Self-Reliance Self-Reliance: Unit 8

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Attributes of Self-reliance

Unit 8
In Grade 10, you discussed the significance of self-reliance, examples of dependency and decision-making.
In this unit, you will discuss the same issues in more detail. Self-reliance is being dependent on one’s
own power, resources and judgments. It is an attribute shared by both individuals and communities.
Individuals or communities that lack self-reliance are dependent on others to satisfy their needs.

Lessons • discuss dependency and its consequences.

1. Attributes of Self-reliance • analyze the importance of self-reliance for

2. Dependency and its Consequences
3. Self-reliance and Decision-making
Key words and concepts

What you will learn • Assertiveness • Public welfare

• Flexibility • Rational decision
You will:
• National development • Rightful perception
• explain attributes of self-reliance.

A self-reliant disabled person



L E S S O N 1
Attributes of Self-reliance

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: school grades. In reality, he does not like working
hard, doing his homework or studying for the
 define rightful perception about oneself or
self-awareness. exams. When you know who you are, you may have
to change things about yourself. Some people do
 explain some features of assertiveness. not want to change because change demands effort.
 identify the outcomes when we rely on others. Self-awareness demands honesty and courage to get
 describe the advantages of not being dominated in touch with what we are thinking and feeling in
by others. order to face the truth about ourselves.
Self-awareness has many benefits. Knowing
 What are the main characteristics of
yourself includes being aware of your strengths.
assertive person? When we know what we are good at, then we
can make the most of these abilities in order to
 How can individuals free themselves from
help both ourselves and others. The better you
being dominated by others?
understand yourself, the better you are able to
accept or change who you are. If you fail to know
yourself, you will be influenced, and possibly
As individuals it is important that we all develop dominated, by others. As we move through the 21st
the ability to be self-reliant. We all have to make century, the knowledge-based economy demands
our own way in the world and cannot expect others that we upgrade our knowledge and skills to keep
to carry us through this life. It is necessary for us up with an ever-changing society. However, the
to develop the skills to be independent both in our starting point should be the knowledge of oneself
thinking and in the way that we live. as a unique individual and how one relates to
Self-awareness includes recognition of our this new economy. Try to answer these questions:
abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Developing Who am I? Where have I been? Where am I going?
self-awareness can help us to recognize when we Explore your capability to chart your own destiny
are stressed or under pressure. It is also often and realize your potentials.
a prerequisite for effective communication and In your quest to know yourself, do not think
interpersonal relations, as well as for developing of yourself more highly than you should. In other
empathy for others. Some people are not prepared words, do not have a superiority attitude. Rather
to face the truth about themselves. For example, a have a moderate view of your strengths. On the
student may use his perceived self-image as a fun- other hand do not exaggerate your weaknesses
loving person as an excuse for doing poorly in his and look down on yourself, but do not excuse your



Attributes of Self-reliance
weaknesses. You need to be realistic about both your their opinions, while still being respectful to others.
strengths and weaknesses if you are to know your Aggressive people attack or ignore others’ opinions
true self and develop as a person. in favour of their own while passive people do not
state their opinions at all.
Identify two strengths and one weakness that
you have.
How do you think your friends describe you? How Assertiveness Can Change Your Life
What are your plans for the future? What Being assertive can lead to a more rewarding life.
steps do you need to take to achieve your For example, it can improve your relationships
dreams? with friends and family, and introduce you to new
personal or career opportunities. While the decision
Assertiveness to develop your assertiveness is a personal one,
To assert means to state an opinion and claim a the rewards can be much greater than personal
right. If you assert yourself, you behave in a way satisfaction. Being assertive not only improves
your self-respect, but also earns you respect from
that expresses your confidence, presence and power
others. The change in your behaviour can positively
to earn you recognition. Assertiveness is standing
influence those around you, both in their behaviour
up for yourself and making your voice heard. It
toward you and towards others.
is expressing your opinions, needs and feelings,
How people deal with personal boundaries,
without ignoring the needs of others. Assertiveness
their own and those of other people, is important
is necessary for making yourself noticed and getting
for getting on in life.
people to listen to you.
• Passive communicators do not defend their
Assertive behaviour includes:
own personal boundaries. They allow other
• Taking a positive role in conversations; people to harm or unduly influence them.
• Sharing feelings, opinions and experiences They are unlikely to risk trying to influence
with others; anyone else.
• Making requests and asking for favours; • Aggressive people do not respect the personal
boundaries of others and thus are liable to
• Refusing others’ requests if they are too
harm others while isolating themselves as a
• Questioning rules or traditions that do not
• When assertive people communicate, they
make sense or do not seem fair;
speak their minds to influence others, but
• Addressing issues that bother you. they do it in a way that respects the personal
Many people are concerned that if they assert boundaries of others. They also defend
themselves others will think of their behaviour as themselves against aggressive incursions
aggressive. But there is a difference between being and may try to include the views of passive
assertive and aggressive. Assertive people state group members.



Attributes of Self-reliance
The table below shows the differences between passive, assertive and aggressive behaviour. From
these descriptions, identify what your characteristics are. How do you think you can improve your
behaviour? Share your ideas with your neighbour.

Passive Person Assertive Person Aggressive Person

Is afraid to speak up Speaks openly Interrupts — ‘talks over‛ others
Speaks softly Uses a conversational tone Speaks loudly
with confidence
Looks down or away Maintains good eye contact Glares and stares at others
Shows little or no expression Shows expressions that Shows aggressive/threatening
match the message expressions
Slouches and withdraws Relaxes and adopts an open Stands rigidly, crosses arms,
posture and expressions invades others‛ personal space
Isolates self from groups Mixes well with groups Controls groups
Agrees with others, despite Speaks to the point, agrees Disagrees and does not listen
feelings when ideas of others are to the points of others
Sees self as inferior Values self equal to others Looks down on others
Hurts self to avoid hurting Values feelings of others Ignores the feelings of others
Does not reach goals and Balances achievement of Reaches goals but hurts
may not have a set goal goals with relationships with others in the process.

Tolla finds the clock, that he has just bought, is an electricity bill she has received, remembers how
broken. He and his friend go to the store to return the he handled the situation in the store yesterday and
broken clock. After being turned away by the clerk, calls the billing company for an explanation. She
Tolla asks to speak to the manager and convinces him feels better about herself when she get an answer
that the store should return his money. Finally Tolla and more confident about speaking up.
manages to get his money back. At the same time he
feels good about standing up for his rights and his Is Tolla a good example of an assertive
friend is impressed with the way Tolla handled the person?
situation. Why is it important to be assertive when
The next day, Tolla feels more confident at work your rights, or the rights of others, are
and suggests an idea for a new project. His boss likes violated?
the suggestion and asks Tolla to oversee it. What is the difference between being polite
Meanwhile, Tolla`s friend, who doesn’t understand and being passive?



Attributes of Self-reliance
Avoid the tendency to live on others life lived for someone else rather than for yourself.
We have responsibilities towards others and need
An independent life is one that is lived at a pace and
to consider our role in society. However, being
in a place of your own choice. It is a life where you
independent means that we can choose the direction
are rewarded for the work that you do. You also are
our life takes.
responsible for risks that you take. You are free to
choose what you want after careful considerations.
You recognize that you have rights that are inherent Characteristics of an independent person
and not dependent on the recognition of others. In Independent people:
short, you live your own life.
• have their own views, explore different
Most importantly, living an independent life
options, for example, in listening to music,
means living on your own terms, not subject to others.
reading books and meeting people. They
Being subject to others is a result of not making
do this because they are hungry for new
decisions of your own, but passively accepting the
ideas and want to understand, explore and
decisions of others. We are not anyone’s subject,
appreciate the richness of life.
and should avoid being taken advantage of without
good reason. A subjected human is someone who • desire to earn their living from their own
can never achieve a free and prosperous life. It is a efforts and expect to be rewarded for them.

Atitegeb is a widow living in a rural area. She has of the school. From time to time Atitegeb diversifies
two sons and a daughter. After the death of her her agriculture beyond cultivation. With the help of
husband she made an effort to bring up her children her children she begins to fatten sheep and oxen.
and to improve her economic status. She knows, from Atitegeb is one of the Ethiopian farmers who was
previous experience, the fertility of her land and how given an award by the government because of her
to irrigate it. effort in increasing agricultural productivity.
She is polite and disciplined as well as being very
strong at convincing others, including the agricultural Which quality of Atitegeb do you value the
development workers and other farmers. They are most? Why?
always surprised by her agricultural knowledge and What do you imagine Atitegeb‛s life was like
skills as well as her confidence in using them. She before the death of her husband? How does
is always ready to learn new farming methods from this compare to the present?
other farmers and development workers.
What are the advantages of Atitegeb‛s
The productivity of her land has increased from interactions with the other farmers and
season to season and she has become one of the development workers?
few surplus producers of her locality. She sends her What can you learn from the life story of
children to school because she knows the value of Atitegeb?
education. Her children are among the best students



Attributes of Self-reliance
They do not desire a subsidy, unwarranted be said that self-confidence and self-reliance are
payment or handouts. They will plan for complementary. Self-confidence is essentially a trust
their future by saving. in yourself and your inherent competencies, which
result in a high level of security. Self-confident
• value achievement and do not seek power
people believe in helping themselves.
over others; they recognize that the purpose
of life is to realize one’s own potential.
• choose their own lifestyle. They seek an
existence that provides adequate time for
relaxation and enjoyment of life, not rushing
through life, or working like a slave.

If you find yourself satisfying your own needs, this
would definitely develop self-confidence. It could
A productive farmer

 Rightful perception includes recognition of our personality, strengths and
weaknesses, likes and dislikes. The better you understand yourself, the better you
are able to accept and develop yourself as a person.
 Assertiveness is standing up for your right to be treated fairly. It is expressing your
opinions, needs, and feelings, without ignoring or hurting the opinions, needs and
feelings of others.
 An independent life is one that is lived at a pace and in a place of your own
 Self-confidence is trust in oneself and one’s competence that results in a high level
of security.



L E S S O N 2
Dependency and its
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: profit and enjoy a high standard of living.
 explain how dependency resulted in risks to • Wealthy nations actively perpetuate a state of
public welfare. dependence by various means. This influence
may be multifaceted involving economics,
 explain how dependent nations are subjected
to interference from outside. the media, politics, banking and finance,
education, culture, sport and all aspects of
 argue how dependency retarded national human resource development (including
development. recruitment and training of workers).
Dependency also results in being susceptible to
How do you know whether a country is dependent interference from outside in the following ways:
or self-reliant?
• financial and technological penetration by
What are the consequences of dependency at the developed capitalist countries.
country level?
• producing an unbalanced economic
How does dependency affect the decision- relationship within the poor countries and
making of a country in its domestic affairs? between them and the wealthy nations.
Dependency is the notion that a country fully relies • limitations on self-sustained growth of poor
on the support of other countries and international countries.
organizations in many different ways. They may Due to the way the world economy works these
rely on them for food donations, financial donations days, poor countries become subject to the will of
and skill support. This increases the risk that the rich countries and are frequently exploited. This
dependent country will not develop the ability to increases the stagnation of their economy and, as
support itself and may even become lazy and not a consequence, the social welfare of the people
want to support itself. This can also create a power suffers. This in turn increases the dependency of the
imbalance between the dependent country and country as they then need more support in order to
donor states. look after their people.
Dependency results in risks to public welfare There are many different and conflicting ideas
for the following major reasons: on how developing countries can alleviate the effects
• Poor nations provide free market access to of this system. Several protectionist or nationalist
wealthy nations. This means people in poor practices were adopted at one time or another by
countries buy manufactured goods, obsolete such countries. Some of them are listed below:
or used goods from wealthy nations. From • Promoting domestic industry and
these trade relations, rich nations make manufactured goods. By providing subsidies



Dependency and its Consequences

to protect domestic industries, poor countries companies on behalf of the state, in order to
can sell their own products rather than keep profits within the country.
simply exporting raw materials.
• Limiting the importation of luxury items and Read the previous list of protectionist
manufactured goods that can be produced practices and discuss the following questions:
within the country, the country can reduce  Do you think that they help to minimize
its spending. dependency of poor countries on wealthy
• Taking steps to keep foreign companies and countries?
individuals from operating businesses that  Do you think any of the practices are helpful
draw on the resources of the country with the to promote the development of poor countries
money being channeled out of the country. like Ethiopia? Explain your answer.
• Forcibly taking over foreign-owned  Is there an alternative?

A Lesson from History
Emperor Menilek wanted to modernize the country. evolution, rather they were directly introduced from
He attempted to introduce modern systems and import abroad. These factors led to the Ethiopian producers
goods from abroad. He introduced new transportation and consumers being dependent on foreign imports,
and communication systems, clothing, tools, fire arms thus weakening the local industries.
and drinks. No attempt was made to develop or
modernize practices and industries within the country. How did this experience affect the local
The indigenous way of producing crafts, weaving, economic interdependence?
ploughing, even cooking and brewing were not
modified or encouraged, rather they either continued Has this economic system resulted in
as they were, or gave way to imported materials. dependency? Explain your answer.
The consumption of imported items began to be If you had been an economic advisor for
considered as an indication of modernity. Ethiopian Emperor Menilek what would you have
local drinks remained as they were or were replaced recommended regarding his attempts at
by imports. The same is true of Ethiopian weaving.
The present textile factories are not the results of local

 Developing countries are highly dependent on rich nations and international
 Dependency results in risks to public welfare and leads to interference from outside.
 Dependency will also lead to a tendency to work for the will of others, which results in
backwardness, stagnation of the economy and social welfare in developing nations.



L E S S O N 3
Self-reliance and
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: opinions and feelings. Making a decision implies
 explain what making decisions by oneself is. that there are alternative choices to be considered,
and in such cases we want not only to identify as
 discuss the main features of rational and
many of these alternatives as possible but to choose
informed decisions.
the one that best fits with our goals, desires, lifestyle,
 explain how flexibility is important for decision- values and so on.
Decision-making is the process of sufficiently
reducing uncertainty and doubt about alternatives
When was the last time you had to make an to allow a reasonable choice to be made from among
important decision? them. This definition stresses the information
How did you decide what to do? gathering function of decision-making. It should
be noted here that uncertainty is reduced rather
You studied the relationship between self-reliance
than eliminated. Very few decisions are made with
and decision-making in Grade 10. Decision-making
absolute certainty because complete knowledge
needs different pre-conditions. One of them is self-
about all the alternatives is seldom possible. Thus,
reliance that can be manifested in the form of self-
every decision involves a certain amount of risk.
confidence and positive perceptions about oneself.
Risk and uncertainty can create anxiety, yet they
Decision-making helps us to deal constructively
are necessary components for an active life.
with decisions about our lives, assessing the different
options and reflecting on the consequences of our Sometimes you come across situations that need
decisions. Decision-making can be regarded as a immediate decisions with limited options. In these
thought process leading to the selection of a course kinds of situations, you have to try and make the
of action. Decisions may be made based on facts, best decision.

One day Lambebo was walking down the street when Discuss the following questions in groups
he came across a briefcase. He looked around to see  What choices does Lambebo have?
whether or not anyone was there. There was no one.
 What will be the consequence of each
When he opened the briefcase he found money and
a mobile phone. He also found a business card with
a name and telephone number.  What would you choose to do?



Self-reliance and Decision-making

When making a decision, you have to be sure to you to decide. Often taking a risk is better than
that this is going to be the best decision in the not making any decision at all.
given situation. In order to make the most of your Flexibility is often key to making effective
situation, you should find out as much information decisions. When we are faced with a choice we are
as possible. It is important to be informed of what often restrained by the amount of time that we have
choices you have and consider the consequences of to gather knowledge and become informed. We may
each choice. From this information you should then also be faced with other limitations on resources in
be able to decide the best course of action, taking which case what we want may not be available or
into consideration the risks. When making decisions practical. As we are rarely the only people to be
there are times when you will need to take risks and affected by a decision, it is important to consider the
often you will reap the rewards. However, there impact that it will have on those around. Flexibility
may be consequences when the risk is high; it is up is an important attribute of a good decision maker.

An Interesting Ambition
Shmebo is a preparatory school student who scored sure whether the short-term training would enable
a very good GPA in his tenth grade matriculation. He him to overcome all the challenges he will face while
wants to be an outstanding individual who has a great working. He also needs social prestige which, most
respect among his community. He has an ambition of the time, comes after university studies. He raises
to alleviate the problem in his community. He is in a the issue with his friends at different times and gets
dilemma as to whether he will study for a long time at different ideas and advice that made him even more
university or take a short-term placement in vocational confused.
training; both will enable him to begin working for
improving social and economic conditions. He is not
What are Shmebo‛s choices?
What might be the outcome of each?
What are the risks and will he need to be flexible about anything?
If you were one of Shmebo‛s friends what advice would you give him? Students discussing their
future plans

 Decision-making involves identifying and choosing alternatives based on the
values and preferences of the decision maker.
 Sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt about alternatives will allow a
reasonable choice to be made.
 Every decision involves a certain amount of risk but it can be reduced.
 It is better to take a risk than not make any decision at all.



Rightful perception includes recognition of our personality, strengths and weaknesses. The better you
understand yourself, the better you are able to accept or change who you are. Assertiveness means standing
up for your right to be treated fairly. It is about expressing your opinions, needs and feelings, without
hurting others. An independent life is one that is lived at a pace and in a place of your own choice. Self-
confidence is trust in oneself and one’s competence which results in a high level of security.
Developing countries are highly dependent on rich nations and international organizations. This results
in a risk to public welfare and being susceptible to interference from outside. It also results in a tendency
to work for the will of others, which results in backwardness, stagnation of the economy and social welfare
in developing nations.
Decision-making is about identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of
the decision maker. Sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt about alternatives will allow a reasonable
choice to be made. Every decision involves a certain amount of risk but it can be reduced. It is better to take
a risk than not make any decision at all.

Assertiveness: The quality of behaving confidently and without being frightened to say
what is wanted or believed.
Flexibility: Is being able to change one’s mind or decision according to situations.
National development: The economic, cultural and social development of a country.
Public welfare: The well-being of the people in general rather than being limited to a
particular individual or group of people.
Rational decision: A decision based on reason rather than emotion.
Rightful perception: A belief or opinion based on facts and evidence.


Do these review exercises in your exercise book.

Part I – Multiple choice (d) accepting ideas of others when they are
1. Which of the following goes with assertive- convincing
ness? (e) all of the above
(a) maintaining good eye contact while 2. Which of the following are not characteristic
speaking of a passive person?
(b) considering feelings of others (a) ignoring feelings of others
(c) hurting oneself to make others happy (b) mixing well with other people



(c) speaking openly and firmly others. What might be the impact of this
(d) looking down on others tendency?
(e) considering self as inferior 3. What is the relationship between self-
confidence and self-reliance?
Part II – Short answers 4. Some scholars argue that there is a
dependency relation between poor and
1. Why is it important to be assertive?
rich countries of the world. Do you agree?
2. Some people have a tendency to live off
Explain your answer.


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