Slides - 18 - CH 19 - Power (Ac)
Slides - 18 - CH 19 - Power (Ac)
Slides - 18 - CH 19 - Power (Ac)
The discussion about power in the previous chapters only included the average
power delivered to ac network.
We will examine the total power equation and introduce two additional types
of power: apparent power and reactive power.
The power at any instant is always defined as:
When v and i are sinusoidal:
Three terms:
1- Average power: independent of time
2- The other two terms: vary at a frequency of
Peak values having similar format:
( and )
the total power delivered to a resistor will be dissipated in the form of heat.
The power returned to the source is represented by the portion of the curve
below the axis, which is zero in this case.
The power p1 dissipated by the resistor at time t1 can be found by simply
substituting the time t1 into the equation of the power, as indicated in Fig. 19.3.
The average (real) power is VI:
The energy dissipated by the resistor WR over any period of time t is:
Over one cycle: area above the horizontal axis = The area below the axis
power delivered to inductor = power returned by inductor
The net flow of power to the pure (ideal) inductor is zero over a full cycle, and no
energy is lost in the transaction.
The peak value of the power curve ( ) is defined as the reactive power.
Apparent power:
Average power:
The energy stored by the inductor during half-cycle is:
Over one cycle: area above the horizontal axis = The area below the axis
power delivered to Capacitor = power returned by Capacitor
The net flow of power to the pure (ideal) capacitor is zero over a full cycle, and no
energy is lost in the transaction.
The reactive power associated with the capacitor is again the peak value of PC curve
Apparent power:
Average power:
The energy stored by the capacitor during the positive half-cycle is:
The three quantities average power, apparent power, and reactive power can be
related in the vector domain by:
1. Find the real power and reactive power for each branch of the circuit.
2. The total real power of the system (PT ) is then the sum of the average power
delivered to each branch.
3. The total reactive power (QT ) is the difference between the reactive power of
the inductive loads and that of the capacitive loads.
Since the line voltage of a system is fixed the apparent power is related to the
current level
The process of introducing reactive element to bring the power factor closer to unity
is called power-factor correction.
Most loads are inductive the process involve introducing capacitive elements.
In the two circuits the Inductive load receive the same current in both cases:
there is no difference for the load.