3 - EVS - The Food We Eat - Notes, VL (2) and Assignment

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Ch – 3 The Food We Eat

2. Body – building food – You must have grown taller and stronger from what you were at the age of three.
Body – building food promotes growth and help in repair of our wounds. Food items such as milk, eggs,
cheese, fish, beans, nuts, pulses, and meat are examples of body – building food. The material needed by the
body to repair the injured parts is obtained from these food items.

3. Protective Food - Eating protective food items prevent us from falling sick often. Green leafy vegetables
and fruits are called protective food. Milk and milk products are also examples of protective foods.
It is important to take all these types of food everyday in right amounts.

Balanced diet: It contains all the necessary food items in the right amount for keeping our body healthy. Our
daily diet should include food from all the groups in proper amounts. This is called balanced diet.

Refer the given link: https://youtu.be/XoZull3PfAg

Healthy food habits: https://youtu.be/g8bAwh2GNvw

 Wash your hands properly before and after eating your meals.
 Never eat uncovered food.
 Fruits and vegetables should be washed before consuming.
 Drink plenty of water to remain healthy.

Different types
of food

Energy – giving food – Body – building food – Protective food – Food

Food items that provide us Food items that help us in items that protect us from
energy to do work. eg. growing. eg. Ghee, milk, various diseases. eg. Green
Milk, eggs, meat, rice, cheese, pulses etc. vegetables, fruits etc
butter etc.

Balanced Diet – It
consists of food from
all food groups.

Ex A. Complete the sentences:

1. Food helps our body to grow and repair the parts of our body that are hurt or weak.
2. The more physical work we do, the _____________________.
3. Protective food items prevent us from falling sick often.
4. Always wash vegetables before ______________________.

Ex B. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a balanced diet?

Ans. A balanced diet contains all the necessary food items in the right amount for keeping our body healthy and fit.

2. How is cooking useful?

Ans. a. Cooking makes food softer and easier to digest.
b. It also improves the taste and smell of food.
c. It also kills harmful germs.

3. Mention any three healthy eating habits.


Ex C. Give two examples of each of the following:

a. Energy giving Food - ____________________, milk

b. Body building Food - Cheese, ______________________

c. Protective Food - ______________________, fruits

Ex D. Draw and colour two :

a. Energy – giving food

b. Body – building food

c. Protective food

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