Geography River

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 Water has a major role in shaping the Earth’s surface .
 water moves in a predictable cycle.
 Water moving across the earth in streams and rivers pushes along soil and
breaks down pieces of rock in a process called erosion
 the moving water carries away rocks and soil from some areas and deposits
them in another area creating new landforms or changing the course of a
river stream or river
 rivers carve out valleys as they move between mountains or hills
 the speed of the rivers flow depend on the slope of the land
 The Speed of the river floor affect the shape of the river course.


 V shaped valleys :- A V-valley is formed by erosion from a river or
stream overtime.
 Gorge :- A narrow valley between hills or Mountains, Typically with
steep rocky walls and a stream running through it
 Meander :- A bend in the river channel, forms when water in the river
erodes the banks on outside of the channel
 Ox bow lake :- lake located in the abandoned meander loop of a river
channel, it’s called commonly in U-shaped or curved bends
1. What is erosion?
ANS : - Erosion is the action of surface processes to remove soil rock or dissolved
materials from one location on the earth’s crust, and then transported to another
location where it is deposited

2. What is a stream and what is a river?

ANS :- Stream Includes large and small flows of water, river the mainstream or an
entirely river system
3. What is a till and what is a Moraine?
ANS :- Till is the Sediment deposited by a glacier. A Moraine forms along the
sides of a glacier, and it tears off rock and soil from both sides of its path
4. What are sediments?
ANS:- sediment is a solid material that is moved and deposited in a new location

What is a deposit?
ANS:- deposition is the laying down of sediment carried by wind, flowing water,
Sea or ice. sediment can be transported as pebbles, sand and mud, or a salt
dissolved in water. Salts may later may later be deposited by organic activity such
as evaporation.


1. The sun warms the sea, turning water into water vapour, a gas This is called
evaporation. Salts in the water are left behind.

2. The warm air rises. As it rises it cools. The water vapour condenses into tiny
water droplets. These form clouds.

3. The clouds get carried along by the wind. The droplets inside them grow
into larger Drops: leading to…
4. Precipitation The water drops fall as rain (or hail or sleet or snow) Some will
fall on you

5. Some of the water runs along the ground , and some soaks through it,
heading for the river
6. The river carries the water back to the sea. The cycle is complete. And then
it starts all over again.

We'd die without the water cycle
We depend on the water cycle. Our bodies need water. There is plenty in the
sea.But we can't drink it, because it's too salty.
The water cycle turns salty water into fresh water, which we can drink. It scatters
it over a large area, as rain. The rain feeds rivers, and underground stores of
water. And we take our water from these.
Crops need fresh water too. The rain provides it. No rain, no crops. No crops, no
food! So without the water cycle, we could not survive.

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