Styroplastic Pad

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 to produce an alternative plastic pad in the

market with the use common waste in the

environment such as styrofoam and plastic
 The main components of the Styroplastic pad
composite are styrofoam, polyethylene
terephthalate plastic strips and a solvent
which is coconut oil.
 The researchers in this project used the
concept of melting, dissolving, and
solidification in conducting the methods. Raw
materials need to melt and dissolve together
in order to form the solution. The raw
materials need a solvent for dissolving.In a
specific temperature, the solution will cool
then solidifies, forming the desired
composite pad.
 As the researchers were conducting the experiment,
observations were made. When coconut oil was being
heated, it does not emit foul odors. The styrofoam
dissolved fast when submerged in boiling coconut oil. The
mixture required to be mixed continuously for the
components to dissolved together. The solution rapidly
solidifies at room temperature.It is evident that the
coconut oil discolored to a grayish substance after cooking
the Styroplastic pad. The final product has proportion of
brittleness with the thickness. The final product has
smooth surface and it is also can be mold easily into
definite shapes. The Styroplastic pad was relatively light
when compared to plastic in market.
 The researchers conducted a survey about
the Styroplastic pad. The purpose of the
survey is to gather data and to evaluate the
product standards. There were thirty
professional respondents that participated on
the survey. The survey has four parts that
represents the standard of the Styroplastic
pad: functionality, durability, accuracy and
efficiency, and economical and industrial
 The production cost of the Styroplastic Pad is
cheap and highly dependent on how the
materials had taken
 The price of the Styroplastic Pad in the
market is also cheap and highly dependent to
the volume of the product created.
 Styroplastic Pad is a composite made of solidified solution of
styrofoams, plastics, and coconut oil. The importance of the
project is reduction of styrofoams and plastics in the environment
and produce a material capable for long period of time usage. The
idea of researchers become possible by planning the methods
applicable for the raw materials to be used. Concepts of melting,
dissolving, and solidification are applied within the methods. The
polarity of materials is same therefore dissolving it together was
possible. After conducting the survey, the data interpreted: The
Styroplastic Pad is acceptable to standards of end users. The
respondents considered the functionality, durability, accuracy and
efficiency, and economical and industrial contribution of the
composite material

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