Is 7816 1975
Is 7816 1975
Is 7816 1975
Spu C. E. BHA~KARCiao (Alternate
_ to Shri J. S. Zaveri)
S&+ APPuKwrrAN Fact Engineering and Design organization,
ASSISTANT DIRECXORELE~~ICAL Naval Headquarters, New Delhi
,,$E.g~c/l W~4
Guest, Keen, Williams Ltd, Bombay
S&r A. S. ABHYANKAR(Alternate)
Sm A. S. BENDRE Hindustar. Brown Boveri Ltd, Bombay
SHRI Y. D. DOSAJ (Alternate)
SW G. R. BHATIA Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals
(Inspection Wing), New Delhi
SKRI J. S. PASSI(Alternate)
SHRI. C. S. BIJLANI Walchandnagar Industries Ltd, Walchandnagar
SHRI K. S. CWTTERJEE Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Hardwar
SHRI R. K. AGGARWAL (Alternate)
DR B. G. DESM, Jyoti Limited, Baroda
SHRI P. L. PRADHAN(Alternate)
DIRRcTOR (HED-1) Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi
DR S. K. GUPTA Research and Development Organization for
Electrical Industry, Bhopal
DR A. K. GoswAMy Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Bhopal
SHRI A. S. R. SHASTRI(Altcmate)
JOINT DIRECTOR STANDARDS Railway Board @finistry of Railways)
:SHRI T(eR”z;z;;-II) (Ahnate)
Siemens India Ltd, Bombay
S&u i. L. NARAYANAN(Alternate)
SHRI B. MUKHOPADHYYA National Test House, Calcutta
SHR~D. N. UPADHYAYA (Alternate)
Q Copyright 1976
~hii publication is protected under the Zndiun Copyright Act (XIV of 1957) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with etten mn of the
: publisher shall be deemed to be an infringemant of copyright under the said Act.
MdSlS RcfJfesenting
Smu J. R. hfAE.tJAN ‘I
&uK.N.WAMY Diie~;t;e~l of Technical Development,
SI33U--RA Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking, New Delhi
SERI P. mu (Alkmatu)
Bharat Heavy Blcctricals Ltd, Hyderabad
Sni N. S&~WAN, Director General ISI (Ex-qdscioMe&r)
Dinxtor (Elec tech)
Deputy Director (Elec tech), IS1
Smu K. S. RAO (Alknmk to
Shri K. S.. Chattajcc)
Bharat Heavy Blectricals Ltd, Bhopal
ZL..~.v~~- Jyoti Limited, Baroda
Siemens India Ltd, Bombay
National Tat House, Calcutta
Bhant Heavy Bkctricab Ltd, Hydrnbrcl
IQ : 7m - 1@75
8.1 This IndianStandard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 15 October 1975, after the draft finalized by the Rotating Machinery
Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechmcal Division
0.2 This guide describes characteristics of insulation resistance of windings,
the manner in which these characteristics may serve to indicate the condition
of the winding and the testing procedure for obtaining insuIation resistance
0.3 This standard has been prepared with a view to achieving the following
0.4 This standard is not intended to be applied for routine or type testing
for insulation resistance of rotating machines but to bring out the various
factors influencing the insulation resistance of a machine and to help in the
correct assessment of the condition of the insulation whenever this infaLtion
is required. It is, therefore, expected to assist both the manufactuzcr 4
the user to verie the condition of the insulation of the machine.
05 In the preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived %wn
IEEE Code No. 43 ‘Recommended guide for testing insulation r&stance &
rotating machinery’ issued by Institutionof Electrical and Ekctztmim
Errgineers, USA.
IS : 7816 - 1975
0.6 In reporting the result of a test made in accordance with this standard
if the final value, observed or calculated, is to be rounded off, it shall be
done in accordance with IS : 2-1960*.
1.1 This guide lays down method for the measurement of insulation
resistance of armature and field windings of all types and voltages of rotating
electrical machines rated 1 MW and above.
1.2 This standard also recommends minimum values of insulation resistance
of windings of ac and dc rotating machines.
2.1 For the purpose of this standard, in addition to the definitions given in
IS : 1835 (Part XXXV)-1973t the following definition shall apply.
2.1.1 Polarization. Index - It is the ratio of the IO-minute insulation
resistance value to the l-minute resistance value.
3.1 Insulation resistance is the term generally used to describe the quotient
of the applied voltage between the windings and frame or between open
windings divided by the current at some given time measured from the start
of electrification ; thus references to terms like ‘one-minute’ or ‘ten-minute’
insulation resistance have been made in this guide.
NOTE 1 -Before commencing the insulation resistance test, the continuity of the
winding shall be checked.
NOTE 2 -‘The current which results from the applied direct voltage consiits of two
parts; that which flows in leakage paths over the surface of the insulation and that which
flows within the volume of the insulation. The current which flows within the volume of
the insulation may be further subdivided as follows:
The capacitance charging current is of comparatively high magnitude and short
duration. Usually the charging current has effectively disappeared by the time
the first readings are taken, and does not affect the measurements.
The absorption current decays at a decreasing rate from a comparatively high
initial value to zero. The resistance-time relationship is a power function which
may be plotted on log-log graph paper as a straight line. Usually the resistance
measured in the first few minutes of a test is largely determined by the absorption
The conduction current, which, with the surface leakage current, is practically
steady with time. These currents predominate after the absorption current has
become insignificant.
NOTE 3 - The discharge current which flows after the removal of the impressed voltage
in a suitable discharge circuit consists of following two parts:
IS : 7816 - 1975
vapour dspaited on creepage surfaces, lowers the insulation resistance.
The carbon dust is particularly important in the case of machines having
commutators or slip rings or both as these machines have relatively large
exposed creepage surfaces. on insulation surfaces which is ordinarily non-conducting
when dry may, when exposed to moisture, become partially conducting and
lower the insulation resistance. If the insulation resistance is reduced because of &nation
or excessive surface moisture, it may usually be boaught up to its proper
value, where no defect exists, by cleaning and drying to remove the moisture.
4.2 Effect of Moisture
4.2.1Regardless of the cleanliness of the winding surface, if the winding
temperature is at or below the dew point of the ambient air, a moisture film
forms on the insulation surface and lowers the insulation resistance. The
effect is more pronounced if the surface is contaminated. It is important
to make resistance measurements when the winding temperature is above the
dew point.
42.2 Many types of winding insulation are hygroscopic and moisture
may be drawn into the body of the insulation from the humid ambient air.
Absorbed moisture has a large effect on the insulation resistance. Machines
in service are usually at a temperature high enough to keep the insulation
corn aratively dry. Machines out of service may be heated to keep the
win C!ing temperature at least 5°C above the dew point.
4.2.3 If the machine is out of service for a long time, it is likely to absorb
moisture. Drying out operation in accordance with 8.41 of IS : 900-1965*
shall, therefore, be carried out before the machine may be put into operation
if the insulation resistance value and the values of polarization index are low.
Figure 1 illustrates a typical example of the values of insulation resistance
for 10 minutes and 1 minute during drying process.
4.2.4 When’tests are to be made on a machine that has been in service,
the tests should be made before the machine winding temperature drops to
room temperature. The opportunity should b: taken to test at several
temperatures to establish the applicable temperature coefficient (see 4.3.4).
43 E&ct of Temperature
4.3.1When polarization index is used to determine the insulation condi-
tion the effect of temperature is usually small enough to be disregarded and
it is not necessary to make a temperature correction. The effect of tempera-
tures on oolarization index is small if the machine temoerature
I does not
change b&ween the l- and IO-minute readings.
43.2 Insulation resistance of most of the insulating materials varies
inversely with temperature.
*Code of practice for insulationand maintenanceof induction ndoti (rwW).
0 20 CO 60 60 100 120
Initial Winding Temperature 2532
Final Winding Temperature 75%
NOTE- The polarization index values in the figures relates to IO-minuta to
1 -minute insulation resistance values.
resistance and a linear scale for temperature, test points should approximate
a straight line which indicates the 40°C value. For a similar condition,
KW for any temperature may be determined from such a plot by inversion
of formula given in 43.3.
433 The value of the temperature coefficient of insulation resistance is
also dependent on the class of insulation system used (see IS : 1271-1958*).
43.6 An approximate value for the temperature coefficient xpy be
obtained by using Fii. 2 which is based on doubling of insulation resistance
for each 18°C reduotion in temperature (above dew point).
18: 7616-1975
4.52 The polarization index is the ratio of the lo-minute resistance value
to the 1-minute resistance value. The polarization index may be considered
as a means of expressing the shape of the characteristic curve. (AM4.5.1.1 and
Fig. 1 and 3) in terms of a single numerical quantity, since a rising curve
tends to increase the index and a flat curve tends to lower it. The polariza-
tion index is useful in the appraisal of the winding for dryness and for fitness
IS: 7816.197!I -
5.1 The insulation surface shall be clean and dry if the measurement is to
provide information on the condition within the insulation as distinguished
from the surface condition. Surface cleanliness is of great importance when
tests are made in humid weather.
5.2 The winding temperature should be a few degrees above dew point to
avoid condensation of moisture on the winding insulation. It is also
important that comparison of insulation resistances of machixie windings
shall be made at 40°C. (For converting insulation resistance values to this
temperature ste 4.3 and Fig. 2.)
5.3 It may not be necessary that the machine should be at standstill when
insulation resistance tests are made.
!L5.1 It is often desirable to make insulation resistance measurements
when the rotating winding is subject to centrifugal forces similar to those
occurring in service.
5.3.2 In case of generators, it is practical to make periodic insulation
resistance measurements while machines are rotating on short-circuit dryout.
5.3.3 Usually, machines are at standstill during measurement of insulation
resistance. Whenever this is not the case, precautions should be taken to
avoid damage to equipment or injury to personnel. Historical test records
of a given machine should indicate any special test condition.
I8 : 7816- 1975
IS : 7816 - 1975
7.8 It is essential that the output voltage of any direct current source shall be
very steady to prevent fluctuation in the charging current due to the capa-
citance of the machine winding. When a high-voltage dc test set is supplied
by an ac source, this source should, if necessary, be regulated to provide a
non-fluctuating supply to the dc test set.
7.7 Where protective resistors are used in test instruments, their effect on the
magnitude of the voltage applied to the insulation under test should be taken
into account. The voltage drop in the resistors may be an appreciable
percentage of the instrument voltage when measuring a low insulation
7.8 To compare with previous and future test, the same voltage should be
applied by the same method so that uniform test conditions permit a proper
comparison of results.
7.9 The measurement of insulation resistance of direct water cooled windings
of large turbo-generator machines is given in Appendix B.
8.4 A 4 le insulation resistance measurement at one particular voltage
does not’@!!.Idicate whether foreign matter is concentrated or distributed
throughout the winding.
8.5 Plasma Index
8.5,# Typical insulation resistance versus time characteristics are shown
by F@. 1 and 3, illustrating behaviour of insulation under diffi
condi*ons. The curves illustrate the significance of polarization index.
Polarization index is usually not affected by temperature when the
machine temperature is not changing rapidly (see 4.5).
8.53 Depending upon the winding condition, insulation class, and ma-
chine type, values of 1 to 7 have been obtained for the polarization index.
Class B insulation usually has a higher polarization index than that of a Class
A insulation. Moisture or conducting dust on a winding lowers the pola-
rization index. When high voltage ac machines have end windings, which
are tregted with semi-conducting material for corona elimination purposes,
the pal rization index may be somewhat lower than that of a similar machine
which 1)s untreated.
&&9 If the polarization index is reduced because of dirt or excessive
moisture, it may be brought up to proper value if no defects exist by cleaning
and drying to remove moisture. When drying insulation, the polarization
index may be used to indicate when the drying process may be terminated
(see Fig. 1).
B.2 The recommendedminimum value of polarizationindex, IR~~ZRw
for ac and dc rotating machines is 1.5 for Class A insulation +UDS, 2-O
for Class B insulation systems and 1.75 for Class E insulation systems
(.a~ IS : 1271-1958*).
NCJTE-The recommended minimum value of pola&a&n index, IR,,-JZRa,-
abotild be 1.3 for all classezof insulation system of rotating maebines.
93.4 It should be noted that in practice machines with insulation
tance readings 10 to 100 times the minimum recommended value
obtained from the formula (se 9.3) are not uncommon.
IS I 7816 - 1675
A-l.1 The insulation resistance may he calculated from reading of a volt-
meter using the dc source of the winding itself (see Fig. 5).
41 uvz
V V-
d 4
‘= =
R=RY uv -1)
4, 4-Gi
R insulation resistance of the winding in ohms,
Rv == resistance of voltmeter in ohms,
voltage measured across the winding terminals in voits,
voltage of one polarity of winding to earth in volts, and
voltage of the other polarity of winding to earth in volts.
A-2.1 The test is carried out by running the machine at rated speed to deve-
lop the rated voltage across armature. The machine is open circuited a.nd
the voltage across armature terminals, that is, between posrtive and negative
with respect to earth, is measured.
(Czuuse 7.9)
B-1. Presence of water in the hollow conductors and the connecting hoses
and headers of large turbo-generators gives rise to erroneous values of the
insulation resistance .if measured in the normal way. Normally the water
supply and ret& headers housed within the machine are mounted on insula-
tors and the pipe &nnections are brought out of the generator casing through
insulators. This enables measurement of insulation resistance of dry wind-
ings in fairly accurate manner. However, once outside pipe connection for
supply of distillate to the winding are made and distillate is under circulation
then the insulation resistance of the windings is largely influenced by the
resistivity of the distillate and the parallel connections of the unearthed
windings with the earthed windings (while measuring insulation resistance).
Hence for the measurement of insulation resistance of direct water cooled
windings, the following procedure shall be followed.
a) The insulation resistance of the windings shall be measured before
connecting the external water supply connections. In case these
connections are already made and water is circulated in the windings,
then before measuring the insulation resistance, such connection &all
be removed and the windings be dried by blowing air through the
b) As high voltage tests are to be done on the water cooled windings
with water flowing through the windings, measurement of insulation
resistance before and after high voltage test may not be considered
as guiding factor for deciding suitability of the winding to perform
high voltage test.
Typical values of insulation resistance of the direct water cooled stator
winding for 200 MW turbo-generator are as follows:
1) For dry winding without the water flowing:
IR 60 500 Megohms
IR5 = 200 Megohms
2) For winding while the water is flowing:
IR 60 = IR 15 =30 to 70 kilo-ohms