Is 9385 2 1980
Is 9385 2 1980
Is 9385 2 1980
’I ‘1
UDC 621.316.923.027.3
. <I
Gr 7 Novmbet 1980
ES :9385(PartIf)-1980
Indian Standard
( Gontinutd 011page 2 )
@ Copyright 1980
This publication is protected under the ‘Indian Copvrlght Act (XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS :938s(Parm)-1980
( Contim4cdffom pDsr1)
0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part II ) was adopted by the Indian Standards
Institution on 16 January 1980, after the draft finalized by the High Voltage
Switchgear and Controlgear Sectional Committee had been approved by
the Electrotechnical Division Council.
0.2 Three classes of high voltage fuses are in general use, .the expulsion,
liquid and high rupturing capacity cartridge types. The most common appli-
cation is on distribution systems up to 33 kV, while the liquid and cart-
ridge type fuses are ~available for use on systems up to 132 kV, and used
largely for protecting voltage transformers.
0.3 This standard ( Part II ) forms part of a series of specifications on high
voltage fuses and hence shall be used in conjunction with the other parts.
Requirements and tests for all types of high voltage current limiting fuses
for use outdoors and indoors and covered in Part I of this series. It is
intended to cover in a subsequent part suitable guidelines for the application
of high voltage current limiting fuses, expulsion fuses and similar fuses.
0.4 This standard ( Part II ) supersedes IS : 5792-1970*. In addition to
updating the provisions, stipulated in the earlier version, in respect of insu-
lation levels, details of test methods, etc, this standard aligns in presentation
with the series of international standards on HV fuses.
0.5 As compared to earlier practices, this standard specifies two levels
( Level 1 and Level 2 ) of severity of impulse withstand voltages. Specific
guidelines on the applicability and choice of these values are provided in
Part III of this standard.
0.6 In the preparation of this standard ( Part II ) considerable assistance
has been derived from, IEC Pub 282-2 ( 1970 ) ‘High voltage fuses : Part II
Expulsion and similar fuses’ published by the International Electrotechnical
0.7 In order to facilitate comparison with the international standards and
for ease of reference, the Committee has decided to add in the form of an
Appendix, the major differences between this Indian Standard and -the
corresponding IEC Publication (s) ( see Appendix A ).
0.8 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this
standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing
the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded ofYin accordance with
IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
1.1 This standard ( Part II ) applies to high voltage expulsion fuses and
similar fuses; in which the arc is extinguished by the expulsion effect of the
gases produced by the arc, designed for use outdoors or indoors on alternat-
ing current systems of 50 Hz of rated voltages exceeding l 000 V.
1.2 The classes of fuses covered by this standard are specified in 3.
1.3 Fuses designed for the protection of single capacitor units within
multi-unit capacitor banks may have to conform to additional requirements
other than those specified in this standard ( see IS : 9402-1980t ).
1.4 Fuses complying to this standard are to be operated-under the normal
conditions of service as detailed in Appendix A of Part I of this standard.
2.0 For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions in addition
to those given in IS : 1885 ( Part XVII )-1969: shall apply.
2.1.2 Pre-arcing Time ( Melting Time ) - The time between the commence-
ment of a current large enough to cause a break in the fuse-elements and
the in&nt when an arc is initiated.
*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ).
+Specification for high voltage fuses for external protection of shunt power
$Elcctrotechnical vocabulary : Part XVII Switchgear and controlgear.
NOTE 2 - The values of the Joule integral usually stated for fuse-links are : pre-arcing
Joule integral and operating Joule integral extended over the pre-arcing time and the
operating time respectively.
2.1.6 Virtual Time - The value of the Joule integral divided by the square
of the value of the prospective current.
NOTE-The values of virtual times usually stated for a fuse-link are the values of
pm-arcing time and operating time.
2.1.8 Recovery Voltage -The voltage which appears across the terminals
of a pole of a switching device after the breaking of the~current.
NOTE-This voltage may be considered in two successive intervals of time, one
during which a transient recovery voltage exists, followed by a second oneduring
which the power-frequency recovery voltage (see ) alone exists.
2.2.2 Fuse-Base ( Fuse-Mount ) - The fixed part of a fuse provided with
terminals for connection to the external circuit. The fuse-base comprises
all the parts necessary for insulation ( see Fig. 1 ).
2.2.3 Fuse-Base Contact ( Fuse-Mount Contact ) - A conducting part of
a fuse-base, connected to a terminal and intended to engage with a fuse
carrier contact or with a fuse-link contact (see Fig. 1).
2.2.4 Fuse-Carrier - The movable part of a fuse designed to carry the
fuse-link. The fuse-carrier does not include the fuse-link (see Fig. 1 ).
2.2.5 Fuse-Carrier Contact - A conducting part of a fuse-carrier con-
nected to a fuse-link contact and intended to engage with a fuse-base
contact ( see Fig. 1).
IA (-Class I Fuse)
Is :-9305~( PartIt) - 1900
I B ( Class2 Fuse )
3.1 Expulsion and similar fuses are divided into two classes as given
3.1.1 Class 1 -Fuses of class 1 are generally characterised by :
a) insulation level or dielectric properties equal to that of discon-
b) higher breaking capacities than class 2 fuses, and
c) Higher maximum rated currents than class 2 fuses.
3.1.2 Class 2 - Fuses of class 2 are generally characterised by :
a) Insulation level or dielectric properties less than that of discon-
nectors, and
b) use of replaceable fuse-links.
NOTE - Specific information as to the selection of fuse-clasr are provided in Part III
of thia specification.
Is :938!5(PartII)-1980
4.02 Characteristics
a) Characteristics of the fuse
1) Temperature-rise limits (4.6 ) ; and
2) Class ( 3.1).
b) Characteristics of the fuse-link
1) Time/current characteristics ( 4.7 ); and
2) Class ( 3.1).
4.1 Rated Voltage - A voltage used in the designation of the fuse-base or
fuse-link from which the test conditions are determined.
NOTE -This rated voltage is equal to the highest voltage for the equipment.
4.1.1 The rated voltage shall be selected from the following values :
3.6, 72, 12, 24, 36, 72.5, and 145 kV.
These correspond to highest system voltage.
4.2 Rated Current of the Fuse-Base -The current assigned to a fusebase
that a new clean fuse:base will carry continuously without exceeding
specified temperature-rises when equipped with a fuse-link of the same
current-rating designed to be’ use in the particular fuse-base connected to
the circuit with certain specified conductor sizes and lengths, at an ambient
temperature of not more than 40°C.
The standard values of the rated current in amperes of the fuse-base
are :
50, 100, 200 and 400 A.
4.3 Rated Current in Amperes and Rated Breaking Current of the Fuse&ink
in Kiloamperes - The current assigned to the fuse-link that a new clean
fuse-link will carry continuously without exceeding specified temperature-
rises when mounted on a fuse-base specified by the manufacturers and
connected to the circuit with specified conductor sizes and lengths at an
ambient temperature not exceeding 40°C.
The rated breaking current is the value of the breaking capacity
specified for a fuse.
4.3.1 The rated current and the rated breaking current shall be selected
from the RlO series (see IS : 1076-1966.).
4.4 Rated Frequency - The frequency for which the fuse has been designed
and to which the values of the other characteristics correspond. Standard
value of rated frequency is 50 Hz.
*Preferred numbers (first revision).
IS :9385(PartII)-2980
NOTE 1 -If the manufacturer uses other materials than those indicated above,
such as nickel, cadmium, etc, the properties of these materials shall be taken into
NOTE 2 - Providing it does not cause damage to surrounding parts.
NOTE3 -The temperature shall not reach such a value that the elasticity of the
metal is changed.
NOTE 4 -Limited only by the requirement not to cause any damage to surrounding
5.0 General -When used in systems with voltages less than the rated
voltage of the fuse, the breaking capacity in kiloamperes in not less than the
rated breaking capacity.
No tests have been specified to prove the performance of the fuse in
the range of currents below that specified in the breaking tests in 7.5 with
I!s :!I385 (PartII)-l!Jm
the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that
standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and quality control which is
devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the producer. IS1 marked products
are also continuously checked by IS1 for conformity to that standard as a further
safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the IS1 Cerdiication
Mark may be granted to manufacturers or processors, may be obtained from *he Indian
Standards Institution.
7.0 The general conditions for tests as specified in 6.0 of Part I of this
standard shall apply.
b) at the rated withstand voltage to earth and between poles for the
test condition ( b ) of 7.3.2 if isolating properties are not assigned
to the fuse-base; and
c) at the rated withstand voltage across the isolating distance for the
test condition (b) of 7.3.2 if isolating properties are assigned to
the fusebase.
The fuse shall be considered to have passed the test successfully if the
number of disruptive discharges to earth, between poles or between
terminals on self-restoring insulation, does not exceed two for each test
condition and if no disruptive discharge on non-self-restoring insulation
The fuse shall be capable of passing the specified tests with ~voltages
of both positive and negative polarity, but where there is evidence as to
which polarity will give the lower breakdown voltage, it shall suffice to test
that polarity only.
7.3.6 Power-Frequency Voltage Dry Tests - Fuses shall be subjected to
one-minute power-frequency voltage dry tests, as specified in IS : 2071
(Part II)-1974*.
The test circuit ( transformer with voltage regulating device ) shall
have a short-circuit current of at least O-2 A. It is permissible to check the
magnitude of the current at approximately one-tenth of the specified
The values for the rated one-minute power-frequency withstand
voltage tests are specified in Table 1 of Part I of this standard. The tests
shall be made at the following values:
a) At the rated withstand voltage. to earth and between poles for all
the test conditions (a) of 7.3.2;
b) At the rated withstand voltage to earth and between poles for
the test condition (b) of 7.3.2 is isolating properties are not
assigned to the fuse-base; and
c) At the rated withstand voltage across the isolating distance for the
test condition (b) of 7.3.2 if isolating properties are assigned to
to the fuse-base.
If flashover or puncture occurs, the fuse shall be considered to have
failed the test.
7.3.7 Power-Frequency ~WetTests - Outdoor type fuses shall be subjected
to power-frequency voltage wet tests under the same conditions as
specified in 7.3.6 except for the duration which is 1 minute. However, if a
disruptive discharge on external self-restoring insulation occurs, this test
-*Methods of high voltage testing : Part II Test procedures (Jirst reuision).
shall be repeated with the same test conditions and the fuse shall be
considered to have passed this test successfully if no further disruptive
discharge occurs.
During these tests, the fuses shall be subjected to artificial rain at an
angle of 45” to the vertical the test procedure being in accordance with
IS : 2071 ( Part I)-1974*.
7.4 Temperature-Rise Tests
7.4.1 Test Practices Test sample - All components of the fuse being tested shall be
as specified by the manufacturer.
The fuse-link shall be of the highest current-rating for use in the
fuse-base. Arrangements of the equipment - The test shall be made in a
closed room substantially free from air currents except those generated by
heat from the device being tested.
The fuse shall be mounted in the most unfavourable position within
the directions specified by the manufacturer and connected to the test
circuit by bare copper conductors as follows : each conductor shall be
approximately 1 m long, mounted in a place parallel to the mounting
surface of the fuse but they may be in any direction this plane. The sizes
of the leads shall be given in Table 2.
NOTE- Depending on the value of the test currents aluminium conductors of
appropriate sizes in the place of bare copper conductors may also be used, for the pur-
poses of temperature-rise tests. For details of standard cross-sections of aluminium
conductors, JCCTables 4 and 7 of IS : 9224 ( Part I)-1979t.
*Methods of high voltage testing : Part 1 General definitions and tat requirements
(JrJI revision ) .
tspecification for low voltage fusea : Part I General requirements.
Is :9385 (PartlI)-1980
Q? ____-_------
36 Clrcult Dlagram for Test Series 4 and 5
On both sides of the fuse under test, a metal screen connected to earth
shall be placed at a distance from the fuse equal to one half of the pole
spacing specified by the manufacturer. In addition, a metal screen or
screens connected to earth shall be placed in a path or paths of discharge
at a distance specified by the manufacturer. The connection between the
screens and earth shall be made by a resistor and a fine-wire to detect any
current to earth.
The fine-wire fuse shall consist of a wire, approximately 0.1 mm in
diameter, of copper-nickel alloy of a resistivity of approximately 40~ n/cm,
and shall be approximately 100 mm in length, freely stretched in space. The
resistor in series with the fine-wire fuse shall have a value such that the
current set up in it when flashover occurs is approximately 10 A.
7.5.2 Test Procedure Calibration of the test circuit - The fuse or the fuse-link under
test shall be replaced by~a link of negligible impedance compared with that
of the test circuit, as shown in Fig. 3A and 3B.
The circuit shall be adjusted to give the specified prospective current.
This shall be verified by an oscillographic record. Test method - The link A is removed and replaced by the
fuse or the fuse-link B under test.
The making switch E is closed at such an instant as to ~provide
the conditions specified in Tables 3 and 4.
After the fuse has operated, the test voltage shall be maintained across
the fuse for the following periods:
Drop-out fuses O-5 seconds
Non-drop-out fuses 15 seconds
NOTE - During this period, the power frequ-ency may be lower than the specified
minimum value.
1i 1
1 i
IS :9385(PartII)-1980
_ I Min
I I I I------l I I
2i2 111
Number of tests and
.- 3 3 2 ,I 2
a Number of fuse-links to be tested for
eacH fuse-carrier and 3 3 4 2 4
NOTE 1 -If the test involves an oper at; ing time appreciably higher than 2 seconds, the test shall be made with a higher current to obtain an operating time of
approximately 2 seconds.
NOTE 2 - If the values are lower than those of series 5, test series 5 need not be made.
NOTE 3 - It is expected that service natural frequencies and amplitude factors will usuallv not exceed the soecified values. For suecial casrs. see Part III of this standard.
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
( Clause 0.7 )
A-l. This standard ( Part II) makes the following major deviations from
the IEC Publication referred to in 0.6 [ The clause numbers given refer to
those in this standard ( Part 11) 1.
Clause 4.1.1 - For the purposes of this standard, only these rated voltages
applicable to Indian system conditions are recognized. These values are
those chosen from those indicated as Series I in IEC Publication.
Clause 4.4- Fuses covered by this standard are intended for rated fre-
~quency of 50 Hz. For guidance on fuses for 60 Hz, reference shall be
made to the IEC Publication referred to in 0.6.
Clause - Use of aluminium conductors is recommended for con-
~ducting temperature rise test, with guidance on the appropriate sizes for
the same.