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Sensors and Actuators B 181 (2013) 294–300

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Green electrochemical sensor for environmental monitoring of pesticides:

Determination of atrazine in river waters using a boron-doped diamond electrode
L’ubomír Švorc ∗ , Miroslav Rievaj, Dušan Bustin
Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Radlinského 9, Bratislava, SK-812 37, Slovak Republic

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A novel, simple and sensitive electrochemical method for the determination of atrazine using a square-
Received 28 December 2012 wave voltammetry on boron-doped diamond electrode was developed. Atrazine provided a single well-
Received in revised form 4 February 2013 defined reduction peak at −1.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl electrode in Britton–Robinson buffer solution at pH 3. The
Accepted 7 February 2013
effect of supporting electrolyte, pH and scan rate on the current response of atrazine was studied to select
Available online 16 February 2013
the optimum experimental conditions. The linear concentration range from 0.05 to 40 ␮M (R2 = 0.999,
n = 6), the good repeatability (relative standard deviation of 2.9% at 10 ␮M for n = 6) and the detection
limit of 10 nM were achieved at optimized square-wave voltammetric parameters (step potential of 5 mV,
Boron-doped diamond electrode
frequency of 60 Hz and amplitude of 80 mV). The influence of possible interfering agents appeared to be
Mercury electrode minor which evidently proved the good selectivity of method. The proposed method was successfully
Square-wave voltammetry applied for the determination of atrazine in spiked river water samples with satisfactory recoveries (92 to
River water 100%) and the good agreement to results obtained by reference high performance liquid chromatography
Environmental monitoring method at confidence interval for 95% probability. In this way, boron-doped diamond could represent
an environmentally acceptable (green) alternative to highly toxic mercury electrodes for monitoring of
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of the hormonal system [4]. ATZ is classified as a priority pol-

lutant which use in agriculture is currently prohibited according
Nowadays, the large amounts of various harmful chemicals to the EC legislation (Commission Decision 2004/248/EC) [5] as
are used in agriculture. These substances (usually organic com- well as to the Slovak legislation (Parliamentary Act No. 364/2004
pounds such as herbicides, insecticides and fungicides) are very Coll., Government Ordinance No. 296/2005 Coll.). This herbicide
persistent in the environment and their prolonged use involves belongs to the list of dangerous substances in Slovak Republic,
the hazards of retention in soils. Subsequently they could pass whereby it has been considered within the document for lower-
into surface and ground waters due to washing and leaching pro- ing of water pollution especially by toxic and harmful compounds
cesses. From these reasons, an enhancing attention is given to the [6]. Because of these objectives, there is a still growing need for
increase of health risks associated with exposure of human popu- the development of sensitive and selective analytical methods
lation to harmful substances occurring in the environment. Their for environmental monitoring of residual amounts of (prohibited)
monitoring is one of the most important tasks of modern analytical pesticides.
chemistry [1]. A literature research shows many reports describing vari-
Atrazine (IUPAC name: 6-chloro-N-ethyl-N -isopropyl-1,3,5- ous analytical methods for the determination of ATZ and other
triazine-2,4-diamine; ATZ) is the most known triazine herbicide triazine herbicides in recent years. These particularly involve spec-
with toxic effects on aquatic organisms. It has been used in the trophotometric [7] and especially chromatographic methods such
annual control of some grasses and broadleaf weeds in corn, sugar as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [8–11] and
cane, pineapple, pinus and other cultures. Due to its low reactivity, gas chromatography (GC) [12–14] which have become the most
water solubility and slow degradation, ATZ is reasonably stable, widely used analytical methods for determination of trace amounts
mobile and persistent in the environment for a longer period (half of triazine herbicides because of their absolute best sensitivity
life varying among 20 and 100 days) [2,3]. In very small quantities, and selectivity. However, these techniques require the compli-
it may act as a carcinogen of type C and an endocrine disruptor cated sample preparation usually involving the pre-concentration
step prior to the analysis. In addition, they are expensive, time-
consuming, solvent waste-producing as well as the demands for
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +421 (0)2 59325302; fax: +421 (0)2 59325590. highly skilled personnel often restrict their use in routine analytical
E-mail address: [email protected] (L’. Švorc). practice.

0925-4005/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L’. Švorc et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 181 (2013) 294–300 295

The electrochemical methods are especially suitable for the phosphoric acid (pKa 2.14, 7.20 and 12.15), acetic acid (pKa 4.75)
environmental monitoring of heavy metals and electroactive and boric acid (pKa 9.24, 12.74 and 13.80), with all components at
organic pollutants. They are simple, inexpensive, sufficiently sensi- concentration of 40 mM and adjusting to the required pH value with
tive as well as they can represent an independent alternative to so sodium hydroxide (0.2 M). All other chemicals were of analytical
far dominant spectrophotometric and chromatographic techniques grade purity. Stock solution of ATZ (1 mM) was prepared by disso-
[1]. Regarding the determination of ATZ, the enzyme biosensors and lution of solid standard in 5 mL of methanol and then diluted with
immunosensors are used [15,16] or processes occurring on mer- double-distilled deionized water with resistivity above 18 M cm.
cury electrodes, such as hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) Working and calibration solutions of lower concentrations of ATZ
[17–19], static mercury drop electrode (SMDE) [20–22] and mer- were freshly prepared by diluting with supporting electrolyte. Ace-
cury film electrode (MFE) [23] are mostly exploited. These methods tonitrile (Merck, Czech Republic) was used as organic component
belong to the most sensitive ones thanks to the excellent elec- in mobile phase for the purposes of HPLC analysis.
trochemical properties of mercury. On the other hand, the highly
toxic nature of mercury insists on the necessary search for the 2.2. Apparatus
alternative electrode materials. Therefore, the novel, simple and
environmentally acceptable electrochemical tool for the sensitive The voltammetric measurements were performed with an
environmental monitoring of pesticide residues is great of impor- AUTOLAB PGSTAT 302 N (Metrohm Autolab B.V., The Netherlands)
tance. The several solid electrode surfaces have been proposed for potentiostat/galvanostat controlled by NOVA 1.9 electrochemical
the determination of pesticides with the main target of avoiding the software. The three electrode system consisted of Ag/AgCl/3 M KCl
use of mercury. In this context, the solid amalgam electrodes are and platinum wire as reference and counter electrode, respec-
used due to the mechanic stability, easy preparation and nontoxic- tively. BDD electrode inserted in polyether ether ketone (PEEK)
ity. They also have solid and homogeneous surfaces that allow easy body with disk inner diameter of 3 mm, resistivity of 0.075 cm
renewal by mechanical polishing and minimize the environmental and boron doping level of 1000 ppm (declared by Windsor Scientific
mercury contamination since the amount of mercury discarded in Ltd, United Kingdom as manufacturer) was used as working elec-
analysis is minimal [24]. Bismuth film [25] and carbon paste elec- trode. The glassy carbon (GC) with disk diameter of 2 mm was used
trodes either bare or modified [26,27] have also been designed in as comparative working electrode (Metrohm, Slovak Republic). All
order to produce electroactivity for the detection and quantification the pH values of solutions were measured using pH meter Model
of pesticides. 215 (Denver Instrument, USA) with combined electrode (glass-
Generally, an irreversible adsorption of products of electrode reference electrode), which was daily calibrated with standard
reaction resulting in the passivation layer usually occurs in the buffer solutions. All the potentials reported in this paper were given
electrochemical measurements. By the end of 20th century, a against Ag/AgCl/3 M KCl reference electrode at a laboratory temper-
boron-doped diamond (BDD) as the new perspective carbon-based ature of 25 ± 1 ◦ C.
electrode material was discovered [28,29]. This electrode has the The determination of ATZ by HPLC as a reference (compara-
minimal noise due to the low residual current, good mechanical tive) method was carried out using a Young Lin 9100 system, with
robustness, stability in both alkaline and acidic media, biocom- Photodiode Array (PDA) detector set at 220 nm. A GraceSmart RP-
patibility, the widest usable potential range from all electrode 18 (6.0 mm × 150 mm, 5 ␮m) chromatographic column was used.
materials (up to 3 V) and minimal problems with passivation per- The mobile phase was mixture of acetonitrile–water (30:70, v/v) at
tinent to sp3 character of diamond carbon [30]. The development flow rate of 1.0 mL min−1 , while the injection volume was 10 ␮L.
of new electrochemical methods using BDD electrode can provide
the invaluable services in the monitoring of compounds impor- 2.3. Measurement procedures
tant in terms of protection of human health, environment and food
chemistry. The recent reports of our working group have shown A particular volume of standard solution of ATZ was pipetted
that several important biomolecules are able to be satisfactorily into a 20 mL volumetric flask, then filled up with the supporting
determined using BDD electrode [31–34]. electrolyte and transferred quantitatively into voltammetric cell.
In this paper, the voltammetric determination of ATZ using Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square-wave voltammetry (SWV)
square-wave voltammetry on BDD electrode is described. Gener- were employed for optimization study and quantification of
ally, to the best of our knowledge, the detection and determination ATZ, respectively. Ultrapure N2 (O2 < 2 ppm) was used to remove
of ATZ on this perspective and environmentally acceptable elec- dissolved O2 from each solutions and to provide an inert atmo-
trode material has not been previously investigated in literature sphere inside the voltammetric cell. Five CV voltammograms were
with the exception of oxidation on BDD electrode for the miner- obtained for each measurement, and the last scan was always con-
alization of triazines including ATZ [35]. The practical applicability sidered for evaluation and making the figures reported in this paper.
of proposed method is demonstrated in the determination of ATZ SW voltammograms were recorded after optimization of instru-
in spiked river water samples. The developed procedure could also mental parameters (step potential, frequency and amplitude). The
find an application in environmental monitoring of other harmful peak currents (Ip ) recorded using CV and SWV were evaluated from
organic compounds thanks to rapidity, simplicity and sensitivity. the straight lines connecting the minima before and after the peak
maximum without background correction. In order to clean BDD
electrode surface prior to start the first voltammetric measurement,
2. Experimental CV measurements were performed from −2 to +2 V vs. Ag/AgCl elec-
trode for 10 min in 1 M HNO3 . After this procedure, BDD electrode
2.1. Chemicals was rinsed with deionized water and polished with a piece of damp
silk cloth until a mirror-like character of surface was attained. Cal-
ATZ standard (CAS No. 1912-24-9, purity of 99%) was obtained ibration curve was constructed from the average of six replicate
from Sigma–Aldrich (Slovak Republic) and used as received without measurements for each calibration solution of ATZ and analyzed by
any further purification. The studied supporting electrolytes were linear least-square regression in OriginPro 8.0 (OriginLab Corpora-
hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, acetate buffer, phosphate buffer and tion, USA) with the relevant results (slope and intercept) reported
Britton–Robinson buffer solution (Lachema Brno, Czech Republic). with confidence interval for 95% probability. The detection limit
Britton–Robinson buffer solution was prepared from a mixture of was calculated as three times the standard deviation for the blank
296 L’. Švorc et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 181 (2013) 294–300

solution (supporting electrolyte) divided by the slope of the cali-

bration curve.

2.4. Preparation of river water samples spiked with ATZ

The water samples (S1–S3) were obtained from three Slovak

rivers: Danube (S1), Váh (S2) and Nitra (S3) flowing through cities:
Bratislava, Sered’ and Nitra, where the samples were collected.
Each water sample was filtered through a filter paper to obtain a
clear filtrate, then quantitatively transferred into 100 mL volumet-
ric flask and stored in a fridge at 7 ◦ C. The determination of ATZ
in river water samples was performed as follows: the calculated
amount of standard solution of ATZ was added to the volumetric
flask containing 5 mL of river water and 15 mL of Britton–Robinson
buffer solution at pH 3. After this procedure, the solution was
stirred in order to homogenize and bubbled with ultrapure N2 Fig. 1. CV voltammograms of 0 (blank) and 10 ␮M ATZ in BRBS at pH 3 on BDD and
(O2 < 2 ppm) to remove dissolved O2 . The river water spiked with GC electrode in potential range from 0 to −2 V with scan rate of 100 mV s−1 .
ATZ was analyzed by the standard addition method in order to
reduce the matrix effect using the conditions described in previous

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Voltammetric behavior of ATZ on BDD electrode

3.1.1. Effect of supporting electrolyte

The choice of the supporting electrolyte is an important stage
in electroanalytical studies because its composition and pH influ-
ence the properties of the analyzed solution as well as the
electrode–solution interface, modifying the thermodynamics and
kinetics of the charge transfer process [36]. The effect of suppor-
ting electrolytes with different compositions and pH values was
investigated using CV in order to choose the best medium for the
voltammetric determination of ATZ on BDD electrode. For this pur-
pose, hydrochloric acid (HCl), acetic acid (CH3 COOH), acetate buffer
(ABS), phosphate buffer (PBS) and Britton–Robinson buffer solu- Fig. 2. Effect of pH on the peak potential () and peak current () of 10 ␮M ATZ in
BRBS on BDD electrode using CV with scan rate of 100 mV s−1 .
tion (BRBS) were studied (CV voltammograms not shown). The
most favorable results arising from the current response of ATZ (the
most sensitive and well-defined voltammetric peak) were accom- and obsolete mercury electrodes [17–19] as well as nontoxic solid
plished in BRBS at pH 3, while HCl and CH3 COOH represented the amalgam electrode [24]. It is also apparent that the residual cur-
media with poor sensitivity to ATZ. ABS and PBS were consid- rent appeared to be sufficiently low at higher negative potentials
ered to be better media than studied acids but not as sensitive on BDD electrode when compared with GC electrode. Moreover, we
as BRBS. Hence, BRBS was chosen as the most suitable suppor- also observed the high hydrogen overpotential, because the gener-
ting electrolyte in all subsequent voltammetric experiments in this ation of hydrogen bubbles did not occur even at potential of more
work. than −1.8 V vs. Ag/AgCl electrode on BDD electrode. This value was
significantly higher than in the case of GC electrode where the bub-
3.1.2. Comparison of BDD with GC in voltammetric behavior of bles of hydrogen occurred at about −1.5 V. These facts confirm the
ATZ advantage of the use of BDD electrode. Additional information from
ATZ is electroactive compound with peak maximum at relatively Fig. 1 concerns the peak potential of ATZ, which remains the same at
high negative potential. In order to evaluate the advantages of the both electrode surfaces, indicating that analogous reduction mech-
use of BDD electrode with respect to other carbon-based materials, anisms were attained.
CV experiments were performed to study the voltammetric behav-
ior of ATZ on bare electrodes, investigating both GC and BDD. Fig. 1 3.1.3. Effect of pH
allows the comparison of CV voltammograms in the absence (blank) Generally, the effect of pH of supporting electrolyte on the cur-
and presence of 10 ␮M ATZ in BRBS at pH 3 on GC and BDD electrode rent response of monitored analyte plays the important part in
in potential range from 0 to −2 V. It is evident that both electrodes its detection and quantification [37]. Concerning ATZ, the studied
provided sufficiently sensitive current responses of ATZ while those pH range was from 2 to 7 using BRBS because the electrochemical
observed on bare BDD showed remarkable (approximately three reduction of ATZ does not take place in alkaline aqueous media. It
times) higher peak current with respect to the GC electrode. The
registered CV voltammograms implied that the single well-defined
Table 1
voltammetric peak appertaining to reduction of ATZ appeared at Optimized SWV instrumental parameters for determination of ATZ.
potential −1.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl electrode. On the reverse scan, the
absence of corresponding oxidation peak was observed indicat- Instrumental parameter Studied range Level of change Optimum value

ing that electrode process of ATZ is a totally irreversible one on Amplitude (mV) 20–120 10 80
both electrode surfaces. The electrochemical behavior of ATZ on Frequency (Hz) 10–100 10 60
Step potential (mV) 1–10 1 5
carbon-based electrodes well agrees with those reported for toxic
L’. Švorc et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 181 (2013) 294–300 297

Table 2
Analytical parameters for determination of ATZ in BRBS at pH 3 using proposed method.

Analyte Linear range (␮M) Linear regression equation (I: ␮A, cATZ : ␮M) R2 LOD (nM) RSDa (%)

ATZ 0.05–40 IATZ = −0.092(±0.002) − 0.622(±0.016)cATZ 0.999 10 2.9

Calculated for 6 replicate SWV measurements at 10 ␮M ATZ.

was found that the peak potential (Ep ) of ATZ shifted to more nega-
tive potentials with the increase of pH of supporting electrolyte as
depicted in Fig. 2. The relationship between Ep and pH is expressed
as equation (Eq. (1)):

Ep (V) = −0.895(±0.013) − 0.067(±0.003)pH (R2 = 0.991) (1)

The slope of this equation is 67 mV per unit of pH suggesting

the involvement of one proton in the rate-limiting step. This fact
is in good agreement with the results reported for the reduction
process of ATZ on mercury electrode surfaces [31,32]. Moreover,
the detailed study of electrochemical reduction of ATZ and other
triazines has been reported by Pospíšil et al. [38] who suggested
the mechanism based on the reduction of the carbon-chloride bond
with the previous protonation of nitrogen in triazine ring before
electron transfer. The effect of pH on the peak current (Ip ) was also
studied in the pH range of 2–7 as shown in Fig. 2. It can be observed
that the peak current shows a maximum for pH 3 leading us to the
opinion that this is the optimum pH value for further voltammetric Fig. 4. SW voltammograms of various ATZ concentrations in BRBS at pH 3 on BDD
electrode: (a) 0, (b) 0.05, (c) 0.2, (d) 1, (e) 3, (f) 5, (g) 7, (h) 10, (i) 20, (j) 30 and
(k) 40 ␮M. The optimized SWV instrumental parameters: step potential of 5 mV,
frequency of 60 Hz and amplitude of 80 mV. The dependence between peak current
(␮A) and ATZ concentrations (␮M) appears in the inset.
3.1.4. Effect of scan rate
The useful information including the mechanism of electrode
3.2. Analytical performance
reaction (rate-limiting step) may be acquired from the relation-
ship between the peak current and scan rate (v). The effect of
3.2.1. Effect of SWV instrumental parameters
scan rate on the peak current of ATZ was examined in the range
SWV is a pulse voltammetric technique that offers the advantage
0.015–0.150 V s−1 in BRBS at pH 3 using CV on BDD electrode as
of rapidity (analysis time in a few seconds in comparison with dif-
shown in Fig. 3. The peak current of 10 ␮M ATZ increased linearly
ferential pulse voltammetry) and excellent sensitivity connected
with the square root of scan rate (inset of Fig. 3) and this relation is
with effective discrimination against the capacitive current. This
represented by Eq. (2). These observations suggest that the diffu-
technique has been applied for determination of trace amounts
sion plays the significant role in the irreversible electrode reaction
of numerous electroactive organic compounds in environment.
of ATZ on BDD electrode.
The optimization of the SWV instrumental parameters that may
influence the current response of analyte is a significant step in
IATZ (␮A) = −0.053(±0.002) − 33.071(±0.768)v1/2 (Vs−1 )
the development of the electroanalytical methodology. Hence, the
× (R2 = 0.997) (2) instrumental parameters such as step potential, frequency and
amplitude were examined in order to find the optimum exper-
imental set-up for voltammetric determination of ATZ. During
optimization each parameter was changed while the others were
kept constant. It was found that the peak current of ATZ increased
as the modulation was rising from 20 to 120 mV accompanied by
the widening peak width (level of change was 10 mV). When the
amplitude was higher than 100 mV, the peak current became much
wider (minima before and after the peak maximum presented more
than 0.4 V). The variation of frequencies was studied in the range
of 10–100 Hz with level of change of 10 Hz. The peak current of
ATZ increased with frequency up to 100 Hz, above which it became
unstable as well as large current fluctuations were observed. By
fixing the frequency of 60 Hz, the effect of step potential was also

Table 3
Influence of potential interfering agents on the current response of ATZ.

Interfering agent Concentration (mM) Signal change (%)

2+ 2+ + +
Ca , Mg , K , Na 1 <0.5
Cl− , NO3 − , PO4 3− , SO4 2− , CO3 2− 1 <1.4
Hg2+ , Cu2+ , Bi3+ , Cr6+ , As3+ 1 +2.1
Fig. 3. CV voltammograms of 10 ␮M ATZ in BRBS at pH 3 on BDD electrode for series
Pb2+ , Cd2+ 0.8 +3.8
of scan rates from 0.015 to 0.150 V s−1 . The dependence between peak current and
Zn2+ 0.5 +6.4
square root of the scan rate appears in the inset.
298 L’. Švorc et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 181 (2013) 294–300

Table 4
Determination of ATZ in river waters spiked with ATZ (n = 6).

Sample Added (␮M) Proposed methoda (␮M) Recoveryb (%) Reference methoda (␮M)

S1 25 24 ± 2 96 23
S2 25 25 ± 3 100 24
S3 25 23 ± 2 92 24
Confidence interval calculated according [x ± tn − 1, ␣ SD/sqrt(n)]; t5; 0.05 = 2.0150.
Calculated as found concentration values divided by added ATZ concentration values multiply by hundred.

studied, because these two parameters define the scan rate. At step 3.2.4. Application of the method to the river water samples spiked
potential greater than 5 mV, too few points were sampled, thus with ATZ
influencing the repeatability of measurements. Table 1 shows the The standard addition method was used for analysis of river
range of studied SWV instrumental parameters, level of change and water samples spiked with ATZ (S1–S3) when the aliquots amount
the optimum values which were further used in calibration curve of standard solution of ATZ was added for evaluation of the accuracy
construction. and the practical applicability of proposed voltammetric method.
The preparation of river water samples spiked with ATZ is consis-
3.2.2. Determination of ATZ tently described in Section 2.4. The average results of six replicate
Under the optimized conditions, the applicability of SWV for measurements expressed as confidence interval for 95% probabil-
the determination of ATZ was examined by construction of cali- ity obtained for determination in river waters spiked with ATZ
bration curve by plotting the peak current against concentration using the proposed and reference HPLC method are summarized
of ATZ in BRBS at pH 3 as depicted in Fig. 4. The analytical param- in Table 4. The satisfactory recovery values between 92 and 100%
eters are listed in Table 2. The low detection limit of 10 nM and were obtained for all samples. It indicated that there are no signifi-
linear concentration range from 0.05 to 40 ␮M were acquired as cant interferences of matrix of the water samples and also that the
a consequence of high S/N ratio without any surface pretreat- proposed method is accurate as well as suitable for quantification
ment or modification. The repeatability of method was studied of ATZ. By comparison of results, it can be concluded that the values
by six replicate SWV measurements at the 10 ␮M ATZ concen- acquired by the proposed method well agree with those obtained
tration under the same operating conditions over the short time by reference HPLC method. Applying the paired t-test [39] to the
interval with relative standard deviation (RSD) of 2.9%. The low results obtained by both methods, the resulting t-value of 0.5 is
RSD value revealed the good repeatability of method and con- smaller than the critical one (4.30 for ˛ = 0.05), indicating that there
firmed the low adsorption of product of electrode reaction on BDD is no significant difference between these results at the confidence
electrode. interval for 95% probability.

3.2.3. Interference studies 3.2.5. Comparison with other electrochemical methods

Under the same experimental and SWV instrumental condi- A comparison between the analytical performance of the
tions, the influence of potential interfering agents was investigated proposed method and reported electrochemical methods for deter-
by addition of each one to solution with fixed concentration of mination of ATZ is given in Table 5. Generally, the methods using
10 ␮M ATZ. In this context, the particular agent was considered highly toxic mercury electrodes are considered to be the most
to be serious interferent when it gave the signal change of ATZ sensitive for electrochemical determination of ATZ with lowest
more than 5%. It is well known that ATZ may be chemically or bio- detection limit [17,18,20]. The several papers focused on searching
logically degraded in the environment, but the influence of major the perspective and environmentally acceptable electrode surfaces
product of degradation process (2-hydroxyatrazine) has not been capable of reduction of ATZ with good sensitivity, repeatability
studied. The results of influence of some ions are given in Table 3. It and low cost but without the increase of toxic waste produced
is obvious that the peak current of ATZ was not significantly affected have been published [23–25]. In this context, the solid amalgam
by substantial 100-fold excess of more tested cations and anions electrodes often prolong the overall time of analytical procedure
as confirmed by the values of signal change. Except bivalent zinc because of the necessity of preparation of nontoxic amalgam [24].
which 50-fold excess overreached the value of ATZ signal change It should be pointed out that the detection limit achieved in this
of 5% because of close position of peak potentials of zinc and ATZ. work is comparable than those obtained on mercury electrodes.
In spite of this fact we can conclude that the proposed method pro- Moreover, BDD electrode with SWV technique fulfills the demands
vided the sufficient selectivity in the voltammetric determination of modern electroanalytical chemistry (rapidity, simplicity, sen-
of ATZ. sitivity, repeatability and low cost). It could also represent the

Table 5
Comparison of the proposed method with previously reported electrochemical methods for determination of ATZ.

Working electrode Supporting electrolyte Technique Peak potential (V vs. Ag/AgCl) Linear range (␮M) Detection limit (nM) Application References

HMDE BRBS, pH 2.0 SI-SWV −1.0 0.116–2.32 21 River water 17

HMDE BRBS, pH 1.9 SWV −0.94 0.046–1.2 9 River water 18
SMDE 1 M H2 SO4 DPV −0.91 – 74 Soil and water 20
MFE NH4 OAc–HCl AdSSWV −0.50 0.002–0.278 0.1 Soil and water 23
CuSAE 0.1 M Na2 SO4 SWV −0.98 – 14 Natural water 24
BIFE ABS, pH 4.5 AdSDPV −0.95 0.67–20 140 Natural water 25
BDDE BRBS, pH 3.0 SWV −1.1 0.05–40 10 River water This work

Abbreviations: HMDE hanging mercury drop electrode, SMDE static mercury drop electrode, MFE mercury film electrode, CuSAE copper solid amalgam electrode, BIFE bis-
muth film electrode, BDDE boron-doped diamond electrode, BRBS Britton–Robinson buffer solution, ABS acetate buffer solution, SI-SWV sequential injection-square wave
voltammetry, SWV square-wave voltammetry, DPV differential pulse voltammetry, AdSSWV adsorptive stripping square-wave voltammetry, AdSDPV adsorptive stripping
differential pulse voltammetry
L’. Švorc et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 181 (2013) 294–300 299

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Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in herbicides: development of an electroanalytical method utilizing a solid amal-
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Assoc. prof. Miroslav Rievaj is an experienced long-term university teacher. His

Biographies technical and pedagogical experiences are necessary in planning and accomplish-
ing the complex experiments, effective interpretation of the scientific results and
supervision of diploma and bachelor projects. He is author and co-author more than
Dr. L’ubomír Švorc belongs to the young scientist of less than 35 years at Slovak 40 scientific papers published journals registered in CC.
University of Technology in Bratislava in Slovak Republic. In his young age, he is
the author and co-author of more than 30 scientific papers registered in CC. He has Prof. Dušan Bustin is a well-known personality of the (electro)analytical chemistry.
engaged in research on structural study of potential drugs by X-ray structural anal- He has over 45 years of scientific experience some also from abroad universities. He
ysis, chromatographic methods dealing with the analysis of organic pollutants in is author and co-author more than 100 scientific papers published journals regis-
non-fatty foods as well as study of degradation of biologically active compounds tered in CC and 58 scientific papers published journals registered in CA.

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