PAS 2060 and ISO 14068 - Comparison - 23.02.24-v2
PAS 2060 and ISO 14068 - Comparison - 23.02.24-v2
PAS 2060 and ISO 14068 - Comparison - 23.02.24-v2
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W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
World’) launched an ISO guideline on net zero, named IWA Requires inventory reporting to ISO
standard over GHG Protocol
42:2022. This document provides an internationally-agreed
Allows GHG Protocol Inventory for
harmonised approach to achieving net zero GHG emissions baseline
by (at latest) 2050. It provides definitions, principles and Emission removals in grained in the
guidance for all organisation types. Whilst 14068-1 is a
First year claim can be based entirely on
standard to evidence carbon neutrality rather than net zero, it offsetting
recognises that carbon neutrality is a stepping stone on the Cradle to Grave reporting, where
path to net zero. Consequently, ISO 14068-1 broadly
Emission reductions to have minimal
follows IWA 42:2022.2 social or environmental harm
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W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
PAS 2060 specifically seeks to be usable by a broad range of ISO 14068-1 has 10 main principles:
entities4 (e.g. local/regional government, community, club) to • Transparency
support a claim of carbon neutrality for any uniquely • Conservative estimates
identifiable subject5 (e.g. activity, product, service, building,
• Hierarchical approach
project, town or event).6 ISO 14068-1 has a very similar list7 of
intended users/subjects, principally organisations and the • Supporting transition
products/services they provide (including financial • Ambition
institutions8) or events9. However, projects specifically
• Urgency
designed to reduce emissions or enhance their removal are
governed by a separate international standard, ISO 14064- • Science-based approach
2:2019. • Avoid adverse impacts (‘do no harm’)
Reduce - Remove - Offset ISO 14068-1 submissions by organisations must include the
entire organisation (to avoid ‘cherry-picking’ the good bits
Unlike PAS 2060 it also requires evidence of a credible
from the bad) although a subject might be defined as a
pathway to residual emissions only (net zero). legally-defined subsidiary, or operations within a specified
Like PAS 2060, ISO 14068-1 requires that the reporting entity
puts in place a Carbon Neutrality Management Plan. Plans
are required to be ambitious but credible, and (unlike PAS
2060) any reduction plan must be in line with the Paris
Agreement’s +1.50C global target.
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W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
Carbon Neutrality
ISO 14068-1 provides clear guidance on the pathway towards carbon neutral claims. Of note in the image below showing the pathway
is the time gap between the Carbon Neutral Commitment and the time of first Carbon Neutrality claim. As you can see below, the
accurate reporting of actual reductions must occur before claims are made and/or verified. Once all unabated GHG emissions are
removed, Carbon Neutrality is maintained by removal credits alone.
GHG Emissions
[tCO2e] Time of Carbon Neutrality Commitments
GHG emission
as usual
at time X
emissions Unabated
GHG emissions Time
credits GHG removals
within the
Period in boundary of the
which subject
footprint Period in Period in
less which carbon Period in which
carbon footprint less which carbon
credits is removal carbon footprint
greater Period in which carbon footprint less any credits footprint is less
than 0 type of carbon credits equals 0 equals 0 equals 0 than 0
No claim of
carbon neutrality Carbon Neutrality may be claimed
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W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
ISO 14068-1 sets its own offset-related criteria in two lengthy • The ‘continual reduction’ rule applies to all submission
lists. One addresses the credits themselves12 – the other periods, including the first, and;
addresses the registry on which they reside13 (including
• ISO 14068-1 favours absolute emission reductions rather
verifying that the registry has the facility to reverse or allocate
than intensity. Intensity reductions are permitted provided
alternative credits in the event that the intended permanence
an explanation is given on how the subject will achieve
of the original offset becomes compromised and reversals
occur). Offsets more than five years old cannot be used.14 absolute emissions in the long term.
Under ISO 14068-1, entities must justify why offsets were Removing activities from the subject boundary via outsourcing
purchased in preference to undertaking further removal
to a third party does not constitute a reduction unless it
enhancements or emission reductions. PAS 2060 requires
genuinely results in an overall emission reduction.
no such justification.
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W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
Emission removals The GHG Protocol allows for avoided emissions (such as the
use of recycled material in place of virgin material) to be
PAS 2060 makes passing reference to emissions removal in
reported separately from Scopes 1, 2 and 3 provided sufficient
just three places. ISO 14068-1 makes repeated reference to
data is included to support the claim.
emission removals, and to enhancements of any emission
removals. Paragraph 5.2 lists emissions removals as the However, avoided emissions cannot be deducted from the
second priority (after emission reductions) before any main inventory total. Projects undertaken with the primary
offsetting takes place. goal of reducing emissions or increasing the greenhouse gas
removals are outside the scope of ISO 14068-1, however ISO
Moreover, the entity’s commitment to carbon neutrality
14064-2 is applicable to these activities.
includes an obligation to increase any removal activity (if
applicable) over time.16 Under ISO 14168-1, details of any
emission removals must be included in a carbon Commitment to carbon neutrality
neutrality claim.17
PAS 2060 merely states that the reporting entity must commit
Backdating emission reductions to achieving (and maintaining, if not a standalone event)
When making an initial declaration of carbon neutrality, PAS carbon neutrality.
2060 allows for emission reductions achieved during ‘an The GHG Protocol19 advises that senior management
unspecified continuous period immediately prior’ to the first
involvement is required when setting targets to ensure that
application period to be taken into account.18
the appropriate behavioural and decision-making changes are
This is only permissible where the necessary historical data is followed through. ISO 14068-1 goes further, requiring that the
available and provided that any calculation methodology is the entity’s aspirations in respect of carbon neutrality are reflected
same as in subsequent application periods. ISO 14068-1 does in its strategic goals and allocation of resources.
not allow backdated reductions. Because such undertakings can only be meaningfully given by
very senior management, ISO 14068-1 further requires that
Avoided emissions (aka ‘Scope 4’)
any carbon neutrality commitment should emanate from ‘top
‘Avoided emissions’ do not form part of ISO 14064-1 nor ISO
management’, and a carbon management team created which
14068-1 hence are regarded as ineligible for inclusion in
includes at least one member of top management. In all, 11
carbon reduction calculations under these standards.
considerationsare listed in respect of any carbon neutrality
For example, a manufacturer of insulation panels cannot claim commitment.20
‘Scope 4’ reductions for any third-party emissions its products
may or may not have prevented, nor can the manufacturer of
an ultra-low temperature washing powder, claim avoided
emissions resulting from the use of its product in place of a
higher temperature equivalent. However, it is recognised that
lower-carbon versions of goods and services make a
contribution to lowering overall global emissions.
W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
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W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
Emission removals GHG Corporate Standard Guidance states ‘Materiality has both
quantitative and qualitative aspects. The assurer and reporting
PAS 2060 mainly mentions emissions and reductions; company should determine an appropriate threshold or
removals receive only a cursory mention in the initial page of benchmark of materiality during the assurance process.’39
definitions.33 ISO 14068-1 refers to ‘greenhouse gas Neither ISO 14064-1 nor ISO 14068-1 mention materiality.
emission’34, ‘greenhouse gas removal’35 and ‘greenhouse gas
sink’ and includes emission removals (and the enhancement Scope 2 market-based approach
of same) as an integral part of its methodology.36 The full title
PAS 2060 makes no reference to market-based reporting of
of ISO 14064-1 is ‘Greenhouse gases - Part 1: Specification
Scope 2 emissions. However, custom and practice has seen
with guidance at the organization level for quantification and
many PAS 2060 carbon neutral claims supported by market-
reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals’, so
based reporting and reduction claims from market based
emission removals are an integral part of this standard as
renewable energy purchasing.
regards to boundaries and inventories. ISO 14064-1 also uses
the term ‘greenhouse gas reservoir’.37 ISO 14064-1 clearly states the need to report the inventory
using Location-based method, with the option to report
The GHG Protocol gives no definitive guidance on emission
Market-based method as additional or optional information.
removals, stating that it ’does not include consensus methods
for sequestered carbon quantification. Companies should, ISO 14068-1 addresses this topic in some detail - with multiple
therefore, explain the methods used.’38 parameters concerning what contractual instruments provide
sufficient evidence to justify the use of market-based
Inflation reporting.40
PAS 2060 Page 3 para 3.12 states that when calculating Auditel’s guidance on this suggests both Location-based &
emissions intensities based upon economic variables it is Market-based methods should be reported. However,
essential to allow for inflation. ISO 14068-1 does not purchase of renewable energy supported by REGOs will not
mention adjusting for inflation. count as a reduction under ISO 14068-1.
W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
ISO standards
ISO 14068-1 relies on the interplay between various other ISO standards. These relationships can be best seen in the
graphic inserted below.
Note the reliance of the production of GHG Statement (Carbon Footprint) of either an organisation or a product to ISO
14064-1 (organisational reporting) or ISO 14067 (product base reporting).
Also, similar to PAS 2060, is the requirement for the voluntary carbon credit scheme to have been verified to ISO 14064-2.
GHG Statement
(Carbon Footprint)
Carbon Neutrality
Report and Claim
Carbon Credits ISO – 14021 Environmental labels and declarations – Self declared
environmental claims
ISO 14064-2
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W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
Reference list
1 ‘Carbon’ throughout this document either alone or in compound expressions refers to all greenhouse gasses
4 PAS 2060:2014 page 1
5 PAS 2060:2014 page 1
6 PAS 2060:2014 page 30 Annex D
7 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 1 para 1
8 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 26 para B.3
9 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 26 para B.2.2
10 PAS 2060:2014 page 1
11 PAS 2060:2014 page 13 para 9.12
12 ISO 14068-1:2023-1 page 18 para 11.2
13 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 19 para 11.3
14 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 19 para 11.2
15 PAS 2060:2014 page 1
16 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 13 (j)
17 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 22 para 13 (f)
18 PAS 2060:2014 page 3 para 3.17
19 GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard Revised Edition page 76
20 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 12 para 6
21 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 20 para 12 (e)
22 GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard Revised Edition page 78
23 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 16 para 9.4
24 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 21 para 13 (e)
25 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 13 (k)
26 PAS 2060:2014 page 28 table C.1
27 PAS 2060:2014 page 2 para 2
28 PAS 2060:2014 page 3 para 3.4
29 ISO 14064-1:2018 page 14 (‘NOTE 1’)
30 PAS 2060:2014 page 10 para 7
31 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 15 para 9.1
32 ISO 14064-1:2018 page 19 para B.2 onwards
33 PAS 2060:2014 page 2 para 3.4
34 PAS 2060:2014 page 3 para 3.2.2
35 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 4 para 3.2.7
36 ISO 14068-1:2023 page 4 para 3.2.10
37 ISO 14064-1:2018 page 2 para 3.1.4
38 GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard page 89
39 Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard page 115 para 10.5
40 ISO 14064-1:2018 page 28 para B.4
41 GHG Protocol Scope 2 guidance page 12 table 1.1
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W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
Interrelated standards
Launched in April 2010, PAS 2060 adopted a catholic approach and accepted carbon footprint calculations derived from a wide range
of standards and methodologies. ISO 14068-1 is designed to be used in conjunction with specific, interrelated ISO standards,
principally ISO 14064-1:2018 (for organisations) and ISO 14067-1 (for products) (see Appendix A).
• The above standard details principles and requirements for designing, developing, managing and reporting organization-level GHG
inventories. It includes requirements for determining GHG emission and removal boundaries, quantifying an organization’s GHG
emissions and removals, and identifying specific company actions or activities aimed at improving GHG management. It also
includes requirements and guidance on inventory quality management, reporting, internal auditing and the organization’s
responsibilities in verification activities.
• The above standard details the principles and requirements for determining baselines and for the monitoring, quantifying and
reporting of project emissions. It focuses on GHG projects or project-based activities specifically designed to reduce GHG
emissions and/or enhance GHG removals. It provides the basis for GHG projects to be validated and verified.
• The above standard details requirements for verifying GHG statements related to GHG inventories, GHG projects, and carbon
footprints of products. It describes the process for validation or verification, including validation or verification planning,
assessment procedures, and the evaluation of organizational, project and product GHG statements.
• ISO 14065 defines requirements for bodies that validate and verify GHG statements. Its requirements cover impartiality,
competence, communication, validation and verification processes, appeals, complaints, and the management system of validation
and verification bodies. It can be used as a basis for accreditation and other forms of recognition in relation to the impartiality,
competence, and consistency of validation and verification bodies.
• ISO 14066 specifies competence requirements for validation teams and verification teams. It includes principles and specifies
competence requirements based on the tasks that validation teams or verification teams must be able to perform.
• ISO 14067 defines the principles, requirements and guidelines for the quantification of the carbon footprint of products. The aim of
this document is to quantify GHG emissions associated with the life cycle stages of a product, beginning with resource extraction
and raw material sourcing and extending through the production, use and end-of-life stages of the product.
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W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
APPENDIX B (Continued)
• ISO 14068 provides a uniform approach to achieving and demonstrating carbon neutrality. It can be applied to subjects such as
organisations and products (including services, buildings and events). It does not address conditions for Net Zero for organisations
or products.
• ISO/TR 14069 assists users in the application of ISO 14064-1, providing guidelines and examples for improving transparency in the
quantification of emissions and their reporting. It does not provide additional guidance to ISO 14064-1.
• ISO 14083 allows the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions arising from arising from the operation of
transport chains of both passengers and freight. It includes all modes of transport – land, water and air, irrespective of the means
of transport (i.e. vessel, vehicle or pipeline) and includes the operational emissions from transport hubs which facilitate transfer of
freight or passengers from one element of a transport chain to the next. This standard is applicable to the following industries:
food and drink, consumer goods, logistics/freight, shipping and goods distribution and car companies.
W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
• ISO 14064-1 mandates the reporting of emissions/removals from land use and forestry. Under GHGP this is optional.
• GHGP classifies franchise the emissions under category 14 of Scope 3. ISO 14064-1 mandates the reporting of Scope 1 and 2
franchise emissions under the main inventory.
• ISO 14064-1 requires only location-based Scope 2 reporting to be used in the main inventory, with an option to report market-based
emissions separately. The original GHGP required Scope 2 emissions to be reported using only one methodology; GHGP Scope 2
guidance updated this to require that – if the subject has both market-based and location-based emissions – both must be
reported (‘dual reporting’).41
• ISO 14064-1 requires the reporting of indirect emissions from client and visitor transport, which GHGP does not. See Auditel’s
internal guidance notes “Client & Visitor emissions - February 2024”. Auditel would place Client & Visitor emissions outside of the
entities’ operational boundary.
W H ITE P A P ER - P A S 2060 v s ISO 14068- 1
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