Oil Sorbents From Plastic Wastes
Oil Sorbents From Plastic Wastes
Oil Sorbents From Plastic Wastes
Invited Review
h i g h l i g h t s
• Polymers such as polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, etc. are major components of municipal solid waste.
• This review is the first of its kind reporting and compiling various methods of producing oil sorbents from plastics.
• One method of combating plastic wastes as well as oil spill is through the use of sorbents.
• Producing oil sorbents from plastic wastes and polymers can also fulfill waste management purposes.
• Synthesis methods and characterization of oil sorbents have been reviewed from virgin polymers as well as plastic wastes.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A large volume of the waste produced across the world is composed of polymers from plastic wastes such
Received 19 April 2017 as polyethylene (HDPE or LDPE), polypropylene (PP), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) amongst oth-
Received in revised form 5 July 2017 ers. For years, environmentalists have been looking for various ways to overcome the problems of such
Accepted 31 July 2017
large quantities of plastic wastes being disposed of into landfill sites. On the other hand, the usage of syn-
Available online 6 August 2017
thetic polymers as oil sorbents in particular, polyolefins, including polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene
(PE) have been reported. In recent years, the idea of using plastic wastes as the feed for the production
of oil sorbents has gained momentum. However, the studies undertaking such feasibility are rather scat-
Plastic wastes
Oil sorption
tered. This review paper is the first of its kind reporting, compiling and reviewing these various processes.
Polymers The production of an oil sorbent from plastic wastes is being seen to be satisfactorily achievable through
Sorbent a variety of methods Nevertheless, much work needs to be done regarding further investigation of the
numerous parameters influencing production yields and sorbent qualities. For example, differences in
results are seen due to varying operating conditions, experimental setups, and virgin or waste plastics
being used as feeds. The field of producing oil sorbents from plastic wastes is still very open for further
research, and seems to be a promising route for both waste reduction, and the synthesis of value-added
products such as oil sorbents. In this review, the research related to the production of various oil sorbents
based on plastics (plastic waste and virgin polymer) has been discussed. Further oil sorbent efficiency in
terms of oil sorption capacity has been described.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
2. Ways of combating oil spills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
2.1. Burning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
2.2. Booms and skimmers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
2.3. Chemical dispersants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
2.4. Sorbents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (J. Saleem).
0304-3894/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Saleem et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 341 (2018) 424–437 425
1. Introduction Table 1
Classification of Plastic Wastes
Plastic products opened a new era in industrial history ever since Polymer % Plastic Waste
synthetic polymers were first introduced into industrial scale pro- LDPE/LLDPE 20.6
duction in the 1940s [1]. Booming research and utilization of plastic PP 20
products considerably and profoundly changed the structure of HDPE 17.4
material research and application. This originated from the fasci- PET 11.7
PS 10.9
nating character of plastics including high resistance to corrosion,
PVC 10.9
high flexibility to process applications and low manufacturing cost. PU 2.7
Apart from their wide use in decoration, electronics industry and Others 9.8
construction applications [2], they are extensively used as shopping LLDPE Linear low density polyethylene
bags, bottles, and pipes. Due to their extensive scale of production, LDPE low density polyethylene
the waste generated by plastic is also alarming. There are many
species that are directly affected by plastic wastes. Seabirds are
amongst the most vulnerable creature and are observed to consume lis et al. studied the thermal degradation of HDPE in a reactive
floating plastics [3]. Another problem associated with plastic waste extruder to obtain oily products with future potential to refine
is related to the screening or presence of different grades of plastic fuels [10]. The production of alkane gases from the pyrolysis of
waste. Plastics need greater processing in order to be recycled than HDPE using a fluidized bed reactor was also studied [11]. Further-
glass or metal. They must often be of nearly identical composition more in order to obtain valuable products, appropriate catalysts
to become mixed efficiently. When different grades of plastics are can be applied to improve the thermal degradation efficiency of
melted together they tend to separate and resist being reformed. waste plastic. The application of waste plastic to produce porous
Even plastic of the same type creates problems. This information carbon is another option for reclaiming of PSW (plastic solid waste)
reveals that beneath the convenient use of plastic products, one since porous carbons investigated in research perform consid-
should be consciously aware about the challenges of white pollu- erably more impressively than commercially available activated
tion and the accompanying environmental issues created by plastic carbon [12], however the yields are low (less than 20%) due to
waste. Hence there is a need to utilize plastic waste effectively. large volatilization and the burn-off effect under vacuum condition.
The classification of plastic waste is a good start to understand and This is accompanied with the high energy intensive process which
start to solve the waste problem. Table 1 shows the classification restricts the widespread application of plastic waste pyrolysis [4].
of plastic waste [4,5]. Recycling is a promising way to utilize plastic waste as it pro-
Current methods for the disposal of plastic wastes include land- vides benefits of waste minimization, reduction of carbon dioxide
fill, incineration (burning to ashes), plastic recycling, and energy emissions and value added products [6]. It is believed that the
production. At present, the high cost of producing electricity from application of plastic waste is focused on its elimination in a low-
wastes prohibits this route [6]. Traditionally due to the increasing cost approach rather than its beneficial, value-added reuse. Due to
growth of plastic solid waste (PSW), and so far landfill or inciner- the importance of cleaning of oil spills, many reviews have been
ation have the most utilized application for post-consumer plastic written in recent years about advanced sorbent materials [13–15].
treatment [7,8]. Landfilling will eventually be phased out due to However, this review paper is the first of its kind reporting, com-
the scarcity of space and its ever increasing cost [4]. Likewise, piling and reviewing the various methods of producing oil sorbents
incineration generates emissions of toxic fumes and fly ash that from plastics. This includes studies utilizing plastic waste as well as
require further disposal [9]. Among the industrial utilizations of virgin polymers that are components of plastics materials. In this
plastic waste, pyrolysis is one of the favorable approaches. Wal- review, we are concerned with oil sorbents mainly for oils from
petroleum sources.
426 J. Saleem et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 341 (2018) 424–437
2.1. Burning
In-situ burning of an oil layer can remove oil slicks but results
in the pollution from the burning in the environment [20].
Booms can help in the control and spread of oil slicks by physi-
cally containing it by forming a barrier around it and then the oil can
be picked up by skimmers (mechanical devices), however, this can
expensive for large spills due to the requirement of a lot of equip-
ment and labor and ineffective for oil on turbulent seas or rivers. Fig. 1. Properties of an ideal oil sorbent made from plastics.
The qualities for ideal oil sorbent for cleaning oil spills are (See
2.3. Chemical dispersants also Fig. 1):
These disperse oil from the sea surface as they reduce the inter- 3.1. Good mutual solubility
facial tension at the oil/water interface and increase the natural
biodegradation process [23]. Bio-surfactants can also be used (pro- This property is related with the structure i.e. the chain structure
duced by micro-organisms) which can degrade oil spills as well of both oil and absorbent should be similar [36].
[24]. However, both these approaches involve the addition of chem-
ical materials to the sea. 3.2. High surface area (and/or high surface to thickness ratio)
3. Desired properties of oil sorbents made from plastics Atta et al. [40] used a two-step chemical conversion route to
synthesize an oil sorbent where polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
The absorption capacity of a sorbent is defined as [31]. waste was first glycolized using trimethylolpropane (TMp) or pen-
Absorption capacity (g/g) = (weight of sorbent after adsorption taerytheritol (PEr) resulting in the formation of polyol oligomers.
− weight of sorbent before adsorption)/weight of sorbent before These intermediates were then further reacted with 2,4-toluene
adsorption diisocyanate which resulted in the synthesis of several types of
J. Saleem et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 341 (2018) 424–437 427
Fig. 2. Oil-sorbent films from waste HDPE bottles for oil spill remediation (a) Blended sorbent film, named HD-75 (size 3 × 3 cm2 ) before being immersed in corn oil bath,
(b) after immersing, (c) after 20 min, (d) after 60 min, (e) after 8 h, (f) film was hanged in the air to drip off the oil on the surface for 2 h before taking photo: Adhesion and
cohesion phenomena at the surface and near the edge of sorbent film, (g) film immersed in water, and (h) film in water after 8 h. Small black line near the bottom left of film
was used as a reference to show the extent of oil uptake, (i) SEM image of HD-75 sorbent film. (j) Full isotherm and pore size distribution of HD-75, (k) Oil uptake capacities
recorded after 60 min of dripping using HD-75 as sorbent with different sorbates. Reproduced from Ref. [35].
Polyurethane PU foams which were used to investigate the kinetics dose) and these were found to possess good sorption capacity for
of oil uptake. light and heavy crude oils. This low dose of gamma radiation pro-
duces with a low degree of cross-linked structures which allows
4.2. Grafting greater penetration and sorption of crude oils into the polymer
sheets. Scanning electron microscope SEM photographs and dif-
Tanobe et al. [41] investigated the effect of grafting polystyrene ferential scanning calorimetric DSC plots were used to investigate
polymer onto waste polyurethane foams for oil sorption per- structural changes in the sheets including their behavior towards
formance. In the first step, morphology (porous structure and crude oil [43].
pore size) and physical chemical properties (density and surface
hydrophobicity) were altered to get foams with the best sorption
4.4. Mechanical method
ability which were then further grafted with polystyrene. In this
second step, different conditions were tested in a set of experiments
Sharma et al. [44] synthesized fibers from polystyrene waste
by varying reaction time, styrene volume and initiator concentra-
using citrus peel extracts as solvent via a simple mechanical route
tion and results indicated that grafting rendered foams with better
without any addition of chemical. These fibers were micro to
sorption capacity, fast uptake kinetics and good recyclability. In a
nanometers in dimension and were highly hydrophobic in nature.
similar study, an oil sorbent material (with a sorption capacity of
20.8 g/g) was obtained by grafting methacrylic acid on polypropy-
lene fibers by using divinylbenzene as a cross-linking agent [42]. 4.5. Porous films
Fig. 3. Sorption properties of Polypropylene Sponge (PP) (a) schematics showing important synthesis steps. (b) The absorption and recycling process of diethyl ether (dyed
with oil red) and the recovery of the PP sponge by washing with volatile organic liquid (ethanol) and drying in air. (c) Absorption capacities of the PP sponge toward different
organic liquids and oils. Reproduced from Ref. [64].
Table 2
Polyurethane based oil sorbents.
1 Polyurethane Foams Polyurethane foams used as Polyurethane foam grafted by Tanobe et. al., 2009 [41]
Mattresses polystyrene; Oil uptake (19–58 g/g),
Retention values (50-18 g/g)
2 Polyurethane Foams Recycled PET (polyethylene Limited oil uptake (25–35 g/g), Atta et. al. 2013 [40]
terephthalate) Retention values not presented
3 Polyurethane sponge material Polyurethane The absorption capacity was 100 g/g Wu et al 2014 [72]
treated with silica sol and sorbent for motor oil. After 15
gasoline successively successive sorption-squeezing cycles,
about 70 % sorption capacity was left.
4 Co-axial electrospun Polystyrene and polyurethane The absorption capacity: about 64 g/g Lin et al 2013 [73]
polystyrene/polyurethane (motor oil) and 47 g/g (sun flower oil).
5 Treated polyurethane sponges Polyurethane High sorption capacity and excellent Wang & Uyama 2016 [64]
oil/water selectivity.
6 Polyurethane PU Foams Polyurethane foam Oleophilic PU foams formed by graft Li et al 2013 [74]
copolymerization on PU foams using
lauryl methacrylate monomer,
divinylbenzene as a cross-linking
agent, benzoyl peroxide as an initiator
and toluene as the solvent.
The oil sorption capacity: about 47 g/g
(diesel) and 41 g/g (kerosene).
7 Post-consumed polyurethane Polyurethane post-use waste Post-consumed PU foams Tanobe et al 2009 [41]
PU foams modified by (environmental concern) modified by
polystyrene grafting with polystyrene to increase
its oil sorption capacity and were
characterized using FTIR-ATR, XPS and
SEM. The oil sorption was about 50 g
oil /g PU foam for Brazilian crude oil.
8 Polyurethane Foam modified Polyurethane Foam The modified foam (with bird’s Ouda et al 2015 [75]
by Fulica Atra feather feather) possessed high absorption
capacity for both light and heavy crude
oils. Five minutes contact period with
oil was sufficient.
9 Polypropylene, polyurethane, Polypropylene, polyurethane, In non- quiescent (non-quiet) Myers 2016 [76]
and polyester) and natural polyester, cotton, straw and conditions, cotton most effectively
organic (cotton, straw, and sawdust sorbents removed oil from water, followed by
sawdust) sorbents polypropylene, polyurethane and
10 Polyurethane (PU) foam Polyurethane Highly hydrophobic and oleophilic Su 2009 [77]
foam obtained which can reclaim oils
from polluted natural water area as the
contact angle of the foam was large as
from the gel sheet. This addition and removal of solvent not only (wet process) is to achieve a thin film with uniform thickness and
creates void spaces in the polymer film, but also decreases the chain good physical properties [46,50].
entanglements (physical cross-linking) that hinders the better pen-
etration of oil between the chains. In this process, thermoplastics Mechanism of high oil uptake. Saleem et al. [32–35,51] pre-
which are capable of being swollen with a solvent and forming a sented the key criteria for preparing highly efficient sorbent films.
pseudo-gel state are used. Polymers, which meet these require- The mechanism of oil uptake may follow adsorption, absorption,
ments, must be linear and have a high molecular weight of at least or both. In addition, adhesion between sorbent and oil surface
300,000 g/mol [49]. Plastic bottles, on the other hand, are made up and cohesion between oil molecules may also increase the uptake
of lower grades of polyethylene with relatively smaller molecu- capacity of the sorbent considerably. When the sorbent is taken out
lar weight (much less than 100,000 g/mol) and molecular chains from the spill site, some oil may drip from its surface while part of
[33,34] (See also Fig. 4 for the structures of plastics). These chains the oil remains in the surface due to absorption and adsorption phe-
would not be swollen significantly with the solvent and could not nomena. At the same time some oil adheres to the surface due to
be converted into a pseudo-gel state; hence most of the solvent adhesion and does not drip off the film while some oil sticks to the
remains unmixed resulting in an inhomogeneous gel sheet. As these edge of the sorbent film due to cohesion and adhesion forces. Over-
grades of plastic do not fulfill the required criteria, hence not much all, the combination of adsorption, absorption, adhesion (due to
research has been conducted to use them as oil sorbents. pores and voids, and large surface to thickness ratio), and cohesion
Recently, an innovative way to solve this problem was identified give exceptionally high oil uptake capacities.
[35] by blending plastic waste bottles with much higher molecu- From the BET analysis, it was found that sorbent film has the
lar weight polyethylene. Young-Keun et al. (2007) also explained surface area 114 m2 /g. When compared with waste plastic bottle
the process of making microporous films using different molecu- this is a hundred fold increment in surface area. Also it should be
lar weights of HDPE [48]. As there are other methods (dry-stretch noted that the unprocessed plastic waste bottle has a negligible
process and particle stretch process) [46] available to create porous surface area. The generation of pores was also confirmed by SEM
polymer films, the reason for using the solvent extraction method images.
Table 3
Polystyrene based oil sorbents.
1 Oil Sorbent Fibers Polystyrene Sub-micron fibers from polystyrene waste. Oil Sandra S and Shital 2016
uptake measurements not presented [44]
2 Nanoporous polystyrene (PS) fibers PS Prepared via a one-step electrospinning Lin et al 2012 [82]
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram illustrating the formation process of porous polystyrene fibers during electrospinning. Reproduced from Ref. [85].
One effective strategy to increase the sorption capacity of poly- The plastic derived oil sorbents are usually based on one plas-
mer sorbent materials is to make three dimensional structures of tic or a mixture of plastics [40,71]. In a few studies, plastic waste
them in the form of an aerogel, foam or sponge as these struc- has been investigated as oil sorbents however most of the studies
tures possess a high surface area and pore volume. This technique consume virgin plastic polymers to form oil sorbents.
has been extensively used for two dimensional graphene films as Plastics can be divided into thermoplastics and thermoset
reported in various recent works [52–55]. Other foam type materi- plastics. Thermoplastics (polypropylene, low density polyethylene
als include carbon fiber sorbent aerogel derived from bamboo [56], LDPE, high density polyethylene HDPE, polyethylene terephtha-
CNT Sponges [57], composite CNT-Graphene sponges [58–60], Fe/C late PET, polyamide/nylon, polystyrene, poly methyl methacrylate)
macroporous monoliths [61] and Silicon sponge made via sol-gel are those which can be recycled while thermoset plastics
polymerization having high affinity for organic liquids [62]. (polyurethane, polyester resin, urea formaldehyde, melamine
A similar strategy has been effective for polymer based sor- formaldehyde, epoxy resin, phenol-formaldehyde/Bakelite) per-
bents as well e.g. Pinto et al., [63] synthesized a polymer sponge manently deform on heating and therefore, cannot be recycled.
for oil remediation instead of making films and demonstrated that Fig. 4 illustrates plastics that are used in oil sorption applications.
pores of the polymeric structure play a key role in increasing the oil It is worthwhile to discuss oil sorbents based on various plastics
absorption capacities. In another work, Wang et al. [64] synthesized types.
polypropylene (PP) sponge by thermally-induced phase separa-
tion (TIPS) technique having promising oil sorbent properties as 5.1. Polyurethane oil sorbents
illustrated in Fig. 3. Similarly various polymer based aerogels were
synthesized and applied for oil clean-up that include PDMS (poly- Wu et al. prepared oil sorbent material with an absorption
dimethylsiloxane) sponge [65], polyurethane [66–69], melamine capacity of 100 g/g sorbent for motor oil by treating polyurethane
sponges [66] and polystyrene foams [70]. sponges with silica sol and then with gasoline [72]. By co-
axial electro-spinning of polyurethane and polystyrene fibers, the
excellent oil sorbent material was obtained having a better per-
432 J. Saleem et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 341 (2018) 424–437
Table 4
PP and PE based oil sorbents.
1 PP and PE powder and sheets Plastic Wastes No oil uptake and retention values measured, Gheit et. al.,2006
Focused only on oil-water separation efficiency [43]
2 Oil absorbent foam Extruded polyethylene EPE Oil uptake (30 g/g) Gong et. al., 2011 [91]
(low cost shock proof foam
sheets) used in packing
3 Oil Sorbent film waste HDPE bottles Oil uptake capacity, 100 g/g Saleem and Mckay 2016 [32]
4 Oil Sorbent film Ultrahigh-molecular-weight Oil sorption capacities, 42–290 g/g after 2 min Saleem et. al., 2015 [35]
polyethylene of dripping for a range of petroleum solvents.
5 Methacrylic Acid MAA- grafted polypropylene fibers (PP) Graft polymerization of MAA was done on PP Ha et al 2016 [42]
Polypropylene PP Fibers done using divinylbenzene as a cross linking
agent and 2, 2- azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as
an initiator. Optimum reaction conditions
were: temp 80 ◦ C, time 5 h, MAA conc 2%, AIBN
conc 0.025 mol/L. Maximum oil sorption
capacity (qmax) for crude oil, about 21 g/g for
crude oil.
6 Polypropylene PP nonwoven PP The PP based material possessed ability to Zhou et al 2016 [92]
fabricated material with clean organic pollutants from water surfaces.
hydrophilic and hydrophobic
7 PP/kapok blended nonwoven Propylene and Kapok The PP/kapok blend (50/50) possessed the Lee et al 2013 [86]
fabrics lowest bulk density of all the blends. The
absorption capacity for PP/kapok blend
(50/50): about 21 g/g (kerosene) and 27 g/g
(soybean oil).
8 Fiber assemblies made from Polypropylene or kapok or The polypropylene fiber assembly exhibited Rengasamy et al 2011 [87]
polypropylene, kapok and milkweed fibers the highest sorption capacity followed by the
milkweed fibers kapok and milkweed fiber assemblies at
porosity <0.98. All fibers showed higher
absorption capacity for high diesel oil than
diesel oil.
Fibers from Kapok (a natural cellulosic
material from kapok plant) are lightweight,
soft, strong and water-repellant. Milkweed
fibers (from seeds of Milkweed) are alternative
to kapok fibers.
9 Polypropylene fibrous syndiotactic polypropylene Electrospun material was superhydrophobic Patel and Chase 2014 [88]
membrane with water contact angles greater than 150.
The material successfully removed water from
diesel (ultra low sulfur diesel ULSD) samples.
10 Polypropylene sorbent booms Polypropylene Comparative study of the commercially Schrader 1991 [21]
available propylene based oil sorbent booms
was made.
11 Nonwoven polypropylene oil Polypropylene Oil sorption capacity of propylene depends on Wei et al 2003 [90]
sorbents fiber diameter, sorbent porosity and oil
12 Polypropylene, polyurethane, Polypropylene, polyurethane, In non- quiescent (non-quiet) conditions, Myers 2016
and polyester) and natural polyester, cotton, straw and cotton most effectively removed oil from [76]
organic (cotton, straw, and sawdust sorbents water, followed by polypropylene,
sawdust) sorbents polyurethane and straw. Sorption capacities
for pure oil without water underneath were
not reported.
13 Absorbent Materials including 2 Propylene and four other A comparative study on the absorption Teas et al 2001 [89]
propylene fibers, processed absorbents capacity of these materials to clean oil spills
wood and three commercial was done and the best performing material
materials based on perlite was polypropylene with capacity of 10 g/g
(amorphous volcanic glass). compared to 3–4 g/g other 3 materials.
formance than commercially available polypropylene sorbents synthesized the polyurethane foams to study the effect of pore size
[73]. Oleophilic polyurethane foam with oil sorption capacity for on adsorption capacity and found that foams with interconnected
kerosene of 41 g/g was formed by graft polymerization [74] which porous structures and pore sizes below 500 mm have oil absorption
was modified by a birds feathers and the material so produced capacities up to 30 g/g, whereas chemical functionalization of the
also possessed a good oil sorption capacity for oils [75]. A study foam does not increase the sorption capacity but only increases the
was done to assess the effectiveness of various natural and syn- selectivity of the foam highlighting the importance of morpholog-
thetic sorbents in non-quiet conditions using wave tank having ical properties of foam type polymeric materials for their sorption
20 L of water and results showed that polyester and sawdust sank performance [61]. Some composite polyurethane sponge materials
rendering them useless for oil spills whereas among those sor- were also reported. In one such study it was found that the sor-
bents which remained on water, cotton recovered most oil with bent possessed excellent separation efficiency (of about 99%) for
mean oil sorbent mass ratio of 10.6, followed by polypropylene the continuous separation of oil/water mixtures due to fastening
(9.5), polyurethane (6.8), and straw (5.5) [76]. Su et al. reported the of graphene sheets into polyurethane PU sponge [78]. Similarly,
hydrophobic polyurethane foam with water contact angle of about a strong superhydrophobic polyurethane sponge anchored with
152◦ which can reclaim oil from water [77]. Similarly Pinto et al. SiO2 nanoparticles was reported [79]. In another investigation,
J. Saleem et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 341 (2018) 424–437 433
Table 5
Acrylates based oil sorbents.
1 Butyl methacrylate-lauryl Butyl methacrylate and lauryl Hydroethyl methacrylate was used as a Feng and Xiao 2006 [93]
methacrylate copolymeric methacrylate cross-linker. The maximum absorption
(CPMA) fibers capacities of the fibers were about 8 g/g
(kerosene), 15 g/g (toluene), and 35 g/g
2 Co-polymer from ST (styrene), ST, MBA and SMA The oil absorption capacity was about 13 g/g Fang et al 2014 [94]
MBA (butyl methacrylate) and for ST/MBA and 23 g/g for ST/MBA/SMA.
SMA (stearyl methacrylate) Benzoyl peroxide as an initiator and
divinylbenzene as a cross-linking agent were
3 Macroporous ST/BMA Styrene and butyl methacrylate The macroporous resin possessed oil Du et al 2016 [95]
copolymer absorbency (about 9 g/g) to crude oil.
4 Butyl methacrylate (BMA) and BMA and MMA High oil-absorption resins were prepared by Ji et al 2011 [96]
short-chain methyl suspended emulsion polymerization process.
methacrylate (MMA)
5 Stearyl methacrylate-butyl Stearyl methacrylate and butyl Porous oil-absorbent microsphere possessed Duan et al 2016 [97]
acrylate copolymer acrylate above 95% oil retention for four organic liquids
(toluene, gasoline, diesel and chloroform). The
material can be used at least 12 times with
little decrease in oil absorbency capacity.
6 Electrospun fibrous mat based Polymethacrylate Contact angle of a water drop on the surface of Mo et al 2014 [98]
on polymethacrylate the sample was 102.3.
Table 6
Oil sorbents based on miscellaneous polymers.
1 Polyester staple fiber PSF Recycled PET flakes Oil uptake capacity not reported Zha, 2012 [103]
2 Oil sorbent powder PET Oil uptake capacity, 1.5-2.5 g/g Bukharova et. al., 2015 [99]
3 Nylon 6, 6 Nonwoven Fabric Nylon The absorption capacity for low area mass Ortega et al 2016 [100]
density spun bond nylon: 16 time’s absorbent
mass in low viscosity crude oil.
4 Electrospun copolymer of Styrene and butyl acrylate The produced fibrous material possessed large Xu et al 2016 [104]
styrene and butyl acrylate specific surface area and fast oil absorption
5 PDMS/MWNT Sponge The PDMS prepolymer, curing Magnetic recyclable macroporous PDMS/3% Turco et al (2015) [101]
agent, Magnetic Multiwalled MWNT sponge with sorption capacity of
Carbon Nanotubes, glucose 6–12 g/g.
polyurethane sponge containing attapulgite (a superhydrophobic of about 80 g/g compared to 20 g/g of commercial polypropylene
material) was formed which separated oil droplets from oil-in- mats [85]. Fig. 5 depicts the schematic diagram illustrating the for-
water emulsions with high separation efficiency of about 98% under mation process of porous polystyrene fibers during electrospinning
harsh turbulent sea conditions [80]. A bag made from a superhy- while Table 3 summarizes polystyrene based oil sorbents.
drophobic fabric and pristine polyuretahne sponge was found to be
effective in removing 40 L kerosene from water surfaces under vac-
uum conditions in 2 h and 30 min and no escape of oil occurred even 5.3. Polyethylene and polypropylene based oil sorbents
under harsh conditions such as mechanical abrasion [81]. Table 2
summarizes polyurethane based oil sorbents. Most of the commercial oil sorbents available in the market
are composed of polyethylene and polypropylene. Saleem et al.
5.2. Polystyrene oil sorbents [32,35] synthesized oil sorbent films using waste polyethylene
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195 g/g for pump oil. Further this material was also mechanically high sorption capacities [87]. Superhydrophobic mats prepared
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ing the electrospinning process and the results indicated that the related to the propylene fiber diameter, sorbent porosity and oil
porosity of fibers play a key role to achieve better oil adsorption per- property [90]. Table 4 summarizes the characteristics PP and PE
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