Scope and Sequence

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Choir 7‐9 Scope and Sequence

Title/Concept Essential Question(s) Standard: Strand, Student Outcomes Key Evidence of Learning Resources/Text
1. Recur throughout life. indicator, or (Objectives/Skills) Vocabulary Instructional Common Formative
2. Are key inquiries w/in benchmark Activities Assessment(s)/Date
All “Units” are discipline.
taught 3. Help students make
throughout sense of core content.
the year.

How can I sing my best? Students will be Sing a variety of Tone  Concert  Festivals  Varied
able to sing a varied repertoire with Style Repertoire  Concerts Vocal
repertoire in small correct tone Control  Method  Singing tests Exercises


& large ensembles Projection quality Books Concert

Students will listen Support  Rhythm Literature
to, analyze, & Vitality & Beauty Packets
describe music
(1.0, 6.0)
How can I sing using Students listen to, Sing with correct Intonation  Concert  Festivals  Varied
appropriate skills analyze, & describe intonation, good Vertical Alignment Repertoire  Concerts Vocal

(posture, breath, tone, music tone, and correct Intervals  Method  Singing Exercises
diction, and expression)? Students will be pitches Chords Books Tests  Concert
able to sing a varied Melodic Line  Rhythm Literature
repertoire Unisons Packets
(1.0, 6.0)
What did I do well and Students listen to, Sing with pure Vowel purity &  Concert  Festivals  Varied
what could I have done analyze, & describe vowels and to be consistency Repertoire  Concerts Vocal
better? music. able to blend with Style  Method  Singing tests Exercises

Students will be others Individual Voices Books  Concert

able to sing in a Sections  Rhythm Literature
varied repertoire Packets
(1.0, 6.0)

Page 1
Choir 7‐9 Scope and Sequence
Title/Concept Essential Question(s) Standard: Strand, Student Outcomes Key Evidence of Learning Resources/Text
1. Recur throughout life. indicator, or (Objectives/Skills) Vocabulary Instructional Common Formative
2. Are key inquiries w/in benchmark Activities Assessment(s)/Date
All “Units” are discipline.
taught 3. Help students make
throughout sense of core content.
the year.

Students listen to, Sing with the Pyramid of sound  Concert  Festivals  Varied Vocal
What is the relationship analyze, & describe pyramid sound in Sections Repertoire  Concerts Exercises
between the different music mind  Method  Singing  Concert
parts and sections in the Students will be Books Tests Literature
choir? able to sing a varied  Rhythm

repertoire Packets
technique while
following a
(1.0, 5.0, 6.0)

Page 2
Choir 7‐9 Scope and Sequence
Title/Concept Essential Question(s) Standard: Strand, Student Outcomes Key Evidence of Learning Resources/Text
1. Recur throughout life. indicator, or (Objectives/Skills) Vocabulary Instructional Common Formative
2. Are key inquiries w/in benchmark Activities Assessment(s)/Date
All “Units” are discipline.
taught 3. Help students make
throughout sense of core content.
the year.

How can I sing skillfully Students listen to, Sing with correct Diction  Concert  Festivals  Varied Vocal
(focus on posture, analyze, & describe pronunciation and Beginning, inner, Repertoire  Concerts Exercises
breath control, tone music clear concise and ending  Method  Singing  Concert
production, diction, diction. consonants Books Tests Literature
and expression)? Students will be Clarity of words  Rhythm
able to sing a varied Attacks & Releases Packets

technique while
following a

(1.0, 5.0, 6.0)

Page 3
Choir 7‐9 Scope and Sequence
Title/Concept Essential Question(s) Standard: Strand, Student Outcomes Key Evidence of Learning Resources/Text
1. Recur throughout life. indicator, or (Objectives/Skills) Vocabulary Instructional Common Formative
2. Are key inquiries w/in benchmark Activities Assessment(s)/Date
All “Units” are discipline.
taught 3. Help students make
throughout sense of core content.
the year.

How can I read and Students read and Sing with correct Time Value  Concert  Festivals  Varied Vocal
perform rhythmic music notate music accuracy of time Phrases Repertoire  Concerts Exercises
notation? values, precision, Tempo  Method  Singing  Concert

(5.0) and stylistic (Specific to Books Tests Literature

authenticity Instructional  Rhythm
Activities) Packets
Time Signature
How can movement Movement: Sing with meaning Attitude  Concert  Festivals  Varied Vocal
enhance a choral Students Confidence Repertoire  Concerts Exercises
General Effect

performance? demonstrate an Energy  Method  Singing  Concert

understanding of Body & Facial Books Tests Literature
movement through Expression  Rhythm
skill, techniques, Stage Presence & Packets
choreography as a Deportment
form of

Page 4
Choir 7‐9 Scope and Sequence
Title/Concept Essential Question(s) Standard: Strand, Student Outcomes Key Evidence of Learning Resources/Text
1. Recur throughout life. indicator, or (Objectives/Skills) Vocabulary Instructional Common Formative
2. Are key inquiries w/in benchmark Activities Assessment(s)/Date
All “Units” are discipline.
taught 3. Help students make
throughout sense of core content.
the year.

How do I read and Cultural and Sing with meaning Tempo  Concert  Festivals  Varied Vocal
interpret music? Historical Dynamics Repertoire  Concerts Exercises

How is music used to Connections; Articulation  Method  Singing  Concert

help tell a story? Students Sensitivity Books Tests Literature
demonstrate the Text  Rhythm
knowledge of the Performance Packets
historical periods Practice
and cultural Phrasing
diversity of music
How does music vary Listening and Sing a varied Parts  Concert  Festivals  Varied Vocal
from composers, genres, Evaluation: repertoire in 2, 3, Soprano Repertoire  Concerts Exercises
and time periods? Students will listen and 4 parts. Tenor  Method  Singing  Concert
to, analyze, and Alto Books Tests Literature

describe music Bass  Rhythm

while evaluating a Repertoire Packets

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