Unit 7 - 66-72
Unit 7 - 66-72
Unit 7 - 66-72
Unit goal: talk about things you did or saw Last Saturday
1 a To introduce last Saturday, write today’s date on the
Goals: talk about things you did or saw
say what you often do at the weekend board, then ask: When was last Saturday? Show the
say what you did last weekend meaning with gestures.
Core language: / Learners read what the people say and guess
VOCABULARY Activities: cook (meals), phone (friends), who the three people are.
meet (friends), go shopping, go for a walk b Play recording 2.16 and check the answers.
GRAMMAR Past simple (regular forms): stayed,
listened, phoned, cooked, watched A Olga B Connie C André
Past simple (irregular forms): got up, went,
had, wrote, met Ask what else each person says. If necessary, play the
recording again.
At the weekend Olga: It was my brother’s birthday, he was 50.
Connie: It was really nice. I was quite tired.
VOCABULARY Activities André: I went to the cinema with my girlfriend.
1 Read the sentences in green and blue and present stay Point out that was is the past of am or is (this is
and go out (use gestures to show the meaning). Ask introduced in 7.2).
learners what days are the weekend in their country
and write at the weekend on the board. GRAMMAR Past simple – positive
Optional lead-in 2 Learners find past forms of the verbs. Write them on
Books closed. Say a few things about what you do at the board in two columns: regular and irregular. Point
the weekend. Use this to present stay, go out and at the out that:
weekend. – regular verbs add -ed. If they already end in -e, they
just add -d (show this from examples on the board).
To make it clear what the line shows, say a few things
– many common verbs are irregular. You have to learn
about yourself. Draw a line on the board and make
a cross to show your position. Then ask learners to
mark their own place on the line. Ask: Who is in the
Regular Irregular
green part? Who is in the blue part?.
Verb Past Verb Past
2 a Reading. Read the questions (or learners read them)
and ask which expressions the pictures go with. stay stayed get up got up
listen listened go went
1 go for a walk 2 cook meals 3 phone friends or family phone phoned have had
cook cooked write wrote
Make sure learners understand the verbs cook and watch watched meet met
phone and can say them correctly.
b Quiz: asking and answering questions. To Play recording 2.17 and practise saying the past
demonstrate, ask a learner one or two of the questions forms. You could also give short sentences and get
and give him / her a score. learners to repeat them (e.g. I phoned a friend, I
listened to the radio). Check that learners don’t insert
an /e/ sound before the /d/ (/lIs@nd/, not /lIs@ned/).
Get learners to ask you the questions. As you answer, write
scores for yourself on the board in two columns. Then add Language note
them up to see if your A or B answers have a higher score.
After unvoiced consonants the -d ending tends to be
In turn, learners ask the questions and write scores pronounced as /t/ as in /kUkt/ or /wɒtʃt/. You could point
this out, but don’t spend too much time on it.
for their partner.
c Learners add up their partner’s scores. 3 a Practice of past simple verbs. Give out post-its, small
Feedback. Ask learners if their partner has a higher cards or pieces of paper, or ask learners to take a sheet
score for the questions in A or in B. You could find out of paper and tear it into pieces. Learners write the
who has the highest and lowest scores for A and for B. verbs from 2 on one side and the past forms on the
other side. As they do this, go round and check.
To show what to do, take a card and show the verb.
Learners say the past form. Then turn it over and
show the answer.
b Learners use the flashcards to test each other.
Look at the box and establish that the past simple I was there
is the same in all persons. You could give a few
examples to demonstrate this. READING
2 a Writing. To demonstrate the activity, tell the class 1 Look at the photo of the meeting and ask what it
a few things you did last weekend. You could write shows (a meeting, in an office).
these time expressions on the board: Read the email aloud. Ask: Who are the people in the
– Last weekend ... pictures?
– In the morning ...
– On Saturday ... At the meeting: Tom, Hassan, Paula
Not at the meeting: A Boris, B Maria, C Peter
– In the afternoon ...
– On Sunday ... Use the photos to present busy (already known),
– In the evening ... on holiday and ill.
– Then ... You could also use the photos to present other
Working alone, learners write three things they did. expressions: at work,
As they do this, go round and check. on the phone; on the beach, asleep; in bed, in hospital.
b Speaking. Learners tell each other what they did.
Language note
They should do this without looking at their sentences.
In British English, we usually say He / She is ill.
c Feedback. Ask a few learners what their partner did at In US English, we say He / She is sick.
the weekend.
Alternative: Group work GRAMMAR was, were
Learners sit in groups of four or five and say in turn what 2 a Learners complete the table. Write it on the board.
they did at the weekend. In the feedback stage, one person
from each group reports back on what the other people in Singular Plural
the group did. I was We were
He / She was They were
Point out that we use was for singular forms and were
Classroom language: for plural forms.
Instructions (2) b Practice of ‘was’, ‘were’.
Goal: to understand simple instructions for doing exercises / Learners add was or were to the sentences.
Core language: 1 was 2 were 3 were 4 were 5 was 6 was
circle, underline, cross out, put a tick / cross (by)
Practise saying the sentences, focusing on the
1 / Learners match the instructions with the words. pronunciation of was and were: /aI w@z/, /DeI w@/
Present any words learners have difficulty with. and the stress pattern of the sentences (was and were
are not stressed).
2 a 3 e 4 b 5 d
Round-up. A few pairs read out their emails. You could use photocopiable activity 7B on the
Optional extension Teacher’s DVD-ROM at this point.
Check what learners have written (you could ask Use this to present the pairs interesting / boring,
learners to write the sentences on the board). good / bad, long / short and cheap / expensive. Show
meaning with gestures and facial expressions. Focus
on the pronunciation of interesting /intrəstŋ/ and
7.3 boring /bɔ:rŋ/.
Goals: talk about things you did or saw 2 a Reading. Look at the sentences. Ask learners what
talk about a film or a book
talk about a place you know they are about.
Core language: A a book or film B a restaurant
VOCABULARY A book / film called ...; A book / film by ... C a book or film D a café
Adjectives: good, bad; interesting, boring;
cheap, expensive; short, long; wonderful, b ‘very’ and ‘quite’. Draw the table on the board and
terrible ask learners where to write the expressions.
Films, books, restaurants very good.
quite good.
VOCABULARY A film called ..., a book by ... It’s OK.
not very good.
1 a Look at the pictures and ask what they are.
very bad.
A a book B a film C a restaurant D a café terrible.
Look at the book and present: c Play recording 2.24 to check and practise saying the
– It’s by Paulo Coelho. (= he wrote it) expressions. Point out that:
– It’s called The Alchemist. (= the name).
– we say quite good, but we don’t usually say quite
b Listening for main idea. Play recording 2.23. Pause bad. Instead, we say not very good.
after each person and establish what they said. – wonderful means very very good; terrible means
1 We went to the cinema. We saw a film called very very bad.
Streets of New York.
2 I read a book by Paulo Coelho. SPEAKING
3 We went to a restaurant called Burger House.
3 a Choose a well-known shop in your area. Ask learners
Use this to present the past form read what they think of it and present the question:
(pronounced /red/). What do you think of ...? (= Do you think it’s good?)
Encourage learners to use quite and very.
Optional extra
/ Learners choose other places and things and
Give sentences and ask learners to add by or called, e.g. write them down.
– I read a book – J. K. Rowling.
– I went to an Italian restaurant – Nino’s. b Learners compare what they think of the places.
– I saw a film – Batman 3. Round-up. Ask a few pairs to tell you about one of the
things or places they talked about.
Unit 7 Last week 69
Target activity: Talk about things Keyword see, look at, watch
you did or saw Goal: to use see, look at and watch in collocations
Goal: talk about things you did or saw Core language:
Core language: look(ed), see / saw, watch(ed)
7.1 Grammar Past simple – positive
7.2 Grammar be past 1 Look at the pictures and the examples. Point out:
7.3 Vocabulary A film called …, a book by … – watch = look at for a long time
7.3 vocabulary Adjectives
(you could demonstrate this).
– you look at something
TASK LISTENING (we can’t say He looked the picture.).
1 Preparation for the listening. Read through the notes / Learners complete the sentences.
in 1 and the handwritten sentences. Ask what is in the
sentences but not in the notes (the words in orange): 1 watch 2 saw / watched 3 watch
– past simple verbs (went, was) 4 Look at 5 see 6 looked at
– ‘small words’: a, the, but, to, on 2 Speaking. To introduce the activity, tell the class
Alternative: Books closed which things you did last weekend.
Write the notes (the words in black) about the Japanese Learners think about their own weekends, and tick the
restaurant on the board and ask learners what words are true sentences.
missing. Getting learners to help you, write the notes as Learners tell their partner which things they did.
complete sentences.
Round-up. Ask a few learners if they did the same
Look at 2–5 and get learners to make sentences. things as their partner.
2 I went to a new café called Copacabana yesterday.
The coffee was really good and it wasn’t very
expensive. 7.4 Explore speaking
3 I read a book by Stephen King. It was OK, but it was Goals: make requests
very long. reply to requests
4 We went to a club called Los Banditos last night. It
Core language:
wasn’t very good. The drinks were expensive and the
music was really bad. Requests: Can I ...?
5 We went to a Chinese restaurant at the weekend. It Replies: No problem; Sure; Of course; Yes, you can;
was very cheap and the food was really good. Sorry, you can’t
Other expressions: I want to ...; I’m thirsty, I’m hungry
b Play recording 2.25 to check.
1 a Write on the board: Can I ...? Read the situation and
PREPARATION ask learners what questions they could ask. Introduce
2 a Writing. Learners choose one of the topics. the verb use, and show how to say it: /ju:z/.
b Write a sentence. As they do this, go round and check. 1 Can I use your computer? 2 Can I have a drink?
3 Can I use your bike? 4 Can I have something to eat?
c Give time for them to prepare what they will say 5 Can I use your phone?
about the topic. Learners can write a few key words,
but they shouldn’t write complete sentences. Alternative: Presentation with books closed
Alternative: Pairwork preparation Tell the class the situation: they are at a friend’s flat, and they
want a glass of water. Ask: What can I say? Use this to focus
Working in pairs, learners choose a topic together and
on Can I ...?. Then open books and look at the questions.
discuss what they will say about it.
b Go through answers by listening to recording 2.26.
TASK 2 Giving reasons. Read the sentences. Check that
3 Learners tell each other about the topic they chose learners understand I’m thirsty (= I want to drink) and
and ask the others if they agree. I’m hungry (= I want to eat). You could quickly ask
learners round the class:
Alternative: Mingling activity Are you hungry? Are you thirsty?.
Learners move freely round the class, talking about their / Learners match the sentences and questions.
topic to three or four other learners.
b Can I use your computer? I want to read my emails.
Round-up. A few learners tell the class something they c Can I use your phone? I want to call my sister.
heard from another learner. d Can I use your bike? I want to go to the shops.
e Can I have something to eat? I’m hungry.
3 a Learners read the questions and compare answers. 2 saw 3 stayed; listened 4 read; wrote 5 met; went