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Biology Class 11 P6 QP

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The City School

Unified Mock Examination

2020 - 2021
Class 11



BIOLOGY 5090/62
Paper 6 Alternative to Practical 1 hour

You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

 Answer all questions.
 Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
 Write your Campus/Branch Name, Examination Roll Number and Date in the boxes at the top
of the page.
 Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
 Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
 You may use a calculator.
 You should show all your working and use appropriate units.

 The total mark for this paper is 40.
 The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

Invigilated by: ___________ Marked by:____________ Marks tallied by: __________

This document has 10 pages.

The City School / Unified Mock Examination, Mar-Apr 2021 / Biology / Paper 62 / Class 11 Page 1 of 10
Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

1 Fig. 1.1 shows two bones from the arm of a human

Fig 1.1
(a) Identify the bones labelled A and B

A ..................................................

B .................................................. [2]

(b) (i) Measure and record the length of the bone labelled B in Fig. 1.1.

length of bone B = ....................................................mm [1]

(ii) The actual length of this bone is 243 mm. Use your measurement in (b)(i) to
calculate the magnification of Fig. 1.1.
Show your working.

magnification × ...........................................................[2]
(c) (i) State the type of joint formed between bone A and bone B.

.......................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Describe the movement permitted by this joint.




.......................................................................................................................... [3]

The City School / Unified Mock Examination, Mar-Apr 2021 / Biology / Paper 62 / Class 11 Page 2 of 10
(d) (i) Name two muscles in the arm.

1 …….......................................................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Why muscles come in pair?

.......................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) What happens when the muscles contract?

.......................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 13]

The City School / Unified Mock Examination, Mar-Apr 2021 / Biology / Paper 62 / Class 11 Page 3 of 10
2 Some students investigated the effect of two sugars on the activity of yeast.
Solution A was 10 cm3 of 10% glucose in water.
Solution B was 10 cm3 of 10% sucrose in water.
Fig. 2.1 shows the apparatus that was used.

Fig. 2.1
3g of dried yeast was added to solution A in a test-tube and shaken, then left standing in
a beaker of warm water for five minutes.
• The delivery tube was attached and the number of bubbles released in one minute
was counted and recorded as ‘first count’ in Table 2.1.
• The test-tube containing the mixture was gently shaken again, while still in the
beaker of warm water.
• The number of bubbles released was counted again for one minute and recorded as
the ‘second count’ in Table 2.1.
• A third count was taken in the same way.
• This whole procedure was repeated using another 3g of dried yeast mixed with
solution B.
The results were recorded as shown in Table 2.1.

Solution Number of bubbles of gas released in one minute

first count second count third count
A 13 12 10
glucose in water
B 36 34 32
sucrose in water
Table 2.1

The City School / Unified Mock Examination, Mar-Apr 2021 / Biology / Paper 62 / Class 11 Page 4 of 10
(a) Using data from Table 2.1, describe what these results show about the effect of
glucose and sucrose on the activity of yeast.




…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
(b) Explain why the bubbles were counted three times for each solution.


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

The City School / Unified Mock Examination, Mar-Apr 2021 / Biology / Paper 62 / Class 11 Page 5 of 10
(c) Fig. 2.2 shows a yeast cell dividing.

X 5000
Fig 2.2

(i) Make a drawing of the yeast cell dividing shown in Fig. 2.2


The City School / Unified Mock Examination, Mar-Apr 2021 / Biology / Paper 62 / Class 11 Page 6 of 10
(ii) On Fig. 2.2, draw a line between the letters P and Q.

Measure and record this length ..................................................................... mm

On your drawing, draw a line similar to the line PQ.

Measure and record this length ...................................................................... mm

Calculate the magnification of your drawing compared to the actual size of the
Show your working.

magnification × .................................................. [5]

[Total: 12]

The City School / Unified Mock Examination, Mar-Apr 2021 / Biology / Paper 62 / Class 11 Page 7 of 10
3 Milk is the main food for young mammals and contains all the required nutrients for the
first few months of life. Milk needs to be clotted before it can be digested.
The stomach of a young mammal produces an enzyme which causes soluble proteins in
milk to form insoluble clots. Some students investigated the effect of temperature on this
enzyme using two types of milk. The students measured the time taken for clots to form.

Table 3.1 shows the results for fresh milk.

Table 3.2 shows the results for dried milk mixed with water.

Table 3.1
Temperature / C Time taken fresh milk to clot / seconds
1st reading 2nd reading 3rd reading mean
33 36 42 30 36
35 35 34 30 33
37 15 20 25
39 19 15 20 18
41 27 25 23 25

(a) Complete Table 3.1 by calculating the mean value for 37 °C.
Write your answer in Table 3.1 [1]
Table 3.2

The City School / Unified Mock Examination, Mar-Apr 2021 / Biology / Paper 62 / Class 11 Page 8 of 10
(b) (i) Plot a graph of the data for both types of milk on one set of axes to show the
effect of temperature on the mean clotting time.

(ii) Describe and compare the effect of temperature on the clotting time for both
types of milk.







.......................................................................................................................... [4]

The City School / Unified Mock Examination, Mar-Apr 2021 / Biology / Paper 62 / Class 11 Page 9 of 10
(c) Suggest and explain why each test has been carried out three times.




…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
(d) Enzymes are involved in the clotting process. A water bath was used to keep the
temperature constant, at each temperature, for each test.
Suggest why it is important to keep the temperature constant.








…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]
[Total: 15]

The City School / Unified Mock Examination, Mar-Apr 2021 / Biology / Paper 62 / Class 11 Page 10 of 10

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