizing
2.5 Employees are suggestions of
encouraged to report employees to
hazardous and improve infection
infectious risks and to control practices
suggest improvement
of infection control
3.Monitor 3.1 Infection control 3.1 Reporting, 3.1 Using personal
infection hazardous events are documentation and protective
control investigated promptly to use of non-verbal equipment
performance identify their cause in and verbal 3.2 Identifying
and accordance with communication transmission of
implement organization policy and 3.2 Knowledge on OSH, infectious
improvements procedures infection control, diseases
in practices 3.2 Work procedures to environmental and 3.3 Using therapeutic
control infection risks institutional, rules, communication

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 37

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
are monitored and guidelines, policies 3.4 Implementing
reviewed to ensure and procedures OSH, infection
compliance 3.3 Concepts on modes control,
3.3 Training in work of communication environmental and
procedures is provided 3.4 RA 9003 –Ecological institutional, rules,
as required to ensure Solid Waste guidelines,
maintenance of Management Act policies and
infection control 3.5 Knowledge on the procedures
standards use of personal 3.5 Applying effective
3.4 Inadequacies in work protective equipment communication
procedures and 3.6 Basic knowledge on and interpersonal
infection control infectious diseases skills
measures are transmission 3.6 Monitoring of
identified, corrected or 3.7 Knowledge on incidence of
reported to designated equipment for infection in the
personnel communication to be workplace
3.5 Records of infection used (computer, 3.7 Reporting and
control risks and telephone, cell phone documentation
incidents are accurately etc.) with accuracy
maintained as required
3.6 Aggregate infection
control information
reports are used to
identify hazards, to
monitor and improve
risk control Method and
to indicate training

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 38


1. Industry Codes of May include:
Practice 1.1 National Health and Medical Research Council
Guidelines for infection control
1.2 Local & National Government Guidelines and Standards
1.3 Manufacturer's recommendations and operating
2. Hazards and the May include:
outcomes of infection 2.1 Sharps
risk assessments 2.2 Glass
2.3 Waste
2.4 Human waste and human tissues
2.5 Personal contact with infectious patients / clients
2.6 Animals, insects and vermin
2.7 Stock, including food, which has passed "used-by"
2.8 Incorrect concentration of disinfectants and chemicals
2.9 Cleaning procedures
2.10 Linen handling procedures
2.11 Work flows
2.12 Use of personal protective clothing
2.13 Food safety
2.14 Personal hygiene
3. Therapeutic May include:
communication 3.1 Verbal communication
3.1.1 One on one dialogue
3.1.2 Orientation
3.1.3 Meeting
3.1.4 Conference
3.2 Non-verbal communication
3.2.1 Memorandum
3.2.2 Minutes of the meeting
3.2.3 Flyers
3.2.4 Billboards
3.2.5 Journals
3.2.6 Warning signs and devices
4. Infection Control May include:
Policies and 4.1 Company’s manual on infection control policies and
Procedures procedures
4.2 COVID 19 infection control in your workplace
4.3 RA 11058 - OSH law
4.4 RA 9003 – Ecological Solid Waste Management
5. Employer’s coaching May include:
and support 5.1 Provide a workplace free of hazards
5.2 Comply with OSH standard
5.3 Make sure employees have and use of safe tools and
equipment and properly maintained
5.4 Use color code poster labels and signs to warn
employees of potential hazards

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 39

5.5 Provide information that work areas, machinery and
equipment are kept in a safe condition
5.6 Provide information, training instructions and
supervisions of employees so they can work safely
5.7 Provide new employees with specialized orientation
training to help them become familiar with their new
work environment
6. Safe work procedures May include:
6.1 DOLE manual
6.2 OSH manual
6.3 Company’s rules and regulations manual
6.4 Job description for each employees hand outs
6.5 Workplace safety tips
6.5.1 Health and safety company protocol about
COVID 19 Keep oneself healthy thru vaccine,
vitamins and healthy tips style Maintain personal hygiene Environmental cleaning and
decontamination Cover mouth when coughing and
sneezing Hands off on your nose and
mouth Frequent handwashing and
use of
disinfectant Wear, remove and dispose PPE
properly Always disinfect working area Reducing contact by observing social
distancing Observe isolation technique if you are
sick to prevent spread of infection
6.5.2 “Five S” in workplace, its purpose and benefits
6.5.3 Follow safety procedures
6.5.4 Don’t take shortcuts
6.5.5 Clear up
6.5.6 Clear and organized area
6.5.7 Emergency exit location
6.5.8 Be alert on the job
6.5.9 Take regular break
6.5.10 Be vigilant
6.5.11 F.A. box location
6.5.12 Immediately report incident
6.5.13 Safe and hygiene facilities including toilet,
7. Hazardous and May include:
infectious risks 7.1 Categories of hazard
7.1.1 Safety
7.1.2 Health
7.1.3 Environment
7.2 Classes of hazard

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 40

7.2.1 Natural
7.2.2 Man made
7.2.2 Technology
7.2.3 Behavior/attitude
7.3 Specific hazard
7.3.1 Mechanical
7.3.2 Chemical
7.3.3 Physical
7.3.4 Biological
7.3.5 Psychological
7.4 Risks in the workplace
7.4.1 Corona virus – accommodating high risk
employee returning to work
7.4.2 Ergonomics
7.4.3 Risk examples Health risk (smoking) Exposure to computer Working at height Hazardous substances exposure Slips and trips Strain, sprain and pain
7.5 Adapt best practices in the workplace
7.5.1 Provide clear expectations
7.5.2 Give people the opportunity to use their skills
7.5.3 Encourage people to contribute ideas and get
involved in decision making
7.5.4 Reward effort
7.5.5 Stay committed
7.5.6 Hold regular meetings
7.5.7 Seek cultural cohesiveness
8. Infection control May include:
standards 8.1 Goals of infection control policy
8.2 Basic infection control
8.3 Main universal precautions
8.4 Standard infection control precautions
8.5 WHO infection prevention and control
8.6 Data analysis
9. Designated personnel May include:
9.1 Medical team of the company or agency
9.2 Support group
9.2.1 Manager
9.2.2 Infection Control Coordinator
9.2.3 Quality Improvement Coordinator
9.2.4 Infection Control Committee
9.2.5 Occupational Health and Safety Committee
10. Aggregate infection May include:
control information 10.1 Records of needle stick injuries
10.2 Hospital-acquired infection rates
10.3 DOH healthcare standards clinical indicators
10.4 HACCP (Hazards Analysis Critical Control Point)

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 41

10.5 Hazard reports


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate

Competency 1.1. Communicated with team and individuals on
organizational policy and procedures for infection
1.2. Applied infection control policies and procedures which
impact on work processes of the specific work unit
1.3. Applied procedures for adopting appropriate infection
practices within work unit
1.4. Demonstrated appropriate handwashing technique
1.5. Demonstrated the ability to appropriately wear, remove
and dispose PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
1.6. Provided appropriate supervision of work group
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1. Workplace infection control and health and safety
policies and procedures
2.2. Waste management procedures
2.3. Food safety procedures
2.4. Other organizational policies and procedures
2.5. Duties statements and/or job descriptions
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1. Observation
3.2. Interview
3.3. Portfolio
3.4. Demonstration with questioning
4. Context of Assessment 4.1. Competency maybe assessed in actual workplace or at
the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center.

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 42



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of competency covers the knowledge, skills

and attitudes to effectively respond to difficult or
challenging behaviour of patient / client.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Plan 1.1 Responses are 1.1 Use of therapeutic 1.1 Applying
responses planned to instances communication therapeutic
of difficult or 1.2 RA 11058 - OSH communication
challenging behavior to Law 1.2 Implementing
maximize the 1.3 Reporting and environmental and
availability of other documentation institutional, rules,
appropriate staff and 1.4 Environmental guidelines, policies
resources based on RA 9003 (Ecological and procedures
established standard Solid Waste 1.3 Identifying issues
practice Management Act) relating to difficult
1.2 Specific manifestations 1.5 Difficult and and challenging
of difficult or challenging behavior behavior
challenging behavior 1.6 Client issues which 1.4 Identifying client
are identified and need to be referred issues which need
strategies to an appropriate to be referred to an
appropriate to these health professional appropriate health
behaviors are planned 1.7 Rules of health professional
as required based on professionals 1.5 Thinking and
established procedure involved with the responding quickly
1.3 Safety of self and care of client and strategically
others is given priority 1.6 Remaining alert to
in responding to potential incidents
difficult or challenging of difficult or
behavior according to challenging
institutional policies behavior
and procedures 1.7 Working with others
and display
empathy with client
and relatives
1.8 Applying intra and
interpersonal skills
1.9 Reporting and
documentation with
2. Apply 2.1 Difficult or challenging 2.1 Reporting and 2.1 Applying
response behavior is dealt with documentation therapeutic
promptly, firmly and 2.2 Knowledge on communication
diplomatically in institutional, rules, 2.2 Implementing
accordance with guidelines, policies institutional, rules,
institutional policies and procedures guidelines, policies
and procedures and procedures

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 43

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
2.2 Communication is 2.3 Issues relating to 2.3 Identifying issues
used effectively to difficult and relating to difficult
achieve the desired challenging behavior and challenging
outcomes in 2.4 Client issues which behavior
responding to difficult need to be referred 2.4 Identifying client
or challenging to an appropriate issues which need
behavior health professional to be referred to an
2.3 Appropriate 2.5 Knowledge on appropriate health
strategies are policies and rules of professional
selected to suit health professionals 2.5 Remaining alert to
particular instances of involved with the potential incidents
difficult or challenging care of client of difficult or
behavior challenging
2.6 Reporting and
documentation with
3. Report and 3.1 Incidents are reported 3.1 Use of therapeutic 3.1 Applying
review and reviewed communication therapeutic
incidents according to 3.2 Reporting and communication
institutional policies documentation 3.2 Reporting and
and procedures 3.3 Knowledge on documentation with
3.2 Incidents are reviewed environment RA accuracy
with appropriate staff 9003 – Ecological
and suggestions Solid Waste
appropriate to area of Management
responsibility are 3.4 Use of computer for
made documentation and
3.3 Advice and reporting
assistance are
sought from
legitimate sources as
needed according to
agency policies and

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 44


1. Planned responses May include:
1.1 Own ability and experience
1.2 Established institutional procedures
1.3 Knowledge of individual persons and underlying
2. Difficult or challenging May include:
behaviors 2.1 Aggression/Assaultive behavior
2.2 Confusion or other cognitive impairment
2.3 Noisiness
2.4 Manipulative
2.5 Wandering
2.6 Self-destructive
2.7 Intoxication
2.8 Withdrawn/depressed
2.9 Negativistic
2.10 Intrusive behavior
2.11 Verbal offensiveness
3. Strategies appropriate May include:
for dealing with 3.1 Diversional activities
challenging behaviors 3.2 Referring to appropriate personnel e.g. supervisor,
security officer
3.3 Following established emergency response procedures
4. Institutional policies May include:
and procedures 4.1 Incident reporting and documentation
4.2 Operational guidelines for handling incidents and/or
cases involving difficult and challenging behavior
4.3 Debriefing of staff involved in the incident
5. Selection of May include:
appropriate strategies 5.1 The nature of the incident
for dealing with 5.2 Potential effect on different parties, patient / client, staff
challenging behaviors and others
5.3 Established procedures and guidelines
6. Report and review May include:
6.1 Purposes of the incident report review
6.2 Characteristics of an incident report review
6.3 Element of an effective incident report review
7. Incident report May include:
7.1 Data of worker/s
7.1.1 Name of worker
7.1.2 Job title / occupation
7.1.3 Time and date of injury
7.1.4 Exact location of the worker at the time of injury
7.1.5 Exact description of how the injury was
7.1.6 If any treatment was provided to the injured and
if so, what kind of treatment
7.1.7 Nature of injury and part of the body affected
7.1.8 Date and time reported

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 45

7.1.9 Name and signature of the person making the
7.2 Ten essential elements of an incident report
8. Advice and assistance May include:
from legitimate source 8.1 According to company’s policy
8.2 Recommendations
8.3 Employees training on safe work practice
8.4 Preventive maintenance activities that keep equipment
in good operating condition
8.5 Evaluation of job procedures with recommendation for
8.6 Conducting a job hazard analysis to evaluate the task
for any other hazards and then train employees for
these hazards


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Identified specific manifestations of difficult or
challenging behavior and strategies are planned,
selected and applied as required
1.2. Maintained personal safety and the safety of others
1.3. Reported incidents, reviewed and responded quickly
and effectively to contingencies
1.4. Used debriefing mechanisms
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1. Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
environment where assessment can take place
2.2. Relevant institutional policy, guidelines, procedures and
2.3. Emergency response procedures and employee support
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1. Observation with questioning
3.2. Demonstration with questioning
4. Context of 4.1. Competency maybe assessed in actual workplace or at
Assessment the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center.

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 46



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to provide an initial response where First Aid is required. In
this unit it is assumed that the First Aider is working under
supervision and / or according to established workplace First
Aid procedures and policies.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Assess the 1.1 Emergency action 1.1 First Aid standard 1.1 Applying emergency
situation principle of First Aid operating action principles of
is applied based on procedure first aid
established procedure 1.2 OSH Law RA 1.2 Identifying physical
1.2 Physical hazards to 11058 hazards
self and casualty’s 1.3 Physical hazards 1.3 Controlling and
health and safety are 1.4 Immediate risk minimizing
identified based on 1.5 Use of gloves and immediate risk for
established procedure mask self and casualty
1.3 Immediate risks to 1.6 First aid kit 1.4 Applying principle to
self and casualty are activate medical
minimized by controlled assistance
in accordance with 1.5 Wearing of mask
OHS requirements and gloves
1.4 First Aid kit must be 1.6 Using of First Aid kit
available at all times
based on OSH Law
and First Aid manual
2. Perform 2.1 Principles of Body 2.1 OSH Law RA 11058 2.1 Applying OSH Law
primary Substance Isolation is 2.2 RA 9003 Solid and RA 9003
survey of the applied based on Waste Management 2.2 Applying principles
victim standard First Aid 2.3 First Aid manual of body substance
procedure 2.4 Principles of body isolation
2.2 Responses and level substance isolation 2.3 Wearing of mask
of consciousness of 2.5 Basic Life Support and gloves
the victim or casualty 2.6 Wear mask and 2.4 Identifying any
are checked based on gloves potentially life-
established standard threatening
first aid procedure condition of
2.3 Potentially life- casualty
threatening condition 2.5 Activating medical
is identified and then assistance is
appropriate treatment is applied
began based on first 2.6 Applying basic life
aid standard procedure support
2.4 Activate medical
assistance is applied
based on established
first aid procedure
2.5 Basic life support is
applied based on

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 47

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
established first aid
3. Apply 3.1 Detailed history of 3.1 Therapeutic 3.1 Applying
secondary casualty is obtained communication therapeutic
survey of based on established 3.2 OSH Law RA 11058 communication
casualty standard procedure of 3.3 RA 9003 – 3.2 Applying OSH Law
first aid Ecological Solid RA 11058 and RA
3.2 Physical examination Waste Management 9003
of the casualty is done 3.4 Detailed history of 3.3 Obtaining history of
based on established casualty casualty
procedure 3.5 Physical 3.4 Doing the physical
3.3 Vital signs of casualty examination of the examination
are obtained based on casualty 3.5 Obtaining and
established standard 3.6 Vital signs documenting
procedure of first aid paraphernalia casualty’s vital
3.4 Casualty is endorsed to 3.7 Write an incident signs
physician or paramedic report using pen and 3.6 Documenting and
based on standard paper reporting of
procedure of first aid 3.8 Use of computer for incident
3.5 Written incident recording purpose
report is submitted
based on standard
procedure of company
or home facility

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 48


1. Emergency action May include:
principles of first aid 1.1 Concept of first aid
1.2 Objectives of first aid
1.3 Role of first aider
1.4 Survey the scene
1.4.1 Is the scene safe?
1.4.2 What happened?
1.4.3 How many people are injured?
1.4.4 Are there by standers who can help?
1.4.5 Are there available equipment to be used?
1.4.6 Identify yourself as First aider with your PPEs on
1.4.7 Wear mask and gloves
1.4.8 Get consent to give care
2. Physical hazards May include:
2.1 Quick assessment of the surroundings to identify
physical hazards like
2.1.1 Falls
2.1.2 Slips
2.1.3 Working from heights
2.1.4 Collapsed of building
2.1.5 Fire
2.1.6 Presence of toxic chemicals, etc.
3. Immediate risk to self May include:
and casualty 3.1 Injury of the first aider and further injury to casualty
3.2 Death which may occur either or both first aider and
4. First aid kit May include:
4.1 Digital BP apparatus
4.2 Digital thermometer
4.3 Pulse oximeter
4.4 Cotton balls
4.5 Alcohol
4.6 Disposable gloves (1 box)
4.7 Disposable mask (1 box)
4.8 Cervical collar
4.9 Surgical scissors
4.10 Bandage scissors
4.11 Forceps
4.12 Splint
4.13 Sterile gauze pads
4.14 Spine board
4.15 Ice cap
4.16 Hot water bag
4.17 Medical / adhesive tapes

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 49

5. Principles of body May include:
substance isolation 5.1 Definition of Body substance Isolation (BSI)
5.1.1 Mode of transmission methods Blood or fluid splash Surface contamination Needle stick exposure Oral contamination due to improper
5.2 Proper handwashing (WHO standard)
5.3 Proper wearing, removal and disposal of mask and
gloves (PPE)
5.4 Wearing of HazMat (Hazardous material suit) as
5.5 Use of disinfectant
6. Level of May include:
consciousness 6.1 Awake
6.2 Confused
6.3 Disoriented
6.4 Lethargic
6.5 Obtunded
6.6 Stuporous
6.7 Comatose
6.7.1 Protect spine if necessary
6.7.2 Check C-A-B Circulation Airway Breathing
7 Potentially life- May include:
threatening condition 7.1 Types of unconscious victim
7.1.1 +B +P = Syncope
7.1.2 –B + P = Respiratory arrest
7.1.3 –B - P = Cardiac arrest
* B-breathing: *P - pulse
7.3 Casualty who has life threatening condition that
involves C-A-B. Treat this victim first and transport as
soon as possible
7.3.1 Airway and breathing difficulties
7.3.2 Choking
7.3.3 Uncontrolled and severe bleeding
7.3.4 Decreased level of consciousness
7.3.5 Shock (different types)
7.3.6 Severe burns (2nd and 3rd degree) with
difficulty of breathing
7.4 Person/casualty who are injured but the condition is
not life threatening. Treatment can be delayed
7.4.1 Burns without airway problem
7.4.2 major or multiple or joint injury
7.4.3 Back injuries with or without spinal cord injury
7.5 Person who is injured but only minor. Treatment can

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 50

be delayed
7.5.1 Minor fracture
7.5.2 minor soft tissue injury
7.6 Lowest priority (Black) person who is already dead or
have little chance of survival
7.6.1 Obvious death
7.6.2 Obviously non survivable injury Major open brain trauma Full cardiac arrest
8 Activate medical May include:
assistance 8.1 Arrange transfer facilities
8.1.1 Phone first – activate or call medical assistance
then return to the victim
8.1.2 Phone fast – CPR first before calling for medical
9 Basic life support May include:
9.1 Basic life support definition
9.1.1 Respiratory arrest
9.1.2 Cardiac arrest
9.1.3 Artificial respiration or rescue breathing
9.1.4 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR for infant CPR for children CPR for adult
* Follow CPR under AHA ( American Heart
Association C-A-B procedure)
9.2 Check Circulation – Airway - Breathing
9.2.1 Carotid pulse for adult
9.2.2 Brachial pulse for infant
9.2.3 Open airway Head tilt chin lift maneuver Jaw thrust maneuver Modified jaw thrust maneuver
9.3 When to stop CPR
9.3.1 S - Spontaneous breathing and pulse has
9.3.2 T – Turned over to the physician or
9.3.3 O – Operator or first aider is already
9.3.4 P – Physician assumed responsibility and if
the casualty has been declared dead
10 Detailed history of May include:
casualty 10.1 Ask the following data:
10.1.1 Signs and symptoms of the episode
10.1.2 What occurred at the onset of accident
10.1.3 Any known allergies
10.1.4 Present medication Name of medication Frequency of medication Dosage

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 51

VARIABLE RANGE Time when last taken
10.1.5 Past history of casualty’s medical condition
10.1.6 Last oral intake, last meal, drink or
medication taken prior to accident
10.1.7 Events leading to injury or illness
11 Physical examination May include:
11.1 Begin care and assessment in the order of
11.1.1 A – Airway
11.1.2 B – Breathing
11.1.3 C – Circulation
11.1.4 D – Disabilities which includes mental status
11.1.5 E - Expose any body part that is fractured
like extremities but still maintain casualty’s
privacy and dignity
11.2 Techniques of physical examination
11.2.1 Inspection
11.2.2 Palpation
11.2.3 Auscultation
11.2.4 Percussion
11.3 Examine the following:
11.3.1 D - Deformity
11.3.2 C - Contusion
11.3.3 A - Abrasion
11.3.4 P – Punctured
11.3.5 B – Bleeding and burns
11.3.6 T – Tenderness
11.3.7 L - Laceration
11.3.8 S – Swelling
11.4 For casualty - fall from heights
11.4.1 Don’t move the casualty
11.4.2 Wait for the paramedics
11.4.3 Keep the casualty calm and well ventilated
12 Vital signs 12.1 Baseline vital signs
12.1.1 Body temperature
12.1.2 Pulse rate
12.1.3 Respiratory rate
12.1.4 Blood pressure
12.2 Assessment of pain
12.2.1 Use of pain scale
13 Incident report 13.1 Definition of term
13.1.1 Accident report
13.1.2 Incident report
13.2 Find the factor
13.2.1 Date, Time and specific location of incident
13.2.2 Name, job title and department of employee
13.2.3 Names and accounts of witness
13.2.4 Events leading up to incident
13.2.5 Exactly what the casualty was doing at the
moment of incident

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13.2.6 Environmental condition e.g. slippery, wet
floor, lighting, noise, etc.
13.2.7 Circumstances like tools, equipment, PPE
13.2.8 Specific injuries of casualty
13.2.9 Type of treatment given
13.2.10 Damage equipment if there are tools and
equipment involved in the accident
13.2.11 Determine the sequence
13.2.12 Events involved in the incident
13.2.13 Events after the incident
13.2.14 Analyze
13.2.15 Recommend
13.2.16 Name, signature, date and time of the
person who wrote the incident report


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Complied with institutional requirements, OSH laws
infections control and manual handling procedures and
relevant health regulations
1.2 Identified physical hazards of the casualty and
minimized immediate risks
1.3 Assessed and monitored the physical condition of the
1.4 Responded to emergency using basic life support
1.5 Provided initial response where First Aid is required
1.6 Dealt with complex casualties or incident
1.7 Prepared reports to concerned personnel in a timely
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Access to relevant work station
2.2 Relevant institutional policies, guidelines procedure and
2.3 Equipment and materials relevant to the proposed
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Demonstration with questioning
3.2 Interview
3.3 Third Party report
3.4 Portfolio
4. Context of Assessment 4.1 Competency maybe assessed in actual workplace or at
the designated TESDA Assessment Center.

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 53



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
in the maintenance of high standards of patient /
client services.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Communicate 1.1 Effective 1.1 Reporting, 1.1 Calculating the cost
appropriately communication documentation and for additional
with patients / strategies and use of non-verbal personnel
clients techniques are and verbal equipment (ex.
identified and used to communication Interpreter,
achieve best client 1.2 Management of gadgets)
service outcomes conflict 1.2 Identifying the
1.2 Complaints are 1.3 Knowledge on mode on
responded to in cultural differences communication
accordance with of client including appropriate for the
organizational policy rules and policies as situation
to ensure best service necessary 1.3 Applying modes of
to clients 1.4 Roles and communication
1.3 Complaints are dealt responsibilities of 1.4 Operating
with in accordance self and other equipment of
with established workers within the communication
procedures organization needed
1.4 Interpreter services 1.5 Knowledge on client 1.5 Establishing and
are accessed as issues that need to maintaining
required be referred to an relationships,
1.5 Action is taken to appropriate health taking into account
resolve conflicts either professional individual
directly, where a 1.6 Organizational / differences
positive outcome can institutional policies 1.6 Following the
be immediately and procedures for instructions and
achieved, or by privacy and guidance of health
referral to the confidentiality of professionals
appropriate personnel information provided involved with the
1.6 Participation in work by clients and care of client
team is constructive others 1.7 Respecting client
and collaborative and 1.7 Institutional policy rights
demonstrates an on patient / client 1.8 Using effective
understanding of own rights and listening
role responsibilities techniques
1.8 Knowledge on the 1.9 Using appropriate
use mathematical verbal and non-
operations such as verbal
addition, communication
subtraction, division, styles
multiplication 1.10 Using oral and
1.9 Concepts on modes written
of communication communication
1.10 Knowledge on the 1.11 Applying problem
use of equipment solving skills that

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 54

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1.11 Knowledge on includes using
operating of available
equipment needed resources while
for communication prioritizing
(computer, cell workload
phone, and other 1.12 Dealing with
forms of media) conflict
1.13 Working with
others and
empathy with
client and
1.14 Demonstrating
intra and
1.15 Reporting and
with accuracy
2. Establish and 2.1 Rapport is established 2.1 Reporting, 2.1 Identifying the
maintain good to ensure the service documentation and mode on
interpersonal is appropriate to and use of non-verbal communication
relationship in the best interests of and verbal appropriate for the
with clients clients communication situation
2.2 Effective listening 2.2 Management of 2.2 Applying modes of
skills are used to conflict communication
ensure a high level of 2.3 Knowledge on 2.3 Operating
effective cultural differences equipment of
communication and of client including communication
quality of service rules and policies needed
as necessary 2.4 Establishing and
2.3 Client concerns and
2.4 Organizational / maintaining
needs are correctly
institutional policies relationships,
identified and
and procedures for taking into account
responded to
privacy and individual
responsibly and
confidentiality of differences
accordingly information 2.5 Following the
established provided by clients instructions and
procedures and and others guidance of health
guidelines 2.5 Institutional policy professionals
2.4 Effectiveness of on client rights and involved with the
interpersonal responsibilities care of client
interaction is 2.6 Concepts on 2.6 Respecting for
consistently modes of client rights
monitored and communication 2.7 Using effective
evaluated to ensure 2.7 Knowledge on the listening
best client service use of equipment techniques
outcomes 2.8 Knowledge on 2.8 Using appropriate
operating of verbal and non-
equipment needed verbal
for communication

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 55

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
(computer, cell communication
phone, and other styles
forms of media) 2.9 Using oral and
2.10Working with
others and
displaying empathy
with client and
2.11Applying conflict
management skills
2.12Demonstrating intra
and interpersonal
2.13Reporting and
documentation with
3. Act in a 3.1 Respect for 3.1 Reporting, 3.1 Identifying the
respectful differences is documentation and mode on
manner at all positively, actively use of non-verbal communication
times and consistently and verbal appropriate for the
demonstrated in all communication situation
work 3.2 Management of 3.2 Applying modes of
3.2 Confidentiality and conflict communication
privacy of client is 3.3 knowledge on 3.3 Operating
maintained cultural differences equipment of
of client including communication
3.3 Courtesy is
rules and policies needed
demonstrated in all
as necessary 3.4 Establishing and
interactions with
3.4 Organizational / maintaining
clients, their visitors,
institutional policies relationships,
careers and family
and procedures for taking into account
3.4 Assistance with the privacy and individual
care of clients with confidentiality of differences
challenging behaviors information 3.5 Following the
is provided in provided by clients instructions and
accordance with and others guidance of health
established 3.5 Institutional policy professionals
procedures on client rights and involved with the
3.5 Techniques are used responsibilities care of client
to manage and 3.6 Concepts on modes 3.6 Respecting for
minimize aggression of communication client rights
3.7 Knowledge on the 3.7 Using effective
use of equipment listening
3.8 knowledge on techniques
operating of 3.8 Using appropriate
equipment needed verbal and non-
for communication verbal
(computer, cell communication
phone, and other styles
forms of media)

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 56

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3.9 Using oral and
3.10Working with
others and
displaying empathy
with client and
3.11Applying conflict
management skills
3.12Demonstrating intra
and interpersonal
3.13Reporting and
documentation with
4. Evaluate own 4.1 Advice and 4.1 Reporting, 4.1 Identifying the
work to assistance are documentation and mode on
maintain a received or sought use of non-verbal communication
high standard from appropriate and verbal appropriate for the
of client sources on own communication situation
service performance 4.2 Concepts on 4.2 Applying modes of
4.2 Own work is adjusted, modes of communication
incorporating communication 4.3 Identifying
recommendations that 4.3 Knowledge on standards for work
address performance evaluation and procedures
issues, to maintain analysis of work 4.4 Implementing
the agreed standard performance standards for work
of client support procedures
4.5 Maintaining
standards for work
4.6 Demonstrating
intra and
interpersonal skills
4.7 Reporting and

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 57


1. Communication May include:
1.1. English/Tagalog/vernacular
1.2. Sign language
1.3. Through an interpreter
1.4. Community language as required by the service /
2. Clients May include:
2.1. Clients
2.2. Prospective clients to the service or services
2.3. Clients may be in contact with the institution through
appropriate health care personnel and professionals
or other advocates or agencies
3. Respect for difference May include:
3.1 Physical
3.2 Cognitive/mental or intellectual issues that may
impact on communication
3.3 Cultural and ethnic
3.4 Religious/spiritual
3.5 Social
3.6 Age
3.7 Language literacy and numeracy abilities
3.8 Sexuality and sexual preference
4. Confidentiality and May include:
privacy of clients 4.1 Fees
4.2 Health fund entitlements
4.3 Welfare entitlements
4.4 Payment Method and records
4.5 Public environments
4.6 Legal and ethical requirements
4.7 Writing details ie. medical and consent forms
4.8 Conversations on the telephone
4.9 Secure location for written records
4.10 Offering a private location for discussions
4.11 Information disclosed to an appropriate person
consistent with one’s level of responsibility
5. Others with whom May include:
interaction is required 5.1 Other staff and team members
in regard to client 5.2 Service units or departments
services 5.3 Family members, careers and friends of clients
5.4 Professional representatives or agents of clients such
5.4.1 Medical specialists
5.4.2 Nurses
5.4.3 Social workers
5.4.4 Dietitians
5.4.5 Therapists
5.4.6 Allied health professionals

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 58

5.4.7 Volunteers
5.4.8 Teachers and/or spiritual
5.4.9 Community
5.5 General public
6. Modes of May include:
communication: 6.1 Continuing interaction with clients
6.2 Verbal conversations either in person or via telephone
6.3 Written notes by post or electronic media
6.4 Worker, family member friend or professional interpreter
who has relevant languages
7. Performance May include:
monitoring 7.1 Self- assessment and monitoring
7.2 Supervisor assessment
7.3 Client feedback
7.4 Co-workers’ feedback / peer evaluation


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Communicated appropriately with clients
1.2. Handled complaints and resolved conflict, or referred
matters to supervisors when required
1.3. Complied with relevant policies, protocols, guidelines
and procedures of the organization
1.4. Established and maintained good interpersonal
relationship with clients
1.5. Demonstrated courtesy in all interactions with clients,
their visitors, and family
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1. Access to relevant workplace or appropriately
simulated environment where assessment can take
2.2. Relevant government and organizational policy,
guidelines, procedures and protocols
2.3. Any relevant legislation in relation to service delivery
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1. Demonstration with questioning
3.2. Interview
3.3. Third party report
4. Context of 4.1. Competency maybe assessed in actual workplace or
Assessment at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 59





UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to work with basic information about the aging process and
to use and interpret information that includes reference to
the clients’ stage in the aging process.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Interpret 1.1 Knowledge of the aging 1.1 Oral and Written 1.1 Identifying aging
knowledge of process is used to Communication process and phases
aging process check client health 1.2 Aging Process 1.2 Applying caregiver’s
status prior to 1.3 Phases of Aging roles and
delivering care Process responsibilities
procedures 1.4 Body System
1.2 Phases of aging 1.5 Caregiver’s roles
process are identified and
based on established responsibilities
standards 1.6 Caregiving
1.3 Caregiver's roles and Terminologies
responsibilities are 1.7 Code of Ethics
identified in giving care related to
and support for elderly Caregivers
in accordance with
standard policies and
2.Apply 2.1 Details of legal and 2.1 Effective Verbal and 2.1 Understanding
principles of ethical aspects of Non-Verbal principles of
caregiving health care are Communication caregiving practice
practice identified according to 2.2 Basic Public 2.2 Understanding legal
established standards Relations standards based on
2.2 Knowledge in 2.3 Data Privacy Act applicable laws and
principles of (Republic Act No. government
caregiving 10173)
fundamentals are 2.4 Code of Ethics for
2.3 Applying
applied in accordance Health Care
with established interpersonal skills
procedures 2.5 Institutional Policy 2.4 Using keen
2.3 Legal and ethical on Client attention to details
fundamentals issues 2.6 Rights and 2.5 Applying
are applied in Responsibilities therapeutic and
accordance with 2.7 Legal and Ethical non-therapeutic
established industry Principles of Health communication
standards. Care techniques
2.8 Client Rights 2.6 Applying legal and
2.9 Direct Care ethical principles of
Worker Rights health care

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2.10 Elderly Abuse
2.11 Advance
3. Apply 3.1 Infection control 3.1 Oral and Written 3.1 Applying
infection principles and Communication interpersonal skills
control sanitation practices 3.2 Monitoring and 3.2 Using keen
principles and are identified in Evaluation attention to details
sanitation accordance with Procedures 3.3 Applying effective
practices industry standards 3.3 Infection Control oral and written
3.2 Infection control Principles communication
principles and sanitation 3.4 Good Sanitation
3.4 Applying infection
practices are applied in Practice
control and
accordance with 3.5 Personal Protective
industry standards sanitation
Equipment (PPE)
3.3 Infection control 3.6 Materials, supplies procedures
principles and sanitation and tools 3.5 Using of materials/
practices are monitored supplies and tools
in accordance with 3.6 Using of Personal
industry standards protective
3.4 Infection control equipment
principles and sanitation
practices are evaluated
in accordance with
industry standards

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1. Phases of Aging May include:
Process 1.1 Process of Aging
1.1.1 Physical Changes of Aging
1.1.2 Psychological / Mental Changes
1.1.3 Social Changes
1.1.4 Emotional Changes
1.2 Phases of Aging
2. Review of Body System May Include:
in relation to aging 2.1 Circulatory System
process 2.2 Digestive and Excretory System
2.3 Endocrine System
2.4 Integumentary System
2.5 Immune System and Lymphatic System
2.6 Muscular System
2.7 Nervous System
2.8 Renal System and Urinary System
2.9 Skeletal System
2.10 Respiratory System
2. Caregiver's Role and May include:
Responsibilities 2.1. Personal Care
2.1.1. Personal Hygiene Oral Hygiene Shaving Shampooing / Hair Care Elderly Bath Back Rub/Prevention of Bed Sores Perennial care Hand and Foot Nail Care
2.2 Assists in:
2.2.2. Undressing and Dressing
2.3. Fluid and Meals Preparation
2.4. Medication Administration per doctor’s order
2.5. Principles of Infection Control
2.6. Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases
3. Legal and Ethical May include:
Aspects of Health Care 3. 1. Caregiver’s Welfare Act (House Bill No. 6396)
3. 2. Code of Ethics for Caregiver
3.2.1 Legal Standards Informed Consent
3.2.2 Ethical Standards
3.2.3.Respect Life Client Family Co-workers Self

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3.2.4 Theft
3.2.5 Defamation
3.2.6 Tipping
3.2.7 Negligence
3.2.8 Malpractice
3.2.9.. Assault
3.2.10 Battery
3.2.11 Invasion of Privacy RA 10173 “Data Privacy Act” RA 9995- defining penalizing the form of
video , prescribing penalties and other purposes
3.2.12. Harassment Sexual Harassment Verbal Harassment
3.3. Client/Caregiver’s roles and responsibilities and their
3.3.1 Independent Caregiver’s Roles
3.3.2 Dependent Caregiver’s roles
3.3.3 Interdependent Caregiver’s roles
3.4. Record Management
3.5 Mandatory Reporting
3.6 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
4. Infection Control, Safety May include:
and Sanitation Practices 4.1 Principles of Infection Control
4.1.1. Frequent handwashing: WHO Guidelines
The World Health Organization (WHO)
recommends 15-20 seconds of hand washing
using the following steps: Wet hands with water Apply enough soap to cover all hand
surfaces Rub hands palm to palm Rub back of each hand with the palm of
each other Rub palm to palm with fingers interlaced Rub each thumb clasped in opposite hand
using rotational movements Rub tips of fingers in opposite palm in
circular motion Rub each wrist with opposite hand Rinse hands with water Dry thoroughly Close faucet with used towel or paper towel
4.1.2. Body Substance Isolation (BSI) by using PPE
(Personal Protective Equipment) Proper wearing, removing and disposing of
gloves Proper wearing, removing and disposing of

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 63 Proper wearing, removing and disposing of
hairnet Proper wearing, removing and disposing of
laboratory gown Proper wearing, removing and disposing of
scrub suit
4.1.3. Use of disinfectant solutions like Zonrox, Lysol, etc.
4.1.4. Observe social distancing
4.1.5. Staying at home as needed


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Explained principles of Infection Control
1.2 Explained the legal and ethical principles of caregiving
1.3 Demonstrated safety, sanitation and hygiene at the
1.4 Demonstrated caregiver’s care plan based on doctor’s
2 Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Appropriate elderly care work place
2.2 Appropriate facilities, equipment and materials relevant to
the unit of competency
2.3 Relevant textbooks or manuals
2.4 Relevant paper-based assessment instruments
2.5 Appropriate assessment venue
3 Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Demonstration with oral questioning
3.2 Observation with oral questioning
3.3 Interview
4 Context of 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the actual workplace or
Assessment at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center.

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UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude
required for a caregiver to organize, provide and monitor
support services within the limits of
the individualized support formal care plan developed for
the patient requiring the service.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Determine 1.1 Details of legal and 1.1 Therapeutic 1.1 Using therapeutic
support needs ethical aspects of communication with communication
health care are doctor, nurse and 1.2 Applying legal and
identified according to family member ethical standards
established standard 1.2 Principles of of health care
1.2 Care plan details are Therapeutic 1.3 Confirming care
confirmed with the Communication plan details of
doctor, client, family 1.3 RA 10173- Data client
members and Privacy Act 1.4 Collaborating with
caregiver 1.4 RA 9995- - Defining other health care
1.3 The client is made and penalizing the workers
aware of their rights crime of photo and 1.5 Observing
and complaints based video desires, compliance of
on the established prescribing penalties client’s rights
industry standards and other purposes 1.6 Maintaining
1.4 Support activities are 1.5 Patient’s Bill of confidentiality and
prepared according to Rights client’s privacy
the client’s care plan 1.6 RA 11058 - 1.7 Planning of action
based on the Occupational Safety and management
established industry Health Law (OSH)
standards 1.7 Principles of Human
1.5 Actions and activities Rights
that support the care 1.8 Legal and ethical
plan and promote the standards of health
client’s independence care
and rights, and to 1.9 Caregiver’s Care
make informed Plan
decisions, are 1.10 SMARTER
identified based on (Specific,
principles of autonomy Measurable,
1.6 Caregiver’s own role in Attainable, Realistic,
client’s care is Time-bound,
interpreted and Evaluate, Re-
clarified according to evaluate approach
approved to care plans
individualized care plan 1.11 Roles and
responsibilities of
different people and
the communication
between them

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ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1.11.1 Client
1.11.2 immediate
family members
1.11.3 health care
1.12 Activities that
promote client
2. Provide and 2.1 Exchange of 2.1 Therapeutic 2.1 Applying
monitor conversation using Communication therapeutic and
support therapeutic Techniques non-therapeutic
communication 2.2 Client’s Strength and communication
services and
techniques are applied Weakness techniques
activities based on established 2.3 OSH Law (RA 2.2 Applying decision-
procedures 11058) making skills
2.2 Support is provided 2.4 Safe and Healthy 2.3 Maintaining
according to the care Environment balance on duties
plan, based on 2.5 Legal and Regulatory and
established procedures Requirements in responsibilities of
2.3 The client’s family is Care Plan care and dignity of
recognized and Implementation client
respected as part of the 2.6 Principle of “Duty of 2.4 Applying the
support team Care” principles of
2.4 Assistance is provided 2.7 Personal Hygiene infection control
to maintain a clean, 2.8 Ergonomics
safe and healthy 2.9 Infection Control
environment Principles
2.5 Individual differences
are recognized and
respected to ensure
dignity and privacy.
2.6 Assistance is sought
when it is not possible
to provide appropriate
3. Provide 3.1Confidentiality of 3.1 Confidentiality of 3.1 Understanding
complete client’s records and records and reports the definition of
daily records reports are maintained 3.2 Documentation and records, reports,
based on established Reports documents and
and reports
procedures 3.3 Legal and Work forms
3.2Documentation is Setting Requirements 3.2 Understanding
completed and for Recording the meaning of
maintained based on Information and documentation
the established Producing Reports and reporting
procedures 3.4 Data Privacy Act (RA 3.3 Understanding
3.3Situations of potential or 11073) the principles and
actual risk is identified 3.5 RA 9995 Defining guidelines of
and responded within and penalizing the documentation
scope of own role and crime of photo and and reporting
report to appropriate video desire 3.4 Recording and
person as required prescribing penalties reporting of
confidential data

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ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3.4Signs of additional or thereof and other 3.5 Demonstrating
unmet needs of the purposes good
client are identified and 3.6 Use of Caregivers documentation
reported to appropriate Care Plan skills
person as required. 3.7 Principles of Risk 3.6 Demonstrating
3.5Information is stored in management interpersonal skills
accordance with the 3.8 Signs of Additional or 3.7 Demonstrating
established procedures. Unmet Needs keen attention to
3.9 Use of computer for details
documentation 3.8 Using of
Caregivers Care
Plan for
3.9 Using of computer
for documentation
4 Interpret 4.1 The term endorsement 4.1 Oral and Written 4.7 Defining the term
endorsement process is defined Communication endorsement
process based on caregiver’s 4.2 Endorsement technique
care plan Process 4.8 Documenting
4.2 Interpreted status of 4.3 Documentation and status of client
client health and Reporting health and
activities documented 4.4 Principles of Infection activities
by caregiver on duty Control 4.9 Performing
based on the care plan 4.5 RA 9003 – Zero endorsement
4.3 Endorsement process Waste Management process based on
are used based on the Act Caregiver’s care
industry standard 4.6 Personal Protective plan
Equipment (PPE’s)

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1. Legal and ethical May include:
aspects of health care 1.1. Legal
1.1.1. Legal Standards
1.2. Ethics
1.2.1. Ethical Standards
1.3. Respect
1.3.1. Life
1.3.2. Client
1.3.3 Self
1.3.4 Family members
1.3.5. Health Care Workers
1.4. Theft
1.5. Defamation
1.6. Tipping
1.7. Negligence
1.8. Malpractice
1.9. Assault
1.10. Battery
1.11. Invasion of Privacy
1.12. Sexual Harassment
1.13. Verbal Harassment
1.14. Role
1.14.1. Independent Caregivers Role
1.14.2. Dependent Caregivers Role
1.14.3. Interdependent Caregivers Role
1.15 Responsibilities
1.15.1 Self
1.15.2 Client
1.15.3 Family members
1.15.4 Co workers
1.16 House Bill 6396 – “Caregivers Welfare Act”
1.17 Republic Act 11073 – “Data Privacy Act”
1.18 Republic Act 9995 – defining penalizing the form of
video, prescribing penalties and other purposes
2 Care Plan May include:
2.1 Caregiver’s care plan based on doctor’s order
2.2 Client’s chart
2.3 Risk management plan
3 Rights and Complaints May include:
3.1 Patient’s Bill of Rights
3.1.1 Right to appropriate care and humane
3.1.2 Right to informed consent
3.1.3 Right to privacy and confidentiality RA 10173 Data Privacy Act

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 68 RA 9995 Defining and penalizing the
crime of photo and video desires, prescribing
penalties and other purposes
3.1.4 Right to information
3.1.5 Right to choose health care provider and facility
3.1.6 Right to self-determination
3.1.7 Right to religious belief
3.1.8 Right to medical records
3.1.9 Right to leave
3.1.10 Right to refuse participation in medical
3.1.11 Right to correspondence and to receive
3.1.12 Right to express grievances
3.2 Complaints of clients:
3.2.1 Abuses
3.2.2 Sexual harassment
3.2.3 Incomplete medical treatment
3.2.4 Theft
3.2.5 Decision Making done by relatives
3.2.6 Involuntary seclusion
4 Support Activities May include:
4.1 Range of Motion
4.2 Therapeutic Exercises
4.3 Appropriate Recreational Activities
4.4 Appropriate Play Therapy
4.5 Music and Art Therapy
5 Therapeutic May include:
Communication 5.1 Verbal Communication
Techniques 5.1.1 face-to-face
5.1.2 telephone
5.1.3 radio
5.1.4 television
5.1.5 other media
5.2 Non-Verbal Communication
5.2.1 body language
5.2.2 gestures
6 Support Team May include:
6.1 Health Care Team Members
6.1.1 Doctors
6.1.2 Nurses
6.1.3 Caregivers
6.2 Client’s Family Members
6.3 Client’s Relatives
6.4 Household Helpers
6.5 Support Organizations

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7 Confidentiality May include:
7.1 Client’s Personal Information and practices
7.2 Medical Record
7.2.1 Client’s Medical Diagnosis
7.2.2 Treatment and Procedures
7.2.3 Physicians Prescription
8 Documentation May include:
8.1 Principles and guidelines for quality documentation and
8.1.1 Factual
8.1.2 Accurate
8.1.3 Complete
8.1.4 Current
8.1.5 Organized
8.1.6 Timely
8.1.7 Comprehensive
8.2 Assessment Report
8.3 Endorsement Report
8.4 Caregiver’s Care Plan
8.5 Computer
9 Potential or Actual Risk May include:
9.1 Safety hazards in assisted living facilities
9.2 Client abuse
9.3 Health care Infections
9.4 Unintentional violence and injuries
9.5 Inadequate physical activities
10 Unmet Needs May include:
10.1 Physical needs
10.2 Access to medical services
10.3 Difficulty affording food and utilities
10.4 Activities of daily life that required going outside the
10.5 Social and spiritual aspects

11 Endorsement Process May include:

11.1 Therapeutic Communication
11.2 Time of entry
11.3 Date of entry
11.4 Use approved abbreviations and symbols
11.5 Write legible and in English
11.6 Entries by caregiver involved in the care and treatment
of a client must signed and include their printed
name/date/time in the caregiver’s care plan
11.7 Written in dark ink that is readily reproducible, legible,
and difficult to erase
11.8 Be sufficiently clear, structured and detailed to enable
other members of the health care team to assume
care of the client or to provide ongoing service at any

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 70


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Used individualized caregiver’s care plan as the basis of
1.2 Promoted a culture of active participation that enables
individuals, key people and others to communicate their
preferences and needs
1.3 Ensured that a client-centered approach is used
1.4 Applied workplace communication techniques with other
workers and health professionals
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Appropriate work environment
2.2 Tools, materials and equipment appropriate to the unit
of competency
2.3 Reference materials appropriate to the unit of
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1. Demonstration and Oral Questioning
3.2. Observation with questioning
3.3. Interview
4. Context of Assessment 4.1. Competency may be assessed in the actual
workplace or at the designated TESDA Accredited
Assessment Center.

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 71



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to support or assist the client in performing their daily care
needs, within the framework of the client’s care plan.

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Monitor and 1.1 The therapeutic 1.1 Oral and Written 1.1 Applying verbal
record vital communication is Communication and non-verbal
signs of client maintained based on 1.2 Client Personal therapeutic
the established Information List communication
standards 1.3 PD 856 – Sanitation 1.2 Preparing and
1.2 Principles of infection Code of the cleansing vital
control is applied by Philippines signs
handwashing 1.4 RA 9003 – paraphernalia’s
techniques based on
Ecological Solid 1.3 Applying
the standard
Waste Management handwashing
1.3 Vital signs Act techniques
paraphernalia’s are 1.5 Occupational Safety 1.4 Performing in
prepared and and Health Laws taking Vital signs
cleansed based on 1.6 Vital Signs 1.5 Measuring vital
established 1.7 Measure Vital Signs signs baseline
procedures 1.8 Results of Vital value
1.4 Factors affecting Signs: 1.6 Enumerating,
vital signs of client 1.8.1 Body documenting and
are enumerated, temperature in reporting factors
documented and *C to *F
affecting client’s
reported based on 1.8.2 Pulse rate in
vital signs
established standards beats per
minute 1.7 Recording and
1.5 Vital signs are monitoring client’s
monitored and 1.8.3 Respiratory
rate per minute vital signs
recorded accurately
in accordance with the 1.8.4 Blood pressure
standard procedures in mmHg
1.8.5 Result of Pulse
1.9 Infection Control
1.10 Handwashing
1.11 Use of Digital BP
1.12 Use of Digital
1.13 Use of Infrared

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 72

1.14 Use of Temporal
1.15 Use of Pulse
1.16 Use of
r (Manual/Digital)
1.17 Use of Stethoscope
1.18 Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
2. Assist client in 2.1 Sanitation and 2.1 Oral and Written 2.1 Applying
fluids and cleanliness are Communication interpersonal skills
dietary observed in accordance 2.2 Sanitation Code of 2.2 Using of proper
requirements with established the Phils. (P.D. 856) therapeutic
standards 2.3 Solid Waste communication
2.2 Appropriate hand Management (R.A. 2.3 Using keen
washing techniques is 9003) attention to details
applied in accordance 2.4 Occupational Safety 2.4 Explaining value of
with standard and Health Laws food pyramid
procedures 2.5 Infection Control 2.5 Preparing meal
2.3 Food pyramid is 2.6 Personal Protective 2.6 Assisting proper
discussed with the Equipment (PPE) feeding technique
client in relation food 2.7 Amount of food to be 2.7 Observing signs
nutrition practice prepared in grams and symptoms
2.4 Therapeutic diet is 2.8 Food Pyramid and precautions of
explained in 2.9 Therapeutic Diet aspiration and
accordance to doctor’s 2.10 Feeding regurgitation
order Techniques during feeding
2.5 Feeding tools, 2.11 Feeding Tools, 2.8 Cleaning feeding
materials, and Materials and area
equipment are Equipment 2.9 Storing and
prepared and used in 2.12 Proper Food handling left-over
an appropriate and safe Storage Procedures food
manner in accordance 2.13 Aspiration and 2.10 Evaluating and
with care plan regurgitation signs documenting
2.6 Well-balanced diet is and symptoms and feeding outcome
followed and prepared precautions 2.11 Using of
according to dietary Personal
requirements Protective
2.7 Proper feeding Equipment
technique is applied in 2.12 Using of feeding
accordance to tools, materials
established procedures and equipment
2.8 Aspiration and
regurgitation signs and
symptoms, and
precautions are
discussed according to
established standard
2.9 Proper storage and
disposal of left-over
food are handled in
accordance with
established procedures
3. Assist client in 3.1 The purpose and scope 3.1 Therapeutic 3.1 Demonstrating
urine and of toileting and Communication oral therapeutic
elimination is Techniques

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 73

bowel explained to the client 3.2 R.A. 10173 Data communication
elimination utilizing therapeutic Privacy Act skills
communication tools 3.3 R.A. 9995 (Defining 3.2 Applying
3.2 The client’s bladder and and penalizing the documentation /
bowel functioning is crime of photo and reporting skills
checked according to video desires, 3.3 Ensuring client
care plan prescribing penalties privacy and
3.3 Necessary processes, and other purposes) comfort
toileting equipment, 3.4 PD 856 Sanitation 3.4 Positioning the
aids and appliances Code of the client appropriately
are prepared and used Philippines 3.5 Assisting a client
in an appropriate and 3.5 R.A. 9003 using a bedpan,
safe manner in (Ecological Solid urinal or commode
accordance with care Waste Management 3.6 Collecting,
plan Act) measuring,
3.4 Principles of infection 3.6 OSH Law assessing and
control are practiced 3.7 Use of Personal recording urine
3.5 The environment is Protective and stool output
modified or adapted to Equipment (PPE) 3.7 Explaining how
ensure maximum 3.8 Basics of Toileting toileting and
comfort and safety and Elimination elimination
3.6 Risk of injury is 3.9 Urinal and Bedpan devices can help
minimized and fall Management prevent potential
prevention strategies 3.10 Client’s Privacy complications
are implemented based 3.11 Problems Related 3.8 Using of Personal
on care plan to Elimination and Protective
3.7 The client is Toileting 3.9 Equipment (PPE)
appropriately positioned 3.12 Client Positioning 3.10 Using of
before elimination Prior to Elimination elimination and
based on standard 3.13 Ergonomics toileting devices
practice and in 3.14 Infection Control
consideration of client Procedures
comfort and privacy. 3.15 Toileting Related
3.8 The client is assisted in Falls and
using the urinal, Accidents
bedpan, commode and 3.16 Fall Prevention
other assistive Strategies
devices according to 3.17 Use of Elimination
standard practice and Toileting
3.9 Urinary and bowel Devices
elimination problems
are identified and
3.10 The client is assisted
in cleaning
3.11Wastes and used
diapers and wipes are
properly disposed
following standard
industry practice
3.12Assistive devices are
cleaned, sanitized and
stored after use
4 Assist client 4.1 Verbal and non-verbal 4.1Therapeutic 4.1 Applying verbal
with bathing therapeutic Communication and verbal
/showering communication is Techniques therapeutic

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 74

applied based on 4.2RA 10173 (Data Act communication
established procedure Law) skills
4.2 The purpose and 4.3RA 9995 (Defining 4.2 Applying
scope of the bathing and penalizing the Principles of
technique is crime of photo and Infection Control
explained based on video desires, 4.3 Applying
established procedure prescribing penalties documentation /
4.3 Principles of infection and other purposes) reporting skills
control is maintained 4.4RA 11058 (OSH 4.4 Performing
based on established Law)- Occupational bathing skills
procedure Safety and Health 4.5 Performing
4.4 Bathing 4.5Bathing Techniques assistive dressing
paraphernalia are 4.6Bathing and skills
prepared according to Showering 4.6 Using of Personal
established standard Equipment Protective
4.5 Vital signs 4.7Dressing and Equipment
paraphernalia are Undressing
prepared and cleaned Techniques
to check client before 4.8Use of bathing
bathing based on paraphernalia
established procedure 4.9Use of Personal
4.6 The environment is Protective Equipment
modified or adapted to (PPE)
ensure maximum
comfort and safety
4.7 The bath is prepared
in accordance to client
preference and
standard safety and
infection control
4.8 The client is checked
for vital signs
4.9 The client is prepared
using appropriate
dressing and
undressing techniques
4.10 The client is checked
for skin rashes and / or
sores following
standard infection
control practices
4.11 The client is assisted
in bathing / showering
while maintaining the
client’s sense of
4.12 The client is assisted
in dressing following
client preference and
5 Assist client 5.1 Therapeutic 5.1 Therapeutic 5.1 Applying
in perineal communication Communication therapeutic
/genital care techniques is used Techniques communication
based on established 5.2 Sanitation Code of skills
standard the Philippines (PD

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 75

5.2 Principles of infection 5.3 Ecological Solid 5.2 Applying
control is practiced Waste Management Principles of
based on established Act (RA 9003) Infection Control
standard 5.4 Data Privacy Act 5.3 Maintaining client
5.3 Perennial/genital care (RA 10173) privacy, comfort
paraphernalia are 5.5 Defining and and safety
prepared based on the penalizing the crime 5.4 Performing
established standard of photo and video genitals care
5.4 Privacy, comfort and desires, prescribing 5.5 Documenting
safety of the client is penalties and other activities
maintained based on purposes (RA 9995) accurately
established standard 5.6 Occupational Safety 5.6 Using Personal
5.5 Activities are and Health Protective
documented accurately 5.7 Use Personal Equipment (PPE)
based on established Protective 5.7 Using of tools and
standard Equipment (PPE) devices
5.8 External Female
Genital Care
5.9 External Male
Genitalia Care
5.10 Tools and Devices
6 Assist client in 6.1 The purpose and scope 6.1 Therapeutic 6.1 Demonstrating
oral care of the activity is Communication verbal therapeutic
explained to the client Techniques communication
utilizing therapeutic 6.2Sanitation Code of skills
communication tools the Philippines (PD 6.2 Demonstrating
6.2 Tools, equipment and 856) documentation /
materials are prepared 6.3Ecological Solid reporting skills
and used in an Waste Management 6.3 Performing mouth
appropriate and safe Act (RA 9003) care skills
manner in accordance 6.4Data Privacy Act (RA 6.4 Performing oral
with care plan 10173) hygiene care for
6.3 Principles of infection 6.5OSH Law conscious client
control is practiced 6.6Personal Protective 6.5 Performing oral
based on established Equipment (PPE) hygiene care
procedure 6.7Oral Hygiene caring skills for
6.4 The environment is Principles and bed and non-
modified or adapted to Procedures ambulatory clients
ensure maximum 6.8Conditions that aid in requiring
comfort and safety the development of assistance
according to infection 6.6 Performing caring
established standard 6.9Infection Control skills for dentures
6.5 Client is assisted in the Procedures 6.7 Using of Personal
proper way to practice 6.10 Client Positioning Protective
oral hygiene according 6.11 Abnormal oral Equipment (PPE)
to established conditions and its 6.8 Applying care of
procedure mitigation measures dentures
6.6 Client is assisted in the 6.12 Equipment for 6.9 Using of
proper way to clean routine mouth care equipment for
dentures according to 6.13 Care of Dentures routine mouth care
established procedure
6.7 Appropriate ways to
give oral hygiene to
conscious bed clients
requiring assistance are
demonstrated in

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 76

accordance with
established standards
6.8 Accurate
documentation of oral
care is maintained
according to
established standard
7 Assist the 7.1 The purpose and 7.1 Therapeutic 7.1 Applying
client in skin scope of the activity is Communication therapeutic
care explained to the client Techniques communication
utilizing therapeutic 7.2 Sanitation Code of skills
communication tools the Philippines (PD 7.2 Applying
7.2 Tools, materials, 856) Principles of
equipment are 7.3 Ecological Solid infection control
prepared and used in Waste Management 7.3 Assessing skin
an appropriate and Act (RA 9003) integrity
safe manner in 7.4 Data Privacy Act 7.4 Identifying causes,
accordance with (RA 101073) locations of
established 7.5 RA 9995 (Defining pressure ulcers
procedures and penalizing the 7.5 Performing basic
7.3 Principles of infection crime of photo and skin care and
control procedures are video desires, wound dressing
practiced based on prescribing techniques
established standards penalties and other 7.6 Documenting/
7.4 Privacy and safety is purposes) reporting skills
ensured during 7.6 Clean Air Act 7.7 Using of Personal
assessment based on 7.7 Solid Waste Protective
established standard Disposal Act Equipment (PPE)
procedures. 7.8 Right to Privacy
7.5 Skin conditions and 7.9 RA 11058 (OSH
breakdowns are Law)
assessed and 7.10 Personal Protective
documented based on Equipment
established standard 7.11 Skin Care Hygiene
7.6 Client is assisted in 7.12 Skin Conditions
performing skin care 7.13 Skin Nutrition and
hygiene in accordance Hydration
to standard care
7.7 Good nutrition and
hydration practices are
applied in accordance
to standard
7.8 Physical movement
and range of motion
exercises are applied
to improve circulation
in accordance to
standard procedures
8 Assist client 8.1 Client’s clothing is 8.1 Therapeutic 8.1 Applying
in dressing selected based on Communication therapeutic
and his/her comfort and Techniques communication
undressing needs 8.2 Data Privacy Act (RA skills
8.2 Client is dressed 11073) 8.2 Assisting in
appropriately based on 8.3 RA 9995 (Defining dressing /
and penalizing the

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 77

body parts affected / crime of photo and undressing the
condition of the client video desires, client
8.3 The client is given prescribing penalties 8.3 Documenting /
enough time to do as and other purposes) reporting
much as she/he is able 8.4 RA 11058 (OSH accurately the
to on their own based Law) activities done
on his/her comfort and 8.5 Personal Protective 8.4 Providing well-
needs Equipment (PPE) fitting shoes and
8.4 Infection control 8.6 Ergonomics slippers
procedures is practiced 8.7 Dressing Techniques 8.5 Using of Personal
8.5 Privacy and safety is 8.8 Age Reduction Protective
ensured during Fashion Styling Equipment (PPE)
dressing and
8.6 The client is assisted in
dressing and
8.7 Well-fitting shoes and
slippers are selected to
avoid accidents and
9 Prepare and 9.1 Principles of Infection 9.1Therapeutic 9.1 Applying
maintain control is applied based Communication Principles of
client’s bed on established standard Techniques Infection Control
9.2 The area for bed 9.2Sanitation Code of 9.2 Preparing the
making is cleaned and the Philippines (PD materials needed
ready based on 856) in bed making
established standard 9.3Ecological Solid 9.3 Applying comfort
procedures Waste Management and safety of the
9.3 Materials for bed Act (RA 9003) client during bed
making are prepared 9.4Data Privacy Act (RA making
based on established 101073) 9.4 Observing proper
standard 9.5RA 9995 (Defining body mechanics
9.4 Comfort and safety of and penalizing the 9.5 Document
the client is maintained crime of photo and accurately the
when doing occupied video desires, activities done
bed making based on prescribing penalties 9.6 Using of Personal
established procedure and other purposes) Protective
9.5 Proper body mechanics 9.6Right to privacy Equipment
observed during bed 9.7RA 11058 (OSH 9.7 Using of
making Law) equipment and
9.6 Damaged and/or faulty 9.8Personal Protective tools
beds, equipment, Equipment (PPE)
mattresses, pillows and 9.9Types and
linen are reported to Description of Bed
appropriate persons Linen Items
based on established 9.10 Bed equipment and
standard procedures tools
9.7 Accurate 9.11 Bed Cleaning
documentation based 9.12 Safe Handling of
on the established Soiled Linen
standard 9.13 Hygiene
9.8 Damaged and/or faulty 9.14 Infection Control
beds, equipment, 9.15 Work health and
mattresses, pillows and safety, including
linen are reported to processes for
appropriate persons controlling for

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based on established manual task risk
standard procedures factors
9.9 All cleaning materials 9.16 Clinical Waste
are cleaned and Disposal
returned to storage
area based on
established standard
9.10 Any clinical waste are
disposed in
accordance with
industry guidelines
based on established
standard procedures
10 Assist client 10.1 Infection control 10.1 Therapeutic 10.1 Applying
in safe procedures are Communication Principles of
ambulation practiced based on Techniques Infection Control
and transfer established standard 10.2 Clean Air Act 10.2 Applying
procedure 10.3 Ecological Solid therapeutic
10.2 The purpose and Waste Management communication
scope of activities Act (RA 9003) skills
outlined in the care 10.4 Data Privacy Act 10.3 Documenting /
plan is explained to (RA 11073) reporting skills
the client utilizing 10.5 RA 11058 OSH 10.4 Maintaining a
therapeutic Law safe, and hazard
communication tools 10.6 Personal Protective free environment
based on established Equipment (PPE) 10.5 Providing
standard procedures. 10.7 Mobility and Its attainable short-
10.3 Mobility / transfer Implications term goals to
equipment, are 10.8 Progressive help increase
prepared and used in Ambulation client’s self-
an appropriate and Activities confidence and
safe manner in 10.9 Relaxation worth
accordance with care Techniques 10.6 Implementing
plan based on 10.10 Distraction and monitoring
established standard Activities ambulation
procedures 10.11 Transfer activities
10.4 Comfort and safety of Techniques 10.7 Transferring of
the client is applied 10.12 Lifting Techniques clients from
based on established wheelchair to
standard bed
10.5 Client is assisted with 10.8 Assisting the
a range of client’s
ambulation activities ambulation
to reacquire 10.9 Preventing the
independence in client from falls
accordance with and accidents
established standard 10.10Documenting
procedures accurately the
10.6 Client is given positive activities of the
reinforcement during client
ambulation activities 10.11Using of
based on established Personal
standard procedures Protective
10.7 Principles of Equipment
progressive activities 10.12Using of mobility
are explained to the assistive

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 79

client based on
established standard
10.8 Client’s progress
recorded and reported
to supervising health
professional based on
established standard


1. Therapeutic May include:
Communication 1.1 Communication
1.1.1 Verbal
1.1.2 Non-verbal
1.2 Communication tips used
1.2.1 Allow extra time for older client
1.2.2 Avoid distraction
1.2.3 Sit face to face
1.2.4 Maintain eye contact
1.2.5 Listen actively to the client
1.2.6 Speak slowly, clearly and loudly
1.2.7 Use short, simple words and sentences
1.2.8 Keep the client relaxed and focus
1.2.9 Start with the right body language
1.2.10 Build rapport
1.2.11 Exercise patience
1.2.12 Show sincerity and empathy
1.2.13 Always end with positive behavior
2. Hand Hygiene May include:
Techniques 2.1 Liquid soap
2.2 Sink with running water
2.3 Paper towel or clean cloth
2.4 Steps of hand hygiene techniques
2.4.1 Before touching a patient
2.4.2 Before clean/aseptic procedure
2.4.3 After body fluid exposure risk
2.4.4 After touching the client
2.4.5 After touching the client surroundings
3. Vital Signs May include:
Paraphernalia 3.1 Alcohol
3.2 Cotton balls
3.3 Receptacles
3.4 Thermometer
3.4.1 Digital

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3.4.2 Infrared
3.4.3 Temporal
3.5 Stethoscope
3.6 Sphygmomanometer
3.6.1 Digital
3.6.2 Manual
3.7 Wrist watch with second hand
3.8 Wall clock with second hand
4. Factors Affecting Vital May include:
Signs 4.10 Age
4.11 Sex
4.12 Environment
4.13 Activity
4.14 Stress
4.15 Food intake
4.16 Prescribed medication intake
4.17 Sleep and rest pattern
5. Monitored and May include:
Recorded Accurately 5.1 Defining terminologies
5.1.1 Vitals signs
5.1.2 Cardinal signs
5.1.3 Fever Pyrexia Hyperthermia Hypothermia Degree Celsius (°C) Degree Fahrenheit (°F) Normal body temperature Steps in taking body temperature
5.1.4 Pulse Rate Radial pulse Ulnar pulse Normal pulse rate Steps in taking pulse rate
5.1.5 Respiration Rate Apnea Bradypnea Tachypnea Normal respiratory rate Steps in taking respiration
5.1.6 Blood Pressure Systolic Diastolic Normal blood pressure Steps in taking blood pressure
5.2 General guidelines for accurate recording
5.2.1 Date and time
5.2.2 Timing
5.2.3 Legibility
5.2.4 Permanence

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5.2.5 Use of accepted terminology or words
5.2.6 Correct spelling
5.2.7 Accuracy
5.2.8 Sequence
5.2.9 Appropriateness
5.2.10 Completeness
5.2.11 Conscience
5.2.12 Legal prudence
5.2.13 Print name and signature
5.2.14 Do not leave spaces
5.2.15 Avoid erasures
5.2.16 Write legibly
6. Factors Affecting Vital May include:
Signs 6.1 Age
6.2 Sex
6.3 Environment
6.4 Activity
6.5 Stress
6.6 Food intake
6.7 Medication intake
6.8 Sleep – rest pattern
7. Food Pyramid May include:
7.1 Carbohydrates – rich foods
7.2 Protein- rich foods
7.3 Fats
7.4 Minerals
7.5 Vitamins C, D, E
7.6 Fiber
7.6.1 Soluble fiber
7.6.2 Insoluble fiber
7.7 Omega 3- Fatty Acids
7.8 Calcium
7.9 Iron
7.10 Potassium
7.11 Magnesium
7.12 Water
8 Therapeutic Diet May include:
8.1 Regular (normal)
8.2 Soft (mechanical)
8.3 Bland
8.4 Low Residue
8.5 High- Calorie
8.6 Low-Calorie
8.7 Low-fat
8.8 Low-cholesterol
8.9 Diabetic
8.10 High-protein
8.11 Low-sodium
8.12 Salt-free

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9 Feeding Tools, May Include:
materials and 9.1 Bowls and plates with high sides
equipment 9.2 Bowls and plates with partition
9.3 Insulated bowls and plates
9.4 Slip resistant bowls and plates
9.5 Mugs and cups with straws
9.6 Protective clothing – aprons, bibs, neckerchiefs
9.7 Lap trays
9.8 Strip resistant tray liners
9.9 Non-metallic /shaped spoons and forks
10 Well-Balanced Diet May include:
10.1 Nutrients (Go, Grow and Glow)
10.2 Micronutrients
10.3 Calorie
10.4 Cholesterol

11 Proper Feeding May include:

Techniques 11.1 Allow client feed independence
11.2 Do not rush
11.3 Be gentle with utensils
11.4 Keep the conversation pleasant
11.5 Feed foods separated
11.6 Assist in drinking
11.7 Record intake and output
11.8 Record Observation
11.9 Aspiration
11.9.1 Signs and symptoms
11.9.2 Precautions
11.10 Regurgitation
11.10.1 Signs and symptoms
11.10.2 Precautions
12 Proper Storage and May include:
Disposal of Left-Over 12.1 Biodegradable
Food 12.2 Non-Biodegradable
13 Toileting May include:
13.1 Getting on and off the toilet
13.2 Assist in using the toilet
13.3 Managing clothing
14 Elimination May include:
14.1 Urine elimination terminologies
13.1.1 Micturition
13.1.2 Voiding
13.1.3 Urination
13.1.4 Nocturia
13.1.5 Dysuria
13.1.6 Urinary incontinence
14.2 Factors to consider in developmental changes
affecting urine output

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14.2.1 Provide privacy
14.2.2 Ensure comfort and safety
14.2.3 Proper positioning
14.2.4 Provide sufficient time
14.2.5 Provide 8 glasses of water a day
14.3 Running water is provided to aid in elimination
14.3.1 Consider medication like vitamins, food and
fluid intake that may cause urine discoloration
14.3.2 Accurate documentation of fluid intake Water intake Cola drinks Coffee Wine
14.3.3 Accurate documentation of urine output Color Amount Odor Time and frequency Particles
14.4 Fecal elimination terminologies
13.4.1 Defecation
13.4.2 Fecal
13.4.4 Diarrhea
13.4.5 Fecal impaction
13.4.6 Flatulence
14.5 Factors to consider in developmental changes
affecting fecal elimination
14.5.1 Provide privacy
14.5.2 Ensure comfort and safety
14.5.3 Proper positioning
14.5.4 Provide sufficient time
14.5.5 Provide 8 glasses of water a day either 2,000 to
3,000 ml/day
14.5.6 Provide high fiber diet
14.5.7 Modified exercise to promote peristalsis
14.5.8 Avoid stress
14.5.9 Encourage morning habit of defecating at
regular time
14.5.10 Consider medication, food and fluid intake that
may cause fecal discoloration
14.5.11 Accurate documentation of food intake Specific kind of food Amount of food Food intake in between meals Food intake during the night

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14.6 Management for constipation
14.6.1 Increase in fluid intake
14.6.2 Provide diet high in fiber
14.6.3 Provide modified exercise
14.6.4 Avoid foods high in fats or greasy foods
14.6.5 Follow regular eating pattern to provide a
regular pattern of peristaltic activity in the colon
14.6.6 Constipation persist refer to doctor
14.7 Management for diarrhea
14.7.1 Provide BRAT diet Banana Apple Rice or Porridge Tea and Toasted bread without butter
14.7.2 Provide fluid intake to prevent dehydration
14.7.3 Avoid foods high in fiber, fatty and greasy
14.7.4 Diarrhea persist refer to doctor
14.8 Bowel elimination
14.9 Urine elimination
15 Toileting Equipment, May include:
Aids and Appliances 15.1 Raised toilet seats
15.2 Commode chairs
15.3 Toilet backrest
15.4 Toilet rails
15.5 Female urinals
15.6 Male urinals
15.7 Bedpans
15.8 Bed rail
15.9 Incontinence aids and devices:
15.9.1 Disposable pads, nappies, pull-on style pads
and all-in-one pads
15.9.2 Reusable bed pads, chair pads and pants
15.9.3 Sheaths (latex and non-latex)
15.9.4 Leg and night drainage bags
15.9.5 Stretch pants (only supplied with non-adhesive
shaped pads)
16 Assistive Devices May include:
16.1 Walker
16.2 Cane
16.3 Crutches
17 Voiding Records May include:
17.1 Intake and Output Monitoring
18 Bathing May include:
18.1 Kinds of bath
18.1.1 Bed Bath
18.1.2 Sponge Bath

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18.1.3 Towel Bath
18.1.4 Showering
18.1.5 Toilet Bath
18.1.6 Under-the-clothes Bath
18.2 Preparing of bathing paraphernalia
18.3 Steps in bathing the client
19 Perineal/Genital Care May include:
paraphernalia 20.1 Tools, materials and equipment
19.1.1 Forceps
19.1.2 Cotton balls
19.1.3 Kidney basin
19.1.4 Cotton canister
19.1.5 Rubber sheet
19.1.6 Underpads
19.1.7 Hypoallergenic liquid soap
19.1.8 Bath Towel
19.1.9 Personal Protective Equipment
19.1.10 Hand towel
19.1.11 Bath blanket
19.1.12 Bed pan
20.2 Female Genital organ of a mannequin
20.2.1 Steps in cleaning the female genital organ
20.2.1 Mons pubis
20.2.2 Labia majora
20.2.3 Labia minora
20.2.4 Clitoris
20.2.5 Opening of Urethra
20.2.6 Opening of Vagina
20.2.7 Perineum
20.2.8 Anus
20.3 Male Genitalia organ of mannequin
20.3.1 Steps in cleaning the male genital organ
20.3.1 Penis
20.3.2 Urethra
20.3.3 Scrotum
20 Bathing Equipment, May include:
Aids and Appliances 20.1 Shower chairs and stools
20.2 Hair washing basin
20.3 Rinse free shampoo
20.4 Shower cap
20.5 Cleansing towel
20.6 Bathing towel
21.8 Modesty garment / bath robe
21 Genital Tools, May include:
Materials and 21.1 Forceps
Equipment 21.2 Cotton Balls
21.3 Kidney Basin
21.4 Cotton Canister
21.5 Rubber Sheet

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21.6 Underpads
21.7 Feminine/Masculine Wash
22Dental /Oral Health May include:
Tools, Equipment and 22.1 Fluoride toothpaste
Materials 22.2 Interdental toothbrush
22.3 Glycerin
22.4 Toothbrush
22.5 Floss Holder
22.6 Unbreakable Glass
23Skin Care Tools, May include:
Equipment and 23.1 Mattress, bed and special cushions
Materials 23.2 Gentle cleanser
23.3 Saltwater (saline) solution
23.4 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
23.5 Gauze
23.6 Bandage
24Skin Assessment May include:
24.1 Type or structure
24.2 Size
24.3 Shape
24.4 Texture
24.5 Color
24.6 Distribution
24.7 Configuration
25 Well-Fitting Shoes and May include:
Slippers 25.1 Good thread
25.2 Closed heels
25.3 Slip resistant sole material
25.4 Low heels
25.5 Light weight
26 Age Reduction Fashion May include:
26.1 Vertical patterns
26.2 Complementary colors
26.3 Loose fitting fabric – less friction on thin skin
26.4 Easy to dress and undress
26.5 Accessorize
27 Bed Making May include:
27.1 Ordinary Bed with mattress
27.2 Surgical Bed with mattress
27.3 Steps in bed making
27.3.1 Occupied bed
27.3.2 Un-occupied bed Open bed Close bed
28 Bed, Equipment and May include:
Aids 28.1 Hospital bed with side rails
28.2 Linens
28.2.1 bottom sheet
28.2.2 top sheet
28.2.3 underpads

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28.2.4 pillow case
28.2.5 pillow
28.3 Over bed tables
28.4 Bed wedge
28.5 Slide sheet
28.6 Foot stool
28.7 Hospital bed with side rails
28.8 Hamper
28.9 Linen trolley
29 Mobility / Transfer May include:
Equipment 29.1 Walkers
29.2 Canes
29.3 Crutches
29.4 Wheelchair
29.5 Trapeze
29.6 Transfer/gait belt
29.7 Mobility draw sheet
29.8 Transfer boards
29.9 Commode chairs
30 Ambulation Activities to May include:
Reacquire 30.1 Muscle exercise- abdominal tightening exercise, knee
Independence bends
30.2 Passive or active assistive rom exercises to all
30.3 Early ambulation exercises-leg dangling, sitting in a
30.4 Resistance training exercises
30.5 Coughing and deep breathing exercises

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 88

1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Practiced infection control procedures
1.2 Discussed safe and healthy food preparation
1.3 Demonstrated ability to assist the client in eating food
and its preparation
1.4 Demonstrated proper technique of feeding a client
1.5 Demonstrated ability to use the urinal, bedpan, and
commode in toileting and elimination
1.6 Demonstrated proper positioning of client
1.7 Demonstrated assistive dressing and undressing skills
1.8 Demonstrated proper way to practice oral hygiene
1.9 Demonstrated proper way to clean dentures
1.10 Demonstrated proper bathing and shampooing of the
1.11 Demonstrated skin care hygiene
1.12 Demonstrated good nutrition and hydration practices
1.13 Assisted the client with a range of ambulation
activities to reacquire independence
1.14 Assisted the client in the use of mobility devices
1.15 Demonstrated proper bed making
2 Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Facilities appropriate to the unit of competency
2.2 Equipment, supplies and materials appropriate to the
unit of competency
2.3 Recording / Reporting templates appropriate to the unit
of competency
3.. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Written test
3.2 Demonstration with questioning
3.3 Interview
4. Context of Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the actual workplace
or at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 89


UNIT CODE : HHC5323323

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to support client with their technical care needs within the
framework of the individualized care support plan.

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Assist in 1.1 The purpose and 1.1 Therapeutic 1.1 Apply therapeutic
basic wound scope of the activity is communication communication
care explained to the client techniques techniques
utilizing therapeutic 1.2 Sanitation Code of 1.2 Applying
communication tools the Philippines (PD Principles of
based on established 856) Infection Control
standard procedure 1.3 Ecological Solid 1.3 Performing aseptic
1.2 Principles of infection Waste Management hand washing
control is applied Act (RA 9003) 1.4 Maintaining
based on established 1.4 Data Privacy Act (RA client’s privacy,
standard 10173) safety and comfort
1.3 Client’s comfort and 1.5 RA 9995 - Defining 1.5 Assessing the
safety is ensured and penalizing the wound
based on established crime of photo and 1.6 Identifying types of
standard procedures video desires, dressing
1.4 Wound dressing prescribing penalties 1.7 Cleansing the
paraphernalia are and other purposes wound
prepared based on 1.6 OSH Law (RA 1.8 Applying
established standard 11058) appropriate wound
1.5 Wound dressing 1.7 Wound Healing dressing
techniques is applied Process 1.9 Using of personal
aseptically based on 1.8 Types of Wounds protective
established procedure 1.9 Types of Dressing equipment
1.6 Wound assessment is 1.10 Compression properly
observed during the Bandaging 1.10 Using of
procedure based on 1.11 Infection Control compression
established standard Procedures bandage
1.7 Wound healing 1.12 Personal Protective 1.11 Using of wound
progress is monitored Equipment care equipment,
and recorded based 1.13 Wound care aids and
on established equipment, aids and appliances
standard procedures appliances 1.12 Disposing used
1.14 Procedures for safe dressings
disposal of used properly
dressings 1.13 Documenting

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 90

2 Apply hot and 2.1 The goals and benefits 2.1 Therapeutic 2.1 Apply therapeutic
cold therapy of hot and cold therapy communication thru communication
in pain management as verbal and non - techniques
outlined in the care verbal 2.2 Applying Principles
plan, is understood and communication such of Infection Control
explained to the client as body language 2.3 Using a variety of
as prescribed by the 2.2 Documentation cold therapy
doctor. Forms techniques
2.2 Principles of Infection 2.3 Ecological Solid 2.4 Using a variety of
Control is practiced Waste Management hot therapy
based on established Act (RA 9003) techniques
standard 2.4 Data Privacy Act (RA 2.5 Recognizing
2.3 Appropriate hand 10173) limitations of heat
washing technique is 2.5 OSH Law (RA and cold therapies
performed and PPE is 11508) 2.6 Using of Personal
applied based on 2.6 Infection Control Protective
established standard 2.7 General Science of Equipment
procedures Pain properly
2.4 Vital signs of the client 2.8 Heat and Cold 2.7 Using of Heat
are monitored based on Therapy Principles Therapy
established standard and Uses Techniques and
procedures 2.9 Cold Therapy Equipment
2.5 Possible risks and Techniques and
complications of hot Equipment
and cold therapy on the 2.10 Risks, Limitations
client are understood and Complications
2.6 Appropriate heat / of Hot and Cold
cold therapy Treatment
techniques are applied 2.11 Use of Personal
to the client Protective
2.7 Risks and limitations Equipment
are identified and
reported based on
established standard
2.8 Activity is monitored
and recorded based on
established standard
3 Assist in 3.1 Therapeutic 3.1 Therapeutic 3.1 Applying
providing communication is Communication therapeutic
palliative applied based on 3.2 RA 10173 Data communication
care established standard Privacy Act 3.2 Applying Principles
3.2 Principles of Infection 3.3 RA 9995 Defining of Infection Control
Control is applied and penalizing the 3.3 Applying Concepts
based on established crime of photo and of death and dying
standard video desires, and other related
3.3 Concepts of death, prescribing penalties terminologies
dying and other and other purposes 3.4 Applying Dying
related terminologies 3.4 Concept of Death Person Bill of
are applied based on and Dying Rights
established standard 3.5 Dying Person’s Bill of 3.5 Applying Principles
3.4 The Dying Person’s Rights of Palliative Care
Bill of Rights is applied 3.6 Principles of 3.6 Applying
based on established Palliative Care Strategies to keep
standard 3.7 Strategies to keep client feel
client comfortable comfortable when

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 91

3.5 Principles of Palliative when discussing discussing death
care is applied based death and dying and dying
on established standard 3.8 Caregiver’s 3.7 Applying
3.6 Strategies to keep Responsibilities Caregiver’s
clean and comfortable 3.9 Benefits of Palliative responsibilities
is applied when Care 3.8 Discussing
discussing death and 3.10 Heat and Cold benefits of
dying Therapy Palliative Care
3.7 Precautions are used Techniques and 3.9 Documenting
based on established Equipment accurately client’s
standard 3.11 Personal Protective response to
3.8 Caregiver’s Equipment Palliative care
responsibilities are 3.10 Use of heat and
applied based on cold therapy
established standard techniques
3.9 Benefits of Palliative 3.11 Use of Personal
Care is discussed Protective
based on established Equipment
3.10 Document accurately
client’s response to

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 92


1. Basic wound dressing May include:
1.1 Materials:
1.1.1 Forceps
1.1.2 Cotton balls
1.1.3 Gauze dressing
1.1.4 Bandage
1.1.5 Kidney basin
1.1.6 Saline solution
1.1.7 Bandage scissors
1.1.8 Small plastic container
1.1.9 Trash bin
1.2 Wound assessment according to:
1.2.1 Size
1.2.2 Depth
1.2.3 Location
1.2.4 Discharge Blood Pus
1.2.5 Odor/ smell
1.2.6 Types of wounds Closed wound Open wound Abrasion Incision Punctured Laceration Avulsion Amputation
1.3 Wound Management
1.3.1 Minor wound Wash with soap and water Cleanse with saline solution from inner
to outer in circular motion using one
stroke per cotton ball
1.3.2 Wound bleeding Apply direct pressure Elevation Apply pressure to the pulse nearest to
the wound Cover with dressing and apply bandage Bring to the nearest hospital
1.4 Proper dressing of wound
1.5 Cardinal signs of infection

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 93

1.6 Wound dressing
2. Appropriate hot / May include:
cold therapy 2.1 Heat and cold application paraphernalia
techniques as 2.2 Guidelines in applying hot and cold
prescribed 2.3 Contraindication of hot and cold therapy
2.4 Applying ice packs to injury within 48 hours
2.5 Wetting a towel with cold water and then placing ice inside
to keep the cloth cold
2.6 Using Electric heating pads, microwavable pads, hot
water bottles, gel packs, warm towels, and hot water
baths under 20 minutes for hot therapy
2.7 Alternating hot and cold therapy
3. Concept of Dying, May include:
death and related 3.1 Death
terminologies 3.2 Dying
3.3 Closed Awareness
3.4 Mutual Pretense
3.5 Open Awareness
3.6 Hospice
3.7 Palliative Care
3.8 End of Life Care
4. Dying Person’s Bill May include:
of Rights 4.1 Has the right to be treated as a living human being until
he die
4.2 Has the right to maintain a sense of hopefulness
4.3 Has the right to express his feelings and emotions about
his approaching death
4.4 Has the right to participate in decision concerning his
4.5 Has the right to expect continuing medical care
4.6 Has the right not to die alone
4.7 Has the right to be free from pain
4.8 Has the right to ask question and answered honestly
4.9 Has the right not to be deceived
4.10 Has the right to have help from family in accepting death
4.11 Has the right to die in peace and dignity
4.12 Has the right to retain his individuality and not to be
judged his decision which may contrary to the belief of
4.13 Has the right to be cared for by caring, sensitive,
knowledgeable people and help him face death
5. Principles of May include:
Palliative Care 5.1 Provide relief from and other distressing symptoms
5.2 Affirms life and regards dying as a normal process
5.3 intends neither to hasten or postpone death
5.4 Integrated the psychological and spiritual aspects of client
5.5 offers a support to help clients live actively as possible
until death

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6. Strategies to keep May include:
dying client feel 6.1 Identify your personal feelings about death and how
comfortable they may influence interaction with client
6.2 Focus on the client’s needs
6.3 Establish open communication
6.4 Provide caring touch
6.5 Respond with honesty and directness to the client’s
question about death
6.6 Make time to be available to the client to provide
support, listen and respond
7. Caregiver’s May include:
responsibilities 7.1 Assists the client achieved a dignified and peaceful
about dying client death
7.2 Provide relief from fear, loneliness and depression
7.3 Maintains client’s security, dignity and self worth
7.4 Maintain physiologic and psychologic comfort
7.5 Monitor vital signs
7.6 Provide personal hygiene
7.7 Provide pain control (psychologically)
7.8 Provide relief of respiratory difficulties (elevate bed,
deep breathing)
7.9 Provide assistance with mobility, nutrition, hydration and
7.10 Provide spiritual support
7.11 Ensure client’s spiritual is attended
7.12 Caregiver has ethical and moral responsibility not to
impose their own religion or spiritual belief on a client
8. Benefits of Palliative May include:
Care 8.1 Encouraging open and early discussion on death and
8.2 Allowing for advance care planning
8.3 Providing opportunities especially for improved control
of pain symptoms
8.4 Offering the client and family consistent and continuous

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 95


1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Wound care:
1.1.1 Correctly identified the type of wound
1.1.2 Performed infection control procedures
1.1.3 Identified the signs and symptoms of infection
1.2 Performed the appropriate hot and/or cold therapy
1.3 Demonstrated palliative caring
. 2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Appropriate elderly care work place
2.2 Appropriate facilities, equipment and materials relevant
to the unit of competency
2.3 Relevant textbooks or manuals
2.4 Relevant paper-based assessment instruments
2.5 Appropriate assessment venue
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Demonstration with questioning
3.2 Interview
3.3 Observation and oral questioning
4. Context of 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the actual workplace
Assessment or at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 96



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and work values
required to assist clients in administering prescribed

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Prepare to 1.1 Personal hygiene and 1.1 Oral and Written 1.1 Applying legal
assist with disinfection control Communication aspects in
medication procedures are 1.2 Common Prescription assisting in the
implemented according Abbreviations administration of
to industry practice 1.3 Ecological Solid specified
1.2 Therapeutic Waste Management medication
communication is Act (RA 9003) 1.2 Interpreting
applied based on 1.4 Volume / Units package label
established standard Measurement information
1.3 Related medical 1.5 Medical 1.3 Interpreting
terminologies are Terminologies medication orders
used in assisting client 1.6 Medication Orders 1.4 Applying standard
in administering 1.7 Caregiver Scope of and additional
prescribed medication Practice in precautions in
based on established Administering infection control
standard Medicines 1.5 Following
1.4 Legal aspects in 1.8 Patient Medication instructions for
assisting client in Rights assisting with
administering his 1.9 Pre-Medication administration of
prescribed medication Administration medication as per
is applied based on Procedures the client's
established standard 1.10 Levels and types of health/care/
1.5 An understanding of supervision in self support plan
client’s medication administration of 1.6 Following
order is demonstrated medications occupational
1.6 Level and type of 1.11 Conditions affecting health and safety
physical assistance client administration (OHS) guidelines
required by the client to of medications 1.7 Observing and
address their personal 1.12 Guidelines for reporting
needs in taking medication contingencies
medications is identified preparation and which may arise
in accordance with administration 1.8 Observing,
established procedures 1.13 Forms of Medication recording and
1.7 Level and type of 1.14 Types of Dispensing reporting on the
supervision required Aids client's state of

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 97

by the client to self- 1.15 Infection control health and well
administer during medication being
medications is preparation and 1.9 Using of
identified in accordance administration dispensing Aids
with established 1.16 OSH Guidelines 1.10 Using of personal
procedures 1.17 Data Privacy Act protective
1.8 Any circumstances or (RA 10173) equipment
changes in the client's 1.18 Defining and
condition or personal penalizing the crime
needs that may impact of photo and video
on assisting the client desires, prescribing
with their medication is penalties and other
identified and reported purposes (RA 9995)
to the supervising 1.19 Use Personal
health professional Protective
1.9 Dispensing aids are Equipment (PPE)
prepared in accordance 1.20 Pending H.B. 6396–
to established standard Caregiver’s Welfare
1.10 Implication of Act for uniformity
culture, beliefs and and consistency
practices in assisting 1.21 Legal Aspects
client in administering 1.22 Implication of
prescribed medication culture, beliefs and
is applied base on practices in
established standard assisting client
2. Prepare the 6.1 Principles of infection 2.1 Therapeutic 2.1 Understanding
client for control is applied Communication medication
assistance based on established Techniques administration
with standard 2.2 Definition and basic assistance of
administration 2.2. Principles in giving classifications of elderly
of medication medication is applied medicines 2.2 Supporting client
based on established 2.3 Quality of medicines to self-administer
standard 2.4 Difference between the medication
2.3 Ten (10) rights of generic and branded 2.3 Providing physical
drug administration medicines assistance to take
is applied based on 2.5 Difference between the medication
established standard prescription and over
2.4 Common forms of the counter
medication is applied medicines
based on established 2.6 Common types of
standard dosage forms
2.5 Common routes in 2.7 Drug information
administering labels
medication is applied 2.8 Techniques in
based on established preventing drug mix
standard ups and other
2.6 Client medications medication errors
are checked
according to the
procedures identified
in the organization
2.7 The administration
procedure is
explained to the client
in line with
requirements and

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 98

2.8 The medication to be
administered is
prepared in
accordance with
standard dispensing
practice of
medication orders
2.9 The client is observed
prior to giving
medication, to check
for any physical or
behavioral changes
that may indicate a
need to report to
supervisor or health
professional in
accordance with
organization policies
and procedures
3. Assist/support 6.1 Principles of infection 3.1 Documentation 3.1 Understanding
medication control is applied based Procedures assistance/support
administration on established 3.2 Personal needs of medication
according to standard clients in taking administration
prescription/ 6.2 Therapeutic medications according to
instructions communication is 3.3 Common side effects prescription/instruc
applied based of medicines tions for elderly
established standard 3.4 Sources of 3.2 Identifying the
6.3 Privacy, safety and medication errors appropriate
comfort of the client is and preventive dosage form,
applied based on measures to take potency and
established standard 3.5 Medication generic name of
6.4 Caregiver’s guide in administration aids the medicine
assisting client in taking 3.3 Preparing and
prescribed medication administering
is applied based on medication to the
established standard client
6.5 Medications are 3.4 Using correct
administered to the dosage
client or their self- administration
administration is 3.5 Documenting the
supported according to administration of
legislation and medicines
procedures and written
prescription instructions
6.6 All necessary checks
are implemented to
ensure the right
medication is given at
the right time, to the
right person, in the right
amount, via the right

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 99

6.7 Giving prescribed
medication to client is
demonstrated based on
established standard
6.8 The client is assisted
to take the
medications as
required, in
accordance with their
needs and me
6.9 The client is observed
when taking the
medication and their
ingestion or
completion is
confirmed with the
6.10 The client is
observed for any
untoward signs and
symptoms and any
possible medication
effects and then
reported to a
supervisor or health
6.11 Used equipment,
medications /
applicators and
rubbish are collected
and placed in
receptacle according
to established
standard procedures
6.12 Document accurately
the prescribed
medication given to
4. Provide 4.1 Purpose of client’s 4.1 Documentation 4.1 Identifying the
record and documentation is procedures appropriate
report of the applied based on 4.2 Purpose of client’s dosage form,
client established standard documentation potency and
4.2 Characteristics of 4.3 Characteristics of generic name of
good documentation good documentation the medicine
is used based on the 4.4 PES method of 4.2 Preparing and
established standard documentation administering
4.3 PES method of 4.5 Data Privacy Act (RA medication to the
documentation is 10173) client
applied based on 4.6 RA 9003 – Ecological 4.3 Using correct
established standard Management Act dosage
4.7 Defining and administration
penalizing the crime

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 100

of photo and video 4.4 Documenting the
desires, prescribing administration of
penalties and other medicines
purposes (RA 9995)
4.8 Tools and Materials
5. Comply with 6.1 Details of medication 5.1 Disposal of Expired 5.1 Understanding
industry administration and Medicines industry
procedures medication not being 5.2 RA 9003 –Ecological procedures for
for handling administered or Management Act handling the range
the range of absorbed, such as 5.3 Medication Side of issues /
issues/ incomplete ingestion, Effects and Adverse contingencies
contingencies expelling /vomiting, Reactions to which may arise
which may refusal or damage to Medication 5.2 Handling of
arise medication, are 5.4 Effects of Missed / expired / damaged
documented and Skipped Doses / contaminated
reported to supervising medicines properly
health professional 5.3 Handling
6.2 Individual's skipped/missed
reactions to medication doses
are identified, reported 5.4 Recognizing
and recorded medication side
according to effects
organization 5.5 Documenting
guidelines and health given medication
professional's effects
6.3 Contaminated or
expired medication are
clearly identified and
procedures for
ensuring safe and
appropriate disposal is
6.4 Any inconsistencies
observed with the
medication or client
are promptly reported
to the supervising
health professional
and action is taken in
accordance with
the industry
procedures or health
6. Complete the 6.1 Unused and/or used 6.1 Infection control 6.1 Understanding
distribution medications, guidelines in cleaning complete
and containers and medication distribution and
administration administration aids are containers and administration of
of prescribed cleaned and stored in administration aids medication
medication accordance with 6.2 Safe medication 6.2 Storing of
industry and the storage guidelines medications
organization's infection 6.3 Procedures to properly
control guidelines replenish dose 6.3 Cleaning and
according to administration aids storage of
and supplies

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 101

established standard administration aids
procedures properly
6.2 Organization's
arrangements and
procedures to
replenish dose
administration aids and
supplies of
medications are
followed according to
established standard
6.3 Medication charts/care
plans are stored
securely according to
procedures to
ensure safety, security
and confidentiality
according to
established standard
6.4 Medications are
stored following
regulations and
according to
established standard

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 102


1. Medical Terminologies May include:
1.1 Medication
1.2 Drug
1.3 Prescription
1.4 Generic name
1.5 Trade name/brand name
1.6 Pharmacology
1.7 Therapeutic effect
1.8 Side effect
1.9 Adverse effect
1.10 Drug toxicity
1.11 Drug allergy
2. Legal Aspects May include:
2.1 Data Privacy Act (RA 10173)
2.2 Defining and Penalizing the crime of photo and video
desires, prescribing penalties and other purposes (RA
2.3 Caregiver’s Welfare Act (H.B. 6396)
2.4 Principle of “Respondent Superior”
2.5 Principle of “Vicarious Liability”
2.6 Ethical principles
2.6.1 Autonomy
2.6.2 Non-maleficence
2.6.3 Beneficence
2.6.4 Justice
2.6.5 Veracity
2.6.6 Confidentiality
2.7 Malpractice
2.8 Negligence
2.9 Torts
3. Physical Assistance May include:
3.1 Discussing the process and addressing any likely
3.2 Confirming the time and type of medication
3.3 Establishing the type and level of support required by
the client to take / receive the medication
3.4 Adjusting posture or position
3.5 Opening bottles or dose administration aids
3.6 Removing tablets or capsules from dose
administration aids

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 103

Measuring the amount of liquid required into a
medicine cup or a cream onto the affected area
3.8 Ensuring that fluids are available to assist with
3.9 Providing privacy
4. Level and type of May include:
supervision required by 4.1 Confirming the following with the client:
the client to self- 4.1.1 The amount of medication (e.g. number of tablets
administer medications or amount of gel)
4.1.2 The time for self-medication (e.g. once a day
with food)
4.1.3 The route of self-medication (e.g. by mouth)
4.1.4 Any alterations authorized by the pharmacist,
registered nurse or health professional (e.g.
crush tablets or mix with water or food)
4.2 Checking the medication for expiry date and any
obvious discrepancies such as color changes,
disintegration or deterioration
5. Dispensing Aids May include
5.1 Dosettes
5.2 Dispensing Spoons
5.3 Dispensing Cups
5.4 Pill Pots
5.5 Pill Cutter
6. Implication of culture, May include:
beliefs and practices 6.1 Remember that there may be difference in medication
response among ethnic groups
6.2 Avoid profiling and stereotyping
6.3 Learn the client’s beliefs, values and practices by
asking family members
6.4 Consider individual differences
6.5 Learn about drug responses (adverse effect) that are
related to ancestry
6.6 Keep cultural context in mind when talking or
discussing to the client regarding his medication
7. Principles in giving May include:
medication 7.1 Caregiver assist in administering medication are
responsible for their own action.
7.2 Be knowledgeable about the medication prescribed by
the physician
7.3 Use only medication that are clearly labeled container
7.4 Do not use liquid medication that are cloudy or changed
7.5 Administer only medication personally prepared and
prescribed by physician
7.6 Do not leave medication at client’s bedside
7.7 Always check the medication expiration date
7.8 Store medication in a designated place at home
7.9 Be sure that medications are stored out of reach of
7.10 Do not mix different medications together in one

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 104

7.11 Medicines should be stored in a cool dry place
7.12 Medication stored in refrigerator should be separated
from other items in the fridge.
7.13 Medications taken by mouth should be kept separate
from other items in the fridge
8. Ten Rights of Drug May include:
Administration 8.1 Right Drug
8.2 Right Patient
8.3 Right Dose
8.4 Right Route
8.5 Right Time and Frequency
8.6 Right Documentation
8.7 Right History and Assessment
8.8 Drug Approach and Right to Refuse
8.9 Right Drug-Drug Interaction and Evaluation
8.10Right Education and Information
9. Common Forms May include
9.1 Tablet
9.2 Capsule
9.3 Caplet
9.4 Syrup
9.5 Pills
9.6 Suspension
9.7 Ointment (Eyes and Skin)
9.8 Drops (Eyes and Ears)
9.9 Rectal suppositories
10. Client Medication / May include:
Required Medications 10.1 Medications prescribed for a client by a health
professional and dispensed by a pharmacist in dose
administration aids
10.2 Medications purchased over the counter and identified
in the client's health/care/support plan or drug/
treatment sheet
10.3 PRN Medications:
10.3.1 As prescribed and instructed by the health
10.3.2 In response to staff observation of need as
identified in drug sheet and/or health/care/support
plan and according to relevant legislation,
organization guidelines and clear written
instructions from a health professional
10.3.3 In response to specific information provided by
client, where the medication is documented in the
client's health/care/support plan

11. Administration May include:

Procedure 11.1 Oral
11.1.1 Sublingual-under the tongue
11.1.2 Buccal
11.2 Topical-skin surface
11.3 Nasal – nose
11.4 Ophthalmic – eyes

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 105

11.5 Rectal – anal region
11.6 Ear administration – otic medication
11.7 Adult – gently pull auricle up and back
12. Standard dispensing May include:
practice of processing 12.1 Dissolving powder medication in water
medication orders 12.2 Measuring liquid medications into measuring cup
12.3 Placing tablets/capsules from dose administration
aids into a medicine cup
13. Caregiver’s Guide May include:
13.1 Some facts to remember
13.1.1 Attitudes of older adults towards medical care
and medication vary
13.1.2 Older adults tend to believe in the wisdom of
the medical professional than younger people
13.1.3 Older adults are mature people capable of
13.1.4 Some elderly are suspicious of medication and
actively refuse them
13.1.5 Always remember drugs that may cause
allergic reaction to the client
13.2 Caregiver’s guidelines
13.2.1 Create warm and quite environment
13.2.2 Use simple short sentences
13.2.3 Stay firm and be patience
13.2.4 Be a medication buddy
13.2.5 Stick to a daily routine
13.2.6 Offer a treat
13.2.7 Don’t force it
13.2.8 Look for things that will trigger distress
13.2.9 Be alert to side effects that will make the client
14. Necessary Checks May include:
14.1 Checking client details
14.2 Checking for authorization
14.3 Checking medication against the requirements
14.4 Checking the chart
14.5 Checking the caregiver’s care plan endorsement
14.6 Checking the prescription
14.7 Checking the treatment sheets
15. The client is assisted May include:
to take the 15.1 Assist in taking divided tablets and powders
medications as 15.2 Assist in administering suppositories
16. Equipment May include:
16.1 Administration aid / Medication Pack
16.2 Applicator for Lotions/ ointments
16.3 Aprons
16.4 Container for Dirty Spoons/Dishes
16.5 Cotton Wool/Gauze
16.6 Drug/Treatment Sheet or Case Record
16.7 Gloves

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16.8 Caregiver’s Care Plan
16.9 Measuring Cups
16.10 Paper Towels and Tissues
16.11 Dispensing Spoons
16.12 Tablet Divider
16.13 Tumbler
16.14 Water Jug and Cup
17. Purpose of client’s May include:
administration 17.1 Provide efficient, effective communication method
17.2 Sharing information with the physician and relatives
17.3 Planning client’s care
17.4 Legal document
18. Characteristics of May include:
good documentation 18.1 Brevity – concise
18.2 Use of ink/permanence
18.3 Avoid erasures, legible
18.4 Always write date, day and exact time
18.5 Record name of drug and dosage
18.6 Accuracy
18.7 Write complaint of client in quotation marks to indicate
his statements
18.8 Record vital signs before and after drug administration
18.9 Complete details of client’s reaction to drug
18.10 Appropriateness
18.11 Affix printed name and signature at the end of the
18.12 Caregiver’s legal awareness
18.13 Confidentiality of client’s record
18.14 Immediate reporting to the physician/relative for any
untoward effects of drugs administration
19. Problem, Etiology, May include:
Signs and Symptoms 19.1 Client’s problem
(PES) method of 19.2 Causes the problem
19.3 Signs and symptoms
documentation Objective data See Hear Smell Feel Touch
19.4 Subjective data
19.5 Complaints of the client
20. Complete Ingestion May include:
20.1 Rejection of medication
20.2 Inability or difficulties in swallowing tablets,
20.3 Capsules or liquids
20.4 Refusal to take medications
20.5 Vomiting
21. Inconsistencies May include:
observed with the 21.1 Allergies
medication or client 21.2 Blurred vision
21.3 Changes in behavior

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 107

21.4 Changes to airway (e.g. choking), changes to
breathing (including slowed, fast or absent breathing),
changes in person's colour (e.g. pale or flushed
appearance or bluish tinge), or changes to circulation
(including unexpected drowsiness, loss of
consciousness, and absence of pulse)
21.5 Confusion
21.6 Feelings of dizziness
21.7 Headache
21.8 Inflammation or redness
21.9 Nausea and vomiting
21.10 Others as advised by health professional
21.11 Rash
21.12 Skin tone
21.13 Slurring of speech
21.14 Swelling
22. Medications are stored May include:
22.1 Locking and storing drugs according to organization
policy and procedure
22.2 Referring to instructions from health professional/

1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1. Discussed legal aspects in assisting clients in
administering prescribed medications
1.2. Discussed the rights in giving prescribed medication
1.3. Provided assistance with administration of medications
for clients in accordance with the client's individual
support needs, including providing physical assistance to
take the medication or supporting a client to self-
administer medications
1.4. Demonstrate the correct procedures in administering
prescribed otic medication in elderly client
1.5. Followed infection control procedures
1.6. Assisted in the administration of medication to the client
1.7. Observed, reported and recorded discrepancies in the
medication, instructions and administration procedures
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1. Appropriate workplace or simulated environment
2.2. Tools, materials and equipment appropriate to the unit of
2.3. Assortment of medicines and administration aids
appropriate to the unit of competency
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Demonstration with questioning
3.2 Observation with questioning
3.3 Interview

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 108

4. Context of 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the actual workplace or
Assessment at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center.

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 109

These standards are set to provide technical and vocational education and
training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to
consider when designing training programs for CAREGIVING (ELDERLY) NC II.


TESDA shall provide the training on the development of competency-based

curricula to enable training providers develop their own curricula with the
components mentioned below.

Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of
competency specifically in the areas of mathematics,
science/technology, communication/language and other academic subjects shall
be contextualized. To this end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning
Matrix (CLM) to include green technology, issues on health and drugs and
catering to persons with disabilities (PWD’s).

Course Title: CAREGIVING (Elderly) NC Level: NC II

Nominal Training Duration:

37 hours Basic Competencies

112 hours Common Competencies
252 hours Core Competencies
401 hours
160 hours Supervised Industry Learning (SIL)
561 hours TOTAL

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide the learner with knowledge, skills

and attitude, applicable in performing work activities involve in developing the
ability to recognize aging process, participating in the implementation and
monitoring of client’s care plan, performing caring skills, performing specialty care
procedures, and assisting in administering medication.

Upon completion of the program, the learners are expected to demonstrate

the above-mentioned competencies to be employed. To obtain this, all units
prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 110

(37 HOURS)

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
1. Participate in 1.1. Obtain and  Describe organizational policies  Group discussion  Oral evaluation 2 hours
workplace convey  Read:  Lecture  Written
communication workplace o Effective communication  Demonstration examination
information o Written communication  Observation
o Communication procedures and systems
 Identify:
o Different modes of communication
o Medium of communication
o Flow of communication
o Available technology relevant to the
enterprise and the individual’s work
 Prepare different types of question
 Gather different sources of information
 Apply storage system in establishing
workplace information
 Demonstrate Telephone courtesy
1.2. Perform duties  Read:  Group discussion  Oral evaluation 2 hours
following o Written notices and instructions  Lecture  Written
workplace o Workplace interactions and procedures  Demonstration examination
instructions  Read instructions on work related  Observation
 Perform workplace duties scenario following
workplace instructions
1.3. Complete  Describe communication procedures and  Group discussion  Oral evaluation 2 hours
relevant work- systems  Lecture  Written
related  Read:  Demonstration examination
documents o Meeting protocols  Role play  Observation
o Nature of workplace meetings
o Workplace interactions
o Barriers of communication

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 111

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Read instructions on work related
 Practice:
o Estimate, calculate and record routine
workplace measures
o Basic mathematical processes of
addition, subtraction, division and
 Demonstrate office activities in:
o workplace meetings and discussions
 Perform workplace duties scenario following
simple written notices
Follow simple spoken language
Identify the different Non-verbal
 Demonstrate ability to relate to people of
social range in the workplace
 Gather and provide information in response
to workplace requirements
 Complete work-related documents
2. Work in a team 2.1 Describe team  Discussion on team roles and scope  Lecture/  Role Play 1 hour
environment role and scope  Participate in the discussion: Discussion  Case Study
o Definition of Team  Group Work  Written Test
o Difference between team and group  Individual Work
o Objectives and goals of team  Role Play
 Locate needed information from the different
sources of information
2.2 Identify one’s  Role play:  Role Play  Role Play 1 hour
role and o individual role and responsibility  Lecture/  Written Test
responsibility  Role Play Discussion
within team o Understanding Individual differences
 Discussion on gender sensitivity

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 112

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
2.3 Work as a team  Participate in group planning activities  Group work  Role Play 1 hour
member  Role play : Communication protocols  Role Play  Written Test
 Participate in the discussion of standard work  Lecture/
procedures and practices Discussion
3. Solve/address 3.1 Identify routine  Review of the current industry hardware and  Group discussion  Case Formulation 1 hour
routine problems problems software products and services  Lecture  Life Narrative
 Identify correctly the industry maintenance,  Demonstration Inquiry (Interview)
service and helpdesk practices, processes and  Role playing  Standardized test
 Make use of the industry standard diagnostic
 Share best practices in determining basic
malfunctions and resolutions to general
problems in the workplace
 Analyze routine/procedural problems
3.2 Look for  Review of the current industry hardware and  Group discussion  Case Formulation 1 hour
solutions to software products and services  Lecture  Life Narrative
routine problems  Identify correctly the industry maintenance,  Demonstration Inquiry (Interview)
service and helpdesk practices, processes and  Role playing  Standardized test
 Make use of the industry standard diagnostic
 Share best practices in determining basic
malfunctions and resolutions to general
problems in the workplace
 Formulate possible solutions to problems and
document procedures for reporting
3.3 Look for  Review of the current industry hardware and  Group discussion  Case Formulation 1 hour
solutions to software products and services  Lecture  Life Narrative
routine problems  Identify correctly the industry maintenance,  Demonstration Inquiry (Interview)
service and helpdesk practices, processes and  Role playing  Standardized test
 Make use of the industry standard diagnostic

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Share best practices in determining basic
malfunctions and resolutions to general
problems in the workplace
 Formulate possible solutions to problems and
document procedures for reporting
4. Develop Career 4.1 Manage one’s  Demonstrate self-management strategies that  Discussion  Demonstration or 1 hour
and Life emotion assist in regulating behavior and achieving  Interactive simulation with
Decisions personal and learning goals Lecture oral questioning
 Explain enablers and barriers in achieving  Brainstorming  Case problems
personal and career goals  Demonstration involving
 Identify techniques in handling negative  Role-playing workplace diversity
emotions and unpleasant situation in the issues
workplace such as frustration, anger, worry,
anxiety, etc.
 Manage properly one’s emotions and
recognize situations that cannot be changed
and accept them and remain professional
 Recall instances that demonstrate self-
discipline, working independently and showing
initiative to achieve personal and career goals
 Share experiences that show confidence, and
resilience in the face of setbacks and
frustrations and other negative emotions and
unpleasant situations in the workplace
4.2 Develop  Enumerate strategies to improve one’s attitude  Small Group  Demonstration or 1 hour
reflective in the workplace Discussion simulation with
practice  Explain Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle/Model  Interactive oral questioning
(Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis, Lecture  Case problems
Conclusion, and Action plan)  Brainstorming involving
 Use basic SWOT analysis as self-assessment  Demonstration workplace diversity
strategy  5 Role-playing issues
 Develop reflective practice through realization
of limitations, likes/ dislikes; through showing
of self-confidence

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Demonstrate self-acceptance and being able
to accept challenges
4.3 Boost self-  Describe the components of self-regulation  Small Group  Demonstration or 1 hour
confidence and based on Self-Regulation Theory (SRT) Discussion simulation with
develop self-  Explain personality development concepts  Interactive oral questioning
regulation  Cite self-help concepts (e. g., 7 Habits by Lecture  Case problems
Stephen Covey, transactional analysis,  Brainstorming involving
psycho-spiritual concepts)  Demonstration workplace diversity
 Perform effective communication skills –  Role-playing issues
reading, writing, conversing skills
 Show affective skills – flexibility, adaptability,
 Determine strengths and weaknesses
5. Contribute to 5.1 Identify  Identify different roles of individuals in  Interactive  Psychological and 1 hour
workplace opportunities to contributing to doing things better in the Lecture behavioral
innovation do things better workplace  Appreciative Interviews
 Explain the concepts of positive impacts and Inquiry  Performance
challenges in innovation  Demonstration Evaluation
 Show mastery of the different types of  Group work  Life Narrative
changes and levels of participation in the Inquiry
workplace  Review of
 Discuss 7 habits of highly effective people portfolios of
evidence and
workplace reports
of on-the-job
 Standardized
assessment of
strengths and
virtues applied

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
5.2 Discuss and  Identify different roles of individuals in  Interactive  Psychological and 1 hour
develop ideas contributing to doing things better in the Lecture behavioral
with others workplace  Appreciative Interviews
 Explain the concepts of positive impacts and Inquiry  Performance
challenges in innovation  Demonstration Evaluation
 Show mastery of the different types of  Group work  Life Narrative
changes and levels of participation in the Inquiry
workplace  Review of
 Discuss 7 habits of highly effective people portfolios of
 Communicate ideas through small group evidence and
discussions and meetings third-party
workplace reports
of on-the-job
 Standardized
assessment of
strengths and
virtues applied
5.3 Integrate ideas  Identify different roles of individuals in  Interactive  Psychological and 1 hour
for change in the contributing to doing things better in the Lecture behavioral
workplace workplace  Appreciative Interviews
 Explain the concepts of positive impacts and Inquiry  Performance
challenges in innovation  Demonstration Evaluation
 Show mastery of the different types of  Group work  Life Narrative
changes and levels of participation in the Inquiry
workplace  Review of
 Discuss 7 habits of highly effective people portfolios of
 Communicate ideas through small group evidence and
discussions and meetings third-party
 Demonstrate basic skills in data analysis workplace reports
of on-the-job

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Standardized
assessment of
strengths and
virtues applied
6. Present relevant 6.1 Gather data/  Lecture and discussion on: Group discussion Oral evaluation 2 hours
information information - Organisational protocols Lecture Written Test
- Confidentiality and accuracy Demonstration Observation
- Business mathematics and statistics Role Play Presentation
- Legislation, policy and procedures
relating to the conduct of evaluations
 Reviewing data/ information
6.2 Assess gathered  Lecture and discussion on: Group discussion Oral evaluation 3 hours
data/ information - Data analysis techniques/ procedures Lecture Written Test
- Organisational values, ethics and codes Demonstration Observation
of conduct Role Play Presentation
- Trends and anomalies Practical exercises
 Computing business mathematics and
 Application of data analysis techniques
6.3 Record and  Lecture and discussion on: Group discussion Oral evaluation 3 hours
present - Reporting requirements to a range of Lecture Written Test
information audiences Demonstration Observation
- Recommendations for possible Role Play Presentation
improvements Practical exercises
 Analysis and comparison of interim and final
reports’ outcomes
 Reporting of data findings
7. Practice 7.1 Identify OSH  Discussion regarding:  Lecture  Written Exam 1 hour
Occupational compliance - Hierarchy of Controls  Group  Demonstration
Safety and requirements - Hazard Prevention and Controls Discussion  Observation
Health Policies - Work Standards and Procedures  Interviews /
and Procedures - Personal Protective Equipment Questioning

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
7.2 Prepare OSH  Identification of required safety materials, tools Lecture Written Exam 1 hour
requirements for and equipment Group Discussion Demonstration
compliance  Handling of safety control resources Observation
Interviews /
7.3 Perform tasks in  Discussion of General OSH Standards and Lecture Written Exam 2 hours
accordance with Principles Group Discussion Demonstration
relevant OSH  Performing industry related work activities in Observation
policies and accordance with OSH Standards Interviews /
procedures Questioning
8. Exercise 8.1 Identify the  Identify the processes on environmental Lecture Written Exam 1 hour
Efficient and efficiency and policies Group Discussion Demonstration
Effective effectiveness of  Relate the necessary skills in response to Simulation Observation
Sustainable resource changing environmental policies needs Demonstration Interviews /
Practices in the utilization - Waste Management Skills Questioning
Workplace - Conservation of Energy in workplace
8.2 Determine  Discussion of environmental protection and Lecture Written Exam 1 hour
causes of resource efficiency targets Group Discussion Demonstration
inefficiency  Analysis on the relevant work procedure Demonstration Observation
and/or Interviews /
ineffectiveness Questioning
of resource
8.3 Convey  Identification of (re)training needs and usage  Lecture  Written Exam 1 hour
inefficient and of environment friendly methods and  Group Discussion  Demonstration
ineffective technologies  Role Play  Observation
environmental  Identification of environmental corrective  Demonstration  Interviews /
practices actions  Questioning
 Practicing environment awareness
9. Practice 9.1 Apply  Case studies on best entrepreneurial practices  Case Study  Case Study 1 hour
Entrepreneurial entrepreneurial  Discussion on quality procedures and  Lecture/  Written Test
Skills in the workplace best practices Discussion  Interview
Workplace practices  Case studies on cost consciousness in
resource utilization

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
9.2 Communicate  Discussion on communicating entrepreneurial  Lecture/  Written Test 1 hour
entrepreneurial workplace best practices Discussion  Interview
workplace best
9.3 Communicate  Discussion on communicating entrepreneurial  Lecture/  Written Test 1 hour
entrepreneurial workplace best practices Discussion  Interview
workplace best

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(112 HOURS)

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
1 Implement 1.1 Provide  Lecture and discussion on: Lecture (online /  Written test (online 12 hours
and monitor information to - Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) face to face) / face to face)
infection the work group - Transmission of infectious diseases Discussion  Interview
control about the - Concepts and modes of communication (online / face to  Portfolio
policies and organization's - Communication equipment (computer, face) assessment
procedures infection control telephone, cell phone etc.) Self-Learning  Observation
(32 hours) policies and - OSH, infection control, environmental and Video Presentation  Demonstration
procedures. institutional, rules, guidelines, policies and (offline / face to with questioning
procedures face)
- Respecting for patient / client rights Demonstration
- Literacy levels and communication skills of Role play
work group members and consequent
suitable communication techniques
 Demonstrate proper use of personal
protective equipment (PPE)
 Demonstrate proper hand washing (WHO
 Apply Body Substance Isolation (BSI) by
using PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
 Demonstrate use of disinfectant
 Apply social distancing
 Demonstrate operating equipment for
 Apply effective communicating and
interpersonal skills including:
- language competence
- literacy and reading competence
- negotiating Skills

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
- intra and Interpersonal skills
1.2 Integrate the  Lecture and discussion on: Lecture (online / Written test (online 12 hours
organization's - Use of verbal and non-verbal therapeutic face to face) / face to face)
infection control communication Discussion Interview
policy and - RA 11058 – OSH Law (online / face to Portfolio
procedure into - RA 9008 – Ecological Solid Waste face) assessment
work practices Management Act Self-Learning Observation
- RA 856 – Sanitation Code of the Phil. Video Presentation Demonstration
- Hazards and infectious risk (offline / face to with questioning
- Safe work procedures face)
- Use of computer for documentation and Demonstration
reporting Role play
 Demonstrate appropriate wearing, removal
and disposal of PPE (Personal Protective
 Encourage employees to report hazards and
risks in the work place
 Recognize suggestions of employees to
improve infection control practices
1.3 Monitor infection  Lecture and discussion on: Lecture (online /  Written test 8 hours
control - Key performance indicators of infection face to face) (online / face to
performance and control and prevention Discussion face)
implement - Monitoring, surveillance and investigation of (online / face to  Interview
improvements in infection risks and hazardous events face)  Portfolio
practices - Aggregate infection control information Self-Learning assessment
reports Video Presentation  Demonstration
 Demonstrate identification, correction and (offline / face to with oral
reporting inadequacies in work procedures face) questioning
and infection control measures Demonstration

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
2. Respond 2.1 Plan responses  Lecture and discussion on: Lecture (online /  Written test 12 hours
effectively to - Concepts and modes of communication face to face) (online / face to
difficult/ - Environmental and institutional, rules, Discussion face)
challenging guidelines, policies and procedures (online / face to  Interview
behavior - Issues relating to difficult and challenging face)  Portfolio
behavior Self-Learning assessment
(24 hours)
- Patient / client issues which need to be Video Presentation  Demonstration
referred to an appropriate health (offline / face to with oral
professional face) questioning
- Policies and rules of health professionals Demonstration
involved with the care of patient / client
- Literacy levels and communication skills of
work group members and consequent
suitable communication techniques
- Modes of verbal, non-verbal, and written
 Apply thinking and responding quickly and
 Remain alert to potential incidents of difficult
or challenging behavior
Demonstrate working with others and display
empathy with patient / client and relatives
 Apply intra and interpersonal skills
 Demonstrate reporting and documentation
with accuracy
2.2 Apply response  Lecture and discussion on: Lecture (online /  Written test (online 8 hours
- Suitable communication techniques to face to face) / face to face)
achieve the desired outcomes in responding Discussion  Interview
to difficult or challenging behavior (online / face to  Portfolio
 Apply thinking and responding quickly and face) assessment
strategically Self-Learning  Observation

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 122

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Remain alert to potential incidents of difficult Video Presentation  Demonstration
or challenging behavior (offline / face to with questioning
Demonstrate working with others and display face)
empathy with patient / client and relatives Demonstration
 Apply intra and interpersonal skills Role play
Demonstrate reporting and documentation
with accuracy
2.3 Report and  Lecture and discussion about the concepts of  Lecture  Written test 4 hours
review incidents incident reports and documentations  Demonstration  Demonstration
 Outline organizational policies in reporting and
reviewing workplace incidents
 Make use of questioning and debriefing
 Demonstrate appropriate incident reporting
and documenting in the workplace

3. Apply basic 3.1 Assess the  Discuss and explain basic anatomy and Lecture (online /  Written test (online 8 hours
first aid situation physiology (parts of the human body) face to face) / face to face)
(24 hours)  Classify the mode of communication in an Discussion  Interview
assessing the situation (online / face to  Portfolio
 Discuss and explain first aid principles face) assessment
 Discuss, identify and explain the use of Self-Learning  Observation
equipment (BP apparatus, pulse oximeter, Video Presentation  Demonstration
digital thermometer etc.) (offline / face to with questioning
 Discuss and explain OSH, infection control, face)
environmental and institutional, rules, Demonstration
guidelines, policies and procedures Role play
 Discuss and explain reporting, documentation
and use of non-verbal and verbal

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Identify the abnormal vital signs of patient /
 Identify the mode of communication
 Make use of appropriate modes of
 Demonstrate resuscitation skills
 Utilize operating equipment as required for the
assessment of patient / client
 Apply safe manual handling of casualty
 Adapt OSH, infection control, environmental
and institutional, rules, guidelines, policies
and procedures
 Reporting preparation
 Make use of intra and Interpersonal skills
 Demonstrate appropriate incident reporting
and documenting
3.2 Apply basic first  Lecture and discussion about training Lecture (online /  Written test 12 hours
aid techniques application of first aid face to face) (online / face to
 Discuss and explain the proper use of Discussion face)
equipment for first aid response (ambubag (online / face to  Interview
ambu bag, oxygen etc.) face)  Portfolio
 Compare the normal and abnormal vital signs Self-Learning assessment
 Analyze the needs for first aid Video Presentation  Observation
 Demonstrate first aid procedures (offline / face to  Demonstration
 Utilize operating equipment as required for the face) with questioning
assessment of patient / client Demonstration
 Illustrate OHS, infection control, Role play
environmental and institutional, rules,
guidelines, policies and procedures
 Make use of verbal and non-verbal

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 124

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Make use of intra and interpersonal skills
 Demonstrate appropriate incident reporting
and documenting
3.3 Communicate  Lecture and discussion about concepts of Lecture (online /  Written test 4 hours
details of the communication in an accident/incident face to face) (online / face to
incident situation Discussion face)
 Read and explain the use of equipment for (online / face to  Interview
communication (computer, cellphone, radio, face)  Portfolio
network, etc.) Self-Learning assessment
 Classify the mode of communication in an Video Presentation  Observation
accident/incident situation (offline / face to  Demonstration
 Select appropriate tools, supplies and face) with questioning
equipment in communication Demonstration
 Make use of intra and interpersonal skills Role play
 Demonstrate appropriate communication skills
reporting and documenting

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 125

4. Maintain high 4.1 Communicate  Lecture and discussion on: Lecture (online /  Written test 11 hours
standards of appropriately - Mathematical operations such as addition, face to face) (online / face to
patient / client with patients / subtraction, division, multiplication Discussion face)
services clients - Concepts on modes of communication (online / face to  Interview
- Equipment needed for communication face)  Portfolio
(32 hours)
(computer, cell phone, and other forms of Self-Learning assessment
media) Video Presentation  Observation
- Roles and responsibilities of self and other (offline / face to  Demonstration
workers within the organization face) with questioning
- Organizational / institutional policies and Demonstration
procedures for privacy and confidentiality of Role play
information provided by patients / clients and
- Institutional policy on patient / client rights
and responsibilities
- Reporting and documentation with accuracy
Apply mathematical operations such as
addition, subtraction, division, multiplication
 Read and understand client handling and
 Define concepts and mode of communication
 Demonstrate following instructions and
guidance of health professionals involved with
the care of patient / client
 Show how to deal with conflict
 Participate in the discussion of client handling
and interaction
 Participate in the demonstration in
communicating properly with different types of
clients, and of different nationalities
 Participate in the demonstration in delivering
correct information to the client
 Demonstrate empathy with patient / client and

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Apply intra and Interpersonal skills

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
4.2 Establish and  Lecture and discussion on: Lecture (online /  Written test 8 hours
maintain good - Cultural differences of patient / client face to face) (online / face to
interpersonal including rules and policies as necessary Discussion face)
relationship with - Institutional policy on patient / client rights (online / face to  Interview
patients / clients and responsibilities face)  Portfolio
- Management of conflict Self-Learning assessment
 Identify the mode on communication Video Presentation  Observation
appropriate for the situation (offline / face to  Demonstration
 Establish and maintain relationships, taking face) with questioning
into account individual differences Demonstration
 Follow the instructions and guidance of health Role play
professionals involved with the care of patient
/ client
 Show how to respect patient / client rights
 Use effective listening techniques
 Apply appropriate verbal and non-verbal
communication styles
Apply oral and written communication
Demonstrate working with others and
displaying empathy with patient / client and
 Apply conflict management
 Apply intra and Interpersonal skills
 Reporting and documentation with accuracy

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 128

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
4.3 Act in a  Discuss identify and explain cultural Lecture (online /  Written test 6 hours
respectful manner at differences of patient / client including rules face to face) (online / face to
all times and policies as necessary Discussion face)
 Discuss and explain organizational / (online / face to  Interview
institutional policies and procedures for face)  Portfolio
privacy and confidentiality of information Self-Learning assessment
provided by patients / clients and others Video Presentation  Observation
 Demonstrate working with others and (offline / face to  Demonstration
displaying empathy with patient / client and face) with questioning
relatives Demonstration
 Make use of appropriate conflict management Role play
 Utilize intra and interpersonal skills
4.4 Evaluate own  Discuss and explain evaluation and analysis Lecture (online /  Written test 6 hours
work to maintain a of work performance face to face) (online / face to
high standard of  Identify standards for work procedures Discussion face)
patient / client  Make use of standards for work procedures (online / face to  Interview
service  Examine standards for work procedures face)  Portfolio
 Utilize intra and interpersonal skills Self-Learning assessment
 Participate in the discussion of evaluation of Video Presentation  Observation
work and standard of client service (offline / face to  Demonstration
 Participate in demonstrating the application of face) with questioning
evaluation of work and standard of client Demonstration
service Role play

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 129

(252 HOURS)

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
1. Develop the 1.1 Interpret  Read and understand aging process Interactive  Oral question 16 hours
ability to knowledge of  Read and understand phases of aging process discussion  Written Test
recognize aging process to determine any problems regarding client  Role play
aging process health  Demonstrate
(32 hours)  Apply caregiver’s roles and responsibilities in with guided
giving care and support for elderly in demonstration
accordance with standard policies and
1.2 Apply principles  Read and understand principles of caregiving Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
of caregiving practice discussion  Written Test
practice  Read and understand legal standards based  Role play
on applicable laws and government  Demonstrate
regulations with guided
 Apply legal and ethical fundamentals in demonstration
accordance with established industry
 Apply interpersonal skills
 Use keen attention to details
 Apply therapeutic and non-therapeutic
communication techniques
1.3 Apply infection  Read and understand infection control Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
control principles principles and sanitation practices discussion  Demonstration
and sanitation  Apply infection control principles and with power point  Written test
practices sanitation practices presentation
 Apply interpersonal skills  Film showing
 Use keen attention to details  Role play
 Apply effective oral and written communication
 Use of materials, supplies and tools
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 130

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
2. Participate in 2.1 Determine  Read and understand the elderly care plan Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
the support needs done by doctors and nurses discussion Written
implementatio  Read and understand therapeutic  Role play examination
n and communication
monitoring of  Use therapeutic communication
client’s care  Apply legal and ethical standards of health
plan (28 care
hours)  Confirm care plan details with the client, family
members and caregiver
 Collaborate with other health workers
 Inform the client about his/her rights and
complaints based on established industry
 Interpret and clarify caregiver’s own role in
client’s care in accordance with individualized
care plan
 Observe compliance of client’s rights
 Plan action and management
2.2 Provide and  Read and understand support services  Interactive Oral question 8 hours
monitor support  Use therapeutic and non therapeutic discussion using Written exam
services and communication power point
activities  Apply decision-making skills presentation
 Maintain balance on duties and responsibilities  Role play
of care and dignity of client
 Apply principles of infection control
2.3 Provide  Read and understand confidentiality and  Interactive  Oral question 4 hours
complete daily documentation discussion with Written exam
records and  Read and understand the principles and power point
reports guidelines of documentation and reporting presentation
 Apply the proper procedure in documenting
and reporting skills
 Use appropriate forms for documentation
 Record and report confidential data
 Demonstrate good documentation skills

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 131

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Demonstrate interpersonal skills
 Demonstrate keen attention to details
 Use of Caregivers Care Plan for
 Use of computer for documentation
2.4 Interpret  Read and understand endorsement process Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
endorsement based on caregiver’s care plan discussion  Written Test
process  Read and understand endorsement technique  Role play
 Document status of client health and activities
 Use endorsement techniques based on
industry standard
 Perform endorsement process based on
Caregivers care plan
3. Perform caring 3.1 Monitor and  Read and understand the definition of vital Interactive  Oral question 24 hours
skills (176 record vital signs signs discussion  Demonstration
hours) of client  Identify the vital signs paraphernalia with power point  Written test
 Apply verbal and non-verbal therapeutic presentation
communication  Film showing
 Prepare and cleanse vital signs paraphernalia  Role play
based on established procedures
 Apply handwashing technique
 Enumerate, document and report the factors
affecting vital signs of client based on
established standards
 Perform in taking Vital signs
 Measure vital signs baseline value
 Monitor and record vital signs in accordance
with established procedures
 Use of materials, supplies and tools
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
3.2 Assist client in  Read and understand nutrition for elderly Interactive  Oral question 24 hours
fluids and dietary  Apply interpersonal skills discussion  Demonstration
requirements  Use of proper therapeutic communication with power point  Written test

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 132

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Use keen attention to details  Film showing
 Explain value of food pyramid  Role play
 Apply appropriate hand washing
 Prepare meal
 Assist proper feeding technique
 Observe signs and symptoms and precautions
of aspiration and regurgitation during feeding
 Clean feeding area
 Store and handle left-over food
 Evaluate and document feeding outcome
 Use of feeding materials, supplies and tools
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
3.3 Assist client in  Read and understand the definition toileting Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
toileting and and elimination of elderly care discussion  Demonstration
elimination  Explain the purpose and scope of toileting and with power point  Written test
elimination to the client utilizing therapeutic presentation
communication tools  Film showing
 Demonstrate oral therapeutic communication  Role play
 Explain how toileting and elimination devices
can help prevent potential complications
 Ensure client’s privacy and comfort
 Position the client appropriately
 Assist a client using a bedpan, urinal or
 Collect, measure, assess and record urine and
stool output
 Apply documentation / reporting skill
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 Use of Elimination and toileting devices
3.4. Assist client in  Read and understand importance of bathing of Interactive  Oral question 24 hours
bathing/ elderly discussion  Demonstration
showering  Written test

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 133

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Apply verbal and non verbal therapeutic with power point
communication skills presentation
 Perform bathing skill  Film showing
 Perform assistive dressing skills  Role play
 Perform documentation / reporting skills
 Apply the use of Personal Protective
3.6. Assist client in  Read and understand the definition and  Individual Study  Written Test 24 hours
perineal genital importance of perineal care for elderly  Lecture-  Portfolio
care  Apply therapeutic communication skills Discussion  Interview
 Applying Principles of Infection Control  Demonstration  Demonstration of
 Maintain privacy, comfort and safety of the  Field Work work related
client  Role Playing project
 Perform genitals care  Project method
 Document accurately the activities done
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 Use of tools and devices
3.7 Assist client in  Read and understand Oral Hygiene Principles Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
oral care and Procedures discussion  Demonstration
 Demonstrate oral therapeutic communication with power point  Written test
skill presentation
 Perform mouth care skills  Film showing
 Perform oral hygiene care for conscious  Role play
 Perform caring skills for dentures
 Perform caring skills for clients with mouth
injuries, oral surgery, or inflamed mouth tissue
 Demonstrate documentation/reporting skills
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 Use of equipment for routine mouth care
3.8 Assist client in  Read and understand the importance of skin Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
skin care care for elderly discussion  Demonstration
 Apply therapeutic communication skills  Written test

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 134

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Applying Principles of infection control with power point
 Assess skin integrity presentation
 Identify causes, locations of pressure ulcers  Film showing
 Perform basic skin care and wound dressing  Role play
 Document/ report skills
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
3.9 Assist client in  Read and understand the importance of Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
dressing and dressing and undressing techniques of elderly discussion  Demonstration
undressing  Apply therapeutic communication skills with power point  Written test
 Assist client in dressing/undressing presentation
 Document/report accurately the activities done  Film showing
 Provide well-fitting shoes and slippers  Role play
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
3.10 Prepare and  Read and understand bed setting of elderly Interactive  Oral question 24 hours
maintain client’s care discussion  Demonstration
bed  Apply Principles of Infection Control with power point  Written test
 Preparing all the materials needed in bed presentation
making  Film showing
 Apply comfort and safety of the client during  Role play
bed making
 Observe proper body mechanics
 Document accurately the activities done
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment
 Use of equipment and tools
3.11 Assist client in  Read and understand safe ambulation and Interactive  Oral question 24 hours
safe ambulation transfer of client discussion  Demonstration
and transfer  Apply therapeutic communication skills with power point  Written test
 Document / report skills Applying Principles of presentation
Infection Control  Film showing
 Maintain a safe, and hazard free environment  Role play
 Provide attainable short-term goals to help
increase client’s self-confidence and worth.

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 135

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Implement and monitoring ambulation
 Demonstrate transfer of clients from
wheelchair to bed
 Assist the client’s ambulation
 Prevent the client from falls and accident
 Document accurately the activities of the client
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment
 Use of mobility assistive devices
4. Perform 4.1 Assist in simple  Read and understand wound care of elderly Interactive  Oral question 16 hours
specialty care wound care  Apply therapeutic communication techniques discussion  Demonstration
procedures (32  Apply Principles of Infection Control with power point  Written test
hours)  Maintain client’s privacy, safety and comfort presentation
 Perform aseptic hand washing  Film showing
 Maintain client privacy and dignity  Role play
 Understand ways disease is spread and
infection is developed throughout wound
assessment and care
 Understand types of wound
 Assess the wound
 Identify types of dressing
 Documenting accurately
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment
 Use of wound care equipment, aids and
4.2 Apply hot and  Read and understand Hot and Cold Therapy Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
cold therapy  Apply therapeutic communication techniques discussion  Demonstration
 Apply Principles of Infection Control with power point  Written test
 Maintain client’s privacy, safety and comfort presentation
 Use a variety of cold therapy techniques  Film showing
 Use a variety of hot therapy techniques  Role play
 Recognize limitations of heat and cold

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 136

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Use of Personal Protective Equipment
4.3 Assist in  Read and understand Palliative care Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
providing  Apply therapeutic communication discussion  Demonstration
palliative care to  Apply Principles of Infection Control with power point  Written test
clients  Apply Concepts of death and dying and other presentation
approaching related terminologies  Role play
end-of-life stage  Apply Dying Person Bill of Rights
 Apply Principles of Palliative Care
 Apply Strategies to keep client feel
comfortable when discussing death and dying
 Discuss benefits of Palliative Care
 Documenting accurately client’s response to
Palliative care
 Use of personal protective equipment
 Use of heat therapy techniques
5. Assist clients in 5.1 Prepare to assist  Read and understand assistance medication Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
administering with medication order of elderly discussion  Demonstration
medication (48  Apply legal aspects in assisting in the with power point  Written test
hours) administration of specified medication presentation
 Interpret package label information  Role play
 Interpret medication orders
 Apply standard and additional precautions in
infection control
 Follow instructions for assisting with
administration of medication as per the client's
health/care/support plan
 Follow occupational health and safety (OHS)
 Observe and reporting contingencies which
may arise
 Observe, record and report on the client's
state of health and well being

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 137

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
 Use of types of dispensing Aids
 Use personal protective equipment
5.2 Prepare the  Read and understand medication Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
client for administration assistance of elderly discussion  Demonstration
assistance with  Support client to self-administer the with power point  Written test
administration of medication presentation
medication  Provide physical assistance to take the  Role play
5.3 Assist/support  Read and understand assistance/support Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
medication medication administration according to discussion  Demonstration
administration prescription/instructions for elderly with power point  Written test
according to  Identify the appropriate dosage form, potency presentation
prescription/instr and generic name of the medicine  Role play
uctions  Prepare and administering medication to the
 Use correct dosage administration
 Document the administration of medicines
5.4 Provide record  Read and understand documentation of Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
and report of the medication administration discussion  Demonstration
client  Identify the appropriate dosage form, potency with power point  Written test
and generic name of the medicine presentation
 Prepare and administering medication to the  Role play
 Use correct dosage administration
 Document the administration of medicines
 Use of tools and materials
5.5 Comply with  Read and understand industry procedures for Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
industry handling the range of issues /contingencies discussion  Demonstration
procedures for which may arise with power point  Written test
handling the  Handle of expired / damaged / contaminated presentation
range of medicines properly  Role play
issues/contingen  Handle skipped/missed doses
cies which may  Recognize medication side effects
arise  Document given medication effects

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 138

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
5.6 Complete the  Read and understand complete distribution Interactive  Oral question 8 hours
distribution and and administration of medication discussion  Demonstration
administration of  Store medications properly with power point  Written test
prescribed  Clean and store administration aids properly presentation
medication  Role play

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 139


1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery
shall be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.

a. Course design is based on competency standards set by the industry or

recognized industry sector; (Learning system is driven by competencies
written to meet industry standards)

b. Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate individualized

and self-paced learning strategies;

c. Training can be done on an actual workplace setting, simulation of a

workplace and/or through adoption of modern technology.

d. Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of work

to the industry required standards;

e. Assessment of competency takes the trainee’s knowledge and attitude

into account but requires evidence of actual performance of the competency
as the primary source of evidence.

f. Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current


g. Training completion is based on satisfactory completion of all specified

competencies not on the specified nominal duration of learning.

2. The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of

delivery modes, both on-and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by
the competency standards specified by the industry. The following training
modalities and their variations/components may be adopted singly or in
combination with other modalities when designing and delivering training

2.1 Institution- Based:

 Dual Training System (DTS)/Dualized Training Program (DTP) which

contain both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork
components. Details can be referred to the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of the DTS Law and the TESDA Guidelines on the DTP;

 Distance learning is a formal education process in which majority of the

instruction occurs when the students and instructor are not in the same
place. Distance learning may employ correspondence study, audio,
video, computer technologies; or other modern technology that can
be used to facilitate learning and formal and non-formal training.
Specific guidelines on this mode shall be issued by the TESDA

 Supervised Industry Training (SIT) or on-the-job training (OJT) is

an approach in training designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of
the trainee through actual experience in the workplace to acquire
specific competencies as prescribed in the training regulations. It is

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 140

that the deployment of trainees in the workplace is adhered to
training programs agreed by the institution and enterprise and
status and progress of trainees are closely monitored by the training
institutions to prevent opportunity for work exploitation.

 The classroom-based or in-center instruction uses of learner-centered

methods as well as laboratory or field-work components.

2.2 Enterprise-Based:

 Formal Apprenticeship – Training within employment involving a

contract between an apprentice and an enterprise on an approved
apprenticeable occupation.

 Informal Apprenticeship - is based on a training (and working)

agreement between an apprentice and a master craftsperson wherein
the agreement may be written or oral and the master craftsperson
commits to training the apprentice in all the skills relevant to his or her
trade over a significant period of time, usually between one and four
years, while the apprentice commits to contributing productively to the
work of the business. Training is integrated into the production process
and apprentices learn by working alongside the experienced

 Enterprise-based Training- where training is implemented within the

company in accordance with the requirements of the specific company.
Specific guidelines on this mode shall be issued by the TESDA

2.3 Community-Based

 Community-Based – short term programs conducted by non-

government organizations (NGOs), LGUs, training centers and other
TVET providers which are intended to address the specific needs of a
community. Such programs can be conducted in informal settings
such as barangay hall, basketball courts, etc. These programs can
also be mobile training program (MTP).


Trainees or students wishing to enroll in this program must possess the

following requirements:

 Completed at least 10 years basic education or Holder of Alternative Learning

Systems (ALS) certificate of completion with grade 10 equivalent;
 Basic communication skills
TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 141

Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of 25


Up-to-date tools, materials, and equipment of equivalent functions can

be used as alternatives. This also applies in consideration of community practices
and their availability in the local market.


1 PC Computer table
3 SETS Office table (regular size) with chairs
2 PC Steel cabinet
1 SET Computer with complete accessories and applications
1 UNIT Telephone with internet
1 SET Printer
1 UNIT Air conditioning unit
1 PC Wall clock
2 SET First Aid Kit
1 PC Rechargeable Emergency Lamp
2 PC Fire Extinguisher
1 PC Bulletin board
2 PCS Scissors
1 PCS Stapler
1 PCS Puncher
1 PC White board eraser
1 REAM A4, letter, legal bond paper (each)
25 PCS Long , short Folder each
25 PCS Long , short Envelop each
1 REAM A4, letter, legal bond paper (each)
1 BOX Fastener
1 BOX Staple wire
3 PCS Ballpen / ink correction tape / fluid
1 BOX Paper clip
2 PCS White board markers (RED,BLUE, BLACK (each)
3 PCS Pencil eraser

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 142

1 COPY Session plans per unit of competency
1 COPY On the Job Training (OJT) program
25 COPIES Trainees Record Books
Summative assessment tools per unit /cluster of units of
1 COPY competency



1 POSTER Progress chart for 25 trainees for the qualification
1 POSTER List of competency standards for the qualification
1 PC Wall clock
25 PC Arm chairs
2 PC Long Table
1 UNIT LCD projector
1 PC White board (big)
5 PC White board marker
2 PC White board eraser
1 PC Trainer Chair
1 PC Trainer Table with drawer
1 UNIT Airconditioning unit



2 SETS Desktop computer with internet access
2 SET Long table with 4 chairs
2 UNITS Bookshelves
1 COPY Relevant Training Regulation for the qualification
2 COPIES Competency-Based Learning Module (CBLM)
1 COPY Outcome-based Training Curriculum for the qualification
Relevant Philippine laws and regulations-
 RA 11058 OSH Law
 RA 10173 Data Privacy law
 RA 9003 Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
2 of 2000
 RA 6969 Toxic Substances & Hazardous & Nuclear
Wastes Control Act of 1990
 PD 856 Code on Sanitation of the Philippines
 Senate Bill 2261 Caregivers Welfare Act

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 143

 RA 7164 Philippine Nursing Act
 RA 10918 New Pharmacy Law
2 COPIES WHO Guidelines on infection prevention and control
Text reference or book reference

 Fundamentals of Caregiving
 Fundamental of Nursing
 Caregiving for Elderly or Geriatric
 Nurses Pocket Guide
 Medical dictionary
 MIMs / PPD
 Principles and practice of therapeutic communication
 Principles and practice of ergonomics
COPIES  Basic human anatomy
EACH  Basic human physiology
 Principle of Caring for Elderly
 Principles in hygiene practices and techniques
 Principles in therapeutic techniques
 Caregivers Care plan or Nursing Care plan
 Ethical and legal standard of care (local and abroad )
 Principles of Infection Control
 Medical Surgical
 Geriatric Illness and Management
 Dealing with People with Special Needs
 Geriatric Psychiatric Disorder and Its management
5 COPIES The alphabet book
5 COPIES Puzzle books
5 COPIES Coloring books
2 COPIES Go, GROW, GLOW poster
2 COPIES Text reference on
Audiovisual Video presentation
 Handwashing techniques
 Gloving technique
 Wearing of Personal protective equipment
 Bathing of the Elderly
 Bathing of the Ambulatory and Non-Ambulatory Patient
2  Hair, foot and nail care
 Pulse oximeter
 Vital sign Taking for adult
 Occupied and Non- Occupied Bed Making
 How to use glucometer
 Assist client in eating and drinking
 Assist the client in toileting and elimination

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 144

 Assist the client with dressing and undressing
 Oral care for elderly
 Changing diaper and diapering elderly or person with
special needs
 Assist the client with ambulation and transfer
 Assistive devices and how to use it
 Medication preparation
 Medication administration
 Assist in simple wound care
 Assist in catheter care and incontinence management
 Applying hot and cold therapy
 Assisting in nebulization
 Pain Management
 Feeding the Elderly
 Muscle strain and muscle spasm management
 Fracture and dislocation and its management
 Different Geriatric Medical condition in all system ( at
least 5 diseases)
 Head to toe assessment
 Carrying Techniques for elderly
 Putting elderly into care seat
 Common Injuries and Accident among elderly
 Basic First aid and Basic Life Support with AED for


UC 1: Develop the Ability to Recognize Aging Process

1 PC Automatic Hand dryer (*RPM: 2800, Drying Time : 21 sec, Air
Speed: 14m/sec, Dimension 240x240x230MM)
1 PC Portable Lavatory ( Sink Size (s or l x h): 390 mm, Depth sink
(h): 150 mm, Flow rate: 15lt/min)
1 PC Hand Sanitizer Dispenser (Power Supplier: 4pcs C size
batteries or AC adapter, N.W.: 08/1.0kg, Pump mode: Liquid,
foam, spray and Installation mode: wall mounted)
1 UNIT LCD projector
1 SET Audio-video equipment
5 PCS Trash bin ( Color coded for Solid Bio-Medical Waste: Black,
Red, Yellow, Blue and White)
1 PC Whiteboard

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 145

1 PC Clip Chart (Client’s Care plan made by the Doctor or Nurses)
5 SETS Liquid soap (Net Weight: 1000 ml, Intended for Handwashing)
5 PCS Bar soap ( Net weight : 100g , Intended for Handwashing)
5 PCS Hand towel ( Size 20 “x 28” , Color: Different Color )
All Purpose Cleaner (Net Weight: 500ml, Intended for
5 PCS cleaning floor )
5 PCS Chamois ( Types: Cotton)
2 BOX Disposable Tissues ( Type: Facial Tissues )
Surgical face mask ( Mask type: 3 Ply Earloop, Bidirectional, 3
25 PCS Ply Tien On, Duck Bill )
2 BOXES Clean Gloves ( Type: Latex, 100pcs per box)
Face shield ( to protect the face particularly the eye from
5 PCS transmission of microbes
25 PC Sample nursing care plan template
25 PC Sample client clip chart
25 PC Personal care support plan
25 PC Endorsement report
1 REAM Bond Paper
1 BOX Ballpoint Pen ( Color: Red, Blue, Black, Quantity: 1 box per
color )
5 COPIES Competency-Based Learning Module (CBLM)
1 COPY Module of Instruction: Recognizing Aging Process

UC 2: Participate in the Implementation and Monitoring of Client’s Care Plan

1 UNIT LCD projector
1 SET Audio-video equipment
1 PC Whiteboard
1 PC Clip Chart (Client’s Care plan made by the Doctor or Nurses)
25 PC Sample nursing care plan template
25 PC Sample client clip chart
25 PC Personal care support plan
25 PC Endorsement report
1 REAM Bond Paper

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 146

1 BOX Ballpoint Pen ( Color: Red, Blue, Black, Quantity: 1 box per
color )
5 COPIES Competency-Based Learning Module (CBLM)
Module of Instruction: Participating in the Implementation and
Monitoring of Client’s Care Plan

UC 3: Perform Caring Skills

1 UNIT LCD projector
1 SET Audio-video equipment
5 PCS Aneroid Type Blood Pressure Monitor
Digital Blood Pressure Monitor ( Measurement System,
1 PC Oscillometric method, Power source AA size x4 , Rated
Voltage DG6V=3W)
2 PCS Pulse oximeter
Overbed Bedside table Wheels for hospital and home (
Height Adjustable: 28” – 40” , DIMENSIONS: 15"(D) x 30"(W)
x 28-40"(H); Base Dimensions: 15.5"(D) x 26.5"(W); Table Top
Dimensions: 30"(L) x 15"(W) x 0.75"(D)
Hospital Bed (Dimension: 79" x 38" x 22".Backrest Lifting
Angle: 80°+5°,Kneerest Lifting Angle: 40° + 5°, With controller
1 PC brake to allow caregiver to set predetermined parameter., Bed
Framework made from mild steel ERW rectangular tubes.,
Aluminum alloy side rail, collapsed type with safe lock.
Single Bed Frame ( Materials : Wood or Steel , Size : 36”
1 PC
(W)x 75” (L) )
Single bed mattress ( Type: Foam: Size: 36” (W)x 75” (L), 28
1 PC
cm thick)
Hospital emergency button with Signal Cord ( This is to
1 UNIT emergency button or cord that signal emergency to call the
attention of health care provider )
Wheel Chair ( Feature: 24’x 1’ Solid Tire Flat free Wheels, 8”
2 UNITS x1” front caster flat free, Seat Width: 18” x 16”, Weight
Capacity: 250lbs)
Walking cane (36” – 37”, aluminum, adjustable, non-skid
rubber tip, foamed handle)
Adult axillary crutches (aluminum, adjustable push-button, for
5’6” – 5’7” height patient)
2 UNITS Standard 2-button walker without wheels (aluminum)
1 PC Electric air pot ( 3 ways of dispense: electric cup touch, air
pump, over heating protection, Capacity: 4.0L/5.0L

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 147

1 PC Water Dispenser ( With Hot and Cold Dispenser, With cup
holder and indicator lamp, Size: 27 (L) X 28 (W) x 85 ( H) )
1 PC Induction Cooker ( Type: Single, Temperature: 150 F – 450 F
, Voltage: 220 V)
1 PC Electric Kettle ( Capacity: 2.0 L, With Water level Indicator,
220-240 Volt, Net Weight: 3.5-4.0 lb)
1 PC Refrigerator (Small) ( Capacity; 40 L, Temperature 0 to 8
degree, Size: 440Lx400x550 mm, Net weight (16.5 kg)
1 PC Linen Hamper (Size: L: 20″ x W: 20″ x H: 36″, Made of heavy
tubular steel mounted on 75mm 4 pieces swivel casters & with
cover manual operate, Provided with Canvass bag)
1 PC Bedside Table ( Material: Wood)
1 PC Bedside chair ( Material: Wood)
1 PC Whiteboard
1 PC Clip Chart (Client’s Care plan made by the Doctor or Nurses)
Stethoscope (Chest piece : surgical stainless steel, Size: 45
5 PC
mm, Dual Heads – diaphragm and bell)
Wall Clock (Type: Quartz Analog, Size: 30.5 * 30.5* 4.3 cm,
1 PC
Material; Plastic)
1 PC Wrist watch with second hand
Digital Thermometer (Type: Oral, Anal, Axilla, Tympanic,
Forehead, Quantity: 1pc/type )
Kidney basin ( size : 6” ( 2pcs), 10 “ ( 2pcs), 12 “ ( 2pcs),
Stainless and plastic )
1 BOX Tongue depressor
2 PCS Denture container
2 PCS Denture
Bedpan with cover ( Material: Plastic , stainless, Quantity :
1pc /type )
2 PCS Urinal ( Material: Plastic , stainless, Quantity : 1pc /type )
2 PCS Eyeglasses
2 PAIR Contact Lenses
2 PCS Contact lenses case
Hearing aid with brush and earplugs ( Strengthen the against
1 PAIR external noise and make the sound output to the ear canal
smooth )
2 PCS Ovum forceps
Minor surgical instrument ( Thumb forceps, Tooth forceps,
Surgical scissors, bandage scissors, needle holder)
Clean Bed Linen( Flat sheet, Bottom Sheet, Rubber Sheet,
Draw Sheet and Top Sheet )
2 PCS Belt grip Transfer Belt
2 PCS Gait belt
2 PCS Slippers ( non-skid soles )

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 148

2 PCS Shoes ( non-skid soles )
2 PCS Robe
2 PCS Stockings
2 PCS Pillow ( Size: 30x40 cm, Color: Any Color)
2 PCS Moisture-proof Pillow case ( Size: 30x40 cm, Color: Any Color)
Dinnerware ( Dinner plate, appetizer plate, under liner plate,
soup bowl )
Flatware ( Dinner knife, spoon and fork, Salad spoon and fork,
fish knife, soup spoon)
2 SET Glassware ( Water goblet, white and red white glass)
Food Storage ( Type: Tupperware container, Glass Container
and Plastic (ziplock) bag Quantity: 2pcs / type )
6 PCS Dish rag dryer
2 PCS Tablecloth
2 PCS Placemat
2 PCS Rectangular tray
2 PCS Round Tray ( for glassware)
2 PCS Center piece flower
1 PC Peeler ( For fruits and Vegetables
1 PC Mixing bowl ( Type: Steel, Capacity: 2800ml)
1 PC Potato masher
1 PC Pot
1 PC Ladle Variety of ladle intended for preparation of foods
2 SETS Silverware (Contain of teaspoon, tablespoon, fork, knife)
5 PCS Trash bin ( Color coded for Solid Bio-Medical Waste: Black,
Red, Yellow, Blue and White)
5 PCS laundry hamper
5 PCS Pets ( Category: Bird, Dog, Cat, Fish, White Rat Quantity: 1
pc/ category)
8 PCS Bed linen(Material: Cotton, Color: White, Size: 60” x 90”
5 PCS Pillow (Material: Foam, Color: White, Size : 16” x 24”)
4 PCS Pillow case (Material: Cotton, Color: White, Size : 16” x 24”)
2 PCS Hospital Draw Sheet ( Material: Cotton: Color: Green: Size :
90 x 180 cm)
2 PCS Hospital Rubber Sheet ( Material: Rubber, Color: Multicolor
Size: 80 x 160 cm )
5 PCS EACH Disposable Bed Underpad S, M, L, XL sizes
2 PCS Bed Blanket ( Size: 200x 240 cm, Material: Cotton
3 PCS Trash Bin ( Color Coded: Yellow, Green and Black)
5 PACKS Cotton Balls( 100pcs)
Cotton Balls canister ( Type; Stainless Steel, Size :Small,
Medium, Large)
5 PCS 70 % Alcohol ( Net Weight: 500 ml)
2 BOXES Disposal Clean Gloves ( Type: Latex, 100pcs per box)

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 149

2 PCS Water Soluble lubricant for lips
20 PCS Sponge toothette
4 PCS Toothbrush ( For adult and children )
2 BOXES Toothpaste ( For adult and children )
5 PCS Hand towel ( Size 20 “x 28” , Color: White) )
2 PCS Medicine Cup ( Type: Plastic)
1 BOX Gauze (Size: 10 cm x 10 cm )
2 PCS Mouthwash ( 500ml)
1 PACK Dental floss ( 100 pcs)
2 PCS Air freshener ( 500 ml)
Bath towels ( Size: 27 x 53 inches, Color: Different Colors,
Type: Cotton )
12 PCS Toilet Rolled Tissue-2 ply
2 PCS Urine bag
2 PCS Foley Catheter for Adults
Flexible measuring cup for urine ( Size: 0.25L, 0.50L, 1 L
1 PC
Quantity: 1 pc / size )
5 PCS Povidone Iodine Solution
2 BOXES Alcohol swab
Micropore tape or plaster tape ( size : 1 inch, 3 inches
Quantity: 1 box per size)
2 PCS Urinary Foley Catheter for Adult
Drapes ( Plain and fenestrated, containing an opening or
1 PC
26 PCS Surgical Gloves ( Type: Latex, Sizes : 5 – 8 )
Upper and lower garments ( Type: Blouse, Shirt, and pants
For male and female)
2 PCS Hospital gown
2 PCS Bath Blanket
Bath towels ( Size: 27 x 53 inches, Color: Different Colors,
Type: Cotton )
8 PCS Hand towel ( Size 20 “x 28” , Color: Different Color )
8 PCS Face towels ( Size 12 x 12 inches ,Color: Different Color)
3 PCS Basin ( Size: small, Medium, Large)
Adult Soap ( Form: Liquid Soap - Net Weight 1L and Bar
Soap -Net weight: 200g, Hypoallergenic)
5 PCS Adult Shampoo (Form: Liquid, Net Weight: 300 ML)
5 PCS Adult Conditioner (Form: Liquid, Net Weight: 300 ML)
3 PCS Adult Lotion ( Net Weight: 800ml, Hypoallergenic)
5 PCS Adult Cologne ( Ne Weight: 6.80 oz )
2 PCS Linen bag
Clean Bed Linen( Flat sheet, Bottom Sheet, Rubber Sheet,
Draw Sheet and Top Sheet )

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 150

Shampoo Trough ( Type: Plastic and inflatable Quantity: 1pc/
type )
2 PCS Pail ( Size: Small, Medium, Large)
2 PCS Nail cutter ( Intended for :adult )
2 PCS Comb or hair pick and brush
2 PCS Pitcher ( small)
2 PCS Waterproof pad
2 PCS Roller toilet tissue
5 PCS Personal Protective Equipment: Disposable Gown
2 PCS Body lotion or moisturizer or protective cream
1 BOX Sterile gauze ( Size 4 x 4 inches )
1 BOX Antibiotic cream or ointment as prescribed by the doctor
1 BOTTLE Sterile water ( 10o0ml)
3 PCS 10 cc Syringe
6 PCS Table napkin
2 SET Condiments
2 PC Liquid dishwashing detergent ( 500ml)
5 PC Cleaning sponge pad net cloth
5 PCS Chamois
25 PC Sample nursing care plan template
25 PC Sample client clip chart
25 PC Personal care support plan
25 PC Endorsement report
1 REAM Bond Paper
1 BOX Ballpoint Pen ( Color: Red, Blue, Black, Quantity: 1 box per
color )
5 COPIES Competency-Based Learning Module (CBLM)
1 COPY Module of Instruction: Performing caring skills

UC 4: Perform Specialty Care Procedures

1 UNIT LCD projector
1 SET Audio-video equipment
1 PC Whiteboard
1 PC Clip Chart (Client’s Care plan made by the Doctor or Nurses)
Cotton Balls canister ( Type; Stainless Steel, Size :Small,
Medium, Large Quantity: 2 pcs per size )
2 PCS Ovum Forceps

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 151

Minor surgical instrument ( Thumb forceps, Tooth forceps,
Surgical scissors, bandage scissors, needle holder)
Kidney basin ( size : 6” ( 2pcs), 10 “ ( 2pcs), 12 “ ( 2pcs),
Stainless and plastic )
2 PCS Hot compress bag
2 PCS Cold compress bag
2 PCS Hot compress pack
2 PCS Cold compress pack
5 PACKS Cotton Balls( 100pcs)
5 PCS 70 % Alcohol ( Net Weight: 500 ml)
2 BOXES Alcohol swab
2 BOXES Clean Gloves ( Type: Latex, 100pcs per box)
Micropore tape or plaster tape ( size : 1 inch, 3 inches
Quantity: 1 box per size)
Trash bin ( Color coded for Solid Bio-Medical Waste: Black,
Red, Yellow, Blue and White)
1 BOX Sterile gauze ( Size 4 x 4 inches )
1 BOX Antibiotic cream or ointment as prescribed by the doctor
1 BOTTLE Sterile water (1000 ml)
3 PCS 10 cc Syringe
25 PC Sample nursing care plan template
25 PC Sample client clip chart
25 PC Personal care support plan
25 PC Endorsement report
1 REAM Bond Paper
1 BOX Ballpoint Pen ( Color: Red, Blue, Black, Quantity: 1 box per
color )
5 COPIES Competency-Based Learning Module (CBLM)
1 COPY Module of Instruction: Performing Specialty care procedures

UC 5: Assist Client in Administering Prescribed Medications

Medicine Cabinet ( Double Door 85 x 100 x 30 cm with Eight
1 PC
shelves and Eight door trays
Refrigerator (Small) ( Capacity; 40 L, Temperature 0 to 8
1 PC
degree, Size: 440Lx400x550 mm, Net weight (16.5 kg)
2 SETS Dispensing aids-

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 152

 Dosettes
 Dispensing spoons, dispensing cups
 Pre-filled syringes
 Pill pots
 Pill cutter
2 PCS Adult nebulizing kit
2 PCS Children’s nebulizing kit
2 PCS Tumbler
1 PACK Paracetamol 500mg tablet
1 PACK Mefenamic acid scored tablet
1 PACK Antacid chewable tablet
1 PACK Sublingual tablet
1 PACK Antidiabetic drugs
1 PACK Antihypertensive drugs
1 PACK Cholesterol lowering drugs
1 PACK Diuretic drugs
1 BOTTLE Antacid suspension 60ml
1 BOTTLE Multivitamin syrup 60ml
1 BOTTLE Paracetamol drops 15ml1
1 TUBE Analgesic Ointment
25 COPIES Sample medication chart / record
25 PCS Sample medication prescription
5 COPIES Competency-Based Learning Module (CBLM)
Module of Instruction: Assisting client in administering

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 153


Based on a class intake of 25 learners/trainees.

Size in Area in Sq. Total Area in

Space Requirement
Meters Meters Sq. Meters
Administrative/ Office Area 15 15
Training Resource Area 10 10
Practical Work Area- Elderly 35 35
Contextual Learning Area 30 30
Learning Resource Area 15 15
Computer Laboratory 10 10
Circulation Area 30 30
Career Counseling Area 5 5
Clinic/Lactating Room 5 5
Comfort Room for Special Child and
10 10
Separate restrooms for female and
10 10
Total workshop area: 175 sq. m.


 Must be a holder of National TVET Trainer’s Certificate (NTTC) Level I in

Caregiving (Elderly) NCII
 Must be a graduate of any allied health courses or Bachelor’s Degree
 Must possess good communication skills
 Must have at least two (2) years industry experience within the last five (5) years


Institutional Assessment is gathering of evidences to determine

the achievements of the requirements of the qualification to enable the trainer
make judgement whether the trainee is competent or not competent

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 154

Competency Assessment is the process of
collecting evidence and making judgments whether competency has been achieved. The
purpose of assessment is to confirm that an individual can perform to the standards
expected at the workplace as expressed in relevant competency standards.

The assessment process is based on evidence or information gathered to

prove achievement of competencies. The process may be applied to a full
qualification or employable unit(s) of competency in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the national qualification.


4.1.1 To attain the National Qualification of CAREGIVING (ELDERLY) NC II the

candidate must demonstrate competence in all unit/s of competency listed
in Section 1. Successful candidates shall be awarded a National
Certificate signed by the TESDA Director General.

4.1.2 Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic
and common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently with the
core units.

4.1.3 Any of the following are qualified to undergo assessment and certification: Graduates of WTR-registered program, NTR-registered

programs or formal/non-formal/informal including enterprise-
based trainings related to Caregiving (Elderly) NC II. Experienced workers (wage employed or self-employed)

who gained competencies in providing caregiving services for at
least two (2) years within the last five (5) years.

4.1.4 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Candidates who have gained

competencies through education, informal training, previous work or life
experiences with at least three (3) years of caregiving experience within
the last five (5) years may apply for recognition in this Qualification
through Portfolio Assessment.

Requirements and implementation procedure of Portfolio Assessment

must be consistent with TESDA Circular No. 47, series of 2018 on
“Implementing Guidelines on the Implementation of Portfolio
Assessment Leading to Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) within the
TESDA Assessment and Certification System, and with TESDA Circular
No. 118, series of 2019 on “Addendum to the Implementing Guidelines
on the Implementation Portfolio Assessment Leading to Recognition of
Prior Learning (RPL) within the TESDA Assessment and Certification

4.1.5 Holders of National Certificate (NC) or Certificates of Competency (COC)

in Caregiving Services NC II are required to undergo re-assessment
under the amended Training Regulations (TRs) upon expiration of
their Certificates.
TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 155
4.1.6 The guidelines on assessment and certification are discussed in detail in
the “Procedures Manual on Assessment and Certification” and “Guidelines
on the Implementation of the “Philippine TVET Competency Assessment
and Certification System (PTCACS)”.

4.2 Competency Assessment Requisite

4.2.1 Self-Assessment Guide. The self-assessment guide (SAG) is

accomplished by the candidate prior to actual competency assessment.
SAG is a pre-assessment tool to help the candidate and the assessor
determine what evidence is available, where gaps exist, including
readiness for assessment.
This document can:

a) Identify the candidate’s skills and knowledge

b) Highlight gaps in candidate’s skills and knowledge
c) Provide critical guidance to the assessor and candidate on the
evidence that need to be presented
d) Assist the candidate to identify key areas in which practice is needed
or additional information or skills that should be gained prior

4.2.2 Accredited Assessment Center. Only Assessment Center accredited by

TESDA is authorized to conduct competency assessment. Assessment
centers undergo a quality assured procedure for accreditation before they
are authorized by TESDA to manage the assessment for National

4.2.3 Accredited Competency Assessor. Only accredited

competency assessor is authorized to conduct assessment of
competence. Competency assessors undergo a quality assured system
of accreditation procedure before they are authorized by TESDA
to assess the competencies of candidates for National Certification.

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 156


Receive and Follow occupational Adopt

Enhance self- Access and Apply
respond to Work with Solve/address Support safety and health entrepreneurial
management maintain environmental
workplace others routine problems Innovation policies and mindset in the
skills information work standards
communication procedures workplace
Exercise efficient
Solve/address Practice occupational Practice
Participate in Work in Develop career Contribute to and effective
general Present relevant safety and health entrepreneurial
workplace team and life workplace sustainable
workplace information policies and skills in the
communication environment decisions innovation practices in the
problems procedures workplace
Apply critical Propose
thinking and Work in a methods of Evaluate occupational Evaluate
Lead workplace Lead small Use information skills for micro-
problem-solving diverse applying learning safety and health environmental
communication teams systematically small-medium
techniques in environment and innovation in work practices work practices
the workplace the organization (MSMEs)
Perform higher Lead towards
Lead in improvement
Utilize order thinking Contribute to improvement of
Manage Manage and of Occupational Sustain
specialized Develop and processes and the practice of environmental
innovative work evaluate usage Safety and Health entrepreneurial
communication lead teams apply social justice in work programs,
instructions of information Program, Policies and skills
skill techniques in the workplace policies and
the workplace procedures
Manage and Evaluate higher Advocate Develop Manage Manage
Manage and Develop and
sustain order thinking strategic Incorporate systems in implementation of implementation of
sustain high sustain a high-
effective skills and adjust thinking for innovation into managing and occupational safety environmental
performing performing
communication problem solving global work procedures maintaining and health programs programs in the
teams enterprise
strategies techniques citizenship information in the workplace workplace

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 157

Maintain an
Assist with Respond
Maintain Implement and Maintain high Maintain a effective
Assist in dental administration effectively to
instruments and monitor infection Apply basic standard of Apply quality safe, clean relationship
laboratory in dental difficult/
equipment in control policies first aid patient / client standards and efficient with clients/
procedures laboratory challenging
work area and procedures services environment customers
practice behavior
Update industry Use Maintain an Maintain Perform
knowledge and pharmaceutical effective infection Operate a workplace Perform
Manage own health and
practice through calculation relationship control in personal security and computer
performance safety policies in
continuing techniques and with customers dental computer safety operations
dental laboratory
education terminologies and clients practice practices

Collect and Assist in bio- Apply hilot Provide post

Assist in Handle waste Plan the hilot Provide pre-
Prepare and maintain linen Assist in psychosocial wellness advice and
transporting in a health care wellness program service to hilot
maintain beds stocks at end- patient mobility support care of massage post-services
patients environment of client/s client/s
users location patients techniques to hilot clients
Monitor supply/ Handle and Arrange and Demonstrate
Perform good Adhere to good Dispense health Install
Practice good inventory of control display product
laboratory manufacturing pharmaceutical promotion biomedical
housekeeping pharmaceutical pharmaceutical pharmaceutical knowledge on
practices practices products education, equipment
products products products medicines
Perform Perform
Assess and Maintain and Maintain life
corrective preventive Repair Develop Perform body
refer Perform client organize tools, Perform basic support
maintenance maintenance biomedical massage massage and
biomedical consultation equipment, life support equipment and
on biomedical on biomedical equipment practice work area
equipment supplies resources
equipment equipment
Manage Allocate Deliver basic
safe access Coordinate Manage the Deliver pre-
request for ambulance ambulance Supervise on- Manage the scene Manage
and extrication emergency scene of a hospital patient
ambulance service communication road operations of an emergency routine scene
procedures in resources special event care
service resources skills
an emergency
Share knowledge
Ensure the
and skills among Monitor
Assist the members to provide health status
maintenance of Maintain
Deliver Drive vehicles household to information, of household
Manage Transport Transport non- health station updated
intensive pre- under identify health education and members
ambulance emergency emergency list/records of
hospital patient operational problems to communication (IEC) and safe custody under his/her
operations patients patients
and/or household of its equipment, health
care conditions promote health area of
medical supplies, activities
and well-being teaching in disease service
prevention and materials, and
control health records

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 158

Analyze and
Edge and Apply UV coat/ Fabricate Fabricate
interpret Fabricate Articulate models Fabricate
mount tint to Fabricate custom Fabricate metal crown
ophthalmic registration bite and transfer ceramic
ophthalmic ophthalmic models impression mouthguard and bridge
lens rims records restorations
appliances lenses trays structures
Fabricate Wax, process Fabricate cast
Arrange Set-up and Fabricate
indirect and finish Repair and modify Fabricate metal
Join alloy artificial teeth wax removable thermo formed Fabricate oral
composite/ acrylic dentures and orthodontic removable
structures for complete partial bases and splints
polymer fixed dentures and appliances appliances partial denture
dentures dentures appliances
restorations appliances framework
Apply the
Operate a principle of Manage dental Continue
Promote oral Perform Maintain dental Provide effective Perform
Perform oral dental radiology laboratory professional
health and scaling and records and patient/client administrative
examination radiographic biology and production and growth and
hygiene polishing resources service functions
equipment protection in operation development
dental practice
Participate in
Participate in Develop the Participate in Develop the
Provide Foster social, the
the ability to the Participate in the ability to
Perform caring physical intellectual and Perform implementation
implementation recognize implementation implementation recognize
skills for needs, care emotional caring skills and monitoring
and monitoring newborn’s and monitoring and monitoring of toddler’s
newborn and support to development of for toddler of pre-
of newborn’s growth and of infant’s care toddler’s care plan growth and
infant infant schooler’s care
care plan development plan development plan
Develop the Provide
physiological Foster physical
ability to assistance and Foster physical Promote Respond to Develop the
Perform caring needs and growth and Respond to
recognize pre- care to growth and developmental emergency ability to
skills for pre- cognitive development emergency for
schooler’s personal development of tasks for for recognize
schooler development of grade grade schooler
growth and needs of grade adolescent adolescent adolescent aging process
of grade schooler
development schooler schooler
Participate in Participate in Develop the ability Provide care Provide
assistance and
the Assist client in the to recognize and support to assistance in Provide care
Perform support on
implementation Perform caring administering implementation healthy body activities of administering and support to
specialty care environment
and monitoring skills prescribed and monitoring systems and apply daily living prescribed clients with
procedures and
of client’s care medication of client’s care medical (ADL) of medications special needs
plan plan needs of clients terminologies clients to clients
Respond to care and
care and
emergency support to
support to
situations adults and
children with elderly with
special needs special needs

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 159


1. AGING - starting at what is commonly called age, operations of the human body
begin to be more vulnerable to daily wear and tear, there is a general decline in
physical, and possibly mental, functioning. In Western countries, the length of life is
often into the 70s. The upward limit of the life span, however, can be as high as 120
years. During the latter of half of life, an individual is more prone to have
problems with various functions of the body and to develop any number of chronic
or fatal diseases. The cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, nervous, reproductive
and urinary systems are particularly affected. The most common diseases of
aging include Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, depression and heart disease.

2. AMBULATION - the act, action, or an instance of moving about or walking.

Ambulation is the ability to walk without the need for any kind of assistance. It is most
often used when describing the goals of a patient after a surgery or physical therapy.
In order to reach a patient’s goal of ambulation, they may require assistance before
they are able to walk around on their own.

3. ASSISTIVE DEVICES - Any device that is designed, made, or adapted to assist a

person perform a particular task. For examples, canes, crutches, walkers, wheel
chairs, and shower chairs are all assistive devices.

4. BED SORES - A painful, often reddened area of degenerating, ulcerated skin caused
by pressure and lack of movement, and worsened by exposure to urine or other
irritating substances on the skin. Untreated bed sores can become seriously infected
or gangrenous. Bed sores are a major problem for patients who are confined to bed
or a wheelchair. They can be prevented by moving the patient frequently,
changing bedding, and keeping the skin clean and dry. Also called a pressure sore,
decubitus sore, or decubitus ulcer.

5. CAREGIVER – a lay individual who assumes responsibility for the physical

and emotional needs of another who is incapable of self-care. A person who
provides direct care (as for children, elderly people, or the chronically ill).

6. CARE PLAN - A care plan is a written statement of your individual assessed needs
identified during a Community Care Assessment. It sets out what support you should
get, why, when, and details of who is meant to provide it. You are entitled to be given
a copy of your care plan and should not sign the care plan until you are happy with it.

7. CARING SKILLS - feeling or showing concern for or kindness to others. All

individuals in society have “needs” to grow, develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
A “need” is what is required to achieve, maintain or regain the life quality factors.
Caring helps individuals meet these needs to be healthy, active and independent.
Caring helps individuals with everyday living and supports an individual’s life quality
factors. Carers have an enormous influence over the outcome of the care that they
give. Their actions can have positive or negative effects.

8. CLIENT - a person who engages the professional advice or services of another.

9. CLINICAL WASTE - Clinical waste is the term used to describe waste produced
from healthcare and similar activities that may pose a risk of infection, for example,
swabs, bandages, dressings etc. or may prove hazardous, for example medicines.

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 160

10. COLD THERAPY - As a general rule, cold therapy is used for sudden, acute injuries
such as ankle sprains, muscle years, bruising and inflammation.

11. DISPENSING - is the provision of drugs or medicines as set out properly on

a lawful prescription.

12. ELDERLY- aged; individuals over 65 years old who have functional impairments;
sometimes used to describe any adult over 75 years old.

13. HOT THERAPY - Heat therapy is primarily used for taking the edge off of
several different kinds of body pain. Those dull, persistent pains that you get with
stiffness and cramping, for example.

14. INCONTINENCE - inability of the body to control the evacuative functions of

urination or defecation: partial or complete loss of bladder or bowel control.

31 INFECTION CONTROL - is the discipline concerned with preventing healthcare-

associated infections; a practical rather than academic sub-discipline of epidemiology.
Infection control addresses factors related to the spread of infections within the
healthcare setting, whether among patients, from patients to staff, from staff
to patients, or among staff. This includes preventive measures such as hand
washing, cleaning, disinfecting, sterilizing, and vaccinating. Other aspects
include surveillance,
monitoring, and investigating any suspected outbreak of infection, and its

32 MEDICATION - a substance used for medical treatment, especially a medicine or drug.

33 MOBILITY - the ability to move or be moved freely and easily.

34 ORAL CARE – is the practice of keeping the mouth clean and healthy by brushing
and flossing to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

35 PALLIATIVE CARE - care for the terminally ill and their families, especially that
provided by an organized health service.

36 PERENIAL CARE - involves cleaning the private areas of a patient. Because this
area is prone to infection, it must be cleaned at least daily, and more if your loved one
suffers from incontinence. Typical times to perform peri-care include as part of daily
bathing, after the use of the bedpan, and following episodes of incontinence.

37 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) – is protective clothing,

helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment designed to protect the
wearer's body from injury or infection.

38 PRESCRIPTION - an instruction written by a medical practitioner that authorizes a

patient to be provided a medicine or treatment.

39 SKIN CARE - maintaining clean, comfortable and healthy skin through

thorough cleansing with soap and water, and moisturizing with emollients. Basic skin
care also includes treating skin conditions appropriately with medicines and lotions,
and avoiding
TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 161
sun exposure. Age is a factor in skin care. Special consideration should be given to
infants, senior adults and the infirm.

40 THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION – an interaction between a health care

professional and a patient that aims to enhance the patient’s comfort, safety, trust,
or health and well-being.

41 THERAPEUTIC DIET - a therapeutic diet is a meal plan that controls the intake
of certain foods or nutrients. It is part of the treatment of a medical condition and
are normally prescribed by a physician and planned by a dietician.

42 TOILETING - is the act of assisting a dependent patient with his/her elimination needs.

43 VITAL SIGNS – determination of temperature, pulse rate, rate of breathing and level
of blood pressure.

44 WOUND CARE - refers to specific types of treatment for pressure sores, skin ulcers
and other wounds that break the skin.

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 162

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) would like to
extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry,
academe and government agencies who provided their time and expertise to the
development and validation of these Training Regulations.



Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. (PASEI)


Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. (PASEI)


Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. (PASEI)


Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. (PASEI)


Caregivers of the Philippines Association, Inc. (CPAI)


Chairman, External Affairs and Rules
Caregivers of the Philippines Association, Inc. (CPAI)


Caregivers of the Philippines Association, Inc. (CPAI)


Caregivers of the Philippines Association, Inc. (CPAI)


Dean, College of Nursing
St. Francis of Assissi College, Las Piñas City

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 163

The PARTICIPANTS in the National Validation of this Training Regulation

Name Organization
Nilda C. Costin Petmonila Goseco
Larry M. Legaspi CPAI
Nieves U. Dedase CPAI
Anne Jenita C. Nepunan CPAI
Charmie B. Capoquian CPAI
Carolina A. Inciso CPAI
Sanny B. Gornez CPAI
Nilda B. Silva CPAI
Rowena C. Manandeg Elsa A. Syjuco
Crisagel Mabanta CPAI
Greg Flor V. Lorenzo CPAI
Dr. Maria Cristina R. Ramajo Arellano University – Main Campus
Dr. Jose Leo V. Jiloca SLMC/CPAI
Julie Rose M. Inso PASEI/Core Trades Academy
Merlina Gadrinab PASEI/MMS
Jenny R. San Juan WCC, Q.C
Geraldine M. Canaria PWF, Pasig City
Grace F. Tanso CPAI
Luzminda S. Dalisay CPAI
Eva R. Dalaguit NCUA
Cristy Lily Edlene Z. Flores CPAI

The Members of the TESDA Board and Secretariat

The MANAGEMENT and STAFF of the TESDA Secretariat

Qualifications and Standards Office (QSO)

- MS. IMELDA B. TAGANAS, Executive Director

 Competency Standards Development Division

- MS. MA. ISABEL G. GAMUROT, Division Chief

 Competency Programs and Standards Development Division

- MS. MERCEDES E. JAVIER, Division Chief

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 164


Qualification Title: Caregiving (Elderly) NC II

Qualification Code: HHCCGE220

Revision Document Qualification Title TESDA Board Deployment Circular

No. Types* Resolution No./ (TESDA Circular/
Date Implementing
00 Document Caregiving NC II TBR No. 2007-01 N/A
Created 01/16/2007
Document Caregiving NC II TBR No. 2007-01 N/A
Superseded 01/16/2007
00 Document Caregiving (Newborn to Pre- TBR No. 2020-19 TESDA Circular
Created Schooler) NC II 06/09/2020 No. 104 series of 2020
00 Document Caregiving (Grade schooler TBR No.2020-20 TESDA Circular
Created to Adolescent) NC II 06/09/2020 No. 102 series of 2020
00 Document Caregiving (Elderly) NC II TBR No.2020-21 TESDA Circular
Created 06/09/2020 No. 109 series of 2020
00 Document Caregiving (Clients with TBR No.2020-22 TESDA Circular
Created Special Needs) NC II 06/09/2020 No. 099 series of 2020
Legend: *Description Types
- Document Created
- Document Amended
- Document Superseded

TR - Caregiving (Elderly) NC II Revision 00 Promulgated (06/09/2020) 165

Training Regulation are available in both printed and electronic copies
for more information, please contact:
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
Tele Fax No.: 818-7728
or visit our website: www.tesda.gov.ph

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