Formation Pressure Data 1662035611

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Raw Data Table

(With Initial Fluid Interpretation)

Step 1: Plot the Data

• Pressure on the x-axis

• Subsea (vertical) depth
on the y-axis
Step 2: Initial Visual Interpretation
Initial Interpretation;
• 3 Fluids
• GOC near 10600 Ft SS
• OWC (FWL) near 10700 Ft SS
• Unknown fluid at 9626 Ft SS
– Not in pressure communication
w/ underlying reservoirs

Step 3: Initial Quantitative Interpretation

• Gas gradient look realistic
• ?Oil gradient looks too low
• Exclude data from 9626 Ft SS

Step 4: Detailed Look at GOC

• Initial interpretation has oil zone
data points above the gas-oil

Apparent GOC
Step 5: Revised Interpretation of Gas-Oil System

• Oil gradient (density) more realistic that
initial interpretation
Detail of Revised Interpretation

• Realistic oil gradient
• But; Only 2 data points in ?oil column,
• Lowest data point at 10673.8 ft SS has
very low drawdown mobility (k/u). The
resultant apparent pressure and gradient
are therefore uncertain.
• Apparent gradient should be checked for
conformance with other field data

GOC 10645
Step 6: Check for Realistic Data

• Pressure gradient between bottom 2
points is not realistic – far too high
• A feasible but very high density water
gradient projects into the hydrocarbon
• This is not possible if the fluids are in
pressure communication

Feasible – but high water gradient

Step 7: Is the Interpretation Realistic
• Are the fluid pressure gradients realistic and consistent with the
interpreted fluid
• Utilize offset well and regional fluid pressure gradient data
• Be prepared to eliminate data from the interpretation;
− Remove data points with low drawdown mobility to improve
consistency of interpretation,
− Eliminate data if there is an apparent pressure discontinuity (data at
9626 ft SS, for example)
• Sometimes data cannot be used to determine fluid contacts. For
example, the gradient in the assumed water zone is unrealistic. Also, a
realistic water gradient plots into a known hydrocarbon zone.
• Be prepared to change the interpretation as more data becomes available.
For our example no wireline log data or fluid sample data was available.
Table for Fluid Pressure Gradient Conversion

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