30-60-90 Day Template
30-60-90 Day Template
30-60-90 Day Template
Setting effective goals will help you align your team’s work, set expectations, and
ultimately create a guide for one-on-one meetings and performance conversations.
When onboarding a new employee, a 30-60-90 day plan empowers hiring managers
to set clear expectations, benchmark performance, and ensure new hires deliver value
within their first few months. It also gives managers an incentive to do right by their
employees and set them up for success.
Keep in mind each time period will have three types of goals:
• Performance Goals: Realistic, quantifiable, and focused goals that show they’re
doing what you agree is expected.
• Learning Goals: Goals around what they’ll need to learn in order to hit goals for this
• Stretch Goals: Goals that give them an above-and-beyond target for when they
want to exceed expectations. Aim high!
On the following page, you’ll find a 30-60-90 day worksheet you can use to help guide
your new hire’s plan.
30-60-90 Day Plan Template Page 1 of 2
30 Days 60 Days 90 Days
(Evaluation deadline date) (Evaluation deadline date) (Evaluation deadline date)
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What your new employee will need to How your employee will begin digging The ways your employee will be
learn/evaluate in this early time period. into their new role and start proactive to take on new initiatives and
contributing projects that’ll help them stand out.
Performance Goals