FSF BARSOHO Standard Ver 5 May 2021 DP
FSF BARSOHO Standard Ver 5 May 2021 DP
FSF BARSOHO Standard Ver 5 May 2021 DP
This document is first and foremost a framework that sets safety performance goals necessary to
assure safe offshore helicopter operations.
The framework is populated with the requirements and standards that when implemented and effective
will achieve these goals.
All users of this document are encouraged to test and challenge each performance requirement and
where warranted identify areas for continuous improvement to be shared throughout industry.
The risk-based use of this framework is further intended to encourage alternative means of compliance when
supported by robust risk assessment that show the safety outcomes can be met using alternative controls.
The use of the Implementation Guidelines that accompany the Safety Performance Requirements will
collate any accepted alternative means of compliance and ultimately provide examples of best practice
in achieving the safety goals.
The document will be on a two year revision schedule and will incorporate industry review and
feedback during each version update.
The document is presented as a contractable standard to assist in standardizing industry contract Technical
Schedules. Specifications that reference this standard are available from the FSF BARS Program Office (BPO).
All national and international regulations pertaining to offshore safety performance requirements must
be followed when identified as being more stringent than those controls identified in this document.
Controls that have wide applicability to multiple threats are • ‘May’ indicates discretion is allowable.
shown as ‘enablers’ and controls that relate to a few threats
Change bars have been utilized to indicate material changes
are listed against one primary threat, for ease of presentation.
Similarly routinely conducted activities intended to mitigate an to the content or intent of the Standard.
accident (such as passenger briefing) are on the left hand side
and some routine activities (such as insurance, flight following
and HUET training) are on the right hand side of the bow tie.
Aircraft Operator Review
Companies and air operators are expected to evaluate the This Standard is designed to be used as a primary reference
effectiveness of the implemented controls, identify any for the review and approval of aircraft operators. Aircraft
interdependence between controls (where for example a operators will be audited to the BARS Question Master List
failure of one control reduces the effectiveness of another) with an audit protocol mapped to this Standard.
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Variations All environments should be assumed to be hostile unless
demonstrated to be non-hostile for the specific operation
Any variation to this Standard is at the discretion of each
being conducted.
company in consultation with the aircraft operator.
Each variation request must be assessed to demonstrate that
the risks associated with the variation are tolerable and justify Non-hostile environment
safe continuation of operations. Where requirements apply to An environment (unless designated as hostile by the
‘long-term contracts’, if they are not practical to introduce for responsible regulatory authority) in which a successful
the start of the contract, an assessment must be made of when
emergency landing can be reasonably assured and it can be
they can be practically introduced.
assured that the occupants can be adequately protected from
A diagram showing the Basic Aviation Risk Standard Variance the elements until recovered.
Process is presented in Figure 2.
All environments must be assumed to be hostile for all
contracts unless demonstrated to be non-hostile for the
Intelligent Contracting and Oversight specific operation being conducted. Some environments which
may be non-hostile for most of the year may become hostile in
Care should be taken to apply good human factors principles
locally extreme weather. Considerations should be given to:
in contracts, contract management and assurance activities to
avoid any pressure, or perceived pressure on achieving flight • Occupant survival time in the localized water conditions;
schedules and Key Performance Indicators, making excessive • Search and rescue resources available;
changes of flight schedule/manifest or other distractions that • Total call-out and recovery time; and
could have unintended safety consequences. • Cumulative time taken for individual recovery operations.
Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s 3
Figure 1: BARS Bow Tie Risk Model – Schematic of Offshore Safety Performance
System Early Diagnosis of Enhanced Airworthiness
Failure Potential Failures Reliability Management
Tool Control
Heliport/ Vessel Pitch, Roll Heliport and Helideck Multiple Helicopter Heliport/
Helideck Heave Limits Management Operations Helideck Design
Error Tolerant
Supply Chain Impact Survival
Underwater Escape
Sea Survival
High Intensity
Strobe Lights
Security and Response
Check-In Control
Enabler 1.1: Safety Leadership and Culture flight data from routine operations to reduce risk and provide
operational feedback.
Ensuring an organizational culture where the normal
behavior at all levels is risk conscious, safe, learning LINE OPERATIONS SAFETY AUDIT
and collaborative behavior. For long-term contracts the aircraft operator must have a
All organizations must demonstrate an active commitment to structured Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA) program as
safety. They must actively encourage and promote a positive part of its SMS to supplement FDM with cockpit observations.
safety culture within their organization through development The LOSA data must be analyzed and appropriate action plans
of safety leadership skills, behaviors and authentic implemented.
engagement of their entire workforce. They must regularly
evaluate their culture as part of their Safety Management MAINTENANCE OBSERVATION PROGRAM
System (SMS) using safety culture surveys or analysis of For long-term contracts the aircraft operator must have
other indicators. a structured Maintenance Observation Program (MOP) to
monitor maintenance practices through observation of
maintenance activity. The MOP data must be analyzed and
Enabler 1.2: Effective Safety Management System
appropriate action plans implemented.
Ensuring Safety Management Systems are effective at
gathering and analyzing safety information, managing
risk, providing assurance and ensuring continuous
Enabler 1.3: Safety Intelligence
improvement. Ensuring a collaborative approach to sharing safety
information to directly benefit the entire industry and
All organizations must have a Safety Management System Organizations must actively participate in relevant industry
(SMS) that is integral to the management activity of safety bodies and initiatives.
their organization.
Organizations must share safety occurrences using the locally
The SMS must identify occurrences, actual and potential safety applicable mandatory and voluntary safety reporting schemes.
hazards, assess the associated risks and include consideration
The contracted organization must promptly advise the company
of human performance, safety culture and threat and error
of any incident, accident or non-standard occurrence related to
management. Security threats, both physical and cyber,
the services provided to the company that has, or potentially
against personnel, aircraft, passenger terminals and essential
could have, disrupted operations or jeopardized safety, and
infrastructure/systems must also be addressed. The SMS must
enable effective workforce participation and appropriately include any corrective or preventative actions being taken.
cover activities conducted by safety critical sub-contractors. Organizations must examine available external occurrence
The organization must conduct a risk assessment before reports, accident reports and safety promotion material and
commencing operations for any new or changed aviation identify relevant lessons and necessary internal actions.
activity and implement any identified mitigating controls.
There must be a defined process to periodically review the Enabler 1.4: Competency
assessments for continuing activities.
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to
The SMS must be subject to continuous improvement. The fulfil their duties by having appropriate training,
organization must have safety objectives that are reviewed qualifications, knowledge, skill and experience.
at least annually and regularly monitor appropriate Safety
Performance Indicators. FLIGHT CREW COMPETENCY
FLIGHT DATA MONITORING The aircraft operator must have an appropriate procedure
for the initial selection of flight crew that considers aptitude
For long-term contracts the aircraft operator must have a and compatibility.
Flight Data Monitoring (FDM)program as part of its SMS to
systematically analyze and make pro-active use of digital Flight crew on contracts with companies adopting these
Safety Performance Requirements must meet Appendix 1
as a minimum standard. Where agreed by the company, the
6 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
aircraft operator may use Competency Based Training in lieu of In multi-crew operations both pre and post flight briefings
minimum experience requirements if the training program has must be conducted in a standardized way, defined by the
been evaluated and meets the requirements of Flight Safety Aircraft operator. Standardized briefings must also be
Foundation Offshore Safety Performance Requirements Flight conducted at defined critical stages of flight.
Crew Competency Based Training Framework. All crew, including those in single-pilot operations, must have
Flight crew must receive annual training to the standards of the successfully completed Crew Resource Management (CRM) and
responsible regulatory authority with two flight checks annually Threat and Error Management (TEM) training at intervals not
(or every six months for long-term contracted operations). The exceeding two years.
flight checks must include an annual instrument rating renewal
(where applicable), proficiency or base check (non-revenue) Enabler 1.6: Personnel Readiness
and a route check (revenue-flight permissible).
Ensuring flight crew and maintenance personnel
Flight crew members are to conduct training in suitable Flight
are alert and fit-for-work.
Simulation Training Devices (FSTD) every 6 months.
Before commencing flight duties in a new location on long- FLIGHT CREW FATIGUE MANAGEMENT
term contract, all flight crew must receive a documented
Aircraft operators must apply the following flight time limits
line check that includes orientation of local procedures
unless the responsible regulatory authority’s requirements are
and environment when these differ from their previous
more stringent:
operating location.
Single-pilot operation Two-pilot operation
PERSONNEL COMPETENCY 8 hours daily flight time 10 hours daily flight time
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Enablers 1.0 (cont.)
circumstances, must be supported by a risk assessment and Aircraft operators must have an Operations Manual with the
must be reviewed by a Competent Aviation Specialist to necessary content, approved (or when applicable, accepted)
determine if acceptable. by the responsible regulatory authority.
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Accident Event 2.0: System Failure
Structural or propulsion/mechanical/avionic system failures of the helicopter
that result in accident or escalate another threat
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Accident Event 2.0 (cont.)
(4) The aircraft and its installed equipment is maintained in CRITICAL MAINTENANCE TASKS (CMTs) AND
accordance with an appropriate, approved or accepted INDEPENDENT INSPECTIONS
Maintenance Program;
Maintenance tasks that involve the assembly or disturbance of any
(5) Airworthiness directives and service bulletins are
appropriately assessed; system that may affect flight path, attitude, or propulsive force,
which, if errors occurred, could result in a failure, malfunction, or
(6) Modifications and repairs are done in accordance with
defect that would endanger the safe operation of the aircraft must
approved or accepted design data as applicable;
be considered as a CMT.
(7) Defects are only deferred in accordance with an approved
Minimum Equipment List (MEL) and/or procedures approved CMTs must be clearly identified in maintenance worksheets or job cards.
by the responsible regulatory authority;
CMTs must be subject to an Independent Inspection in
(8) An effective maintenance program is maintained that
accordance with established procedures, carried out by at least
takes into consideration equipment fit, usage, operating
environment and reliability; two persons, at least one of which is qualified and authorized to
sign the Maintenance Release.
(9) An effective reliability program is in place to monitor if the
aircraft maintenance program tasks are effective and their Leak checks must be conducted when maintenance
periodicity adequate (see also Controls 2.1 and 2.2); compromises the integrity of fuel, oil or hydraulic systems.
(10) An effective process for scheduling of maintenance is in
(11) Accurate and complete definition of the configuration The aircraft operator must have procedures in place to control all
of individual aircraft and aircraft records are maintained tools, including (but not limited to): tool inventories, serialized
(including mass and balance records and Technical Log
system); marking of tools (or equivalent), controlled issue and return
of tools, specific tool storage locations, routine inspection/
(12) Control of maintenance data to be used by maintenance monitoring of tool storage locations and inspections of the
aircraft before panel/compartment closures.
(13) Maintenance Check Flights and Helicopter Offshore
Unserviceability Recovery (HOUR) flights are safely In addition, procedures must be in place for a structured
conducted, including coordination between flight search in the event of lost tools and appropriate management
operations, continuing airworthiness management and authorization before release of aircraft when tooling remains
maintenance organization personnel; unaccounted for.
(14) Prompt and effective liaison with Type Certificate
(TC) Holders; and
(15) Maintenance standards are defined and adhered to. 2.5: Error Tolerant Designs
Ensuring design and continuing airworthiness practices
2.4: Effective Maintenance minimize the probability and consequences of human
Ensuring maintenance is conducted to the required error in maintenance.
Maintenance Program and standards. Preference should be given to aircraft types and modifications
that feature a human centered design, i.e. are tolerant of, or
MAINTENANCE – GENERAL minimize the probability/consequence of, human error.
The aircraft operator must have procedures and resources in The aircraft operator must have a process to identify design
place for maintenance of aircraft that ensure: features or maintenance requirements that increase the risk
(1) The aircraft are maintained in an airworthy condition in of critical error.
accordance with continuing airworthiness instructions;
The aircraft operator must have a process to alert the TC
(2) Maintenance is conducted in appropriate facilities and
environmental conditions by approved and adequately Holder or STC Holder of design features, documentation or
resourced maintenance organizations and authorized maintenance requirements that increase the risk of critical error.
personnel; The aircraft operator must have a process to mitigate, where
(3) Human factors principles are applied to the planning and practical, design features or maintenance requirements that
conduct of maintenance; increase the risk of critical error.
(4) Appropriate supervision of maintenance is in place;
(5) Appropriate briefings and documented shift handovers
occur; 2.6: Supply Chain
(6) Occupational safety and health provisions are in place; Ensuring provision of genuine, serviceable parts.
(7) Accurate and complete maintenance records are
maintained; The aircraft operator must ensure that all parts accepted into
stores and fitted to aircraft conform to approved design data,
Maintenance standards are adhered to; and
(8) were previously appropriately released by an appropriate
(9) Maintenance organizations must have an internal audit organization, are appropriately stored and are in a condition for
program and SMS, or be within the aircraft operator’s safe operation.
audit program and SMS.
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Accident Event 3.0: Aircraft Upset
Loss of control of the aircraft while in-flight or loss of situational awareness
in relation to mobile vessels
Flightpath Management
Aircraft Upset Effective Use of Automation
Enhanced Situational Awareness
Courtesy: Bristow
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Accident Event 4.0: Surface/Obstacle Conflict
An airworthy helicopter under the control of flight crew is flown into the ground
(or water) or an obstacle on or adjacent to the heliport/helideck
Ensuring sufficient clearance from obstacles for To improve situational awareness (of obstacles during takeoff,
safe operation. landing or taxi, personnel/vehicle movements around the aircraft
on the ground and the aircraft external condition, such as open
For operations at night or under IFR to offshore destinations,
panels or damage/leaks/fire), sensors and/or mirrors should be
aircraft operators must have defined Airborne Radar Approach
provided to assist the crew on aircraft on long-term contracts.
(ARA) procedures that require:
• Consideration of the location of all known fixed and
moving obstacles;
4.3: Night/IFR Flight Management
• The use of a radar to provide course guidance to ensure Ensuring effective preparation that enables safe
obstacle clearance; operation in Night and IFR conditions.
Aircraft that are to fly under IFR or at night or over Flights flown at night or in IMC must be operated by two-pilots
mountainous terrain must be fitted with a serviceable Class A who hold valid and current instrument ratings using Standard
Helicopter TAWS, certified in accordance with an appropriate Operating Procedures (SOPs) contained in the Operations Manual.
Technical Standards Order, with offshore specific modes Flights flown at night or in IMC must be conducted in a multi-
where available. engine helicopter and must be in compliance with an IFR
The aircraft operator must have procedures for any user- flight plan.
adjustable TAWS features, ensuring regular database updates
and for actions to be taken by the flight crew in the event of NIGHT OR IFR – APPROACH/LANDING RECENCY
an alert. IFR and night approach recency must comply with the
Flight crew training must include the response to TAWS alerts. responsible regulatory authority’s requirements, but for
offshore operations shall include at least three night offshore
helideck takeoff and landings for each pilot in the preceding
90 days.
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4.4: RADALT Procedures/Use
Ensuring the provision of reliable RADALT data to provide
clear and reliable awareness of height above sea level.
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Accident Event 5.0: Heliport and Helideck
Collisions, loss of control on the ground, fires and other accidents related
to the design and operation of onshore heliports or helidecks
Heliport and Vessel Pitch, Roll and Heave (PRH) Limits Multiple Helicopters Operations
Helideck Heliport and Helideck Management Heliport and Helideck Design
Ensuring a safe envelope for vessel movements
to enable a safe landing and stability when on All offshore installations must have a HLO and sufficient HDAs
the helideck. available for all helicopter movements with relevant duties and
responsibilities clearly outlined in a current and up-to-date
The Pitch, Roll and Heave of floating vessels must be measured
HLO Manual.
as close to helideck level and centerline as possible in order to
provide accurate and reliable readings to be communicated to HLO and assistants must undergo initial and recurrent training
the helicopter from the vessel. every two years in accordance with OPITO standards (or an
acceptable alternative standard).
Significant changes in PRH, wind direction, vessel direction or any
circumstance where vessel control is lost must be reported to the COMMUNICATION
helicopter crew both prior to landing and while on the helideck.
For manned installations and vessels there must be procedures
The aircraft operator must have aircraft specific pitch, roll and to verify that the helicopter is on approach to the correct
heave rate landing limits (such as the Helideck Certification destination. There must also be a corresponding ability to
Agency Helideck Landing Limits) documented in their communicate visually or verbally if an incorrect approach has
Operations Manual. Aircraft operators must conduct a risk been identified.
assessment prior to commencing night or IMC operations and
supplement these limitations if necessary. These results must CLOSED DECKS
be considered as part of a pre-commencement risk assessment
If a helideck is closed (for any reason other than simply it is
(see Enabler 1.2).
unmanned) it must be clearly marked as such. Markings should
The flight crew must verify that the reported PRH is within include physical deck markings and may be supplemented by
limits before landing. status lights.
5.2: Heliport and Helideck Management
In addition to reviews required by regulatory authorities, all
Ensuring effective maintenance and operation of
company owned and/or operated Heliports and Helidecks must
helidecks and heliports to enable safe operations.
have an annual helideck inspection conducted by a Competent
OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT Aviation Specialist or aircraft operator.
All heliports and helidecks must have personnel who are Documented findings and action plans resulting from
responsible for overseeing and managing heliport/helideck any inspection must be retained by the Helideck Landing
operating standards in accordance with documented Officer (HLO).
procedures and as part of a Safety Management System.
Personnel designated as being responsible must understand
the heliport/helideck procedures, local aviation regulations and Aircraft operators must conduct landing site assessments
certification requirements of the facility. prior to commencing operations to validate suitability of
performance and operating limitations. These results must be
considered as part of a pre-commencement risk assessment
(see Enabler 1.2).
14 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
must be a night validation flight that assesses all aspects of INSTALLATION/VESSEL MARKING
the helideck lighting.
The marking of installations and vessels must be such that
Consider the following when planning the evaluation flight: the crew of an approaching helicopter can visually verify
• Use of experienced personnel such as Check and Training identity before or at the Landing Decision Point. Where similar
Flight Crew; installation/vessels are in the same area, special care must be
• Performing the flight as soon as practicable during taken to make markings unambiguous.
operational start-up; and Flight crew must have approach plates accessible during
• Assess the night lighting in ambient conditions relevant to flight planning and when airborne that assist in the visual
the operating environment (as opposed to assessing in a identification of the destination and adjacent installations
brightly illuminated dry dock/harbour). and vessels.
All helicopter-to-ship operations must be conducted Heliports must have passenger facilities offering a waiting
in accordance with the standards contained in the area, survival suit issue and donning area (if required), suitable
International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Guide to Helicopter/ briefing area, security, basic amenities, protection from the
Ship Operations. elements and a barrier from the aircraft movement area.
Incoming and outgoing passenger routes must be designated.
Vessel activities typically include marine pilot transfer, tanker
Similar facilities must be available on installations and vessels.
support, seismic crew transfer and medical evacuation.
Appropriate cleaning must be conducted.
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Accident Event 6.0: Weather
Weather and/or other environmental conditions force a helicopter to deviate from its
intended flight path and results in an accident or prevents effective search and rescue
6.1: Effective Flight Planning All equipment must be maintained and calibrated to a defined
schedule and recorded in a calibration register.
Ensuring aircraft depart with sufficient fuel reserves
on routings that take into account the anticipated When operating in a hostile environment to offshore
weather conditions. destinations wave height and the status of the local rescue
capability (e.g. stand-by vessels, fast rescue craft, offshore
Offshore flights must be conducted on an Instrument Flight based SAR helicopters etc.) must be communicated to
Rules (IFR) flight plan lodged with the relevant air traffic arriving aircraft.
control service provider when possible. Visual Flight Rules
(VFR) flight plans are permitted but must be lodged with a
responsible party (air traffic control service provider, aircraft 6.3: Adverse Weather Policy/Use
operator or company site representative) and flown under a Establishing weather limitations consistent with the
flight-following regime. capabilities of the aircraft and rescue assets are applied
to each flight, with provision for appropriate training in
Aircraft operators must outline thunderstorm and triggered
anticipated conditions.
lightning avoidance techniques in the Operations Manual.
An Adverse Weather Policy must be developed by the company
Routine planned use of Special VFR procedures must only in conjunction with the aircraft operator when weather
be used in a two-crew operation and only in a non-hostile conditions exist that are suitable for flying, but not suitable for
environment and only if endorsed by a Competent Aviation practical offshore operations or search and rescue. Situations
Specialist. can include: excessive wind over helidecks prohibiting
personnel movement to and from the helicopter, adverse sea
6.2: Regular Reports/Forecasts conditions resulting in an unacceptable risk of immediate
capsize or preventing effective offshore search and rescue, or
Ensure flight crew receive accurate actual and forecast
man-made smoke haze degrading visual conditions in a jungle
weather data to make sound planning decisions.
environment. The Adverse Weather Policy must outline clearly
under what conditions flying operations should be restricted or
temporarily halted and supported by appropriate procedures.
Flight crew must be provided with reliable weather information The Adverse Weather Policy must consider the aircraft type and
when determining fuel loads during preflight planning. survival equipment in use, the available SAR capability and
applicable Emergency Response Plans and be revalidated when
material changes to these considerations occur.
The following data must be communicated to arriving aircraft
by either an Automatic Weather Observation System (AWOS) WIND SHEAR/HELIDECK ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING
and/or trained weather observer:
Flight crew on long-term contract must have ongoing training
• Maximum pitch and roll (degrees) and heave rate (meters/ addressing the identification and recovery measures associated
second) over a 20 minute period (offshore destinations); with microburst and wind shear phenomenon, turbulence
• Wind direction and speed; created by wind over an offshore facility’s superstructure and
• Temperature; gas venting.
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COLD WEATHER TRAINING 6.4: Aircraft Capability
Crew who operate aircraft in a cold weather environment Ensuring the aircraft is capable of operating in the
(ground snow and ice) must undergo annual training prior to intended weather conditions.
the onset of the winter season that addresses:
Where an aircraft is intended to be operated into known
• Pre takeoff inspections; icing conditions it must be certified for operation in icing
• In-flight icing and associated hazards; conditions and all icing related systems must be serviceable.
• Cold weather operational takeoff, approach and landing; and All aircraft contracted to be able to operate under IFR or at
• Visibility and performance considerations. night must be fitted with serviceable color weather radar
having a minimum range scale of 2.5nm with one half nm range
scale graduations. If the weather radar becomes unserviceable,
the aircraft must not be flown in Instrument Meteorological
Conditions (IMC), or at night unless the weather forecasts
indicate there is no likelihood of thunderstorms, lightning,
turbulence or icing.
Courtesy: Bristow
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Accident Event 7.0: Collision in the Air
A helicopter and object collide in the air
Flight crew must comply with the ICAO cruising altitudes for Aircraft to be flown in a High Traffic Risk Environment (HTRE) at
both VFR and IFR flight unless circumstances require non- night or under IFR while on long-term contract must be fitted
standard procedures. with an ACAS II system that provide both traffic advisories and
resolution advisories.
Where known bird migratory routes or bird reserves are
identified, flight crew must plan to minimize flight time below All aircraft to be flown VFR in a HTRE on long-term contract
2,500 feet Above Ground Level (AGL) as far as practical or must be fitted with an ACAS I that provides at least
otherwise reduce cruise speed to lower impact energy. traffic advisories.
Courtesy: HeliOffshore
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Accident Event 8.0: Ground Collision/Handling
A collision between helicopter and other aircraft, vehicles or persons,
or the unsafe loading of an aircraft
Aircraft operators must have policies and procedures for the Passengers must be briefed on emergency procedures and the
safe loading of the aircraft including the following: safety matters prior to flight, including:
• A general description of the helicopter and specific avoid/
• Actual passenger weight (including hand luggage)
danger areas;
must be determined and used in all aircraft weight and
• Smoking restrictions;
balance calculations;
• Instructions on the limitations of use of Personal Electronic
• Items of baggage and cargo must be separately weighed
Devices (PEDs), including prohibiting of charging and
and detailed on the manifest; carriage of e-cigarettes or loose batteries
• All cargo must be inspected to verify it is accurately • Hearing protection;
declared and not a security or Dangerous Goods concern • Boarding and disembarkation instructions;
(Control 8.5 covers baggage); • The use of seat belts and shoulder harnesses;
• Items other than soft cover books or securely bound • The proper donning and use of survival suits, including the
magazines must be prohibited from being taken into the use of any hoods or gloves;
cabin by passengers; • The brace position;
• Carry-on baggage, including, briefcases, laptop • Immediate actions upon a ditching;
computers and newspapers must not be permitted in the • Demonstration on the use of life jackets and emergency
cabin and all baggage must be secured in the baggage breathing system used in that helicopter;
compartment. The area below seats must not be used for • The location and use of normal and emergency exits;
baggage or other items; • Liferaft deployment and boarding;
• If cargo is carried inside the passenger cabin during • Any other safety and survival equipment a passenger may be
reasonably be expected to use;
passenger carrying operations, it must be secured
using nets and straps and hard-points that are suitable • The means of communication between crew and passengers;
for the purpose and placed in front of the passengers
• The location of non-smoking and fasten seatbelt signs and
where practical; and
briefing cards.
• Cargo must not obstruct the normal or emergency exits.
The briefing must cover the specific design features and
equipment of the aircraft to be used and be presented in
video format.
Prior to takeoff, the Pilot-in-Command must ensure that the
When the aircraft to be used has minor configuration
aircraft weight and center of gravity have been calculated and differences to that shown in the video safety briefing, a
are within limits for safe flight. verbal briefing to a documented script either on the aircraft
or with reference to illustrations of the differences must
The weight and balance calculations must be accomplished by
be provided before flight. Differences are minor if they are
a means authorized by the Operations Manual, and the details
readily comprehensible, easy to identify on the aircraft, small
must be available in the cockpit at all times. in number, don’t introduce a new risk of injury if misused
and don’t have an adverse effect on survivability. If the
differences are major, a dedicated video must be used for that
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Accident Event 8.0 (cont.)
All passengers must have access to a passenger briefing card The transfer of passengers whilst the rotors are running must
specific to the aircraft configuration in use when seated. be supervised by a designated PCO or HLO.
Briefing Videos and cards must be consistent.
The aircraft operator must have a procedure in place to ensure
passengers are briefed after any sudden descent, return to The Operations Manual must include requirements on ground
base, or any other event that may cause concern. handling and the maneuvering of aircraft including ground
taxiing, towing and passenger loading procedures.
When the first language in the area of operations is not 8.4: Dangerous Goods
English, the aircraft operator must provide aircraft emergency
placards, passenger briefings cards and briefings in the local Ensuring only appropriately packaged and documented
language as well as English. For videos this may be achieved DG is carried in the appropriate aircraft hold locations.
by sub-titles. The aircraft operator must comply with current International
Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods
8.3: Flight Handling requirements (or similar requirements such as Title 49 of the
Ensuring manifests are accurate, and that passengers US Code of Federal Regulations).
are appropriately escorted and seated. Irrespective of whether Dangerous Goods are to be carried, the
aircraft operator or Heliport operator must have appropriate
PASSENGER SEATING POSITIONS procedures and trained personnel to screen all cargo, baggage
Passengers must be seated on the aircraft cognizant of and passengers for Dangerous Goods and other items
emergency exit/push-out window sizes. Larger passengers, in prohibited from carriage on an offshore helicopter or otherwise
particular those with large shoulder sizes, must be seated on subject to limitations. All flight crew must complete Dangerous
rows adjacent larger exits. First time travelers should only be Goods awareness training at least every two years.
seated next to an emergency exit/push-out window when they
are not between another passenger and that passenger’s most
direct egress route. 8.5: Security and Check-In Control
Ensuring passengers are qualified and approved to
MANIFEST travel, and are free of prohibited items.
A manifest that accurately reflects the occupants and cargo
of the aircraft must be completed for each flight or sector PASSENGER SECURITY AND QUALIFICATION CHECKS
in accordance with the Operator’s approved procedure. The The aircraft operator or heliport operator must ensure that
manifest must record the full name of each passenger and this an appropriate process is in place to verify the identity of
data must be accessible by flight following personnel at all
passengers prior to boarding, ensure they meet safety training,
times to aid any emergency response.
medical or other currency requirements, search for prohibited
items (prohibited either in-flight or at the destination) and
deny boarding to passengers who are disruptive or showing
A designated Passenger Control Officer (PCO) or Helideck signs of either alcohol or substance abuse.
Landing Officer (HLO) who is in a position to communicate with
the crew at all times must control all passenger movements to The aircraft operator must also have a process to conduct
and from the designated aircraft movement area. The PCO can inbound, onshore security checks in accordance with any local
be provided by the company or aircraft operator, and may be regulations or company contractual requirements.
a crew member in a multi-crew operation.
The PCO and HLO must be identified using a distinguishing vest
(or equivalent) if they are not a crew member of the aircraft. A clear passenger clothing policy must be agreed with the
Company Aviation Specialist. Passengers must wear clothing
ROTORS RUNNING LOAD/UNLOAD and footwear appropriate to the environment being flown over
When loading or unloading passengers from helicopters with (regardless of the flight duration) and compatible with survival
rotors running, a member of the flight crew must remain at and safety equipment the passenger is to be equipped with.
the controls and only perform cockpit duties related to the
Passengers must be prohibited from wearing any type
identification of external hazards and passenger movement
of headgear.
around the aircraft.
20 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Accident Event 9.0: Fuel Exhaustion/Contamination
A helicopter has to conduct a forced landing or ditching after a loss of engine power
as a result of fuel exhaustion or contamination, or suffers a fire during hot refueling
Hot refueling (with engines running) must only be conducted Offshore flights must be conducted on an Instrument Flight
when considered operationally necessary. Hot refueling with Rules (IFR) flight plan lodged with the relevant air traffic
gasoline and wide cut turbine fuel is prohibited. control service provider when possible. Visual Flight Rules
(VFR) flight plans are permitted but must be lodged with a
If conducted, aircraft operators must have a procedure for hot
responsible party (air traffic control service provider, aircraft
refueling which includes the following requirements:
operator or company site representative) and flown under a
• No passengers are to be on-board during refueling unless flight-following regime.
the Pilot-in-Command assesses that it is safe to do so.
Passengers must receive a safety brief prior to refueling. No 9.4: Offshore Alternates
side-well seats are to be occupied (e.g. Bell 212, 214, 412);
Ensuring the use of an offshore alternate is minimized
• Firefighting capability must be available and manned; and only when OEI performance and alternative decks
• The aircraft operator’s Operations Manual must detail are guaranteed.
all aspects of hot refueling, including personnel training, The use of offshore alternatives must be minimized and the
sequence of aircraft grounding and duties of personnel offshore destination must have been approved for OEI landings
required. A minimum of three personnel for helicopter by a Competent Aviation Specialist and the following criteria
operations – one for refueling, one for pump shut-off and are met:
one for fireguard;
• An offshore destination alternate helideck must only be used
• Radios must not be used during refueling unless in after the point of no return (PNR) when an onshore alternate
emergency circumstances; is not available. Prior to the PNR, an onshore alternate
• Prior to removing the fuel cap and inserting the fuel nozzle aerodrome must be used;
into the aircraft fuel tank, or connecting a pressure hose, • One engine inoperative (OEI) landing capability must be
bonding wires running from the fuel station and from the attainable at the offshore destination alternate helideck;
fuel hose to the aircraft must be connected;
• To the extent possible, helideck availability must be
• When refueling is completed, the flight crew member must guaranteed prior to PNR and the dimensions and obstacle
verify that all equipment is removed, the fuel cap has been clearance must be suitable for its use as an alternate
securely replaced and the aircraft is properly configured for helideck for the helicopter type;
flight; and
• Weather minima must be established, taking into account
• Correct fuel loads must be confirmed by the Pilot-in- the accuracy and reliability of meteorological information;
Command prior to departure. and
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Accident Event 9.0 (cont.)
Ensuring aircraft depart with sufficient fuel reserves to Fuel delivery systems, including portable/mobile systems,
avoid fuel exhaustion. must be fitted with water blocking filtration of the ‘Go/No-Go’
types. Filter canisters must be marked with the next date of
The aircraft operator procedures must require a fuel load that
change or inspection cycle. All filters must be replaced at least
covers start-up, taxi, trip fuel, contingency fuel, alternate fuel
annually or at specified pressure differentials as annotated on
and final reserve fuel.
the filter housing or as recommended by the manufacturer.
Pilots must take (or witness the taking of) a fuel sample from
the delivery side of the fuel system and as close as possible to
the delivery nozzle of all offshore refueling installations prior
to each refueling operation.
22 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
An annual inspection of fuel storage facilities and delivery • Fuel must be consumed within its Aviation Release
systems must be conducted by the company designated Note certification date. Where authorized testing of
Competent Aviation Specialist or aircraft operator. The out-of-date fuel is permitted by the fuel provider and the
inspection must include a review of the condition of the original certification period is extended, drummed fuel may
facility, scheduled maintenance, microbe growth detection be used up until that date but not exceeding two years.
and refueling procedures (covering daily testing, sampling and The revised certification documentation must be retained for
sample retention practices). the duration the drummed fuel is held in stock.
Where fueling is conducted by a recognized supplier, with • The access bungs must be tight and the seals unbroken prior
an effective quality system, using internationally accepted to use;
practices, an equivalent level of risk management may be • The fuel must be sampled and include a positive test for the
considered as being in place if all applicable procedures are presence of water using water detecting capsules or paste;
being complied with. • The refuel pump must be equipped with a Go/No-Go
filter; and
• Before fueling the aircraft, a small amount of fuel must be
Aircraft operators who make use of drummed fuel in the course pumped into a container to remove any contaminants from
of their operations must have a procedure in place addressing the hose and nozzle.
the management and use of drummed fuel stock. The following
performance requirements must be addressed: Usage:
Courtesy: HeliOffshore
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Accident Survival 20.0
Mitigating defences in the event of an aircraft accident
The helicopter must be fitted with a PA system of sufficient EMERGENCY EXIT LIGHTING SYSTEM
clarity and volume so that passengers can understand
instructions from the crew at all times during flight (even when Emergency exit lighting system must be fitted to mark all
wearing any hearing protection). emergency exits and push-out windows in the event of
emergency evacuation.
Automatic float deployment systems must be fitted on all There must be a suitable means of opening that is resistant
multi-engine helicopters. to inadvertent operation and which is suitably marked by
placards and contrasting color(s).
The aircraft operator must have procedures to arm automatic
float deployment systems when making offshore or other over
water takeoffs and landings. If permitted in the Flight Manual,
the automatic float deployment system must be permanently EBS compliant with an appropriate standard must be worn by
armed over water. passengers for operations over a hostile offshore environment.
Passengers must have received training in EBS use and EBS
deployment must be covered in preflight safety briefings.
24 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
20.4: Sea Survival 20.5: Land/General Survival
Ensuring the occupants can survive either in a raft Ensuring the occupants can survive on land or deal with
or in the water. small fires and medical emergencies.
Constant wear, passenger life jackets compliant with an All heliports or airfields must have a means of providing a fire
appropriate TSO, with design features to prevent the life jacket and rescue capability commensurate with the potential risk.
riding up when in the water, must be worn at all times in Qualified personnel must receive training on the equipment
offshore operations. provided, which must be appropriately maintained.
Where a helicopter is fitted with two liferafts, each must 20.6: Alerting
have an overload capacity that is equal or greater to the total Ensuring timely alerting and location identification
occupants of the helicopter. Where helicopter is fitted with one
to aid SAR services.
liferaft it must have a normal capacity equal or greater to the
total occupants of the helicopter. FLIGHT TRACKING AND LONG RANGE COMMUNICATIONS
For operations in a hostile environment the liferafts must All aircraft must be fitted with a reliable flight tracking system
comply with the requirements of ETSO-2C505 or an equivalent when operated outside an effective Air Traffic Control (ATC)
standard for hostile environment liferafts.
surveillance service. The position reporting frequency must be
All liferafts must be reversible or self-righting, double appropriate for the operation and at least every two minutes.
chambered and capable of being tethered to the aircraft and
The system must be monitored by designated flight following
be readily accessible in the event of ditching.
personnel who are able to promptly initiate the ERP. Flight
External liferafts must have a means of activation available in followers must regularly practice ERP activation. There must be
the cockpit and externally (in the event of capsize). To prevent a reliable means of direct communication available between
in-flight deployment there must not be passenger access to the the aircraft and flight follower throughout the flight.
means of activation in-flight.
In the event the flight tracking system goes unserviceable after
There must be a retaining line to hold the inflated liferaft near departing the main operating base procedures must be in place
the helicopter to facilitate boarding and a longer retaining line
to communicate by radio and record the aircraft’s heading,
that will ensure the liferaft can remain attached, safely clear of
speed, position at least every 15 minutes.
the helicopter. The airframe in the vicinity of the liferaft when
deploying and when deployed must be free of projections that
could damage the liferaft.
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Accident Survival 20.0 (cont.)
EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTERS regional/corporate level and demonstrate that any necessary
An Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) meeting the improvements are made.
requirements of Technical Standard Order (TSO) 126 or Emergency drills (at a minimum desktop) with aviation
equivalent operating on both 406MHz and 121.5MHz must be related objectives must be conducted within 30 days of a
fitted to all contracted aircraft. contract’s initiation, and then at least annually for ongoing
This must be an Automatically Deployable ELT (ADELT) on operations that:
helicopters on long-term contracts intended to be operated • Test the integrity of the ERP by conducting exercises on
offshore in instrument meteorological or night conditions, or worst-case scenarios involving last-light, weather and
offshore in a hostile environment. aircraft disposition; and
All ELTs must be registered with the appropriate national • Test and validate bridging communications between the
agency and the responsible parties registered as ELT contacts company, the aircraft operator and all SAR resources.
are to be detailed in the aircraft operator’s Emergency Note that the success of the emergency response in the
Response Plan. event of a ditching or water impact is partly dependent
on the application of Controls 4.3, 6.3 and the available
Flight crew operating helicopters in hostile environments
must each have access to a GNSS-capable 406MHz/121.5MHz DEDICATED SAR SUPPORT
Personal Locator Beacon (PLB)/Survival ELT and carry any other For all operations in a hostile environment, the company
necessary survival equipment on their person. When operating must conduct a risk assessment to determine if contracting
in areas with high security threats or where long periods for a dedicated SAR capability is necessary to supplement
before a rescue is likely, the provision of voice capable crew locally available SAR assets. If necessary, such a service must
beacons must be risk assessed as part of Control 6.3. be contracted.
20.8: Post-Accident
For operations in any environment where the SAR response
time is considered excessive through risk assessment (and Ensuring other actions to mitigate the accident
therefore wider dispersion of survivors is possible), a 121.5MHz or prevent reoccurrence are in place.
PLB, compliant with an appropriate standard, must be carried
(normally attached to the life jacket or survival suit).
26 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Courtesy: Aerossurance
Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s 27
Appendix 1:
Recency FAR-29/CS-29 FAR-27/CS-27 Multi-engine FAR-27/CS-27 Single-engine
Licence ATPL(H) CPL(H) CPL(H)
Instrument Rating (1)
Command, multi-engine Command, multi-engine Not required
If no CBT program is in place or agreed by the company, the following prescriptive requirements are to be met:
Total Hours 2500 2000 1500
Qualifications FAR-29/CS-29 FAR-27/CS-27 Multi-engine FAR-27/CS-27 Single-engine
Licence CPL(H) CP(H)L CPL(H)
Instrument Rating (1)
Command Co-pilot
If no CBT program is in place or agreed by the company, the following prescriptive requirements are to be met:
Total Hours 500 250 250
Total Multi-engine 100 50
Total on Type 50 10 10
Maintenance Personnel
Qualifications Chief Engineer Certifying Engineer
Total time on Helicopters (whichever applicable) Five years Two years
Licence with appropriate Engine/Airframe/ Yes Yes
Avionics Rating
Type Rating on the contract type(6) Yes Yes
(1) All instrument approach aid recency required to support the activity must be maintained within regulatory requirements. Instrument Ratings are NOT required for operations designated as VFR only.
(2) Competency-Based Training (CBT) reviewed and endorsed by a Competent Aviation Specialist may be used in lieu of these requirements.
(3) If not met, a check flight with a qualified check pilot is required. Hours in a Level C or Level D FFS (or type-specific Type III, IV or V devices as described in ICAO Doc 9625 Vol III) may be included
in the 50 hour total.
(4) In extreme latitudes, where night time is limited during summer months, a ‘summer alleviation’ to night recency can be implemented if agreed by the company prior to contract award (or by
variation to the contract), provided a suitable process is documented to re-gain recency as the length of night time increases at the end of the defined summer alleviation period.
(5) Use of a simulator of the same type and series being flown may be used if agreed by a Competent Aviation Specialist provided the device has the capability of simulating the approach and
landing to an offshore helideck. Use of the simulator cannot be concurrent for 90 day recency requirements, and must alternate with actual offshore recency activity such that no more than two
recency requirements of the four per annum are possible using simulator. The specific device must be approved for that use by the responsible regulatory authority.
(6) In countries where the addition of a Type Rating to a Licence is not possible, then it must be demonstrated that the individual has received formal classroom and practical training equivalent to a
Type Course.
28 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Appendix 2:
In addition to the considerations of Enabler 1.7, helicopters must be fitted with equipment that meets:
1. All certification requirements of FAR-29/CS-29 or FAR-27/CS-27 applicable to the helicopter type for use in offshore operations;
2. All applicable equipment requirements of the main body of this Standard; and
3. All applicable equipment requirements of Appendix 6, for Medevac/SAR and Appendix 7 for MPT/Transport Hoist operations.
For convenience the following table cross-references the aircraft equipment and configurations requirements elsewhere in this Standard.
✓ = Required – Unless Short term/Non-hostile/Day/VMC operations are marked N/R. See Remarks also.
✕ = Restricted from operation
N/R = Not required
N/A = Not applicable
Goal Requirement Title Short Long Non- Hostile Day/VMC Night/ Remarks Mission
(consult full text) term term hostile IMC
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Appendix 2:
Goal Requirement Title Short Long term Non- Hostile Day/VMC Night/ Remarks Mission
(consult full text) term hostile IMC
(1) If determined during risk assessment based on available SAR response capability.
(2) Dedicated SAR aircraft.
(3) Except when MPT is land on transfer only.
30 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Appendix 3:
The bow tie used in BARSOHO Version 1 was presented at the inaugural HeliOffshore Conference (May 2015) and formed the basis for the
creation of the HeliOffshore Safety Performance Model (SPM).
BARSOHO Version 3, issued in December 2016, was fully aligned with the SPM, with all controls structure around the elements of the SPM.
Version 5 retains alignment with the latest evolution of the SPM.
In October 2020, IOGP issued Report 690 as a recommended practice focused on oil and gas offshore commercial transport operations. Report
690 is neither structured around the SPM nor addresses all SPM elements as BARSOHO does, however in the interest of industry alignment
purposes this Appendix maps Report 690 sections to the SPM aligned BARSOHO controls. Where Report 690 does not include aspects to offshore
operations, such as SAR, medevac or hoisting, the BARSOHO appendices have not been referenced.
A more detailed comparison can be made available to Aircraft Operators, BARS Member Organizations and organizations considering contracting
to BARSOHO through contact with the BARS Program Office via [email protected] or https://flightsafety.org/bars/bars-program/
Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s 31
Appendix 3:
32 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
IOGP 690 Section BARSOHO/SPM Control
690-3/15 Crane Operations 5.2: Heliport and Helideck Management
690-3/16 Helideck – Staff Training 5.2: Heliport and Helideck Management
690-3/17 Helideck – Passenger Control 8.3: Flight Handling
690-3/18 Rotors Running Refueling 9.1: Hot Refueling Procedures
690-4/1 Basic Principles 2.3: Airworthiness Management
690-4/2 Continuing Airworthiness – Management 2.3: Airworthiness Management
690-4/3 Continuing Airworthiness – Approved Maintenance Programme 2.3: Airworthiness Management
690-4/4 Continuing Airworthiness – Maintenance Data 2.3: Airworthiness Management
690-4/5 Continuing Airworthiness – Minimum Equipment List 2.3: Airworthiness Management
690-4/6 Continuing Airworthiness – Aircraft Maintenance Records 2.3: Airworthiness Management
2.3: Airworthiness Management
690-4/7 Continuing Airworthiness – Reliability Programme
2.5: Error Tolerant Designs
690-4/8 Continuing Airworthiness – Workplace 2.3: Airworthiness Management
690-4/9 Maintenance Management – Aircraft Maintenance Organization Procedures 2.4: Effective Maintenance
690-4/10 Maintenance Management – Maintenance Planning 2.4: Effective Maintenance
690-4/11 Maintenance Management – Maintenance Records 2.4: Effective Maintenance
690-4/12 Maintenance Management – Foreign Object Damage Checks 2.4: Effective Maintenance
690-4/13 Maintenance Management – Independent Inspections 2.4: Effective Maintenance
690-4/14 Maintenance Management – Release to Service 2.4: Effective Maintenance
690-4/15 Maintenance Observation Programme 1.2: Effective Safety Management System
690-4/16 Quality (Compliance Monitoring) System 1.2: Effective Safety Management System
690-4/17 Occurrence Reporting System 1.2: Effective Safety Management System
690-4/18 Maintenance Check Flights 2.3: Airworthiness Management
690-4/19 Maintenance Facilities – General 2.4: Effective Maintenance
690-4/20 Maintenance Facilities – Working Conditions 2.4: Effective Maintenance
690-4/21 Aircraft Components/Material Management – Equipment and Tools 2.4: Effective Maintenance
690-4/22 Aircraft Components/Material Management – Bonded, Quarantine and 2.6: Supply Chain
Inflammables Storage Areas
690-4/23 Aircraft Components/Material Management – Responsibilities of Stores 2.6: Supply Chain
690-4/24 Maintenance – Aircraft Fuel Tank Checks 2.3: Airworthiness Management
690-4/25 Maintenance Personnel General Requirements – Fatigue Prevention 1.6: Personnel Readiness
690-4/26 Maintenance Personnel – Qualifications and Experience 1.4: Competency
690-4/27 Maintenance Personnel – Training 1.4: Competency
690-4/28 Maintenance Personnel – Continuation/Recurrent Training 1.4: Competency
690-4/29 Maintenance Personnel – Competency Assessment 1.4: Competency
690-4/30 Maintenance Personnel – Supervision of Unlicenced and Recently Licensed 2.4: Effective Maintenance
Maintenance Personnel
690-4/31 HUMS – Equipment 2.1: Early Diagnosis of Potential Failures
690-4/32 HUMS – Download and Primary Analysis 2.1: Early Diagnosis of Potential Failures
690-4/33 HUMS – Download Periodicity – Normal Monitoring 2.1: Early Diagnosis of Potential Failures
690-4/34 HUMS – Unserviceability 2.1: Early Diagnosis of Potential Failures
690-4/35 HUMS – Support Processes – Training and Data Management 2.1: Early Diagnosis of Potential Failures
690-4/36 HUMS – In-Flight Data Transfer 2.1: Early Diagnosis of Potential Failures
690-5/1 Certification Standard 1.7: Modern/Proven Technology
690-5/2 Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Flights 6.4: Aircraft Capability
690-5/3 Autopilot 3.2: Effective Use of Automation
690-5/4 Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) 20.6: Alerting
690-5/5 Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) 20.8: Post-Accident
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Appendix 3:
34 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
BARSOHO/SPM Control IOGP 690 Section
6690-2/46 Other Training – Crew Resource Management
690-2/47 Other Training – Dangerous Goods Training
690-2/48 Role Specific Training – Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET)
690-2/49 Role Specific Training – Emergency Breathing Systems (EBS)
1.4: Competency (cont.) 690-2/50 Role Specific Training – Helideck
690-4/26 Maintenance Personnel – Qualifications and Experience
690-4/27 Maintenance Personnel – Training
690-4/28 Maintenance Personnel – Continuation/Recurrent Training
690-4/29 Maintenance Personnel – Competency Assessment
690-2/16 Composition of Flight Crew
1.5: Multi-crew Operations 690-2/30 Flight Procedures – General
690-2/31 Flight Procedures – Sterile Cockpit
690-2/4 Drug and Alcohol Policy
690-2/13 Medical Certification
690-2/17 Flight Crew Fatigue Management – Flight Time Limits
1.6: Personnel Readiness 690-2/18 Flight Crew Fatigue Management – Flight Duty Times and Rest Periods
690-2/19 Flight Crew Fatigue Management – Rest for Rotating Crews
690-2/20 Flight Crew Fatigue Management – Night Standby Duty
690-4/25 Maintenance Personnel General Requirements – Fatigue Prevention
1.7: Modern/Proven Technology 690-5/1 Certification Standard
690-2/1 Air Operator Certificate
1.8: Standards and Oversight
690-2/2 Management of [sic] Personnel
690-4/31 HUMS – Equipment
690-4/32 HUMS – Download and Primary Analysis
690-4/33 HUMS – Download Periodicity – Normal Monitoring
2.1: Early Diagnosis of Potential Failures 690-4/34 HUMS – Unserviceability
690-4/35 HUMS – Support Processes – Training and Data Management
690-4/36 HUMS – In-Flight Data Transfer
690-5/9 Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS)
2.2: Enhanced Reliability 690-2/9 Helicopter Performance Class
690-2/34 Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Procedures
690-4/1 Basic Principles
690-4/2 Continuing Airworthiness – Management
690-4/3 Continuing Airworthiness – Approved Maintenance Programme
690-4/4 Continuing Airworthiness – Maintenance Data
2.3: Airworthiness Management 690-4/5 Continuing Airworthiness – Minimum Equipment List
690-4/6 Continuing Airworthiness – Aircraft Maintenance Records
690-4/7 Continuing Airworthiness – Reliability Programme
690-4/8 Continuing Airworthiness – Workplace
690-4/18 Maintenance Check Flights
690-4/24 Maintenance – Aircraft Fuel Tank Checks
690-4/9 Maintenance Management – Aircraft Maintenance Organization Procedures
690-4/10 Maintenance Management – Maintenance Planning
690-4/11 Maintenance Management – Maintenance Records
690-4/12 Maintenance Management – Foreign Object Damage Checks
690-4/13 Maintenance Management – Independent Inspections
2.4: Effective Maintenance 690-4/14 Maintenance Management – Release to Service
690-4/19 Maintenance Facilities – General
690-4/20 Maintenance Facilities – Working Conditions
690-4/21 Aircraft Components/Material Management – Equipment and Tools
690-4/30 Maintenance Personnel – Supervision of Unlicensed and Recently Licensed
Maintenance Personnel
2.5: Error Tolerant Designs 690-4/7 Continuing Airworthiness – Reliability Programme
690-4/22 Aircraft Components/Material Management – Bonded, Quarantine and Inflammables
2.6: Supply Chain Storage Areas
690-4/23 Aircraft Components/Material Management – Responsibilities of Stores Personnel
3.1: Flightpath Management 690-2/32 Flight Procedures – Stabilized Approaches
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Appendix 3:
36 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
BARSOHO/SPM Control IOGP 690 Section
20.1: Impact Survival 690-5/18 Passenger Seats
20.2: Flotation 690-5/16 Flotation Gear
690-3/11 Passenger Training – Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
690-3/12 Passenger Training – Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System
20.3: Underwater Escape 690-5/11 Cabin Push-Out Windows (Ditching Emergency Exits)
690-5/12 Emergency Exit Lighting
690-5/13 Seating Layout
690-2/10 Crew - Personal Protective Equipment
20.4: Sea Survival 690-3/6 Passenger - Personal Protective Equipment
690-5/10 Liferafts
20.5: Land/General Survival 690-5/19 Survival Kits
690-2/10 Crew - Personal Protective Equipment
690-2/35 Flight Following
20.6: Alerting 690-3/6 Passenger - Personal Protective Equipment
690-5/4 Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs)
690-5/17 Flight Following
20.7: SAR/Emergency Response 690-1/5 Emergency Response Planning
690-2/3 Insurance
20.8: Post-Accident 690-5/5 Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB)
690-5/15 Cockpit Camera
Courtesy: Pegaso
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Appendix 4:
The requirement for contracting companies to have access to Competent Aviation Specialists is essential throughout the life cycle of a
contracted aviation operation. This spans the early planning phase, procurement/tender process, operational start-up and extending
throughout the production operations phase. Whilst not exhaustive, BARSOHO identifies those controls where specialist input should
be sought and are further summarised in this Appendix.
1.4 Competency – Flight Crew Review and endorsement of an operator’s Competency Based Training Framework
1.4 Competency – Flight Crew - FSTD Assessment of any requests for extension to 12 months from 6 months for FFS attendance
1.6 Flight Crew Fatigue Review and endorsement of an operator’s regulatory-approved Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS)
Management where it is less restricted that the default BARSOHO requirements
1.6 Maintenance Personnel Review and endorse risk assessment supporting routine rostering of maintenance shifts past 12 hours or
Fatigue Management minimum rest periods less than 10 hours
1.6 Drug and Alcohol Policy Facilitate company’s review and acceptance of operator’s Drug and Alcohol Policy
1.7 Modern/Proven Technology Review and endorse use of any aircraft that differs from contracted fit/configuration
1.7 Modern/Proven Technology Prior to contract renewal or tender process determine availability and practicality of contracting to latest
certification standards
1.7 Modern/Proven Technology Assess certification basis and in-service experience of aircraft types considered
1.8 Standards and Oversight Review and endorse use of any alternate aircraft operator used in a sub-charter (cross-hire) arrangement
2.1 Early Diagnosis of Potential Review aircraft operator’s gap analysis against HeliOffshore HUMS Recommended Practice
2.2 Enhanced Reliability – Review and endorse risk assessment supporting use of turbine powered PC3 helicopters offshore
Performance Class
3.1 Flightpath Management Review aircraft operator’s gap analysis against HeliOffshore Flightpath Management Recommended Practice
4.3 Night/IFR Management – Review aircraft operator’s risk assessment for commencement of night passenger flights when new to the
Night Passenger Flights operation
4.3 Night or IFR – Facilitate company’s availability of offshore deck’s for night training recency
Approach/Landing Recency
4.3 Night or IFR – Review and endorse ‘summer alleviation’ to maintaining night recency in extreme latitudes
Approach/Landing Recency
5.2 Heliport and Helideck Facilitate company’s assurance process overseeing heliport and helideck operations, including inspections,
Management recurrent training, communications and operational management
5.3 Multiple Helicopter Review and endorse aircraft operator’s risk assessment prior to conducting multiple helicopter helideck
Operations operations
5.4 Heliport and Helideck Design Review heliport and helideck design early in the process and well before Critical Design Review completion to
ensure appropriate design references and any localized factors are being used
6.1 Special VFR Procedures Review and endorse use of Special VFR Procedures in support of contracted offshore operations
8.5 Security and Check-In Control Facilitate agreed and documented process between company and aircraft operator for passenger screening
8.5 Passenger Clothing Policy Facilitate any policy associated with minimum clothing requirements, such as ‘multi-layer’ requirements or
9.4 Offshore Alternates Review and endorse offshore destinations when use of offshore alternate is used
20.3 Underwater Escape Review and endorse requests for variance against HUET four year frequency
20.4 Liferafts Review and endorse risk assessment supporting internal liferafts for role-specific activities with less than
four passengers
20.7 Dedicated SAR Support Participate in risk assessment to determine if dedicated SAR capability is required in a hostile environment
App 1 100 hour requirement Review and endorse use of CBT in lieu of type specific 100 hour requirement
App1 Night recency Review and endorse simulator type used to supplement night offshore recency
10.2 Night Medevac Policy Facilitate company’s consultation with aircraft operator on night medevac policy
11.4 Night Standby Duty Periods Review and endorse SAR roster and accommodation facilities
17.1 Flight Crew Experience Assessment and endorsement of an operator’s Competency Based Training Framework
38 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Appendix 5:
ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance System HSAC Helicopter Safety Advisory Conference
ADM Aeronautical Decision Making HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System HTAWS Helicopter Terrain Avoidance Warning Systems
AFDS Automatic Float Deployment System HTRE High Traffic Risk Environment
AGL Above Ground Level IATA International Air Transport Association
AIS Automatic Identification System ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ALAR Approach and Landing Accident Reduction ICS International Chamber of Shipping
AOC Air Operator’s Certificate IFR Instrument Flight Rules
APU Auxiliary Power Unit IGE In Ground Effect
ARA Airborne Radar Approach IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
ATPL Air Transport Pilot Licence LOC Loss of Control
AVAD Automatic Voice Alerting Device LOSA Line Operations Safety Audit
AWOS Automated Weather Observation System Medevac Medical Evacuation
BARS Basic Aviation Risk Standard MEL Minimum Equipment List
CAA Civil Aviation Authority METS Modular Egress Training Simulator
CAP Civil Aviation Publication (UK) MODU Mobile Drilling Unit
CBT Competency Based Training MOP Maintenance Observation Program
C of G (Aircraft) Center of Gravity MPT Marine Pilot Transfer
CFIT/W Controlled Flight into Terrain/Water NVIS Night Vision Imaging Systems
CPL Commercial Pilot’s Licence OEI One Engine Inoperative
CMT Critical Maintenance Task OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
CRM Crew Resource Management OIM Offshore Installation Manager
CS Certification Standard OPITO Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization
CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder PA Public Address
DG Dangerous Goods Pax Passenger
DSV Diving Support Vessels PC Performance Class
EASA European Union Aviation Safety Agency PCN Pavement Classification Number
EBS Emergency Breathing System PCO Passenger Control Officer
EFB Electronic Flight Bag PED Personal Electronic Device
EFS Emergency Flotation System PLB Personal Locator Beacon
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter PNR Point of No Return
ERP Emergency Response Plan PPE Personal Protective Equipment
FAR Federal Aviation Regulation (USA) PRH Pitch, Roll and Heave
FDM Flight Data Monitoring SAR Search and Rescue
FDR Flight Data Recorder SMS Safety Management System
FFS Full Flight Simulator SOP Standard Operating Procedure
FLIR Forward Looking Infra-Red STC Supplement Type Certificate
FOD Foreign Object Debris TAWS Terrain Awareness Warning System
FPSO Floating Production and Storage Offload TC Type Certificate
FRMS Fatigue Risk Management System TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance System
FSF Flight Safety Foundation TCDS Type Certificate Data Sheet
FSTD Flight Simulation Training Device TEM Threat and Error Management
FTD Flight Training Device TSO Technical Standards Order
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System ULB Underwater Locator Beacon
HHA Human Hazard Analysis VFR Visual Flight Rules
HISL High Intensity Strobe Light VHF Very High Frequency
HDA Helideck Assistants VHM Vibration Health Monitoring
HLO Helicopter Landing Officer VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
HOUR Helicopter Offshore Unserviceability Recovery
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Appendix 6: Transport Hoist/Medical Evacuation (Medevac)/Search and Rescue (SAR)
Figure 3: BARS Bow Tie Risk Model – Schematic of Offshore Safety Performance
Hoist Hoist Cable
Hoist Operations – Hoist Hi-Lines
Operations Protection
40 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Hoist Cable Accident
Cutters Survival Goals
Certification and
Maintenance of Droppable Provision of Bubble Accident
Acceptance of
Role Equipment Stores Medical Oxygen Windows Survival Goals*
Role Equipment
*No change to Defence 20.0
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Appendix 6:
10.0: Enablers
Courtesy: Aerossurance
42 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Accident Event 11.0: Personnel
Crews are adequately constituted, trained, current and rested
SAR Recency
SAR Approved Training Programs
Personnel Minimum Personnel – Medevac
Transport Hoist Recency
Night Standby Duty Periods
11.1: SAR Approved Training Programs current for SAR hoist operations three transition to/from the hover
over the sea must also be completed every 90 days.
Ensuring all crew assigned duties are appropriately
trained and experienced. Where air droppable liferafts or survival kits are to be used at night,
all SAR crew members must achieve at least one night deployment
All personnel assigned to SAR operations must have completed
(including transition to/from the hover if necessary) annually. If not
an approved training program specific to the task and the
current for night SAR hoist operations three transition to/from the
assigned role of the individual.
hover over the sea must also be completed at night every 90 days.
At least one SAR crew member must be qualified as a
paramedic/emergency medical technician.
11.3: Minimum Personnel – Medevac
Ensuring the minimum number and qualifications of
Control 11.2: SAR Recency medical personnel on medevac operations.
Ensuring all crew assigned to SAR operations are within
Qualified medical professionals meeting all offshore training
defined recency limitations.
requirements (as a minimum HUET) must accompany patients
For SAR hoist operations all SAR crew members must achieve a in the cabin during any Medevac. Where there is a risk that the
minimum of three hoist cycles to representative vessels (including patient may need restraining for their own safety or the safety
transition to/from the hover) every 90 days or be subject to a SAR of others, at least two escorts must be in attendance in the
check-flight with qualified SAR training personnel. cabin.
Where air droppable liferafts or survival kits are to be used, all SAR
crew members must achieve at least one deployment (including
transition to/from the hover if necessary) every 180 days. If not
Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s 43
Appendix 6:
Night/IMC Hoist Operations – Aircraft
Hoist Operations Hoist Cable Protection
Hoist Cable Cutters
44 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Accident Event 13.0: Role Specific Equipment
Aircraft have appropriate role equipment
13.1: Electronic Carry-On Equipment emergency exits or push-out windows that occupants need to
rely upon based on the cabin configuration.
Ensuring a safe and reliable electrical power supply for
the carry-on equipment that will not interfere with aircraft The aircraft operator must ensure that the weight and balance
systems. calculations accurately account for role equipment.
Ensuring there is protection of the aircraft from corrosive Role equipment that must be certified as aircraft equipment
fluids during hoisting and SAR operations. must be placed on the aircraft Maintenance Program (or an
equivalent equipment program). Carry-on equipment must
Aircraft to engage in wet hoist operations or potential major
also have a defined inspection schedule. Maintenance of
trauma recoveries must have a cabin floor sea-tray to protect
all role-equipment should be conducted in accordance with
the aircraft from the corrosive effects of fluids.
manufacturer’s instructions.
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Appendix 6:
Courtesy: HeliOffshore
46 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Accident Event 14.0: Control and Communications
Aircraft are equipped with the necessary communications capability and SAR mission coordination
is effective
SAR aircraft must have: The aircraft operator and the company must have agreed
• The capability to home on 121.5MHz signals; procedures for a SAR call out (including the assessment of any
third party request for assistance) and agreed response times.
• The ability to receive 406MHz transmitted position data;
Where non-dedicated SAR aircraft are used, the response times
• A marine band VHF radio; and
must consider a realistic time to re-role the aircraft and also
• A marine Automatic Identification System (AIS) the time to recall the aircraft from any other duties.
The aircraft operator must have procedures to declare aircraft
unavailable or declare an extended response time when for any
14.2: Medevac/SAR Crew Communications reason they cannot safely conduct a SAR mission to the agreed
Ensuring that suitable crew communications equipment is response time, if called, or to declare a partial capability
fitted to the aircraft prior to operations commencing. (e.g. when daytime only SAR can be performed).
The aircraft operator must have the capability to allow There must be appropriate liaison in place with any local
communications between the medevac and/or SAR personnel Rescue Coordination Center with communication from the
and the flight crew. This may include headsets in the cabin and SAR base and from the SAR aircraft, both to aid search
radio communication with the winchman. effectiveness and to ensure all SAR assets are aware of other
assets in the area.
Courtesy: Aerossurance
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Appendix 7 : Transport Hoist/Medical Evacuation (Medevac)/Search and Rescue (SAR)
Figure 4: BARS Bow Tie Risk Model – additional Enablers and Controls to Figure 2.
MPT/Transport Hoist
Flight Crew Vessel Landing
Personnel Approved Training Hoist Recency
Experience Recency
Hoist Cable
Hoist Operations Hoist Procedures Hoist Hi-Lines
MPT/Transport Helicopter/Ship
Enablers Hoist Approvals Operations
NVIS Requirements
48 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Aircraft Accident Survival Goals
Breathing Systems
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Appendix 7:
15.0: Enablers
Enabler 15.1: Marine Pilot Transfer/Transport Enabler 15.3: Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS)
Hoist Approvals Requirements
Ensuring relevant regulatory approvals are in place. Ensuring use of NVIS in the offshore role enhances safe
operations of the aircraft and crew.
The aircraft operator must have licences, approvals or
exemptions necessary from the appropriate responsible Any use of Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) to aid in the
regulatory authorities in order to conduct Marine Pilot Transfer conduct of the Helicopter Marine Pilot Transfer/Transport
and/or Transport Hoist operations. Hoist roles must be conducted in accordance with all controls
presented in Appendix 5 of the Flight Safety Foundation
Enabler 15.2: Helicopter/Ship Operations Basic Aviation Risk Standard (BARS) for contracted aircraft
Ensuring adequate helicopter landing and hoisting areas
in conjunction with effective communications with the
ship that enable safe operations.
50 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Accident Event 16.0: Aircraft
Appropriate aircraft, equipment and performance are contracted and utilized for the planned operation
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Appendix 7:
17.1: Flight Crew Experience 90 days or be subject to a hoist check flight with qualified
hoist training personnel.
Ensuring all flight crew have the required experience for
the role. When a marine pilot has documented (logged) more than
100 hoists (30 of which must have been at night if engaged in
Flight crew must meet the minimum experience requirements
night operations), the recency requirement of three hoist cycles
outlined in Appendix 1.
in 180 days may be used.
For night hoist operations, flight crews and hoist operator must
17.2: Marine Pilot Transfer/Transport Hoist
achieve a minimum of three hoist cycles at night (including
Approved Training Program transition to/from the hover) every 90 days or be subject to a
Ensuring all crew and hoist passengers are appropriately night hoist check flight with qualified hoist training personnel.
trained and competent.
All personnel assigned to Marine Pilot Transfer or Transport 17.4: Vessel Landing Recency
Hoist operations must have completed an assessed and Ensuring flight crew retain manipulative proficiency in
documented approved training program specific to the aircraft the day/night operations to and from vessels.
operator, task and the assigned role of the individual.
All flight crew assigned to night operations must maintain
night recency requirements of five takeoff and landings from
17.3: Hoist Recency a vessel helideck in the preceding 90 days. Furthermore,
Ensuring all crew assigned to hoist operations are within 20 hours flight time (day or night) in the preceding 90 days
defined recency limitations to ensure competency. must also be attained. Where any aspect is not met, a check
flight by a company designated check pilot performed to a
If engaged in hoist operations, flight crew, hoist operator and
satisfactory standard must be conducted.
(where applicable) marine pilot must achieve a minimum of
three hoist cycles (including transition to/from the hover) every
Courtesy: NHSL
52 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Accident Event 18.0: Hoist Operations
Aircraft are appropriately equipped for hoist operations
Hoist Procedures
Hoist Cable Protection Communication/Location
Hoist Operations Hoist
Hoist Cable Cutters Hoist Bags
The aircraft operator must have a hoist that is maintained 18.7: Hoist Bags
in accordance with Original Equipment Manufacturers
Ensure the baggage, tools, equipment, spare parts or
(OEMs) servicing schedule and complies with all regulatory
other provisions to be hoisted are safely conveyed.
All items to be transferred by hoist with a hoist passenger
must be contained in a suitable hoist bag.
18.3: Hi-Lines
Ensuring the obstacles near the hoisting area can be
Courtesy: Bristow
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Accident Survival 30.0
All accident survival goals outlined in Chapter 20 are to be followed.
Marine Pilot Transfer and Transport Hoist operations warrant the following
additional mitigating defences
Courtesy: NHSL
54 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1
Courtesy: Bristow
This Standard is made generally available, with a view to raising awareness of safety and risk issues in respect of aviation and associated operations in the resource
sector and other sectors which use air operators. Any person involved in these operations or sectors should not rely solely on this Standard to manage risk, and must
exercise their own skill, care and judgment with respect to the management of risk and the use of this Standard.
FSF Ltd and FSF Inc expressly disclaim any and all liability and responsibility to any person in respect of the consequences of anything done or not done in reliance,
whether wholly or in part on this Standard. In no circumstances will either FSF Ltd or FSF Inc be liable for any incidental or consequential damages resulting from use
of the Standard.
Use, distribution or reproduction of this Standard in any way constitutes acceptance of the above terms.
Ve r s i o n 5 , M a y 2 0 2 1 B A S I C AV I AT I O N R I S K S TA N D A R D – O f f s h o r e S a f e t y P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s 55
BARS Program Office
Flight Safety Foundation
Regional Office
GPO Box 3026
Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.flightsafety.org/bars