Units and Measurements: Topic 1 Topic 2

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Units and Measurements

TOPIC 1 Ans. (c) TOPIC 2
Units According to Coulomb’s law, the Errors in Measurement
electrostatic force
1 qq
and Significant Figure
F= × 1 22
01 The angle of 1′ (minute of arc) in 4 πε0 r
radian is nearly equal to 06 A screw gauge gives the following
q 1 and q 2 = charges, r = distance
[NEET (Oct.) 2020] readings when used to measure
between charges
(a) 2.91 × 10−4 rad (b) 4.85 × 10−4 rad the diameter of a wire
and ε0 = permittivity of free space
(c) 4.80 × 10−6 rad (d) 1.75 × 10−2 rad 1 q 1q 2 Main scale reading : 0 mm
⇒ ε0 = ×
Ans. (a) 4 π r 2F Circular scale reading : 52 divisions
1 1 π
1 minute = degree = × rad Substituting the units forq , r and F, we Given that, 1 mm on main scale
60 60 180 obtain unit of ε0 corresponds to 100 divisions on
= 2.91 × 10 −4 rad coulomb × coulomb
= the circular scale. The diameter of
newton- (metre) 2
the wire from the above data is
02 The unit of thermal conductivity is : (coulomb) 2
[NEET (National) 2019] = (a) 0.52 cm [NEET 2021]
newton- (metre) 2
(a) J m −1 K −1 (b) 0.026 cm
04 The value of Planck’s constant in SI
(b) W m K −1 (c) 0.26 cm
(c) W m −1 K −1
unit is [CBSE AIPMT 2002]
(d) 0.052 cm
(d) J m K −1 (a) 6.63 × 10−31 J-s
(b) 6.63 × 10−30 kg - m / s Ans. (d)
Ans. (c) Given, the main scale reading, MSR = 0
(c) 6.63 × 10−32 kg - m2
The rate of heat flow through a The circular scale reading, CSR = 52
(d) 6.63 × 10−34 J - s
conductor of lengthL and area of divisions
cross-section A is given by Ans. (d) Now, we shall determine the least count
dQ ∆T The value of Planck’s constant is
= KA J/s or watt of the screw gauge,
dt L . × 10 −34 and J-s is unit of the Planck's
663 p
constant. LC =
where,K = coefficient of thermal n
conductivity and Here, p is the pitch of the screw,
∆T = change in temperature 05 In a particular system, the unit of
n is the number of circular divisions in
L dQ length, mass and time are chosen
⇒ K= one complete revolution.
A ∆T dt to be 10 cm, 10 g and 0.1 s 1
LC = mm
metre respectively. The unit of force in 100
∴Unit of K = × watt
(metre) 2 × kelvin this system will be equivalent to ⇒ LC = 0.01 mm
−1 −1
= Wm K [CBSE AIPMT 1994]
⇒ LC = 0.001 cm
(a) 0.1 N (b) 1 N (c) 10 N (d) 100 N
Thus, the least count of the screw gauge
03 The unit of permittivity of free Ans. (a) is 0.001 cm.
space, ε 0 is [CBSE AIPMT 2004] Force F = [MLT −2 ] Therefore, diameter of the wire of screw
(a) coulomb/newton-metre = (10 g) (10 cm) (0.1 s) −2 gauge,
(b) newton - metre 2 / coulomb 2 Changing these units into MKS system D = MSR + (CSR × LC)
(c) coulomb 2 /newton -metre 2 F = (10 −2 kg) (10 −1 m) (10 −1 s) −2 ⇒ D = 0 + ( 52 × 0.001)
(d) coulomb 2 / (newton - metre) 2 = 10−1 N = 0.1 N ⇒ D = 0.052 cm
07 Time intervals measured by a clock = 999
. − 0.0099 = 99801
. m MSR = 5 mm = 0.5 cm
give the following readings Taking significant figures into account, Number of coinciding divisions on the
as both the values has two significant circular scale, i.e. Vernier scale reading,
1.25 s, 1.24 s, 1.27 s, 1.21 s and 1.28 s. figures after decimal. VSR = 25
What is the percentage relative So, their difference will also have two Here, zero error = −0.004 cm
error of the observations? significant figures after decimal, Final reading obtained from the screw
[NEET (Oct.) 2020] i.e. 9.98 m. gauge is given as
(a) 2% (b) 4% (c) 16% (d) 1.6% Hence, correct option is (a). = MSR + VSR × LC − zero error
Ans. (d) Final reading from the screw gauge
Mean time interval
10 The main scale of a vernier calliper = 0.5 + 25 × 0.001 − (−0.004)
. + 124
125 . + 127 . + 121 . + 128. has n divisions/cm. n divisions of = 0.5 + 0.025 + 0.004
T = the vernier scale coincide with
5 = 0.5 + 0.029
. (n − 1) divisions of main scale. = 0.529 cm
⇒ = = 125
. s
5 The least count of the vernier Thus, the diameter of the ball is
Mean absolute error, callipers is [NEET (Odisha) 2019] 0.529 cm.
| ∆T1 | + | ∆T2 | + | ∆T3 | + | ∆T4 | + | ∆T5 | 1 1
∆T = (a) cm (b) cm
5 (n + 1) (n − 1) n 12 In an experiment, four quantities
⇒ 1 1 a ,b, c and d are measured with
. − 125
| 125 . | + | 125. − 124 . | + | 125
. − 1⋅.27 | (c) 2 cm (d) cm
n n (n + 1) percentage error 1%, 2%, 3% and
+ | 125
. − 121 . − 128
. | + | 125 . | 4% respectively. Quantity P is
= Ans. (c)
5 a 3 b2
0 + 0.01 + 0.02 + 0.04 + 0.03 As it is given that n divisions of vernier calculated P = %. Error in P is
⇒= scale coincide with (n − 1) divisions of cd
main scale i.e. [NEET 2013]
= = 0.02 s n(VSD) = (n − 1) MSD (a) 14% (b) 10%
(n − 1) (c) 7% (d) 4%
∆T ⇒ 1VSD = MSD …(i)
∴Percentage relative error = × 100 n Ans. (a)
0.02 The least count is the difference a 3b 2
= × 100 = 1.6% between one main scale division (MSD) As given, P =
1.25 cd
and one vernier scale division (VSD).
∴Least Count (LC) = 1MSD − 1VSD ∴ × 100
08 A screw gauge has least count of P
(n − 1)
= 1MSD − MSD [From Eq. (i)]  3∆a 2∆b ∆c ∆d 
0.01 mm and there are 50 divisions n = + + +  × 100
 a b c d 
(n − 1) 
=  1 −
in its circular scale. 1
 MSD = MSD =3
× 100 + 2
× 100 +
× 100
The pitch of the screw gauge is  n  n
a b c
[NEET (Sep.) 2020] 1
Here, 1MSD = cm ∆d
(a) 0.25 mm (b) 0.5 mm n + × 100
1 1 1 d
(c) 1.0 mm (d) 0.01 mm ⇒ LC = × cm = 2 cm
n n n =3× 1+ 2×2+ 3+ 4
Ans. (b) = 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 = 14%
Given, least count = 0.01 mm
11 A student measured the diameter
Number of divisions on circular scale
of a small steel ball using a screw 13 If the error in the measurement of
= 50 radius of a sphere is 2%, then the
gauge of least count 0.001 cm. The
Pitch of the screw gauge = least count × error in the determination of
number of divisions on circular scale main scale reading is 5 mm and
zero of circular scale division volume of the sphere will be
= 0.01 × 50 = 0.5 mm [CBSE AIPMT 2008]
Hence, correct option is (b). coincides with 25 divisions above (a) 4% (b) 6%
the reference level. If screw gauge (c) 8% (d) 2%
09 Taking into account of the has a zero error of −0.004 cm, the
Ans. (b)
significant figures, what is the value correct diameter of the ball is 4 3
of 9.99 m − 0.0099 m? [NEET 2018] Volume of a sphere, V = πr
[NEET (Sep.) 2020] (a) 0.053 cm (b) 0.525 cm
∆V 3 × ∆r
(a) 9.98 m (b) 9.980 m (c) 0.521 cm (d) 0.529 cm ∴ × 100 = × 100
V r
(c) 9.9 m (d) 9.9801 m Ans. (d) ∆r
Here × 100 = 2%
Ans. (a) Given, least count of screw gauge, r
The difference between 9.99 m and LC = 0.001 cm ∆V
∴ × 100 = 3 × 2% = 6%
0.0099 m is Main scale reading, V
N − 1
14 The density of a cube is measured LC =  1 −  MSD 19 If E and G respectively denote
by measuring its mass and length  N  energy and gravitational constant.
of its sides. If the maximum error in 1 0.1 1
= MSD = cm = cm E
the measurement of mass and N N 10N then has the dimensions of
length are 4% and 3% respectively, [NEET 2021]
17 A certain body weighs 22.42 g and
the maximum error in the (a) [M 2 ] [L − 1 ] [T 0 ] (b) [M] [L − 1 ] [T − 1 ]
has a measured volume of 4.7 cc.
measurement of density will be (c) [M] [L 0 ] [T 0 ] (d) [M 2 ] [L − 2 ] [T − 1 ]
[CBSE AIPMT 1996] The possible error in the
measurement of mass and volume Ans. (a)
(a) 7% (b) 9%
(c) 12% (d) 13% are 0.01 g and 0.1 cc. Then, The dimensions of energy
maximum error in the density will [E] = [F ] ⋅ [d]
Ans. (d)
be [CBSE AIPMT 1991] ⇒ [E] = [MLT −2 ] [L] ⇒ [E] = [ML2 T −2 ]
m m
As density ρ = = As we know that, the expression of
V l3 (a) 22% (b) 2% (c) 0.2% (d) 0.02%
gravitational force,
∆ρ  ∆m ∆l  Ans. (b) Fr 2
∴ × 100 = ±  + 3  × 100% GM M
F = 12 2 ⇒ G =
ρ  m l  Density =
r M1 M2
= ± (4 + 3 × 3) = ± 13% [F] [r 2 ] [MLT −2 ][L] 2
m ∴ [G] = ⇒ [G] =
V [M1 ] [M2 ] [M] [M]
15 The percentage errors in the ∆ρ ∆m ∆V ⇒ [G] = [M−1L3T −2 ]
measurement of mass and speed ∴ = +
ρ m V The dimensions of
are 2% and 3% respectively. The E [ML2 T −2 ] E 
Here, ∆m = 0.01, m = 22.42 = ⇒ = [M2 L−1T 0 ]
error in kinetic energy obtained by G [M−1L3T −2 ]  G 
∆V = 0.1,V = 4.7
measuring mass and speed, will be ∆ρ  0.01 0.1 
[CBSE AIPMT 1995] ∴ = +  × 100 = 2%
ρ  22.42 4.7  20 Dimensions of stress are
(a) 12% (b) 10% [NEET (Sep.) 2020]
(c) 8% (d) 2% (a) [ML2T − 2 ] (b) [ML0T − 2 ]
Ans. (c) (c) [ML−1T − 2 ] (d) [MLT − 2 ]
Kinetic energy K =
mv 2
Dimensions Ans. (c)
2 Force
∆K ∆m ∆v Q Stress =
∴ × 100 = × 100+ 2 × × 100 18 If force [F] , acceleration [a] and Area
K m v time [T] are chosen as the [MLT −2 ]
∆m ∴ Dimensions of stress =
Here, × 100 = 2% fundamental physical quantities. [L2 ]
m Find the dimensions of energy.
∆v = [ML−1T −2 ]
⇒ × 100 = 3% [NEET 2021]
Hence, correct option is (c).
v (a) [F] [a] [T] (b) [F] [a] [T 2]
∴ × 100 = 2% + 2 × 3% = 8% (c) [F] [a] [T − 1] (d) [F] [a − 1] [T] 21 A physical quantity of the
Ans. (b) dimensions of length that can be
16 In a vernier callipers N divisions of Given, fundamental physical quantities e2
are force [F], acceleration [a] and
formed out of c, G and is [c is
vernier scale coincide with N − 1 4πε 0
time [T].
divisions of main scale (in which velocity of light, G is universal
Now, we shall determine the dimensions
length of one division is 1 mm). The of the energy. constant of gravitation and e is
least count of the instrument Energy depends on force, acceleration charge] [NEET 2017]
should be [CBSE AIPMT 1994] and time as, 1  e2 
 e2 

(a) N (b) N − 1 [E] = [F ] a [a] b [T ] c (a) G 4 πε  (b) c 2 G 

1 1 c2  0   4πε 0 
(c) (d) ⇒ [ML T ] = [MLT –2 ] a [LT −2 ] b [T] c
2 –2
10N (N − 1) ⇒ [ML2 T −2 ] = [M]a [L]a + b [T]−2 a − 2 b + c 1  e2  1 e2
(c) (d) G
Ans. (c) Comparing the powers of M, L and T on c 2 G 4 πε 0  c 4 πε 0
As given N VSD = (N − 1) MSD both sides, we get
Ans. (a)
VSD = Vernier scale division a = 1,a + b = 2
e2 e2
and −2a − 2b + c = − 2 As force F = ⇒ = r 2 ⋅F
MSD = Main scale division ⇒ 1 + b = 2 ⇒ b = 1,
4πε0 r 2
N − 1
1 VSD =   MSD ⇒ −2(1) − 2(1) + c = − 2 ⇒ c = 2 Putting dimensions of r and F, we get,
 N 
The dimensions of the energy are  e2  3 −2
LC = least count = 1 MSD − 1 VSD ⇒   = [ML T ] ...(i)
[F 1 ][a] 1 [T ] 2 .  4πε0 
Gm2 Ans. (a) Ans. (b)
Also, force, F =
r2 Key Concept According to principle of As we know that,
[MLT −2 ] [L2 ] homogeneity of dimension states that, a Dimension of ε0 = [M−1L−3T 4A2 ]
⇒ [G] = physical quantity equation will be
[M2 ] Dimension of E = [MLT −3 A−1 ]
dimensionally correct, if the dimensions
So, dimension of
⇒ [G] = [M−1L3T −2 ] ...(ii) of all the terms occurring on both sides 1
of the equations are same. ε0 E 2 = [M−1L−3T 4 A2 ] × [MLT −3 A−1 ] 2
and  2  = 2 −2 = [L−2 T 2 ]
1 1 2
...(iii) Given critical velocity of liquid flowing
 c  [L T ] through a tube are expressed as
= [ML−1T −2 ]
Now, checking optionwise, v c ∝ ηnρy r z
1/2 27 If the dimensions of a physical
1  Ge 2  Coefficient of viscosity of liquid, quantity are given by[M a Lb T c],
=   = [L−2 T 2 ] [L6T −4 ] 1 / 2 = [L]
c 2  4 πε0  η = [ML −1 T −1 ] then the physical quantity will be
Density of liquid,ρ = [ML −3 ] [CBSE AIPMT 2009]
22 If energy (E), velocity (v) and time (T ) Radius of a tube r = [L] (a) pressure if a = 1, b = − 1, c = − 2
are chosen as the fundamental Critical velocity of liquidv c = [ML 0 T − 1 ] (b) velocity if a = 1, b = 0, c = − 1
quantities, the dimensional formula ⇒[M 0 L 1 T −1 ] = [ML − 1 T − 1 ] x [ML − 3 ] y [L] z (c) acceleration if a = 1, b = 1, c = − 2
of surface tension will be [M 0 L 1 T − 1 ] = [M x + y L − x − 3 y + z T − x ] (d) force if a = 0, b = − 1, c = − 2
Comparing exponents of M, L and L, Ans. (a)
(a) [E v −2 T −1 ] (b) [E v −1 T −2 ]
−2 −2 −2 −1 −3
we get (i) Dimensions of velocity = [M0L1T −1 ]
(c) [E v T ] (d) [E v T ] x + y = 0, − x − 3y + z = 1, − x = − 1 Here, a = 0, b = 1, c = − 1
Ans. (c) ⇒ z = − 1, x = 1, y = − 1 (ii) Dimensions of acceleration
We know that = [M0L1T −2 ]
Force [F] 24 If force (F ), velocity (v) and time (T ) Here, a = 0, b = 1, c = − 2
Surface tension (S ) =
Length [L] (iii) Dimensions of force = [M1L1T −2 ]
are taken as fundamental units, Here, a = 1, b = 1,T = − 2
[MLT −2 ] then the dimensions of mass are
So, [S] = = [ML0T −2 ] (iv) Dimensions of pressure = [M1L−1T −2 ]
[L] [CBSE AIPMT 2014]
∴ Here, a = 1, b = − 1, c = − 2
Energy (E) = Force × displacement (a) [FvT −1] (b) [FvT −2]
(c) [Fv −1T −1] (d) [Fv −1T ] ∴ The physical quantity is pressure.
⇒ [E] = [ML2 T -2 ]
displacement Ans. (d)
28 Which two of the following five
Velocity (v) = physical parameters have the same
time We know that
⇒ [v] = [LT −1 ] F = ma
dimensions? [CBSE AIPMT 2008]

As, S ∝ E a vb T c mv Ft (i) Energy density

⇒ F= ⇒ m=
where,a, b, c are constants. t v (ii) Refractive index
[F][T] −1 (iii) Dielectric constant
From the principle of homogeneity, [M] = = [Fv T]
[v] (iv) Young’s modulus
[LHS] = [RHS]
(v) Magnetic field
⇒ [ML0T −2 ] = [ML2 T −2 ] a [LT −1 ] b [T] c 25 The dimensions of (µ 0 ε 0 ) −1/2 are (a) (ii) and (iv) (b) (iii) and (v)
⇒ [ML0T −2 ] = [Ma L2 a + b T −2 a − b + c ] [CBSE AIPMT 2012] (c) (i) and (iv) (d) (i) and (v)
Equating the power on both sides, we get (a) [L1/ 2T −1/ 2] (b) [L−1T ] Ans. (c)
a = 1, 2a + b = 0, b = −2 (c) [LT −1] (d) [L1/ 2T 1/ 2] Energy E
⇒ − 2a − b + c = − 2 Energy density = ⇒ u=
Ans. (c) Volume V
⇒ c = (2a + b) − 2 = 0 − 2 = − 2 (µ 0 ε0 ) −1 / 2 is the expression for velocity Dimensions of E
Dimensions of u =
So [S] = [Ev T ] = [Ev T ]
-2 -2 –2 -2
of light. Dimensions of V
1 [ML2 T −2 ]
As = = [ML−1T −2 ]
23 If dimensions of critical velocity v c µ 0 ε0 [L3 ]
of a liquid flowing through a tube So, dimension of c = [LT −1 ] Refractive index is a dimensionless
are expressed as [ηx ρ y r z ], where quantity. Dielectric constant is a
1 dimensionless quantity.
η, ρ and r are the coefficient of 26 The dimensions of ε 0 E 2 , where ε 0
viscosity of liquid, density of liquid 2 Young’s modulus
is permittivity of free space and E is Longitudinal stress F /A
and radius of the tube respectively, = = = [ML−1T −2 ]
electric field, are Longitudinal strain ∆l /l
then the values of x, y and z are
[CBSE AIPMT 2010] Force F
given by [CBSE AIPMT 2015] Magnetic field = =
(a) [ML2T −2] (b) [ML−1T −2] Charge × Velocity qv
(a) 1, − 1, − 1 (b) − 1, − 1, 1 (c) [ML2T −1] (d) [MLT −1]
(c) − 1, − 1, − 1 [MLT −2 ]
(d) 1, 1, 1 = = [MT −2 A−1 ]
[AT] [LT −1 ]
29 Dimensions of resistance in an Ans. (a) (a) Linear momentum = Mass× velocity
electrical circuit, in terms of Energy carried by photon is given by or p = m × v = [M] [LT −1 ] = [MLT −1 ]
dimension of mass M, of length L, of E = hν (b) Angular momentum
timeT and of current I, would be E =Moment of inertia × angular velocity
⇒ h = Planck’s constant =
[CBSE AIPMT 2007] ν or L = I × ω = mr 2 ω [QI = mr 2 ]
(a) [ML2T −3I−1 ] (b) [ML2T −2 ] ∴ [h] =
[ML2 T –2 ]
= [ML2 –1
T ] ∴ [L] = [M] [L ] [T ] = [ML2 T −1 ]
2 −1

(c) [ML2T −1I−1 ] (d) [ML2T −3I−2 ] [T –1 ] (c) Energy [E] = [ML2 T –2 ]
Ans. (d) and I = moment of inertia = MR 2 (d) Power = Force × velocity
According to Ohm’s law, V ∝ I ⇒ [I] = [ML2 ] or P = F × v
and V = IR [h] [ML2 T –1 ]
Hence, = = [T –1 ] ∴ [P] = [MLT –2 ] [LT −1 ] = [ML2 T –3 ]
Potential difference [I] [ML2 ] Hence, option (b) is correct.
Resistance, R =
Current 1
= = dimension of frequency 34 A pair of physical quantities having
V W [T]
= = same dimensional formula is
i qi Alternative [CBSE AIPMT 2000]
Q Potential difference is equal  h E/ν (a) force and torque
  =
 to the work done per unit charge I I (b) work and energy
E × T (kg- m2 /s2 ) × s (c) force and impulse
So, dimensions of R = =
Dimensions of work I (kg- m2 ) (d) linear momentum and angular
= momentum
Dimensions of charge 1 1
= = = frequency
× Dimensions of current s time Ans. (b)
[ML2 T −2 ] h (a) Force = Mass × acceleration
= = [ML2 T −3I−2 ] Thus, dimensions of is same as that of
[IT][I] I or F = ma
frequency. = [M] [LT –2 ] = [MLT –2 ]
30 The velocity v of a particle at time t
b 32 The dimensions of universal Torque = Moment of inertia
is given by v = at + , where a, b gravitational constant are × angular acceleration
t +c
[CBSE AIPMT 2004, 1992] or τ = I × α = [ML2 ] [T –2 ] = [ML2 T –2 ]
and c are constants. The (a) [M−1L3T −2 ] (b) [ML2T −1 ]
dimensions of a ,b and c are (b) Work = Force × displacement
(c) [M−2L3T −2 ] (d) [M−2L2T −1 ]
respectively [CBSE AIPMT 2006]
or W = F × d = [MLT –2 ] [L] = [ML2 T –2 ]
Ans. (a) 1
(a) [LT –2], [L] and [ T ] Energy = × mass × (velocity) 2
According to Newton’s law of gravitation, 2
(b) [L2 ],[T ] and [LT 2 ] the force of attraction between two 1
(c) [LT 2 ], [LT] and [L] masses m1 and m2 separated by a or K = mv2 = [M] [LT –1 ] 2 = [ML2 T –2 ]
(d) [L], [LT] and [T 2 ] distance r is,
(c) Force as discussed above
Ans. (a) G m1 m2 Fr 2
F= 2
⇒ G= [F ] = [MLT –2 ]
The given expression is r m1 m2
b Impulse = Force × time-interval
v = at + Substituting the dimensions for the
t+c quantities on the right hand side, we ∴ [I] = [MLT –2 ] [T] = [MLT –1 ]
From principle of homogeneity obtain (d) Linear momentum = Mass × velocity
[a] [t] = [v] [MLT −2 ] [L2 ] or p = mv
[v] [LT –1 ] Dimensions of G = ∴ [p] = [M] [LT –1 ] = [MLT –1 ]
[a] = = = [LT –2 ] [M] 2
[t] [T] Angular momentum = Moment of inertia
= [M−1L3T −2 ]
Similarly, [c] = [t] = [T] × angular velocity
[b] 33 Planck’s constant has the [L] = [I] × [ω]
Further, = [v] or
[t + c] dimensions of [CBSE AIPMT 2001] ∴ [L] = [ML2 ] [T –1 ] = [ML2 T –1 ]
or [b] = [v] [t + c] (a) linear momentum Hence, we observe that choice (b) is
or [b] = [LT –1 ] [T] = [L] (b) angular momentum correct.
31 The ratio of the dimensions of (c) energy 35 The dimensional formula for
Planck’s constant and that of the (d) power magnetic flux is [CBSE AIPMT 1999]
moment of inertia is the dimension Ans. (b) (a) [ML2T –2A –1 ] (b) [ML3T –2A –2 ]
of [CBSE AIPMT 2005] E = hν (c) [M0L –2T 2A –2 ] (d) [ML2T –1A 2 ]
(a) frequency Energy ( E )
⇒ h = Planck’s constant = Ans. (a)
(b) velocity frequency (ν) Mathematically, magnetic flux
(c) angular momentum E [ML2 T −2 ]
∴ [h] = = = [ML2 T –1 ] φ = BA …(i)
(d) time
ν [T −1 ] but magnetic force
F = Bil or B = 39 Which of the following is a 42 If p represents radiation pressure, c
il represents speed of light and S
dimensional constant ?
Putting the value of B in Eq. (i), we have [CBSE AIPMT 1995] represents radiation energy
φ= A (a) Refractive index striking unit area per sec. The
il (b) Poisson’s ratio
[MLT –2 ] [L2 ]
non-zero integers x, y, z such that
Thus, dimensions of φ = (c) Relative density p x S y c z is dimensionless are
(d) Gravitational constant [CBSE AIPMT 1992]
= [ML2 T –2 A–1 ] (a) x = 1, y = 1, z = 1
Ans. (d)
A quantity which has dimensions and (b) x = − 1, y = 1, z = 1
36 The force F on a sphere of radius r (c) x = 1, y = − 1, z = 1
also has a constant value is called
moving in a medium with velocity v dimensional constant. (d) x = 1, y = 1, z = − 1
is given by F = 6π ηrv. The Here, gravitational constant (G) is a
Ans. (c)
dimensions of ηare dimensional constant.
Radiation pressure, p = [ML−1T −2 ]
(a) [ML–3 ] (b) [MLT –2 ] 40 Turpentine oil is flowing through a Velocity of light, c = [LT −1 ]
(c) [MT –1 ] (d) [ML–1T –1 ] tube of length l and radius r. The Energy striking unit area per second
Ans. (d) pressure difference between the [ML2 T −2 ]
S= = [MT −3 ]
Viscous force on a sphere of radius r is two ends of the tube is p. The [L2 T]
F = 6 π ηrv ⇒ η =
F viscosity of oil is given by Now, px S y c z is dimensionless.
6 πrv p (r 2 − x 2 ) ∴ [M0 L0 T 0 ] = px S y c z
[η] =
[F ]
[MLT –2 ]
=[ML–1T –1 ] 4vl or [M0L0T 0 ] = [M1L−1T −2 ] x [M1T −3 ] y [L1T −1 ] z
[r ] [v ] [L] [LT –1 ] where, v is the velocity of oil at or [M0L0T 0 ] = [M] x + y [L] − x + z [T] − 2 x − 3 y − z
distance x from the axis of the From principle of homogeneity of
37 Which of the following will have the tube. The dimensions of ηare dimensions
dimensions of time ? [CBSE AIPMT 1993] x + y =0 …(i)
(a) [M0L0T 0] (b) [MLT −1 ] − x + z =0 …(ii)
(a) LC (b) (c) (d) (c) [ML2T −2 ] (d) [ML−1T −1 ] − 2 x − 3y − z = 0 …(iii)
Ans. (d) Solving Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii), we get
Ans. (c) Pressure x = 1, y = − 1, z = 1
L Force [MLT −2 ]
is time constant of R-L circuit so, (p) = = = [ML−1T −2 ]
R 43 The dimensional formula for
Area [L2 ]
dimensions of is same as that of time. permeability of free space, µ 0 is
R Velocity, v = [LT −1 ] [CBSE AIPMT 1991]

Alternative From principle of homogeneity, the (a) [MLT −2A −2 ] (b) [ML−1T 2A −2 ]
Dimensions of L [ML2 T −2 A−2 ] dimensions of r 2 and x 2 are same. (c) [ML−1T −2A 2 ] (d) [MLT −2A −1 ]
= = [T] So, the dimensions of viscosity,
Dimensions of R [ML2 T −3 A−2 ] Ans. (a)
[ML−1T −2 ] [L2 ]
η= = [ML−1T −1 ] From Biot-Savart law
38 An equation is given as [LT −1 ] [L] µ Idl sinθ
dB = 0
 p + a  = b θ , where p = pressure, 4π r 2
 
 V2  V 41 The time dependence of physical Idl = current element
V = volume and θ = absolute quantity p is given by p = p 0 exp r = displacement vector
temperature. If a and b are (− αt 2 ), where α is a constant and t 4 πr 2 (d B) [L2 ] [MT −2 A−1 ]
µ0 = =
constants, then dimensions of a is the time. The constant α Idl sinθ [A] [L]
will be [CBSE AIPMT 1996] = [MLT −2 A−2 ]
(a) is dimensionless
(a) [ML5T −2 ] (b) [M−1L5T 2] (b) has dimensions [T −2] 44 The frequency of vibration f of a
(c) [ML−5T −1 ] (d) [ML5T] (c) has dimensions [T 2] mass m suspended from a spring of
Ans. (a) (d) has dimensions of p spring constant k is given by a
From principle of homogeneity of Ans. (b) relation of the type f = Cm x k y ,
dimensions. p = p0 exp (− αt 2 ) where C is a dimensionless
Dimensions of p = dimensions of 2 As powers of exponential quantity is constant. The values of x and y are
dimensionless, soαt 2 is dimensionless.
a 1 1 1 1
p = 2 ⇒ a = pV 2 or αt 2 = dimensionless = [M0L0T0 ] (a) x = , y = (b) x = − , y = −
V 1 1 2 2 2 2
= [ML−1T −2 ] [L3 ] 2 = [ML5 T −2 ] ∴ α= = = [T −2] 1 1 1 1
t 2 [T2] (c) x = , y = − (d) x = − , y =
2 2 2 2
Ans. (d) Ans. (a) Dimensions of force per unit area
As f = Cmx k y Torque τ = r × F Dimensions of force [MLT −2 ]
= =
∴ (Dimension of f ) = C (dimension of m) x Dimensions of τ = dimension of Dimensions of area [L2 ]
× (dimensions of k)
y r × dimension ofF
= [ML−1T −2 ]
[T ] = C [M] [MT −2 ] y
−1 x
…(i) = [L] [MLT −2 ] = [ML2 T −2 ]
Voltage × Charge/ Volume
 force 
 where, k =  48 If x = at + bt , where x is the
2 W
 length    × (it)
distance travelled by the body in q (W) [ML2 T −2 ]
Applying the principle of homogeneity of = 3
= 3 =
dimensions, we get kilometer while t is the time in l (l ) [L3 ]
1 second, then the unit of b is = [ML−1T −2 ]
x + y = 0, − 2 y = − 1 or y = [CBSE AIPMT 1989]
2 Angular momentum
1 (a) km/s (b) km-s (c) km/s 2 (d) km-s 2
∴ x=− = (r) (p) = (r) (mv) = [L] [M] [LT −1 ]
2 Ans. (c) = [ML2 T −1 ]
Ans.As x = at + bt 2 So, dimensions of angular momentum is
45 According to Newton, the viscous According to the concept of dimensional different from other three.
force acting between liquid layers of analysis and principle of homogeneity
∆v ∴ unit of x = unit of bt 2
51 The dimensional formula for
area A and velocity gradient is unit of x angular momentum is
∆z ∴ unit of b = = km /s 2
dv unit of t 2 [CBSE AIPMT 1988]
given byF = − ηA , where ηis 0 2
(a) [M L T ] −2
constant called [CBSE AIPMT 1990] 49 Dimensional formula of (b) [ML2T −1 ]
self-inductance is [CBSE AIPMT 1989] (c) [MLT −1 ]
(a) [ML−2T −2 ]
(a) [MLT −2A −2 ] (b) [ML2T −1A −2 ]
(b) [M0L0T 0 ] (d) [ML2T −2 ]
(c) [ML2T −2A −2 ] (d) [ML2T −2A −1 ]
(c) [ML2T −2 ] Ans. (b)
Ans. (c)
(d) [ML−1T −1 ] Angular momentum
As we know that emf induced in the
Ans. (d) inductors is given by L = r × p = r × mv
As F = − η A
⇒ η=−
F di edt W dt ∴ Dimensional formula for angular
e =L ⇒ L= = ⋅
dz  dv  dt di q di
A 
 dz  = [L] [M] [LT −1 ] = [ML2 T −1 ]
[ML2 T −2 ] [T]
= = [ML2 T −2A −2 ]
As F = [MLT −2 ], A = [L2 ] [AT] [A] 52 IfC andR denote capacitance and
dv = [LT −1 ],dz = [L] resistance respectively, then the
[MLT −2 ] [L] 50 Of the following quantities, which dimensional formula of CR is
∴ η= 2 = [ML−1T −1 ] [CBSE AIPMT 1988]
[L ] [LT −1 ] one has dimensions different from
the remaining three? (a) [M0L0T ] (b) [M0L0T 0 ]
0 0 −1
46 The dimensional formula of [CBSE AIPMT 1989] (c) [M L T ]
pressure is [CBSE AIPMT 1990] (a) Energy per unit volume (d) Not expressible in terms of [MLT]
(a) [MLT −2 ] (b) [ML−1T 2 ] (b) Force per unit area Ans. (a)
(c) [ML−1T −2 ] (d) [MLT −2 ] (c) Product of voltage and charge per q q q 2 (i t) 2 [AT] 2
unit volume QC = = = = =
Ans. (c) V W W F ⋅ x [ML2 T −2 ]
(d) Angular momentum
Force F [MLT−2] q
Pressure = = = Ans. (d) V W
Area A [L2] = [ M−1 L−2 T 4 A2 ] and R = =
−1 −2 Dimensions of energy per unit volume i qi
= [ML T ]
Dimensions of energy F ⋅ x [ML2 T −2 ] 2 −3 −2
= = 2 = = [ML T A ]
47 The dimensional formula of torque Dimensions of volume i t [AT][A]
is [CBSE AIPMT 1989]
[ML2 T −2 ] ∴ Dimensional formula of CR
(a) [ML2T −2 ] (b) [MLT −2 ] = = [ML−1T −2 ]
[L3 ] = [M−1L−2 T 4 A2 ] [ML2 T −3 A−2 ] = [M0L0T ]
(c) [ML−1T −2 ] (d)[ML−2T −2 ]

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