First Period Planning YOung Stars 4

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FIELD: Languages and Communication
Subject: English IV
First period - 39 hours
Key Competences Learning Outcomes
The student:
 listens carefully to short stories
 sings songs in English using the learnt vocabulary and following a given pattern
 pronounces the words correctly but he/she makes some mistakes
 identifies the main characters in a story
 expresses his/her feeling in very simple and short sentences
 names colours, sports , objects, family members etc
 follows the instructions given
 prepares a very simple project using pictures, colours, words and simple sentences
 understands and follows some simple imperative sentences used for class rules
 particiapes in games organised in class
 works individually, in pairs and groups to carry out the tasks given
 listens carefully to peers and teacher
 uses his/her ELP (European Language Portfolio) for self assessment
Subject Competences Learning Outcomes
The student:
 introduces him/herself , his/her family and friends by saying his/her name in very short sentences
 describes objects and people using colours and adjectives describing the outer appearance and some feelings
 describes simple actions that he/she can do and ask and answer very simple questions using “can” and ready made templates
 listens to very simple stories and finds simple details
 describes picture using the present continuous tense
 tells the time following the examples in the book
 writes very short descriptive sentences following a given model
Nr. Topics Topics per hour Learning situations and students Assessment Resources
1 Hello! 1. Portfolio-Presenting the
Nice to meet ELP (European 1. Likes and dislikes  group work  observation  studentbook
you Language Portfolio) and Teacher asks students to  pair work  assessing  workbook
describing the A1 Level draw some fruits and  brainstorming answers  picture
14 hours 2. Hello!- Listening; colour them. In groups they  questions and  assessing dictionary
reading;speaking say what is the fruit they answers group work  CD
like and the one they don`t  gap filling  assessing  Internet
3. Hello!- orders; colours
like and act short  matching home work  Digital
and numbers (WB-
dialogues. exercises  using platform
4. Hello!- Bingo game;  games checklists  Posters,
2. I can
asking and answering Teachers present students  role play  self- photos
questions about objects; with a situation: suppose assessment  ELP
expressing likes and they meet someone they
dislikes don`t know and ask and
5. Nice to meet you!- song answer questions:
& game (pg. 97) a. Introduce yourself
6. Young Stars- Listening b. What you like
and speaking (WB) /dislike
7. Young Stars- questions c. What you can
and answers, using do/cannot do
opposittes of adjectives (sports and games)
8. Game ; WB; dialogues;
role plays, writing 3. Bingo
sentences Students pretend they are
playing telebingo and
9. Our world- reading and teacher gives them
listening different roles. In this way
10. Our world- speaking and they practice numbers.
writing (WB) Teacher helps with ready
11. Let`s play- pair work models for students to use
talking (WB) as questions and answers in
12. Cross-curricular -Art this game.
13. Story-listening;reading
14. Story; project; revision
2 1. Me and my family- 1. My family tree
Me and my song; members of the  group work  observation  studentbook
family family (WB) Teacher presents  pair work  assessing  workbook
2. Young stars- listening students with models of  brainstorming answers  picture
12 hours and speaking, pair work; different family trees.  questions and  assessing dictionary
role play (WB) – Students choose one and answers group work  CD
physical appearance with the help of their  gap filling  assessing  Internet
parents and teacher draw  matching home work  Digital
3. Young stars- have/has their own family tree and exercises  using platform
got, writing; game present it to the class. Then checklists
 Quiz  Posters,
(pg.98) they are encouraged to ask
 Role play  self- photos
4. Our world- listening and and answer questions to  True or false assessment  ELP
reading each other about their
family trees.  peer-
5. Our world- subject
pronouns & possessive 2. Clothes
adjectives; pair work Teacher ask students to
(WB) draw their favourite clothes
6. Let`s play- game; and name them. Then they
listening; speaking colour them as they wish
(WB) and present the drawing to
the class and naming all the
7. Cross-curricular- song- colours they have used.
parts of the body
8. Writing and WB

9. Story –listening;
10. Revision and WB

11. Star Skills ; Project (my

family tree)
12. ELP –self assessment
3 1. What are you doing- 1. Messaging
What are you practicing present Teacher presents students  group work  observation  studentbook
doing? continuous tense (WB) with a situation and divides  pair work  assessing  workbook
2. What are you doing- the class in twoo groups. (1  brainstorming answers  picture
song and game and 2) All the students of  questions and  assessing dictionary
13 hours
groups one pretend that answers group work  CD
3. Young Stars- listening they are on holiday by the  gap filling  assessing  Internet
and reading (WB) sea and send messages to  matching home work  Digital
4. Young Stars- questions their friends (group 2) who exercises  using platform
and answers; short are on holiday on the  games checklists  Posters,
forms, writing sentences mountain. They exchange  role play  self- photos
describing pictures messages every day  test assessment  ELP
5. Our world- listening and describing what they are
reading (WB) doing and what the weather
6. Writing sentences in is like. Teacher helps with
present continuous words and pronunciation
(spelling rules); game and spelling.
7. Let`s play- listening &
speaking; a guessing 2. Telling the time
game (WB)
8. ELP and project Students in pairs ask
and answer questions about
9. Revision- WB the time and prepare a
10. Test or a task guessing game themselves
11. Cross-curricular (PE)- following the model on
reading and writing page 34.
12. Story- listening and
13. Self assessment and

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