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Arab J Sci Eng

DOI 10.1007/s13369-016-2109-3


Comparative Study Between Response Surface Methodology and

Artificial Neural Network for Adsorption of Crystal Violet on
Magnetic Activated Carbon
Iman Salehi1 · Mahboube Shirani1 · Abolfazl Semnani1 · Mohsen Hassani2 ·
Saeed Habibollahi3

Received: 1 December 2015 / Accepted: 15 March 2016

© King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 2016

Abstract The easily separable and regenerable magnetic to indicate the prediction potential of CCD and ANN. The
activated carbon was synthesized for adsorption of toxic MAPE (%) of 0.59 and 0.38 was found for CCD and ANN
cationic dye, crystal violet, from aqueous solution. The syn- respectively. The obtained results indicated higher capabil-
thesized magnetic activated carbon was characterized by ity and accuracy of ANN in prediction. The experimental
SEM–EDX. The magnetic property of sorbent was evalu- data were found to be properly fitted to the Langmuir and
ated by VSM method. The obtained saturation magnetization Freundlich models which indicates that the sorption takes
of 41.56 emu g−1 showed facile separation of sorbent after place on a heterogeneous material and the sorption capacity
adsorption process. The effect of five parameters of pH, tem- of 12.59 mg g−1 was achieved.
perature, time, initial dye concentration and sorbent amount
on adsorption (%) were investigated. The percentage of Keywords Adsorption · Crystal violet · Magnetic activated
adsorption was mathematically described as a function of carbon · Central composite design · Artificial neural network
experimental parameters and was estimated by central com-
posite design (CCD). The maximum adsorption percent of
99.5 ± 0.2 was obtained experimentally which was close to 1 Introduction
the percent of CCD prediction of 99.90 %. The same design
was used for a three-layer artificial neural network model In recent years releasing toxic dyes by different industries
(ANN). The predicted data of CCD versus ANN showed the (textile, printing, cosmetic, food, and etc.) into water sources
linear agreement with regression value (R 2 ) of 0.9994 which such as rivers, lakes, and seas has been a considerable con-
confirmed the ideality of CCD and ANN. The results of two cern due to water pollution and aquatic living organism death.
models were compared in terms of coefficient of determi- Water pollution is one of the most threatening factors of
nation (R 2 ) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) human health. Aggregation of dyes in water causes cancer,
genetic mutation, digestive disorders, and poisoning. Crystal
violet (Scheme 1) is one of the most common cationic dyes
which is utilized in all dye industries. Crystal violet is very
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
toxic to aquatic organisms. It is harmful to the embryo and
article (doi:10.1007/s13369-016-2109-3) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users. can cause genetic mutation. Accumulation of crystal vio-
let in body can lead to gastrointestinal tract irritation with
B Abolfazl Semnani nausea, vomiting, hypermobility, abdominal pain, and respi-
ratory problems [1,2]. Therefore, due to the dangerous health
1 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Shahrekord effect of crystal violet, removal of such toxic dye becomes
University, P.O. Box 115, Shahrekord, Iran necessary. Various techniques such as oxidative degradation
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, [3], electrocoagulation [4], coagulation [5], membrane filtra-
Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran tion [6] and ozonation [7] have been reported for toxic dyes
3 Department of Chemistry, Payame Noor University, removal from aqueous solutions. However, adsorption grabs
P.O.Box 19395-4697, Tehran, Iran scientists’ attention among all removal methods due to the

Arab J Sci Eng

H3C CH3 modeling and optimization of desalination process by reverse

Adsorption of crystal violet was reported by different sor-
bents using RSM [18,19]. In this study, adsorption of crystal
violet by magnetic active carbon from aqueous solutions
was investigated. The process was considered applying two
potent statistical models of RSM and ANN and the coeffi-
H3C CH3 cient of determination (R 2 ) and mean absolute percentage
error (MAPE) of RSM and ANN were compared.

Scheme 1 Chemical structure of crystal violet

2 Experimental

2.1 Regents
advantages of simplicity, low-cost adsorbents, easy industri-
alization, facile accessibility. Zeolite, active carbon, alumina, All the chemicals [i.e., crystal violet (C25 N3 H30 Cl),
are widely used for removal of different dyes. Application of hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, deionized water, iron
magnetic sorbents has made a revolution in adsorption tech- (II) sulfate heptahydrate, and activated carbon] used in this
niques in recent years due to the advantages of easier and study were analytical grade with the highest purity available
faster separation of sorbent from the sample solution by an and they were purchased from Merck.
external magnet. In this research the toxic cationic dye of
crystal violet was adsorbed by magnetic activated carbon. 2.2 Apparatus
In order to save time and money, statistical and math-
ematical models have been used to estimate and simulate The pH measurements were done with 86502-pH/ORP (AZ
the conditions in different processes especially in chemistry. Instrument, Taiwan) using a combined glass calomel elec-
Response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural trode. Ultrasonic bath (Sonorex digitec, DT255H, Germany)
network (ANN) are two powerful models which are widely and oven (Universal model UF 55, Germany) both were
applied to predict the processes in chemistry. Artificial neural utilized for magnetic activated carbon preparation. IKA
network is a representative of human brain system in which overhead stirrer (model RW 28 Digital Package, Germany)
the interconnected neurons and their exchange messages with glass stirrer was applied to stir the magnetic sorbent
between each other are considered. ANN is successfully sample solution during adsorption process. Ultrospec 3100
applied for both linear and nonlinear systems [8,9]. Among pro UV-Visible spectrophotometer (Amersham Biosciences,
all statistical models, ANN is one of the most prevalent USA) was carried out for data analyzing. A vibration-sample
models for nonlinear analysis. Determination of complicated magnetometer (Meghnatis Daghigh Kavir Co.) was used to
nonlinear relationships between input variables and predic- characterize the magnetic properties of synthesized magnetic
tion of output variables can be gained by ANN model. ANN activated carbon.
has been reported for adsorption of crystal violet [10]. RSM
deals with a group of mathematical and statistical techniques 2.3 Preparation of Magnetic Activated Carbon
in order to fit predicted model to the experimental data
obtained in relation to experimental design and obtain the Magnetic activated carbon was prepared according to the
optimum parameters. RSM is a powerful method for predic- proposed procedure [20]. Briefly, 2.78 g of iron (II) sulfate
tion of large number of processes which is applied in two heptahydrate was dissolved in deionized water. Then 0.5 g of
common designs of Box–Behnken design and central com- fine activated carbon powder was added to the solution. Ten
posite design [11]. Many studies have been reported in which milliliters solution of NaOH 2.5 mol L−1 was added drop-
RSM and ANN both were applied to predict and optimize the wise to the mixture. The mixture was stirred at 100 ◦ C for
process [12–16]. The results in these studies showed higher 1 h. The obtained magnetic sorbent was washed with deion-
potential and ability of ANN in prediction and optimization ized water for several times. Finally, the obtained magnetic
comparing to RSM. For instance, Khayet et al. [17] applied activated carbon was dried at 50 ◦ C in the oven.
RSM and ANN modeling and optimization of desalination
process by reverse osmosis. They showed that RSM was not 2.4 Adsorption Procedure
efficient and useful the proposed method of reverse osmo-
sis over a wide range of salt concentration in feed solution. Ten milliliters of crystal violet solution was adjusted at the
However, ANN was completely and powerfully successful in proper values of pH, temperature, time, initial dye concen-

Arab J Sci Eng

tration, and amount of magnetic activated carbon, based on 

i< j 

the predicted conditions of CCD experimental design runs. Y = b0 + bi xi + bii xi2 + bi j xi x j (4)
After the certified time, the magnetic activated carbon was i=1 i=1 i j

separated from the solution by an external magnet, and the

upper aqueous phase was determined by UV–visible spec- where the Y is the predicted response and bo , bi , bii , and
trophotometer. bi j are the regression coefficients for the intercept, linearity,
The uptake of adsorbate can be mathematically figured square, and interaction terms, respectively, and xi and x j are
out by Eq. 1 as follows [21]: the coded independent variables.

2.5.2 Artificial Neural Network

Q i = (Ci − Ce ) /S (1)
Neural Network Toolbox Version 6.0.4 of MATLAB
Q i the adsorbate concentration adsorbed at the equilibrium R2010 was utilized to predict the proposed procedure. A
(mg of adsorbate/g of adsorbent), Ci the initial dye concentra- three-layer ANN with tan-sigmoid, and purline function was
tion in the solution (mg L−1 ), Ce equilibrium concentration used for hidden and output layers as transfer functions,
or final dye concentration (mg L−1 ), Sdosage concentration respectively. The tan-sigmoid transfer function was exposed
which is obtained as following (Eq. 2) as follows [23]:

S = m/v (2) F(x) = 1/(1 + exp(−x)) (5)

where m is the adsorbent mass (g) and v is the volume of In order to minimize the mean-squared error, training net-
adsorbate solution (L). work is applied on any ANN modeling. To this aim, feed
Finally the percentage of adsorption percentage can be forward back propagation (FFBP) was used as training algo-
stated according to the following equation (Eq. 3): rithm in this study. In this process, the final calculated outputs
are compared with the experimentally obtained outputs, and
Dye removal percentage (%) = (Ci − Ce ) /Ci × 100 (3) the errors are estimated. These errors are then propagated
backwards and used for adjusting the weights of neurons. It
2.5 Experimental Design Models should be mentioned that the weights of the trained network
are stored, and can be applied later for the outputs predic-
2.5.1 Response Surface Methodology tion of a different set of inputs. Thirty-two experimental data,
obtained from CCD, were applied as input data in ANN mod-
There are various kinds of statistical methods to analyze eling for five input variables of pH, temperature, time, initial
chemical processes. Some of these methods are used to dye concentration and amount of sorbent. Twenty-six and
predict the conditions in a process. Response surface method- six data points were derived to training and test sets respec-
ology (RSM) is one of the most common factorial designs tively. Data points in ANN were normalized in the range of
used for statistical analysis. RSM is based on the fit of empir- [−0.9, 0.9] by using tan-sigmoid transfer function as follows:
ical models to the experimental data obtained from experi-
mental design [11,22]. RSM is composed of two designs X norm = 1.8 (X − X min ) / (X max − X min ) − 0.9 (6)
of two designs of central composite design (CCD) and
Box–Behnken design (BBD). Experimental design of cen- where X is variable, X min , X max are minimum and maximum
tral composite design (CCD) as a partial factorial design was values respectively.
applied to predict the present study conditions. MINITAB
software version 16.0 was used for the experimental design
to optimize the dominant parameters of pH (in the range of 3 Results and Discussion
4.5–10.5 with 0.5 intervals), temperature (25–65 ◦ C with ten
intervals), time (5–45 min with ten intervals), initial dye con- 3.1 Characterization of Magnetic Activated Carbon
centration (5–45 mg L−1 with ten intervals) and the amount
of sorbent (15–75 mg with 15 intervals) on dye removal per- The SEM image of magnetic activated carbon is shown in
centage. The coded setting data for parameters were −2, −1, Fig. 1, which indicates the nanostructure of the sorbent. The
0, +1, +2. Three replications at the center of the design chemical composition of magnetic activated carbon, taken
were applied to determine the precision of the method. A by EDX, is shown in Fig. 2. The vibrating sample magne-
full quadratic equation was used to depict the interaction of tometer analysis (VSM) was applied to prove the magnetic
the factors in the process as the following (Eq. 4): properties and the required force to move magnetic activated

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Fig. 1 The SEM image of magnetic activated carbon. a 500 nm scale, b 200 nm

Fig. 2 EDX image of magnetic activated carbon

Fig. 3 The hysteresis loops of magnetic activated carbon

carbon from solution. The magnetic curve in Fig. 3 shows
appropriate super paramagnetic property of magnetic acti-
vated carbon due to no hysteresis loop and no eminence Y = −2.0408 + 19.703x1 + 0.672x2 + 0.561x3
existence. While the magnetic activated carbon was exposed − 2.007x4 + 1.253x5 − 1.082x12 − 0.005x32
to an external magnetic field reserves no magnetization and
− 0.010x42 − 0.016x52 − 0.088x1 x2 − 0.01x3 x5
redisposed after magnetic field removal. The saturation mag-
netization of 41.56 emu g−1 at 298 K was observed which + 0.009x3 x4 − 0.037x4 x5 (7)
indicated the attraction of magnetic activated carbon by an
external magnet. The predicted and experimental responses of CCD model
for 32 runs are indicated in Table 1. Considering the opti-
mum predicted conditions of pH of 9.5, temperature of 25 ◦ C,
3.2 CCD Modeling time of 36 min, initial dye concentration of 19.8 mg L−1 ,
and magnetic activated carbon amount of 52.8 mg, maxi-
The adsorption percent of crystal violet as a function of the mum adsorption percent of 99.90 % was obtained. Analysis
independent variables within the region of investigation is of experimental data was carried out by response surface
stated by Eq. 6: design (RSD) using Minitab software. The p values for all

Arab J Sci Eng

Table 1 Experimental matrix for five-level–five factors CCD for adsorption of crystal violet
Exp. no. Factors Adsorption (%)

pH Temperature (◦ C) Time (min) Initial dye con. (mg L−1 ) MAC amount (mg) Obtained Predicted


1 6 55 35 35 30 77.60 78.03 77.88

2 9 55 15 35 30 68.43 68.33 68.36
3 6 35 35 15 30 98.33 97.82 98.00
4 9 35 35 15 60 100.31 99.80 99.98
5 7.5 45 25 25 45 98.72 99.31 99.10
6 7.5 45 25 25 45 99.71 99.31 99.45
7 7.5 65 25 25 45 99.75 99.88 99.83
8 7.5 45 25 45 45 84.60 82.98 83.55
9 6 35 15 15 60 100.29 100.06 100.14
10 9 35 35 35 30 77.65 77.63 77.64
11 6 35 15 35 30 67.72 67.99 67.90
12 7.5 45 25 25 45 99.72 99.31 99.45
13 9 55 35 35 60 95.46 95.90 95.75
14 7.5 45 25 25 45 99.64 99.31 99.43
15 7.5 45 25 5 45 105.80 107.82 107.11
16 6 55 15 15 30 98.16 97.56 97.77
17 9 35 15 35 60 97.50 97.77 97.68
18 7.5 45 5 25 45 94.78 95.23 95.07
19 9 35 15 15 30 95.65 94.60 94.97
20 9 55 35 15 30 96.55 95.66 95.97
21 7.5 45 25 25 45 99.48 99.31 99.37
22 7.5 45 45 25 45 99.69 99.65 99.66
23 6 35 35 35 60 98.76 99.57 99.29
24 7.5 45 25 25 15 69.40 70.43 70.07
25 10.5 45 25 25 45 87.01 88.04 87.68
26 7.5 25 25 25 45 99.37 99.65 99.55
27 9 55 15 15 60 100.33 99.73 99.94
28 4.5 45 25 25 45 91.80 91.18 91.40
29 7.5 45 25 25 45 98.99 99.31 99.20
30 6 55 35 15 60 100.24 100.17 100.20
31 6 55 15 35 60 100.10 100.82 100.57
32 7.5 45 25 25 75 100.09 99.48 99.69

variables in the model are all <0.05, which are indicative predicted and experimental responses. The adjusted R 2 was
explanation for ideal prediction of CCD for the process with 98.74 %, which proved the competence of the developed
a linear relationship between the variables. The p values for model to predict the proposed process.
all variables in the model which are >0.05, reveal the non-
linear relationship between the interest variables and for all p
values >0.05, the related variables would be removed from 3.3 Effect of Variables on Dye Removal
the model equation for the process. In each run, the pre-
dicted results were obtained by substituting the coefficients The effect of five parameters of pH, temperature, time, initial
and numerical values of the variables in Eq. 6. The linear dye concentration, and amount of magnetic activated carbon
regression coefficients (R 2 ) of 0.9953 for the predicted data on dye removal and their interactions were investigated. The
versus experimental data proved good agreements between obtained results from CCD modeling are shown in Fig. 4.

Arab J Sci Eng

Fig. 4 The surface plots: showing the effect of five interest parameters on the percent of crystal violet adsorption at optimum conditions of 9.5,
25 ◦ C, 36 min, 19.8 mg L−1 , and 52.8 mg, for pH, temperature, time, initial dyes concentration, and adsorbent mass

3.3.1 The Effect of pH tic interaction and attraction of cationic dye (crystal violet)
on the negative surface of the adsorbent. At low pH, there
pH is a representative of acidity or basicity of the solution will be a tough competition between proton and the cationic
and is a significant factor in the dye adsorption process due dye for adsorbing on the magnetic activated carbon.
to the nature of cationic or anionic base of dyes. The effect of
pH was studied in the range of 4.5–10.5, using hydrochloride
3.3.2 The Effect of Temperature
acid and sodium hydroxide. The results in Fig. 4e–h shows
that as the pH solution increased to 9.5, the adsorption (%)
Temperature is one of the most indicative factors in adsorp-
increased and remained constant up to 9.5. Therefore, the
tion. Generally, considering the type of dye (cationic or
optimum pH of 9.5 was chosen for the process. It seems
anionic dyes), adsorption can represent exothermic or
that at basic conditions (high pH), the surface of adsorbent
endothermic [24]. While the increase in temperature leads
becomes negatively charged which intensifies the electrosta-
to adsorption percent enhancement, the adsorption process is

Arab J Sci Eng

endothermic. In other word, the adsorption capacity increases

as the temperature enhances which indicates the endothermic
nature of the adsorption process. The adsorption of cationic
dyes is mainly endothermic. Since crystal violet is a cationic
dye, this statement came true for it. It seems that by increasing
the temperature, the mobility of the dye molecules increase in
a parallel manner which results in more adsorption on the sur-
face. The effect of temperature was investigated in the range
of 25–65 ◦ C. As shown in Fig. 4b, c, f, j, by increasing the
temperature a very slight increase was observed in percent
of adsorption which can be neglected. Therefore, for ease of
process, the optimum temperature of 25 ◦ C was considered.

3.3.3 The Effect of Time

Fig. 5 Optimized topology of artificial neural network
Achieving to the equilibrium state is a key factor in all chemi-
cal processes. The equilibrium between aqueous solution and
in the topology of ANN in Fig. 5. The predicted values
sorbent can definitely effect the adsorption percent. There-
by ANN are indicated in Table 2. The regression analy-
fore, the adsorption time was investigated in the range of
sis between experimental data and predicted data by ANN
5–45 min. As shown in Fig. 4a, c, e, i, by increasing the con-
indicated R 2 value of 0.9980 which showed acceptable and
tact time, the adsorption (%) increases to 36 min and remains
reasonable agreements between predicted and experimental
constant in the range of 36–45 min due to the more accom-
responses. The most important purpose of ANN training is to
plishment of the adsorption. Hence, the optimum time of
acquire the ideal weights with minimum values of prediction
36 min was achieved for further studies.
Minimum prediction error was obtained by altering the
3.3.4 The Effect of Initial Dye Concentration and Amount
number of neurons in hidden layer, transfer functions and
of Sorbet
repetition of training step. In order to find the appropriate
number of neurons in hidden layer, various topologies were
Initial dye concentration is an influential parameter in adsorp-
considered. The applied artificial neural network with eight
tion process. The effect of initial dye concentration was
neurons in hidden layer has the minimum value of mean
studied in the range of 10–50 mg L−1 . The increase in dye
square error (MSE). The most efficient experimental model
concentration causes active sites saturation on the mag-
provides the minimum MSE. The MSE function equation is
netic activated carbon. According to the surface plots in
as follows:
Fig. 4b, d, e, adsorption percent is nearly constant from 10
to 19.8 mg L−1 and up to 19.8 mg L−1 a decreasing trend is
observed. Therefore, the optimum dye concentration of 10– MSE = Ypre − Yex (8)
19.8 mg L−1 was considered for the process. Consequently, N
it can be stated that the more the amount of sorbet is the more
the vacant and unoccupied sites are on the adsorbent struc- where Yex is the experimental output, Ypre is the network
ture to adsorb the dye molecules and also the more contact output and N is the number of data points [25]. The accuracy
surface will be provided. According to the obtained results of ANN was investigated by using test data set (Table 2).
in Fig. 4a, d, g, i, j, the adsorption percent has an increas- The values of MAPE were acquired 0.38 % which reveals
ing trend to 52.8 and up to it the adsorption percent remains high accuracy of the ANN model for process.
almost constant. Therefore, the optimum sorbent amount of
52.8 mg was selected for the process. 3.5 Comparison of CCD and ANN Models

3.4 ANN Modeling CCD and ANN are as two powerful prediction models
which widely applied in many chemical processes with linear
The input variables of trained ANN are pH, temperature and nonlinear multivariate regression problems [17]. ANN
(Temp.), time, initial dye concentration (Conc.), and amount and CCD were successfully utilized for adsorption of crys-
of magnetic activated carbon (MAC) and the output is tal violet by magnetic activated carbon. In order to assess
adsorption efficiency of crystal violet. The number of lay- the suitability of ANN and CCD in the proposed process,
ers, neurons of each layer, and their interconnects are shown the MAPE (%) values and the determination coefficients

Arab J Sci Eng

Table 2 Comparative results of the experiment and predicted values by ANN and CCD for test data set
No. Factors Adsorption (%) APE (%)

pH Time (min) Temp. (◦ C) Initial dye con. (mg L−1 ) MAC amount (mg) Exp. ANN CCD ANN CCD

1 6 35 35 15 30 98.33 98.00 97.82 0.34 0.52

2 9 35 35 35 30 77.65 77.64 77.63 0.02 0.03
3 7.5 5 45 25 45 94.78 95.07 95.23 0.31 0.47
4 10.5 25 45 25 45 87.01 87.68 88.04 0.77 1.18
5 9 15 55 15 60 100.33 99.94 99.73 0.39 0.60
6 6 15 55 35 60 100.10 100.57 100.82 0.47 0.72
MAPE (%) 0.38 0.59

Fig. 6 MAPE (%) of RSM

(CCD) and ANN versus number
of experiments

(R 2 ) of two models were compared (calculated according 3.6 Regeneration of Adsorbent

to Eq. 8) [26].
The most prominent benefit of the proposed sorbent was its
(yi − ydi )2
easy separation from the media and reusability. The used
R 2 = 1 + ni=1 (9)
sorbent can be regenerated by a suitable solvent. The regen-
i=1 (ydi − ym )
eration of the sorbent was considered by methanol, ethanol,
where n is the number of points, yi is the predicted value, ydi and acetone. The desorption percent of 94.5, 75.2, and
is the experimental value, and ym is the average of the exper- 46.8 % were acquired at 35 ◦ C for methanol, ethanol, and
imental values. The MAPE (%) of 0.59 and 0.38 were found acetone respectively. Therefore, acetone was selected as
for RSM (CCD) and ANN, respectively. Figure 6 shows regenerative solvent for the sorbent.
the MAPE (%) of RSM (CCD) and ANN versus number
of experiments. the MAPE value of RSM model is obviously 3.7 Adsorption Isotherms
more than ANN model for each experimental test. Hence, the
accuracy of ANN model is higher than RSM model. The coef- Adsorption isotherms investigation is one of most impor-
ficients of determination of 0.9953 and 0.9980 were obtained tant factors for any heterogeneous sorbent in all chemical
for CCD and ANN model, respectively. R 2 is an indicative processes. The adsorption isotherms imply the partition of
to show the prediction potential of the model for the process. adsorbate molecules between the liquid sample solution and
Although according to the results, both CCD and ANN could solid sorbent in the adsorption process. In fact, the adsorp-
ideally estimate the process, ANN is more dominant and effi- tion isotherms refer to the chemistry of the adsorbent and
cient than CCD in prediction. RSM can only model based on adsorbate at a proper temperature. In order to study the
the quadratic nonlinear correlation, since ANN can overcome adsorption isotherm of the process, the ubiquitous isotherms
this drawback and consider any form of nonlinearity. of Langmuir and Freundlich were considered at different

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Fig. 7 The adsorption isotherms; Langmuir isotherm plots (a, b) and Freundlich isotherm plot (c) obtained at optimum conditions

Table 3 Isotherm parameters

Dye Langmuir isotherm
for adsorption of crystal violet
(CV) onto the magnetic Q max (mg g−1 ) b (Lmg−1 ) R2 RL Sma Sbb
activated carbon at the optimum
conditions 12.59 2.218 0.981 0.004 0.005 0.020
CV Freundlich isotherm

Kf 1/n N R2 Sm Sb

5.537 0.456 2.192 0.9143 0.080 0.049

a Standard deviation of slope
b Standard deviation of intercept

concentrations in the range of 5–500 mg L−1 at optimum Freundlich isotherm was also applied for this study consid-
conditions. Langmuir isotherm consists of the monolayer ering Eq. 10 as below:
adsorption on a homogenous adsorbent and has a rational
basis. Each vacant site can only be occupied by one ion [27].
The Langmuir equation is as follows [28]: Q e = K f Ce (12)

Ce /Q e = 1/ (Q m b) + Ce /Q m (10)
This can be linearized as following:
where Q m is the saturation adsorption capacity (mg g−1 ) and
b is the constant related to the free energy of adsorption were
obtained from the slope and the intercept of the equation. Log Q e = log K f + 1/n log Ce (13)
The plots of Q i versus Ce , and Ce /Q e versus Ce are shown
in Fig. 7. The favorability of crystal violet adsorption onto
the magnetic activated carbon can be calculated by dimen- where the K f is Freundlich constant related to the adsorbent
sionless constant called separation factor, R L (Eq. 9): capacity, and n is the constant indicative to the intensity of
the adsorption process. The values of the constants, n and
R L = 1/ (1 + bC0 ) (11) K f , were calculated from the slope and the intercepts of the
equation and shown in Table 3. The Langmuir and Freundlich
In this equation C0 (mg g−1 ) is the highest initial ions con- isotherm plots are shown in Fig. 7. The Freundlich inten-
centration in adsorption isotherm studies. The value of R L sity constant of crystal violet was as n > 1 which show the
implies the unfavorable (R L > 1), linear (R L = 1), favor- significant adsorption of crystal violet in the proposed proce-
able (0 < R L < 1), and irreversible (R L = 0) types of dure even at high ion concentrations. The diagrams showed
the adsorption isotherm [2,9,29]. As the results indicate in models were ideally fitted to the data of adsorption of crys-
Table 1, the values of R L for two ions are 0 < R L < 1 which tal violet. Mean correlation coefficient of 0.981 was achieved
are favorable for adsorption isotherm. for Langmuir isotherm plots. Moreover, Freundlich isotherm
The Freundlich isotherm is an empirical equation which could satisfactorily depict crystal violet adsorption onto mag-
is widely employed for numerous adsorption processes. The netic activated carbon.

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