Openlca 1.5: Case Study Viticulture - Organic Vs Conventional Pro-Duction
Openlca 1.5: Case Study Viticulture - Organic Vs Conventional Pro-Duction
Openlca 1.5: Case Study Viticulture - Organic Vs Conventional Pro-Duction
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional pro-
GreenDelta GmbH, Müllerstrasse 135, 13349 Berlin, Germany; [email protected]
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional production
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3
2 Goal and scope .................................................................................................... 4
3 Create a product system ..................................................................................... 4
4 Impact Assessment of a project .........................................................................6
5 Impact Assessment of a product system ........................................................... 8
5.1 Direct contributions of processes ..............................................................................................................8
5.2 Direct Contributions of processes including the pre-chain ............................................................... 9
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional production
1 Introduction
This tutorial aims at explaining a typical Life Cycle Assessment example, while using and
discovering the openLCA software. Please consider that this is not a full LCA case study with
realistic data. LCA data are given as example and are not meant to be accurate.
This text focuses on basics of environmental impact assessment in openLCA using the 1.5
version of openLCA. This includes step-by-step instructions for a contribution analysis of a
product system under study and a comparison of environmental impacts of projects. If you
feel that some steps are missing (instructions are not clear enough), please first refer to the
basic modelling documentation.
The example given is based on the "ecoinvent 2.2" database, which can be downloaded from
openLCA Nexus ( Please not that the version 2 and 3
of the ecoinvent databases differ significantly so that the flows and processes of the exam-
ple will not be the same using the "ecoinvent 3" database. More information about changes
of the ecoinvent database versions can be obtained in the ecoinvent documentation2 .
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional production
Imagine that you work in a local agricultural union and have accepted the mission to
improve environmental impacts of the local winegrowers. One of the obvious options seems
to develop organic viticulture. To do so, you need figures to convince them that they can
substantially reduce their impact while producing a good wine (taste is too subjective to be
considered in this case).
You surveyed conventional and organic wine growers to find out their inputs and outputs.
The" ecoinvent 2.2" database provides a large list of "already built” processes that fit your
needs. This will help you to model both options and provide reasonable comparison. To
ensure the comparison is adapted to a wine grower level, you do not consider the wine
productions processes, the bottles, or the transport to customers.
- Create the process "Organic Viticulture Production" with the quantitative reference
"grapes, organic"
- Create the process "Conventional Viticulture Production" with the quantitative
reference "grapes, conventional"
To create a new folder into "Flows" called "1.5 Viticulture”, right click and select "Add a new
child category". Do the same into the "Processes”, the "Product systems” and "Projects”. This
way, you can keep everything you will create altogether.
To create a new flow as a quantitative reference for the process, right click on the new
folder created for flows, select "Create a new flow", name it "grapes, organic", select
"Product flow" as flow type and choose the reference property "Mass".
To create a new process, right click on the new folder created for processes, select "Create a
new process", name it "Organic Viticulture Production" and select the quantitative reference
"grapes, organic". Add the input and output flows according to table 1, adjust the respective
amounts and define the providers for each input flow. Remember to save the changes
Table 1 Input and output flows for the process "Organic Viticulture Production"
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional production
To create a product system, go to the "General information" tab of the process created and
use the "Create product system" button, select the reference process "Organic Viticulture
Production", select "Add connected processes" and "Connect with system processes if
Then repeat each step described as above for creating the product system "Conventional
Viticulture Production" with the input and ouput flows accoding to table 2.
Table 2 Input and output flows for the process "Conventional Viticulture Production"
The product system "Organic Viticulture Production" should look like Figure 1.
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional production
The product system "Conventional Viticulture Production" should look like Figure 2.
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional production
Figure 3 Environmental impacts of conventional and organic viticulture production using the "CML
(baseline)" method (base case)
The environmental impacts of the conventional product system are higher for all selected
impact categories as compared to the impacts of the organic product system.
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional production
In the direct contributions to impact category results - overview section you can see the five
processes with the highest contribution for the impact category "Human toxicity - HTP inf".
In this case, the process "o-dichlorobenzene, at pant - RER" has the highest direct
contribution with 5,67 kg 1,4 dichlorobenzene equivalents (eq.) for the impact category
human toxicity without its pre-chain required for the particular process.
Figure 4 Direct contributions to impact category results - overview of the analysis results
The same information can be found in the process contribution tab in which the absolute
amount of 5,67 kg 1,4 dichlorobenzene eq. and relative amount of 41,76 % of the process "o-
dichlorobenzene, at pant - RER" are shown.
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional production
When you go to the contribution tree tab, you can see the direct contributions for each
process including its respective pre-chain (as upstream total). The process "fungicide, at
regional store house (RER)" including its pre-chain accounts for 12.34 kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene
eq. which is 90.95% of the product system for the impact category human toxicity
When you go to the Sankey diagram tab of the analysis results, you can find the direct and
upstream total contribution for each process. Set the Sankey diagram view with a right click
and select "Set Sankey diagram options", select the impact category "Human toxicity - HTP
inf" and set the cut-off to 8%.
The result should look like figure 7. You can now see that the process "fungicide, at regional
store house (RER)" has the direct contribution of 0.79 kg 1,4 dichlorobenzene eq. and 12.34 kg
1,4 dichlorobenzene eq. including its pre-chain as "Upstream total". The process "o-
dichlorobenzene, at pant - RER" with the highest direct contribution is a pre-process for
fungicide production.
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional production
6 Sensitivity Analysis
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional production
Figure 8 Sensitivity Analysis of the LCIA method for the conventional and organic viticulture
If you compare figure 3 and 8, you can see that the results are different. The impact
categories in both methods are similar, but are based on different reference substances
with different units.
To analyse the deviation of results due to another choice of transport, create a copy of the
product system "Conventional Viticulture Production" by right clicking on the process in
the navigation window and selecting "Copy". Then, right-click on the folder "1.5 Viticulture"
and select "Paste". The process "Conventional Viticulture Production (copy)" should now
appear in the navigation window. Double click the copied process and rename it
"Conventional Viticulture Production - Tractor".
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional production
Delete the input flow "transport, lorry 7.5-16t, EUROS - RER" by right clicking the respective
flow and selecting "Remove selected". Add the input flow "transport, tractor and trailer -
CH", define the provider and consider the same amount (=0.000001 t*248 km). Create a
new product system "Conventional Viticulture Production - Tractor "and a new project
"Conventional Viticulture Production - Lorry vs Tractor Transport" to compare both options.
Figure 9 Sensitivity analysis of the transportation for the conventional viticulture production
If you compare both transport options, you can see that the mode of transport barely affects
the results of the product system analysed.
Case study viticulture - organic vs conventional production
7 Basic commands
Command Description
Copy and paste Right-click on the element to be duplicated and select "copy", right-click on the
folder, in which the copied element should be saved, and select "paste"
Drag and Drop Adding flows from the navigation window to the to the Input/ Output tab in the
process editor or adding processes from the navigation window to the model
graph in the product system editor
Filter Use the filter function for adding new flows to a process or selecting the
reference process in a product system
Save element
Strg+S or use saving symbol in the main menu
Save image Right-click in the Editor window and select "Save image"
Search Use the search function to search any element within the active database
Restore Windows Go to "Windows" in the main menu and select "Show views" and "Other" or use
restore symbol
Number formats Use a point for floating point numbers, a comma is not accepted
If you have other questions not addressed by this document, need further clarifications on
any of the points commented, please contact us:
Tel. +49 30 48 496 – 030
Fax +49 30 48 496 – 991
[email protected]
GreenDelta GmbH
Müllerstrasse 135
D-13357 Berlin, Germany