Lupita's An Undergraduate Thesis - Perpustakaan Iain Metro

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Student Number Id: 1501070269

Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

English Education Department


1441H / 2020M





Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)
in English Education Department



Student Number: 1501070269

Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

English Education Department

Sponsor : Ahmad Subhan Roza, M.Pd

Co-sponsor : Trisna Dinillah Harya, M.Pd


1441H / 2020M





The objective of this study was to analyze whether Psychological Factors

play a role in the speaking ability of tenth grade students of SMK N 1 Metro,
Metro City. Psychology is the study of the nature of the soul and its process to
the end. Therefore, psychology deals with the study of external behavior using
objective observation methods for stimulation. In addition, there are some
psychological factors that hinder students from speaking in English classes
such as fear of making mistakes, shyness, anxiety, lack of confidence and lack
of motivation. Those factors, like fear of making mistakes, were commonly
caused by their fear of being laughed at by their friends. Some psychological
factors such as shyness and anxiety are considered as the main causes of
students' reluctance to speak.

This research is quantitative research. The population of this research was

class X students. The sample consisted of 36 students. In this study,
researchers determined two sources, namely primary sources and secondary
sources. Primary sources are original materials that are from the base of
research and secondary sources analysis based on primary sources. To collect
data the researchers used 4 techniques namely observation, documentation,
field notes and interviews. Researchers use tests and documentation as data
collection methods.

In this study, I found the result that psychological factors play a role in
students' speaking abilities. Students who have a fear of making mistakes,

shame, anxiety, have low self-confidence, have low motivation will make
students reluctant to speak in English because they feel unable to speak
English well.

Keywords: Psychological Factors, Speaking, Fear of making mistakes,

Shyness, Anxiety, Low of confidence, Low of motivation and Unwillingness
to communicate.


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis apakah Faktor

Psikologis berperan dalam kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas X SMK N 1
Metro, Kota Metro. Psikologi adalah studi tentang sifat jiwa dan prosesnya
sampai akhir. Oleh karena itu, psikologi berkaitan dengan studi tentang
perilaku eksternal menggunakan metode observasi objektif untuk stimulasi.
Selain itu, ada beberapa faktor psikologis yang menghalangi siswa untuk
berbicara di kelas bahasa Inggris seperti takut melakukan kesalahan, malu,
cemas, kurang percaya diri, dan kurang motivasi. Faktor-faktor itu, seperti
ketakutan melakukan kesalahan, umumnya disebabkan oleh ketakutan mereka
ditertawakan oleh teman-teman mereka. Beberapa faktor psikologis seperti
rasa malu dan kecemasan dianggap sebagai penyebab utama keengganan
siswa untuk berbicara.

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah

siswa kelas X. Sampel terdiri dari 36 siswa. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti
menentukan dua sumber, yaitu sumber primer dan sumber sekunder. Sumber
primer adalah bahan asli yang berasal dari dasar penelitian dan analisis sumber
sekunder berdasarkan sumber primer. Untuk mengumpulkan data para peneliti
menggunakan 4 teknik yaitu observasi, dokumentasi, catatan lapangan dan
wawancara. Peneliti menggunakan tes dan dokumentasi sebagai metode
pengumpulan data.

Dalam penelitian ini, saya menemukan hasil bahwa faktor psikologis

berperan dalam kemampuan berbicara siswa. Siswa yang takut membuat

kesalahan, malu, cemas, memiliki rasa percaya diri yang rendah, memiliki
motivasi yang rendah akan membuat siswa enggan berbicara dalam bahasa
Inggris karena mereka merasa tidak mampu berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan

Kata kunci: Faktor Psikologis, Berbicara, Takut melakukan kesalahan,

Rasa malu, Kecemasan, Rendahnya kepercayaan diri, Rendahnya motivasi dan
Tidak bersedia untuk berkomunikasi.


“The most forgiving person is one who wants to forgive even if he can get
(Imam Husain)

I did not fail, but I found 10,000 ways that are not right.
(Thomas A Edison)


This undergraduate thesis is specially dedicated to:

My beloved parents, almarhum Mr. Oni Suryono (my beloved papi) and Mrs.
Sarwi Utami (my beloved mommy ) also mr. Umyanto (my father) always pray
and support in their endless love.

My all beloved brothers and sisters.

My wonderful class, TBI F, E and D (every class with special types of students)

My beloved people, Fauzi Nur Hidayat, Ferdian D.P, Acha, Tari, always
support me.

My beloved Almamater of State Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro.


First of all, thanks to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful,

because of His amazing blessings, researchers can complete this undergraduate

thesis. The blessings and gifts are the only reason researchers have not given up

today. Then, peace and greetings are always with our beloved prophet

Muhammad, a person who has taught us how to live in harmony, may peace

always accompany him. "An Analysis Of Psychological Factors Affecting English

Speaking Performance At The Tenth Graders Of SMK N 1 Metro" is the title of

this thesis. This research cannot be achieved without the motivation, help and

support of many people.

Secondly, on this good occasion, the researcher wants to pay a deep

respect, and wants to thank you for:

1. Dr. Hj. Akla, M.Pd., as the Dean of Tarbiyah and the Teaching Faculty

of Metro Islamic State Institute (IAIN).

2. Mr. Ahmad Subhan Roza, M.Pd., as the Head of the English

Department and also the first advisor who has motivated researchers to complete

this research as soon as possible, and spent the time available to guide and provide

good suggestions for researchers.

3. Ms. Trisna Dinillah Harya, M.Pd., as the second advisor, for criticism,

correction, suggestions and valuable time to complete this undergraduate thesis.

4. All my lecturers, who have given me knowledge and information.


COVER ............................................................................................................ i
TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL PAGE ......................................................................................... iii
NOTA DINAS .................................................................................................. iv
NOTIFICATION LATTER ..............................................................................v
RETIFICATION PAGE ................................................................................. vi
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vii
ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... viii
STATEMENT OF RESEARCH ORIGINALITY ........................................ ix
ORIGINALITAS PENELITIAN .....................................................................x
MOTTO ............................................................................................................ xi
DEDICATION PAGE .................................................................................... xii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ xiii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. xiv
LIST OF TABLE............................................................................................xv
LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................xvi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................1

A. Background of the Study..............................................................................1
B. Research Question........................................................................................8
C. Objective of the Study..................................................................................9
D. Prior Research ............................................................................................10

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ......................................13

1. The Concept of Speaking Performance......................................................13
a. The Nature of Speaking .......................................................................13
b. The Nature of Factors Performance .....................................................14
c. The Components of Speaking Performance.........................................15
d. The Assessment of Speaking Performance..........................................16
2. The Concept of Psychological Factors .......................................................19
a. The Nature of Psychological Factors ...................................................19
b. The Importance of Psychological.........................................................19
c. Kinds of Psychological Factors............................................................20
d. Kinds of Affective Domain..................................................................25
e. Psychological Factors that Affect Speaking Performance...................27
f. The Solutions to Overcome the Psychological Factors that Influence
Negatively the Speaking Performance.................................................31

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ......................................................34
A. Types and Characteristics of Research ......................................................34
B. Data Resources ...........................................................................................35
C. Data Collecting Technique .........................................................................36
D. Data Analysis Techniques ..........................................................................39
E. Research Approach ....................................................................................41

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH AND DISCUSSION ......................................43

A. Research Result ..........................................................................................43
a. The History of SMK N 1 Metro ...........................................................43
b. Vision and Mission of SMK N 1 Metro ...............................................44

B. Discussion ..................................................................................................55

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .......................................61

A. Conclusion..................................................................................................61
B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................62



Table 1.1 Speaking Ability of the Tenth Graders at Vocational High School 1

Metro....................................................................................................................... 2

Table 2.1 Categorization of Speaking Ability of the Tenth Graders at Vocational

School 1 Metro ........................................................................................................ 6

Table 3.1 Analytic Speaking Criteria.....................................................................16

Table 4.1 Precentage Main Psychological Factors that Influence Negatively The

Speaking Performance ......................................................................................... 46


Appendix 1 Pre-Survey Letter ............................................................................64

Appendix2 Letter of Reply to the Pre-Survey Letter ..........................................65

Appendix3 Thesis Guidance Latter .....................................................................66

Appendix4 Thesis Guidance Consultation Card .................................................67

Appendix 5 Letter of Assignment .......................................................................68

Appendix 6 Research Letter ................................................................................69

Appendix 7 Letter of Reply to the Research Letter ............................................70

Appendix 8 Documentation ................................................................................71

Appendix 9 Biography ........................................................................................72




A. Background of the Study

English is an international language that is used to communicate in the

globalization era. English implementation is very beneficial in fulfillment of

needs both verbally and in writing in all aspects of life that cover the fields of

education, economics, politics, social culture, and security. In Indonesia,

English is a foreign language that has not been obtained by Indonesian people

since the time of birth. In the daily life, Indonesian people do not use English

in their daily communication.

In addition, English instruction plays an important role that should be

done in formal and informal institutions. Teaching English is a very

meaningful effort that aims not only to transfer English knowledge but also to

familiarize language learners to communicate using English in their daily

lives. Teaching English includes four language skills which include listening,

speaking, reading and writing.

As one of the language skills, speaking is an important productive

language skill in sending information orally. Speaking is ability to spell

articulation sound or word for express, stated, and sending thought, idea, or

feeling. Speaking is one of the four basic competences that student have to

get very well. This has an important role in communication. In the other

words, speaking can be found in the oral cycle, especially in the text.

Moreover, speaking is described as activities and ability for

expression self in the situation, or activities to report actions, or situations

with the right words or the ability to speak or to express the sequence of ideas

smoothly. Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that

involves producing, receiving and processing information.

Furthermore, ability to speak English has many benefits in various

aspects of life. The benefit of speaking is as an advantageous language skill in

delivering idea or thought to many people effectively and responsibly. By

speaking, the speakers have a wide opportunity to actualize all potential in

front of anyone. The ability of speaking can support leadership. The ability of

speaking can foster self confidence.

The quality of one's speaking ability is influenced by various aspects

which include the linguistic aspects and non linguistic aspects. The linguistic

aspects needed in speaking skills include of vocabulary mastery,

pronunciation skills, grammar mastery, reading and listening skills. The

amount of English vocabulary that is significant will make it easier for the

speakers to express anything they want to express without obstacles.

Furthermore, the good pronunciation mastery improves one‟s

speaking quality is easy to understand. Mastery of English grammar helps the

speaker to construct speech information with the right language structure. The

ability to read and listen well enriches the speaker's input of knowledge so

that the weight of the conversation is very high quality.


In addition, speaking ability is influenced by non-linguistics aspects

that involve teaching media, teaching technique, support from society, and

psychological factors. Teaching media effectively supports the process of

speaking ability improvement because the media improves the students‟

motivation in speaking English.

Moreover, the appropriate technique teaching speaking supports the

goals of the speaking target. Environmental support that is obtained from

parents, friends, teacher, and society contributes significantly towards the

progress of the quality development of students. Psychological factors also

influence the quality of speaking sourced from motivation, interest, self-

confidence, self esteem, and self efficacy.

However, speaking is not an easy thing to master. There are many

problems got by many students in the process of improving their speaking

skills. These problems are caused by low linguistic and non-linguistic aspects

that influence their speaking abilities. Student‟s speaking problems are caused

by some aspects that include of limited English vocabulary and low mastery

of pronunciation and fluency.

The limited English vocabulary had by the students will make the

students difficult for them to produce words that contain the message they

will say. Low English grammar will affect the low quality of spoken

sentences that are not in appropriate with the correct structure and grammar.

In addition, the low grammar mastery causes misunderstanding in capturing

the contents of the message being said. The low quality of English

pronunciation worsen the quality of speaking because it leads to boredom and

misunderstanding in capturing the contents of the message.

Moreover, students' speaking problems are also caused by the low

contribution of non-linguistic aspects. These problems include of the limited

use of appropriate media speaking, inconsistencies in the application of

teaching strategies, low environmental support and low psychological factors.

Inaccuracies in the selection of media speaking will hinder the fulfillment of

the needs of students' speaking concepts or theories. For example the

inaccuracy of the selection of audio models in accordance with the correct

pronunciation rules will be the source of the wrong model so that problems

arise in the students‟ speaking quality.

Furthermore, the inaccurate application of teaching speaking strategy

hinders the achievement of the target theory and speaking application that

students need. Limited environmental support for speaking English affects the

sustainability of students' speaking progress. Therefore, parents, siblings,

classmates and teachers should always try to provide positive support to

students to speak English. The low psychiatric factors of students hamper the

development of students' speaking. It is in the form of low of confidence, low

of motivation, low of interest, low mood to speak in English, and


In line with the speaking problems above, the researcher conducted a

pre-survey that was done on the date April 15th 2019 at Vocational High

School 1 Metro. Pre-survey was conducted to find out students' problems in

speaking English. The pre-survey results are illustrated in the table below:

Table 1.1

Speaking Ability of the Tenth Graders at Vocational High School 1 Metro

No Student‟s Name Grade Criteria

1 AG 70 Complete

2 BR 70 Complete

3 EI 60 Incomplete

4 MD 55 Incomplete

5 MF 50 Incomplete

6 RY 55 Incomplete

7 RJ 50 Incomplete

8 SF 55 Incomplete

9 SS 55 Incomplete

10 WA 50 Incomplete

Total of the student (n) = 10 students

The results of pre-survey of students can be categorized based on the

English MMC at Vocational High School 1 Metro which is 70. The results of

the categorization of pre-survey grade are summarized in the following table:


Table 2.1

Categorization of Speaking Abilty of the Tenth Graders at Vocational High

School 1 Metro

No. Grade Frequency Percentage Criteria

1. ≥ 70 2 20% Complete

2. < 70 8 80% Incomplete

Based on the results of the pre-survey above, it is known that the

number of students whose speaking grade is able to achieve Minimum

Mastery Criteria (MMC) is less than the number of students who are unable

to achieve MMC. That is because the number of students whose speaking

grades are able to complete MMC is only 10 students (25%). Meanwhile, 30

students are unable to complete MMC (75%). Therefore, it is concluded that

the tenth graders of Vocational High School 1 Metro have low speaking


Speaking problems in the tenth grade students of Vocational High

School 1 Metro are caused by the limited English vocabulary they have.

Furthermore, they also have limited grammar mastery. Therefore, they are

difficult to express messages in the process of speaking. In addition, the tenth

graders of Vocational High School 1 Metro have difficulty in pronouncing

English words so that the quality of their speaking is not good.


Besides that, students also have difficulty in developing ideas from a

topic into interesting oral communication patterns. In addition, the speaking

problem of students in class 10 of Vocational High School 1 Metro was also

caused by the low psychological factors that hampered the fluency of

speaking. In the process of speaking students feel nervous because they feel

insecure about their speaking abilities. Vocational High School 1 Metro have

low self efficacy and self esteem.

In line with speaking problems got by the tenth graders of Vocational

High School 1 Metro, it can be seen that psychiatric factors play an important

role in the process of speaking English. Psychology is science that studies

open and closed behavior in humans both as individuals and groups, in

relation to the environment. Open behavior is a psychomotor behavior that

includes acts of speaking, sitting, walking and others, while closed behavior

includes thinking, thinking, feeling and so on.

In addition, psychology is the study of the nature of the soul and its

process to the end. Therefore, psychology deals with the study of external

behavior using objective observation methods for stimulation. There are some

psychological factors that hinder students from speaking in English class such

as fear of making mistake, shyness, anxiety, low of confidence and low of

motivation. Those factors, like fear of making mistakes, were commonly

caused by their fear of being laughed at by their friends. Some psychological

factors such as shyness and anxiety are considered as the main causes of

students‟ reluctance to speak.


Furthermore, low-confidence, speech anxiety, and low self-esteem are

almost common problem in classroom, and occur on both teachers and

students. Students who have low of self-confidence are often hardly able to

control themselves for public speaking in the classroom, such as., governing

his/ her behavior on that his/her peers think, losing belief on self, thinking

that his/her friends disappraising, afraid of getting mistakes, etc. All these

indicate the importance for teachers to help students reduce those feelings to

maximize their learning to speak in English.

Based on all the illustrations above, it can be concluded that

psychological factors play an important role in the students‟ speaking ability.

Psychological factors that can hinder students' speaking abilities should be

minimized in order to improve or improve students' speaking abilities. In this

case, the researcher analyzed the psychological factors that affect the

speaking ability of students in tenth graders at Vocational High School 1

Metro. Therefore, researcher conducted a qualitative research entitled “An

Analysis of Psychological Factors Affecting English Speaking Performance

among the tenth graders at Vocational High School 1 Metro.”

B. Research Question

The research questions are stated, as follows:

A. What are the main psychological factors that influence negatively the

speaking performance of the tenth graders at Vocational High School

1 Metro?

B. What are the solutions to overcome the psychological factors that

influence negatively the speaking performance of the tenth graders at

Vocational High School 1 Metro?

C. Objective and Benefits of the Study

1. Objective of the Study

Based on the research questions above, the research objectives are as


a. To investigate the main psychological factors that influence negatively

the speaking performance of the tenth graders at Vocational High

School 1 Metro.

b. To know the solutions to overcome the psychological factors that

influence negatively the speaking performance of the tenth graders at

Vocational High School 1 Metro.

2. Benefits of the Study

This research is expected to have benefits not only for researcher

but also for students Vocational High School 1 Metro, English teacher and

agency Vocational High School 1 Metro.

a. For the students

This study aims to analyze the psychological factors of the tenth

graders vocational school students that affect their performance in

English. The students can optimize their abilities in speaking English


fluently and confidently. Therefore, the students are more motivated in

learning English.

b. For the teachers

It is expected that this study will be beneficial for English teachers

who might use this technique when they teach English especially

speaking. As the teachers, they should plan their teaching program.

c. For the Other Researchers

It is hoped that this research will be beneficial for the other

researchers who want to conduct the research in the same topic of

research. This research can become one of the foundation to be

considered by the researcher.

C. Prior Research

This research was conducted by considering several previous studies.

The first prior research is done by Youssouf Haidara with the research title

“Psychological Factor Affecting English Speaking Performance For The

English Learners in Indonesia.”1 The language skill studied in the first prior

research is speaking. Her research analyzes psychological factors in speaking.

The research method used in that research is a qualitative research method.

Samples of her research are applied linguistics master program students in

English at Yogyakarta State University (YSU).

The first prior research has similarities and differences with this study.

The similarity between the first prior research and research is about the

Youssouf Haidara,”Psychological Factor Affecting English Speaking Performance for
the English Learners in Indonesia” Universal Journal of Educational Research, no.4 (2016): 1501.

language skills studied. That is related to the analysis of psychological factors

in speaking. Another similarity is in the form of a research method similarity,

namely the qualitative research method. Both of the researches have different

research sample. The first prior research involves a sample of students in the

college schools of YSU; while this study involved the tenth grade students of

Vocational High School 1 Metro. Another differentiation is in the research

objective. That research has aims at describing the psychological factor that

affect negatively the English speaking performance for the English learners in

Indonesia. Meanwhile this research has 2 aims that are :

1. To investigate the main psychological factors that influence negatively

the speaking performance of the tenth graders at Vocational High School 1


2. To know the solutions to overcome the psychological factors that

influence negatively the speaking performance of the tenth graders at

Vocational High School 1 Metro.

In addition, the second prior research is done by Juhana with the

research title “Psychological Factors That Hinder Students from Speaking in

English Class”.2 The language skill studied in her research is speaking. That

research analyzes psychological factors in speaking. The research method

used in that research is a qualitative research method. Samples of that prior

research are students Senior High School in South Tangerang, Banten,

Juhana,”Psychological Factors That Hinder Students from Speaking in
English Class (A Case Study in a Senior High School in South
Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia)” Journal of Education and Practice, no.12 (2012): 101.

The second prior research has similarities and differences with this

study. The similarity is about the language skills studied. That is related to the

analysis of psychological factors in speaking. Another similarity is in the

form of a research method similarity, namely the qualitative research method.

Meanwhile, the difference of both research is the research sample. That

research involves a sample of students senior high school schools in South

Tangerang, Banten. Meanwhile, this study involved the tenth graders of

vocational school Vocational High School 1 Metro.

This research was conducted by taking a perspective from the two

previous studies. From the first and second research, researcher took a

perspective on the similarity of research methods and the similarity of the

variables studied, namely qualitative research methods in the analysis of

psychological factors in speaking.

This research was conducted by taking a perspective from the two

previous studies. From the first and second research, researcher took a

perspective on the similarity of research methods and the similarity of the

variables studied, namely qualitative research methods in the analysis of

psychological factors in speaking. That is because the researcher obtained

information that psychological factors that could be examined in speaking

included: the first study examined several psychological factors in speaking

consisting of fear of making mistakes, feeling shy, feeling hesitated, and lack

of confidence while speaking English and the second study examines shyness,

anxiety, low of confidence, and low of motivation.




A. General Description

1. The Concept of Speaking Performance

a. The Nature of Speaking

Speaking properly means using language that adapts to the

needs, interests, knowledge, and attitudes of the audience and avoids

language that alienates audience members.3 In the field of

communication, people use the term verbal closeness to describe the

language used to reduce psychological distance between the speaker

and the audience. In other words, speaking correctly means choosing

words that enhance the relationship between the speaker and audience


Furthermore, the speaker wants to convey a positive ethos so

the listener will pay attention and remember the speaker and the

message positively. Speaking is a process during which speakers rely

on all the available information (background and linguistic) to create

messages that will be understandable and meaningful to the intended


Rudolph F. Verdeber, Deanna D. Sellnow, Kathleeen S. Verdeber, The Challenge Of
Effective Speaking, (Boston, USA : Wadsworth, Cengage Learning : 2012, 2008, 2006), 191.
Miroslaw Pawlak, Ewa Waniek-Klimczak, Jan Majer, Speaking And Instructed Foreign
Language Acquisition, (Canada : Multilingual Matters : 2011), 149.

Speaking is language skill that involves both a command of

certain skills and several different types of knowledge. 5 In addition,

performance is everywhere, and the word is often used as an umbrella

term to describe the behavior of humans or animals or even larger

entities, such as a country or an organization. 6 A reliable speaker must

have good speaking performance supported by high self-esteem.

b. The Nature of Speaking Performance

Speaking performance is defined by J.C Richards as referring

to public talk, i.e., talk that transmits information before an audience,

which follows a recognizable format and is close to written language

rather than conversational language.7 Each person has his own way and

nature in conveying messages to others. Delivering messages can be in

the form of writing such as correspondence or talking such as chatting

or telephone.

Moreover, there are people who are very good at

communicating in terms of speaking, usually people like this tend to be

expressive, confident and like to engage in conversation but there are

also people who have difficulty communicating in this case talking or

chatting usually people who have difficulty speaking or chatting are

those who are quiet or shy and tend to be less expressive.

Scott Thornbury, How To Teach Speaking, (Amazon : Pearson Education ESL : 2005),
Markus Raab, Babett Lobinger, Sven Hoffmann, Alexandra Pizzera, Sylvain Laborde,
Performance Psychology Perception, Action, Cognition, and Emotion, (UK : Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved : 2016), 15.
J. C. Richard (2006). Developing classroom speaking activities: From theory to practice.
Guidelines, (RELC, Singapore), 28.

c. The Components of Speaking Performance

The kinds of knowledge that speakers bring to the skill of

speaking comprise extra-linguistics knowledge, such as background

knowledge of topic and culture, and linguistics knowledge, including

discourse knowledge, speech act knowledge, and knowledge of

grammar, vocabulary and phonology.8

Moreover, kinds of extra-linguistic knowledge are knowledge

of the context, and familiarity with other speakers. In the dinner-party

conversation about kedgeree, the speakers share considerable,

background knowledge at all these levels, and this is reflected in the

assumption they are able to make. Kath, for example, doesn‟t have to

explain what domestic science is, and the other speakers throw in

reference to spotted dick, as if these concepts were part of their

common experience. These all constitute topic and cultural knowledge.

Linguistic knowledge is often ranged along a cline from “the big

picture” such as knowledge of the way an anecdote typically unfolds,

to the “fine print” such as knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. In

the fact, the boundaries between categories are blurred, and they work

interdependently, such that in reality is difficult to account for particular

features of speech event by reference to any single knowledge system.9

Discourse knowledge, within the structure of a specific genre,

its individual elements need to be connected so as to form coherent

Scott Thornbury, How To Teach Speaking, (Amazon : Pearson Education ESL : 2005),
Ibid, 13.

stretches of discourse. Knowing how to organize and connect individual

utterances, as well how to map this knowledge on the turn-taking

structures of interactive talk, is called discourse competence.10

d. The Assessment of Speaking Performance

To test speaking performance, there are some indicators that

should be scored. According to Weir, he classified into five analytic

speaking criteria as follows:11

Table 3.1

Analytic Speaking Criteria

Aspect Category Indicators

Fluency 4 (excellent) Generally natural delivery, only

occasional halting when searching

for appropriate words/expressions.

3 (good) The students hesitates and repeat

himself at times but can generally

maintain a flow of speech,

although/he may need an occasional


2 (adequate) Speech is slow and hesitant,

maintains speech in a passive manner

and needs regular prompts.

Scott Thornbury, How To Teach Speaking, (Amazon : Pearson Education ESL : 2005),
Weir, Language Testing and Validation (United States: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005),

1 (fair) The students speak so little that no

„fluent‟ speech can be said to occur.

Pronunciation 4 (excellent) Occasional errors of pronunciation a

few inconsistencies of rhythm,

intonation, and pronunciation but

comprehension is not impeded.

3 (good) Rhythm intonation and pronunciation

require more careful listening; some

errors of pronunciation which may

occasionally lead to


2 (adequate) Comprehension suffers due to

frequent errors in rhythm, intonation

and pronunciation.

1 (fair) Words are unintelligible.

Vocabulary 4 (excellent) Effective use of vocabulary for the

task with few inappropriateness.

3 (good) Fir the most part, effective use of

vocabulary for the task with some

examples of inappropriateness.

2 (adequate) Limited use of vocabulary with

frequent inappropriateness.

1 (fair) Inappropriate and inadequate


Grammatical 4 (excellent) Very few grammatical errors evident.


3 (good) Some errors in use of sentence

structures and grammatical forms but

these do not interfere with


2 (adequate) Speech is broken and distorted by

frequent errors.

1 (fair) Unable to construct comprehensible


Interactional 4 (excellent) Interacts effectively and readily

Strategies participates and follows the


3 (good) Use of interactive strategies is

generally adequate but at times

experiences some difficulty in

maintaining interaction consistently.

2 (adequate) Interaction ineffective. Can seldom

develop an interaction.

1 (fair) Understanding and interaction


2. The Concept of Psychological Factors

a. The Nature of Psychological Factors

Psychological properties, psychological behaviors such as being

able to evaluate performance effectively, set realistic goals, and strengthen

oneself are very important to enable players to develop to overcome the

unstable periods they will face as they progress in and across the four

stages of development (initiation, development, mastery and maintenance)

highlighted by previous research. 'Psychological behavior' as a transition

mechanism that can guide a person to a more effective and stable level of

performance and consequently supports the potential of individuals to be

successful and consistent elite players. 12

b. The Importance of Psychological Factors

Three clear strands to the importance of psychology in long-term

development: first, its role in learning and development, second, its role in

performance and third, its usefulness in lifestyle management. In terms of

performance, it is clear to see that mental skills are very important for

success at the highest level. People all know examples of top-level sports

men and women who were on the verge of winning a major tournament

only to crumble when most under pressure or when approaching the

winning line. The „mental toughness‟ and the associated psychological

skills have long been identified as factors that discriminate between the

very good and the very best. In other words, they are often the dividing

Dave Collins, Angela Button, Hugh Richards, Performance Psychology A
Practitioner’s Guide, (UK : Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved : 2011), 16.

line between winning and losing on the day, particularly when skills and

physical attributes are very similar.13

c. Kinds of Psychological Factors

Kinds of psychological factor for developing are dedication,

commitment, motivation, desire, „coach ability‟, confidence, planning,

reviewing and goal setting. 14 Psychological characteristics of developing

excellence are as follows:15

1) Commitment

A commitment needs to be given to an increase in dedication,

sacrifice, discipline and quality (i.e. the constituent parts of athlete


Commitment behaviors:

a) Arrives early to training

b) Keeps going hard in practice

c) Trains independently away from the rest of the team

d) Shows a consistent effort and good preparation

e) Works hard at their own level

f) Understands and is responsible for both training and rest where


g) Is resilient when faced with obstacles and setbacks during


Dave Collins, Angela Button, Hugh Richards, Performance Psychology A
Practitioner’s Guide, (UK : Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved : 2011), 71.
Ibid, 54-111.

2) Focus and distraction control

There are a number of clear and observable behaviors that are

indicative of focus and distraction control across performance


Focus and distraction control behaviors:

a) Remains focused under distraction

b) Stays calm under pressure

c) Blocks out distractions

d) Displays a consistent pre-performance routine

e) Maintains a focus on appropriate cues during competition

f) Shows an understanding of when distraction is likely

3) Imagery

In fact, imagery has been called the Swiss army knife of mental

skills–it can help almost anything! Imagery allows an athlete to

practice skills perfectly even when they are injured and unable to

physically train.

Imagery behaviors:

a) Using imagery to rehearse new skills

b) Using imagery to cope with difficult situations and negative


c) Using imagery to mentally prepare for games or competitive


d) Using imagery to simulate novel environments


4) Realistic performance evaluations

The ability to make realistic evaluations of performance is crucial

if to remain motivated in pursuit of excellence despite poor

performances or slumps in progress.

Realistic performance evaluation behaviors :

a) The ability to analyze what you do well and what you don‟t

b) The ability to realistically evaluate performance regardless of

win/loss outcome

c) The ability to attribute success and failure appropriately

5) Quality practice

Intentional training is difficult, easy and unpleasant, but is needed

to develop the necessary skills that effectively help develop someone.

Quality behaviors:

a) Ability to maximize understanding in training

b) Demonstrate understanding of why they do what they do

c) Ability to evaluate their progress in training

d) Ask questions to clarify understanding of the exercise

6) Goal setting

The ability to set realistic goals but challenge and adhere to

these targets is one of the main psychological behaviors associated

with elite players. In fact, goal setting is also an important part of

being elite because goals provide direction and goals for training and


Goal setting behaviors:

a) The ability to independently set goals

b) The ability to set goals for both training and competition

c) The ability to independently reinforce achievements

d) The ability to set short, medium and long-term goals

e) The ability to set appropriate goals

7) Coping with pressure

There is no doubt that the ability to perform at the elite level, at

least in part, depends on one's ability to overcome competitive

psychological pressures. In fact, the ability to deal effectively with the

performance environment and to regulate arousal has long been

associated with high levels of performance.

Coping with pressure behaviors:

a) Respond positively to training and competitive situations

b) Show confidence to thrive under pressure

c) Confident to do their best in competitive situations

d) React appropriately to mistakes and criticism

8) Planning and organizational skills

If someone wants to maintain stable progress, they must plan and

manage their lifestyle in training and the demands of their competition.

Planning and organizational skills behaviors:

a) Arrive early for training and matches

b) Be appropriately prepared for training and matches


c) The ability to balance lifestyle commitments

d) The ability to prioritize different activities

e) The ability to plan effectively for competition

9) Self awareness

The fundamental starting point for perceiving emotions is self-

awareness. Individuals who are self-aware are neither overly self-

critical nor especially hopeful – they are honest with themselves about

their strengths and development areas. The decisions of self-aware

people are often consistent with their values and they recognize how

their emotions affect what they are doing. If people lack this

competence, they are vulnerable to being sidetracked by emotions that

are out of control. It is not difficult to find stories of technically

competent managers who could not handle stress, or scientifically able

coaches who did everything well except get along with people.

Self-awareness is invaluable in many aspects of performance

practitioner work. It helps individuals to:

a) Maximize individual contributions

b) Manage unruly feelings

c) Maintain motivation

d) Improve the attention of others around them to build social

relations related to good work


d. Kinds of Affective Domain16

1) Self esteem

Self esteem probably the most pervasive aspect of any human

behavior. It could easily be claimed that no successful cognitive or

affective activity can be carried without some degree of self esteem, self

confidence, knowledge of yourself, and self-efficacy-belief in your own

capabilities to successfully perform that activity.

2) Attribution Theory and Self Efficacy

Attribution theory focuses on how people explain the causes of

their own successes and failures. This is where self-efficacy comes in.

If a learner feels he or she is capable of carrying out a given task, in

other words, a high sense of self-efficacy, an appropriate degree of

effort may be devoted to achieving success.

3) Unwillingness to Communicate

Willingness to communicate may be defined as “an underlying

continuum representing the predisposition toward or away from

communicating, given the choice”. Emerging from studies and

assertions about language learners‟ unwillingness to communicate and

what we in common lay terms sometimes label as “shyness”,

researchers have now been examining the extent to which willingness to

communicate is a factor not just in second language acquisition, but one

H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning And Teaching, (San Francisco
State University : Pearson Education, Inc, All Right Reserved : 2007), 154.

that may have its roots in a learners first language communication


4) Inhibition

Yet another variable that is closely related to, and in some cases

subsumed under, the notion of self esteem and self efficacy is the

concept of inhibition. All humans beings, in their understanding of

themselves, builds sets of defense to protect the ego.

5) Risk Tasking

Impulsivity was also described as a style that could have positive

effects on language success. And we have just seen that inhibitions, or

building defenses around our egos, can be a detriment. These factors

suggest that risk talking is on an important characteristic of successful

learning of a second language. Learners have to be able to gamble a bit

be willing to try out hunches about the language and take the risk of

being wrong.

6) Anxiety

Intricately intertwined with self esteem, self efficacy, inhibition,

and risk taking, the construct of anxiety plays a major affective role in

second language acquisition. Even though we all know what anxiety is

and we all have experienced feelings of anxiousness, anxiety is still not

easy to define in a simple sentence.

7) Empathy

The human being is a social animal, and the chief mechanism for

maintaining the bonds of society language. Some approaches to

language teaching fail accomplish the goal of communicability in the

learner by overlooking the social nature of language.

8) Extroversion

Extroversion and its counterpart, introversion, are also potentially

important factors in the acquisition of a second language. The term are

often misunderstood because of a tendency to stereotype extroversion.

e. Psychological Factors that Affect Speaking Performance

There are many psychological factors that affect a person's

speaking skills such as low of confidence, fear of mistakes, shame, and

so on. Here, it is referred to as a feeling of low of confidence is a

feeling of low of confidence when speaking, fear of being wrong in

speaking especially if speaking a foreign language such as low of

vocabulary and shame because someone tends to be introverted, very

quit and less proficient in socializing.

It has been mentioned earlier that there are some psychological

factor that hinder students from practicing their speaking in English

class. Each of them is explained below.

1. Fear of Mistake17

As argued by many theorists, fear of mistake becomes one of the

main factors of students‟ reluctance to speak in English in the

Juhana, “Psychological Factors That Hinder Students from Speaking in
English Class (A Case Study in a Senior High School in South
Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia),” Journal of Education and Practice, no.12 (2012): 101.

classroom. The primary reason of fear of mistake is that students are

afraid of looking foolish in front of other people and they are concerned

about how other will see them. In terms of possible solution to overcome

students‟ fear of mistakes, gives several suggestions.

First, that emotional bonds between students and teachers should be

build. This way, the students are expected to feel comfort with their

teacher and believe that the teacher will help them if they make mistake.

Second, that the teacher should improve the students' concentration

when learning English. This can be done, as she suggests, by creating a

supporting learning atmosphere. Finally, the last suggestion is that the

teacher creates a harmonious atmosphere that can reduce students‟

nervousness. In this context, how to deal with errors in conversational

English of students is worth discussing and emphasizes that mistakes in

communication are keys to carry out a communication.

2. Shyness18

Shyness is an emotional thing that many students suffer from at

some time when they are required to speak in English class. This

indicates that shyness could be a source of problem in students‟ learning

activities in the classroom especially in the class of speaking. With

regard to the cause of shyness, that some shy learners are caused by their

nature that they are very quiet. In this case, the students are not very

Juhana, “Psychological Factors That Hinder Students from Speaking in
English Class (A Case Study in a Senior High School in South
Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia),” Journal of Education and Practice, no.12 (2012): 101.

confident and tend to be shy because most of them find it very

intimidating when speaking English in front of their friends and teacher.

In terms of possible solution to overcome shyness, it is urgent that

teacher creates a friendly and open classroom environment. By doing

this, shy students are hoped to feel fine of making mistakes in their

learning. This way, students will not worry of their imperfect

pronunciation and grammar. As a result, they dare to speak in their

speaking class. Solving the shyness problem, in order to help students to

be more confident in their speaking that convince students to look upon

shyness as a thing to overcome and do not fear failure or success.

3. Anxiety19

Anxiety is a feeling of tension, apprehension and nervousness

associated with the situation of learning a foreign language. Regarding

the causes of anxiety, based on the findings of their study, found out

three main causes of students‟ anxiety i.e communication apprehension,

test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation. In order to overcome

anxiety, about improving students‟ speaking skills suggests that teachers

should be more careful about anxiety which can be intense in students

and find techniques that allow students to participate more in oral


Juhana, “Psychological Factors That Hinder Students from Speaking in
English Class (A Case Study in a Senior High School in South
Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia),” Journal of Education and Practice, no.12 (2012): 102.

4. Low of Confidence20

It is commonly understood that students‟ low of confidence usually

occurs when students realize that their conversation partners have not

understood them or when they do not understand other speakers. In this

situation, they would rather keep silent while others do talking showing

that the students are low of confidence to communicate. The main cause

of students‟ confidence is their low ability in speaking English. In this

case, as they add, many students think that their English is bad and feel

that they cannot speak English well. With regard to possible solution to

overcome the students‟ low of confidence.

5. Low of Motivation21

It is mentioned in the literature that motivation is a key to students‟

learning success. With regard to the issue of motivation in learning,

stresses that motivation is important to notice in that it can affect

students‟ reluctance to speak in English. In this sense, motivation is a

key consideration in determining the preparation of learners to


With respect to the causes of low of motivation, elaborates the causes

of the students‟ lack of motivation such as uninspired teaching,

boredom, lack of perceived relevance of materials and low of knowledge

about the goals of the instructional program. To encourage students‟

Juhana, “Psychological Factors That Hinder Students from Speaking in
English Class (A Case Study in a Senior High School in South
Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia),” Journal of Education and Practice, no.12 (2012): 102.
Ibid: 103.

motivation, teachers should provide constant encouragement and

support as well ask questions that reveal the basis of a students‟

problems. Doing this becomes very important because encouragement

also gives students a feeling of secure and welcome in their learning.

f. The Solutions to Overcome the Psychological Factors that Influence

Negatively the Speaking Performance22

The solutions to overcome psychological factors that influence

negatively the speaking performance are as follows :

1) Possible Solution to Overcome Fear of Mistake

First, the emotional bond between students and teachers must be

established. In this way, students are expected to feel comfortable with

their teacher and believe that the teacher will help them if they make a

mistake. Both teachers must improve student concentration when

learning English. This can be done by creating a supportive learning

atmosphere. Finally, the last suggestion is that the teacher creates a

harmonious atmosphere that can reduce student nervousness.

2) Possible Solution to Overcome Shyness

The teacher creates a friendly and open classroom environment. By

doing this, shy students are expected to feel fine making mistakes in

their learning. In this way, students will not worry about their

imperfect pronunciation and grammar. As a result, they dare to speak

in class talking. Solving the problem of shyness to help students

Juhana, “Psychological Factors That Hinder Students from Speaking in
English Class (A Case Study in a Senior High School in South
Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia),” Journal of Education and Practice, no.12 (2012): 101.

become more confident in their speaking convinced students to

consider shyness to be overcome and not be afraid of failure or

success. The solution above to reduce shyness is worth doing.

3) Possible Solution to Overcome Anxiety

To deal with anxiety, teachers must be more careful about anxiety

that can be intense in students and find techniques that allow students

to participate more in oral activities. In addition, providing students

with positive reinforcement, motivating students and creating an easy

environment in the classroom is important for teachers to pay attention

to because it can reduce student anxiety, increase their confidence, and

encourage their willingness to communicate.

4) Possible Solution to Low of Confidence

With respect to possible solutions to overcome the lack of student

confidence, maximizing student exposure to English is a good way to

build student confidence. In line with this, to build students' confidence

in speaking English, the teacher can provide regular opportunities to

practice proper pronunciation and intonation, and to communicate


5) Possible Solution to Low of Motivation

To encourage student motivation, teachers must provide ongoing

encouragement and support and ask questions that reveal the basis of

students' problems. Doing this is very important because

encouragement also gives students a feeling of security and welcome


in their learning. Teachers can also carry out activities such as

promoting student awareness about the importance of English,

increasing students' interest in English, and developing their




A. Types and Characteristics of Research

The researcher conducted a qualitative research. According to Robert K.

Yin , the qualitative research is the study that is interested in the interviewees‟

words and ideas, not in arraying the responses numerically. 23 In addition,

Kikwawila Study Group states that qualitative research does not refer to so

specific a set of methods as analog of statistics for qualitative research;

disciplines of anthropology, psychology, sociology and other social sciences

each elaborate their own particular orientation towards qualitative research.24

In addition, qualitative research is research that aims to describe, study,

and explain the phenomenon. Understanding of phenomena can be achieved

by describing and exploring through narration. This means that research

procedures produce written or spoken descriptive data from participants and

observed behavior. It also includes descriptive studies that propose to gather

current information, to identify problems, to make comparisons or evaluations

and to learn from the experiences of others to make decisions.

In this case, the researcher considers the importance of psychological

factors that influence the performance of speaking English to be explored.

The researcher decides to use qualitative research to analyze the importance

Robert K. Yin, Qualitative Research From Start to Finish, (THE GUILFORD PRESS
New York London : 2011), 32.
Kikwawila Study Group, Qualitative Research Methods, (UNDP/WORLD
BANK/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical (TDR) :1994), 4.

of psychological factors that affect the performance of speaking English in

the tenth grade students at Vocational High School 1 Metro.

The characteristics in this study focus on descriptive qualitative research.

The researcher took surveys that can be used to describe phenomena and

summarize. The purpose of using surveys for descriptive research is to get a

good step for certain things. Descriptive qualitative analysis involves

describing the general characteristics of the data. Descriptive qualitative

research is useful because it can provide important information about the

average group member.

In line with the explanation above, the purpose of this study is to find out

psychological factors that influence the speaking performance of English

students in the tenth grade at Vocational High School 1 Metro.

B. Data Resources

In this study, the researcher divides the source into two items. They are

primary and secondary.

1. Primary sources

Primary sources are original materials that form the basis of

research. It is testimony or direct evidence on a topic being considered.

The primary sources present information in its original form, not

interpreted or compacted or evaluated by other authors. The main source

of this research is psychological factors that influence students' speaking

ability at Vocational High School 1 Metro. The total number of students is

36 students. In this research, the researcher analized 10 students‟ speaking


performance in order to know the psychological factors that affcet

students‟ speaking performance.

2. Secondary sources

Secondary sources offer interpretation or analysis based on primary

sources. The secondary sources can explain primary sources and often use

them to support certain theses or arguments or to convince readers to

accept certain points of view. Secondary sources in this study are from

interviews, documentation, journals, e-books and articles related to


C. Data Collecting Technique

Qualitative research usually follows an inductive process. This means that

the collection of data taken from the process of data analysis becomes a

theory or interpretation. Creswell said that "in many qualitative studies,

questions collect various forms of data and send a considerable amount of

time in natural information collection arrangements." Data collection is the

accumulation of specific evidence enable the researcher to correctly analyze

the results of all activities with their research designs and procedures.

The data is needed in a research work to present the raw materials used in

data production. This provides definitive direction and definite answers to

research investigations. Any question must provide a definitive answer to an

investigation. Data is very important for scientific research. In addition, data

are needed to support various arguments in the research findings.


The researcher also has toolboxes for data collection techniques, including

in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document analysis.the

researcher in this study use documents to collect data. The researcher took

documents from psychological factors that affect students' speaking ability. In

the process of collecting data, the researcher collects psychological factors

that affect the ability to speak, to analyze and identify psychological factors

that affect students' speaking abilities.

In this study, the researcher used four techniques to collect data. There are

observations, documentation field notes and interview.

1. Observation

Observation is the process of gathering information directly

without end by observing people and places at the research location. As a

form of data collection, observation has advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits include the opportunity to record information when it occurs in an

arrangement, to learn actual behavior, and to study individuals who have

difficulty voicing their ideas (for example, preschoolers). Some

disadvantages of observation are that you will be limited to sites and

situations where you can get access, and on those sites, you may have

difficulty developing relationships with individuals. This can happen if the

individual is unfamiliar with formal research (eg, non-university settings).

2. Documentation

The researcher can use written documents or other artifacts to get

an understanding of the phenomenon under study. In this study, the


researcher used document techniques to collect data. Documents can be a

valuable source of information in qualitative research. Creswell quotes that

documents represent public and private documents. Public documents are

given in the form of minutes of meetings, official memos and newspapers.

Examples of personal documents are personal journals and diaries, letters,

and personal notes. Thus, the secondary data needed is documented as a

source of data in the form of documentation. Furthermore, the researcher

obtains data from the results of students' speaking tests.

3. Field Notes

An important part of research studies is analyzing data, because the

results are the conclusions of all studies. Data analysis means studying

tabulated material to determine the facts or meaning of characters. This

involves breaking down existing complex factors into simple parts and

bringing together the parts in the arrangement for interpretation purposes.

Qualitative data are generally in the form of words (descriptions,

observations, impressions, recordings, and the like). The researcher must

organize and categorize or encode large masses of data so that it can be

deciphered and interpreted. In qualitative research, data analysis includes

two aspects, aspects consisting of text analysis and involves the

development of descriptions and themes.


4. Interview

Interview is a conversation, whose purpose is to gather description of the

interview with the respect to interpretation of the described phenomena.

D. Data Analysis Technique

The important part in research study is analyzing data, because the result

becomes a conclusion from all of the research. Analysis of data means

studying the tabulated material in order to determine character facts or

meanings. It involves breaking down existing complex factors into simple

parts and putting the parts together innew arrangements for the purpose of

interpretation. Qualitative data generally take the form of words (descriptions,

observations, impressions, recordings, and the like). The researcher must

organize and categorize or code the large mass of data so that they can be

described and interpreted. In qualitative research, data analysis includes of

two aspects, the aspects consists of text analysis and involve developing a

description and themes.


The researcher would apply Miles and Huberman model to analyze the

data.25 The componets of this analysis model are pictured by this figure.

Figure II. Analysis Components of Miles and Huberman Model

Data analysis by Miles and Huberman model conducts the following


1) Data collection is the step when the researcher gather all data which are

used to complete the research.

2) The researcher reduces the data he had gotten by summarizing and

choosing specific things.

3) To display the data, the researcher usually uses graphics, figures, or

charts. The display should be able to describe the content entire the data.

4) Lastly, the researcher verifies his research by making conclusion of data


Therefore, it is concluded that the analysis of data has somefunctions in

analyze research data that include into make the meaningful raw data, to test

null hypothesis, to get the significant results, to describe inferences or to

make generalization, and to calculate parameters.

Michael Huberman M. and Miles, Data Management and Analysis Methods, In N. K.
Denzin and Y.S Lincoln (Eds.): Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1994), 429.

E. Research Approach

In this research the researcher use six steps in the process of research, as


1. Identifying a Research Problem

The researcher begins a research study by identifying a topic to

study typically an issue or problem in education that needs to be resolved.

Identifying a research problem consists of specifying an issue to study,

developing a justification for studying it, and suggesting the importance of

the study for select audiences that will read the report.

2. Reviewing the Literature

Skills required for reviewing the literature develop over time and

with practice. The researcher can learn how to locate journal articles and

books in an academic library, access computerized databases, choose and

evaluate the quality of research on your topic, and summarize it in a

review. Library resources can be overwhelming, so having a strategy for

searching the literature and the review is important.

3. Specifying a Purpose for Research

If the research problem covers a broad topic of concern, writer

needs to focus it so that writer can study it. A focused restatement of the

problem is the purpose statement. This statement conveys the overall

objective or intent of the research. As such, it is the most important

statement in your research study.

John W. Creswell, Educational Research Planning, Conducting and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research (New York: Pearson Education, 2002 ), 7.

4. Collecting Data

Evidence helps provide answers to the research questions and

hypotheses. To get these answers, the researcher engages in the step of

collecting or gathering data. Collecting data means identifying and

selecting individuals for a study, obtaining their permission to study them,

and gathering information by asking people questions or observing their


5. Analyzing and Interpreting the Data

During or immediately after data collection, the researcher needs to

make sense of the information supplied by individuals in the study.

Analysis consists of “taking the data apart” to determine individual

responses and then “putting it together” to summarize it.

6. Reporting and Evaluating Research

After conducting the research, the researcher developed a written

report and distributed it to select audiences (such as fellow teachers,

administrators, parents, students) that can use the information.




A. Research Result

In this chapter, the researcher presents the result of this research that

explains the answer of research question.

1. Description of SMK N 1 Metro

Before presenting the result of this research, the researcher describes

SMK N 1 Metro that consists of:

a. The History of SMK N 1 Metro

SMK Negeri 1 Metro is located on Jalan Kemiri, Iring Mulyo

Subdistrict, Metro East District, Metro City. With borders: north is

bordered by residential land, south is bordered by kemiri road, west is

bordered by SMK Negeri 3 Metro.

A brief history of the founding of SMK Negeri 1 Metro,

originally named the Preparatory SMEA, and began to be established

on 1 August 1965, supported by the SMEA 1 Metro Metro


Students began studying on August 1, 1965 and the place of study

was SMEP Negeri Metro, which is now SMPN 3 Metro. Then the

Preparatory SMEA was formalized as Metro State 1 SMEA on 1

August 1965 by the Office of the Directorate General of National

Education and Middle Lampung Province, Mr. Ismangun (late). In


1970 the place of learning moved to SMEA Negeri 1 Metro, located

on Jalan Kemiri Metro Lampung Tengah and the school was in an

unfinished state of the art building.

The land for the building was given by the Level II Regional

Government of Central Lampung Regency at the end of 1967 and was

built by the Central Government, at a cost of Rp. 139,000,000.00 (One

hundred thirty-nine million rupiah). While the chartering by CV. Get

together with Director Mr. Zen Datu, who handed over administrative

information in 1973 with the Regional Office of the Directorate

General of Lampung Province.

In 2013 since the issuance of government policy on the 2013

curriculum, SMK Negeri 1 Metro was appointed as one of the pilot

schools for the implementation of the 2013 curriculum and was

endorsed by a Decree of the Head of the Research and Development

Agency of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of

Indonesia Number: 022 / H / Kr / 2015 Concerning the Establishment

of the 2013 Curriculum Implementing Education Unit (Lamp 1. Page

328, No. 5935).

b. Vision and Mission of SMK N 1 Metro

1) Vision of the School

"Being an excellent vocational school based on IMTAQ

and high science and technology, noble character, environmentally


friendly, producing competent graduates and becoming a center of

community service"

2) The mission of the School

a) Implementing a Quality Management System

b) Implementing a Professional and IT-Based Learning Process

c) Implementing a Clean Culture

d) Developing School Infrastructure

e) Producing highly competitive graduates

f) Being an Education and Training Center for other Schools in

the vicinity of Metro

g) Providing services to students and the community

2. Description of result research

The results of this research are presented by focusing on the research

questions of this research that consist of: What are the main psychological

factors that influence negatively the speaking performance of the tenth

graders at Vocational High School 1 Metro? and What are the solutions to

overcome the psychological factors that influence negatively the speaking

performance of the tenth graders at Vocational High School 1 Metro?

Descriptions of the results of this research include of, as follows:


a. The Main Psychological Factors that Influence Negatively the

Speaking Performance of the Tenth Graders at Vocational High

School 1 Metro

Based on observation on speaking performances and interviews

with the marketing students of the tenth grade at Vocational High

School 1 Metro, the percentage of each psychological factors that

influence negatively the speaking performance are presented in the

following table:

Table 4.1
Percentage Main Psychological Factors
that Influence Negatively the Speaking Performance
No. Psychological Factors Percentage
1. Fear of Mistake 50%
2. Shyness 40%
3. Anxiety 40%
4. Low Confidence 60%
5. Low Motivation 70%
6. Unwillingness to Communicate 0%
Based on the above research, the researcher ranked the main

psychological factors that influence negatively on the speaking

performance from the highest percentage to the lowest ones including

low motivation, low confidence, fear of making mistakes, anxiety,

shyness and unwillingness to communicate. A description of the results

of the interview on each psychological factor, including of:

1) Fear of Making Mistake


Based on interviews with the students of the tenth grade

at Marketing Class 1, they feel afraid of making mistakes in

speaking English in public the most important because of their lack

of vocabulary mastery, and pronunciation that is not good enough to

speak in English from these two factors cause the ability of students

to speak English is low.

The students are also worry about how their classmates

see them doing wrong and are considered stupid. Therefore, it is

necessary to build conducive and comfortable classroom conditions

so that the teaching-learning process becomes smoother and things

like the above are no longer a concern of students.

2) Shyness

Based on the results of interviews with the students of

the tenth grade at Marketing Class 1, they feel ashamed when

asked to speak in English in front of the class because some people

have a shy innate nature plus if they are asked to speak English

which incidentally is a foreign language in Indonesia.

The students have more problems when they have to

control their shyness when they speak English in low quality.

Therefore, many efforts are needed to build a conducive and

comfortable atmosphere in the classroom so students feel confident

and are not worried about being embarrassed when speaking in

front of the class.


3) Anxiety

Based on the results of interviews with the students of

the tenth grade at Marketing Class 1, they also felt uneasy when

asked to speak in English first in public because of their lack of

ability. They feel uneasy about what they have to say and how to

say it in English.

Anxiety is also felt more by some students when they

speak in public such as in front of the class. The students‟ speaking

performance is not good enough and becomes a joke by classmates

who see it and also nervous if their speaking performance is not

good enough to produce bad grades in English subjects.

4) Low Confidence

Based on interviews with the students of the tenth grade

at Marketing Class 1, they have low confidence to speak English in

public because students previously felt insecure if they were asked

to speak English with their low women. This insecure feeling

makes students feel insecure.

To speak English, especially with students who are

basically lacking in confidence become the difficulty. If students

have a good sense of self-confidence at least they will try without

much doubt to practice speaking English in public such as in front

of the class.

5) Low Motivation

Based on the results of interviews with the students of

the tenth grade at Marketing Class 1, they have weak motivation to

speak English in public because they do not master English itself.

One reason is students are not familiar with English, making

students' motivation to speak English weak.

Another factor that makes students' motivation low in

speaking English is the limited vocabulary of students so students

have difficulty conveying messages when speaking in English. The

lack of students' ability to pronounce English is also one of the

obstacles. Incorrect pronunciation in communicating using English

also causes miss communication.

6) Unwillingness to communicate

Based on the results of interviews with the students of

the tenth grade at Marketing Class 1, student almost completely

gives attention and is willing to interact in English subjects such as

listening when in the teaching-learning process pay attention and

try to speak in English when asked to do so with limited language

skills their English.

Speaking English in front of the class makes them

actually feel reluctant and confused to speak English with their

limited abilities, but still needs to be appreciated by the attitude of

students who still want to try. This attitude can actually be one of

the assets to learn to speak in English.


b. The Solutions to Overcome the Psychological Factors that

Influence Negatively the Speaking Performance of the Tenth

Graders at Vocational High School 1 Metro

Based on interview with the teacher of tenth graders at

marketing class 1 of Vocational High School 1 Metro, the solutions

to overcome the psychological factors that influence negatively the

speaking performance of the tenth graders at Vocational High

School 1 Metro are presented in the following explanation:

1) Solutions to Overcome Solution Fear of Mistake

Based on interview with the English teacher of tenth

graders at marketing class 1 of Vocational High School 1 Metro,

the solution when the teacher found the students‟ problem in

making mistake was to get closer to the students to make them

believe and not be afraid when making mistakes while learning

to speak English. When the students feel comfortable they will

not hesitate to express any obstacles they encounter when

learning to speak English and the teacher can help them in

finding the right solution for the obstacles encountered.

The English teacher of tenth graders at marketing

class 1 stated that the students must be given an understanding

that making mistakes is part of the learning process. The teacher

stated that when students learn anything, including talking,

especially speaking English, mistakes are a natural thing to


happen. Therefore, the fear of making mistakes is not something

that should be over-thought so that it inhibits the learning

process. It is precisely from mistakes to understand, the most

important thing is to try. This understanding needs to be

emphasized in students.

2) Solution to Overcome Shyness

Based on interview with the English teacher of tenth

graders at marketing class 1 of Vocational High School 1 Metro,

the solution when the teacher found the students‟ problem in

shyness was to help students overcome the obstacles and

obstacles encountered by students in the learning process.

Maybe not all students feel embarrassed when they have to

appear in public speaking but still there are some people who

feel embarrassed and need help to overcome their


The teacher stated that to overcome the shyness when

speaking in front of the class experienced by students the

teacher usually do a role play when speaking in class practice.

Therefore, the teacher will treat the students first to advance

with their friends to practice speaking English and when they

are used to advancing in front of the class. In the future it is

hoped that students will no longer be ashamed when speaking to

themselves in front of the class.


3) Solution to Overcome Anxiety

Based on interview with the English teacher of tenth

graders at marketing class 1 of Vocational High School 1 Metro,

the solution when the teacher found the students‟ problem in

anxiety is by practicing dialogue in speaking activity in class.

The teacher asks what makes the students nervous and helps

them relieve their anxiety after knowing the cause by providing


The teacher states that creating conducive classroom

conditions is also needed so that students feel relaxed so that

when they appear to speak in front of the class students get

peace because they feel the environment is supportive. When a

conducive classroom atmosphere is created, the students are

expected to feel calm and minimize excessive anxiety.

4) Solution to Overcome Low Confidence

Based on interview with the English teacher of tenth

graders at marketing class 1 of Vocational High School 1 Metro,

the solution when the teacher found the students‟ problem in

having low confidence is by giving them time to prepare the text

in Indonesian before it would be translated into English because

they were constrained when they had to write directly in

English. With their limited ability to recognize vocabulary every

day along with its meaning, pronunciation of English words


with correct pronunciation, helping them as they form sentences

makes them feel self-confident to practice speaking English

verbally if they feel their preparation is good enough.

The teacher states that to create a class that has a

supportive atmosphere, the teacher should give understanding to

students in class to support each other when the learning process

towards each other even when their friends try and make

mistakes no mocking or laughing.

5) Solution to Overcome Low Motivation

Based on interview with the English teacher of tenth

graders at marketing class 1 of Vocational High School 1 Metro,

the solution when the teacher found the students‟ problem in

having low motivation is by motivating the students to be more

interested in learning English and by overcoming obstacles as

well as obstacles encountered by students. The teacher stated

that she opens up the consulting services whenever students

need when getting difficulties while learning English, especially

speaking in English because this is one of the crucial problems

in this class.

In addition, the teacher stated that to opening

consulting services for students, she is not stingy about giving

praise to students when they show little progress in the process

of learning to speak English. This method works to increase


students' motivation in learning English because students feel

what they do is appreciated.

6) Solution to Overcome Unwillingness to Communicate

Based on interview with the English teacher of tenth

graders at marketing class 1 of Vocational High School 1 Metro,

the solution when the teacher found the students‟ problem in

unwillingness to communicate is by building up a good

relationship to overcome the problem of students' reluctance in

speaking English. The teacher stated that it is important to

communicate directly with students what makes them reluctant

to learn to practice speaking English. After listening to their

complaints, the teacher and students discuss solutions to

solutions and she also provides understanding to students. Most

students are reluctant to practice speaking English because they

have blocked themselves from feeling they cannot speak English

and making them dislike it.

In addition, the teacher stated that it is important to

give an understanding if they did not try to learn and like

English how could they possibly speak English. The most

important point here that the teacher emphasized to them is to

try to learn to speak English before convicting themselves,

hopefully after that students will start to like English and no

longer feel reluctant to speak English.



The results of this research are discussed by focusing on the research

questions and the related theories. Discussion of the results of this research

include of, as follows:

1. The Main Psychological Factors that Influence Negatively on the

Speaking Performance of the Tenth Graders at Vocational High

School 1 Metro

The main psychological factors that influence negatively the speaking

performance are taken from the theories stated by Juhana and H. Douglas,

including of fear of mistakes, shyness, anxiety, low confidence, low

motivation and unwillingness to communicate. Furthermore, based on

observation on speaking performances and interviews with the marketing

students of the tenth grade at Vocational High School 1 Metro, the main

psychological factors that influence negatively on the speaking

performance of the tenth graders at vocational high school 1 metro are as


a. Fear of Making Mistakes

The percentage of fear of making mistake is 50%. These difficulties

are because of low English vocabulary, the insufficient pronunciation,

and fear of being laughed at by classmates when making mistakes. Low

English proficiency such as limited English vocabulary and bad


pronunciation make students feel afraid to make mistakes in the process

of speaking English.

Furthermore, the students tend to be silent or do not produce words

smoothly because they feel confused about the vocabulary that will be

spoken and feel afraid when the pronunciation is wrong. In addition, the

students also feel traumatized to speak in English because some of them

are ridiculed by their classmates.

b. Shyness

The percentage of shyness is 40%. The difficulty of shyness is in the

form of feeling ashamed because of having low English ability. The

students who had low English ability tend to be shy in speaking English.

Shyness that prevents students from speaking English is caused by their

low English skills. That is because the students tend to feel insecure

when they find out that their English skills are not good so that they are

very embarrassed to speak in front of the class.

c. Anxiety

The percentage of anxiety is 40%. The difficulties of anxiety are

feeling uneasy about what they have to say and how to say it in English

with their low ability; feeling uneasy if the appearance isn't good enough;

and feeling worry of getting a bad grade in English.

Moreover, the students tend to feel afraid to speak English in front of

the class because they feel difficult to express what they want to express

on the basis of their low English skills. Besides, the students also have

errors in orientation because their orientation tends to get good grades

whereas when they get the bad grades they tend to feel hopeless and

afraid to speak English in front of the class.

d. Low Confidence

The percentage of low confidence is 60%. The difficulty of low

confidence is in the form of feeling insecure in previous areas has felt

insecure to speak English if with low ability. Low English abilities also

cause students to feel insecure about speaking English in front of the

class. That was caused by the experience of previous students who felt

uncomfortable to express themselves in English with their limited

English skill.

e. Low Motivation

The percentage of low motivation is 70%. The difficulties of low

motivation are feeling not having the motivation to speak English

because of not being able to speak English; and feeling not having the

motivation to speak English because they are not used to it in the daily


In addition, the students tend to have low motivation in speaking

English because they do not have good habit in speaking English that is

applied in everyday life. Therefore, they feel awkward to pump their

motivation to speak English with their peers at school or in front of the

class other than that low motivation is also caused by their weak English


f. Unwillingness to communicate

The percentage of low motivation is 0%. The difficulty of

unwillingness to communicate is in the form of feeling reluctant to speak

English because English is difficult and confusing. The unwillingness of

students to communicate in English is because they feel doubtful and also

feel that English is a frightening subject that makes them difficult to

practice it in daily life, especially in public.

2. The Solutions to Overcome the Psychological Factors that Influence

Negatively the Speaking Performance of the Tenth Graders at Vocational

High School 1 Metro

The solutions to overcome the psychological factors that influence

negatively the speaking performance of the tenth graders at Vocational High

School 1 Metro are taken from the theories stated by Juhana and H. Douglas,

among others, solutions to fear of mistakes, shyness, anxiety, low confidence,

low motivation and unwillingness to communicate. Based on interview with

the teacher of tenth graders at marketing class 1 of Vocational High School 1

Metro, the solutions to overcome the psychological factors that influence

negatively the speaking performance of the tenth graders at Vocational High

School 1 Metro are presented in the following explanation:

a. Fear of Making Mistakes

The solutions when the teacher found the students‟ problem in

making mistake are getting closer to the students makes them believe and

not be afraid when making mistakes while learning to speak English.


Another solution is giving the students an understanding that making

mistakes is part of the learning process.

b. Shyness

The solution when the teacher found the students‟ problem in

shyness is by doing role play when practicing speaking in class. Role play

can minimize the students‟ shyness by optimizing their talent in speaking.

c. Anxiety

The solutions when the teacher found the students‟ problem in

anxiety are conducting dialogue when speaking practice in class asking what

makes their nervous; helping the students relieve their anxiety after knowing

the cause by providing understanding and creating the conducive classroom


d. Low Confidence

The solution when the teacher found the students‟ problem in having

low confidence is by providing the teacher‟s assistance. By assisting the

students in speaking, the teacher can guide the students in practicing the

speaking activity. Therefore, the students‟ confidence can be increased.

e. Low Motivation

The solutions when the teacher found the students‟ problem in

having low motivation are providing the consulting services whenever

students need when experiencing difficulties while learning English; and

giving the praise to students when they only show progress.

f. Unwillingness to Communicate

The solutions when the teacher found the students‟ problem in

unwillingness to communicate are building good relationships to overcome

students' problem in speaking English; communicating directly with

students what makes them reluctant to learn to practice speaking English;

and discussing with students about solutions.





The conclusion of this research is presented by focusing on the research

questions of this research. The main psychological factors that influence

negatively the speaking performance from the highest percentage to the lowest

include of low motivation, low confidence, fear of making mistakes, anxiety,

shyness and unwillingness to communicate.

The solutions to Overcome Solution Fear of Mistake at Vocational High

School 1 Metro are by being close with the students to make them comfortable

and not feel afraid when making mistakes while learning English; by doing a role

play when speaking in class practice; by practicing the English dialogue when

speaking; by preparing the text in Indonesian before it would be translated in

English; by giving the good model of pronunciation of English words with correct

pronunciation due to their limited ability, by helping them when they compose

sentences in English if it is not right before they appear in front of the class to

practice speaking verbally so that they feel self-confident if they feel their

preparation is good enough; by establishing good communication with students to

motivate students to be more interested in learning English such as providing

consulting services whenever students need when experiencing difficulties while

learning English; and by building a good relationship to overcome the problem of


students' reluctance in speaking English, and by giving an awareness of the

importance of English in the future.


This research is expected to have benefits not only for researcher but also

for students Vocational High School 1 Metro, English teacher and agency

Vocational High School 1 Metro.

Based on the conclusion above, there are some suggetions intended to the

quality of learning process, as follows:

1. For English Teacher

It is advisable for the teachers to motivate the students to be active in

speaking using English. It is suggested for the teachers to help the students to

minimize the psychological factors that contribute negatively. Therefore, the

teacher should be able to create the enjoyable teaching learning process.

2. For the Students

It is suggested to the students to be more active in speaking using English

and improve their ability in speaking ability so they can be successful in

English learning.

3. For Headmaster

It is suggested for the headmaster to support the English teacher such as

providing a forum for developing English language skills so that students are

active in speaking using English. It is recommended for the headmaster to

build a friendly environment for the use of English so that students are

accustomed to use English. Therefore, the headmaster should contribute to

create a school environment.



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for the English Learners in Indonesia. Universal Journal of Educational
Research. no.4 (2016): 1501. 2016.

Juhana. Psychological Factors That Hinder Students from Speaking in

English Class (A Case Study in a Senior High School in South
Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia). Journal of Education and Practice, no.12
(2012): 101. 2012.

Rudolph F. Verdeber, Deanna D. Sellnow, Kathleeen S. The Challenge Of

Effective Speaking. Boston, USA : Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. 2006,
2008, 2012.

Miroslaw Pawlak, Ewa Waniek-Klimczak, Jan Majer. Speaking And Instructed

Foreign Language Acquisition. Canada : Multilingual Matters. 2011.

Scott Thornbury. How To Teach Speaking. Amazon : Pearson Education ESL.


Markus Raab, Babett Lobinger, Sven Hoffmann, Alexandra Pizzera, Sylvain

Laborde. Performance Psychology Perception, Action, Cognition, and
Emotion. UK : Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 2016.

J. C. Richard. Developing classroom speaking activities: From theory to practice.

Guidelines RELC : Singapore. 2006.

Dave Collins, Angela Button, Hugh Richards. Performance Psychology A

Practitioner’s Guide. UK : Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved. 2011.

H. Douglas Brown. Principles of Language Learning And Teaching.

San Francisco State University : Pearson Education, Inc, All Right
Reserved. 2007.

Robert K. Yin. Qualitative Research From Start to Finish. THE GUILFORD

PRESS New York London. 2011.

Kikwawila Study Group. Qualitative Research Methods. UNDP/WORLD

BANK/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical
(TDR). 1994.

Michael Huberman M. and Miles. Data Management and Analysis Methods, In

N. K. Denzin and Y.S Lincoln (Eds.): Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 1994.

John W. Creswell. Educational Research Planning, Conducting and Evaluating

Quantitative and Qualitative Research. New York: Pearson Education.


Blue Print of Observation Sheet

Aspect Sub Aspect References

The main psychological factors Fear of Mistake Juhana. “Psychological

Factors That Hinder Students
that influence negatively the from Speaking in
English Class (A Case Study
speaking performance of the in a Senior High School in
Shyness South Tangerang”. Journal
tenth graders at Vocational of Education and Practice 13,
Anxiety no.12 (2012): 101-
High School 1 Metro
Low Confidence

Low Motivation

Willingness to Communicate H. Douglas Brown.

Principles of Language
Learning and Teaching.
San Francisco State
University : Pearson
EducationmInc All Right
Reserved, 2007.

Observation Sheet
The Main Psychological Factors that Influence Negatively The Speaking
of The Tenth Graders at Vocational High School 1 Metro

The Students’ Speaking Assignment Given by English

Fear of Shyness Anxiety Low

Mistake Confidence Mo

No Name

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

1 AR √ √ √ √ √

2 BR √ √ √ √

3 DA √ √ √ √ √

4 EI √ √ √ √ √

5 HN √ √ √ √ √

6 MA √ √ √ √ √

7 MF √ √ √ √ √

8 RA √ √ √ √

9 SR √ √ √ √ √

10 YW √ √ √ √ √

Percentage 50% 40% 40% 60% 70%

(Source: Adapted from Juhana and H. Douglas Brown)

The formula to figure out the percentage of each psychological factor is as



(Source: Neil A Weiss, Introductory Statistics (Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2012)

P = percentage of psychological factor
F = Frequency of psychological factor
N = Number of student

(28 Neil A Weiss, Introductory Statistics (Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2012), 41


Blue Print of Interview Sheet


Aspect Sub Aspect References

The main psychological Fear of Mistake Juhana.

factors that influence Shyness Factors That Hinder
Students from
negatively the speaking Anxiety Speaking in
English Class (A Case
performance Low Confidence Study in a Senior
High School in South
of the tenth graders at Low of Motivation Tangerang”. Journal
of Education and
Vocational High School 1 Practice 13, no.12
(2012): 101-
Metro Willingness Communicate H. Douglas Brown.
Principles of
Language Learning
and Teaching.
San Francisco State
University : Pearson
EducationmInc All
Right Reserved,

Blue Print of Interview Sheet


Aspect Sub Aspect References

The solutions to overcome Possible solution to Juhana.

the psychological factors that overcome fear of mistake Factors That Hinder
Students from
influence negatively the Possible solution to Speaking in English
Class (A Case Study
speaking performance of the overcome shyness in a Senior High
School in South
tenth graders at Vocational Possible solution to Tangerang”. Journal
of Education and
High School 1 Metro overcome anxiety Practice 13, no.12
(2012): 101-
Possible solution to

overcome low confidence

Possible solution to

overcome low of


Possible solutionto H. Douglas Brown.

Principles of
overcome an willingness Language Learning
and Teaching. San
communicate Francisco State
University : Pearson
EducationmInc All
Right Reserved,

Interview Sheet (student)

The Main Psychological Factors that Influence Negatively

The Speaking Performance of The Tenth Graders
at Vocational High School 1 Metro

1. Do you feel fear of making mistake when speaking in front of the class?

Why do you feel it?

2. Are you shy to deliver the speaking topic in front of the class?

Why do you feel it?

3. Do you feel anxiety when speaking in front of the class?

Why do you feel it?

4. Do you feel confidence when speaking in front of the class?

Why do you feel it?

5. Do you have high motivation to speak in English in front of the class?

Why do you feel it?

6. Do you have willingness to communicate in front of the class?

Why do you feel it?


Interview Sheet (teacher)

The Solutions to Overcome The Psychological Factors

that Influence Negatively The Speaking Performance
of The Tenth Graders at Vocational High School 1 Metro

1. What are the possible solutions to overcome solution fear of mistake?

2. What are the possible solution to overcome shyness?

3. What are the possible solution to overcome anxiety?

4. What are the possible solution to overcome low confidence?

5. What are the possible solution to overcome low motivation?

6. What are the possible solution to overcome an willingness communicate?


Describe one of the historic sites or tourist attractions orally at least 3
minutes, in front of the class !


Researchers provide exercises to students

The conditions when explaining the material to stuents


Interview process with the students

Interview process with the teacher



The name of the writer is Lupita Nor

Alifia, born in Magelang, on March 24th, 1994.
Daughter of the couple, Mr. Umyanto and Mrs.
Sarwi Utami. In 2006, she graduated from SDN
Jamus 1, Ngluwar, Magelang. In 2009, she
graduated from SMP N 10 Metro. Then, she
continued her studies at SMK N 1 Metro and
graduated in 2012.

In 2015, she entered the S1 English

Education Program from the Metro Islamic Studies Union (IAIN Metro). If you
have something to ask about this bachelor thesis, consider contacting me at
[email protected].

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