All the papers are for 100 marks with 40% for mid term and 60% for end examination.
Business Communication and Soft skills of I Semester has both theory and laboratory
content divided equally. Company and Industry Analysis are for 50 marks with evaluation
done internally at the end of the semester. The degree will be awarded after successful
completion of all the semester papers and submission of project report followed by Viva.
The teaching methodology should emphasize on case study approach wherever
appropriate with cases being of recent origin. The break up of subjects offered semester-
wise is given as below:
Semester – I
1. Management Theory and Practice
2. Managerial Economics
3. Research Methodology and Statistical Tools
4. Financial Accounting and Analysis
5. Business Law and Regulation
6. Business Environment
7. English Language Communication Skills
8. English Language Communication Skills Lab
Semester – II
9. Human Resource Management
10. Financial Management
11. Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions
12. Production and Operations Management
13. Marketing Management
14. ERP and MIS
15. Information Technology Lab
16.Company Analysis Report Submission followed by Seminar Viva
Semester III
17. Logistics and Supply Chain Management
18. Costs and Management Accounting
19. Organisational Behaviour
20. Elective I
21. Elective II
22. Elective III
23. Industry Analysis Report followed by Seminar Viva
Semester IV
24. Strategic Management
25. Management of Technology
26. Elective IV
27. Elective V
28. Project Work
The elective papers will be offered in the functional areas of Management such as
Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Systems and other contemporary fields of study.
The students have options to choose any three subjects from the total list of subjects
offered in 3rd semester irrespective of the areas/field of study and two subjects from the
list of subjects offered in IV semester. The exact subjects to be offered by the institutions
concerned is subject to administrative exigency (criteria such as availability of faculty,
minimum of number of students are purely administrative matters).
References: While every effort has been made to include good references against each
subject these are certainly not exhaustive. With large number of publications both
international and Indian, it is possible for students and faculty members to come across
new and good reference material for each subjects outlined. The faculty and students are
encouraged to consult as many references as possible to have a broader perspective of
the treatment of the subject.
Semester III (Choose any three of the Semester IV (Choose any Two of the
following) following)
1. Services Marketing 1. International Marketing
2. Consumer Behaviour 2. Advertising, Sales Promotion and
3. Retailing Management 3. International Financial
4. Security Analysis and Portfolio 4. Strategic Investment and
Management Financing Decisions
5. Financial Services & Institutions 5.Information Systems Control &
Detailed syllabus
1. Management Theory and Practice
Objective of the course is to give a basic perspective of Management theories and
Practices. This will form foundation to study other functional areas of management.
1. Introduction: Management – definitions, types of managers; managerial roles and
functions; Science or Art? - Administration vs Management, External
environment – Managing people and organizations in the context of New Era-
Managing for competitive advantage - the Challenges of Management - Corporate
Social responsibility- Managerial Ethics.
2. Perspectives on Management: Scientific Management (Fredrick W.Taylor, Frank
and Lillian Gilbreth), Human Relations (Elton Mayo, Douglas Mc Gregor’s
Theory X and Theory Y, William Ouchi’s Theory Z), the Systems Approach, the
Contingency Approach, the Mckinsey 7-S Framework.
3. Planning: Nature of planning, Steps in planning, types of planning, Levels of
planning - The Planning Process. – Planning practices in USA, Japan and China.
4. Decision Making: Problem and Opportunity finding, the nature of Managerial
Decision Making, the Rational Model of Decision Making, Challenges to the
Rational Model, Improving the Effectiveness of Decision Making Tools and
Techniques, Role of Boards and Committees in Decision Making - Decision
making practices abroad.
5. Organising: Nature of organizing, organization levels and span of management –
Factors determining span - Organisational design and structure –departmentation,
line and staff concepts, staffing – delegation, decentralization and recentralisation
of authority - responsive organizations –Global organizing.
6. Leading: Leading Vs Managing – Trait approach and Contingency approaches to
leadership - Dimensions of Leadership - Leadership Behavior and styles –
developing leadership skills – transformational leaders - Leadership in Cross-
cultural environment - Evaluating Leader- Women and Corporate leadership –
Motivational theories- Building Groups into Teams, Intergroup Behavior, conflict
and negotiation – Global leading.
7. Communication: Importance of Communication, Interpersonal communication
Barriers to Effective communication, Communication in Organizations, Using
Communication Skills to manage Conflicts. Communicating for understanding
and results, creating productive interpersonal relationships, Guidelines to improve
written and oral communication- communication practices in India and abroad.
8. Controlling: Basic control process- control as a feedback system – Feed Forward
Control – Requirements for effective control – control techniques – Overall
controls and preventive controls – Global controlling.
Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert, Jr. Management, 6/e, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2006.
Koontz, Weihrich & Aryasri, Principles of Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2007
Heinz Weihrich, Harold Koontz: Management A Global Perspective, 10/e, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2007.
Daft, The New Era of Management, Thompson, 7/e New Delhi, 2007.
Schermerhorn: Management 8ed,Wiley India 2006
Prem Vrat, K K Ahuja, P K Jain, Case Studies in Management, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
Lussier: Effective Leadership, Thomson, 2007.
Robbins: Management 7/e Pearson Education, 2006.
Griffin:Management 8ed, Biztantra, 2005
Mullins:Management and Organisational Behaviour, Pearson, 2007.
2. Managerial Economics
Objective of this course is to understand the relevance of economics in business
management. This will enable the students to study functional areas of management such
as Marketing , Production and Costing from a broader perspective.
1. Introduction to Managerial Economics: Definition, Nature and Scope,
Relationship with other areas in Economics, Production Management, Marketing,
Finance and Personnel, Operations research - The role of managerial economist.
2. Objectives of the firm: Managerial theories of firm, Behavioural theories of firm,
optimization techniques, optimization with calculus, New management tools of
Hirschey: Economics for Managers, Thomson, 2007.
Petersen,Lewis and Jain: Managerial Economics, Pearson/PHI, 2006
Gupta: Managerial Economics 1e TMH 2005.
Dominic Salvatore, Managerial Economics, Thomson, 2006
Keat, Managerial Economics : Economic Tools for Today’s Decision Makers,
Pearson Education, 2007
Mote Paul: Managerial Economics 1e TMH 2004
Froeb: Managerial Economics—A Problem Solving Approach, Thomson, 2007.
Mehta,P.L., Managerial Economics Analysis, Problems, Cases, Sultan
Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 2001.
James L.Pappas and Engene F.Brigham: Managerial Economics, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2006.
Suma Damodaran: Managerial Economics, Oxford, 2007.
4. Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Measures of Variation,
Measures of Central Tendency vs. Measures of Dispersion, Normal distribution,
Measures of Skewness and Interpretation.
5. Correlation and Regression Analysis, method of least squares, regression vs.
correlation, correlation vs. determination. Types of correlation and their specific
6. Statistical Inference: Introduction to Null hypothesis vs. alternative hypothesis,
Tests of Hypothesis, parametric vs. non-parametric tests, procedure for testing of
hypothesis, tests of significance for small samples, application, t-test, ANOVA –
one way and two way classifications and Chi-square test, Association of attributes
and inferences.
7. Time series, utility of time series, components of time series, secular trend,
seasonal variations, cyclical variations, irregular variations, measurement of trend,
moving averages and measurement of seasonal variations.
8. SPSS and Report Presentation: Use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences,
report writing - Mechanics of report writing, preliminary pages, main body and
appendices including bibliography, oral presentation, diagrammatic and graphical
presentation of data.
Richard I Levin & David S.Rubin, Statistics for Management, 7/e. Pearson
Education, 2005.
Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler, Business Research Methods, 8/e, Tata
McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd., 2006.
Gupta S.P. – Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.2005.
U.K. Srivastava, G.V. Shenoy and S.C. Sharma – Quantitative Techniques for
managerial decisions, New Age International, Mumbai, 2005.
C.R . Kothari, Research Methodology Methods & Techniques, 2/e, Vishwa
Prakashan, 2006.
William G. Zikmund, Business Research Methods, Thomson, 2006.
D.M.Pestonjee, (Ed.) Second Handbook of Psychological and Social Instruments,
Concept Publishing, New Delhi, 2005.
Dipak Kumar.Bhattacharya, Research Methodology, Excel Books, 2006
Amir D. Aczel & Jayavel Sounderpandian, Complete Business Statistics, Tata
C.B. Gupta & Vijay Gupta, An introduction to Statistical Methods, 23rd Revised
Edition, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2006.
R.S. Bharadwaj, Business Statistics, Excel Books, 2006
The Objective of the course is to provide the basic knowledge of book keeping and
accounting and enable the students to understand the Financial Statements and make
analysis Financial accounts of a company .
1. Introduction to Accounting: Importance, Objectives and Principles, Accounting
Concepts and conventions, and The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
5. Issue of Shares and Debentures: Entries for Issue of shares, forfeiture and re-issue
of forfeited shares. Issue of shares at Discount and premium. Issue and
Redemption of Debentures: Meaning, issue of debentures for cash and other than
cash, treatment of discounts and losses on issue, meaning of redemption,
redemption out of capital and profits.
Samuel C. Weaver, J. Fred Weston, Finance and Accounting for Non-financial
Managers, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2002.
Horngreen : Financial Accounting 8/e Pearson Education, 2007.
Ashok Banerjee, Financial Accounting, Second Edition, Excel Books, New
Delhi, 2006.
Dr.S.N. Maheshwari and Dr.S.K. Maheshwari, Financial Accounting, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
Weygandt, kieso, kimmel, Financial Accounting, 4/e, Wiley India Edition, 2006..
M.E. Thukaram Rao, Accounting for Managers, New Age International
Publishers, first edition, New Delhi, 2006.
6. Companies Act, 1956: Steps and procedure for incorporation of the company,
Company Management–Appointment of Directors, Powers, duties, & liabilities of
Directors, Company Meetings, Resolutions, Winding-up of a Company.
7. Income Tax Act -1961 - Important Provisions of Income Tax Act: Assessment
year –Assesee, Gross Total Income, Procedure for advance payment of tax and tax
deducted at source. Assessment procedure.
N.D.Kapoor, Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2006.
S.S. Gulshan, Mercantile Law, 2/e, Excel Books, 2004
Akhileshwar Pathak, Legal Aspects of Business, 3/e, Tata McGraw-Hill,
C.L.Bansal, Business and Corporate Laws, 1/e, Excel Books, 2006
S.N.Maheshwari & Maheshwari, Business Regulatory Framework,
Himalaya Publishing House.2006
S.S.Gulshan, Business Law, 2/e, Excel Books, 2005
P.K.Goel, Business Law for Managers, Biztantra - Dreamtech press, 2006
K.R. Bulchandani, Business Law for Management, 4/e, Himalaya
Publishing House, 2006
B.B. Lal & N.Vashisht, Direct Taxes, 28/e, Pearson Education, latest
B.B. Lal, Income Tax and Central Tax : Law and Practice, Pearson Education,
latest edition
6. Business Environment
The objective of the course is to provide the student with a background of various
environment factors that have major repercussions on business and sharpen their mind to
watch and update the changes that occur constantly in this sphere.
1. Industrial Policies: A brief review of industrial policies since independence,
Industrial policy of 1991 and recent developments, Policy on foreign direct
investment in Indian industry.
2. Fiscal Policy: Public revenues, public expenditure, public debt, development
activities financed by public expenditure, An evaluation of recent fiscal policy of
Government of India – Highlights of Budget.
3. Monetary Policy: Demand for and supply of money, Objectives of monetary and
credit policy, Recent trends- Role of Finance Commission.
4. Balance of Payments: Structure, Major components, Causes for dis-equilibrium
in Balance of Payments, correction measures, Impact of New Economic Policy
on Balance of Payments, Recent trends.
5. India’s Trade Policy – Magnitude and direction of Indian International trade,
bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, EXIM Policy, Role of EXIM Bank.
6. WTO: Nature and scope - Organisation and structure – trading blocks – role and
functions of WTO in promoting world trade – Principles followed- Agreements
reached in the Uruguay round including TRIPS, TRIMS and GATS, Disputes
settlement mechanism- Dumping and Anti-dumping measures – Critical review of
WTO functioning.
7. Money and Capital market: Features and components of Indian Financial system,
objectives, features and structure of Money market and capital market, recent
developments- Stock Exchanges, Investor Protection and Role of SEBI.
8. Legal Framework: Special features of The SICA (Special Provisions) 1985, BIFR,
Consumer Protection Act, 1986,
Dutt and Sundaram , Indian Economy, S. Chand, New Delhi, 2007.
K.Aswathappa, Essentials of Business Environment, 9/e Himalaya, 2007.
Justin Paul: Business Environment, 1e 2006, Tata MH
Misra and Puri: Indian Economy,, Himalaya, 2007.
Francis Cherunilam: Business Environment: Text and Cases, 17/e, Himalaya,
Recent Economic Survey Report of Government of India.
Suresh Bedi: Business Environment, Excel, 2007.
Palle Krishna Rao: WTO--Text & Cases, 1/e, PSG Excel Series, 2005.
Unit –I:
Features of Indian English - Correction of sentences - Structures - Tenses - ambiguity
-idiomatic distortions.
Informal conversation Vs Formal expression Verbal and non-verbal communication,
barriers to effective communication – kinesics
Types of Communication - - Oral, aural, Writing and reading - Word-Power - Vocabulary-
Jargon - rate of speech, pitch, tone - Clarity of voice
Technical presentations - types of presentation –video conferencing-- participation in
meetings - chairing sessions.
UNIT - V: "
Formal and informal interviews – ambiance and polemics - interviewing in different
settings and for different purposes e.g., eliciting and giving information, recruiting,
performance appraisal.
Written communication - differences between spoken and written communication -
features of effective writing such "as clarity, brevity, appropriate tone clarity, balance
etc.- GRE. TOEFL models
Unit – VII: Letter-writing - business letters – pro forma culture - format - style –
effectiveness, promptness - Analysis of sample letters collected from industry - email,
Unit – VIII: Technical Report writing - Business and Technical Reports – Types of
reports - progress reports, routine reports - Annual reports - format - Analysis of sample
reports from industry - Synopsis and thesis writing
8. English Language Communication Skills Lab
The language Lab focuses computer-aided multi-media instruction and language
acquisition to achieve the following targets:
However, depending upon the available of infrastructure and budget, the above
targets can also be achieved by procuring the minimum required equipment
suggested for the establishment of a Conventional Lab the details of which are given
below. The lab should cater to the needs of the students to build up their confidence
to help them develop leadership qualities through their communicative competence.
The following course content is prescribed for the English Language Laboratory
Introduction to Phonetics.
Introduction to Vowels and Consonants and associated Phonetic symbols.
Introduction to Accent, Intonation and Rhythm.
Situational Dialogues / Role Play.
Public Speaking.
Group discussions
Facing Interviews
Resume preparation
Minimum Requirement
Computer aided multi media language lab with 30 systems with LAN facility.
Conventional Language Lab. with audio and video systems, speakers, headphones
and a teacher console to accommodate 30 students.
Suggested Software:
Books Suggested for English lab :
Semester –II
2. Job Analysis and Design: Uses of Job analysis, methods of data collection, Job
Description and Specifications. Job design, Job redesign, Job Rotation, Job
enlargement, Job enrichment.
8. Maintenance of HR:
a) Benefits and services, security, safety, health and welfare services.
b) Separation, Corporate social responsibility, Global HRM.
10. Financial Management
The objective of the course is to provide the necessary basic tools for the students to
manage the finance function. After the completion of the course, the students should be
able to understand the management of the financing of working capital needs and the
long term capital needs of the business organization
*The students need Discounting Table and Annuity tables for the examination
1. The Finance Function – Objective: Profit or Wealth Maximization and EPS
Maximization, An overview of Managerial Finance functions- Time value of
money. present value, future value of money and the basic valuation models.
7. Management of current assets –I: Management of cash,– Basic strategies for cash
management, cash budget, cash management techniques/processes. Marketable
securities: characteristics, selection criterion, Marketable security alternatives.
conceptual framework – no numerical problems), Typical Applications of
Operations Research .
2. Decision Making: Using Probabilities Introduction to Decision Theory, Steps
In the Decision Making, the Different environments In Which Decisions
Are Made, Criteria For Decision Making Under Uncertainty, Decision
Making Under conditions of Risk, Discrete Random Variables Using
the Expected Value Criterion With Continuously Distributed Random
Variables, Utility as A Decision Criterion, Decision Trees, Graphic
Displays of the Decision Making Process, Decision Making With an
Active Opponent.
3. Linear Programming: Introduction to Maximization and Using Graphic
Methods, the Simplex Method; Justification, interpretation of Significance
of All Elements In the Simplex Tableau, the Simplex Solution to A
Minimizing Problem -Duality and Sensitivity Analysis: Definition of the
Dual Problem, Primal, Dual Relationships, Economic Interpretation of
Duality, Dual Simplex Method, Sensitivity Or Post-optimality Analysis.
4. Transportation Models: Definition and Application of the Transportation
Model, Solution of the Transportation Problem, the Assignment Model,
Traveling Salesman Problem.
5. Game Theory: Introduction – Two Person Zero-Sum Games, Pure Strategies,
Games with Saddle Point, Mixed strategies, Rules of Dominance, Solution
Methods of Games without Saddle point – Algebraic, matrix and arithmetic
6. Queuing Theory: Basic Elements of the Queuing Model, of the Poisson
and Exponential Distributions, Queuing With Combined Arrivals and
Departures, Queues With Priorities For Service, Tandem Or Series Queues,
Obstacles In Modeling Queuing Systems, Data Gathering and Testing,
Queuing Decision Models
7. Simulation: Nature and Scope, Applications, Types of simulation, Discrete
Simulation Approaches, Role of Random Numbers, Gathering Observations In
Simulation, Inventory Example, Queuing Examples, Simulation Languages.
8. P.E.R.T. & C.P.M. and Replacement Model: Drawing networks – identifying
critical path – probability of completing the project within given time- project
crashing – optimum cost and optimum duration. Replacement models comprising
single replacement and group replacement.
J. K. Sharma, Operations Research: Theory and Applications, Macmillan India,
• Barry Render, Ralph M.Stair,Jr. Michael E.Hanna, Quantitative Analysis for
Management 9e PHI Pvt. Ltd New Delhi 2007.
N.D.Vohra: Quantitative Techniques in Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2007
Hamdy, A.Taha: Operations Research: An Introduction, Prentice-Hall of India;
New Delhi 2007.
Harvey M. Wagner: Principles Of Operations Research, PHI, New Delhi, 2003.
Barry Render; Ralph M.Stair,Jr.;Michael E.Hanna, Quantitative Analysis for
Management, Pearson, Delhi, 2007.
Hillier/Lieberman: Introduction To Operations Research; Tata Mc-Graw Hill,
New Delhi ,2007.
R.Panneerselvam :Operations Research 2nd Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. 2007
Bill E Gillett: Introduction To Operations Research: A Computer-Oriented
Algorithmic Approach, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Facilities Management: Location of Facilities, Layout of Facilities,
Optimisation of Product/Process Layout, Flexible Manufacturing and Group
4. Aggregate Planning: Preparation of aggregate demand Forecast, Specification
of Organisational Policies For Smoothing Capacity Utilization,
Determination of feasible Production Alternatives and Determination of
Optimal Production Strategy.
5. Scheduling: Scheduling In Job, Shop Type Production, Shop- Loading,
Assignment and Sequencing, Scheduling In Mass, Continuous and
Project Type Production, Line balancing and Line of Balance, Methods of
Production Control ,World class production .
6. Work Study : Method Study, Work measurement, Work Design, Job Design,
Work Sampling, Industrial Engineering Techniques.
7. Productivity: Basic Concepts, Productivity Cycle, Productivity Engineering
and Management, Total Productivity Model.
8. Quality management: Economics of Quality Assurance Inspection and Quality
Control, Acceptance Sampling, Theory of control charts, control charts for
variables and control charts for attributes total quality management and ISO
9000 series standards, Six Sigma
Chase, Aquilano, Jacobs, Operations Management for Competitive Advantage,
9/e, TMH, 2007.
Lee Krajewski, Larry Ritzman and Manoj Malhotra Operations Management 8e
PHI Pvt Ltd 2007
Buffa: Modern Production Operation Management, Wiley 2005
S.N. Chary, Theory and Problems in Production and Operations Management,
TMH, 2006.
Joseph S. Martinich, Production and Operations Management, Willey, 2006.
Elwood S. Buffa, Rakesh K. Sarin, Modern Production and Operations
Management, Wiley, 2005.
S.N. Chary, Production and Operations Management, 2/e, TMH, 2006.
Everett E. Adam, Jr., Ronald J. Ebert, Production and Operations Management
Concepts, Models, Behaviour, PHI, 2002.
R. Panneeselvam, Production and Operations Management, 2nd ed PHI, 2006.
Evans, Principles of Operations Management, Thomson, 2007.
6. Sales and Distribution Management: Sales Techniques for Consumer/Industrial
clientele-Channel Function and Flows, Channel Levels, Channel Management
Decisions, types of retailers, trends in retailing, The growth and trends in
Wholesaling. Sales force and sales Agency- Advantages and disadvantages.
7. Marketing Communication: the communication process , Communication mix,
Managing advertising sales promotion , Public relations and Direct Marketing.
Sales force Objectives, Sales force structure and size, Sales force Compensation.
8. Marketing Organisation and Control: Evolution of Marketing Department,
Organizing the Marketing Department, Marketing Implementation, Control of
Marketing Performance, Annual Plan Control, Profitability Control, Efficiency
Control, Strategic Control.
Phillip Kotler: Maketing Management, 11/e, Pearson Publishers, 2007
Adrian Palmer , Introduction to Marketing theory and practice Oxford University
Press 2007
Rajan Saxena: Marketing Management, 2/e, TMH, 2006.
Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius: Marketing—The Core, McGraw-Hill, Irwin, 2007.
Lamb, Hair ,Mac Daniel: Marketing, 7/e Thomson Publishers, 2006.
Boone& Kurtz, Principles of Marketing, 12/e, Thomson Publishers, 2007.
V.S.Ramaswamy , S.Namakumari: Marketing Management, 3/e, Macmillan,
Michael J.Etzel, Bruce J. Walker, William J.Stanton, Ajay Pandit, Marketing
Concepts 13th ed Tata McGraw Hill 2006
William D.Perreault, Jr.E.Jerome Mc Carthy, Basic marketing, 14/e, TMH.2007.
Czinkota and Kotabe: Marketing Management, 2/e, Thomson,2007.
Joel R. Evans, Borry Berman: Marketing in the 21st Century, 8/e, Biztantra, 2006.
Philip Kotler and Kelvin Lane Marketing Mangement 12th ed Pearson Education
The objective of the course is to provide the basic concepts of Enterprise Resource Planning
and Management of Information System.
1. Induction to ERP: Overview of ERP, MRP, MRPII and Evolution of ERP, Integrated
Management Systems, Reasons for the growth of ERP, Business Modeling, Integrated Data
Model, Foundations of IS in Business, Obstacles of applying IT, ERP Market.
2. IS Models – Nolan Stage Hypothesis, IS Strategic Grid, Wards Model, Earl’s Multiple
Methodology, Critical Success Factors, Soft Systems Methodology, Socio-Technical Systems
Approach (Mumford), System Develop Life Cycle, Prototype and End User Computing,
Application Packages, Outsourcing, Deciding Combination of Methods.
4. ERP Modules: Finance, Accounting Systems, Manufacturing and Production Systems, Sales
and Distribution Systems, , Human Resource Systems, Plant Maintenance System, Materials
Management System, Quality Management System, ERP System Options and Selection,
ERP proposal Evaluation.
6. Benefits of ERP: Reduction of Lead Time, On-Time Shipment, Reduction in Cycle Time,
Improved Resource Utilisation, Better Customer Satisfaction, Improved Supplier
Performance, Increased Flexibility, Reduced Quality Costs, Improved Information Accuracy
and Design Making Capabilities.
8. IS Security, Control and Audit– System Vulnerability and Abuse, business value of security
and control, Need for Security, Methods of minimizing risks IS Audit, ensuring system
9. Case Studies.
C Laudon and Jane P.Laudon, et al: Management Information Systems, 9/e, PHI
and Pearson Education, 2005.
Alexis Leon, ERP (Demystified), 5/E, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.
David L Olson, Managerial Issues of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems,
McGraw Hill, International Edition-2006.
Vaman, ERP in Practice, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2007
Gordon B. Davis & Margrethe H.Olson: Management Information Systems, Tata
McGraw-Hill , 2006.
W S Jawadekar: Management Information Systems, 2/e, Tata McGraw-Hill , New
Delhi, 2007
James A. Obrein: Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill , 10/e,
Gerald V.Post, David L Anderson: Management Information Systems, Irvin
McGraw Hill, 2007.
C.S.V.Murthy: Management Information System, Himalaya publishing House
Rainer, Turban, Potter, Introduction to Information Systems, WILEY-India, 2006.
Dharminder and Sangeetha, Management Information Systems, 1/e, Excel books,
Monk: Concepts in ERP 2/e Thomson 2007
Hands on experience with SPSS package and a few simple exercises on statistical
Introduction to Computers
• Greg Perry, Microsoft Office 2007, Sam Teach your self, Pearson Education,
• Mansfield, MS Office, Reprint 2006, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2006.
• Microsoft Office System step by step, 2003 edition, PHI, 2004
• Vikas Guptha, Comdex Computer Course Kit, Office 2007, Dreamtech Press,
Wiley-India, 2007
• Casteel, Oracle 10 g & SQL , Thomson, 2007
• Sunderraman, Oracle 9i Programming, Pearson Education, 2005
• Scott Urman, Oracle 9i-PL SQL Programming, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2006.
• Carver, Doing Data Analysis with SPSS 14.0, 3/e, Thomson, 2007
• Coakes, SPSS 13.0 for Windows, Wiley-India, 2006.
• George, SPSS for Windows Step by Step, 6/e, Pearson Education, 2006.
• Arthur Griffin, SPSS for Dummies, Wiley-India, 2007.
Annual reports of successive years (Minimum four) of Public Limited Companies can be
studied by the students. Alternatively Data Bases such as Prowess of Centre for
Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) can be used.
The report and the seminar Viva together are valued for 50 marks internally
III Semester
2. Supply Chain Drivers and Metrics :Drivers for Supply Chain Performance,
Framework for Structuring drivers. Facilities, inventory, transportation, information,
sourcing and pricing. Obstacles to Achieving fit.
3. Designing the Supply Chain Network. Role of distribution in the Supply Chain,
Factors influencing network design, the role of network in the Supply Chain Frame
work for Network design decisions models for facility location and capacity
allocation, network design in uncertain environment.
4. Demand Forecasting in Supply Chain Components of forecast and forecasting
methods. Role of IT in forecasting. Aggregate Planning in Supply Chain Planning
Supply and Demand in A Supply Chain, Managing Predictable Variability.
Integrated Supply Chain Process, TMH, 2006.
Martin Christopher, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Pitman,
B.S.Sahay, Supply Chain Management for Global Competitiveness,
Macmillan, New Delhi.2003.
Philip B.Schary, Tage Skjott-Larsen: Managing the Global Supply Chain,
Viva, Mumbai, 2006.
Monczka: Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Thomson, 2006.
Ballou, Business Logistics/Supply chain Management5/e Pearson Education.
David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky,Edith Simchi-Levi, Designing and
Managing The Supply Chain 2nd ed. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
5. Break-even-analysis: concept of cost-volume-profit relationship, mechanics of
B.E. analysis, Determination of Break even point, Break-even-graph and
assumptions of BEP, importance, Margin of safety and angle of incidence.
Application of BEP for various business problems.
6. Budgetary Control: Budget, budgetary control, steps in budgetary control,
Flexible budget, different types of budgets: sales budget, cash budget, production
budget, master budget, Performance budgets, material Vs. purchase budgets,
concept of Zero Based Budgeting.
7. Standard Costing: Standard Cost and Standard Costing, standard costing vs.
budgetary control, standard costing vs. estimated cost, standard costing and
marginal costing, analysis of variance, material variance, labour variance and
sales variance.
8. Inter-firm comparison : Need for inter-firm comparison, types of comparisons,
advantages. An introduction to cost audit and management audit. An introduction
to activity based costing,
• S.P.Jain and K.L.Narang, Cost and Management Accounting, Kalyani Publishers,
New Delhi, 2006.
• M.Y. Khan, P.K. Jain, Management Accounting: Theory and Problems, TMH ,
New Delhi, 4/e, 2007.
• Colin Drury, Management and Cost Accounting, Thomson-2007
• Bhahatosh Banerjee, Cost Accounting Theory and Practice, PHI,-2006
• Charles T. Horngren: Cost Accounting –A Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi,2006
• James Jiambalvo, Managerial Accounting, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.New
• Atkinson, Banker, Kaplan and Young, Management Accounting, PHI, 2006.
• Manash Gupta, Cost Accounting Principles and Practice, Pearson Education,2006
• Blocher, Chen, Cookins, Lin, Cost Management a Strategic Emphasis, TMH,3/e
Unit II Cognitive Processes-I : Perception and Attribution: Nature and importance of
Perception – Perceptual selectivity and organization - Social perception – Attribution
Theories – Locus of control –Attribution Errors –Impression Management.
Unit VI: Dynamics of OB –II Stress and Conflict: Meaning and types of stress –Meaning
and types of conflict - Effect of stress and intra-individual conflict - strategies to cope
with stress and conflict.
Unit VII: Dynamics of OB –III Power and Politics: Meaning and types of power –
empowerment - Groups Vs. Teams – Nature of groups –dynamics of informal groups –
dysfunctions of groups and teams – teams in modern work place.
Unit VIII Leading High performance: Job design and Goal setting for High
performance- Quality of Work Life- Socio technical Design and High performance work
practices - Behavioural performance management: reinforcement and punishment as
principles of Learning –Process of Behavioural modification - Leadership theories -
Styles, Activities and skills of Great leaders.
20 Elective I (from any of the elective subjects listed under III semester of the
course structure)
21 Elective II ( from any of the elective subjects listed under III semester of the
course structure)
22 Elective III ( from any of the elective subjects listed under III semester of the
course structure)
Students can choose a specific Industry for Analysis and write their observations as to the
trend, future prospectus problems etc., based on secondary source of data such as
Economics Times, Financial Express, and Data Base such as Prowess of Centre for
Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) can be used.
The Evaluation of the Industry Analysis Report and Seminar Viva will be for 50 marks
done internally.
Semester –IV
5. Strategy Implementation : Strategy and Structure, Strategy and Leadership,
Strategy and culture connection - Operationalising and institutionalizing strategy
- Strategies for competing in Globalising markets and internet economy -
Organisational Values and Their Impact on Strategy – Resource Allocation
as a vital part of strategy – Planning systems for implementation.
6. Turnaround Strategy, Management of Strategic Change, strategies for
Mergers, Acquisitions, Takeovers and Joint Ventures.
7. Diversification Strategy : Why firms diversify, different types of diversification
strategies, the concept of core competence, strategies and competitive advantage
in diversified companies and its evaluation.
8. Strategy Evaluation and control – Establishing strategic controls - Measuring
performance – appropriate measures- Role of the strategist – using qualitative and
quantitative benchmarking to evaluate performance - strategic information
systems – problems in measuring performance – Guidelines for proper control-
Strategic surveillance -strategic audit - Strategy and Corporate Evaluation and
feedback in the Indian and international context.
• Thompson & Strickland: Strategic Management, Concepts and Cases. Tata
McGraw-Hill, 12/e, New Delhi, 2007.
• Gregory Dess and G.T. Lumpkin, Strategic Management – Creating
Competitive Advantage, McGraw Hill International, 2006.
• Lawrence R Jauch, R.Gupta & William F.Glueck: Business Policy and
Strategic Management, Frank Bros. Delhi, 2006..
• Ranjan Das, Crafting the Strategy: Concepts and Cases in Strategic
Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2006.
• Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson: Management of Strategy, 7/e, Thomson 2007
• Saloner, Shepard & Podolny, Strategic Management, John Wiley, New
York, 2006.
• Allan Afuah, Business Models: A Strategic Management Approach, TMH,
• Wheelen & Hunger, Concepts in Strategic Management and Business
Policy, 9/E Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.
• John A.Pearce II & Richard B.Robinson, Jr. Strategic Management:
Strategic Formulation and Implementation, AITBS Publishers &
Distributors, Delhi, 2006
• Charles W.L.Hill & Gareth R.Jones: Strategic Management Theory: An
Integrated Approach, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 2006.
• Fred R.David Strategic Management Concepts and Cases 9th ed Pearson
Education 2007
• .Hill : Strategic Management a n Integrated Approach 6ed Biztantra 2005
• .Parnell: Strategic Management Theory and Practice Biztantra 2005
• .Saloner: Strategic Management Wiley 2005
• Fitzroy: Strategic Management Wiley 2005
25 Management of Technology
Financial Analysis, Project Selection Formulae, Allocation of
Resources, DCF and Other Techniques of evaluating R&D ventures.
William L Miller and Longdon, Morris, Fourth Generation R & D, John Wiley &
Sons Inc.
Pradip N Khandwalla: Lifelong Creativity—An Unending Fest, TMH, 2004.
Pradip N Khandwalla: Corporate Creativity, TMH, 2006.
White: The Management of Technology & Innovation Thomson,2007.
1.Services Marketing:
The objective of the course is to provide a deeper insight into the marketing management
of companies offering services as product. The pre-requisite for this course is Marketing
Management offered in II semester
1. Understanding services marketing: Introduction, services in the modern economy,
Classification of services, marketing services Vs. Physical services, services as a
2. Customer Relationship Marketing: Relationship Marketing, the nature of service
consumption, understanding customer needs and expectations, Strategic responses
to the intangibility of service performances.
3. Services market segmentations: The process of market segmentation, selecting the
appropriate customer portfolio, creating and maintaining valued relations,
customer loyalty.
4. Creating value in a competitive market: Positioning a service in the market, value
addition to the service product, planning and branding service products, new
service development.
5. Pricing strategies for services: Service pricing, establishing monetary pricing
objectives, foundations of pricing objectives, pricing and demand, putting service
pricing strategies into practice.
6. Service promotion: The role of marketing communication. Implication for
communication strategies, setting communication objectives, marketing
communication mix.
7. Planning and managing service delivery: Creating delivery systems in price,
cyberspace and time. The physical evidence of the service space. The role of
intermediaries, enhancing value by improving quality and productivity.
8. Marketing plans for services: The marketing planning process, strategic context,
situation review marketing strategy formulation, resource allocations and
monitory marketing planning and services.
• Valarie A.Zeithaml & Mary Jo-Bitner: Services Marketing—Integrating Customer
Focus Across the Firm, 3/e, TMH, 2007.
• Thomas J.Delong & Asish Nanda: Managing Professional Servies—Text and
Cases, McGraw-Hill International, 2006.
• Christopher Lovelock: Services Marketing People, Technology, Strategy, Fourth
Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.
• Mark Davis, Managing Services People and Technology, McGraw-Hill
International, 2006
• Adrian Payne, The Essence of Services Marketing, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.
Ltd., 2007.
• Roland T. Rust and P.K. Kannan, e-Service New Directions in Theory and
Practice, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
• James A Fitzsimmons, Services Management—Operations, Strategy and
Information Technology, 3/e, McGraw-Hilll International, 2006.
• Rajendra Nargundkar, Services Marketing 2nd Ed Mc Graw Hill companies 2007
• Hoffman , Services Marketing 3/e Thomson 2007
2.Consumer Behaviour
The objective of the course is to enable students understand the perspectives of
Consumers and their buying behaviour. The pre-requisite for this course is Marketing
Management offered in 2nd semester.
1 Introduction to Consumer Behaviour- Consumer Behaviour and Marketing
Strategy, Understanding consumers and market segments. Evolution of Consumer
Behaviour, Consumer analysis and business strategy.
2 Psychological Foundations of Consumer Behaviour Consumer Motivation,
Consumer Perception, Personality and Consumer Behaviour, Learning and
Behaviour Modification, Information Processing, Memory Organisation and
Function, Attitude Formation and Attitude Change.
3 Social and Cultural Environment Economic, Demographic, Cross Cultural
and Socio–Cultural Influences, Social Stratification, Reference Groups and
Family Influences, Personal influence.
4 Communication and Consumer Behaviour – Components of communications
process, designing persuasive communication and Diffusion of Innovations.
5 Consumer Decision Processes High and Low Involvement, Pre-purchase
Processes, Purchase, Post Purchase processes, Consumption and evaluation, Brand
Loyalty and Repeat Purchase Bahaviour.
6 Models of Buyer Behavior, Howard Model, Howard-Sheth Model, EKB Model,
Webster and Wind Model and Sheth Industrial Buyer Behaviour Model.
7 Consumerism: The roots of consumerism, consumer safety, consumer information,
environmental concerns, consumer privacy, legislative responses to consumerism
and marketer responses to consumer issues.
8 Consumer Protection : Consumer Protection Act 1986, Central consumer protection
council, state consumer protection councils, consumer disputes redressal agencies,
consumer disputes redressal forum, National Consumer Disputes Redressal
• David L Loudon and Albert J Della Bitta, Consumer Behaviour, 4/e, TMH, New
Delhi, 2007.
• Schiffman, L.G and Kanuk L.LConsumer Behaviour, 8/e, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2007
• Hawkins, Best, Coney, Consumer Behaviour, 8/e, TMH, New Delhi, 2007.
• Kumar: Conceptual Issues in Consumer Behavior : The Indian Context, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2006
• Jay D Lindquist and M Joseph Sirgy, Shopper, Buyer and Consumer Behaviour,
Second Edition, Bizttantra, New Delhi, 2007
• Roger D. Black Well et al, Consumer Behaviour, 10/e Thomson, New Delhi, 2006
• Henry Assael, Consumer Behaviour,6/e,Thomson,New Delhi,2007
• Michael R.Solomon, Consumer Behaviour,5/e,PHI,New Delhi,2006
3. Retailing Management
The objective of the course is to enable students to have a deeper insight into the working
of Retailing Sectors. The pre-requisite for this course is Marketing Management offered
in 2nd Semester.
1. Introduction to the world of Retailing: Advent of retailing -Functions of retailing -
Types of retailing -Customer buying behavior.
2. Retailing Strategy: Target market & Retail format - Growth strategies - Strategic
retail planning process - Factors to be considered for retail planning.
3. Human resources & Administrative Strategy: Designing the organizational
structure for retail firm - Retail organization structures.
4. Merchandize Management: Merchandize planning - Sources of merchandize
-Category Management - Buying systems to stores - Allocation of merchandize.
5. Pricing and Communication Strategies in Retailing: Retail pricing strategies –
Approaches for setting pricing – Pricing adjustments – Using price to stimulate
retail sales – Promoting the merchandise – Implementing an advertising plan.
6. Store Management :Objectives of a good store design –Store design – Store
layout – Space planning – Merchandise presentation techniques and atmospherics.
7. Location strategies: Shopping centers –Freestanding sites – Location and retail
strategies- Factors affecting the demand for a region or trade area –Factors
affecting the attractiveness of a site.
8. Retailing in India: The present Indian retail scenario – Factors affecting retailing
in India – Region wise analysis of Indian retailing – Retailing opportunities in
India. CRM in retail management, prompt delivery, customer satisfaction after
sales service etc.
Levy & Weitz, Retailing Management ,5th Ed, TMH, 2006.
Swapna Pradhan Retailing Management Texts & Cases McGraw Hill Companies
A.J.Lamba, The art of Retailing,1st Ed, TMH, 2006.
Andrew J Newmann & Petes cullen, 1st Ed, Thomson Learning, 2007.
George H Lucas, Robert P Bugh & Larry G. Gresham 1997 1st, AIPD.
Barry Berman Joel &R Evans, Retailing Management-A Strategic Approach,8th
Ed, Pearson Education,2006.
Gilbert : Retail Marketing Management, Pearson Education.
2. Portfolio Theory: Concept of Risk, measuring risk and returns, Portfolio risk –
measurement and analysis, Markowitz Portfolio Theory mean – variance
approach, business risk and financial risk and treatment in portfolio management.
8. Active Portfolio Management: Mutual Funds Growth of mutual funds in India,
Structure. Performance evaluation of mutual funds, conventional theory,
performance measurement with changing portfolio composition.
SEBI. An update on the performance on Non-statutory Financial organization
3. The banking Institutions: Commercial banks – the public and the private sectors
– structure and comparative performance. The problems of competition; interest
rates, spreads, and NPAs. Bank capital – adequacy norms and capital market
support. Banking Innovations. Co-operative banks- role, Govt. initiatives to
strengthen the co-operative banks.
7. Asset/fund based Financial services – lease finance, consumer credit and hire
purchase finance, factoring definition, functions, advantages, evaluation and
forfeiting, bills discounting, housing finance, venture capital financing.
Fee-based / Advisory services: Stock broking, credit rating.
• L.M.Bhole, Financial Institutions and Markets, 4/e Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
• Frederic S.Mishkin and Stanley G.Eakins, Financial Markets and Institutions,
Pearson Education, 2006.
• M.Y.Khan , Financial Services, 3/eTata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
• S.Gurusamy, Financial Services and System, Thomson Publishers, 2004.
• Meir Kohn, Financial Institutions and Markets, Oxford University Press, 2007.
• Anthony Saunders and Marcia Millon Cornett, Financial Markets and Institutions,
Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2007.
• Justin Paul and Padmalatha Suresh, Management of Banking and Financial
Services, Pearson education, 2007.
• Nalini Prava Tripathy, Financial Services, Prentice Hall,2007.
• Frank.J.Fabozzi & Franco Modigliani, Foundations of Financial Markets and
Institutions, 3/e, Pearson Education Asia, 2006.
The objective of the course is to give an understanding Data Warehousing and Data
Management concept
3. Database Systems in the Organisations: Data Sharing and Data Bases – Sharing
Data Between Functional Units, Sharing Data Between Different Levels of Users,
Sharing Data Between Different Locations, The Role of the Data Base, Strategic
Data Base Planning – The Need for Data Base Planning, The Data Base Project,
The Data Base Development Life Cycle (DDLC)
6. The Data warehouse Data Base: Context of Data warehouse Data Base, Data Base
Structures – Organizing Relational Data warehouse – Multi-Dimensional Data
Structures – Choosing a Structure, Getting Data into the Data warehouse –
Extraction, Transformation, Cleaning, Loading and Summarization, Meta Data –
Human Meta Data, Computer Based Meta Data for people to use, Computer-
based Meta Data for the computer to use.
7. Analyzing the Contexts of the Data warehouse: Active Analysis, User Queries –
OLAP, OLAP Software Architecture – Web Based OLAP, General OLAP Product
Characteristics, Automated Analysis – Data Mining, Creating a Decision Tree,
Correlation and Other Statistical Analysis, Neural Networks, Nearest Neighbour
Approaches, Putting the Results to Use.
8. Constructing A Data warehouse System: Stages of the Project - The Planning
Stage – Justifying the Data warehouse – Obtaining User Buy-in – Overcoming
Resistance to the Data warehouse – Developing a Project Plan, Data warehousing
Design Approaches – The Architecture Stage – The Data warehouse Data Base –
The Analysis Architecture – Data warehouse Hard Ware.
Richard T Watson: Data Management Data Bases and Organisations, 5/E , Wiley
– India, 2006
Berson Smith, Data Warehousing, Data Mining 7 OLAP, Tata McGraw-Hill ,
Marakas : Modern Data Warehousing, Mining, and Visualization Core Concepts
Pearson Education
Sivanandam, Data Mining Techniques and Tasks, Thomson, 2006
Alex Berson, Stephen Smith & Kurt Thearling: Building Data Mining
Applications for CRM, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2007.
Gary W Hansen, James V Hansen: Data Base Management and Design, 3E, PHI –
Hector Garcia, Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom: Data Base System
Implementation, Pearson Education, 2006.
Efrem G Mallach: Decision Support and Data Warehouse Systems, Tata McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi, 2006..
Michael J.A. Berry, Gordon S.Linoff, Data Mining Techniques, 2/e, Wiley -India,
Paulraj Ponniah, Data Warehousing Fundamentals, WILEY-India, 2006
Imhoff, Galemmo, Geiger, Mastering Data Warehousing Design, Wiley-Inda,
Karguptha, Data Mining, PHI, 2006
7 e-Business
1. e-Business Strategy and Models: e-Business –elements, roles and their challenges, e-
Business requirements & its impact, Inhibitors of e-business, e-Business-Strategy,
Business Models
4. Security and Reliability for e-business: Reliability and Quality considerations,
Quality requirements, Risk Management, Trust, e-business risks, e-Business security,
realizing a secure e-Business infrastructure
8. e-business Solutions and Protocols: Concept of software and web services, web
services- Types, characteristics, service-oriented architecture, technology stack,
Standards, Required business standards and protocols. Review of applicable IT Laws
* Case Studies and Web exercises
• Michael P.Papazoglou & Pieter M.A. Ribbers, e-Business, 1/e, WILEY – India, 2006.
• Napier, Creating a winning e-business, 2/e Thomson, 2007.
• Kalakota, e-business2.0 : Roadmap for success, Pearson Education, 2006
• Kamalesh K Bajaj & Debjani Nag: E-Commerce, the Cutting Edge of Business- Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2006.
• Canzer, e-business and e-commerce, 1/e. Biztantra, 2005.
• Dr.C.S.Rayudu, e-commerce and e- Business, 1/e, Himalaya Publishing House, 2007.
• Schneider, Elecrtonic Commerce, 7/e Thomson Publications, New Delhi, 2007.
• Joseph, e-commerce, 2/e, Prentice-Hall India , 2006.
• Elias M.Awad: Electronic Commerce from vision to fulfillment, 3/e, Prentice-Hall India
& Pearson Education, 2006.
The objective of the course is to enable students have a strategic perspective of human
resource management. The pre-requisite for the course is course in HRM offered in 2nd
Unit I Context of SHRM: Strategic role of HRM, Planning and Implementing Strategic
HR policies, HR Strategies to increase firm performance- challenges in SHRM –
Evolving strategic role of HRM..
Unit II Investment perspectives of HR- investment Consideration, investments in
Training and Development, investment Practices for improved Retention, investments job
secure work courses, Nontraditional investment Approaches- Strategic HR Planning –
Types of HR Planning – Job Analysis and SHRM- Design and Redesign of work systems
Unit VII Global HRM: Multinational, Global, and Transnational Strategies, Strategic
Alliances, Sustainable Global Competitive Advantage, Globally Competent Managers,
Strategic global HRM –Assessing culture – Strategic HR issues in global assignments-
Improving international Assignments through selections, Training and maintaining
international Employees, Developing international Staff and Multinational Teams--
Approaches to international Compensation-Compensation trends, Objectives of
international Compensation, , Issues related to double taxation.- Repatriation – cases.
Unit VIII Managing Strategic Organizational renewal- Managing change and OD,
instituting TQM Programmes, Creating Team based Organisations, HR and BPR,
Flexible work arrangement.
• Mello: Strategic HRM, Thomson, 2/e, 2007
• Dreher: Human Resource Strategy 1e, 2005 TMH
• Tanuja Agarwala: Strategic HRM, Oxford, 2007.
• Charles R. Greer, Strategic Human Resource Management, Pearson
Education, 2006.
• Peter J. Dowling, Denice E. Welch, Randall S. Schuler, International
Human Resource Management, Thomson South-Western, 2006.
• Richard I.Henderson: Compensation Management in a Knowledge-based
World 10/e, Pearson, 2007.
• Belcourt: Strategic HR Planning, 2/e Thomson, 2007.
9. Management of Industrial Relations
• Venkataratnam,C.S.: Negotiated Change –Collective Bargaining, Liberalisation
and Restructuring in India, Response Books, New Delhi, 2003.
• Sinha: Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and Labour Legislation, Pearson 2007.
• P.K.Padhi: Labour and Industrial Laws,PHI, 2007.
10.Business Ethics
The objective of the course is to make students aware of ethical and moral issues
concerning business both in Indian and International context and develop sensitivity
of students for right ethical practices in conduct of business.
1. Ethical theories and Approaches, Traditional theories and its application to Modern
Decision making, Individual decision making
5. Ethics and HRM . Values of the employment relationship, Downsizing and its
ethics, balance of power, drug testing, comparable worth, employee loyalty.
Discrimination and affirmative action, case studies.
Manuel G.Velasquez, Business Ethics, Concepts PHI 2007.
Velasquez, Business Ethics, A Teaching and Learning Classroom Edition:
Concepts and Cases, 6/e Pearson Education.
S.K.Chakraborty, The Management and Ethics Omnibus. Oxford University
Press 2007.
Joseph W.Weiss:Business Ethics—A Stakeholder and Issues Management
Approach, Thomson, 2004.
William H.Shaw, Vincent Barry:Moral Issues in Business, Thomson, 2004.
R.C.Sekhar:Ethical Choices in Business, Response Books,2002.
R.P.Banerjee:Ethics in Business and Management, Himalaya,2003.
Developing economy, the scope of entrepreneurship among women, promotional
efforts supporting women entrepreneurs in India, Issues of employment generation.
8. Rural Entrepreneurship and EDPs: Need, Rural Industrialisation, NGO’s and Rural
Entrepreneurship, Need for EDP,s, Objectives of EDPs, course contents and
curriculum of EDPs, Phases of EDPs, &
Evaluation of EDPs
• H. Nandan, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, PHI, First Edition, New Delhi,
• Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shepherd, Entrepreneurship, Sixth
Edition, New Delhi, 2006.
• Alfred E. Osborne, Entrepreneur’s Toolkit, Harvard Business Essentials, HBS
Press, USA, 2005.
• Madhurima Lall, Shikha Sahai, entrepreneurship, Excel Books, First Edition,
New Delhi, 2006.
• S.S. Khanka, Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand and Company Limited,
New Delhi, 2007.
• Thomas W. Zimmerer, Norman M. Scarborough, Essentials of Entrepreneurship
And Small Business Management, Fourth Edition, Pearson, New Delhi, 2006
• S.R. Bhowmik, M. Bhowmik, Entrepreneurship-A tool for Economic Growth
And A key to Business Success, New Age International Publishers, First Edition,
(formerly Wiley Eastern Limited), New Delhi, 2007
The objective of the course is to provide the basics of the emerging area of Knowledge
Management to students
road to knowledge management, Knowledge Management in Manufacturing and
and service industry, challenges and future of Knowledge Management.
6. The Knowledge Process: Universal appeal, Stages of KM Process, Knowledge
Capital vs physical capital, Customer Relationship Management, Business Ethics
And KM, The Promise of Internet and the Imperatives of the new age.
7. Implementation of Knowledge Management: Discussion on Roadblocks to
success,10-step KM Road Map of Amrit Tiwana, Business Intelligence and
Internet platforms, web Portals, Information Architecture: A three-way Balancing
Act, KM ,the Indian experience, Net Banking in India.
8. Knowledge Management and Organisational Restructuring: Power of Innovation,
Sculpting learning communities, Peter senge’s Learning Organisations, Enabling
&Empowering, KM implementation issues, knowledge networks implementation
&The Mystique of a Learning Organisation.
• A. Thothathri Raman, Knowledge Management, First Edition, Excel Books,
New Delhi, 2004.
• Awad, Knowledge Management, Pearson Education, 2007.
• Mattison, Web Warehousing & Knowledge Management, Tata McGraw-Hill,
• Barnes, Knowledge Management systems, 1/e, Thomson, 2006.
• Tiwana, The Knowledge Management tool kit: Practical techniques for
building a knowledge management systems, 2/e, Pearson Education, 2006.
• Harish Chandra Chaudhary, Knowledge Management for competitive
advantage, first edition, Excel Books,New Delhi, 2005.
• Warier, Knowledge Management, Vikas Publishing House, 2007
• Sislop, Knowledge Management, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2007
• Debowski, Knowledge Management, Wiley Student Edition, Wiley India,
• P. David Jawahar Ramesh Venkatraman, Perspectives of HR and IT
Management First Edition, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2007.
1. International Marketing
The objective of the course is to provide students with a perspective of
International Marketing Management, its environment and complexities. The
prerequisite for the course is Marketing Management taught in II semester.
• Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham, International Marketing 11/e, Tata
McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd., 2006.
• Sak Onkvisit, John J. Shaw, International Marketing Analysis and
Strategy, 3/e, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
• Isobel Doole and Robin Lowe, International Marketing Strategy, 2/e,
Thomson Learning, 2006.
• Subhash C. Jain, International Marketing, 6/e, South-Western, 2006.
• Vern Terpstra, Ravi Sarathy, International Marketing, 8/e, Harcourt Asia
Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
• Keegan: Global marketing Management 7/e Pearson Education, Delhi,
• Roger Bennett & Jim Blythe. International Marketing Strategy Planning
Market Entry & Implementation, 3rd ed Kogan Page Ltd. 2005.
• Michael Czinketa: International Marketing 8/e Thomson 2007
• Spiro, Stanton & Rich: Management of Sales Force, TMH, 2007.
• George E Belch and Michael A Belch, Advertising and Promotion, 6th Edition,
TMH, 2006.
• Batra : Advertising Management 5/e Pearson Education, 2007.
• Jobber : Selling and Sales Management 6/e Pearson Education.
• Clow : Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications
Pearson Education, 2007.
• Wells : Advertising :Principles and Practice 6/e Pearson Education.
• SHH Kazmi, Satish Batra, Advertising & Sales Promotion 2nd ed Excel Books
4. Foreign Exchange Market: Function and Structure of the Forex markets, major
participants, types of transactions and settlements dates, Foreign exchange
quotations, process of arbitrage, speculation in the forward market.
5. Currency Futures and Options Markets, Overview of the other markets – Euro
currency market, Euro credit market, Euro bond market, International Stock
7. Long term Asset –liability Management: Foreign Direct Investment, International
Capital Budgeting, International Capital structure and cost of capital. International
Portfolio Management. International Financing: Equity, Bond financing, parallel
• students need to be provided with discounting and statistical table for
• Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, 5/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006
• Prasanna Chandra , Projects: Planning, Analysis, Financing
Implementation and Review, TMH, New Delhi, 2006
• James P. Lewis, Project Planning, Scheduling and Controlling,3/e,TMH
• Bodie, Kane, Warcus: Investments Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006,
• Brigham E.F & Houston J.F., Financial Management, Thomson
Publications, 2006.
• V.K. Bhalla, Financial Management and policy., Anmol Publications Pvt.
• I.M. Pandey, Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House,2006.
• MY Khan and PK Jain, Financial Management: Text, Problems & Cases,
Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Co, 2006.
• V. K. Kapoor, Operations Research, Sultan Chand &Sons, New Delhi,
• Richard Pike &Bill Neale: Corporate Finance & Investment—Decisions
and Strategies, 2/e, PHI, New Delhi, 2006.
• Alexander : Fundamentals of Investment 3/e Pearson Education,2006
• Lawrence J. Gitman, Principles of Managerial Finance, 11/e, Pearson
Education 2007
6. Evidence Collection: Audit Software, Code Review, Test Data, and Code
Comparison, Concurrent Auditing techniques, Interviews, Questionnaires ,and
Control Flowcharts. Performance Management tools.
Function, Leading Function, Controlling Function, Some Features of Information
Systems Auditing..
• Ron Weber, Information Systems Control and Audit, Pearson Education, 2006.
• James A.Hall: Information Technology Auditing and Assurance, 2/eThomson,
• David Ricchiute: Auditing and Assurance Services, 7/e, Thomson, 2003.
• Davis, IT Auditing, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2007
• Cannon, Bergmann, Pamplin, CICA- certified Information Systems Auditor,
Study Guide, 1/e , Sybex, WILEY- India, 2006.
• Ronald, Russel, The CISSP prep Guide, 2/e. WILEY – Dreamtech India pvt Ltd,
8. Case Studies
• Efraim Turban, Jay E. Aronson, Ting-Peng Liang: DSS and Intelligent Systems,
PHI & Pearson Education, 2007.
• Macllah: Decision Support Systems and Data Warehousing, Tata McGraw-Hill ,
• Stevenson, Introduction to Management Science, 1/e, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2007.
• James A Obrien, george M Marakas: Management Information systems, 7/e, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2007.
• George M..Marakas:Decision Support Systems in the 21st Century, 2/e, PHI &
Pearson Education, 2006.
• Render, Quantitative analysis for Management, 8/e, Pearson Education, 2006
• Anderson, Introduction to Management Science & Quantitative techniques for
Decision Making, Thomson, 2006
• Hiller, Lieberman, Operations Research: Concepts & Cases, 8/e, Tata McGraw-
Hill , 2006.
• C.S.V.Murthy: Management Information System, Himalaya Publishing House
4. Monitoring and Mentoring: introduction – Supervision – Objectives and
Principles of Monitoring – monitoring process – periodic reviews – problem
solving - engendering trust – role efficacy.
5. Annual stocktaking: Stock taking performance – process of Judgment vs process
of analysis – stock taking discussions – Delivering efficient feedback – 360-
Degree Feedback- stocktaking potential – Tools for stocktaking potential.
6. Appraising for Recognition & Reward: Purpose of Appraising – Methods of
appraisal – appraisal system design – Implementing the appraisal system –
Appraisals and HR decisions.
7. Organisational effectiveness: Role of Leadership and Change in organizational
effectiveness – rules of thumb for change agents – performance management
skills – Operationalising change through performance management.
8. High Performing Teams: Building and leading High performing teams – team
oriented organizations – developing and leading high performing teams.
8.Management of Change
The objective of the course is to enable managers cope up with the changes that take
place constantly in business. The prerequisite for the course is knowledge of HRM and
Organisational Behaviour subjects.
3. Change Diagnosis: Diagnosis Models and Component Analysis – diagnosing
readiness to change- Cases..
4. Resistance to change: Factors contributing to resistance, congnitive and affective
processes, recognizing resistance, Managers as resistors to change - suggestions
to manage resistance- Cases.
5. Implementing change-I : Organisation Development - Meaning, Nature and scope
of OD - Dynamics of planned change – Person-focussed and role-focussed OD
interventions –Planning OD Strategy – Implementing change through OD,
Appreciative inquiry and sense-making approaches- Cases..
6. Implementing change-II: Contingency and Processual Approaches to
implementing change- Cases.
7. Linking vision and Change: Content of meaningful vision – Strategies for
communicating change- Cases..
8. Consolidating change: Actions to consolidate to change – Signs of consolidation
of change - caution to be observed- Cases..
• Palmer, Dunford, Akin: Managing Organisational Change—A multiple
perspective Approach, TMH, 2007.
• V.Nilakant and S.Ramnarayan: Managing Change, Response Books, New Delhi,
• Radha R Sharma: Change Management—Concepts and Applications, TMH, 2007
• Robert A Paton and James McCalman, Change Management: A Guide to Effective
Implementation 2/e.Response Books, New Delhi, 2006.
• Harvard Business Essentials: Managing Change and Transition, HBS Press, 2007.
• Joseph W. Weiss: Organisational Behaviour and Change-- Managing Diversity,
Cross cultural dynamics and Ethics. Thomson Learning, New Delhi, 2007.
• Harvard Business Essentials:Coaching and Mentoring, HBS Press, 2007.
• Harvard Business Essentials: Creating Teams with an Edge, HBS Press, 2007.
• Thorn Hill Managing Change, 2005 Pearson.