Timer Relay Is.5834.3.1981

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IS 5834-3 (1981): electrical timber relays industrial

purposes, Part 3: Electronic [ETD 35: Power Systems Relays]

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IS : 5834 ( Part III ) - 1981
( Reaffirmed 1999 )
Indian Standard


( First Reprint AUGUST 1993 )

UDC 621’318’562’7 : 621’318’57

0 Copyright 1982


NEW DELHI-110002

Gr 3 April IS82
IS : 5834 ( Part III ) - 1981

Indian Standard

Relays Sectional Committee, ETDC 35

Chairman Representing
SHRI N. NATH English Electric Co of India Ltd, Madras

( Alternate to
-Shri H. Nath ) .
SHRIR. D. BATRA Hindustan Steel Ltd, Ranchi
SHRI K. G. BAWA Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking, New Delhi
DEPUW DIRECTOR ( PSI/T1 ) Railway Board, New Delhi
( ELECj-C2 1 ( Alfernate )
SHRIA. P. D~AND~ Maharashtra State Electricity Board, Bombay
SHRIN. A. Jam ( Alternate )
DIRECTOR ( CIP ) Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi
SHIUK. L. GARG Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals
( Inspection Wing )
SHRIA. GUPTA ( Alternate )
SHRIS. GOVINDAPPA Kamataka Electricity Board, Bangalore
SHRI R. K. GUPTA Directorate General of Technical Development,
New Delhi
SHRID. P. GUPTA ( Alternate )
SHRI N. N. KAE~~A Haryana State Electricity Board, Chandigarh
SHRI J. C. JUNEIA ( Alternate )
SHRIV. S. KAUSHIKKAR Larsen dr Toubro Ltd, Bombay
SHRIK. S. MADHAVAN Hindustan Brown Boveri Ltd, Vadodam
SHRI P. U. BOUT ( Alternate )

( Continued on page 2 )

@ Copyright 1982
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infrigement cf copyright under the said Act.
Is : 5834 (PadIn) - 1981

( Continued from page I )

Members Representing
SHRIE. J. MAHABL~WALLA Bombay Electric Supply & Transport Undertaking,
Sam S. G. KARADKAR( Alternate)
SHIUG. K. MALAVIYA Universal Electrics Ltd, 24 Parganas
SHRI C. GH~.% ( Alternate )
SHRIB. C. MUKHERJEE National Test House, Calcutta
SHRI D. P. MUKHER~EE( Alternate )
SHRI NACHHAT~ERSINQH Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Hyderabad
SHRI J. S. NEGI Jyoti Ltd, Vadddara
DR K. K. THAKKAR( Alternate )
SHRI B. S. PALKI ASEA Electric India Pvt Ltd, Bombay
SHRI A. SHAH ( Alternate )
SHRIA. K. RAM University of Roorkee, Roorkee
Smu A. M. SAIINI Tata Hydro-Electric Power Supply CO Ltd,
SHRI V. S. DORAI ( Alternate )
SHRI B. S. SHAUMA U. P. State Electricity Board, Lucknow
SHRI G. N. THADANI Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi
Srrru M. K. DAS ( Alternate )
SHRIR. VENKATARAMAN Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Madras
SHRI A. P. RAMASWAMY ( Alternate )
DR R. P. WADHWA National Physical Laboratory ( CSIR ), New
SHRI K. C. CHHABRA( Afternate )
SHRIS. P. SACHDEV, Director General, IS1 ( Ex-officio Member )
Director ( Elec tech)
Deputy Director ( Elec tech ), IS1

Relays for Industrial Purposes Subcommittee, ETDC 35 : 1

SHRI I. C. JOSEPH Larsen & Toubro Ltd, Bombay
SHR~E. BAMJI M. N. Dastur & Co Pvt Ltd, Calcutta
Smu D. K. BASU Tata Consulting Engineers, Calcutta
SHRI V. S. DORAI ( Alternate )
Srw P. K. BOSB Westinghouse Saxby Farmer Pvt Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI S. GH~~H ( Alternate )
( ELECTRICAL)-Cl RDSO ( Alternate )

( Continued on page 12)

IS : 5834 ( Part III) - 1981

Indian Standard


0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part III ) was adopted by the Indian Standards
Institution on 29 September 1981, after the draft finalized by the Relays
Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division

0.2 Electrical timer relays for industrial purposes are now being exten-
sively used in various industries for different controls. A number of industrial
relays for such purposes are now being manufactured indigenously in India.

0.3 This standard ( Part III ) covers electronic time delay relays for industrial
purposes. Other types of relays in this series are covered in the following
IS : 5834 ( Part I ) - 1973 Electrical timer relays for industrial
purposes : Part I Pneumatic
IS : 5834 ( Part II ) - 1973 Electrical timer relays for industrial
purposes : Part II Motorized
0.4 The electronic time delay relays are used for industrial applications
such as motor control panels, process operations, machine tools, plastic
moulding machines, textile machinery and sugar plants.
0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this
standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing
the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2 - 1960*.
The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be
the. same as that of the specified value in this standard.

*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ).

IS : 5834 ( Part III ) - 1981

1.1 This standard ( Part III ) covers electronic time delay relays for
providing adjustable time delay to control various types ofindustrial circuits
of nominal voltage not exceeding 650 V.

2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given in IS : 1885
( Part IX )-1966*, in addition to the following shall apply.
2.1 Time-Delay Relay - A relay whose operation or resetting is intention-
ally time-delayed. The time delay of the relay may be fixed or adjustable.
2.2 Time Delay Contact - A contact intended to be used for controlling an
external circuit and operated by the time-delay relay.
2.3 Instantaneous Contact - A contact working in conjunction with the
relay and actuated without any intentional time delay and serving to control
operation of other device(s) ( see also 8.1 of IS : 3231 - 1965t ).
2.4 Initial Condition - The specified condition which the relay leaves in
order to complete its designated function in a given contact circuit.
NOTE- The specification of the initial condition should take into account the
energizingquantities including their values, contact circuits, etc.
2.5 Operated Condition- The condition of a relay as long as the designated
function is completed in a given contact circuit.

2.6 Rated Voltage - The value of the voltage upon which the performance
of the relay is based. For polyphase circuits, it is stated as the voltage
between phases.
2.7 R&d Current - The value of current upon which the performance Of
the relay is based. It is stated by the manufacturer and takes into account
the rated voltage and frequency.
2.8 Rated Power Consumption - The power absorbed by the circuits of the
relay expressed in volt-amperes at rated voltage, rated current and rated
2.9 Rated Frequency of Operations - The number of cycles of operation
which a relay can perform per hour under specified conditions to make and
break successfully under specified conditions without significant damage to
the contact.
*Electrotechnical vocabulary : Part IX Electrical relays.
tSpecification for electrical relays for power system protection.

IS : 5834 ( Part lII ) - 1981

2.10 Recovery Time - It is the minimum time between two successive

operations such that the repeat accuracy is maintained.
2.11 Rated Makiig Capacity - The maximum current which the time-delay
contact is able to make successfully under specifW conditions without signi-
ficant damage to the contact after the specified number of operations.
2.12 Rated Breaking Capacity - The maximum current which the time-
delay contact is able to break successfully under specified conditions
without significant damage to the contact after the specified number of
2.13 On-Delay ( Delay on Pick-Up ) - ‘ On-Delay’ signifies that the
specified time of the time-delay relay is initiated upon energization or
closing of an initiating contact.
2.14 Off-Delay ( Delay on Drop-Off ) - ‘ Off-Delay’ sign%es that the
specified time of the time-delay is initiated upon de-energization or on
opening of an initiating contact.
2.15 Tie-Delay - ‘ Time-Delay ’ is the time interval between the instant
of energization ( for the ‘ On-Delay ’ relay ) or de-energization ( for the
‘ Off-Delay ’ relay ) of the relay and the actuation of the time-delay
2.16 Setting Accuracy - The setting accuracy of the time-delay relay is
defined as:

Setting accuracy = To T
- TN x 100 percent
( in percentage of set value )
To = operating time, and
TB = setting time.
2.17 Repeat Aceoracy - The repeat accuracy of a time-delay relay is one
half of the variation between the maximum and minimum observed operating
times at any particular setting, divided by the mean of all the observed
operating times and the quotient multiplied by 100 and expressed in terms of
plus or minus percentage.
Mathematically it is expressed as:

Repeat accuracy = l/2 ( PI - Tz )

c --ii
IS : 5834 ( Part III ) - 1981

TI = maximum operating time in seconds,

T2 = minimum operating time in seconds,
T’ = actual operating time in seconds for each operation, and
n = number of operations.
2.18 Type Tests - Tests carried out to prove conformity with the require-
ments of this specification. These are intended to prove general quality and
design of a given type of relay.
2.19 Routine Tests - Tests carried out on each relay to check requirements
likely to vary during production.


3.1 Enclosure
3.1.1 The relay may be housed in an enclosure or provided with a cover,
so as to prevent the ingress of dust and moisture.
3.1.2 The cover of the protective enclosure, if provided, shall be so secured
to its base that it shall not be accidentally loosened or detached owing to
effects of operation of the relay. Also it should be so secured that it is not
possible to open it without the use of tools unless suitable means are provided
to prevent accidental contact with live parts.
3.1.3 The enclosure, if metallic, shall be so constructed that, unless marked
to the contrary, it may be earthed.

3.2 Terminals

3.2.1 Terminal connections shall be such that conductors may be connected

by means of screws or other suitable means so as to ensure that the
necessary contact pressure is maintained permanently.

3.3 Means of Time-Delay Setting - Where the time delay is intended to

be adjustable, the relay shall be provided with simple means for adjusting
the time delay of the relay. Any time adjustment means requiring rotary
motion shall be so designed that the time interval increases with clockwrse
direction and decreases with anti-clockwise direction.
3.4 Timing chambers shall be completely enclosed to prevent ingress of dust
and moisture.


4.1 Rated Voltages - The rated voltage of the relay shall be one of the
following values:
For ac - 110, 240 and 415 volts.
For dc- 24, 48, 110 and 220 volts.
NOTE- Preferable dc supply should not have a ripple content more than 3 percent
Peak value - dc component x 1oo
where percentage ripple = __
dc component
4.2 Preferred Rated Continuous Current of the Contact - The manufacturer
shall state the rated continuous current, which shall preferably be chosen
from the following:
1, 1.25, 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 3.15, 4, 5, 6.3, 8 amperes their decimal
multiples and sub-multiples.
4.3 Time-Setting Range - The time-setting range of the relay shall be stated
by the manufacturer.
4.4 Resetting Time - The resetting time of the relay shall be stated by the
4.5 Recovery Time - The recovery time of the relay shall be stated by the
4.6 Rated Frequency - The rated frequency shall be the standard frequency
of 50 Hz.
4.7 Rated Making and Breaking Capiicrtiea- The manufacturer shall state
the rated making and breaking capacities of the relay contacts.
4.8 Rated Frequency of Operations -The rated frequency of operations shall
preferably be choosen from the following:
6, 30, 120,600, 1200, 1800, 3 600,7 200, 12 000, 18 000, 36 000,72 000
operations per hour.
4.9 Electrical Endurance Test - The relays shall be capable of operating at
the rated frequency of operations and under the specified making and the
breaking capacities for the number of operations stated by the manufacturer.
4.10 Limits of Temperature Rise - The insulated winding of the relay
( where used ) shall not exceed the temperature rise limits specified in
Table 2 of IS : 5834 ( Part I j-1973* where measured by variation of
resistance over a reference ambient temperature of 40°C.

*Specification for electrical timer relays for industrial purposes : Part I Pneumatic.



5.1 The relay shall operate satisfactorilywithin the setting accuracy, where
declared by the manufacturer at the rated voltage, rated frequency and at the
reference temperature.

5.2 The declared repeat accuracy of the relay operating time at rated voltage,
at rated frequency and at reference temperature shall be within the limits
claimed by the manufacturer.

5.3 The percentage change in the set operating time under the following
conditions shall not exceed the limits declared by the manufacturer:
a) Change in supply voltage - 20 to + 10 percent of rated
b) Change in supply frequency - f 5 percent of rated frequency.
c) Change in ambient temperature - -5 to 45°C.


6.1 Unless otherwise stated, the relays shall be suitable for use under the
serviceconditions specified in IS : 3231-1965*. 3


7.1 The following information shall be marked distinctly and permanently

on every relay preferably in position where it is visible when the relay is

4 &efeence
to this Indian Standard, that is Ref IS 5834 ( Part III >

V Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark, type designation or serial

number of relay;

c) Rated setting range;

d) Rated voltage;
e) Rated frequency; and

*Specificationfor electricalrelays for power system protection.

tspecification for electrical timer relays for industrial purposes : Part II Motorized.

7.2The relay may also be marked with the Standard Mark.
NOTE- The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of
Iadian Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard
Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been
produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of
inspection, testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated
by the producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for
conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a
licence. for the use of the Standard Mark may bo granted to manufacturers or producers may
be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.

8.0Tests are classified into two classes, namely, type tests and routine tests
as in 8.0.1 and 8.0.2.

Type Tests - The following shall comprise type tests :

a) Temperature-rise test ( 8.1),
b) Verification of rated making and breaking capacities ( 8.2 ),
c) Electrical endurance test ( 8.3 ),
d) Verification of limits of operation ( 8.4 >,
e) Verification of resetting time ( 8.5 ),
f) Dielectric test ( 8.6 ),
g) Impluse voltage test ( optional ) ( 8.7 ),
h) High frequency disturbance test ( 8.8 ),
j) Insulation resistance test ( 8.9 ),
k) Setting accuracy test ( 8.10 ), and
m) Repeat accuracy test ( 8.11).

8.0.2 Routine Tests - The following shall comprise routine tests:

a) Verification of limits of operation ( 8.4 ),
b) Dielectric test ( 8.6 ), and
c) Setting accuracy test ( 8.10 ).

8.1 Temperature-Rise Test - The temperature-rise test shall be carried out

in accordance with 4.10 of IS : 5834 ( Part I ) - 1973*.

*Specificationfor electrical timer relays for industrial purposes : Part I Pneumatic.


8.2 Verification of Rated Making and Breaihg Capacities

8.2.1 These tests are meant to verify that the relay contacts are capable of
making and breaking the rated currents for a minimum number of operations
as specified in IS : 3231-1965*. When practicable, tests for making and
breaking capacities may be combined.
8.2.2 The tests shall be carried out with ac or dc with ohmicand inductive
loads in accordance with Table 10 of IS : 3231-1965* and for the specised
rated making and breaking capacities.
8.2.3 Test Circuit - The power supply used for verification of rated and
breaking capacities shall have adequate capacity.
The test circuit may consist of either a motor or air-cored reactors in
series with resistors. Resistance and reactance of the test circuit shall be
adjustable to satisfy the conditions given in 8.2.2. Test conditions -The tolerance on the test conditions shall be

as follows:
a) Frequently of operation &5 percent
b) Control circuit voltage f2 percent

8.3 Electrical Endurance Test - The test shall be conducted for the number
of operations claimed by the manufacturer at the specified frequency of
operations. The test circuit conditions shall be as that mentioned in 8.2.3
and During the test, the routine maintenance instructions recom-
mended by manufacturer shall be carried out. The relay should be con-
‘sidered to have passed the test if it meets the stipulations of IS : 3231-
8.4 Verification of Limits of Operations - It shall be vertied that the relay
contacts open and close satisfactorily at any value between 85 and 110 percent
of rated voltage.
8.5 Verification of Resetting Time - The time taken by the relay to return
to its initial condition from its operated condition by sudden removal of the
characteristic quantity shall be determined. This shall not be more than the
value declared by the manufacturer.
8.6 Dielectric Test - The dielectric test shall be carried out as specified in
IS : 3231-1965*.

‘Specification for electrical relays for power system protection.

IS : 5834 ( Part III ) - 1981

8.7 Impulse Voltage Test

8.7.1 This test shall be carried out subject to agreement between the
manufacturer and the user. The test is performed to determine the effects of
high voltage surges on the relay.
8.7.2 The requirements and method of impulse voltage test shall be in
accordance with 5.1 of IS : S&36-1977*.
8.8 High Frequency Disturbance Test
8.8.1 This test shall be regarded as type test and carried out when agreed to
between the manufacturer and the user.
8.8.2 The requirements and method-of test of high frequency disturbance
test shall be in accordance with 5.2 of iS : 8686-1977*.

8.9 Insulation Resistance T&t

8.9.1 The insulation resistance of the relay shall be measured after the
application of 500 V dc between the terminals of each winding and the metal
case or aluminium foil enclosing the insulated body.
8.9.2 The insulation resistance of the relay so measured shall not be less
than 10 megohm.
8.10 Setting Accuracy Test - The relay shall be set at the maximum of the
setting range over which the manufacturer declares the setting accuracy or
any other setting agreed to between the manufacturer and the user, and shall
be operated 5 times under the conditions given in 5.1. The time delay shall
be measured for each operation. The setting accuracy shall be determined in
accordance with 2.17. In each case, it shall be within the limits declared by
the manufacturer.
8.11 Repeat Accuracy Test - Relay shall be set at four diEerent settings,
that is minimum operating time, maximum operating time and two inter-
mediate positions, covering the entire setting range and shall be operated 20
times under the conditions given in 5.2. The time delay shall be measured
for each operation. The repeat accuracy should be determined in accordance
with 2.18. It shall be within the limits declared by the manufacturer.

*Specificationfor static protective relays.

IS : 5834 ( Part III ) - 1981

( Continuedfrom page 2 )

Members Representing
SHRXS. N. GHOSH Siemens India Ltd, Bombay
SHRI N. NATH English Electric Co of India Ltd, Madras
SHRI B. S. PALKI ASEA Electric India Pvt Ltd, Bombay
SHRI ATUL SHAH ( Alternate )
SHRI V. RAMABHADRAN Bhartiya-Curler Hammer Ltd, Bailabgarh
( Haryana )
SHRI M. RANGA~HAI Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd, Bangalore
SHRI A. K. BANERJEB( Alternate )
SHRI B. M. RAO Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd, Sindri
SHRI P. B. K. RAO Bharat Heavy Electric& Ltd, Hyderabad
SHIU G. P. ~&TAL ( dternute I)
SHRIU, K. BHAROAVA( Alternate II )


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Southern : C. I. 1. Campus, MADRAS 600113 41 25 19
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Branch Olflces:
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AH MEDABAD 380001 [ 26349
SPeenya Industrial Area, 1 st Stage, Bangalore Tumkur Road 38 49 55
BANG’ALORE 560058 [ 38 49 56
Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, 1.1. Nagar, 66716
BHOPAL 462003
Plot NQ. 82/83, Lowis Road, BHUBANESHWAR 761002 63627
5315, Ward No. 29, R. 6. Barua Road, 5th Byelane, 33177
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TRIVANDRUM 695035 [ 621 17
Inspection Oflee (With Sale Point) :
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PUNE 411005
*Sales Offk8 in Calcutta IB at 5 Chowrlnahao Approach, P.O. PrlncW 27 66 00
Street, Calcutta 700072
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bangalore 560002
IS 5834 ( Part 3 ) : 1981 SPECIFICATION FOR

( Page 4, clause 2.0 ) - Substitute ‘IS 1885 ( Part 9 ) : 1986’ /or ‘IS 1885
(Part IX) -1966’.
( Page 4, foot-note ) - Substitute ‘Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part 9
Electrical relays ( /irst revision )’ for ‘Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part IX
Electrical relays’.
(Page 5, clause 2.17, seve&r line) -&place as follows:
(Tt - T2)
Repeat accuracy 3: x 100 percent
2T’ .._+.._..,--.
( Page 8, clause 53 ) - Replace as follows:
‘The percentage change in the set operating time under the following conditions
shall not exceed the limits declared by the manufacturer.

a) Change in supply -15 percent + 10 percent of rated

voltage voltage 1
b) Change in supply &5 percent of rated frequency

c) Change in ambient - 5Oc to 45OC’

[ Page 8, douse 7.1 (a), fifih line ]_-- Delete ‘t’ mark.
(Page 8, foor-note marked with ‘t’ ) - Delete.
( Page 9, clause 72 ) - Substitute the following for the existing:
‘7.2 The relay may also be marked with’standard Mark.

RcprognphyUnit, BIS, New Delhi,India
NO. 2 APRIL 1994
IS 5834 ( Part 3 > : 1981 SPECIFICATION FOR

[ Poq~, 5, clwsc 2.17, servnth line ( see cllso Amendment No. 1 )] -

Replace ‘RcpeaI accuracy’ equation as follows:

TI - T2
Repeat alc’uracy = -~
2 c _$

III place 01
T1 - T2
Repeat accxraq = ? T1
L A-.-
(Prrgc 8. clause 5.3 j - Replace as follows:
‘The preccntage change in the set operating time under the following conditions
shall not rs~ed the limits declared by the manufacturer:
a) Change in supply voltage - 15 percent to +lO percent of rated voltage
in place 01
Changr in supply voltage - 15 percent to +lO percent of rated voltage
(Ptrgc ‘). clu~rse 7.2 ) - Substitute the following for the existing:
‘7.2 BIS (‘crtiticiation hlarking
7.2.1 The relay may also be marked with Standard Mark.
The use 01’ the Standard MarK is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of
Indian Stanclards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
The detaila of conditions under which the licence for the use of Standard Mark
may be gr;cnted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau
of Indian Standards.’

(ETD35 )
ReprographyUnit. BIS, New Delhi, India

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