Activity Writing Template

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This template is designed to help you plan and share peace education activities in CISV programmes. Please
fill in the information below, as it applies.

1. The Basics

Programme(s) Age range

Content Area Theme

Type of activity: (i.e. icebreaker, running game, simulation, debrief, etc.)

Educational goals and indicators: Please specify which programme goals and indicators the activity is designed to

2. Materials and Background Preparation

Origin of activity: Did you create this activity? If not, please identify the source of this activity.*

Materials: List the materials needed for the activity.

Time: How much time is needed to prepare and run the activity.

Tips for facilitators: Provide any tips or suggestions to help others run this activity. Include any lessons learned or

*By submitting this activity to CISV International, permission is granted to alter, publish, and use by CISV
International and for use within its programmes.

3. Quality Assurance and Child Protection Policy

All CISV activities must comply with the quality standards set by the Educational Programmes Committee
and the R-07 Behavior Policy and Child Protection Policy set by the Training and Quality Assurance
Committee. When planning and delivering activities within CISV programmes, it is your responsibility to
consider what is safe, appropriate and relevant for CISV participants based upon our policies and
educational principles and goals.

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4. The Activity

CISV programmes are designed to help participants develop new attitudes, skills, and knowledge (ASK). In
CISV, participants learn from experience and we recommend using the experiential learning cycle as a guide
to planning and delivering activities. An activity can support one or up to all four phases of the experiential
learning cycle.

The Experiential Learning Cycle:

 Do: Facilitate an experience that illustrates the goal; this could be lecture, discussion, reading,
singing, role play, etc.

 Reflect: Facilitate an experience for participants to reflect on an experience.

 Generalize: Facilitate an experience that helps participants develop new ASKs.

 Apply: Facilitate an experience to practice new ASKs and put them into action.

Activity name:

Learning objective: What is the purpose and/or expected learning outcomes for participants from this activity.

Time Instructions Materials

i.e. 5 minutes Separate participants into pairs and give the following Blindfolds

Blindfold your partner and wait for further instructions

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