POM 2 Marks
POM 2 Marks
POM 2 Marks
1. What are the functions of a manager? (AU- November/December 2016)
Managers have five basics functions. Those functions are;
directing, and
Managers must plan, or narrow goals from their broadest to most intricate form. They must
organize and create a structure for daily tasks and communication. They must hire and fire
people in various positions. They must serve as a directing influence on staff behavior and
morale. They must also have control over all of the aspects of the company.
Subject Name: Principles of Management
Subject Name: Principles of Management
Interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across
national frontiers.
It helps to promote economies of the country.
11.Define organisation.
12.Levels of management.
1. Top management
2. Middle management
3. Supervisory management
13.Objectives of management.
1. Organisational objectives
2. Personal objectives
3. Social objectives
14.Need of management.
15.What is theory z?
Theory z describes the major postulates of Japanese management practices and how
these practices can be adopted to the environment of united states and other countries. It is
just to denote the state of affairs in organization and human behaviour as has been done in
the cases of theories X and Y.
16.Assumptions of theory X
1. Employees inherently dislike work and whenever possible will attempt to avoid it.
2. Since employees dislike work they must be coerced, controlled or threatened with
3. punishment to achieve goals.
4. Employees will avoid responsibilities and seek formal direction whenever
17.Assumptions of theory y
1. Employees can view work as being as natural as rest or play.
2. People will exercise self direction and self control if they are committed to the
3. The average person can learn to accept, even seek, responsibility.
18.Basic concepts of management.
1. Management as a process
2. Management as an activity
3. Management as a group
4. Management as a discipline
Subject Name: Principles of Management
According to Knootz and O’Donnell, “ Essentially managing is the art of doing and
management is the body of knowledge that underlies the art”.
1. What is meant by policies? (AU- ND 2016)
Policies and procedures are designed to influence and determine all major decisions
and actions, and all activities take place within the boundaries set by them.
A set of policies are principles, rules, and guidelines formulated or adopted by an
organization to reach its long-term goals and typically published in a booklet or other
form that is widely accessible.
Subject Name: Principles of Management
Subject Name: Principles of Management
Subject Name: Principles of Management
According to Mary Nites, “Decision Making takes place in adopting the objectives and
choosing the means and again when a change in the situation creates a necessity for
Individual Group
Decision making made by single person Two or more than two persons take part in
only. decision making.
1. 1. Define” Departmentation”. (AU- ND 2016)
Grouping of activities into departments is the necessary part of the process of setting up
organisation, whenever enterprise expands beyond the size that cannot be effectively
managed by one person. Departments and levels emerge from the grouping of activities.
Subject Name: Principles of Management
Subject Name: Principles of Management
Span of control is defined as the number of subordinates a supervisor has. Effective span
control has the following:
Geographical dispersion
Capability of workers
Capability of boss
Subject Name: Principles of Management
6. Departmentalization
7. Chain of command
8. Unity of Command
15. Define Delegation.
According to Louis A. Allen,”Delegation is the dynamics of management. It is the process a
manager follows in dividing the work assigned to him so that he performs that performs
that part which only he can perform effectively, and so that he can get others to help him
with what remains.”
16. Define Span of Control.
According to Dimock, “Span of control is the number or range of direct, habitual
communication contacts between the Chief Executive of an enterprise and his principle
fellow officers”.
17. Define Performance Appraisal.
According to Mondy, “Performance Appraisal is a system of review and evaluation of an
individual’s performance”.
18. Define Staffing.
According to Mc Farland, “Staffing is the function by which managers build an
organization through recruitment, selection, and development of individuals as capable of
individuals as capable employees”
19. Differentiate Recruitment and Selection.
Recruitment Selection
Positive process. Negative process.
Subject Name: Principles of Management
Physiological needs
Safety needs
Social belonging
Subject Name: Principles of Management
Subject Name: Principles of Management
not flexible.
Subject Name: Principles of Management
The core values are hold intensely and The core values are not shared widely
shared widely in the organization. hence, that reduces the commitment level of
the employees.
Strong Culture has high level of behavioral Weak culture has low level of behavioral
control. control.
Organization with strong culture have high Organization with weak culture have low
performance rate. performance rate.
1. What are the uses of computers in management control? (AU- ND 2016)
The use of computers for management controls poses an entirely new set of requirements
on the system designers. Tied into automating information processing is the question of an
adequate understanding of the control problem itself.
Subject Name: Principles of Management
Subject Name: Principles of Management
Subject Name: Principles of Management